Today you will find out Interesting Facts about the largest volcano in search of which we will visit the island of Hawaii.

A huge volcano called Mauna Loa, which literally means " Long Mountain", occupies most of the island and is one of the most active on the planet. Mauna Loa has erupted 33 times since it was first documented in 1843.

The volcano's most recent eruption occurred in 1984, covering 30,000 acres of land with lava and expanding the island's area by 180 hectares, reclaiming space from the sea.

What are the dimensions of the largest volcano on Earth? The height of the volcano above sea level is 4169 meters, but this is not its true height. If you measure the height of Mauna Loa from the bottom, its height will be about 9,000 meters, which is higher than Mount Everest.

The famous Hawaiian volcano is not only the largest and most powerful, but also the most massive. If you measure its volume from base to top, you will get an impressive figure - 75,000 cubic kilometers.

In one eruption, Mauna Loa erupts so much lava that its volume is equal to the volume of Vesuvius. famous volcano in Italy.

Around this Hawaiian volcano many legends have developed. One of which sounds like this. The ruler of volcanoes, the goddess Pele, was expelled by her older sister, the goddess of water and sea. Every time Pele tried to build a house for herself, her sister sent huge waves to destroy everything.

Pele eventually settled on big island and made it for myself big house Mauna Loa, so big that no wave could reach it.

There is also a legend that Pele has a faithful white dog and she sends him to the slopes of the volcano to warn people of danger. In 1959, during research on this powerful volcano a white dog was seen on the slopes. All attempts to tame or catch this white dog were in vain. In December of the same year, one of the craters burst into flames and the dogs disappeared. In 1966, a white dog was again seen on the mountain, the same year Mauna Loa exploded in a violent eruption.

Located on the southern side of the Indonesian island of Java, the famous and fairly young volcano Merapi is one of the largest and most powerful in the whole world. Merapi is the most active active volcano in Indonesia. It is located near the city of Yogyakarta. The height of the volcano is 2914 meters.

The name translates as “mountain of fire.” Merapi is the youngest of the group of volcanoes in southern Java. It is located in a subduction zone where the Australian Plate is being subducted under the Eurasian Plate. It is one of at least 129 active volcanoes in Indonesia, part of the volcano is located in the southeastern part of the Pacific Ring of Fire - a fault line that extends from the Western Hemisphere through Japan and Southeast Asia.

Large eruptions of Mount Merapi occur on average every 7 years, small ones - about twice a year, and the volcano smokes almost every day. In 1006, an eruption destroyed the Javanese-Indian kingdom of Mataram. One of the most destructive eruptions was recorded in 1673, when several cities and many villages at the foot of the volcano were destroyed. In the 19th century, 9 eruptions were recorded, in the first half of the 20th century - 13.

A large eruption of Merapi also took place in 1906. It was characterized by the destruction of the cone of the volcano itself. The explosion, which violated the integrity of the shell, was heard for hundreds of kilometers. In 1930, an eruption killed about 1,300 people. During the eruption in 1974, two villages were destroyed, and in 1975, a large village and five bridges were destroyed, killing 29 people.

In 2010, 350,000 people were evacuated during the Merapi eruption, but some returned, killing 353 people caught in the pyroclastic flow.

The ancient Romans believed that the god Vulcan commanded destructive fire, hence the name of the geological hills. Today, scientific discoveries have made it possible to describe the origin of volcanoes, the nature of eruptions, and the danger to the population living nearby.

Let's look at the largest active geological hills and give them characteristics. On the surface of the land their number exceeds 900, and hundreds more are located under the waters of the World Ocean.

The largest eruption in history

All earth's volcanoes are divided into two types:

  • active;
  • extinct.

Depending on the activity of the eruption, it can last either several days or indefinitely. It is noteworthy that the atmosphere on planet Earth arose due to violent eruptions, during which a huge amount of soot, steam and carbon dioxide was released into the atmosphere.

Location of the most dangerous volcanoes on the planet

Any eruption is assessed as an emergency. The force is calculated according to the VEI (Volcanic Eruption Index) scale and does not depend on the characteristics of the crater and the size of the geological formation itself. The assessment is given according to two parameters:

  1. volume of erupted mass;
  2. height of the ash column.

When studying the consequences of volcanic activity, it turned out that some supervolcanoes are capable of changing the climate on the planet through their activity. This happened about 75 thousand years ago.

Eruption of supervolcano Toba

The exact date of the start of the Indonesian volcano's eruption is unknown; at that time the planet was experiencing the last ice age. Today its crater is located in the center of the island of Sumatra, where it spilled big lake. Toba has gone out and will never be able to influence the climate again.

The eruption was so powerful that Toba's ashes were subsequently discovered in the area of ​​Lake Malawi ( East Africa, Great Rift Valley). The volume of lava exceeded 2800 km 3, this had dire consequences:

  • reduction in human, animal and bird populations;
  • releasing ash into the atmosphere and reducing sunlight;
  • decline average temperature on the planet by 3 degrees;
  • destruction of a number of plants and microorganisms.

The Toby crater today is a lake of the same name

Supervolcanic eruptions on Earth occur no more often than once every 100,000 years.

The largest volcano in North America is Yellowstone

Supervolcano is not exactly a scientific term; it is used to evaluate the largest geological elevations that can cause significant harm to the planet and humanity. The eruption of such a giant can be estimated at 8 points on the VEI scale.

Let's consider the most big volcano in America and find out whether it may erupt in the near future.

Yellowstone is a volcanic basin on a hill called a caldera. It is located in the northwestern part of the USA (Wyoming) on ​​the territory of the Yellowstone Nature Reserve. Geologists measured the size of the caldera: 55 by 72 kilometers, which is approximately a third of the territory of the protected area. The height of the volcano is 2805 meters.

Since the size of the Yellowstone caldera is enormous, it was discovered relatively recently

Research shows that a series of three eruptions previously occurred, the first of which was dated 2.1 million years ago. Each of them was weaker than the previous one. The likelihood of Yellowstone waking up is very low. Meanwhile, it is impossible to predict the onset of activity. The US government invests annually in a project to cool the magma bubble.

The largest volcano in Europe - Etna

There are 2 supervolcanoes in Europe, their activity is not very high. However, people still remember the aftermath of the eruption of Vesuvius, which swallowed Pompeii and nearby cities.

To see the largest volcano in Europe, you should go to Italy to the island of Sicily. On east coast Not far from the town of Messina is the Mount Etna volcano with a height of 3295 meters. Studies have shown that the giant has hundreds of side craters, from which lava is knocked out one by one.

A breathtaking spectacle of the eruption of Etna on the island. Sicily

Etna – dangerous volcano, once every hundred years it floods the Sicilians with hot streams, destroying villages and towns. The ash left after this is rich in minerals and trace elements, which is why grapes, olives, and tangerines are grown on the slopes. In 2015, Etna ejected a lava flow 1 kilometer high.

The largest volcano in Russia - Elbrus

There are several in Russia active volcanoes, which can wake up at any moment. Most of them are located in Asia, but there is one that is also the highest point in Europe.

The largest volcano in Russia is the Caucasian Elbrus, which has been dormant for a long time and is not considered dangerous. The peak is located at an altitude of 5642 meters. Formed 2-3 million years ago, volcanic activity continued for 250 thousand years, after which it fell asleep. Today hotels have been built in the foothills and on the slopes, tourist centers, rescue center, cable cars.

Do not forget that Elbrus is a sleeping volcano, and one day it will wake up

Studies from 2000-2010 showed that the activity of Elbrus is increasing; moss in place of glaciers was discovered on the slopes near the summit. The volcano may awaken within the next 50-70 years.

TOP 10 largest volcanoes in the world

Active volcanoes located all over planet Earth. The largest dangerous areas are Central and South America, Indonesia, Kamchatka, Kurile Islands and Japan, Hawaii and the northwestern United States. We present the TOP 10 largest active volcanoes in the world by height.

1. Ojos del Salado (6893 m)

The tallest volcano on Earth is considered to be the giant Ojos del Salado, located on the border between Argentina and Chile in South America. It is considered extinct and not dangerous, but little activity has been observed. The Ojos del Salado crater contains the most alpine lake planets.

The largest volcano on the planet, although active, may soon be declared extinct

The Incas, who lived here historically, considered the supervolcano sacred; climbers discovered sacrificial altars on the slopes of the mountain.

2. Llullaillaco (6723 m)

The high plateau of Puna de Atacama is dotted with large volcanoes. Llullaillaco is one of them. A number of volcanologists include Ojos del Salado on the list of extinct ones; in their opinion, Llullaillaco should take first place in the top. Geographically they are neighbors. Last eruption happened in 1877.

The volcano is located in the driest place on the planet, the Atacama Desert.

The Incas, who survived more than one major catastrophe, performed sacrificial rituals. So, in 1999, the mummies of three well-preserved children were discovered here; they are kept in a museum in Argentina.

3. San Pedro (6159 m)

In the central part of the Andes, the largest stratovolcano is San Pedro. Geographically lies in the province of El Loa in Chile. Last active in 1960. Since there is little in this area settlements, it is not considered dangerous.

Next to San Pedro is the giant San Pablo

Currently it is in a state of long-term dormancy and shows no activity. Climbers have conquered San Pedro more than once; the journey is considered difficult due to the dry climate.

4. Cotopaxi (5911 m)

The Cotopaxi Volcano is the second highest peak in Ecuador. Crater dimensions: 800 by 550 meters. The stratovolcano is considered not only large, but also dangerous. It has been active more than 50 times over the past 300 years.

Cotopaxi is a dangerous volcano

The last eruption occurred in 2015. The top of Cotopaxi is steep, covered with snow and ice, and bases for climbers have been built on the slopes.

5. Kilimanjaro (5895 m)

One of the most attractive attractions of Tanzania, the highest volcano in Africa - Mount Kilimanjaro. The latest activity is dated 200 thousand years before today, but a detailed study showed that the red-hot lava is located close, tremors can trigger its release at any moment. It is also interesting that the ice cap at the top has melted significantly over the past 100 years, its volume decreased by 82%.

Kilimanjaro Kibo crater from above

Despite the fears of volcanologists, Kilimanjaro is a mecca for climbers. The mountain is considered difficult to conquer. Consists of three peaks covered with glaciers:

  • Mawenzi (eastern);
  • Shira (western);
  • Kibo (central).

The area of ​​Kilimanjaro is 6208 kilometers.

6. Misti (5821 m)

Let's go back to South America. Sixth place on the list is occupied by the Peruvian Misti volcano, the top of which is covered with snow only in winter. 20 kilometers from the hill lies the city of Arequipa, built from white pyroclastic material mined from the mountain.

Center of Arequipa, Misti Volcano in the background on the right

While the population observed little activity in 1985, Misty is currently stable. Inca mummies were also discovered on its slopes.

7. Orizaba (5700 m)

Orizaba Peak – highest point Mexico. For more than 300 years it has been in a calm phase, and is monitored by volcanologists. Next to it is the Sierra Negra stratovolcano, on the top of which there is a high-precision telescope. An observatory was built between the two peaks to observe the galaxy.

Trail to Orizaba Peak

The top of Orizaba is a small crater, closed with a plug.

8. Elbrus (5642 m)

Largest volcano in Eastern Europe and Russia - Elbrus. It last erupted more than 5,000 years ago. History knows hundreds of failures during ascents and not a single death from hot lava.

Scheme of climbing Elbrus

A much more dangerous supervolcano in Russia is Klyuchevskaya Sopka, located in Kamchatka. It ranks 12th in the list of the largest volcanoes on Earth and is active approximately every 5 years.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka activity

9. Popocatepetl (5422 m)

Translated from the Nahuatl language, the name of the active powerful stratovolcano literally means “smoking hill”. This is the second highest peak in Mexico. Not far from it is The largest city countries - Mexico City.

It released ash and gases in 2019 without causing any harm to the population.

10. Sangay (5230 m)

The Sangay volcanic formation in Ecuador has three craters. The area near it is considered a protected area. Sangai is active and last emitted lava flows in 2016. The world watched the action in horror, but there were no casualties.

Sangay Volcano in 2016


  1. Largest eruption of those studied by volcanologists occurred on the island of Sumatra thousands of years ago. Such a phenomenon can change the climate on the planet and harm humanity.
  2. The largest volcano by area in North America- Yellowstone. If he enters the activity phase, it will end in disaster.
  3. The largest in Western Europe is the stratovolcano Etna in Italy.
  4. In Russia, the highest is Elbrus, the largest in area is Klyuchevskaya Sopka.
  5. The largest volcano in the world is Ojos del Salado in Argentina and Chile. He is inactive. If volcanologists recognize it as dormant, Llullaillaco, its neighbor, will rise to first place.