
06:20 Arrival in Singapore (departure a day earlier at 15:05 from Domodedovo airport regular flight a/k Singapore Airlines; Flight duration is 10 hours 15 minutes).

Individual transfer to the hotel Studio M 4*(without guide). Early check-in Studio Loft. Rest.

Day 2


Breakfast in the hotel. Sightseeing tour of Singapore as part of a Russian-speaking group.

The purpose of the excursion is to introduce you as closely as possible to Singapore, its origins and modern achievements, cultural traditions and lifestyle of the new generation of Singaporeans. You will be shown a contrast of the city - traditional Singaporean neighborhoods and the modern city center, which will help you better understand the daily life of local residents.

During the excursion you will visit:

Arab Street and Malaysky Quarter;
historical Center Padang;
The Sea Lion statue is a symbol of the city;
Mount Faber;
Orchid Park.

You will also pass the famous Fountain of Wealth.

Day 3

Singapore, O. Sentosa

Breakfast in the hotel. Free time.

Sentosa Island, with an area of ​​just 500 hectares, is a real corner of peace and tranquility, which is the complete opposite of the bustling city life of Singapore. The choice of entertainment here is huge - from snow-white sandy beaches 3.2 km long to the largest aquarium in Asia.

In the evening, a fabulous laser show “Wings of Time” is held here.

Day 4

Singapore, O. Bintan

Breakfast in the hotel. Renting a number. Individual transfer to the pier (without a guide).

Transfer by ferry (Economy Class) to the island. Bintan.

Upon arrival, group transfer (without guide) to your chosen hotel (for hotel Banyan Tree Bintan 5*

Accommodation. Rest.

Day 5 - 12

O. Bintan

Breakfast in the hotel. Holidays on the coast South China Sea.

Few of them Russian tourists knows anything about exotic island Bintan. Meanwhile, this island considered one of the most important tourist destinations Indonesia, which has a number of advantages over other resorts in the country: close location to the famous city-state of Singapore (only about 50 minutes by ferry), the snow-white coast of the South China Sea, tropical nature, amazing underwater world and good hotel facilities (here you can find both economy class hotels and famous resorts hotel chains). A beach holiday in Bintan will surely appeal to lovers of a secluded holiday in the lap of pristine nature...

Day 13

O. Bintan, Singapore

Breakfast in the hotel. Renting a number. Group transfer to the pier (without guide; for hotel Banyan Tree Bintan 5* transfer on an individual basis).

Transfer by ferry (Economy Class) to Singapore.

Upon arrival in Singapore private transfer to the airport (without a guide).

Waiting for a Singapore Airlines night flight to Moscow (departure at 00:20, flight duration - 10 hours 40 minutes; arrival at Domodedovo airport at 06:00).

Bintan is one of the islands in the Riau archipelago in Indonesia.

General information

Bintan - northern region islands. The resorts of Bintan (Lagoi) are 45 minutes from Singapore by ferry and offer a variety of expensive resorts with well-kept lawns. Since they have almost nothing in common with the rest of the island, this introductory text is dedicated to the resorts of Bintan.

Separated from the resorts by checkpoints and armed guards, the rest of the island is "real" border town Indonesia, home to electronics factories, fishing villages and local resorts along east coast Bintan.

Bintan's vibrant town of Tanjung Pinang, which is a 1.5-hour ferry ride from Singapore, used to be a local center for prostitution and gambling (like neighboring Batam), but since the ban local authorities it is regaining its original reputation as a city with rich history, with an ancient colorful market, partly located on stilts in the sea.


  • Tanjung Pinang is the largest city on Bintan Island.
  • Kijang - international ferry port (another Big city Bintan).
  • Tanjung Uban is a large city on Bintan Island.

You can book a hotel in the cities of Bintan on the well-known website, and you can check if there is a better price somewhere else using. If you prefer to rent private apartments or villas, you can check out similar offers.

Other directions


The Indonesian language, spoken throughout Indonesia, is modeled after the Malay language, which originates from Riau in Sumatra and the Riau Islands. In fact, Riau Malay is considered the purest form of the Malay language, and tourists from Malaysia will find that the Malay spoken here is very similar to Indonesian Malay, which is a version of Malay.

English is spoken only in the resorts of Bintan and, to a lesser extent, in the resorts of Trikora.

Chinese people living in Indonesia speak Mandarin Chinese. Also, most people understand the Chaoshan dialect.

How to get there

All ports in Bintan - (Sri Bintan Pura (Tanjung Pinang), Lobam and Bandar Telani Bintan/Lagoi (Bintan Resorts)) are visa-free or visa can be obtained on arrival.

As of July 2011, a 7-day visa on arrival is again available for $10 per person. This visa is only valid for visiting the Bintan/Batam/Karimum Special Economic Zone.

By plane

By ferry

Most likely you will arrive by ship. Most international travelers come from Singapore and Johor Bahru. Bintan is the largest inland sea ​​port on the Riau Islands and also the port of the largest passenger shipping company in Indonesia - Pelni. A return ticket costs around S$50, but it's worth it.

Make sure you go on an open deck (most locals prefer air-conditioned cabins). Not far from Singapore, hundreds and hundreds of oil tankers, cargo ships and huge container ships from all over the world literally fill the horizon.

Later, in the South China Sea, you will come across many small islands, most of which seem uninhabited, with mysterious coastlines jungle and dark volcanoes in the background. Just use your imagination and think about the pirates who were hiding on those islands for centuries (and still are), or how the contestants on the reality TV show "Survivor" would survive on such an island full of huge pythons in the jungle.

Bintan has several passenger ports. The most famous is in Tanjung Pinang, where most of the short-distance inter-island ferries from Singapore and Johor Bahru dock. Other ferry terminals are at Tanjung Uban, Kijang (where Pelni boats dock), and Teluk Sebung, which serves the Bintan resort area on the northern part of the island.

From Singapore

Three companies - Sindo, Indo Falcon and Berlian/Wavemaster - operate ferries between Singapore's Tana Merah Ferry Terminal and Tanjung Pinang. They operate 6 ferries on weekdays, and on weekends and holidays their number increases to 9. Ticket prices: 50 - 59 Singapore dollars return / 40 one way (excluding taxes).

  • Berlian/Wave master (Tel: +65-67869959 in Tana Merah / +62-771316636 in Indonesia).
  • Indo Falcon (Tel: +65-62706778/62757393 in Singapore, +65-65426786 for bookings).
  • Sindo (Tel: +65-65427105 in Tana Merah).

There are many ferries from Singapore to Tanjung Pinang, the journey time is about 2 hours. On arrival you will need to confirm your return ticket at the office as there may not be seats on the ferry. It is impossible to leave the terminal without a guide attached to you, so take advantage of this and ask where the office is - they will still offer to show you it. Approximate location: exit the terminal, turn left and walk for about two minutes - you will see the office at the end of the street.

From Malaysia

Every day from international terminal Johor Bahru in Stulang Laut has three ferries to Tanjung Pinang. Tickets are priced at RM85/RM150 per one-way/return excluding tax (approx. RM6). The journey takes three hours. When you arrive at Tanjung Pinang Ferry Terminal, before you go anywhere else, you need to confirm the time of your return ticket. Usually you can choose from three options: 7.00, 00.30, 15.30. The latter is often canceled due to lack of passengers, but it is said that this is due to the weather. To confirm your return ticket, the agents outside the terminal will bill you IDR 120,000 ($10). It seems normal, but it's not fair. When you confirm your ticket, the agents should give you boarding pass- a small piece of paper. Don't lose it. The air conditioners on the ferry are broken most of the time and the inside of the ferry is cold, especially when it rains.

For more information on ferry schedules, call Tenggara Senandung (tel. +60-7-2211677) at Johor Bahru Ferry Terminal.

From Batam

Barun (tel: +62-771-28578 in Tanjung Pinang, +62-778-479162 in Telaga Pungurr) and Sento boats operate every 15 minutes between Telaga Pungurr in the south-eastern part of Batam and Tanjung Pinang, the main city of Bintan. Cost - 40,000 rupees excluding taxes - 3,500 rupees (1 hour). There are also boats between Telaga Pungurr and Tanjung Uban, western part of Bintan, but a little less frequently.

Several ferries from cities in Sumatra also stop at Sekupang, Batam's main port, before continuing on to Tanjung Pinang. One such operator is Dumai Express.

From Dumai, Sumatra - Several ferries from Dumai Express operate daily to Tanjung Pinang via Sekupang, Batam. Some of them also make a stop at Tanjung Balay on Kurimun Island.

From Pekanbaru - SB Kurnia Usaha Baru has ferries to Pekanbaru every day, departing at 6.30. The fare is 220,000 rupees excluding tax (3,500 rupees).

From Balay, Karimun Island - ferries from Arena to Tanjung Pinang.

From Tanjung Batu, Kundur Island - from Tanjung Batu, the main city of Kundur Island, to Tanjung Pinang every day at 7.45 powerboat from SB Giam Mas (agent in the port of Tanjung Batu, tel. +62-779-431589). She returns to Tanjung Batu the same day at 12.00. There are scheduled stops on the islands of Galang and Moro, on the island of Sugibawa, but the boat can also stop at small settlements along the way. Travel time is about 2.5 hours one way. The cost of a ticket from Tanjung Batu to Tanjung Pinang is 130,000 rupees excluding taxes.

From Singkep Island - Batavia and Superjet ferries operate daily between Tanjung Pinang and Dabo on Singkep Island, departing at 11.00. Ticket price is 105,000 rupees excluding tax of 3,500 rupees. You can also take a boat from there to the Lingga Islands.

From Natuna Islands

A ferry runs from Tanjung Pinang to the outlying islands of Anambas and Natuna every two weeks.

Pelni's KM Bukit Raya sails to Letung, Tarempa from Kijang Port in Bintan. Natuna and Midai are on its way to Pontianak, West Kalimantan. The return to Tanjung Pinang, however, takes a different route.

From other parts of Indonesia. PELNI ships connect many Indonesian islands to the port of Kijang in Bintan. They provide direct connections to Jakarta (ship KM Ciremiu), Pontianak and more distant ports. How to get there: from the side of Kijang port there are bemos (view public transport) to Tanjung Pinang (distance - 26 km).


Bintan - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow − 4

Kazan − 4

Samara − 3

Ekaterinburg − 2

Novosibirsk 0

Vladivostok 3

When is the season? When is the best time to go

Bintan weather by month


Bintan weather by month

Main attractions. What to see

Food. What to try

Seafood in Bintan is fresh and inexpensive (around SGD 3 - 7) and Tanjung Pinang has many restaurants, although they tend to have casual diners and minimal or tacky decorations. However, the service is good and the waiters are friendly. They don't always have an English menu, so check out the phrasebook and learn the basics. Also remember that the term “vegetarian” is understood differently here, so if you are a strict vegetarian, make sure you mention that the food should not contain meat.

Cleanliness can sometimes be an issue, but restaurants here depend on repeat visits from customers, so they usually do their best to make sure you enjoy your stay.


Drink bottled water. Apart from that in 4 and 5 star hotels, tap water is undrinkable.

Fresh coconut juice can be bought almost everywhere, if suddenly it is not available in your holiday destination.

Because local population Since the majority are Muslim and usually do not drink alcohol, not every store offers beer and wine, but concierges in large shopping centers and hotels can tell you where to buy them.

Safety. What to watch out for

Tanjung Pinang has a partly deserved bad reputation, but it's still better than it used to be. Do not carry a large amount of cash with you and do not show it everywhere, do not get into unfamiliar taxis (especially those whose drivers call at the pier).

Local residents will readily support you, but be prepared for the fact that they will increase the price and take some of it for themselves. However, since this portion of the money is not very large, they are still good, friendly and knowledgeable guides.

Things to do

Go to Trikora Beach. It's very beautiful there and there are a lot of things to do. aquatic species sports

In the Sumpat area you can find wild beaches.

There is also rainforests, and although there are fewer of them due to development, they are still majestic and beautiful.

On Bintan beautiful beaches, although the water is usually cloudy due to its proximity to Singapore, sea ​​routes and factories of Batam. Bintan's resorts are famous for golf, and Trikor has cheap water sports.

You can also go island hopping from the main port. A trip to the nearby island from Tajung Pinang will cost you only 5 - 10 Singapore dollars.

Reviews Book!

Indonesia, Bintan + Singapore

Moscow - Singapore - Bintan - Singapore - Moscow

The price on the website is valid upon confirmation of the minimum fare for the air ticket (specified when booking the tour)

Day 00: Moscow-Singapore. Departure

Flight from Moscow to Singapore

Day 01: Singapore (B)

Arrival in Singapore. Transfer with a guide to the Tana Mera pier, boarding a ferry to a resort with pristine beaches of white fine sand, fringed by gently swaying palm trees, clean waters sea ​​and lush tropical vegetation. All this creates an atmosphere of relaxation and bliss necessary for complete relaxation. Hotel accommodation. Rest.

Day 02- 10: Bintan (B)

Breakfast. Holidays on the coast

Day 11: Bintan - Singapore (B)

Breakfast in the hotel. In the morning, meet your guide and transfer by ferry to Singapore. Free time.

Optional evening excursion to Sentosa (for an additional fee). An evening fantasy play called Song of the Sea awaits you, staged right on the seashore of Sentosa Island. A magnificent spectacle created with the latest advances in the field high technology, in the form of a combination of pyrotechnics, laser holography, special computer images, stunning fire and water effects and captivating music. Songs of the Sea is the new creation of the world famous designer Yves Pepin, who, together with Steven Spielberg, was invited as an advisor to the production of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

Day 12: Singapore (B)

Breakfast in the hotel.

Start sightseeing tour. The tour begins with a visit to the Fountain of Wealth, which was built and designed according to Feng Shui philosophy. The fountain was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest fountain in the world. Then we will follow to the colonial heart of Singapore, you will see historical square Padang, Parliament and the Supreme Court - architectural landmarks of the beginning of the last century, the ancient Queen Victoria Theater, Cathedral St. Andrew You will learn a lot of interesting things about the history of the creation of the state.

After this, we will go to the city's Chinatown, passing through the business center of Singapore, where you will look at the architectural masterpieces of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. You can see how diverse Singapore is when you visit Chinatown. Here you will enjoy the atmosphere of Chinese culture, colorful 2-3-storey houses - shophouses, you will visit one of the oldest Chinese temples. You will be amazed by the incredible variety of colors, statues of various gods surrounding the entire temple area. The extraordinary interweaving of times and peoples distinguishes Chinatown from other parts of Singapore.

Then we go to the Gem Factory , where you will not only see a unique gallery of paintings made by hand from semi-precious stones, but also learn how these paintings are created. Next, visit the Botanical Garden, where the natural beauty of tropical plants and equatorial flora will enchant you. You will visit the orchid garden and see a wonderful collection, among which you will recognize national flower Singapore and will be able to buy national souvenirs and gifts for your family and friends.

And the tour will end on the central street of the city - Orchard Road - a street of shopping and entertainment. Here you can make the purchases you need, because Singapore is rightfully considered a paradise for shoppers.

Return to the hotel on your own.

Day 13: Singapore (B)

Breakfast. Free time before transfer to the airport

Tour cost per person in USD:


1/3 Triple

3* Nirwana Resort Hotel

4* Bintan Lagoon Resort

5* Angsana resort

Included in the price:

  • Accommodation
  • Meals as indicated in the program (B: breakfast, L: lunch, D: dinner)
  • Transfers according to the program
  • Guided accompaniment throughout the program
  • Honey. insurance
  • Singapore visa

Additional charges:

  • Air flight Moscow-Singapore - Moscow (from 25,000 rubles)
  • Personal expenses

Bintan is one of the islands in the Riau archipelago in Indonesia.

General information

Bintan is the northern edge of the island. Bintan Resorts (Lagoi) is 45 minutes from Singapore by ferry and is an array of expensive resorts with manicured lawns. Since they have almost nothing in common with the rest of the island, this introductory text is dedicated to the resorts of Bintan.

Separated from the resorts by checkpoints and armed guards, the rest of the island is Indonesia's "real" border town, with electronics factories, fishing villages and local resorts along Bintan's east coast.

Bintan's vibrant town of Tanjung Pinang, which is a 1.5-hour ferry ride from Singapore, used to be a local center for prostitution and gambling (like neighboring Batam), but after being banned by local authorities it is regaining its original reputation as a city rich in history, with ancient a colorful market, partly located on stilts in the sea.


  • Tanjung Pinang is the largest city on Bintan Island.
  • Kijang is an international ferry port (another big city in Bintan).
  • Tanjung Uban is a large city on Bintan Island.

You can book a hotel in the cities of Bintan on the well-known website, and you can check if there is a better price somewhere else using. If you prefer to rent private apartments or villas, you can check out similar offers.

Other directions


The Indonesian language, spoken throughout Indonesia, is modeled after the Malay language, which originates from Riau in Sumatra and the Riau Islands. In fact, Riau Malay is considered the purest form of the Malay language, and tourists from Malaysia will find that the Malay spoken here is very similar to Indonesian Malay, which is a version of Malay.

English is spoken only in the resorts of Bintan and, to a lesser extent, in the resorts of Trikora.

Chinese people living in Indonesia speak Mandarin Chinese. Also, most people understand the Chaoshan dialect.

How to get there

All ports in Bintan - (Sri Bintan Pura (Tanjung Pinang), Lobam and Bandar Telani Bintan/Lagoi (Bintan Resorts)) are visa-free or visa can be obtained on arrival.

As of July 2011, a 7-day visa on arrival is again available for $10 per person. This visa is only valid for visiting the Bintan/Batam/Karimum Special Economic Zone.

By plane

By ferry

Most likely you will arrive by ship. Most international travelers come from Singapore and Johor Bahru. Bintan is the largest inland seaport in the Riau Islands and also the port of Indonesia's largest passenger shipping company, Pelni. A return ticket costs around S$50, but it's worth it.

Make sure you go on an open deck (most locals prefer air-conditioned cabins). Not far from Singapore, hundreds and hundreds of oil tankers, cargo ships and huge container ships from all over the world literally fill the horizon.

Later, in the South China Sea, you'll encounter many small islands, most of which appear uninhabited, with mysterious jungle coastlines and dark volcanoes in the background. Just use your imagination and think about the pirates who were hiding on those islands for centuries (and still are), or how the contestants on the reality TV show "Survivor" would survive on such an island full of huge pythons in the jungle.

Bintan has several passenger ports. The most famous is in Tanjung Pinang, where most of the short-distance inter-island ferries from Singapore and Johor Bahru dock. Other ferry terminals are at Tanjung Uban, Kijang (where Pelni boats dock), and Teluk Sebung, which serves the Bintan resort area on the northern part of the island.

From Singapore

Three companies - Sindo, Indo Falcon and Berlian/Wavemaster - operate ferries between Singapore's Tana Merah Ferry Terminal and Tanjung Pinang. They operate 6 ferries on weekdays, and on weekends and holidays their number increases to 9. Ticket prices: 50 - 59 Singapore dollars return / 40 one way (excluding taxes).

  • Berlian/Wave master (Tel: +65-67869959 in Tana Merah / +62-771316636 in Indonesia).
  • Indo Falcon (Tel: +65-62706778/62757393 in Singapore, +65-65426786 for bookings).
  • Sindo (Tel: +65-65427105 in Tana Merah).

There are many ferries from Singapore to Tanjung Pinang, the journey time is about 2 hours. On arrival you will need to confirm your return ticket at the office as there may not be seats on the ferry. It is impossible to leave the terminal without a guide attached to you, so take advantage of this and ask where the office is - they will still offer to show you it. Approximate location: exit the terminal, turn left and walk for about two minutes - you will see the office at the end of the street.

From Malaysia

Three ferries depart from Johor Bahru International Terminal in Stulang Laut to Tanjung Pinang every day. Tickets are priced at RM85/RM150 per one-way/return excluding tax (approx. RM6). The journey takes three hours. When you arrive at Tanjung Pinang Ferry Terminal, before you go anywhere else, you need to confirm the time of your return ticket. Usually you can choose from three options: 7.00, 00.30, 15.30. The latter is often canceled due to lack of passengers, but it is said that this is due to the weather. To confirm your return ticket, the agents outside the terminal will bill you IDR 120,000 ($10). It seems normal, but it's not fair. When you confirm your ticket, the agents should give you a boarding pass - a small piece of paper. Don't lose it. The air conditioners on the ferry are broken most of the time and the inside of the ferry is cold, especially when it rains.

For more information on ferry schedules, call Tenggara Senandung (tel. +60-7-2211677) at Johor Bahru Ferry Terminal.

From Batam

Barun (tel: +62-771-28578 in Tanjung Pinang, +62-778-479162 in Telaga Pungurr) and Sento boats operate every 15 minutes between Telaga Pungurr in the south-eastern part of Batam and Tanjung Pinang, the main city of Bintan. Cost - 40,000 rupees excluding taxes - 3,500 rupees (1 hour). There are also boats between Telaga Pungurr and Tanjung Uban, western part of Bintan, but a little less frequently.

Several ferries from cities in Sumatra also stop at Sekupang, Batam's main port, before continuing on to Tanjung Pinang. One such operator is Dumai Express.

From Dumai, Sumatra - Several ferries from Dumai Express operate daily to Tanjung Pinang via Sekupang, Batam. Some of them also make a stop at Tanjung Balay on Kurimun Island.

From Pekanbaru - SB Kurnia Usaha Baru has ferries to Pekanbaru every day, departing at 6.30. The fare is 220,000 rupees excluding tax (3,500 rupees).

From Balay, Karimun Island - ferries from Arena to Tanjung Pinang.

From Tanjung Batu, Kundur Island - From Tanjung Batu, the main town of Kundur Island, a motorboat from SB Giam Mas (Tanjung Batu Port Agent, tel. +62-779-431589) departs to Tanjung Pinang every day at 7.45 am. She returns to Tanjung Batu the same day at 12.00. There are scheduled stops on the islands of Galang and Moro, on the island of Sugibawa, but the boat can also stop at small settlements along the way. Travel time is about 2.5 hours one way. The cost of a ticket from Tanjung Batu to Tanjung Pinang is 130,000 rupees excluding taxes.

From Singkep Island - Batavia and Superjet ferries operate daily between Tanjung Pinang and Dabo on Singkep Island, departing at 11.00. Ticket price is 105,000 rupees excluding tax of 3,500 rupees. You can also take a boat from there to the Lingga Islands.

From Natuna Islands

A ferry runs from Tanjung Pinang to the outlying islands of Anambas and Natuna every two weeks.

Pelni's KM Bukit Raya sails to Letung, Tarempa from Kijang Port in Bintan. Natuna and Midai are on its way to Pontianak, West Kalimantan. The return to Tanjung Pinang, however, takes a different route.

From other parts of Indonesia. PELNI ships connect many Indonesian islands to the port of Kijang in Bintan. They provide direct connections to Jakarta (ship KM Ciremiu), Pontianak and more distant ports. How to get there: from the Kijang port there are bemos (a type of public transport) to Tanjung Pinang (distance - 26 km).


Bintan - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow − 4

Kazan − 4

Samara − 3

Ekaterinburg − 2

Novosibirsk 0

Vladivostok 3

When is the season? When is the best time to go

Bintan weather by month


Bintan weather by month

Main attractions. What to see

Food. What to try

Seafood in Bintan is fresh and inexpensive (around SGD 3 - 7) and Tanjung Pinang has many restaurants, although they tend to have casual diners and minimal or tacky decorations. However, the service is good and the waiters are friendly. They don't always have an English menu, so check out the phrasebook and learn the basics. Also remember that the term “vegetarian” is understood differently here, so if you are a strict vegetarian, make sure you mention that the food should not contain meat.

Cleanliness can sometimes be an issue, but restaurants here depend on repeat visits from customers, so they usually do their best to make sure you enjoy your stay.


Drink bottled water. Apart from that in 4 and 5 star hotels, tap water is undrinkable.

Fresh coconut juice can be bought almost everywhere, if suddenly it is not available in your holiday destination.

Since the local population is mostly Muslim and generally does not drink alcohol, beer and wine may not be available in every store, but concierges at large shopping centers and hotels can tell you where to buy them.

Safety. What to watch out for

Tanjung Pinang has a partly deserved bad reputation, but it's still better than it used to be. Do not carry a large amount of cash with you and do not show it everywhere, do not get into unfamiliar taxis (especially those whose drivers call at the pier).

Local residents will readily support you, but be prepared for the fact that they will increase the price and take some of it for themselves. However, since this portion of the money is not very large, they are still good, friendly and knowledgeable guides.

Things to do

Go to Trikora Beach. It is very beautiful there and there are many opportunities for water sports.

In the Sumpat area you can find wild beaches.

There are also rainforests, and although they have become smaller due to development, they are still majestic and beautiful.

Bintan has beautiful beaches, although the water tends to be murky due to its proximity to Singapore, the shipping lanes and the factories of Batam. Bintan's resorts are famous for golf, and Trikor has cheap water sports.

You can also go island hopping from the main port. A trip to the nearby island from Tajung Pinang will cost you only 5 - 10 Singapore dollars.


State of Singapore located near the equator on the island of the same name in South-East Asia surrounded by another 58 islands. It is a flat island, with an even tropical climate, without any strong temperature changes. During the day the temperature is about 30-32 degrees, at night it drops to 23-24. The rainy season is considered to be the months from November to January, when the temperature “drops” to +24-26 C. Precipitation falls from 600 to 1300 mm. per year, mainly from December to March (northeast monsoon) and from June to September (southwest monsoon). Between the monsoon seasons there is relatively little rainfall, but it is usually accompanied by strong thunderstorms and short but powerful downpours.

National currency The Singapore dollar is approximately equal to 1 US dollar to 1.7 Singapore dollars.

Customs regulations are quite standard: you can bring items for personal use, confectionery and chocolate worth up to 50 Singapore dollars duty-free; an adult traveler is allowed to import 1 liter of spirits, wine or beer, as well as 20 cigarettes.
But souvenirs and gifts purchased in Singapore costing over 300 Singapore dollars are goods subject to duty. (The following goods are not subject to duty: electronics and household goods, cosmetics, watches, jewelry, clothing, toys.)
There are no restrictions on the import or export of currency.

Among the goods prohibited for import, we should mention: drugs; lighters in the shape of a pistol or revolver; imitation banknotes and coins; copies of publications, videotapes, disks, records, audiotapes protected by copyright; animals and plants listed in the Red Book, and products made from them; articles and publications of obscene content, materials of an inflammatory nature.

For citizens of the Russian Federation, visa-free entry provided that you stay in Singapore for no more than 96 hours, if you stay for a longer period, an electronic entry permit (Singapore visa) is required.

Sentosa Island one of the most popular places entertainment and relaxation not only for Singaporeans, but also for tourists. The name "Sentosa" means "Island of Peace and Tranquility", but tranquility here is only possible early in the morning, when there are few people there. Its area is 390 hectares, and it is located just 15 minutes from the city center. You can get to the island by train, bus, car, ferry or cable car.
Cafes and restaurants, a huge amusement park, a laser show of dancing fountains, a cinema, museums, the largest aquarium in Southeast Asia, an orchid garden, a butterfly park - all this and much more can be seen and visited in Sentosa.
The beach line is about 3 kilometers; on weekdays the beaches are not crowded. The island also has several luxury hotels surrounded by tropical greenery.

Indonesia: Bintan
Bintan Island located southeast of Singapore, just 50 minutes away by catamaran, which departs several times a day, accommodates 100-250 people and provides all kinds of amenities on board (drinks, television). In addition to more than 100 kilometers of beautiful snow-white beaches, this island is famous for its world-class hotel chains. The total length of the beaches is about 80 km, the beaches are untouched by mass tourism, mainly wealthy Singaporeans relax here. The bottom is sandy, the entrance to the sea is gentle, and in some places there are corals.
The resort area is the northern and eastern parts of the island. The rest of Bintan are villages where people live local residents(about 600 thousand people), and almost all of them live in the center and south of Bintan.
The sun shines on Bintan more than 250 days a year. Between November and March, the weather can be variable, with monsoons and waves. During this period, kite and windsurfing festivals are held here. Between April and October the humidity decreases, the sea is calmer, and there is more sun.
Most hotels on the island have their own large areas. Many have their own golf courses, kilometer-long beaches and nightclubs. The hotels consist of low buildings and villas. All hotels have swimming pools, several restaurants, spas, bars, and also have all the opportunities for water sports.
What to do to entertain yourself in Bintan? First of all, people come here for relaxation and beach holiday. Lovers active rest will also find themselves - snorkeling, windsurfing, fishing, walking around mangroves. And of course, gorgeous golf courses are at your service!
Bintan is a duty-free shopping zone; in addition to first-class recreation, tourists can enjoy good shopping at low prices.
The visa can be obtained at the Bintan Ferry Terminal. Visa regime in Bintan is absolutely the same as throughout Indonesia, in particular as in Bali. Since June 2015, visas for Russian citizens to Indonesia, and therefore to Bintan, have been cancelled. For other citizens of the CIS countries, a visa is issued in advance at the Indonesian embassy at the place of residence. IMPORTANT: When traveling to Bintan, obtain a Singapore visa in advance.
In terms of climate, this island is considered a year-round resort; there is no rainy season.