Lisbon is the westernmost capital of continental Europe. The city occupies advantageous position on southwest coast Iberian Peninsula, at the wide mouth of the Tagus River, 15 km from Atlantic Ocean. The city's districts stretch along the Lisbon coastline, stretching from the river mouth to the beaches of Alentejo. Modern high-rise buildings of the metropolis closer to the outskirts are replaced by picturesque fishing huts, united in small villages. In winter the average temperature is +9 degrees, in summer +24. The surroundings of Lisbon are rich in vegetation, including: maritime pine, eucalyptus, evergreen shrubs (maquis). Iberian Peninsula Tagus Atlantic Ocean Alentejo maritime pine eucalyptus

History of the development of the city Lisbon is a city with a history dating back more than 20 centuries. The results of archaeological excavations provide evidence of the presence of Phoenicians in the area from 1200 BC. e. There is an opinion that in the center modern city, on the southern slope Castle Hill, could be Phoenician Trading port, where Phoenician ships heading north could replenish food supplies. This place, it is suggested, could have been called "Alis Ubbo" (blessed bay) due to the convenient port shelter that was formed by the right branch of the Tagus River. According to other assumptions, the name of the city may come from the pre-Roman name of the Tagus river Lisso or Lucio.Tejo

Cultural significance Lisbon is often called the pearl of Portuguese cities. The city harmoniously combines the architectural heritage of various styles: here you can see a castle built in the 9th-14th centuries, a Romanesque cathedral of the 12th century (rebuilt in the 18th century), a Gothic Carmelite monastery (now housing an archaeological museum), palaces (Belen Palace, the Mafra Palace and the Queluz Baroque Palace; the Ajuda Palace and the São Bento Palace, classicism) and churches made in the Manueline and Baroque styles (Basilica da Estrela, the churches of San Vicente di Fora, Conceição Vella, San Roque, Museum of Ecclesiastical Art). A popular pastime of the townspeople is bullfighting, the meaning of which boils down to the pacification of the animal by a special fighter, a fourcados, performing on a horse. IXXIV Romanesque Cathedral XII century , National Teatro San Carlos, Avenida da Liberdade, etc. Plaza Figueira National Theater San Carlos Avenida da Liberdade

Madrid Madrid (Spanish: Madrid) is the capital and largest city of Spain, as well as administrative center provinces and autonomous communities of the same name. The municipality is part of the area (comorca) Area Metropolitana. The largest economic, political and Cultural Center countries.sp. capital city of Spain administrative center of the province of the Autonomous Community of Area Metropolitana

Population, language, religion The capital ranks first in the country in terms of population, which is increasing mainly due to immigrants. The city is now home to approximately 3 million people. The official language is Spanish; in addition to it, the population of the city uses Catalan, Galician, Basque, as well as the languages ​​of migrants, Arabic, etc. Most of the population are Catholics. Spanish Catalan Galician Basque Catholics

Cultural significance The city is one of most beautiful capitals not only Europe, but the whole world. Economic and cultural life The towns are concentrated on Paseo de la Castellana and st. Alcala. This is where the most expensive shops and luxury restaurants are located. Paseo de la Castellana

Paris Paris (French: Paris) is the capital of France, the most important economic and cultural center of the country, located in the northern part of central France, in the Ile-de-France region on the banks of the Seine River. In addition, Paris is of great international importance and is home to headquarters UNESCO, OECD and International Chamber of Commerce. French capital of France region Ile-de-France Seines Headquarters of UNESCO-OECD International Chamber of Commerce

Foundation of the city The city was founded in the middle of the 3rd century BC. e. from the Celtic settlement of Lutetia of the Parisian tribe on the site modern island Sieve. The modern name of the city comes from the name of this tribe. The first written mention of Lutetia is found in the 6th book of Julius Caesar about the war with Gaul in 53 BC. e. III century BC e.Celtic Lutetia Parisians Island of Cité Julia CaesarWar with Gaul When in 52 BC. e. The Romans, after the first unsuccessful attempt, tried to approach the city for the second time, the Parisians set Lutetia on fire and destroyed the bridges. The Romans left them an island and built it on the left bank of the Seine new town. There they built baths, a forum and an amphitheater. The city did not have much influence in the Roman Empire. Romansthermsforum amphitheater of the Roman Empire

Attractions The three most famous Parisian attractions are ancient cathedral Notre Dame of Paris, built on the Ile de la Cité back in the 12th century, the Eiffel Tower and Triumphal Arch 19th century designs. The openwork metal tower, built according to the design of the engineer Eiffel, was conceived as a temporary structure serving as the entrance to World's Fair 1889. But she not only survived the event itself, but has since become a true symbol of the city. To the north and south of it, the Sacré-Coeur basilica, built on top of the Montmartre hill, and the lonely tower of Tour Montparnasse, especially standing out against the backdrop of its “flat” area, rise above the skyline. Notre Dame Cathedral Cité Eiffel Tower Arc de Triomphe Eiffel Basilica Sacré-Coeur Montmartre Tour Montparnasse

Berlin Berlin (German: Berlin) is the capital of Germany, the largest and most populated city Germany. After London, Berlin is the second most populous and fifth largest city in the European Union. Berlin is one of 16 states within the Federal Republic of Germany. The city is located on the banks of the Spree rivers (the “nickname” of Berlin “Spree-Athen”, “Athens on the Spree” is connected with this) and Havel in the center of the federal state of Brandenburg, of which it is not a part (since 1920). capital of Germany city of Londonauthor of the European Unionland of the Federal Republic of Germany SpreeAthens on the Spree Havel Brandenburg 1920

History of Berlin The city of Berlin arose from the twin city of Berlin Cologne. Cologne was located on an island on the Spree River, and Berlin opposite it, on the eastern bank. Cologne was first mentioned in 1237 (28.10), Berlin in 1244 (26.01). In 1307, both cities were united and a common town hall was built. According to one version, the name “Berlin” (like others with the accented -in Schwerin, Stettin) is of Slavic origin and goes back to the Polabian berl-/birl- (“swamp”). From the similar Indo-European root wern-/werl (which also means "marshy area") the names of many European cities are derived. According to the folk etymological version (for example, researcher Theodor Zell), the name of the city comes from the German word for “bear” (German Bär). As is known, since at least 1280 the bear has been a symbol of Berlin on the Cologne island on the Spree River in 1237 1244 1307 town hall in the Labe swamp in the bear.1280

Attractions The beach on Lake Wannsee, located a 30-minute drive from the center of Berlin, also provides great opportunities for relaxation. Most big forest, located within Berlin itself, the famous Grünwald, which runs along the residential quarter built under Bismarck, as well as along the chain of ice age lakes Halensee, Königssee, Dianasee and Hundeckelsee. Now beeches, birches, and chestnuts grow here. Grunwald remains a favorite holiday destination for Berliners. Lake Wannsee Bismarck Königssee

The presentation contains interesting information about the countries of Foreign Europe.

"Presentation Germany - Munich"

Munich. Germany.


  • Munich - city on the river Izare on South Germany, in the federal state Bavaria . Extra-district city, which is also capital Bavaria and administrative district Upper Bavaria .
  • The name of the city comes from Old High German Munichen - "with the monks."
  • Munich population - 1,542,886 people (October 31, 2016) . So he is largest city Bayern and third, after Berlin And Hamburg, city in Germany. The government of Bavaria, the government of the Upper Bavaria region, and the government of Munich city district .

Munich is an integral part of the motorway network in southern Germany. Autobahns from Stuttgart(W), Nuremberg, Frankfurt and Berlin (N), Deggendorf And Passau(E), Salzburg And Innsbruck(SE), Garmisch-Partenkirchen(S) and Lindau(SW) end in Munich. From the city there are highways to various parts of Germany, Austria and Italy. However, traffic in Munich is complicated by frequent traffic jams. Traffic jams have become commonplace during rush hour and at the beginning and end of major holidays Germany .

"Streets and museums of Munich"

The excursion “Streets and Museums of Munich” is dedicated to the original life of the Old Town of Munich. Slowly, at your own pace, tuned to your tastes and preferences, my excursion to the museums and streets of Munich for those who like to walk around European cities, listen to their rustles, smells and ancient aura. In the summer we visit the oldest patrician garden.

Not far from Marienplatz, away from the traditional excursion routes lies a part of the Old Town, which for a long time was called “Hackenviertel”.

We'll go to it main street. The name has nothing to do with the Hackerbräu brewery; it comes from an old German word defining a square piece of land.

In Munich, the sign “a dog’s paw print surrounded by a circle” was used to mark houses for the poor and charitable monastery buildings.

Old houses from the 12th century to the 19th did not have numbers, but a picture or sign. These traces of the fantasies of old residents remained on the corner houses for a long time, until our time! From here, opposite, in the depths of the courtyard of an ancient house, is the oldest patrician garden in the city, known since the 15th century. A neglected path leads to an old fountain, almost 300 years ago it was just brought from the workshop of A. Boos and delighted the surrounding lush greenery with its cheerful jets.

Tour of the Allianz Arena stadium

We will meet at the entrance to the stadium. The tour will begin with access to the stands and full review of this amazing building from the fan seats. Then we will visit the locker rooms of the FC Bayern team, the press center of the Allianz Arena Munich and enter the football field through a special tunnel to the Champions League anthem! This excursion will appeal to true fans of world football.

Excursion to the BMW car plant

The BMW concern has long become one of the symbols of the city of Munich, and a visit to the BMW Museum and presentation complex is an integral part of the program of everyone who comes to Munich. In the museum we will see unique exhibits of past years, hear complicated story the ups and downs of the concern, and futuristic concepts will transport viewers to other space-time dimensions. The play of light and sound, unusual installations will allow you to feel the spirit of the BMW concern, which seems to want to get ahead of its time and is always aimed at the “stars”.

The BMW World complex, which opened in 2007, was built

completely in accordance with environmental values

concern. This is both an exhibition pavilion and

sales center, and impressive

an attraction where you can create your own car.

Excursion to the German Technical Museum Munich

The German Technical Museum Munich is the largest technical museum in the world! Here you can touch almost everything with your hands! Twist, touch, try! People are delighted with what they see! After all, it’s not every day that you get the opportunity to visit the cockpit of a submarine, sit at the helm of an airplane, or stand on the captain’s bridge!

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  • Poland
  • Germany
  • France
  • Czech

  • We depart from Moscow to Poland , whose capital is Warsaw . Our excursion begins with a leisurely but exciting walk through historical center Warsaw. You will learn what the city was like before than it is today. During the tour you will visit the Old Town of Warsaw, protected by UNESCO, walk along the Royal Route, find yourself on Castle Square, explore St. John's Cathedral and, of course, hear many stories and legends from Warsaw's rich past. In the evening we leave for Germany.

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Design Museum in Helsinki

The collections of the Design Museum in Helsinki are extremely rich: hundreds of thousands of unique drawings, photographs and drawings are stored within the walls of the institution, and over a thousand designers from all over the world are registered in the museum’s archives

Popular Science Center "Eureka"

“Eureka” is not just a museum, it is an entire scientific and entertainment complex located in the suburbs of Helsinki. Hundreds of thousands of tourists visit it every year

Church in the rock

Churches usually attract the attention of tourists due to their antiquity, impressive size or ornate architectural style. Temppeliaukio Church in Helsinki is strikingly different from its counterparts. Built in the late 60s of the last century, it contains many other advantages.


Globe Arena

The Globe Arena is a favorite attraction in Stockholm. And not so much, because it is one of the largest spherical structures in the world, where prestigious competitions in different types sports, and also give concerts by world-famous stars

Nobel Museum

The Nobel Museum is dedicated to the Nobel Prize and its founder, Alfred Nobel, as well as to the prize winners and their achievements. The museum opened in 2001, on the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the prize, and has since gained wide popularity - after all, everything here is worthy of admiration!

Vasa Museum

The collection of the Vasa Museum is represented by the only one in the world that has survived to this day. sailing ship 17th century, as well as nine exhibitions related to it. The Vasa ship is one of the most popular attractions in Stockholm and represents a unique artistic value.


Kon-tiki Museum

6980 kilometers, 101 days of travel, a raft of balsa logs and the Humboldt Current - these are the dry facts of how Thor Heyerdahl and five team members managed to cross Pacific Ocean on the legendary ship "Kon-Tiki". Today, the honorary wooden “traveler” is exhibited in the museum of the same name in the Norwegian capital, visiting which first of all you wonder about the boundaries of the possible

Old city Oslo

Like every self-respecting more or less ancient European capital Oslo can boast of its own Old Town - the place “where it came from”, if not the Norwegian land as a whole, then at least its capital, founded, let us remember, in 1049. The dwellings of that distant time, of course, have not survived to this day, and the oldest buildings that can be seen today in Oslo date back to the 18th century - they are the ones that make up the Old Town of the Norwegian capital

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I did all this very late, can I have 5?

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Route description

  • Tourist route weekend "Sursky Yar" is designed for organizing tourism in the central part of the Penza region.
  • Ternovka (a remote area of ​​the city of Penza), Penza district and Shemysheysky district of the Penza region is an extremely interesting region, on the territory of which there are many historical, cultural and natural monuments.
  • The created route allows you to combine most of the attractions of these areas within one tourist event.
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    • Penza. Ternovka
    • Sursk Sea
    • Shemysheyka
    • Semiklyuchye
    • Armyevsky Pond
    • Zolotorevo settlement
    • Forest Museum
    • Penza
    • Rostock
    • Russian hunting

    The total length of the two-day route “Sursky Yar” is 185 km

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    Sursky Yar

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    Map of the route "Sursky Yar"

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    Penza and Shemyshey districts

    • Penza and Shemysheysky districts of the Penza region, united by the basin of the famous and large Sura River in Russia under a single tourist brand “Sursky Yar”, are a place that can captivate travelers with a wide variety of tastes.
    • There are also unique natural places: Sursk reservoir, mounds, holy spring and many other historical, cultural and architectural monuments, and interesting events, including the interregional festival of the same name, and mysterious natural objects, and a rich historical heritage.
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    Sights of the route

    The “Sursky Yar” route is a sequence of attractions, natural monuments, historical and cultural heritage and is accompanied by full stories and interesting events.

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    Integrated route (adjustable depending on the time of year and the customer’s wishes)

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    Museum of Russian Antiquity

    • Visit to the “City Museum of Russian Antiquity” of the Penza Russian Geographical Society.
    • Penza, Ternovka, st. Novoselovka, 6.
    • The Museum of Russian Antiquity is a private collection of N.V. Filatova. objects of urban life of the Russian family of the 19th-20th centuries.
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    The house in which the museum is located was built in the 19th century, where the interior of the dwellings of townspeople of past centuries has actually been preserved. A visit to the museum is accompanied by a full story about the life of the townspeople and the exhibits. A visit to the museum may be accompanied by folklore singing from a local creative group.

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    Surskoye Reservoir

    While driving, a stop is made on a hill near the village of Alferyevka to view the panorama of the Sursky reservoir. A tour of the surrounding area is accompanied by a story about the history of the creation of the “Sursky Sea”.

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    District village of Shemysheyka. Regional Museum of Local Lore

    • One of the ancient monuments is a trading house, which currently houses a local history museum, which makes this place even more attractive for travelers.
    • The museum houses over 900 exhibits.
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    Holy spring "Semiklyuchye"

    • “Seven Keys” is one of the most revered and popular places pilgrimage. This complex of healing springs is located on the territory between two settlements: Mordovian Mink and Russian Mink.
    • The sources of the 7 keys flow from a very ancient place where a community of monks lived several centuries ago. In memory of the monks killed by robbers, seven interconnected crosses were installed here. In 2010, monks returned to 7 Keys again, and with their efforts a church was built here in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and separate baths. Many pilgrims come here every day from all over the area to bathe in the holy springs and improve their health.
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    Tourist base "Armievsky Pond"

    The base was founded in 2012 on the shore of the Armiyevsky pond in the forest picturesque place. Developed year-round infrastructure with excellent service: guest houses, 2 bungalows, VIP area, restaurant, bathhouse, children's club, sports grounds, gazebos, stocked pond, European beach, berry and mushroom meadows on the territory of the base.

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    The headquarters of the Shemyshey local branch of the Russian Geographical Society is located on the territory of the base, which makes it a more attractive place for tourists and local historians. On its territory, the ethnocultural international festival of ethnic culture “Sursky Yar” is successfully held, uniting ethnocollectives, craftsmen, historical reconstruction clubs on the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs.

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    Several families from the war-torn Donbass are employed at the base. It was on the Sursky Yar farm near the base that our compatriots found a second homeland. There is an extended tour of the base and ethno-farm, acquaintance with the full production cycle and communication with its residents

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    Zolotorevo settlement

    Zolotarevskoye settlement - archaeological site, dating back to the 3rd–4th centuries.

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    About Zolotorevo ancient settlement

    • The Zolotarevskoye settlement is located in the upper reaches of the Sura River, along the ravine through which the Medoevka River flows, 0.5 km northwest of the center of the urban-type settlement Zolotarevka, Penza region.
    • Here in 1237 a major battle took place between the defenders of the medieval town and the Mongol troops marching towards Rus'.
    • The archaeological monument Zolotarevskoe settlement certainly deserves to become a tourist attraction. This is a unique complex representing real evidence heroic defense of peoples of Eastern Europe against the Mongol army. Archaeological finds and research at the site and for the development play an important role Russian archeology, as well as history and culture in general.
    • The territory of the battlefield, one of the most striking among medieval antiquities, was discovered only recently, but has already attracted the attention of a huge number of amateurs and professionals of medieval history.
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    Forest Museum. Akhuns

    The Penza Forest Museum is located in one of the halls of the two-story building of the Ministry of Forestry, Hunting and Environmental Management of the Penza Region.

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    Rostock pier. Penza

    The two-day route “Sursky Yar” ends on the banks of the Surana River at the pier at the “Rostock” monument - the symbol of the Suran region. The alley of the square on Glory Street, framed by trees, leads to this monument, symbolizing the growth and prosperity of Russia. Sura embankment and Observation deck Rostok is a favorite place for Penza residents and tourists.

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    • The problem of environmental education of citizens, the formation of an ecological culture of society is closely intertwined with the problem of preserving the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia, which, in fact, is their inextricable component.
    • That is why the development of environmental awareness of society through the promotion of traditional national values, in particular, in the form of organizing integrated tourist routes, seems to be one of the most promising areas today.