Lakes are different: large, small, deep, shallow, drying up, etc. etc. but there is one lake on the border of Peru and Bolivia, which bears the title of the highest above sea level. Titicaca - that’s exactly what it’s called, a little ridiculous and even funny for the Russian ear. The name of the lake, translated from the Indian language, means “Puma Rock” (kaka - rock and titi - puma - a sacred animal of the Quechua tribes.

It is located at an altitude of 3812 meters above sea level, you must agree, it is impressive, because even some mountain ranges cannot boast of such figures. It is believed that the modern size of the lake (8300) is only a remnant of what it used to be; the ancient reservoir was simply huge. This is proven by the fact that the chemical composition of water taken from the lake is very close to that of the ocean.

Lake Titicaca has a maximum length of 190 km and a maximum width of 80 km. The narrow Tikuina Strait divides the lake into two bodies of water. On the topic of Russian perception of Latin American names: about sixty kilometers from Lake Titicaca there is a city with a very terrible thing for the Russian language - the plague. But the residents themselves have no idea why Russians are so surprised by the name of their nice, friendly city.

Concerning weather conditions reigning over the water surface of this remarkable lake, it is quite cold there due to the altitude. For most of the year, the shores of Lake Titicaca are covered with ice, in the center the temperature is constant (11-12), but despite this the region is considered navigable, the most big city- the port on the shore of the lake is Puno (118 thousand people. It is worth noting that the lake with a maximum depth of 281 m is the largest reserve of fresh water in South America. Although it cannot be called completely fresh, since the salinity of the water in it is about 1%. In the lake more than 300 rivers flow from the glaciers surrounding the altiplano and the Desaguadero River flows into closed lake Poopo in Bolivia.

The highland lake region is a legacy of the now extinct Tiahuanaco culture, which was displaced by the modern Aymara Indians at the end of the first millennium AD. The culture left its mark on history in the form of a well-preserved settlement with an area of ​​just over 40 hectares. The style and quality of construction suggests that civilization for that time and itself South America was quite developed. From under the layers of the earth, archaeologists excavated an entire town with preserved neighborhoods, streets, houses and even a small pyramid. A 15 m high pyramid called akapana, according to historians, it was a continuation temple complex. Still, the complex was surrounded by a wall, of which not much has survived to this day, but, nevertheless, the monolithic gates still adorn the entrance. The image of a deity and unreal creatures running towards him is still a matter of debate as to who the inhabitants of the lost civilization worshiped.

Only if you believe the legends among local residents, then at the bottom of the lake there is ancient city Wanaku. Divers found fragments of walls, sculptures, and houses there, but the legend about the city has not yet been confirmed.

The most big lake in the world - the Caspian Sea. About 70 names are known, which were given to it by the peoples living on its shores at different times.

There is a theory that Black and Caspian Sea were one about 10,000 years ago. Today the Caspian Sea is the largest salt water lake in the world.

His official name descended from the Caspians - tribes inhabiting the southeastern Transcaucasia in the second millennium BC. Today, the territories of the Caspian coast belong to five states. Most of the Caspian region is owned by Turkmenistan. Other sections of its shores are shared by Kazakhstan, Iran and Azerbaijan. Iranians still call the Khazar Sea.

The area of ​​the Caspian Sea is 371,000 km². Despite the fact that it is considered a lake, the reservoir can be classified as a full-fledged sea, since its bottom is composed of oceanic crust. In addition, the Caspian Sea is very large. Its area is only 6000 km² smaller than Japan. But why is the Caspian Sea called a lake? Because it does not have access to the ocean and is closed.

If we consider the Caspian Sea to be a lake, it will be the largest in the world. Although there are still debates about whether the Caspian Sea should be classified as a sea or a lake. But most experts consider it a closed reservoir. Among the lakes, it is the third deepest after Baikal and Tanganyika. Northern part The Caspian Sea is quite shallow, and on average its depth is only 5-6 meters. In the southern region called the South Caspian, maximum depth reaches 1025 m.

The water level is currently steadily decreasing. It falls by 6.72 cm annually. This already happened in the 20th century. In 1977, the water level dropped to 29 m below sea level, although it very quickly recovered to optimal levels. Fortunately, the historical minimum has not yet been reached. Over the last twenty years, the Caspian Sea has become shallower by 1.4 m. Geophysicists believe that global warming is to blame, causing changes in the Caspian ecosystem. If this continues, by the end of the 21st century the reservoir will dry out completely.

Lake Baikal is the most deep lake in the world (up to 1642 meters in depth). It is located in the southern part Eastern Siberia(70 km from Irkutsk) and takes first place in the TOP most deep lakes peace.

Lake Issyk-Kul is the deepest in Central Asia (702 meters)

Olkhon Island on Lake Baikal (Jason Rogers /

Lake Tanganyika, Central Africa

Lake Vostok, Antarctica

Caspian Sea, Baku

Lake San Martin (O'Higgins)

Lake Malawi is the deepest in Africa (706 meters)

Great Slave Lake. Canada

Crater Lake, the deepest lake in the United States, Oregon

Lake Matano is 590 meters deep

As you know, 70% of the earth's surface is water. Therefore, it would probably be more logical to call our planet the Planet of Water.

The Earth's hydro resources are represented by the following categories: oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, small rivers, ponds, springs and springs - this is the sequence of dimensional gradation that we have all become accustomed to since childhood. Meanwhile, in each category there may be an example that will surpass the category in front in its characteristics.

Some lake storms are in no way inferior to sea disturbances, while the depth of others is several times greater than the greatness of the sea depths. It is these water giants that are worth getting to know in more detail. So, let me present the ranking of the 10 deepest lakes in the world.

The highest mountain lake in the world - Wikipedia. Panch Pokhari

One of the highest mountain lakes in the world is located in Nepal and represents five cleanest reservoirs. Panch Pokhari is located in the Makalu-Barun Nature Reserve, surrounded by snow-capped mountains. The height of the reservoir is 5,494 meters above sea level.

Unlike Ojos del Salado, Panch Pokhari can be visited by anyone, regardless of physical ability, but in the company of a guide. During tourist route travelers will have time not only to admire the landscapes of untouched mountainous areas, but also to join the culture and way of life local population.

The saltiest lake in the world. Mineral Lake

A mineral lake is a lake whose salinity (mineralization) exceeds 1 ppm. The water from such reservoirs has a strong taste and is unsuitable for drinking without additional treatment.

Mineral lakes are divided into brackish (from 1 to 25 ppm), saline (from 25 to 50 ppm) and saline (over 50 ppm).

According to their chemical composition, mineral lakes are divided into carbonate (soda), sulfate (bitter-salty) and chloride (salty).

The vast majority of salt lakes are endorheic reservoirs located in an arid climate. Fresh rivers can flow into the lakes, however, when the water evaporates, the minerals deposited settle.

Lake levels can fluctuate significantly depending on the time of year and weather conditions. When the volume of water decreases, the salinity of the lake increases, and when it increases, it decreases.

Chemical raw materials are mined in mineral lakes: in carbonate lakes - soda, in sulfate lakes - mirabilite, in chloride lakes - table salt.

The biggest salt lake The land is the Caspian Sea.

Lake Balkhash is unique in its own way: part of it contains fresh water, part of it contains salt water.

For the title of "most clean lake“Several bodies of water located in different parts of the world are fighting.

Blue - there is no equal in purity

Until recently, Baikal was considered the cleanest lake on Earth. However, it was recently moved from this unofficial pedestal by Blue Lake in New Zealand.

Its name in the Maori language is Rotomairewhenua, meaning "lake of peaceful land".

In 2011, research conducted by scientists showed that it is Blue Lake that deserves to bear the title of the cleanest lake. According to its transparency of water in Blue Lake comparable to distilled water, and the visibility of the water column is approximately 80 meters.

The Blue Lake is fed by the waters of the neighboring Lake Constance, in which they undergo a kind of filtration. The water in Blue Lake changes completely within 24 hours. Due to the landslide rocks that make up the bottom of the reservoir, the water in it has different shades:

  • Blue;
  • Emerald;
  • The rarest purple color, which distinguishes the cleanest bodies of water.

Issyk-Kul, in Kyrgyzstan, can also be considered one of the cleanest lakes in the world. Read about its exact location and features here.

The lake is located on the very big island New Zealand - South Island. Swimming and diving in Blue Lake are strictly prohibited not only because of its unique purity, but also because of its sacred status among the local Maori aborigines.

Bowman - crystal transparency

Lake Bowman, Montana, USA, is considered the clearest lake in the world. A small reservoir with an area of ​​less than 10 km² is located in the Glacier Nature Reserve.

The water in this lake is so clear that you can see every pebble at the bottom. The high transparency of Lake Bowman is maintained, in part, because there are practically no tourists here, although visiting the lake is not prohibited.

A dirt road leads to the lake, and on its coast there is a campsite where anyone can book a boat ride on the water or fishing.

Lakes are some of the most beautiful and mysterious natural objects. Among them are many record holders - the largest, the deepest. And in this article we will look at the highest mountain lakes in the world.

Lake on Mount Ojos del Salado

The lake, which shares its name with the volcano, is located at an altitude of almost 6,900 meters, making it the highest lake on Earth. It was formed in one of the small craters and is only one hundred meters wide and up to ten meters deep. They lead here excursion routes, since the volcano has been inactive for a long time. But not everyone dares to get very close to the crater itself.

In 1937, the peak was first conquered by climbers from Poland. As it turned out, this requires the best preparation; amateurs cannot climb there. On the slopes, buildings of the Incan tribe were found, in particular altars for sacrifices. The volcano is located in the Atacama Desert, the climate here is quite hot, so snow cap the top is acquired only in winter period. In summer the lake does not freeze and looks very beautiful from a helicopter.

Laguna Blanca and Laguna Verde

One of the most wonderful places in Bolivia is two beautiful lakes that climb to an altitude of almost 6400 meters. Numerous visitors to the Eduardo Avaroa Nature Reserve consider them to be one attraction. The lakes are distinguished not only by their high location, but also by many unique features. For example, Laguna Blanca has a white tint of water due to the high content of various minerals. And in strong winds, Laguna Verde turns emerald green: oxidized copper rises from the bottom. The combined view of the two brother lakes is simply unimaginably beautiful.

Laguna Blanca and Laguna Verde mean "Green" and "White Lagoon"

Laguna Blanca and Laguna Verde are located at the base of a volcano called Licancabur. Recent research has discovered another small lake there. It has not yet been given a name. Experienced travelers recommend visiting these places in the summer, but it is still better to take warm clothes with you: even at the height of the heat, it can be quite cold in the mountains.

Panch Pahari

This is an incredibly beautiful complex of five reservoirs, located at an elevation of about 5500 meters in Nepal national park Makalu-Barun. A large cluster of reservoirs with crystal water attracts tourists, and getting there is very easy even for beginners, although it is advisable to take a guide with you.

Although the lakes are quite far from large settlements, several small villages gradually settled around them. It must be very pleasant to live in these quiet mountainous places, although recently there are more and more curious tourists here. During excursions, attention is paid not only to lakes, but also to settlements in order to get acquainted with the life and cultural heritage local population.

Panch Pahari - famous place for Hindu pilgrimage


This body of water received its difficult name from the famous Buddhist preacher. Since the 8th century, residents of the Indian state of Sikkim have considered him a saint. The lake is located 5200 meters above sea level. Every year hundreds of pilgrims come here, eager to drink from the lake of the wonderful healing liquid - after all, according to legend, this water heals all diseases.

The lake is shrouded in a shroud beautiful stories. One of them: several hundred years ago, a famous Tibetan guru came to visit the lake, found a suitable stick on its shore and made himself a staff.

Returning home and burying the staff in the ground, he was surprised to see that in just a few days twigs and leaves appeared on it, and over time a beautiful tree with a spreading crown and round leaves grew.

In turn, it is absolutely known that all Buddhist leaders always visit the miraculous lake Gurudongmar in order to touch the divine power.

The reservoir never freezes, so its waters are available to all sufferers even in winter


The height of this reservoir above sea level is 3800 meters, this is the highest water surface among the Western Cordillera. Several dozen rivers flow into the lake, but only one stream flows out - the deep Desanuadero. Titicaca – main source water for all people living on the nearby mountain plateau.

There is a lot on the surface of the lake small islands, especially famous of which are the Lake of the Sun and the Lake of the Moon, with which an unusual legend is associated about the gods and their son, who founded the city of Cusco and a temple here in honor of his parent. The best time to see Titicaca is in the early morning, when the rising sun is reflected in its impeccably smooth surface. At the height of the day, when the luminary is located in the center of the sky, the light expanse of water provides a sharp contrast with the dark silhouettes of the mountains. And in the evening the setting sun colors the water in crimson-red tones. Often in the evening a storm can break out.

According to the research of historians, life existed here 10 thousand years ago, these were the Indians of the Uru tribe

Traveling around the world is always very interesting; every country has something to see. And a great option is to admire the lost alpine lakes as wonderful natural phenomena.

Beautiful lakes in Europe that you must see

All lakes are beautiful in themselves, but not as beautiful as these Beautiful Lakes of Europe! From a luxury villa on Lake Como to the absolute tranquility of Lake Saima in Finland, here are the most beautiful lakes in Europe!

1. Lake Como in Italy

The first time I saw Lake Como was from the window of a taxi. As soon as I stepped off the train from Switzerland I immediately felt a change in pace. I was no longer in sleepy villages, but instead experiencing all the vibrancy of Italy from the local people and gorgeous little towns full of life! Lake Como was everything I imagined it to be and more - stunning lakeside villas, vibrant towns, and most importantly... incredible Gelato.

2. Lake Bled in Slovenia

Lake Bled is undoubtedly the most famous lake in Slovenia, but you will also find many beautiful lesser-known lakes in the country. This is a country that will surprise you with its vibrant landscapes.

3. Lake Garda in Italy

Lake Garda in Italy is another one of the most beautiful lakes in Europe and a very famous place in Italy. With a variety of Italian architecture visible everywhere you look, it will appeal to travelers who like to feel like they've stepped back in time.

4. Lake Annecy in France

There is nowhere else that is as charming and picturesque city Like Annecy, the added bonus of this city is its beautiful lake located in France.

5. Lake Hallstatt in Austria

There is probably nothing more beautiful than a lakeside village, and I am sure of it. This small magnificent village is generally regarded as one of the best places in Austria to visit – both in summer and winter (a layer of snow on the roofs adds romance!).

6. Lake Geneva (Leman) in Switzerland

When I visited Geneva a few years ago, I was surprised by the scale of the city. The best way to escape the city is to go down to Lake Geneva (a huge lake), and wander along the lakeshore.

7. Lake Bohinj in Slovenia

Another beauty of Slovenia is the much photographed Lake Bohinj. This lake is the largest lake in Slovenia, the lake size is 318 hectares. The scenery around the lake is stunning to say the least, so be sure to take a day or two to explore the area!

8. Lake Obersee in Germany

Obersee is one of the three parts of Lake Königssee. It is located in Southern Germany on the border with Austria and Switzerland, this lake is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful in Europe. One of the most popular activities on the lake is to take a boat ride to see the beauty of the lake from the water - the surrounding landscape will amaze you!

9. Lake Saimaa in Finland

This is one of my favorites in Europe, Finland is filled with natural beauty everywhere you look. Lake Saimaa in south-eastern Finland is one of the most beautiful places, where you should go in the fall, when the colors of the surrounding trees really come to life (although I'm sure it's beautiful any time of year!)

10. Loch Ness in Scotland

Although the lake is not the most beautiful in Europe, Loch Ness is a must-see for anyone interested in visiting the legendary lake where the Loch Ness Monster lives! I recommend taking a boat and taking a ride on this lake!

Lakes are natural bodies of water, the bowls of which were filled not as a result of interaction with the World Ocean. They are often formed as a result of melting glaciers, earthquakes or as a consequence of volcanic eruptions. Scientists classify them based on different characteristics. For example, lowland and mountain lakes, fresh and salty, warm and cold. In addition, there are natural bodies of water on our planet that are dangerous for all living beings. And also those that attract millions of tourists to their shores with ancient secrets hidden in the water column. Today we will talk about the mountain lakes of the world that have interested us in one way or another.

"Eyes of the Planet"

Many lakes, according to scientists, are located in places of power. Therefore, local residents are often bearers of legends and traditions that have been accumulated for centuries in the memory of the peoples living near the lakes. They consider some bodies of water sacred and never approach their shores. There are especially many similar legends about the mountain lakes of Russia located in Altai. This region itself is a very strong emitter of earth energy. Locals claim that this is the birthplace of spirits, and bodies of water are portals through which they penetrate into our world.

However, not only in our country there are unique lakes, attracting the attention of tourists and scientists from all over the world. We will begin our article with a review of mountain lakes located in various parts of the planet.


In Kyrgyzstan there is a reservoir that has long received the proud title of the largest mountain lake. Issyk-Kul is amazing beautiful lake, located in the Tien Shan basin. Local residents consider it sacred and are ready to tell an endless number of legends about its origin. They are all so fantastic that it is quite difficult to find even a grain of truth in them. However, before the Russians came to these quiet shores, the Kirghiz practically did not approach the lake without any particular reason. They didn’t fish on its surface and didn’t even know what it was like to relax near a mountain lake.

The reservoir is quite deep, the maximum recorded depth is seven hundred meters. The length of the lake exceeds one hundred and seventy-eight kilometers, and the water temperature often reaches a comfortable twenty-six degrees. This significantly distinguishes Issyk-Kul from other mountain lakes, which remain very cold at any time of the year. But the water of this amazing emerald reservoir does not freeze even in severe cold.

Local residents told researchers that once, thousands of years ago, on the site of the lake there was a beautiful and rich city, whose population lived in peace and prosperity. One day they suffered terrible disaster: the mountains shook, opened up, and water poured from the bowels of the earth into the emerald valley, flooding everything around. Only a few young girls who went to the mountains for firewood before the earthquake managed to escape. When they returned, they saw a serene lake surface in place of their houses. The beauties cried so bitterly that the water acquired a salty taste, and remained salty for many millennia.

Some legends say that somewhere on the shores of Issyk-Kul, the mighty Tamerlane bequeathed to be buried. His warriors fulfilled the request of their military leader, and time razed his mound to the ground so that no one would desecrate the grave of the great conqueror.

Be that as it may, the legend of the flooded city has a basis. Scientists studying the lake eleven years ago discovered at its bottom the remains of some kind of ancient civilization. According to preliminary estimates, the age of the buildings is two and a half thousand years. So, perhaps, our contemporaries have yet to uncover the secret of the mountain lake.

Plitvice Lakes

These bodies of water cannot exactly be called a single lake, but once upon a time that was exactly what they were. With time huge lake evolved into an interconnected system of sixteen small natural bowls filled with water. They are connected to each other in a cascade the most beautiful waterfalls, along which there are special routes for tourists suspension bridges made of wood. If you wish, you can go around almost all one hundred waterfalls, because choosing the most beautiful of them is simply impossible. Interestingly, the lakes are separated from each other by very thin and fragile dams formed from organic matter. The point is that in this place Croatia's climate means that fallen trees, grass and leaf litter don't just rot, but turn into limestone deposits that grow at a rate of one centimeter per year.

"Slumbering Dragon": the most dangerous lake in Central Asia

This beautiful body of water in Tajikistan is one of the youngest mountain lakes in the world and at the same time the most terrible. And the very history of the formation of the turquoise Lake Sarez is connected with tragic events.

A hundred years ago, on the site of the reservoir there were mountain villages, but a powerful earthquake in the Pamirs caused an unprecedented landslide, which formed a dam more than five hundred meters high, blocking the mountain river Mugrab. As a result, water rushed into the valley, flooding two villages. However, many local residents managed to escape, because the bowl was filling quite slowly.

Today the lake is located at an altitude of three thousand two hundred and sixty-three meters above sea level. Its depth is five hundred and five meters, and the volume of water exceeds sixteen billion cubic meters. Over the hundred years of its existence, Lake Sarez gradually broke through the dam that formed it; according to the latest data, there are already fifty-seven springs in it.

It’s not for nothing that local residents call this body of water the “slumbering dragon,” because any serious new earthquake in the Pamirs could cause a dam collapse, the consequences of which would be terrifying for the whole of Central Asia. The rushing stream of water, mud and stones, sweeping away everything in its path, will affect the territories of several states, where about seven million people now live.

Grüner See

Reviews of a mountain lake in Austria posted on the Internet force experienced divers to go to the Alps to see this unusual place with their own eyes. Grüner See is located at an altitude of seven hundred and seventy-six meters above sea level. Snowboarders and fans often come here in winter alpine skiing, but at this time the lake does not attract the attention of tourists, because its depth does not exceed two meters.

With the arrival of spring, melting snow feeds the lake, which spreads over many kilometers, absorbing parts beautiful park with all the buildings. This is what attracts scuba divers here, diving into the emerald waters of the Grüner See to see sculptures, bridges and benches that have briefly become part of the mountain reservoir.


This place is absolutely unique, fans know it extreme species sports and photographers who often come to Kazakhstan. The lake is located at an altitude of two thousand meters and is not distinguished by the clarity of its water, depth or unusual topography. Its main feature is the abundance of submerged trees rising from the depths. Depending on the lighting and the play of shadows, the lake appears to tourists in a bizarre and sometimes eerie form.

Lake of Death

IN Ural mountains Lake Karachay is located, which is now deadly for anyone caught on its shores. The fact is that its waters have become a repository for radioactive waste since the middle of the last century. Nobody knows how many tons are buried here, but five minutes on the shore of a reservoir is enough to receive a lethal dose of radiation. It is known that about sixty years ago, a drought contributed to the transport of contaminated dust over long distances. This caused a real environmental disaster, which affected about five hundred thousand people.

Lake of Mountain Spirits

This place is located in Altai and the most terrible local legends are associated with it, which, however, only provoke tourists and adventurers. The lake is located at an altitude of two and a half thousand meters and is part of the Kara-Oyuk valley.

Local residents say that this reservoir has always been hidden from human sight, because it was here that the souls of those who did a lot of evil to others were attracted. The lake lies surrounded lead rocks, from which the cold of the grave emanates. Surprisingly, there are no animals or even birds flying near the reservoir, and on some slopes facing the water, almost no grass grows. Locals claim that everyone who has ever found this lost lake, was punished by spirits. These people returned to their villages and only had time to talk about the strange leaden fog hovering over the lake. Dark shadows came out of it every now and then, which were called spirits. Usually after this the storytellers died in terrible agony. The Altai people themselves claim that if the spirits do not favor the guests, then it becomes difficult for people to breathe after just five minutes of being on the shore. Some experienced dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

Scientists have been able to prove that there are large deposits of mercury in this area. On certain days, vapors rise above the surface of the earth and concentrate above the water. The concentration of mercury in this fog is so high that a person can receive a fatal dose of poisoning in just five to ten minutes. But on other days it’s quite safe to be near the lake, but it’s impossible to know this in advance.

Seven lakes on the Iolgo ridge

For those who dream of a holiday in unusual place, we advise you to consider the Karakol Lakes in the Altai Mountains. These seven reservoirs are located at different heights on a kind of natural staircase. Moreover, the distance between the lakes does not exceed eight hundred meters. The highest body of water is at an altitude of two thousand meters and is small in size. As it goes down, the area of ​​the lake increases.

In the Karakol Lakes area there are very few animals and practically no fish. Therefore, people come here for the picturesque views, replete with cedar forests, meadows and waterfalls. You can stay overnight near the reservoir in a tent camp or at a recreation center near the fifth lake.

Lake Teletskoye

This freshwater body of water is second in volume only to the famous Lake Baikal. Lake Teletskoye is considered one of the deepest and most unique in the entire territory of the Altai Mountains. Absolutely all tourists strive to come here, because this pearl is simply incredibly beautiful.

Lake Teletskoye has practically no shores in the usual sense of the word; it is completely surrounded mountain range, giving it an unusual impressive flavor. You cannot swim in the reservoir; its water never warms up above eighteen degrees. But tourists can enjoy relict cedar forests and even dive to the bottom of the lake. Diving has recently become a very popular activity here. Despite the fact that there are practically no inhabitants in the cold water at depth, scuba divers still manage to see rare fish and find the petrified remains of huge trees.

Spending the night in tents on the lake shore is prohibited. Therefore, the Mountain Lake base hospitably opens its doors to all tourists ( Mountain Altai). Here you can stay in comfortable houses of various types. At the Mountain Lake tourist center (Altai), travelers can choose from two comfortable cottages, eleven houses with a glass wall, and two buildings designed for several dozen residents. Also, the camp site has all the benefits of civilization, allowing you to have a great vacation on the shores of Lake Teletskoye.

A few words instead of a conclusion

As you can see, our planet is rich in amazing and beautiful places that you want to see with your own eyes. In addition, the lakes we talked about today are an unknown source of information for scientists. After all, it is unknown what other secrets their transparent, inhospitable waters hide.

Many people believe the highest mountain lake in the world Lake Titicaca, located on the border of Bolivia and Peru at an altitude of 3812. In fact, there are lakes higher. But Titicaca is the largest alpine lake where navigation is even possible.

This lake attracts many tourists, amazing them with its beauty and grandeur. Its name has Indian roots and is translated as “stone puma.” If you look at the lake from above, its outline slightly resembles the silhouette of this animal sacred to the Indians.


The average depth of the lake is 150 m, but there are also deeper places, up to 280 m. Many rivers flow into Titicaca mountain rivers, therefore the water in it is cold, its temperature is about 10o C. The lake is very large, its area is 8300 km2, and 32 inhabited islands rise on its mirror surface. People are born and die here, sometimes without even leaving their home islands.

In addition to natural ones, there are also 44 artificial floating islands on the lake, inhabited by mestizos. The islands are made of reed and clay. The boats on which the descendants of the Indians sail on the lake, as well as the huts in which they live, are made from reeds. Reed roots are used as food. Local Indians taught how to weave reed boats famous traveler Thor Heyerdahl.

Men fish and women do handicrafts. Both are sold, and in exchange, food is bought in addition to the main dish - fish. When the wind picks up, huts can be torn from their places and carried away. But people don’t want their own islands; the lake feeds and waters them.

Sometimes, due to weeks of rain, the rivers flowing into Titicaca overflow, the water level in the lake rises to four meters, and then the villages located on its banks are flooded.

Many legends are associated with the sacred lake. One of them talks about the gold of the Inca Indians, who, fleeing from the Spaniards, hid it at the bottom of Titicaca. Jean Yves Cousteau, having explored the lake in a small submarine, did not find gold, but he did find a frog, the size of which reached 80 cm.

Of course, there are higher altitude lakes than Titicaca. They are less known because they are located high in the mountains. In Bolivia, at the foot of the Licancabur volcano at an altitude of 6390 m, there are two lakes - Laguna Verde and Laguna Blanca. The color of the water in these lakes is green, mainly due to copper oxide.

There is a small nameless lake located even higher - at an altitude of 6891 m. We can say that this the highest lake in the world. It is located on the border of Chile and Argentina and is a volcanic crater. The depth of this lake with ice water is 10 m, its diameter is 100 m.

Lakes are one of the most beautiful and mysterious natural objects. Among them are many record holders - the largest, the deepest. And in this article we will look at the highest mountain lakes in the world.

Lake on Mount Ojos del Salado

The lake, which shares its name with the volcano, is located at an altitude of almost 6,900 meters, making it the highest lake on Earth. It was formed in one of the small craters and is only one hundred meters wide and up to ten meters deep. Excursion routes lead here, since the volcano has been inactive for a long time. But not everyone dares to get very close to the crater itself.

In 1937, the peak was first conquered by climbers from Poland. As it turned out, this requires the best preparation; amateurs cannot climb there. On the slopes, buildings of the Incan tribe were found, in particular altars for sacrifices. The volcano is located in the Atacama Desert; the climate here is quite hot, so the peak acquires a snow cap only in winter. In summer the lake does not freeze and looks very beautiful from a helicopter.

One of the most wonderful places in Bolivia is two beautiful lakes that climb to an altitude of almost 6400 meters. Numerous visitors to the Eduardo Avaroa Nature Reserve consider them to be one attraction. The lakes are distinguished not only by their high location, but also by many unique features. For example, Laguna Blanca has a white tint of water due to the high content of various minerals. And in strong winds, Laguna Verde turns emerald green: oxidized copper rises from the bottom. The combined view of the two brother lakes is simply unimaginably beautiful.

Laguna Blanca and Laguna Verde mean "Green" and "White Lagoon"

Laguna Blanca and Laguna Verde are located at the base of a volcano called Licancabur. Recent research has discovered another small lake there. It has not yet been given a name. Experienced travelers recommend visiting these places in the summer, but it is still better to take warm clothes with you: even at the height of the heat, it can be quite cold in the mountains.

This is an incredibly beautiful complex of five reservoirs, located at an elevation of about 5500 meters in the Nepalese Makalu-Barun National Park. A large cluster of reservoirs with crystal water attracts tourists, and getting there is very easy even for beginners, although it is advisable to take a guide with you.

Although the lakes are quite far from large settlements, several small villages gradually settled around them. It must be very pleasant to live in these quiet mountainous places, although recently there are more and more inquisitive tourists here. During excursions, attention is paid not only to lakes, but also to settlements in order to get acquainted with the life and cultural heritage of the local population.

Panch Pahari is a famous place of pilgrimage for Hindu devotees.

This body of water received its difficult name from the famous Buddhist preacher. Since the 8th century, residents of the Indian state of Sikkim have considered him a saint. The lake is located 5200 meters above sea level. Every year hundreds of pilgrims come here, eager to drink from the lake of the wonderful healing liquid - after all, according to legend, this water heals all diseases.

The lake is shrouded in a veil of beautiful stories. One of them: several hundred years ago, a famous Tibetan guru came to visit the lake, found a suitable stick on its shore and made himself a staff.

Returning home and burying the staff in the ground, he was surprised to see that in just a few days twigs and leaves appeared on it, and over time a beautiful tree with a spreading crown and round leaves grew.

In turn, it is absolutely known that all Buddhist leaders always visit the miraculous lake Gurudongmar in order to touch the divine power.

The reservoir never freezes, so its waters are available to all sufferers even in winter


The height of this reservoir above sea level is 3800 meters, this is the highest water surface among the Western Cordillera. Several dozen rivers flow into the lake, but only one stream flows out - the deep Desanuadero. Titicaca is the main source of water for all people living on the nearby mountain plateau.

On the surface of the lake there are many small islands, the most famous of which are the Lake of the Sun and the Lake of the Moon, which are associated with an unusual legend about the gods and their son, who founded the city of Cusco and a temple here in honor of his parent. The best time to see Titicaca is in the early morning, when the rising sun is reflected in its impeccably smooth surface. At the height of the day, when the luminary is located in the center of the sky, the light expanse of water provides a sharp contrast with the dark silhouettes of the mountains. And in the evening the setting sun colors the water in crimson-red tones. Often in the evening a storm can break out.

Traveling around the world is always very interesting; every country has something to see. And a great option is to admire the lost alpine lakes as wonderful natural phenomena.

Today TravelAsk invites you to take a walk along the most amazing lakes. And they are amazing because they are located very high in the mountains and hidden from human eyes. This means that they have preserved a unique ecosystem, and few tourists have had the opportunity to enjoy their beauty. So, TOP 5 of the highest mountain lakes on our planet.

TOP 5: Lakes Laguna Verde and Laguna Blanca

These two lakes are located at an altitude of 4,300 meters above sea level at the foot of the Licancabur volcano, which is located in Bolivia. By the way, there is also a small lake in its crater.

The lakes are of stunning beauty: their water is emerald green.

The fact is that they contain many different deposits, including copper, arsenic, calcium and lead. But despite this, bacteria and plankton live in the water. Laguna Verde more large lake and always invariably emerald in color, Laguna Blanca is much smaller in size. The latter has its own characteristics: it can change color. Usually the water in it is milky, but sometimes it also turns emerald. The fact is that there are much less substances in it than in the first one, but as soon as the wind blows, the color changes, since there are multiple deposits of copper at the bottom.

In addition, the area near Licancabur is one of the driest places on the planet; precipitation falls very rarely here, so there is no vegetation. Thanks to this, the views here are very impressive: clay-colored soil, emerald water and a majestically towering volcano surrounded by other equally picturesque mountains. And all this beauty is complemented by the flamingos that live in these places.

It is not surprising that the lakes are popular with tourists.

TOP 4: Lake Chungara

This amazing body of water is located in Chile at an altitude of 4,570 meters, its area is more than 21 square meters. km. Pristine nature has been preserved here with its rare inhabitants, many of which are almost never found at the foot of the Andes.

In addition, old buildings have been preserved on the banks of the Chungara: people once lived here. Therefore, reservoirs attract not only climbers who want to conquer local peaks, but also history buffs.

Well, look at Sahama - a snow-covered extinct volcano, next to which Chungara is located.

TOP 3: Lake Gurudongmar

This body of water is located in India, in the state of Sikkim, at an altitude of 5,148 meters above sea level. Buddhists gave him his name in honor of the teacher Padmasambhava, better known as Guru Rinpoche. He is the founder of Buddhism in Tibet. A preacher visited the lake in the 8th century, since then it has been considered sacred: thousands of pilgrims come here every year to bathe in this water. The water here is believed to have healing properties.

The lake is unusual: in winter it freezes, but not all of it; a small part of the reservoir remains untouched by ice and frost. Buddhists believe that during the pilgrimage, teacher Padmasambhava placed his hands on this place, and therefore it does not become covered with ice.

By the way, it is not so easy for ordinary tourists to get here: they need special permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Delhi.

TOP 2: Lakes Panch Pokhari

These are five lakes with crystal water, surrounded by mountains. They are located in the highest mountainous country - . The reservoirs are located at an altitude of 5494 meters above sea level. Hindu pilgrims come here regularly.

In general, these places are mysterious and fabulous: he is. For example, it will be difficult for an unprepared person to breathe so high, however, despite this, there are quite a lot of villages near the lake. People here live secludedly and calmly, in accordance with wildlife. If you ever manage to visit these Amazing places, pay attention to these settlements, they are wonderful with their colorful life and special history.

TOP 1: Ojos del Salado

Well, the record holder of our TOP can be seen during the climb to the very top high volcano on the planet - Ojos del Salado. The volcano is located near the border and Argentina. By the way, we have already talked about him.

The lake “took refuge” at an altitude of 6,390 meters above sea level. The reservoir is only 100 meters in diameter and 10 meters deep, but it is the highest source of fresh water on Earth.