How does the fountain work? and got the best answer

Answer from Aleksandr Karnaukh[guru]
A fountain is a device in which water flows from a source (lat. fons), falls into a bowl of some kind and is used again. Fountains are classified into sculptural, static, color-dynamic and musical fountains.
Any fountain represents a water cycle. The reservoir can be a real pond inhabited by animals and plants, or a modest plastic container hidden in the base of the sculpture.
The fountain can also be installed “on land”. This is what is usually done if we're talking about about stone decorative fountains or sculptural compositions with flowing water. In this case, a fountain bowl is installed under the base of the sculpture. The height of a decorative fountain depends on the water pressure and the size of the reservoir, the shape of the fountain depends on the nozzle. The nozzle forms the water flow, and this ultimately determines the appearance of the fountain.
The structure of any fountain is a cycle in which water rises upward with the help of a pump and then flows down the stone into a container. Thus, we are talking about a closed system in which the used water is gradually renewed, since the initial supply of water is no longer sufficient by a certain time.
A fountain brings noise, movement and sparkling water to the garden. Fountains look great in decorative ponds. The design of fountains is very diverse - large bowls with water falling from one bowl to another, or simple gutters producing a soft murmur of water flowing into an urn. In addition to the many free-standing decorative fountains, there are also natural-style fountains where water flows directly from pebbles, millstones or rocks.
Today it doesn’t even matter whether there is suburban area natural pond: modern technology allows you to build a decorative fountain almost from scratch
Source: Wikipedia and

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How does the fountain work?

Panova A.R. 1

Makhalina E.N. 1

1 Municipal educational institution "Secondary comprehensive school No. 16" Kopeisk urban district

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Fire, water, earth, air - all life revolves around the four natural elements. Man has long learned to use them to his advantage. Each of us perceives the murmur of water, just like the ticking of a clock, dancing flames or clouds floating across the sky, strictly individually. It depends on the person’s temperament, his mood and well-being. Sound guides, as a rule, allow you to relax and calm down, recharge with new strength and think.

One day I came across a book to read on physics. Leafing through it, I saw that you can make a fountain at home. I was interested in two questions: how the fountain works and whether I could make it myself at home with the help of adults. Current This topic is also because it is now popular to have decorative fountains at home.

Object of study: fountain

Subject of study: operating principle of various fountains

Target: identifying the features of the flow fountain and Heron’s fountain


1. study various sources of information on this topic;

2. study the operating principle of a flow fountain and Heron’s fountain;

3. conduct an experiment; analyze, draw conclusions.

Hypothesis: if we find out how the fountain works, we might be able to build a model to demonstrate it

Research methods: experiment, observation, analysis, generalization.

Chapter 1. general characteristics fountains

1.1. Fountains: history

The first fountains appeared in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, as evidenced by images on ancient tombstones. Initially they were used for watering cultivated crops and ornamental plants. The Egyptians built fountains in orchards near the house, where they were installed in the middle of a rectangular pond.

Similar fountains were used in Mesopotamia and Persia, which were famous for their beautiful gardens. Here in the East they gained even greater popularity.

Fountains were of great importance in China and Japan. In the creation of the famous Japanese garden Buddhist monks participated in Kyoto. Each element of this garden carries a special meaning and evokes a certain mood and state of mind in visitors.

The landscape and architectural basis for fountains and gardens in Europe were Persian gardens. In the Middle Ages, gardens appeared at monasteries and, like the Persian garden, were divided into four parts - for flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruit trees. In the middle of the garden there was a well or fountain - a place of solitude, reflection and prayer for the novices of the monastery. But basically, as in Ancient world, in the Middle Ages, fountains were used as sources of water supply - for irrigation and drinking.

Only with the beginning of the Renaissance did fountains in Europe become part of architectural ensemble, its bright accent, and sometimes its main element.

In modern fountains, a significant role is played by Hi-tech, new inventions.

1.2. How do fountains work?

The fountain's design is based on the principle of communicating vessels. (Appendix, Figure 1) In communicating vessels of any shape and cross-section, the surfaces of a homogeneous liquid are set at the same level. The water is collected in a container located above the fountain basin. In this case, the water pressure at the outlet of the fountain will be equal to the difference in water heights. Accordingly than more difference these heights, the stronger the pressure and the higher the fountain jet hits. The diameter of the fountain outlet also affects the height of the fountain jet. The smaller it is, the higher the fountain shoots. (Appendix, Figure 1)

Fountain of Heron. (Appendix, Figure 2) The device consists of three vessels placed directly above each other and communicating with each other: the lower two are closed, and the upper one has the shape of an open bowl into which water is poured, as well as into the middle vessel through a hole in the bottom of the bowl , then closed. Through an open tube running from the bottom of the bowl almost to the bottom of the lowest vessel, water flows down from the bowl and, compressing the air there, thereby increasing its elasticity. The lower vessel is connected to the middle one through an open tube, starting at its upper bottom and going to the upper bottom of the middle vessel, so that the air located here above the surface of the water is also compressed. By exerting pressure on the water, the air forces it to rise from the middle vessel through a special tube, drawn almost from its bottom to the upper bowl, where a fountain gushes from the end of this tube, rising above the surface of the water. The height of the fountain, under ideal conditions, is equal to the difference in water surface levels in the middle and lower vessels. But friction of the liquid moving in the tubes and other reasons reduce the height of the fountain. The fountain water falling into the bowl flows from it through a tube into the lower compartment of the device, where the water level gradually rises, and therefore the height of the pressure column, measured from the said level to the water level in the bowl, gradually decreases; The water level in the middle vessel decreases as the fountain consumes water. For these two reasons, the height of the fountain gradually decreases and, finally, the movement of water stops.

The column of water in the upper vessel reaches its surface in the lower one, creating excess pressure in the lower vessel. Compressed air from the lower vessel transfers the resulting pressure to the middle vessel. (Appendix, Figure 2)

1.3. Types of fountains

Natural. Naturally formed fountains called geysers are known - as, for example, in Kamchatka.

Technogenic. An artificially created fountain is a gushing oil well. Batteries from many water fountains hot water used for cooling in thermal power plants. Decorative. In everyday life, a fountain is a specific hydraulic structure that usually performs a decorative function. Have a utilitarian function drinking fountains , allowing for increased hygienic safety when quenching the thirst of the mass consumer. Drinking fountains are used to provide drinking water in educational institutions, in production workshops. Musical. A musical fountain is a type of fountain that has an aesthetic design and, when combined with music, creates an artistic performance. The effect is achieved through the intersection of water waves and light effects created by spotlights or lasers.

1.4. Fountains in everyday life

A beautiful fountain is an excellent cure for stress, from the hustle and bustle of everyday life for city residents, an oasis of peace and joy, a place for relaxation and introspection.

Chapter 2. Experimental basis of the project

From the proposed operating principles of fountains, we built a flowing fountain operating on the law of communicating vessels, as well as Heron’s fountain.

2.1.Creation of the “City of Fountains” model (based on communicating vessels)

Equipment:(Appendix, Fig. 3; Photos 1-6)

A container for collecting water, 2 plastic bottles of the same size (water reservoirs), a dropper tube, an aquarium tube,

2 gel pen tips, 2 dropper tips, cardboard, glue, colored paper, fountain container, decoration.

2.Secure two plastic bottles (water tanks) to the supports.

3. Attach to them in the first case - 2 tubes from the dropper, in the second case - 2 tubes from the aquarium.

4. Lead the tubes through a container to collect water

5. Attach the tip from the dropper to the tubes in the first case, and in the second case - the tip from the helium pen.

6. Give an aesthetic appearance to the structure.

7. Conduct an experiment.

Research: Experience No. 1(appendix, photo 7, 8, 9, 10)

“Dependence of the height of the jet in a fountain on the relative position of communicating vessels”

Progress: By changing the height of the tank, with a constant diameter of the hole, we measured the height of the fountain jet.

Conclusion: the height of the fountain jet depends on the height of the vessel: the higher the vessel, the higher the fountain jet

Experience No. 2 ( application, photo 11)

“Dependence of the height of the jet in a fountain on the diameter of the hole”

Progress: Without changing the height of the reservoir, we took different tips: from a dropper and from a helium pen and measured the height of the jet.

Conclusion: The smaller the diameter of the outlet, the greater the height of the fountain jet.

Experiment No. 3 ( appendix, photo 12) “Dependence of the height of the jet in a fountain on the diameter of the tube of the communicating vessel”

Progress: Without changing the height of the tank, leaving the tips from the aquarium, we changed the tubes.

water tanks

vessel height


jet height

with an aquarium tip


jet height

with an aquarium tip

Conclusion: The larger the diameter of the tube, the higher the height of the fountain jet.

2.2. Creation of the “Heron’s Fountain” model

Equipment: ( Appendix, photo 13 - 19)

A container for collecting water, 2 plastic bottles of the same size (water reservoirs), a tube from a dropper, a tube for an aquarium, 2 tips from a helium pen, 2 tips from a dropper, cardboard, glue, colored paper, a container for a fountain, decorative design.

Process development

1. Preparation of the workplace, tools, materials.

2. Connect three identical-sized plastic jars together.

3. We create a tight seal of the containers and their connection points.

4. Before sealing, insert the tubes (Appendix, Scheme 1)

5. Conduct an experiment.

Study was that if we assembled the structure correctly, the fountain would work .

Principle of operation:

Bowl. Let's call it the starting point - the start from which the liquid begins its movement in the system of Heron's fountain. This is an ordinary open container made like a bowl or plate. From it, water flows through a thin tube into an empty container located at the very bottom of the fountain.

Bottom empty container. It serves two purposes. First, the water flowing from the bowl compresses the air contained in it and thereby creates the pressure necessary to push the water upward in a stream. And, secondly, water collects in it, which creates this pressure (that is, the water that flows down). Here it remains until the next recharge of the fountain.

The upper container - when charged, it contains water. It is this liquid that is pushed out in the form of a thin stream of water. It is pushed out thanks to compressed air - the pressure formed in the lower flask. This air enters the upper flask through a thin tube, displacing liquid from there, which, pouring out like a fountain, again enters the bowl, from where, again, it flows into the lower flask.

Conclusion: the diagram is correct - our Heron fountain works


I really enjoyed working on the fountain. It turned out quite beautiful. It was a very large and complex practical work, and of course, there were things that I didn’t succeed in, or that did work out. I learned a lot about fountains and their history. I conducted some experiments and drew conclusions.

Not all fountains use communicating vessels

in communicating vessels, a homogeneous liquid tends to be at the same level

the fountain flows not only due to the difference in heights of water in communicating vessels

There are not so many things that can work independently, without an external source of energy, and Heron’s fountain occupies a special place among them. Its main advantage is that it works thanks to the natural laws of nature, without spending external energy.

Information sources

1. Kirillova I.G. Physics reading book. 6-7 grade. A manual for students. Comp. I.G.Kirillova. M., “Enlightenment”, 1978

2. World of fountains. [Electronic resource]. - URL: http:// www. /fountain_history.html

3. Spyshnov P. A. Fountains. Description, designs, calculations. - M., 1950.

4. Dancing water. [Electronic resource]. - URL:

5. Fountains. [Electronic resource]. - URL:

6. Fountain of Heron. [Electronic resource]. - URL:

7. Fountain of Heron: how to make it. [Electronic resource]. - URL:


Figure 1. Fountain based on communicating vessels

Figure 2. Fountain of Heron

Figure 3. Layout of the “City of Fountains”

Scheme 1. Operating principle of Heron's fountain

Photo 1- 6. Creation of the “City of Fountains” layout

Photo 7. Pour water into the water tank Photo 8. Measure the height of the containers

Photos 9, 10. We measure the height of the fountain jet (primary result)

Photo 11, 12. We measure the height of the fountain jet (final result)

Photo 13. Material for the Heron fountain

Photo 14, 15. Treat surfaces with sealant

Photos 16, 17, 18, 19. Assembling the model of the Heron Fountain

Water and its sources have always been attractive to people. This applies not only to natural sources of water, but also to those created by the efforts and skills of man himself. Of course, we are talking about fountains.

What is the attraction of these buildings? The positive emotions that this non-stop water cycle can evoke are so alluring and magical. The design of the fountain can be different; modern technologies make it possible to create a fountain project that works virtually from scratch.

The classic design of a fountain requires the presence of two required elements:

  • bowl - its purpose is to separate water flow in various directions. Another purpose of the bowl is to hide pipe routing, equipment for adjusting water jets and lighting elements under a layer of water;
  • pumping station, located in most cases in the underground part of the fountain. Pumping equipment is usually represented by two pumps - the main one and the backup one.

There is also a replenishment system that allows you to maintain the water level necessary for the normal functioning of the fountain. Most often, this system operates in automatic mode using a solenoid valve connected to the control system.

The valve opens when a signal is sent from the measuring electrodes that the water level has dropped to the minimum permissible. Once the normal level is reached, the valve closes automatically.

The fountain drainage system is designed to remove water in anticipation of winter period or to clean the bowl.

The fountain device can include a lighting system consisting of:

  • sealed lamps installed in a bowl;
  • a control system consisting of a timer, step-down transformers and other equipment installed in the pumping station.

Types of fountains

Depending on the design features, fountains can be:

  • static;
  • color-dynamic;
  • sculptural;
  • musical.

The reservoir for ensuring the water cycle in the fountain can be either a natural source - a river, lake, pond, or a very small container, specially installed and decorated with plants or sculptures.

The appearance of the fountain determines its functional features. It can perform not only an aesthetic function, but also be a source of decorative lighting, as well as humidify and make hot summer air cooler.
The principle of operation of the fountain is explained in detail in the video:

It is famous for many such structures that were built in estates and on the territory of palaces. But they began to decorate streets, parks, and boulevards with particular activity in the first half of the 20th century. Today there are 700 different water features in the capital. The fountain season in Moscow is from early spring to autumn.

The meaning of fountains

They have always played a big role in the lives of native Muscovites and guests of the capital. Some people remember their first date, which took place in a public garden near a fountain; others will never forget their wedding day near the magnificent cascade that can be seen on Poklonnaya Hill.

It is a pity that today we more often perceive this magnificence as a kind of device that tells us about the change of season. Turned off means winter is coming, turned on means summer is ahead. Preoccupied with our own problems, we run past these magnificent structures without appreciating their beauty. Let's stop running for a moment and look at some of the fountains that decorate our capital.

Fountain at the Bolshoi Theater

This grandiose monument is known not only to Muscovites and all residents of the former Soviet Union, but also to many citizens foreign countries. He is business card capital Cities.

It was built in 1835. The author of the project is I. Vitali, a famous sculptor at that time. His creation became the first public fountain in Moscow, although similar designs have been known since the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich. It was he who organized water fun in Kolomenskoye using “foreign wonders.”

They planned to place a fountain on this site at the beginning of 1940. V.I. Dolganov worked on the creation of the project, but all the plans of the city planners were destroyed by the war. This issue was returned to only after the Great Victory. In 1987, the fountain and square near the Bolshoi Theater were dismantled. The fountain was restored only ten years later. The opening was timed to coincide with the 850th anniversary of our capital. But this was a different fountain, developed in the workshop of the Mosproekt-2 company.

The fountain was placed on an improvised podium in the center of the round square. The composition consists of three bowls containing two types of vases. Spectacular night lighting with colorful lanterns adds to the theatricality of this magnificent water feature.

Today, many fountains operate in the capital. Moscow is proud of these unique structures, but the Bolshoi Theater had and remains to this day a special attitude towards the construction. Perhaps because our dear WWII veterans chose this place for meetings on the day of the Great Victory.

"Rusalka" on Myasnitskaya

The photos you see in our article are all very different. They were built in different time, were designed by different architects, but they are all infinitely dear to the residents of the capital. Like, for example, the “Mermaid” fountain, located on Myasnitskaya Street. It is located in a small but cozy park near the Stroganov Art School.

Today there is no reliable information about who is the author and performer of the water maiden. This concrete sculpture in the center of the bowl is the body of a beautiful girl. It is beautifully curved. and the maiden's head are painted pink, blue and brown.

"The Rape of Europa"

The capital has very unusual and original fountains. Moscow received a composition called “The Rape of Europe” as a gift from the Belgian capital, Brussels. It was installed in 2002 at Kievsky railway station. Its author is avant-garde sculptor Olivier Streble.

The composition of the fountain is based on the figure of a bull in the interweaving of 18-meter pipes. The figure of the kidnapped Europa among the water jets is not easy to see, although experts say that the image of the girl is still present in the composition. It is symbolized by artfully curved pipes, visualizing charm and femininity.

The structure, made of stainless steel pipes, is located in the granite bowl of the dynamic light fountain. Its diameter is 26 meters.

Singing fountains in Moscow

Probably, even native Muscovites have not seen all the water facilities that exist in their city. As we have already said, you can see a variety of fountains in the capital. Moscow treats old structures with care, many of which today are historical monuments.

However, the biggest interest is in water structures with special effects. every evening attracts not only tourists from all over the world, but also local residents. The largest such fountain is located in the Tsaritsyno nature reserve, where Empress Catherine II loved to relax.

It was opened in 2007. The fountain is located in a natural reservoir. Its diameter is 55 meters, depth is 1.5 meters. The design consists of 900 jets. The computer controls the direction of flowing water, changing colors, music, according to a pre-developed program. Two works by P. I. Tchaikovsky (“March” and “Waltz of the Flowers”) and two melodies by Paul Mauriat are used here. This beautiful fountain works only in the spring-summer season. During the rest of the year it is covered with a protective awning.

There is also a singing fountain in Gorky Park. To see its color effects, you need to come to the park at 22.30. The performance lasts 30 minutes.

In 2005, on the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Second World War, the Music of Glory fountain was installed on Glory Square near the Kuzminki metro station. This building was not created for entertainment, but as a monument.

Anyone might be interested in the answer to the question - “ how does the fountain work?", because today you can quite often find fountains not only in squares and parks, but also in country houses or just at home on the table. Today fountains are classified into static, sculptural, musical and color-dynamic, but also into indoor ones: floor and tabletop. Despite their widespread use, as well as the variety of shapes and sizes, fountains have almost the same method of operation.

How does the fountain work?

Conditionally fountain can be characterized by a device in which water gushing from a source (in Latin means fons), then falling into a bowl of a certain shape, flows back into a container container and is then used again. In other words, a fountain is a mechanism for the water cycle. The reservoir or container can be a real pond or some kind of container, skillfully hidden, mainly in the base of the sculpture. If the fountain is installed “on land”, then under the base sculptural composition a fountain bowl is installed. The height of the fountain, in this case, directly depends on the size of the reservoir and water pressure. The shape or pattern of the fountain is determined by the nozzle, which shapes the flow of water and determines the appearance of the fountain.

In a closed circulation system, the water moves and rises up using a pump. It should also be mentioned that the water in the fountain is regularly updated, since the initial supply of water, after a certain period of time (due to evaporation of water and other factors), will not be enough for the fountain to fully operate.

By water supply method fountains can be divided into: circulation and flow . In circulation fountains, water flows through a closed, closed system. Flow-through fountains are distinguished by the fact that the water in them is constantly renewed. The main container or reservoir for circulation fountains is located at the bottom. This container, which varies in shape and size depending on the fountain, is often a decorative ceramic bowl. Water rises from the bowl using a pump. Then, having risen to the top, the water flows back down into the tank. As a result, circulation fountains do not require water outflow or water supply connections.
In flowing fountains, in which the water is constantly renewed, there is a reservoir into which the water flows and is discharged into the drain.

For fountains, submersible and surface pumps are used. Submersible pumps are used for ordinary simple fountains, and in the case of installing several fountains, with a certain height difference, surface pumps are required.

As seen, The mechanism of the fountains is not complicated, and if you trust the professionals, they will be able to install the fountain in such a way that the garden or room will be completely transformed, giving them majesty and beauty.