Veshenskaya is one of the oldest Don villages, which became famous thanks to Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Don”. Mikhail Alexandrovich was born in these places, and after his death in 1984, a museum was created here in his honor, and three years earlier a bronze monument was erected on the banks of the Don.

Local residents carefully preserve Cossack traditions and honor the memory of the great writer. Every spring, on the last weekend in May, the “Sholokhov Spring” festival is held here, and another very colorful event takes place at the local stables - the Cossack horse riding and horse riding festival “Veshenskiye Shermitsiya”.

How to get there

You need to get to Rostov by plane, and from the main city of the region there is a direct road to Veshenskaya. The journey will take about 8 hours.

The best way to get to the Millerovo station is by train, from where buses depart to the village. The journey takes 3 hours. If you want to get to Sholokhov’s homeland faster, then take a taxi. The driver will take you to your destination in a couple of thousand and an hour and a half.

In a personal car, you need to drive along the M4 highway exactly to the intersection: if you go straight, you will get to Rostov, to the right - to Millerovo, and to the left - to Veshenskaya, which will be 140 kilometers later.

Search for air tickets to Rostov-on-Don (the nearest airport to Veshenskaya)


About 9 thousand people live in Veshenskaya. So the best public transport here are minibuses or buses that travel along the highway from Moscow to Rostov. Between this village and Bazkovskaya, located on the opposite bank of the Don, a bridge was erected, which replaced the ferry crossing.

Cuisine and restaurants

There are two restaurants worth visiting in Veshenskaya - “Khutorok” and “Pogrebok”. These are culinary islands of Cossack cuisine, where, accompanied by folk music, they serve dishes that you are unlikely to try anywhere else.

For example, the “Cellar” is decorated in the style of a kuren with elements of Cossack life. It is hidden on a quiet street under a vineyard. The portions are huge, almost enough for two. Here you can order Don fish soup, okroshka, dumplings, rich borscht and veshki mushrooms.

The shops

Veshenskaya is a treasure trove of souvenirs. Here they know how to sell something like a souvenir with a Cossack flavor. For example, magnets, films about the Don region and the village itself, posters, photographs, graphics, paintings, ceramics and CDs with recordings of Cossack songs.

IN souvenir shop It is worth buying, first of all, books by Mikhail Sholokhov, beautiful wooden and earthenware, and grapevine products. For brutal men, Cossack clothing is sold: burkas, hats, tunics, trousers with stripes, checkers, mace, whips and accordion. It's worth taking a samovar for a snack.

Weather in Veshenskaya

Veshenskaya Hotels

There are as many as five hotels in Vyoshenskaya. Here you can rent a cozy room for a reasonable fee. The hotels offer healthy home-cooked food, prepared, as the owners claim, only from organic ingredients. In principle, there is no reason not to trust them.

In addition, hotels offer guests various excursions. For example, you can go to the forest to pick mushrooms, go fishing on the Don, take a steam bath, or go on a horseback ride.

And in Veshenskaya there is a balneological resort-sanatorium of the same name. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system and diabetes are treated here. On the territory of the sanatorium there is mineral spring- its waters are used for drinking, bathing and swimming pool procedures. The resort is open all year round.

4 things to do in Vyoshenskaya:

  1. Go hunting - on the Upper Don all year round, except summer, you can hunt quails, partridges, pheasants, wild boar, elk, deer, roe deer, fallow deer, hares, foxes and raccoon dogs.
  2. See the tulips blooming - they cover the entire steppe with a multi-colored carpet. This is a beautiful sight, which, in principle, is typical for the south of Russia.
  3. Try to find the treasure under the oak tree - there are many legends about the Veshensky oak tree. For example, local residents believe that the Tatar Khan planted this tree so as not to forget where he hid the treasure. Cossacks came here many times in search of treasures, but to no avail. According to legend, the treasure is buried 500 steps from the oak tree. But no one knows which way to go.
  4. Try local fruits and vegetables - and not only try them, but also take them with you. In Veshenskaya, melons, watermelons, and grapes ripen beautifully, and in the forests there are mushrooms - just to choose from.

Entertainment and attractions of Veshenskaya

The main attractions of the village are associated with the life and work of Mikhail Sholokhov, as well as with the Cossacks.

Festival "Sholokhov Spring"

This festival is held in the village every spring. It is dedicated to the birthday of the writer Mikhail Sholokhov. The festival is no less international.

About 100 thousand people come to Veshenskaya - these are fans of Sholokhov and the culture of the Don Cossacks. The village hosts famous actors, writers and public figures. Once Vladimir Putin himself came here.

The festival has its own traditions. It starts with a children's party, poets and writers meet in the library, and in the evening a concert of amateur groups begins. The morning of the next day is charged with a theatrical awakening - folklore groups move through the streets of the village, waking up residents with songs and dances. There is a fair on the square; Cossack pickles and vodka are sold in the smokehouses.

Finally, on the last day, the big races are held. Horsemen from Russia and abroad take part in them. Cossacks compete in horse riding and cutting vines.

Sholokhov Museum-Reserve

This museum preserves everything related to the life and work of the writer - manuscripts, letters, personal belongings, houses where he lived and much more. The collection of museum objects numbers more than 50 thousand items. Moreover, the collection is replenished every year.

The museum-reserve includes several zones that most fully reflect the life of Sholokhov - the village of Vyoshenskaya, the village of Kruzhilinsky, the village of Karginskaya, Elanskaya, the villages of Lebyazhiy, Pleshaki and Shchebunyaevsky, Ostrovnoye, as well as the Veshensky oak.

"Gregory and Aksinya"

The sculpture is dedicated to two heroes of the world famous novel by Sholokhov “Quiet Don”. It was created in the mid-80s of the last century, and was first located in Rostov, and then was transported to Veshenskaya.

The sketches of the compositions were approved by the writer himself. He advised replacing the buckets that Aksinya was holding, and also recommended transferring Gregory from an Arabian horse to a Donchak horse.

Monument to the Don Cossacks

This monument stands on a raised hill near the Kruzhilinsky farmstead. It was installed on the 89th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Sholokhov.

The monumental Cossack on horseback rises 8 meters. Next to it is a white stone with the inscription “Monument to the Don Cossacks” and a cross. All around is steppe.

Stanitsa Veshenskaya , or Veshki, as the locals call it, is not just a cozy corner on the banks of the Don. This locality can provide such a variety of types of recreation that not every promoted resort can show off. Those who prefer beach holiday and a relaxing pastime, and those who like movement and a change of scenery, and also those who want to make their trip educational and intellectual. In this section of the site we will tell you why the village combines so many seemingly incompatible things.

rest in village Veshenskaya may be of interest:

For adherents of ecotourism.

The village of Veshenskaya is one of the most environmentally friendly areas of the European part of Russia. Floodplain pine forests of the upper reaches of the Don, clean air, beautiful beaches, unique monuments nature of the Rostov region, places untouched by civilization, collecting medicinal herbs, mushroom hunting, horseback riding and boat rides - all this will satisfy the discerning taste of tourists who dream of relaxing away from the hustle and bustle of cities.

For avid fishermen and hunters.

Fishing on the Don is the dream of every true fisherman. In the Don and the lakes of the Sholokhov region, pike and bream, pike perch and hybrids, silver bream and white bream, rudd and fishermen are excellently caught. There are chub, asp, roach, ide, rudd, and bluegill. Here you can always count on a rich catch of Don fish and pleasing landscapes. On the Upper Don during three seasons (except for summer) you can hunt quails, pheasants, partridges, waterfowl, foxes, brown hares, deer, wild boars, roe deer and other animals.

For lovers of history and antiquity.

The first mentions of the village of Veshenskaya date back to the reign of Ivan the Terrible. In Veshenskaya you can get acquainted with Cossack traditions and life, Don Cossack cuisine, which brings great pleasure to gourmets, and unique Don folklore.

For literature lovers.

The village of Veshenskaya is the birthplace of the great writer, Nobel Prize winner Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov. Here you can delve into the secrets of the creative path, study the little-known pages of the biography of this brilliant creator, visit the writer’s museum-reserve, wander through places associated with the destinies of the heroes of “The Quiet Don”, and also take part in the annual literary and folklore festival “Sholokhov Spring” , which takes place at the end of May.

Administration of Veshensky rural settlement




Veshenskaya village


st. Podtelkova




8(86353) 21078


8(86353) 21078 or 8(86353) 24304


[email protected]

Head of the settlement (full name)

elected to position in


Population (persons)

11 154

Veshenskoye rural settlement is located on the territory of the Sholokhovsky district of the Rostov region. The settlement area is 272.5 sq. km. Population: 11,154 people. It includes the following farms: Pigarevsky, Krasnoyarovsky, Andropovsky, Lebyazhensky, Solontsovsky and the 2 oldest villages of the Sholokhovsky district: Veshenskaya and Elanskaya.

The village of Veshenskaya is district center with a population of 9,704 people, on the territory of which there are 4,580 households.

According to legend, the village of Veshenskaya was founded in 1662... in any case, in 1672 the town of “Veshki” already existed. Initially, the Cossack town was located between Lake Rassokhov and the Don, i.e. downstream of the Don.

From the “Don Diocesan Gazette” we learn: “Due to floods in 1740, the town of Veshka moved to a new location, where there was already the village of Reshetovskaya, formed by residents of the town of Chigonaki.”

The highest power in the village belonged to the village assembly, which decided many economic and public affairs and elected village atamans and judges. Veshki, in addition to the stanitsa and farm atamans, had two atamans of the stanitsa settlement - its upper and lower parts. The first Veshensky ataman was Ivan Fedorovich Shchepotkin.

The painting Veshki of the first quarter of the twentieth century, masterfully drawn by M.A. Sholokhov, has already become a classic:

“Veshenskaya is all covered in yellow sand. A gloomy, bald village without gardens. On the square there is an old cathedral, gray with time, six streets are laid out along the Don. Where the Don, arching, leaves the village towards Bazki, with a branch into the thickets of poplars, a lake the width of the Don extends into shallow water. At the end of the lake the village ends.”

The landmarks are no longer the same as those described by M.A. Sholokhov. On the territory of the village of Veshenskaya there are: 15 industrial enterprises, 3 large agricultural enterprises, 4 bank branches, Pedagogical College named after. M.A. Sholokhova, sanatorium "Veshensky". Four highest educational institutions have their own branches: Taganrog Pedagogical Institute, Rostov Pedagogical University, Moscow State University and Technology, Moscow Institute of Professional Innovation. Also in the village there are: 6 schools, 3 preschool institutions, an After-school Activities Center, a central regional hospital, a clinic, 2 dispensaries, 6 pharmacies, a Palace of Culture, a stadium, 5 hotels, 8 catering establishments (cafes, restaurants).

96 people live in the village of Elanskaya, there are 70 farmsteads. The name of the town comes from the name of the river, which was known long before the settlement was founded. The word “Elan” itself, according to V.I. Dahl’s dictionary, means a vast clearing in the forest, meadow, pasture, etc. This word came into the Russian language from Turkic languages. In the “Geographical Dictionary of the Russian State” of 1804, in the certificate about the Elanskaya village it is noted: “The name Elan in Tatar means a clear field or steppe.” According to the 1897 census, there were 265 households in the Elanskaya village; 1017 people lived (8 nobles, 99 burghers, 2 foreigners, 18 clergy). There were 368 literate people among the population. By the early 1820s, the Elan wooden St. Nicholas Church, having existed for several decades, had become dilapidated and cramped. That is why in 1823 a new stone church with the same name was founded in the village, which was quickly built; its consecration took place in 1826. The archive preserves a description of the Elan church of 1853, which states that the church is brick, plastered inside and out, covered with iron and painted green, the domes and crosses are gilded with red gold; There was a brick fence covered with iron around the church. According to the stories of old-timers, the largest church bell weighed one hundred and seven pounds, and the bell ringing could be heard in calm weather in the Ust-Khoper village and from tailwind- in Veshki.

Head of Veshensky rural settlement

List of deputies of the Veshensky rural settlement


Full Name

Election no.


Date of Birth

Place of work

Job title. telephone


Khokhlov Vasily Alexandrovich


State Unitary Enterprise RO "Sholokhov DRSU"

Director, 22-5-63; 89281301250


Bragina Irina Valentinovna


OJSC Sanatorium "Veshensky"

dentist, 89054574228


Lyubimova Natalya Ilyinichna


OJSC Sanatorium "Veshensky"

Leading Specialist, 21-2-80; 89054316716


Krivoshlykova Lyudmila Sergeevna


LLC "Rosgosstrakh-Yug"

insurance agent, 22-9-08; 89094100357


Tashkina Olga Viktorovna


22-2-64; 89185848818


Kargin Denis Viktorovich


OJSC "Sberbank of the Russian Federation"

manager, 21-4-48


Zakharova Irina Nikolaevna


OJSC "Sberbank of the Russian Federation"

senior controller-cashier, 22-1-58;


Gavrineva Valentina Alekseevna


Sholokhov Gymnasium

teacher, 21-9-62; 89281072052


Ushakov Nikolay Ivanovich


OJSC Sanatorium "Veshensky"

massage therapist, 89094351924


Ovchelupov Sergey Vladimirovich


MUP "Spur"

director, 89185388787


Shtepa Elena Alexandrovna


Individual entrepreneur

22-3-25; 89034030133


Krivonosova Irina Nikolaevna


Sholokhov Gymnasium

teacher, 21-9-62; 89034713178


Zimovnova Svetlana Alekseevna


Intersettlement Central Library

librarian, 89061822275; 21-8-51


Panov Yuri Ivanovich


Military Commissariat

Department Director, 24-3-26;


Kolosova Marina Petrovna


Youth and Youth Sports School

Deputy Director, 22-5-00; 89287665655

Type (farm, village, town, village)
Name of the locality
Number of inhabitants
9 519

From the previous post we learned, . Today I will tell you about what is so remarkable about this Don outback, why you should come here and what interesting things you can visit here.

Rich story, amazing nature and hospitality local residents- this is what the Veshenians have carefully preserved for many centuries. People come here to get to know M.A.’s work better. Sholokhov, walk along iconic places and try to understand where the great genius got his inspiration from. They are going to get to know better the life, traditions and customs of the Don Cossacks, their peculiarities national cuisine and mentality, enjoy the amazing scenery and feel like a part of the free Cossack Don.

The village of Veshenskaya is rich in both cultural and natural attractions, many of which are associated with the life of the great countryman M.A. Sholokhov. From all the variety, we will try to choose the 10 most interesting.

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House-estate M.A. Sholokhov

House-estate of M.A. Sholokhov

Sholokhov's house-estate is rightfully considered the most noticeable building in the center of the village. Light two-storey house, built in post-war 1949, with a terrace and balcony, is a real architectural monument. The writer lived in this luxurious mansion with his wife and children until his death. The house museum is unique. All the furnishings of the estate have been preserved unchanged. Each item “remembers” its famous owner.

On the ground floor there is an entrance hall, a reception room and a large dining room. In the dining room, the whole family often gathered around the round table, drinking tea, resolving family issues, having conversations, and joking. Time at the table always flew by.

Writer's office

On the second floor there is a large, bright office with a balcony. Here the writer read letters that came in tons to Veshenskaya, and drew inspiration from looking at the endless blue of the river. Next to it is a small office. It was in this office that the second book of “Virgin Soil Upturned”, “They Fought for the Motherland”, “The Fate of Man” was born. There is also a hunting room on the floor, where the family prepared to go fishing or hunting, as well as bedrooms and a room dedicated to the presentation of the Nobel Prize to the writer.

There is a picturesque garden around the estate. Some trees were planted by the owner of the estate more than 60 years ago. The lilac alley at the entrance is especially picturesque.

A garage with an exhibition of cars that belonged to the writer, an outbuilding with a Russian stove, a barn with a basement and an icebox are also preserved unchanged on the territory.

The grave of Mikhail and Maria Sholokhov

In the southern part of the estate, in the shade of birch and spruce trees, Mikhail Alexandrovich and his wife Maria found their last peace. Above the grave is a large block of stone with the inscription “Sholokhov”. No names, no dates... And there are always fresh flowers nearby...

Sholokhov Memorial House on the street. Sholokhova, 103

Sholokhov House on the street. Sholokhova, 103

In 1928, the young Sholokhov family moved to the station. Veshenskaya and acquired small house. It was built at the beginning of the twentieth century. in the typical Cossack style of a kuren with a hipped roof, “tops”, “bottoms” and a veranda. Here Mikhail Alexandrovich worked on the last books of the novel “Quiet Don”, and the first chapters of “Virgin Soil Upturned” were written here.


The family represented by the writer, his wife Maria, daughter Svetlana and Mikhail’s mother, Anastasia Danilovna, lived here until 1935. Later, Maria Petrovna’s parents lived in this house. Now the memorial house belongs to the museum-reserve.

The exhibition presents the life and work of the writer in the 20-30s. In one of the outbuildings in the courtyard of the house there is an exhibition “Hunting and Fishing”. It is known that Mikhail Alexandrovich was a great lover of sitting on the shore with a fishing rod and shooting ducks. All the items presented at the exhibition served their owner faithfully for many years.

Literary exhibition “M.A. Sholokhov. Time and fate"

Big gray building central square at the beginning of the twentieth century. belonged to the village board. Later, it was transferred to the school where young Misha Sholokhov also studied from 1916 to 1919. In 2005, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the writer’s birth, the building housed a literary museum. The museum's exhibition is unique in many ways. In several thematic sections, manuscripts, books, documents, letters, photographs and paintings tell about the work of the singer of the Don land.

Memorial house of the Sholokhovs in kh. Kruzhilinsky

Memorial house in x. Kruzhilinsky

30 km south of Veshenskaya there is another attraction - the Kruzhilinsky farm. It is famous for the fact that on May 24, 1905, the future Nobel laureate Misha Sholokhov was born here in the family of the hereditary merchant Alexander Mikhailovich and peasant woman Anastasia Danilovna. In x. In Kruzhilinsky little Misha lived with his mother and father for the first 5 years of his life. The typical Cossack kuren in which they lived is now the object of a museum-reserve.

Another one was created next to the house-museum in 2006. most interesting object- “Cossack farmstead of the late 19th century.” At the farmstead you can learn about the life of the Cossacks, feed poultry, milk a cow, light the stove, and then taste real Cossack treats.

Cossack farmstead of the late 19th century

Every year, in September. Kruzhilinsky celebrates the so-called harvest festival - “”. At the festival, you can get acquainted with the peculiarities of the life of the Cossacks of the early twentieth century, take part in the harvest, observe various traditional rituals and customs, and finally, as expected, taste local dishes.

Church of the Archangel Michael

An integral part of the life of the Cossacks was their faith in God. Therefore, every time the Cossacks founded a town, they always built a church. like this wooden church It was built in honor of the Archangel Michael even after the founding of the town of Veshki. When the decision was made to move the town to a new location, the wooden church was moved along with other buildings. Later it was rebuilt in stone.

St. Michael the Archangel Church

Local historian I.M. Sulin at the end of the 19th century. pointed to the valuable antiquities of the temple: the Gospel of 1774, a small Gospel of 1701, the Tsvetnaya Triodion of 1695, the Tolkovo Gospel of 1707 and a silver chalice with an instrument.

In addition to the St. Michael the Archangel Church, there was also a beautiful Trinity Cathedral in the village. In the 1930s they tried to blow up the shrines. The latter failed to survive, but Sholokhov himself stood up for the Archangel Church. They listened to the writer and placed a granary inside the building.

The temple was badly damaged during the war. The altar and bell tower were destroyed. A German bomb fell directly on the main dome, but thanks to the grain, it never exploded.

The restoration of the Church of the Archangel Michael began in the 1990s. Now the white and green temple is a real decoration of the village.

Sanatorium "Veshensky"

If you walk along the street. Sholokhov to the western outskirts of the village, you can find yourself at the sanatorium. Founded in 1983, the Veshensky sanatorium is a climatic and balneological resort known far beyond the Rostov region. It is located right in a pine forest 800 meters from the Don River.

Sanatorium "Veshensky"

Two natural springs of mineral water were discovered on the territory of the sanatorium. One of them is highly mineralized, the second is moderately mineralized. Mineral water The sanatorium allows you to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, musculoskeletal system, peripheral and central nervous system, some diseases of the heart and skin.

A great place to relax is the embankment of the Don River. Even in the most inclement weather, Don always remains quiet. Slowly he carries his waters to the side Sea of ​​Azov. The river was described very colorfully by M.A. Sholokhov in the novel of the same name: “Against the village the Don bends like a Kabarzhina Tatar sagaidak, as if turning to the right, and near the Bazki farm it again straightens majestically, carrying greenish, translucent blue waters past the chalk spurs of the right-bank mountains, past the continuous farmsteads on the right side, past the rare ones on the left. villages to the sea..."

Monument "Gregory and Aksinya"

On the embankment there is a monument “Gregory and Aksinya” by sculptor N.V. Mozhaeva. In 1983, it was installed in Rostov-on-Don, and only 12 years later it was decided to transport it “to its homeland” in Veshenskaya.

In 2015, on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the birth of the great countryman, the embankment near the monument was improved. And now “Gregory and Aksinya” are a truly vivid symbol of the Cossack Don.

And in September 2016, another monument appeared on the embankment - Father Don, as a symbol of Cossack hospitality and hospitality.

Bust of M.A. Sholokhov

If you climb up the stairs leading along the river, you can see a bust of M.A. Sholokhov. It was installed during the writer’s lifetime, in 1981. At that time, all twice Heroes of Socialist Labor, of whom Mikhail Alexandrovich was, were awarded the installation of a bust during his lifetime. At the personal request of the sculptor A.S. Novikov depicted him in a tunic, looking into the distance at the bend of his beloved river and the endless expanses of the steppe.

Stela Yu.A. Gagarin

From the bust we will head to the eastern part of the church. Near the square you can see a stele-bas-relief of the first Soviet cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin. Yuri Alekseevich visited Veshenskaya in June 1967. From the stage to main square he spoke to the assembled villagers.

It's time to take a walk through Central Park. Near the playground, in September 2012, a monument to grandfather Shchukar by sculptor S.P. appeared. Kalchenko. The cheerful Shchukar sits on a bronze bench and watches from the side the children frolicking on the playground.

Monument "Grandfather Shchukar"

On the opposite side the park is completed by a monument to V.I. Lenin, proudly looking at the building of the District Administration.

Every year on the first Saturday after May 24, a grand event dedicated to the birthday of Mikhail Alexandrovich takes place in the central park and on the embankment. Many people from all over the world always gather for the holiday.

It is difficult to imagine a Cossack without a horse. For the Cossacks, a horse is not only a means of transportation, but also a reliable comrade, a fighting friend. Even now horses are integral residents of the village. You can get acquainted with Don horses and even try yourself as a rider at the stables of the museum-reserve. More information about ticket prices and rules for visiting the stables can be found on the website of the State Museum-Reserve M.A. Sholokhov. Every year in May, a festival of Cossack horse riding and horse riding ““ is organized at the stables.

Not far from x. Lebyazhensky, 19 km east of the village of Veshenskaya there is a place unforgettable in its beauty - Lebyazhy Krutoyar. From a forty-meter sandy cliff they open amazing landscapes Don and the right bank lowland.

Hills, with sparse forest, stretching far into the blue haze of the horizon; low-hanging white clouds, as if reflected in a mirror in the glossy water surface; and the handsome Don, quiet, majestic, like a wise old man who has experienced a lot in his lifetime. Here you feel truly free and free, here you feel like a real Cossack!

It is not surprising that Mikhail Aleksandrovich himself loved to visit the steep mountain. Apparently, it was here that he drew inspiration to create his immortal works.

Another amazing natural monument is the Veshensky Oak. It is located three kilometers north of the village. A huge oak tree over 400 years old “remembers” the entire history of Veshki from the moment of its foundation. This oak is unique in many ways, a real forest patriarch! There are no such trees in the Rostov region, and throughout Russia you can only find a few. The circumference of the oak trunk is 7.6 m; it will take at least five adults to grasp it. At a height of two meters, the trunk bifurcates into two parts, sending the branches up 25 m. Under the powerful tent-shaped crown, you can enjoy the coolness even on the hottest day. There is a recreation area nearby. A table and several chairs were installed from tree cuts.

Not far from the patriarch there are several smaller trees about 300 years old.

Of course, there are many more than ten attractions in Veshenskaya. There is also a memorial to fallen soldiers during the Great Patriotic War, and a memorial cross on the site of the destroyed Trinity Cathedral. In Art. Elanskaya, in the immediate vicinity of Lebyazhiy Krutoyar, the Melikhovs’ farmstead, which participated in two film adaptations of “Quiet the Don,” has been preserved. Nearby there is a beautiful spring “Spur” with the purest water, and there is also a healing spring of the Don Icon of the Mother of God. And also water meadows, feather grass steppes and numerous lakes. If you look, you can find it not far away! Truly, there is something to see here!