I have been to Petrozavodsk more than once, however, last year in October I was lucky to spend a wonderful ten days of my vacation. In this, of course, beautiful city there were a lot of my acquaintances and friends, as well as my sister and her family, so there was someone to spend time with, and the entertainment program in the city was at the highest level.

Autumn weather in Petrozavodsk

It’s difficult to adequately assess the weather, because after a warm summer it’s extremely difficult to go straight into a cold autumn, even if a month of adaptation has already passed, however, the cold is very difficult to bear, maybe it’s just me, but still.

There are quite a lot of sunny days, however, the sun does not warm at all, on sunny days the air temperature is often about +7 degrees, sometimes even less, although at this temperature it is still tolerable outside, because there are no strong winds here, so it is at least a little warm in the sun , when compared with the shadow. It’s always very cold in the morning, but towards lunch it becomes much nicer. You should always dress warmly, because as soon as the sun goes behind the clouds, it becomes cooler. The streets of the city are very beautiful, the yellow leaves of the trees create an incredible atmosphere, and in sunny weather you feel like you are in a fairy tale.

There are not many rainy days, however, the rains at this time are very persistent, often it can rain throughout the whole day, if not more. Light and very nasty rain usually makes you depressed, you don’t even want to go outside, everything is so disgusting and gloomy. The air temperature is less than +5, but it is terribly cold. If the sky is overcast, I don’t recommend going out without an umbrella; rain can start at any minute.

The evenings are cool and there are often frosts at night. The normal temperature for October is -3 degrees. In this weather, night walks are cancelled, at least I didn’t want to go out anywhere in such cold weather. Frost is visible on the grass and trees, and it is terribly cold outside. It often blows cool from Lake Onega, which creates some discomfort.

Seasonal food

But what is 100% local is the fish. Here it is sold both in markets and in various shops in the city, because in the fall fish are caught, and, believe me, there is plenty of it here. I bought smoked fish, it’s very tasty with beer, and not only that. The variety of types of fish and methods of preparing it is simply amazing; it is immediately clear that fishing here is at a very good level.

There are also a lot of mushrooms in this area, because the city in the west is surrounded by forests, and after the rains there is simply a paradise for a true mushroom picker. They sell mushrooms at the market, because for many city residents this is a good additional income.


You definitely won’t be bored in Petrozavodsk, because the city has many interesting restaurants and cafes, as well as discos, night clubs, concert halls, cinemas and entertainment centers. Every day you can find something interesting for yourself. I highly recommend visiting the National Theater of Karelia.

There is nothing special about public events in the city in October, because it is already quite cold outside, although there are a lot of concerts taking place in different places. I was attracted by only one event, this was the concert of the DDT group, which featured all the best hits during the existence of the group. The fact is that the city used to host the Reboot rock festival, however, they decided not to hold it this year. But for fans of the festival, of whom there are a lot, a concert was organized by the DDT group. Something tells me that next year a similar story awaits us.

Tourists in Karelia

There are significantly fewer tourists in October than in summer or the Velvet season. Here everyone can find a holiday to suit every taste. For lovers extreme recreation There are hikes to the pine forest, where you can fish, hunt and have fun. ATV rides are also available. Walking tours are offered in the city itself. From Petrozavodsk you can go anywhere in Karelia and see the incredible beauty with your own eyes, which is why many tourists from different parts come here.

I had a very interesting and informative time. Karelia amazed me with its beauty, and will remain in my memory for a long time.

Karelia has been popular for many years now tourist destination, and people come to this region not only in the summer, but throughout the year. People go to this place for active recreation, as well as good fishing. In addition, ideal conditions have been created in Karelia for a person to take a break from the bustle of the city, large crowds of people and be alone with nature. October is far from the worst month for such a trip. Considering that Karelia has access to the sea here, it combines a temperate and continental climate, thanks to which there are no severe frosts in October and it does not rain around the clock. It's cool outside, but it can't be said that it's cold (morning frosts are possible). The weather is mostly humid, there are not many sunny days, but they still occur. You need to take warm clothes and raincoats with you, as strong, cold winds are possible. If you consider yourself to be a homebody or people who lead a passive lifestyle even on vacation, then you are unlikely to go to Karelia. In October, many tourists come to Karelia and everyone has their own goals, but few people pursue the goal of living in comfortable (five-star) conditions. I don’t even know if there are such hotels in Karelia. But considering that you are going to live at a recreation center without any special amenities, your vacation should be wonderful.

Speaking specifically about weather conditions, then the weather at this time can be described as unpredictable. If the sun is shining in the morning, it doesn’t mean anything; in an hour the sky may become cloudy and it will rain and vice versa. But this is precisely where many tourists find the romance of traveling to Karelia in October.

One of the main entertainments in Karelia during this period is walking. The republic has simply ideal conditions for such hikes (forests, lakes and many beautiful places, where you can have a picnic or just enjoy the unique beauty of nature, not to mention the cleanest air).

The best conditions for fishing in Karelia begin to be created in October, when valuable species of fish and a lot of fish appear in the reservoirs (you won’t have to sit for several hours to catch one fish). If you or your husband love fishing, then you will have a great opportunity to please yourself with some kind of “trophy”.

It’s a little wrong to think that Karelia is a complete wilderness and all entertainment falls solely on the shoulders of the tourists themselves, but this is not so. Since tourism in the republic is constantly developing, there are travel agencies, which offer various hikes, excursions and trips. You can also find a professional guide who knows the area like the back of his hand and can arrange an unforgettable hike or other excursion.

Karelia is a land of endless lakes and pristine taiga. It's good here at any time of the year. Arriving here in mid-autumn, a tourist may complain about bad weather: frequent cold rains and wind, with light frosts when it clears. However, the beauty of coniferous forests and expanses of water makes a holiday in Karelia in October unforgettable.


There are many places in Karelia rich in history. In the depths of the taiga, small dilapidated wooden temples have been preserved. They rise on stone ridges, growing out of the dense greenery of centuries-old spruce and pine trees. Villages in which ancient life has been preserved are scattered along the shores of the lakes.

In any home, hospitable hosts will treat a traveler chilled by the October weather with hot tea with lingonberries, freshly caught fish and fragrant pies. If you wish, on a clear day you can go to the swamp, where there are still red cranberries slightly caught in the frost, which have made them sweeter.


October is a particularly good time for northern fishing. IN cleanest lakes vendace comes in to spawn in huge schools. This fish, similar in appearance to capelin, is caught in large numbers. It is very tasty and nutritious.

Following the vendace from White Sea There are predators: salmon, trout, pike perch, pike perch. Behind them are cod, whitefish, and White Sea herring. Small fish are excellent food for them. And in cleanest waters Karelian lakes, any marine species feels excellent. Such an active holiday in October not only brings pleasure, but is also profitable.

Where to find cheap tours?

Search profitable tours It’s better through a service that compares prices from more than 120 tour operators and allows you to find the cheapest offers. We do this ourselves and are extremely happy :)

Holidays in Karelia vary depending on the time of year. If summer tours to Karelia are mostly associated with active species rest and constant travel, they are distinguished by their regularity and calmness. During winter tours to Karelia, guests of the republic are offered sightseeing in Petrozavodsk and its environs, sledding and skiing, and winter fishing. Summer tours to Karelia include rafting, kayaking, summer fishing, boat trips, as well as riding ATVs and other equipment.

Minus winter trips Karelia is characterized by low temperatures and an almost complete absence of daylight (in the North it gets dark very early in winter). Summer is the time of white nights, but the warm season is accompanied by a large number of mosquitoes that will not leave tourists unattended for even a minute. You need to be prepared for this.

The main advantage of winter and summer tours to Karelia is their price - it is low. Therefore, every tourist can visit Karelia twice without serious costs for the family budget. Depending on the selected programs, hotels and excursions, the cost of tours ranges from 7 to 20 thousand rubles. There are also cheaper options. This article indicates the average price of a tour to Karelia.

In winter, the most interesting programs take place before and after the New Year. In summer, we recommend going on a tour to Karelia in July or early August, as it becomes quite warm at this time of year.

During tours to Karelia and tours to Karelia 2018 the most popular places for visiting (depending on the season) are: Petrozavodsk and its environs, Kivach waterfall, Martialnye Vody sanatorium, Kizhi island, Petroglyphs in Belomorsk, husky dog ​​nursery, Ruskeala park, Valaam.

If you haven't found suitable tour to Karelia on our website, call us or write! Perhaps it is simply not posted on the site. Our employees also develop individual tour programs to Karelia for organized groups. We are waiting for your applications! And have a nice trip!

The Polar Aurora travel club also organizes tours to Solovki, tours to Kizhi, tours to St. Petersburg, Arctic tours, tours to Kizhi Valaam Solovki, tours to Norway, tours to Sweden, tours to Finland and tours to the Russian North. reasonable prices and with the best amenities.

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Every year, an increasing number of travelers come to Karelia, and not only from other regions Russian Federation, but also from many foreign countries. This region is attractive due to its magnificent northern nature, amazingly beautiful landscapes, an abundance of lakes and rivers. Arriving in Karelia, you can have a wonderful rest, completely detach yourself from everyday worries, troubles and bustle, breathe in plenty of clean air, have a great time fishing or hunting and, in addition, see many sights, both man-made and natural. Almost everyone who is planning to visit this region has a completely logical question: what time of year is best to go there? There is no clear answer to this. To make the right decision, you need to understand what Karelia is like in summer and winter, and what you can do there in each of these seasons.

Karelia in summer

Summer in Karelia is the high tourist season. The reason for this is quite simple: most of the attractions located in this Russian region are located in such a way that they have to be reached by water. These include, in particular, Valaam and Kizhi - islands located, respectively, in Lakes Ladoga and Onega. They are very attractive places for travelers due to their unique monuments architecture Summer in Karelia is quite cool, the warmest month is July. It is especially suitable for excursion tourism. It should be noted that when traveling to this region of Russia from the end of May to the beginning of September, you must take with you not only summer clothes, but also warm clothes (jumpers), a waterproof jacket and shoes. Throughout June, the white nights season lasts in Karelia; the first strawberries appear in the forests. This month is the best time to go on an excursion to the picturesque Marble Canyon, visit mountain park“Ruskeala”, “Kivach” nature reserve, waterfalls located near Lake Ladoga(it is in June that they are most full of water). In July, the water in the vast majority of Karelian reservoirs warms up so much that you can swim in them, and the blueberry and raspberry season begins in the forests. This summer month is very good for fishing: salmon, pike, roach, ide, steam perch, and large bream are excellently caught. August in Karelia is the time to pick berries, of which there are a lot in the forests. At the same time, it begins to get colder, the weather usually becomes changeable, and it rains periodically. With the beginning of September, the high tourist season in this region of Northern Russia ends and the off-season begins, which lasts until the beginning of December.

Karelia in winter

Winter in Karelia is a low tourist season, when there are significantly fewer travelers there than in summer. This does not mean at all that you should not go there during the cold season. The bottom line is that in winter it is mainly those who like active activities who go to Karelia, not excursion holiday. It should be noted that in such popular places, like Kizhi or Valaam, you can still get there in winter (air taxis and hovercraft are used for this), but they are not as impressive as in summer. The climate of Karelia is such that in winter the air temperature rarely drops below –15 °C, however, due to the high humidity caused by the abundance of rivers and lakes, the cold is felt quite strongly. This fact does not prevent skiers and snowboarders from doing their favorite thing. Those travelers who come to northern part Karelia, located on the White Sea coast, enjoy the spectacle northern lights and drifting ice. It should be borne in mind that in winter the weather in this region of the Russian Federation is often unstable: frosts give way to thaws, sometimes it snows for several days. Winter is a great time to hunt elk, hare, bear, and fox in Karelia. Many hunters come there from early December to early March in order to hunt fur-bearing animals: marten, mink, ermine. After the ice on the rivers and lakes becomes solid, the winter fishing season begins. For example, burbot bites well in most reservoirs where it is found until mid-February.

What time of year is best for travelers in Karelia?

You can go on vacation to Karelia both in summer and winter. When exactly is the best time to do this depends on what the tourist plans to do during his visit. If you plan to go sightseeing, then it is better to go to Karelia in the warm season, and if you want to engage in active recreation, then in the cold season.