Today there are quite a few different aircraft, but not all of them are called airplanes. This term refers to any aircraft that is designed to fly in the sky due to a power plant that creates thrust and a wing that remains motionless at all times. It is the fixed wing that is the main characteristic of the aircraft, distinguishing it from any other aircraft.

This term itself appeared back in 1857 - then a Russian pilot called a balloon that way; there were no airplanes in the sense in which we use this word today. It was mentioned in a meaning close to its modern one a few years later - in 1863. It was an article “Aeronautics”, published in 1863 in the magazine “Voice”. The author was journalist Arkady Evald.

Today there are a huge number of aircraft classifications. For example, by the number of wings, by the aerodynamic system, by the type of chassis and by speed.

In this text we will look at one of the main typologies. Any aircraft, first of all, are divided by purpose. They are civilian, military and experimental. Each of these categories, in turn, is also divided into several types.

As is obvious from the name itself, these are aircraft designed to transport passengers or cargo. The first flight on an aircraft of this type took place in Russia more than a hundred years ago - in 1914. The flight was made from St. Petersburg to Kyiv, and the plane was called “Ilya Muromets”. There were 16 passengers on board.

Today, the most famous and frequently used airliner of our time is the American Douglas DC-3 model. He first flew with passengers back in 1935. Over the past time, the aircraft has been improved, and many other models, including those of Soviet aviation, were created on its basis.

Civil aircraft can be transport, training or special purpose. Transport vehicles, in turn, are divided into according to their purpose:

  • Freight - for transporting goods;
  • Passenger planes are the planes we fly;

Varieties of such Vehicle so many. The easiest way is to divide them simply by manufacturer. In fact, the vast majority of the world's aircraft are produced by such companies:


This is an American company that appeared a long time ago, in 1916. Since then it has produced aircraft for civil aviation. The most popular model is the Boeing 737. It is this aircraft, produced in 1968, that is used most often today. The name “Boeing” itself has already become practically synonymous with the word airplane.


This company today is the main competitor of the Boeing described above, although it was founded much later - in 1970. This European company, today its main office is located in France. Some models of this manufacturer are economical, which makes them a serious competitor to Boeing.


Military aircraft are designed to conduct combat operations, that is, protection from the enemy or, conversely, attack. They are divided into several types, but in general, they can perform a variety of tasks, depending on the current situation.


This subspecies of military aircraft essentially has one task - to destroy any ground objects from the air. This occurs by dropping bombs or missiles on the target. Today there are many different models, among the most commonly used are the Su-24 and Su-34.

It was the bomber that was converted into the first passenger aircraft, the Ilya Muromets, which was discussed above. During the First World War, the aircraft was re-equipped and subsequently it always served as a bomber.


Unlike bombers, such aircraft are used for air combat. The name “fighter” sounds loud and menacing, but in fact such aircraft belong to defense equipment. They are almost never used for offensive purposes. Fighters were actively used by both sides during the Second World War - the most famous models are the MiG-3 and Yak-1.

It is interesting that in the very first models of fighters, it was not a machine gun, as it is today, but a revolver, so the rate of fire was much lower.


Naturally, the two models described above were combined to obtain a universal model that combines the functions of both types. The main advantage of this variety is the ability to bomb any ground targets without any cover at all. Such aircraft are very light, maneuverable and equipped with powerful weapons. The most successful models are Mig-27, Su-17, SEPECAT Jaguar.


In fact, this is not a completely separate class, just a subtype of fighter. The main difference is that interceptors are designed to destroy a specific target, namely enemy bombers. They are also slightly different in structure - such models are additionally equipped with radar equipment. famous models - Su-15, Su-9 and others.

The purpose of attack aircraft is to support ground forces from the air. They were also often used simply to destroy various objects. The most popular model is called Il-2 and this aircraft is the most mass-produced in history - almost 37 thousand units were produced.

Children about airplanes: educational tale about types of airplanes in pictures for children, videos, tasks, games, presentation “What types of airplanes are there and why they are needed” for children.

Children about airplanes

In this article you will find educational information about airplanes and games for children on this topic:

  1. presentation and fairy tale “What types of planes are there?” for children with tasks and pictures,
  2. why are planes needed?
  3. logorhythmics"Aircraft",
  4. physical education lessons about the airplane X,
  5. finger gymnastics about airplanes
  6. outdoor games about airplanes
  7. educational games for children about airplanes.

What types of planes are there?

Educational tale about airplanes for children with educational tasks and pictures

How did it all begin, or why fly to the Isle of Palms?

Once upon a time there lived a very kind man in one city. This was a very famous veterinarian. Do you know who a veterinarian is and what he does? (listen to the child’s answer and clarify it if necessary). This is a doctor for animals. And our veterinarian also treated birds, fish, and animals. In the city everyone called him respectfully - Pyotr Ivanovich Tabletkin. Or simply by last name - Doctor Tabletkin. If a canary got sick or a dog injured its leg, city residents immediately turned to him for help. And he helped everyone.

One fine spring day, someone knocked on the veterinarian's window. "Who is this?" - Pyotr Ivanovich was surprised and opened the window. - "A! Galchonok. Come in. What did you bring? Letter? From whom? Let me read it - apparently this is something urgent!” Pyotr Ivanovich opened the letter and recognized the handwriting of his old friend: “Hello, my dear friend! I'm currently working on the Isle of Palms in the ocean. We have an epidemic, many animals are sick, we need help. I kindly ask you to urgently fly to our island and help. Please take a set of medicines with you and more. Your friend Doctor Aibolit."

“I’m leaving immediately!” - Pyotr Ivanovich decided - I’ll just leave the veterinarian Poroshkov on duty here in my place and pack my suitcase with medicines for animals.” Having done all these things, the famous veterinarian left for the airport.


There was a field next to the airport building. A very unusual field. Pyotr Ivanovich Tabletkin saw different fields. He saw a field for football players - it is called “football”. He also visited the hockey field, it was called... Have you already guessed what? (hockey). And he visited the field where corn grows - it was called “corn field”. And the field on which rye grows is a “rye” field. And a field of wheat. You probably also know what it was called - ? (wheat field).

But he had never been on such a field before. There were only one planes on it. Have you already guessed what kind of field it was and what it was called?

Note: Let your child come up with a name for the field, and then clarify what this field was called “flight”. Why? Yes, because planes take off from it! There was a lot on the airfield different planes and helicopters. Pyotr Ivanovich had never flown on airplanes or helicopters before, and therefore was confused. Which plane is right for me and which one will take me to the Isle of Palms?

Who is a mechanic (technician)?

Suddenly our veterinarian saw a small airplane with two wings. And a man came up to him and opened the door to the cabin. “The pilot has arrived,” thought Pyotr Ivanovich and rushed to the plane. - "Hello. My name is Doctor Tabletkin. I'm a veterinarian. I urgently need to fly to help my friend on the Island of Palms. A lot of animals on the island got sick. Can I fly there on this plane? Are you a pilot and could you help me?”

“Nice to meet you,” the stranger smiled back at him. – My name is mechanic Vintov. I'm not a pilot. I mechanic and make sure the planes are in good working order. My profession is also called "technician". Of course, you can fly to the Island of Palms on this plane.” “He shook his head sadly. - “But you will fly for too long. It’s better to take a jet plane that flies tomorrow to Madagascar, it will be faster.”

The famous veterinarian was very surprised: “I need to go to the Island of Palms and I need to fly out today. Why am I flying not today, but tomorrow, and even to Madagascar? And why would such a strange road be faster?”

Vintov smiled at Pyotr Ivanovich again and explained: “A jet plane flies much faster than this small plane. If you take off today on this plane, you will fly to the Isle of Palms for five days! And you will have to land several times to refuel the plane. A jet plane will take you to Madagascar on the same day. There you will board a small plane and within a few hours you will be in the right place.”

Propeller and jet aircraft

The doctor was very interested in this message and asked the mechanic, puzzled: “ How can you tell a fast plane from a slow one? So that I don’t make a mistake next time” - Look at these two planes. One plane has a propeller. That's why it's called "screw", he flies slowly. Find the airplane's propeller in the picture.

But the other plane doesn’t have a propeller. He called "reactive""and flies very fast!"

Assignment for the child: Find it in the picture propeller planes and jet planes. How are they different from each other?

Airplane wing shapes: straight, triangular, swept.

“Yeah, I got it!” - Pyotr Ivanovich exclaimed. “So, if an airplane has a propeller, it flies slowly!” Is there any other way to distinguish a fast plane from a slow plane?” Technician Screws happily began to explain further: “There is another important sign. This airplane wing shape. Look at this photo. What does the wing look like?

- “On the arrow!” — Doctor Tabletkin immediately answered. “Yes,” Vintov confirmed with pleasure. – “ This plane has the wing has the shape of an arrow, which is why we call such a wing “swept”. If the wing is swept, then the plane flies faster, because such a wing cuts through the air better at high speed. And if the wing is straight, then the speed of the aircraft is lower.”

- And also what kind of wings do airplanes have?- asked the veterinarian.

- Happens triangular wing, such aircraft are designed for very high speeds (such speeds are also called supersonic). Look at the photo of this plane - it has a delta wing.

There are also airplanes with straight wings. They fly slower than all other planes.

Assignment for children: Find the planes in the picture below: with a straight wing, with a delta wing, with a swept wing.

Answers to the task for children “What types of airplanes are there?”: the blue square is a delta-wing airplane, the green circle is a straight-wing airplane, the yellow square and red circle are swept-wing airplanes.

Why are different planes needed?

- “And what is” supersonic speeds and supersonic aircraft?” asked Pyotr Ivanovich Tabletkin.

— « Supersonic planes are those that fly so fast that they overtake the sound of their flight. The plane had already flown by, but the sound had not yet reached us. These planes fly twice as fast as regular ones. jet aircraft", explained the mechanic.

“I want to fly to the Island of Palms tomorrow on a supersonic plane!” Pyotr Ivanovich perked up.

“You can fly, but most likely you won’t be able to land. The island is small, and a supersonic plane will not have time to slow down on the airfield,” Vintov clarified.

- "A Why are such small planes needed? like the one we're standing next to? It has a propeller, which means it flies slowly. And you won’t get there quickly. And in addition, he is also small. This means that you can’t transport a lot of cargo on it. Why then is it needed at all? - asked Pyotr Ivanovich.

-"ABOUT! This is a very important and much needed aircraft. It has one extremely important property. You see, this plane has two large wings. And they're stacked on top of each other, so it can take off and land on very small areas. And it can even sit on a patch of land on an island or in the forest.

Assignment for children: Do you know what a “patch of land” is and where this word came from?(A piglet is a five-kopeck coin. Nowadays, a five-ruble coin is also called this word. A very small piece of land is also called a piglet. And there is also a piglet’s patch - it is also round and small).

Technician Vintov continued: “Where a jet plane cannot land, this plane can land. Therefore, such planes fly short distances to nearby villages and transport passengers and cargo to them. First, passengers and cargo are transported by large jets to a large central airport. And from there they are delivered from this on small planes big city and the main airport in small towns and sat down.”

Military aircraft

Suddenly Tabletkin saw planes without propellers at the edge of the airfield. And pilots entered them. He joyfully exclaimed: “Here are the planes I need!” They don't have propellers, which means they're jet-propelled. And they have triangular wings, which means they will fly to the Isle of Palms very, very quickly, even faster than sound. Can I fly them to Madagascar today? And from Madagascar I will fly on a small plane to the island I need.”

“Of course, this plane flies faster than any passenger plane. But it’s not so easy to fly!” - answered the mechanic. “After all, this is a military plane and there is no room for passengers. You see, the cockpit is designed for one pilot, and there are missiles hanging from below.”

“Look, the other plane has two cabins. The second cabin is probably intended for a passenger?” – asked the veterinarian.

"No, A navigator must sit behind the pilot in the rear cockpit. He tells the pilot where to fly. This is a military plane. All military aircraft do not have seating for passengers. That’s why there are no portholes on military planes,” Vintov replied.

Tasks for children:

Exercise 1. The navigator always sits behind the pilot. Find the pilot's cockpit and the navigator's cockpit in the photograph of the plane.

Task 2. What do you think, what kind of plane is this - passenger or military? Why do you think so? How can you distinguish by appearance military plane from a passenger one?

Cargo aircraft

“Please tell me how we can transport animals from the island to my clinic for treatment. Elephants and giraffes are very large and heavy, they won’t fit on a passenger plane,” asked Tabletkin.

"ABOUT! There are special planes for this. They are called freight. There are no windows on a cargo plane. It has very large doors to accommodate large loads. Look, here on our airfield the plane is being loaded. To allow cargo to fit on the plane, the nose and tail of the plane open outwards - as if they were doors!

The nose of the cargo plane began to rise. And it opened as if it was not a nose, but a big door to an airplane!

Here, instead of its nose, a special ramp extends in front of the plane, along which equipment can enter the cargo plane. And at the back of the cargo plane, the cargo doors open. At the back of the cargo plane there is also a ramp for vehicles to enter the plane.

The plane is ready for loading!

Look how big the cargo plane is! Such a plane can fit another smaller plane, and large cars, and even train cars, and a large boat, and even several helicopters, and tanks, and construction equipment, and many cars and a bus!”

Task for children: Look at the pictures and tell me what these cargo planes will transport by air.

Pyotr Ivanovich was delighted with cargo planes and their capabilities: “Now I will be calm about large animals! And I will know that, if necessary, they can be transported to any animal hospital on the mainland. What other planes are there besides military, passenger and cargo?”

What other planes are there?

Mechanic Screws remained silent in response and showed Tabletkin unusual photo. Look at him too. What do you think is happening here and what are the threads that stretch from the first plane to the others? (listen to any suggestions from the children, and then talk about these planes). He explained:

« These are tanker aircraft. Why do you think they are called that - “refuelers”? (listen to the children’s answers and their thoughts and guesses). A large fuel tank is placed in the cargo plane and hoses are hung to which the aircraft being refueled are docked for refueling. This is done so that they can gain fuel in flight without landing on the ground.”

Here is another plane - a tanker.

Available on our airfield and training aircraft. Why do you think they are called that? Yes, they learn to fly on these planes. They are very small. There are only two places in them: for a pilot - an instructor and a pilot who is learning to fly an airplane.

There are also sports aerobatic aircraft. There is only one place in them - for an athlete pilot. He performs aerobatic maneuvers on this plane.

Suddenly there was a loud noise. And a large passenger plane landed on the runway. “He will fly to Madagascar tomorrow morning,” Vintov said. “And now, after landing and disembarking the passengers, I’ll go prepare it for tomorrow’s flight. Come tomorrow and you will fly away on it.”

Pyotr Ivanovich Tabletkin thanked Vintov for his help. And the next morning he was already flying on a plane to Madagascar.

What are seaplanes and amphibious aircraft?

Towards evening the plane landed on the island of Madagascar. And the Veterinarian went to the airport building to find out how he could fly to the Isle of Palms.

“Sorry, but flights to the Isle of Palms have been cancelled. Two days ago, a storm hit the island and destroyed the runway. Her recovery will take several days,” the dispatcher told him.

“What should I do?” - asked the upset Pyotr Ivanovich. “It’s so important for me to get to the island as quickly as possible to help people and animals in trouble.”

“Let us send you to the Island of Palms by seaplane!” — the dispatcher suggested to him. “Or by plane—an amphibian.”

"And what is it?" — the veterinarian was surprised.

“The word hydro means liquid. Seaplane is an airplane that does not need a runway. He can land right on the water. It’s even better to use in such cases amphibious aircraft. Amphibians are creatures that can live in both water and air. And this plane can take off both from land and from water, which is why it was called that. The amphibious airplane has a bottom like a boat, but it also has wheels like a regular airplane.”

“I’m ready to fly on an amphibious plane,” Tabletkin rejoiced.

"Proceed to Gate 15. The amphibious aircraft leaves in one hour."

A few hours later, the amphibious aircraft landed on the sea near the Island of Palms. All passengers were invited to board a boat, and the boat took them to the port. "Hooray! It’s so good that you came to us so quickly,” Doctor Aibolit joyfully greeted his friend. “I sailed here by boat for a whole month. How did you manage that?". Vintov’s mechanic helped me choose the right plane and route here. I’ll tell you more later.” And the friends went to treat the animals, who had been waiting for their help for a long time.

Children about airplanes: why do they need airplanes?

Airplanes were invented by people to provide rapid transportation of people and cargo. Not a single ground or water transport Now it can’t move as fast as an airplane.

After getting acquainted with the fairy tale, your child already knows many of the functions that airplanes perform to help people. Please complete this information.

Why are airplanes needed based on their functions:

  • Military aircraft needed to protect the homeland from enemies. These could be fighters, bombers, reconnaissance aircraft, attack aircraft, landing aircraft, and tankers.
  • Cargo aircraft transport goods.
  • Passenger aircraft transport people and their luggage.
  • Sports aircraft participate in competitions.
  • Training aircraft used for flight training for pilots and navigators.
  • Agricultural airplanes cultivate fields with crops and protect them from pests.
  • Weather planes- study clouds, typhoons, influence the weather (they cause rain or stop it, dispersing the clouds).
  • Ambulance and rescue aircraft- transport the sick and wounded, provide assistance to injured people.
  • Firefighting aircraft- extinguish forest fires.
  • Experimental aircraft and aircraft - flying laboratories- serve for testing new designs and engines.

Logorhythmics: airplane

During an educational imaginary trip to the airfield to introduce your child to different types of aircraft, you will want to relax with your children. Do logorhythmics exercises for kids to relax!

Logorhythmics “Airplane”: first option

Hands to the sides - fly
We're sending the plane.
(straight arms to the side, running in a circle)

Right wing forward
(extend the right straightened arm slightly forward)
Our plane took off.

Left wing forward
(extend the left straightened arm slightly forward)
Turned our plane around.

We were flying high
(raise our hands higher)
We were flying low.
(we lower our hands a little)
We flew far
We arrived close.

Second version of the logorhythmic exercise “Airplane”

Come on, pilot pilots,
Prepared for flight
(children stand straight, arms down, proud posture, shoulders back).

They approached the plane
And they went up the ladder
(we march or pretend to enter along the ramp).

The flight begins
Our plane buzzed.
(Children squat on one knee, spread their arms to the sides like the wings of an airplane and hum: oooooo)

He rose up and flew.
(Children stand on their feet, arms straightened to the sides)
The pilot looked to the right,
(Turn your head to the right)
The pilot looked to the left
(Turn your head to the left).

Flew quickly forward
Fast wing aircraft.
(Arms to the sides, quickly running on toes in a circle)

The third version of the “Airplane” logorhythmics

An airplane flies by
I got ready to fly with him.
(Point to the sky with your hand)

The right wing was withdrawn
(Extend your right hand to the side, look at your fingers)
Left wing withdrawn
(Extend your left hand to the side, look at your fingers)

I'm starting the engine
(Children make rotational movements with their hands in front of them)
And I'm watching closely.

I rise to the heights - I fly-oo-oo-oo
(You need to rise on your toes, spread your arms to the sides and run in a circle)

I'm about to land,
I want to land.
(Children land on one knee, lower their arms)

Didactic game "Planes"

Didactic game "Planes". Option 1. For children of senior preschool age. Set up four airfields: for passenger airplanes, for cargo airplanes, for military airplanes, and for sport-training and educational airplanes.

Ask the children to guess why the plane shown in the picture is needed.

The child needs to sort the pictures of planes into groups according to the purpose of the plane, sending each plane to the appropriate airfield and explaining why he thinks it is a cargo plane or that it is a passenger plane.

You will find pictures for this game in the article.

Didactic game "Planes". Option 2. Game for kids. The goal of the game is p development of auditory attention. Invite your child to guess whether the plane is flying high or low. If you honk in a high voice, then the plane is flying high, if you honk in a low voice, then it is low.

Didactic game "Planes". Option 3. Game for children of primary preschool age.

Place 4 - 8 rectangles of different sizes in front of the child (for the smallest children, take four figures, for older children - six or eight figures) - these are airfields (airfields). They should be laid out in front of the baby as a serial row - that is, from the smallest to the largest.

Mix up the silhouettes of airplanes of different sizes. The number of airplanes must correspond to the number of rectangles.

The child’s task is to arrange the airplanes in a series series by size (from smallest to largest) and select for each airplane a suitable “airfield” for it. Those. arrange planes into “airfields” according to their size.

Didactic game "Planes". Option 4. For the little ones.

Children from 2-3 years old can be given pictures of airplanes cut into pieces. Use pictures from the first version of the game “Planes” for this. For the little ones, we divide the picture into 2 equal parts, then into 3-4 parts. For older children, you can divide the picture with broken lines into large quantity parts.

Didactic game "The plane is flying." For children of senior preschool age

The game develops the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, tracing the function of gaze, develops the ability to bring together and separate the visual axes of the child’s eyes.

First option.

You will need runway and landing strip with arrows. Draw a “runway” for the airplane - a vertical rectangle. Divide it with a vertical line into two parts. Draw an up arrow on the right side of the runway, and a down arrow on the left side.

Progress of the game. Invite your child to follow the movement of the plane with his eyes, focusing on the arrows on the runway. Our plane is moving forward along the runway (we glance along the right side of the rectangle up to the end of the runway). The plane turns left, makes a U-turn and turns back. And follows the left side of the strip along the arrow (from top to bottom). Turn around again and move forward. Now let’s try to make these movements with our gaze faster.

Second option

You will need square 4 x 4 cells. Draw such a square on a piece of paper. The cells must be very large. In the future, you can increase the number of cells in the square in order to give more complex tasks to your child.

Make two identical squares - one you will give to the child, and the other will be in your hands.

Place a dot in one of the cells. There is an airplane in it.

Progress of the game. You dictate the route of the plane, simultaneously moving the piece along the cells of your field, and the child follows it with his eyes. You need to stay on the route. At first the route is 3-4 turns. For example: “One cell up. Two cells to the right. One cell down. Three cells to the left. Tell me where the plane is?” The place on your flight “map” is compared with what the child got.

If it is difficult for a child to follow with his eyes or he is not yet very easy to navigate in space, then at first you can make movements with a chip. And only then do them mentally and track them with your eyes.

Physical education lessons “Airplane”

Physical education can be done at any time when you see that the child needs rest. From this selection about airplanes, choose the physical education lesson that you and your kids will like best!

Physical education lesson about the airplane “We are flying above the clouds”

We are flying above the clouds.
(Hands to the side)
We wave to dad, we wave to mom.
(We wave both hands in turn)

We see the river flowing
(We show a wave-like movement with our hands)
We see a fisherman's boat.
(We show with our hands how a fisherman casts a fishing rod)

Be careful: the mountain!
(Tilt left - right)
It's time for us to land!

(Sit down on one knee, arms to the sides)

Physical education lesson “Planes buzzed”

In the first line, children make rotational movements with their arms in front of their chest. On the second line, children straighten their arms to the sides like the wings of an airplane and “fly” (running in a circle). On the third line - they squat. On the fourth they fly again.

The planes buzzed
The planes have flown
They sat quietly in the clearing,
And they flew again.

Physical education lesson “Our plane has flown”

Let's fly, fly,
We twirled our hands.
(Children rotate their arms in front of their chest)

Hands to the sides - fly
We're sending a plane
(Children spread their arms straight to the sides)

Right wing forward
(Turn your torso to the right with your right arm moving forward)
Left wing forward.
(Turn your torso to the left with your left arm moving forward).
One, two, three, four - Our plane has taken off.

(Running in a circle with straight arms spread out to the sides)

Physical education lesson “A plane appeared”

We put our hands up:
A plane appeared.
(Hands to the side.)

Flapping the wing back and forth,
(Tilts left and right.)
Do “one”, do “two”.
(Turns left and right.)
One and two, one and two!
One and two, one and two!

Keep your arms at your sides,
Look at each other.
(Arms to the sides, turns left and right.)
One and two, one and two!
One and two, one and two!

We'll throw our hands down
Hurry up and take your seats! (Children put their hands down and sit in their seats)

Look, there's a plane in the sky,
And the pilot is on the plane.
Handles the helm deftly
And flies between the clouds.

There is a mountain under the plane,
Either a dense forest, or a hole,
Then people wonder at the sky,
Then the hares dance in a circle (Author - Alexander Estafeev)

You will see what movements are made to this song in the video below. At first the song is sung at a slow tempo, then faster and faster.

Physical education lesson for the little ones “The airplane spread its wings”

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
I'm starting the engine.
(Rotational movements of the arms in front of the chest).
The plane spread its wings,
We're taking flight
We're flying to Moscow! (Arms to the sides, running on tiptoes) Arrived.

Physical education lesson “We are airplanes today”

Today we are airplanes
(Children sit and make rotational movements with their hands - “start the engine”)
We are not children, we are pilots.
(Clap your hands.)
Hands are the nose, and hands are the wings
(touch your nose with your finger, and then straighten your arms to the side like wings)
The squadron took off. (running, arms to the sides).

Children about airplanes: outdoor game “Airplanes”

Game 1. Game “Planes” to reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound r.

Children make rotational movements with their arms in front of their chests - “start the engines” and say rrrrr. Then they run in a circle, holding their arms straight out to the sides like the wings of an airplane. In the words “Planes to land!” children must quickly “fly” to the airfield and sit on one knee, holding their arms to the sides like wings.

Game 2. Outdoor game “Planes”. In this game, children will become familiar with the commands that the dispatcher gives to the pilot.

While playing airplanes, children will also learn how to act in a singalong manner, as well as run around the playground in different directions without bumping into each other.

Show the children all the play activities.

An adult plays the role of a dispatcher and gives the signal: “Start the engine!”, and the children make rotational movements with their arms in front of their chest. Next, the adult in the role of the dispatcher says: “Taxi for takeoff, take off. Let’s fly!”, and the children spread their straight arms to the sides and fly around the playground.

At the end of the game the signal is given: “Landing! Taxi to the parking lot,” and the children run to the “airfield” (the place where the airfield is located is discussed before the start of the game).

There may be other dispatcher commands: “Fog! Turn around. Fly to an alternate airfield”, “Fly around the thunderstorm”, “You are getting dangerously close. Give way to the plane….(name)"

Note: In this active game, the child learns what can happen in flight and how the pilot should react to these events. Children will be able to use this information in their role-playing and director's games with airplanes.

Finger gymnastics “Airplane”

Finger gymnastics “I will build an airplane”

For finger gymnastics we will use V. Shishov’s poem “I will build an airplane.”

I'll build a plane
I’ll put on my helmet and take off.
Through the wavy mists,
I'll fly to other countries,
Over the seas and forests,
Over the mountains and fields,
I will cover the entire globe,
And then I'll return home.
V. Shishkov

Hand movements in finger gymnastics “Airplane”: option 1.

  • first line. Children knock their fists against each other.
  • second line. Children pretend to put a helmet on their head.
  • third and fourth lines. Wave-like movements with both hands.
  • fifth line. The right palm is near the eyebrows as if we are looking into the distance.
  • sixth line. Left palm at the eyebrows - look into the distance.
  • seventh line - draw a circle in the air with your right hand
  • eighth line - make a figure above your head - a “roof” - with both hands.

Another version of finger gymnastics “Airplane”

  • first line. We spread our straight arms to the sides like the wings of an airplane.
  • second line. With both hands we show the helmet above our head.
  • third and fourth lines. The child places his palms on the table with the back side up and moves all the fingers on both hands, slightly lifting them from the table surface.
  • fifth and sixth line - we make “splashing” movements with all the fingers of both hands at the same time.
  • seventh line - clasp an imaginary ball with both hands
  • eighth line - we cross our hands (the left hand looks to the right, and the right hand looks to the left and we move the fingers of both hands like the wings of a bird)

Finger gymnastics “We’ll build the plane ourselves”

You will need a regular pencil. Place the pencil on the middle of the middle finger of your right hand (the hand is palm down). Pass another pencil under your index and ring fingers (an adult does this). It turns out to be an airplane made from two pencils. The child depicts how his plane flies to the poems of A. Barto:

We'll build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests.
Let's fly over the forests,
And then we'll go back to mom.

Then repeat this movement with your other hand.

Finger gymnastics “The plane is flying high, high”

The child’s right hand represents an airplane: you need to spread and straighten the thumb and ring finger. These are airplane wings. And keep the other three fingers (index, middle and ring) next to each other, without spreading them apart (this is the body of the airplane).

The plane is flying high, high,
It’s not easy for him to land!
(Children move their hand - the plane in different directions, making sure that the wings of the plane “look” to the side, and that the body of the plane is united and is not divided into separate parts).

The pilot makes a circle after a circle.
The plane is his comrade and friend!
(Children make movements in a circle with their hands - like an airplane).

The plane landed on the runway,
He ran forward and the flight was over.
(Children lower their hand - the plane onto the table, move it along the table and stop their hand).

The doors opened, the ground was under the ladder,
And passengers are greeted by friends.
(Spread your palms)

Presentation for children about airplanes

You can also download the same presentation on an educational fairy tale about airplanes in our VKontakte group “Child development from birth to school” (see the “Documents” group section on the right under the community videos).

Video for children about airplanes

In this video, children will learn about unusual aircraft - seaplanes, amphibious aircraft. The video will be interesting for school-age children and adults. This is a video from my favorite TV channel “My Joy”.

And another video from the same TV channel for children - a video about giant airplanes and what aircraft modeling is.

More about airplanes for children:

34 riddles for children of preschool and primary school age. Types of riddles. How to write a riddle about an airplane with your child.

We prepared this article especially for the boys of the “Native Path” site as a gift for the holiday on February 23rd together with my husband.

An educational fairy tale for children about airplanes and their types and a presentation were created for children by my husband Andrey, an aircraft designer by profession. And I, the author of this site, have developed games and tasks for children on the topic “Children about airplanes.” We included in the article only that information about airplanes that a child can use in his games about travel, in designing, drawing, sculpting, applique, depicting in them different types airplanes.

We tried to take into account the main requirement for an educational fairy tale for a child - that he actively participate in it, ask questions, compare, analyze, discuss, draw conclusions, prove, and not just memorize. And I really hope that we succeeded! We will be grateful for your comments on this article.


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  • Babodedovo, Darmoedovo, Gomodedovo, House, Grandfather - Domodedovo
  • Granddaughter - Vnukovo
  • Korovkino - Bykovo
  • Sharik, Sharomoykino, Sharomyga, Sharomyzhkino, "Wider, Mother", Sherema - Sheremetyevo
  • Rama - Ramenskoye airfield
  • Khitrovka - Heathrow airfield (London)


  • four nines - good weather
  • million per million - visibility more than 10 km
  • sloechka - stratus clouds
  • cumulus clouds
  • case - weather below minimum
  • dung, crap - bad weather
  • stones from the sky - heavy rain
  • mryaka - blizzard
  • mryaka with milk - fog with precipitation

Airplane elements

  • snout, nickel - nose; tailbone - tail; belly - middle part of the fuselage
  • rowing, mahalo - propeller; palm tree - rotor of a helicopter in the parking lot
  • fan, meat grinder - screw motor
  • burner - the output part of the turbojet turbine
  • paws, paws, legs, muscles - landing gear (“tuck up your paws” - remove the landing gear, “throw off the wheels” - advice that it’s time to drop the landing gear)
  • bast shoes - chocks for aircraft wheels
  • mugs - flaps, spoilers, brake flaps
  • bank - airplane cabin (tube - passenger compartment small plane)
  • pot - toilet (swallow - toilet; splash guard - faucet in the toilet)
  • trestle bed - passenger seat, backrest - upper part of the seat, boulevard - passage between the seats
  • hole - porthole
  • noose - seat belt
  • office - cockpit
  • horns - steering wheel (RS (cattle) - flight personnel, KRS (cattle) - command and control personnel)
  • muzzle - oxygen mask
  • ears - headset
  • stool, bench, cup - the pilot’s seat in the cockpit of the aircraft (the left cup is the PIC’s seat, the right cup is the co-pilot’s seat. The co-pilot’s motto: “Our right business is not to interfere with the left!” A fighter is a bad co-pilot. A guardsman is a good co-pilot. Phrase from the song: “Well, here I am on the left stool...”)
  • Tamara - sparka (on MiG-21)
  • chip - plug connector for connecting ground power to the aircraft
  • traffic light - light signaling in the cargo-passenger cabin of an aircraft equipped for landing
  • button accordion - a cluster of gas stations behind the seat in the Mig-29 cockpit
  • newspaper - light signal boards located on the upper central console
  • carrot - keel radome of electronic warfare antennas on the Tu-160
  • pioneer - turn and slide indicator (the term originates from imported devices from the American company "Pioneer")
  • soldier - mechanical backup for the landing gear extended position indicator
  • l Opata - Su-27 brake flap
  • dog walker - space on an airplane glider where you can carry personal cargo
  • eyes - landing lights
  • fins - horizontal stabilizer (comb - vertical)
  • goiter - lower canopy of the pilot's cabin

At the airport

  • board - aircraft
  • tram - plane in a regular passenger configuration (cabin - plane in a VIP configuration)
  • gut - teletrap or ground power cable
  • pipelac - self-propelled ladder
  • passenger transport - telescopic gangway
  • livestock carrier, hearse - bus for passengers
  • member carrier - VIP car
  • Kasletka - hot food wrapped in foil
  • chicken - flight catering
  • goat service - flight attendant service of AK Transaero (the name comes from the name of the head of the service M.M. Kozlov, who, according to internal legend, introduces himself as “chief of service Kozlov”)
  • hanger - installation for weighing luggage
  • tit, can - fuel tanker
  • brilliant green, tarragon - gasoline B-91/115 (from the characteristic Green colour)
  • dovecote, birdhouse - control tower
  • bow - locator installation in AP
  • condom, sorcerer - windsock
  • shit - a machine for draining chemicals. toilet fluids
  • tablet - ambulance
  • Tamagotchi - luggage tractor TMX-30
  • massandra, bulldozer, equivalent, sword and much more - aviation alcohol
  • massandrovoz - alcohol dispenser
  • massandric key - key to filler necks
  • chassis liquor - alcohol with glycerin from shock struts
  • shaernitsa - pliers for screwing ShR connectors
  • TK-16 (16-kilogram tank sledgehammer) - a device for dismantling the stabilizer on the MiG-23
  • sledgehammer - sledgehammer
  • teddy bear - small hydraulic lift
  • goose - a stepladder with a long “neck” for access to the top of the fuselage
  • zhlyga - rod for draining sludge
  • slurry - hydraulic fluid
  • vodka - kerosene
  • TOM, serpent gorynych - heat-blowing machine for de-icing
  • high-rise - high-altitude oxygen service
  • oxygen bottle - oxygen cylinder (oxygen bootle)
  • runner - flight task
  • smyk - a back-and-forth flight between two airfields on international flights (outside the base)
  • tram trip - a trip with several intermediate stops or a trip performed day after day along the same route, without any changes
  • window dressing - demonstration performances, demonstration of aircraft equipment
  • group sex - group aerobatics flights
  • nut - Barvikha restricted area (octahedron on the screen); “pass through the hole” - the flight of an aircraft between the “nut” and Moscow
  • neighbors - a nearby military airfield; “pass along the fence” - aircraft flying along the border with “neighbors”
  • checkerboard - a form for manually recording passengers during check-in
  • check in - check in for a flight
  • search - search
  • red plan - daily flight plan for airport operational services
  • physical education (physical exercises) - checking the mechanization before takeoff
  • chevrette - flight crew uniform jacket made of chevrette leather
  • rompers - semi-overall trousers from a demi-season or winter set of flight uniforms
  • radiculitis - demi-season jacket
  • Order of Sutuly - badge "For an accident-free raid"

People in aviation

  • flight master - felt-tip pen
  • pinstr - instructor (in civil aviation, and in military aviation - scrub)
  • boot - military transport aviation pilot
  • skipper - co-pilot ("legs together - salary two hundred" - about the right pilot)
  • rach - pilot with sanorma
  • white-headed - pilot in a helmet
  • flight attendant - flight mechanic
  • whore - navigator
  • talker bird - flight radio operator
  • frostbitten - a crew that does not respond promptly to commands
  • flight, wire, girls, boys - flight attendants ("click on the girl" - press the button to call the flight attendants)
  • old sick cassette - experienced flight attendant
  • paxes, nausea, banderlogs, pickles - passengers (umka - unaccompanied child; bagmen - shuttles; economists - economy class passengers; businessmen, truffles - business class passengers; pervachi - first class passengers; corral of cattle, pressing - boarding passengers)
  • mullet - passenger flow (for example, “the mullet has gone”); scow - civil aviation jet aircraft
  • Shurik is a cop in the cabin in case the ship is hijacked
  • glide path owner - landing controller
  • lord of the ring - circle controller
  • nachpryg - head of the PDS
  • super, superman - supervisor on the platform
  • Hitler Youth - employee of the East Line Security (the name is due to the characteristic dark blue uniform)
  • oil tank, oil pump, elephant - C&D technician (aircraft and engine); elephant is an abbreviation for Airplane Maintenance, and is also one of the Elephants on which aviation rests
  • lace, wild boar, monkey, monkey, rosin, special, kishkomot - specialist in aviation and radio-electronic equipment.
  • copperheads, twoheads, tupatites, trunks, oak cutters, bombheads - AB (aviation weapons) specialists
  • click - AV technician
  • stumps, skulls - specialists of the PNK (flight navigation complex)
  • wind blower, meteorologist - meteorologist
  • boar - aviation security officer
  • maceman - driver of an airfield sewerage special vehicle (from the Soviet MA-7, called GUK - shit harvester)
  • brooms - employees of the service involved in internal cleaning on board the aircraft
  • turtle - interior cleaning service employee
  • Carlson - paraglider
  • batman, sheetman, hang glider - hang glider
  • jumped - parachutists

Slang phrases

  • pull the horns - turn the helm
  • fly on horns (on your hands) - pilot an aircraft when the autopilot fails
  • fly (pull) on light bulbs - fly with little fuel remaining
  • flap your wings - fly with insufficient fuel or land with faulty engines
  • to wander - to fly with lost orientation
  • going against the grain - flying at a flight level with a heading for which the flight level is not intended
  • to fluff up, to grow bared, the fur to stand on end - to release mechanization
  • crank up - full throttle
  • polish - fly without problems
  • march - fly in cruising flight
  • wash away - pass through the clouds
  • shaving the grass is the perfect way to land a plane
  • promotion - soft landing
  • gild the keel - sit under the approach
  • fold wings - land (after stopping on the runway)
  • knock out the plug - open the door after landing
  • cancel flights - flight cancellations
  • give a pulse - undergo a pre-flight inspection
  • trample - maneuver along steering tracks in an AP
  • wait for the traffic light - stand in front of the runway exit
  • make a poker, make Semyon - fly 7.00 per day
  • do Vasily - fly 8.00 per day
  • unbend hooks - perform short flights
  • bones overboard, leave the office, pull the balls - eject
  • scoop - unplanned loss of altitude during a maneuver
  • bushes are flashing - withdrawal from the maneuver below the minimum safe height
  • slip - fall in air pocket
  • rest - turn on reverse, start braking
  • approach according to the scheme - returning home at a good temperature, that is, drunk
  • leaving for a spare place - leaving for a friend (lover)
  • drilling holes in the ZSh is unsuccessful family life(holes are for horns)
  • go into a tailspin, go into promotion - go on a binge
  • break the weather - have a drinking party in bad weather
  • nose to the alignment point - the position of a pilot who has fallen asleep drunk at the table
  • Blenders fell out - I had too much alcohol
  • failure of the gyro-vertical (or blockage of the gyro unit) - a level of intoxication when you cannot stand on your feet, but still have some strength left to move (and attempts to move lead to periodic falls)
  • cadaverause - the condition of a pilot when overworked, after taking a large dose
  • drain the sediment - go to the toilet
  • presses on the valve - the desire to take a leak (Passat is a lightweight Nissan)
  • center - to steal something from the aircraft (cargo, luggage, catering)
  • KUR zero weight - fly to a radio station
  • to wind the glide path on the propeller - to hang noodles on the ears of your interlocutor
  • sticks stopped - engine failure
  • icons flew off - accident
  • a mouthful of earth is a disaster
  • disintegrate - break the aircraft (mainly during landing)
  • minor breakdowns - fragments of the aircraft collected from the crash site with a rake
  • oblique plane - an airplane after an engine failure. Flying an oblique plane means flying with asymmetrical thrust
  • the left egg is heavier - fly with a chronic left roll
  • light up the crosses, make the cross - (at the dispatchers) bring the markers close together, causing the Proximity Warning System (DPOS) to be activated, the crosses around the markers light up
  • squat - inability to quickly clear the runway
  • push away - tow away the aircraft
  • stand on a string - release the plane
  • keep your ears open - maintain communication with the cockpit via SPU
  • sit on a tube - direct flights
  • sit on the “pacifier” - use the PRP prompts during boarding
  • drive to Katya - fly to Yekaterinburg (others geographical names: Minstrual Waters, Krasnodyr, Siphilisi (Tbilisi), Puddle ( Atlantic Ocean- for example, “flights beyond Puddle”, i.e. to America), dome ( North Pole), Lax - flight to Los Angeles)
  • Trizor ran away again - the border has arrived
  • “N hours, M minutes - wheels in the air” - the most strict indication of the start time of any action - for example, a spill or arrival on alarm
  • “I bought my son a cap with a big visor” - not to let my son into flight school (the visor is so that he doesn’t see the sky)

Names of various aircraft

  • Aircraft manufactured by Airbus - watermelon
  • Aircraft produced by Boeing - Bobik
  • Boeing 737 - small Boeing
  • Boeing 747 - humpback, silver carp
  • Boeing 777 - three axes
  • An-12 - barn, livestock carrier, fantomas
  • An-2 - Antoshka (Anton), Annushka, barn, cockroach
  • An-24 - fantomas, driftwood, crock, vibration stand
  • An-26 - dump truck, barge
  • An-72, An-74 - Cheburashka, Cheburator (“Gazprom” An-74 - lighter)
  • An-8 - alcohol carrier
  • An-225 "Mriya" - centipede
  • Il-2, Il-10 (Ilyushin attack aircraft) - hunchbacked
  • Il-114 and Il-18 - sawmills
  • I-16 - donkey
  • IL-18 - shaggy, Junkers
  • IL-62 - log
  • Il-76 - humpbacked
  • Il-76MF - tuning
  • Il-86, Il-96 - loaf, eggplant
  • Ka-26 - turd, turd, Ivanushka the Fool (wherever it blows, it will fly)
  • Mi-1 - double toilet
  • Mi-6, Mi-26 - cow
  • Mi-6 - locomotive nuts, bear
  • Mi-24 - crocodile, striped, file, drum
  • Mi-26 - brick with a bow
  • Mi-8 - Vasilisa the Beautiful
  • Mikoyaniya - OKB im. Art. Iv. Mikoyan
  • Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant - it’s the same (when mentioned in some unflattering context)
  • Migar - MiG aircraft
  • MiGs 1-42 and 1-44 - rupees forty-two, rupees forty-four, respectively
  • MiG-15 - keg of beer
  • UTI MiG-15 - duckling
  • MiG-21 - balalaika, cheerful
  • MiG-23 - a little athlete
  • MiG-25 - grocery store
  • MiG-25RB - Buryonka
  • MiG-27 - platypus
  • meat - aircraft of the Myasishchev Design Bureau
  • Rusks, drying - jet aircraft Sukhoi Design Bureau
  • Knot - piston aircraft of the Sukhoi Design Bureau
  • Su-47 - hands up (due to significant forward sweep wing)
  • Tupolya is the OKB itself, its representatives
  • Tupol, carcass, jerboa - any aircraft from the Tupolev Design Bureau
  • Tu-134 - small carcass, blunt, whistle, fighter, teal, cigarette butt
  • Tu-154 - ace, big carcass, Tupolev, fifty dollars, “Aurora” (because there are three engines), “steam locomotive”
  • Yashka is a Yakovlev Design Bureau aircraft (not aerobatic). Most often refers to ed. 40, 42, 18/18T, 12.
  • Yak-40 - cigarette butt, three-pipe giant, goby
  • Yak-42 - pregnant cockroach, barn, cigar, silver carp
  • Yak-50 - fifty dollars
  • "lethal machine" - this is how some experts call aircraft
  • banana - two-seater aircraft
  • concrete mixer, saber dance, pear with a bow, aerodynamic error, spinner, helicopter, piggyback vehicle, round-helicopter
  • primer - foreign aircraft operating with a registration number, for example, DAFGH
  • wooden - low-speed aircraft, not equipped with a transponder
  • oaks - landing parachutes, Uteha - UT-15 parachute; forester - parachutist landing on a tree; summer resident - to the dacha
  • sparka - training (combat) aircraft with two cabins
  • herringbone, slanting herringbone, drunken herringbone - logo of the East Line Group
  • ibal aviation, combat aviation - fighter-bomber (from the abbreviation IBA)
  • brick - aircraft with low aerodynamic quality
  • a brick with a bow is a light helicopter from the point of view of a serious pilot
  • smoker, fart, piece of iron - any motor aircraft (glider)
  • wet aviation - hydroaviation
  • cormorants - naval aviation (from the point of view of all other aviation)
  • divers - submariners (from the point of view of anti-submarine aviation)
  • drychepopa - an aircraft with a low-power power plant (less than 100 forces)
  • pornoplane - paraglider
  • sheet, rag - hang glider
  • helicopter-winged trashchmidt - traffic police helicopter or any aircraft of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • barn - transport plane; Columbine - large transport aircraft
  • sprocket - VTA board
  • whistle - a jet aircraft, especially a light one
  • haymower - propeller plane
  • sawmill - a loudly humming propeller plane
  • glass - fiberglass aircraft
  • teshka - an aircraft in the “T” modification. Most often refers to the Yak-18T, then in descending order - Il-76T, Il-18T, An-24T
  • Fakers - Fokker aircraft
  • sausage - wide-body airliner (sausage - narrow-body)
  • heron - Concord
  • real estate - decommissioned (dead) aircraft

Free decoding of abbreviations

  • Civil Air Fleet (Civil Air Fleet) - Shit In A Cap
  • DOSAAF - Voluntary Society of Those Decommissioned from Aviation and Navy
  • cadet - Colossal Universal Labor Force, Absolutely Unwilling to Work
  • PTL (parachute PTL-72) - Dumb Pilot's Parachute
  • PPiO-01 - Trial and Error Device (cadet)
  • PDSP - Shelter for Decommissioned Pilots
  • AUVVSM - Automatic Height Leveling Indicator, Strongly Foul (installed at the instructor pilot’s workplace)
  • KGSh (canopy navigator's head) - briefcase for maps, collections
  • net - Soviet Aviation Man of Special Quality
  • Masandra - Mikoyan Anastas Son of the Armenian People Gave Joy to Aviation

From flight school

  • bastards - cadet boots
  • kulpovka - cadet cap
  • straps - straps
  • oaks - ornament on the visor KVS
  • rooks, kursuli - aviation school cadets
  • marvelous pepper - a young graduate of a flight school
  • long drive - toilet at school
  • go to the drive - go take a leak
  • bread card - VLEK certificate
  • Kaluga - KALTU
  • wrinkle - severe punishment
  • instructor to cadet: “Tu-2S for your subject!” (Tight, Two, Sit down). In general, this was the plane, designed by Tupolev.
  • support your pants - prevent breaks in types of flight training
  • yellow sheet - a grandiose group regimental "outing into nature" on the occasion of the end of flights with cadets in September - October
  • shalopaevka - SHVLP (higher flight training school)

Aviation principles

  • Don’t leave braking for the end of the lane, flying for the end of the month, love for old age. ( Option: What's behind is not a stripe!)
  • The word “last” in aviation is used only in relation to a person who is no longer alive, or who has been permanently written off, or in relation to an airplane that will never fly again. In other cases, they are replaced by equivalents: “extreme”, “final”, “final”.
  • If the question is whether to fly or not to fly, then the decision must be unequivocal: not to fly.
  • During aviation chemical work, a pilot can be hampered by three “Ps”: booze, girlfriend and weather.
  • ... was sent as far as possible only at the airfield.
  • your ass is covered in oil, your nose is covered in grease, but at Aeroflot it’s about the technicians

Aviation toasts

  • To ensure that the number of takeoffs coincides with the number of landings!
  • A pilot is walking along the airfield, holding a glass of vodka in his hand. He passes by an airplane with a technician working on it. He stopped, looked for a long time, then asked: “Hey, man. What are you doing?” Technician: "Flaps." Pilot (raising his glass): "Oh!!! For the wings!" (drinks in one gulp).
  • One day a shepherd was tending a flock of sheep high in the mountains. Suddenly a large eagle swooped down, grabbed the fattest ram and carried it to the mountains. The shepherd raised his gun and fired... The eagle fell, and the ram flew on. So let's drink so that the rams don't fly and the eagles don't fall!
  • For those who are like a bird in the sky,
    For those who fall from heaven dying,
    For those who dream about their beloved at night,
    For those who serve in the Air Force!
  • For the political vigilance of the flight crew!
  • Not for the sake of drunkenness, but just for fun!
  • For the moose: to drink, to sleep, to eat, to be loved - for the moose!
  • So that we have everything and that we don’t have to pay anything for it!
  • So that the tables are full of food, and the beds are full of pleasure!
  • Better late than missed!
  • For having someone to share any mood with!

In civil aviation, flight devices are divided into the following categories:


agricultural purposes,




Passenger aircraft

Let's start our review of civil aviation models with them. This type of air vehicle, as the name implies, is designed to transport passengers. The first production aircraft to transport civilians is considered to be the same domestic Ilya Muromets, which in the future was converted into a bomber. He made his first flight from St. Petersburg to Kyiv with sixteen passengers back in 1914. The American Douglas DC-3 is considered the most popular airliner during the existence of aviation.

Douglas DC-3

who made the first aviation flight back in 1935. Various modifications of it are still in use today. For example, the Soviet version of this aircraft there was Li-2. The first aircraft were described above. Names of the main competitors in the modern market passenger aviation— Boeing and Airbus.


The American company Boeing emerged back in 1916. Since then, it has been producing aircraft, mainly for civil aviation, although there are also military transport models. Most famous names passenger aircraft of this company - Boeing 737, Boeing 747, Boeing 747-8, Boeing 777 and Boeing 787. classification of aircraft their types types names.

Boeing 737

The first of the above models was released in 1968, and today it is the most popular of all passenger aircraft. Boeing 747,

Boeing 747

produced a year later, is a pioneer among wide-body airliners. Boeing 747-8 is the longest passenger aircraft. It was released in 2010. Today, the Boeing 777, produced since 1994, has gained the greatest popularity on the passenger aviation market.

Boeing 777

The newest model of the corporation on this moment– Boeing 787 built in 2009.

Boeing 787


As mentioned earlier, Boeing's main competitor in the global market is the European Airbus company, whose central office is located in France. It was founded much later than its American rival - in 1970. The most famous names of the aircraft of this company are A300, A320, A380 and A350 XWB. Introduced in 1972, the A300 is the very first wide-body, twin-engine aircraft.

Airbus A300

The A320, manufactured in 1988, was the first in the world to use fly-by-wire control.

Airbus A320

The A380 aircraft, which first took to the skies in 2005, is the largest in the world.

Airbus A380

It is capable of carrying up to 480 passengers. The company's latest development is the A350 XWB.

A350 XWB

Its main task was to compete with the previously released Boeing 787. And this airliner successfully copes with this task, outperforming its rival in terms of efficiency.

Soviet passenger aircraft

The Soviet passenger aviation industry was also represented at a decent level. Most of the models are Aeroflot aircraft. Names of the main brands: Tu, Il, An and Yak. The first domestic jet airliner was the Tu-104, released in 1955.


The Tu-154, which first took off in 1972, is considered the most popular Soviet passenger aircraft.


The 1968 Tu-144 acquired legendary status as the world's first airliner that managed to break the sound barrier.


It could reach speeds of up to 2.5 thousand km/h, and this record has not been broken to this day. At the moment, the last operating model of the airliner developed by the Tupolev design bureau is the Tu-204 aircraft produced in 1990, as well as its modification Tu-214.


Naturally, besides Tu, there are other Aeroflot aircraft. The names of the most popular: Il-18, Il-114, Il-103, An-24, An-28, Yak-40 and Yak-42.



Airliners from other countries of the world

In addition to those mentioned above, there are worthy of attention models and other manufacturers of passenger aircraft. The British De Havilland Comet, launched in 1949, is the world's first jet airliner.

De Havilland Comet

The French-British airliner Concorde, developed in 1969, became widely known.


It went down in history due to the fact that it is the second successful attempt (after the Tu-144) to create a supersonic passenger aircraft. Moreover, until now, these two airliners are unique in this regard, since so far no one else has been able to produce a passenger aircraft suitable for mass operation that can travel faster than sound.

Transport workers

The main purpose of transport aircraft is to transport cargo over long distances. Among the devices of this type, it is necessary to identify Western models of passenger aircraft modified for transport needs: Douglas MD-11F, Airbus A330-200F, Airbus A300-600ST and Boeing 747-8F.

Douglas MD-11F

But the Soviet and now Ukrainian design bureau named after Antonov became most famous in the production of transport aircraft. It produces aircraft that constantly break world records for carrying capacity: An-22 1965 (carrying capacity - 60 tons), An-124 1984 (carrying capacity - 120 tons), An-225 1988 (carries 253, 8 t).


The latest model still holds the unbroken record for carrying capacity. In addition, it was planned to be used to transport the Soviet Buran shuttles, but with the collapse of the USSR, the project remained unrealized. In the Russian Federation, everything is not so rosy with transport aviation. The names of Russian aircraft are as follows: Il-76, Il-112 and Il-214. But the problem is that the IL-76 currently being produced was developed back in Soviet times, in 1971, and the rest are planned to be launched only in 2017.


Agricultural aircraft

There are aircraft whose tasks include treating fields with pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals. This type of aircraft is called agricultural. Among the Soviet models of these devices, the U-2 and An-2 are known, which, due to the specifics of their use, were popularly called “corn trucks”.


The aviation industry is developing every year. Today, civilian and military pilots use aircraft models of all configurations and varieties. Aircraft amaze with their variety and variations in purpose. Let's briefly study the types of aircraft and their names in order to classify this type of equipment for ourselves.

The world knows several separate criteria by which aviation experts classify various aircraft. One of the important aspects of systematization of technology is the function of the aircraft.. Today they are used by military and civilian vessels. Moreover, each category is divided into special groups.

In addition, it is also known division according to the speed characteristics of the airliner. Here aviators list groups of subsonic, transonic, supersonic and hypersonic models. This section of the classification is based on determining the acceleration of the liner relative to the speed of sound. Aircraft technology, which today is used for scientific and military purposes, although previously similar models worked for passenger transportation.

If we talk about the control method, we can distinguish two main types - manned aircraft and drones. The second group was used by the military and scientists. Such machines are widely used for space exploration.

Considering the types and purposes of aircraft, aviators will name and classification according to the design features of the device. Here we list the differences in the aerodynamic model, the number and type of wing, the shape of the tail, and the structure of the fuselage. The last subgroup also includes varieties that relate to the types and mounting of the chassis.

Finally, they consider and differences in type, number and installation method of engines. They include muscle, steam, air-jet, rocket, nuclear, and electric motors. In addition, ships are equipped with internal combustion engines (piston modifications of power plants) or combine several variations. Of course, in one review it is difficult to consider in detail the complete classification of aircraft, so we will focus on brief description main categories.

Functionality of the equipment

As stated above, airliners are divided into two main groups: aircraft for civil and military aviation. In addition, experimental devices are a separate type here. Each category here involves division into variations according to the type of purpose and functionality of the aircraft. Let's start by studying aircraft that are used for “peaceful” purposes.

Civil aircraft

Let's define in more detail what types of aircraft there are, the names and subtypes of flying modifications. Here aviators are talking about four model options. Let's list the categories like this:

  • passenger liners;
  • cargo sides;
  • training airbuses;
  • special purpose aircraft.

Note that modifications for passenger transportation are separately divided into groups that determine the flight range. Here they refer to mainline ships and airliners for local transport.

Aircraft classification

  • short-range ones that cover distances of up to 2,000 km;
  • medium, capable of flying 4,000 km;
  • long-distance, operating flights up to 11,000 km.

In addition, the maximum capacity determines the following criteria for local airliners:

  • heavy aircraft with 100 or more seats;
  • medium modifications that carry up to 50 people;
  • light airliners carrying a maximum of 20 passengers.

Among the examples local airlines Let's list the modifications SAAB , E.R.J. , Dash-8 , ATR . It is interesting that certain types of airliners of the local category are equipped with power plants of different classes. Here you can find models with jet engines and aircraft with turboprop engines.

Considering long-haul aircraft, let's name ships familiar to passengers Boeing And Airbus . Boeing aircraft are designed by an American corporation, and Airbus aircraft are designed by a European holding company. Both companies compete with each other, constantly developing and modernizing aircraft. Thus, today the Airbus A380 is considered the heaviest aircraft, although until the release of such a modification, American developments and 747 800 .

The 747 models were the first wide-body aircraft that are still in operation today. In addition, such aircraft are used by the best carriers in Russia and the world.

However, the Europeans are not lagging behind their main competitor. Modifications have gained popularity and recognition among pilots , Airbus A300 And A350 XWB. Model A300- the world's first wide-body aircraft equipped with two engines. As you can see, the possible variations in the classification of airliners cannot be described in one review. But knowing what types of airplanes there are and who created them, the reader will decide on personal preferences and find out the basics of aviation.

Military aviation

Now let's briefly study the typology of courts used by law enforcement agencies. Among these aircraft there are manned airliners and drones, modifications with different types of engines, including rocket engine subtypes. However, we will consider the division of these types according to profile criteria.

Military transport aircraft Il-76

Here, as in the civil classification, there is transport liners carrying out transportation personnel. This IL-76,An-12, 26 And 124 . In the USA, these functions are carried by models Boeing C-17, 97 And Douglas YC-15. In addition, the military also uses auxiliary equipment– medical aircraft, communications aircraft, spotters. However, military aircraft developments also use several categories of vehicles that are found only here. Their list is as follows:

As you can see, the category of military aircraft is quite extensive and deserves serious study. We have only briefly described the main criteria for systematizing such a group. However, aviation experts prefer to classify aircraft using a comprehensive study that includes Full description side designs. Let's dwell on this issue.

About design features

Belonging to a specific category of an airliner is determined by five characteristics. Here the designers talk about the number and method of attaching the wings, the type of fuselage, the location of the tail and the type of landing gear. In addition, the quantity, location of fixation and types of motor are important. Let's find out the known variations in the design of the sides.

Differences in design features are an important criterion when classifying airliners

If we consider the classification of the wing, then the airliners are divided into polyplanes, biplanes and monoplanes. Moreover, in the last category there are three more subtypes: low-plane, mid-plane and high-plane sides. This criterion determines the relative position and fixation of the fuselage and wings. As for the typology of the fuselage, aviators distinguish single-fuselage and double-boom modifications. Here you can also find the following varieties: gondola, boat, load-bearing fuselage and combinations of these types.

Aerodynamic performance is an important classification criterion because it affects. Here the designers call the types of normal design, “duck”, “tailless” and “flying wing”. In addition, the “tandem”, “longitudinal triplane” and convertible design are known.

Airliner landing gear is systematized according to the design and method of fixing the supports. These elements are divided into roller, float, tracked, combined types and air-supported landing gear. The engines are installed on the wing or in the fuselage. Moreover, the airliners are equipped with one engine or a large number of engines. In addition, the type of power plant also plays a decisive role in systematizing the class of aircraft.

Unmanned aerial vehicles have found application in the scientific and military spheres

Modern aviation has several types of aircraft, which are classified according to various criteria.
According to their intended purpose, aircraft are divided into civil, military and experimental aircraft.
Aircraft classification
Airbus A380 - a giant in the world passenger airliners
Boeing aircraft are the main competitor in the field of passenger transportation of the European holding company, which produces Airbuses.