As a rule, all routes will be built through the Volkhovstroy station (Volkhov city). First they get there, and then take a bus to Staraya Ladoga.

By rail

From Moscow to Volkhov (Volkhovstroy station) you can take passing trains to Murmansk "Arktika" at 01:00 or Petrozavodsk 19:55 "Karelia". Trains depart from Leningradsky station. Travel time is 9-10 hours.

From St. Petersburg, from the Moskovsky train station, you can take the train to the Volkhovstroy station (Volkhov city). Trains depart at 0:15 (to Mga), 5:35, 7:24 (to Pupyshevo), 8:05, 10:15 (to Pupyshevo), 13:19 (to Voybokalo), 13:31, 15:10 (to Pupyshevo), 16:45, 18:09, 20:25. Travel time is 2 hours 30 minutes. Ticket price is 300 rubles.

Train schedule from Volkhovstroy to St. Petersburg 6:16 (from Mga), 7:27, 8:17, 12:55 (from Pupyshevo), 13:48, 17:41 (from Voybokalo), 18:17 (from Pupyshevo ), 20:07, 20:39 (from Pupyshevo), 22:57, 23:49.

You can also get there from St. Petersburg by passing trains long distance to Murmansk, Vorkuta, Arkhangelsk, Tyumen, Irkutsk. There are many trains, but most of them arrive after lunch. Travel time is 2 hours.

By bus

From Volkhovstroy station take buses No. 23, 23a to Staraya Ladoga. Travel time is 15 - 20 minutes.

Bus schedule No. 23 (Volkhov - Staraya Ladoga - Novaya Ladoga) 4:50, 5:50, 6:40, 8:10*, 8:50, 10:05, 11:00, 14:40, 12:40, 13:45, 15:15, 16:10, 17:00, 17:45*, 18:45, 19:35*, 21.15*, 23.15*.

* departure upon arrival of the train. Run from the train to the station square, there is a stop on the left edge.

Bus No. 23a (Volkhov - Staraya Ladoga) 7:00 (To Staraya Ladoga on weekdays).

By car

Murmansk highway, 120 kilometer, Yushkovo settlement, turn right to Staraya Ladoga.

How to get to Staraya Ladoga- the question is simple. The answer is the same. But implementing the planned route is the most difficult part of the journey. After all, Staraya Ladoga is located 120 kilometers from St. Petersburg. It takes a long time to get here; not many people would dare to make such a trip. But still, this ancient Russian city is worth writing a note “Old Ladoga - how to get there?” and tell you all the road options here.

1. How to get to Staraya Ladoga by car

To get to old Ladoga, leave St. Petersburg on Murmanskoye Highway. It is also called M18, E-105 and “Cola Route” - all this is the same road. You have to drive along the highway for a long time – hundreds of kilometers. At first the road is wide, four-lane, then the Ladozhsky Bridge, Sinyavino, and the highway becomes two-lane. So it goes up to 107 kilometers. Kiselni village – Attention! At the exit from it, turn right with the sign “Volkhov - 12 km”. Let's turn. After 2 km there is a fork without signs. Here to the left. About 15 minutes along a deserted road - and a large unregulated intersection right in front of the Volkhov River. Here - again to the left. A few more kilometers - and the treasured sign “Old Ladoga” is ahead!

There is another way. You can get off the Murmansk Highway to the right later, somewhere around the 130th kilometer. Thus, after ten kilometers you will also enter Staraya Ladoga, but only from the other side. This path is a little longer, so it is less preferable.

2. How to get to Old Ladoga by train

I’ll say right away that trains do not go to Old Ladoga. Only to Volkhov, and from it to ancient city You will also have to travel a couple of tens of kilometers by bus. Buses do not run often, trains - even less often. The road, frankly speaking, is not a gift. However, you can get to old Ladoga this way too.

Electric trains to Volkhovstroy run from Moskovsky and Ladozhsky stations; you can also board at Sortirovka, Rybatsky or Obukhovo. A ticket in the summer of 2010 cost approximately 200 rubles. The journey takes more than two hours, the train is coming through MGU, Nazia, Pupyshevo and other villages. Having arrived in Volkhov, you need to change to a bus and get to your destination – Staraya Ladoga. I won’t lie – the road is hard and exhausting. Therefore, Staraya Ladoga has not yet become the most popular suburb of St. Petersburg.

3. How to get to Old Ladoga by bus

This option also exists. Again - first to Volkhov, then to Staraya Ladoga. I can’t tell you more about this option - I’ve never traveled like this myself, but I don’t want to lie. It is not entirely clear where the buses depart from. Some sources say - from the Obvodny Canal, others - from Old Village. Maybe from there, and from there. Bus frequency is 3 buses per day. Travel time is two hours. And then on another bus. It’s not convenient - you can’t say anything.

All three options how to get to old Ladoga They rest on one thing - that she is far from St. Petersburg. And no matter how you look at it, the road is exhausting. But for those who have decided on such a journey, I hope my article “ Staraya Ladoga – how to get there" will come in handy!

Modern Staraya Ladoga is a small village 12 km above the mouth of the Volkhov River, but once it was a large urban settlement, the first capital of Rus'. This is a place with more than thousand years of history has always attracted researchers. The first excavations in Ladoga began in 1708. IN different time Famous scientists worked here: N. I. Repnikov, V. I. Ravdonikas, N. E. Barandenburg, O. I. Davidan and many others. Over the years, more than 160 historical monuments. The ancient settlement layout of the 10th-13th centuries, rare works of fortification and architecture, and much more have been preserved here.

At the end of the last century, an archaeological museum-reserve was opened on the territory of Staraya Ladoga. An area of ​​190 hectares has been taken under protection, where there are architectural monuments, buildings of the 19th – early 20th centuries and a cultural layer from the Middle Ages.

Old Ladoga.

The exact time of the appearance of Ladoga is unknown, but research carried out by archaeologists allows us to say with certainty that it happened no later than 753. Perhaps much earlier. The date evokes respect, because at that time there were no ancient Russian cities known to us.

Archaeological excavations in Staraya Ladoga are carried out everywhere and constantly.

The appearance of Ladoga was not accidental. It was built at the intersection of trade routes and was founded by representatives of Slavic tribes. Eight centuries before St. Petersburg, Ladoga became a key port on the great Eurasian transcontinental trade routes and provided the Slavs with free connections with the countries of Western Europe, West Slavic Pomerania and others.

A thousand years ago Ladoga was a prosperous city, an international port, a large craft center and a reliable bank even for European countries.

Falcon is the symbol of Rurik.

It is no coincidence that Ladoga became in 862 the residence and capital city of Rurik, the founder of the Rurik dynasty, who was called to the principality. Later, the prince moved his capital to Novgorod, and then, probably, to Kyiv, but Ladoga was still the first.

Until 1703, Ladoga retained the status of a city, later it became a village and was renamed Staraya Ladoga, because at the mouth of the Volkhov, on the shore Lake Ladoga, New Ladoga arose.

The village is famous throughout the world for many unique attractions:

Staraya Ladoga Fortress

Counts " business card"and the main attraction of Staraya Ladoga. The fortress has not survived to this day in its original form. Its current appearance dates back to the 15th century. Part of the fortress wall lies in ruins. So far, only one fragment of it with two towers – Vorotnaya and Klimentovskaya – has been completely restored. But restoration work continues.

On the territory of the fortress, two unique ancient temples have been preserved: the Church of St. George of the 12th century and the Church of Dmitry of Thessalonica of the 18th century.

The ancient fortress is the main attraction of Staraya Ladoga.

Museum in the fortress.

St. George's Church.

Ramparts of the “earthen city” of Staraya Ladoga.

Archaeological Museum

Since its founding, the museum has become a place for storing materials collected by the Staraya Ladoga archaeological expedition. The basis of its exhibition is made up of objects collected from cultural layers and funerary monuments of various eras. In total, the museum's collection contains more than 132,000 exhibits. The collections of sculpture, painting and graphics, archeology, photographs and documents are presented here. building materials and frescoes, icon paintings and church utensils.

Archaeological Museum.

Exposition of the archaeological museum.


Once upon a time there were six monasteries in Ladoga; only two of them have survived to this day. These are the St. Nicholas Monastery and the Holy Dormition Convent. Nikolsky Monastery is one of the oldest in the territory Leningrad region. According to one legend, it was founded by Alexander Nevsky after the defeat of the Swedes in the Battle of Neva. The shrine of the monastery is a particle of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The Staraya Ladoga Holy Dormition nunnery is several hundred years old. The exact date of its foundation is unknown. At various times, Evdokia Lopukhina, the first wife of Peter I, Evdokia Hannibal, the wife of Pushkin’s ancestor, relatives of the Decembrists, Elizaveta Shakhova, a famous poetess, lived here. After the revolution the monastery was closed. Today the monastery is operating again and continues to be restored.

Mounds of Staraya Ladoga

Three famous mounds are located in the Sopki tract. Of particular interest is one of them, called Olegova Mogila, which is located on the banks of the Volkhov River. Scientists believe that Prince Oleg, the conqueror of the Khazar Kaganate, is buried under the mound. However, this place is interesting not only from a historical point of view. Many believe in the special magical power of this mound, which is confirmed by some scientists. In addition, the mound is connected by underground passage with a catacomb system. It is not yet clear where these passages lead.

These attractions of Staraya Ladoga are located on the northern outskirts of the village, not far from the road to Novaya Ladoga.

Trains do not go to Staraya Ladoga, there are none here railway. The nearest station is located in the city of Volkhov, from where regular buses leave every 50 minutes to Staraya Ladoga. You can get to Volkhov by train or train.

Staraya Ladoga and its attractions on the map.

  1. Staraya Ladoga Fortress;
  2. Nikolsky Monastery;
  3. Assumption Monastery;
  4. Archaeological Museum;
  5. Mounds;
  6. Hotel "Staraya Ladoga".

9 kilometers from Staraya Ladoga, on the P-21 highway, there is the Abyrvalg motel, which can be safely recommended to road travelers.

If your trip is long and you want maximum comfort, then it is best to use the Kobona hotel on the shores of Lake Ladoga. It’s 40 kilometers from Staraya Ladoga, but it’s worth it.

I really like to visit various interesting places located in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, where I live. Each trip adds an additional piece of glass to the overall mosaic of life experiences. I think that I can rightfully consider Staraya Ladoga even a whole fragment of this constantly transforming picture of wanderings.

This settlement, which, according to scientists, is the first capital of Northern Rus', was once of great importance. It was the most important strategic trading center on the route “from the Varangians to the Greeks”, familiar to us all from history lessons, and steadfastly survived all the vicissitudes of past centuries.

And suddenly, in 1704, by order of I, it not only lost its city status, but did not even have the right to its own coat of arms. All “regalia” go to the city of Novaya Ladoga.

Perhaps there were good reasons for this... But today, in our days, I, who often visit “both Ladogas,” for some reason cannot get used to the idea that a magnificent, breathing heroic legend, imbued with historical tragedy and carrying its existence from the depths centuries, Staraya Ladoga is not a city, but just a village. But it’s not for us, as they say, to create history. Although we were happy for the Ladoga residents when, in November 2007, by decision of local deputies, their coat of arms was again approved here, on a purple field of which a diving falcon is depicted.

Once again there was a whiff of ancient epics about Prince Rurik, and the brave Finist, the clear falcon, beloved since ancient times in Rus'.

I want to assure you that for all travelers, young and old, here there are plenty of opportunities to add new exciting pages to your travel book, which I invite you to turn through with me.

How to get there

Staraya Ladoga is an ancient village located in the Volkhov district of the Leningrad region, 128 km from our Northern capital, St. Petersburg, and 712 km from Her Majesty Moscow. There is no airport, railway or bus stations. But getting here is not at all difficult.

And, believe me, it’s worth visiting Staraya Ladoga!

By plane

By train

Since people somehow didn’t want to lay a railway track past old Ladoga, you won’t be able to get here directly by train or commuter train. But, nevertheless, they can be a good intermediate help along the way.

So, from St. Petersburg Swallow trains run from Moskovsky and Ladozhsky railway stations to Volkhovstroy-I station (Volkhov).

All schedule details You will be on the road for about 2 hours. With the capabilities of modern gadgets, you will certainly find ways to while away them, but I prefer to just look out the window and think.

Tickets will cost you (when traveling from Moskovsky Station)

  • adult: 318 rub.;
  • children's, school and student: 159 rub.
  • preferential for pensioners: 47 rubles.

When departing from Ladozhsky railway station:

  • adult: 287 rub.;
  • children's, school and student: 143 rub.
  • preferential for pensioners: 43 rubles.

There are no direct trains from Moscow to this station. Therefore, you can get by train to St. Petersburg (from Leningradsky Station in Moscow), and then proceed as described above.

From Volkhov to Staraya Ladoga you will have to continue the journey by bus, about which information is provided in the section below.

By bus

I quite like bus journeys, however, as long as they are not particularly long. You simply cannot do without the help of this type of transport when traveling to Staraya Ladoga. Of course, I do not take into account driving my car, which is discussed in the section below.

You can get to Staraya Ladoga (2) from Volkhov (1) by buses No. 23 and 23 A, going to the city of Novaya Ladoga (3).

The journey will take about 20 minutes.

There are no direct flights from St. Petersburg (1) to Staraya Ladoga (3) from the bus station (Embankment of Obvodny Canal, 36). But it is possible to get there with transfers again through Volkhov (2).

The real schedule, taking into account the transfer you need, can be found on Yandex.

Of course, in any case (train + bus or bus + bus) you will be on the road for at least, or even more than 3 hours. And this is not so easy if you are traveling with children or elderly companions. Therefore, I advise you to use the services of some travel agency for your first visit to Staraya Ladoga.

By car

This is my favorite type of travel! Today, in the age of such a wonderful help as a navigator, it is not difficult to determine the path, although we prefer the good old road maps.

From St. Petersburg you need to move along the Murmansk highway, which also has the names M18, E-105 or “Kola Highway”.

Fortunately, it is not very congested, although due to road works, which often occur in late summer and autumn, unexpected traffic jams may occur. Therefore, before your trip, inquire about its condition in advance. After 120 km, you will turn right onto highway A 115 near the village of Yushkovo, from where you need to drive about another 7 km to Staraya Ladoga.

From Moscow you will take the M10 (E18) highway in the direction of St. Petersburg. At Zuevo - turn onto A115 (on) and through Volkhov you get to Staraya Ladoga.

The road in this case is much longer than from St. Petersburg. Therefore, if you decide to take such a trip, take care in advance of rest at the end of the journey in Staraya Ladoga. ABOUT possible options I’ll tell you about the stops in the “Districts” section. Where is the best place to live?


Staraya Ladoga - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 0

Kazan 0

Samara 1

Ekaterinburg 2

Novosibirsk 4

Vladivostok 7

When is the season? When is the best time to go

We are going to Staraya Ladoga mainly to plunge into the historical era of Russia's past. The ancient fortress, museums, temples and monasteries, in my opinion, are worth visiting at any time of the year.

Moreover, if you do not like to find yourself in a certain place during tourist invasions, then the off-season is quite suitable for such a trip. I often had to admire paintings by St. Petersburg artists depicting Staraya Ladoga. The winter landscapes on their canvases are in no way inferior to the warm summer and spring ones.

But I still prefer to be here in the summer on fine sunny days.

Staraya Ladoga in summer

This is not only my favorite time of year, but also my favorite time to travel. As for Staraya Ladoga, choosing summer to visit this historical place, you get the opportunity to attend festivals and holidays that are traditionally held here and hospitably attract an increasing number of tourists.

In addition, the climate regime allows for swimming in rivers and the opportunity to sunbathe, as well as taking long walks around the village itself and its picturesque surroundings, where nature pleases the eye and lifts your spirits. There are no sudden temperature changes here. Basically, the thermometer will indicate from + 18 to +23. That is, painful acclimatization and sunstroke will not follow.

It is in the summer that you have the opportunity to visit some churches and museums that are closed during the cold season.

Staraya Ladoga in autumn

The enchanting Indian summer, when autumn is just coming into its own, is amazing in Staraya Ladoga!

And the leaf fall at the beginning of October will also delight your soul. November is already bringing winter with it, temperatures rarely rise above 0 °C. If you are prepared for such circumstances, with the goal of visiting magnificent monasteries and an ancient fortress, and the sad pre-winter pictures of nature do not depress you, then the weather will not become an obstacle to your trip.

Staraya Ladoga in spring

In spring you especially feel the awakening of life! It seems to me that a trip to Staraya Ladoga at this time of year can become quite unusual and even symbolic, if we consider it as a touch to bygone times, to the revival of pages ancient history after a long winter of oblivion.

March is still rainy and snowy, without having time to “reanimate” after winter. It gets warmer in April. The average temperature rises to 8 °C. By the way, it is in this month that you can usually witness an amazing spectacle - ice drift on the Volkhov - which artists are trying so hard to catch. And May is preparing us for summer. In the surrounding forests the soil dries out and the first flowers of the Russian northwest appear.

Staraya Ladoga in winter

One friend from Staraya Ladoga told me that on the first day of December, the residents of this village are especially attentive to the weather. After all, according to popular belief, what it is like is winter itself. It’s warm in the morning – so the winter starts to be warm. A blizzard at noon will blow even in January. If a snowstorm begins to swirl in the evening, then winter will certainly not want to give up its rights to spring for a long time.

The snow here lasts the entire winter season, and, unlike the metropolitan “50 Shades of Gray” due to urban smoke and soot, here it really snows white. The temperature rarely drops below - 23°C, mostly on January days it is around - 12 - -16°C. In Staraya Ladoga it is also wonderful to attend the solemn Christmas services in monasteries, and on Epiphany to plunge into a real consecrated ice hole - the Jordan!

Districts. Where is the best place to live?

Staraya Ladoga is a small village. It has only 22 streets. All the attractions that I will talk about below are, in general, within walking distance of each other. If you use booking services through, then in the village itself on this site only “Holiday Home Barskiy 11” is presented. (1) , there are also recreation centers and hotels in nearby settlements, such as the village of Chernavino ( 2 ), the village of Yushkovo ( 3-4 ) and the city of Volkhov ( 5 ).

In addition to these options, there are hotels in Staraya Ladoga and its surroundings that cannot be booked through Booking. For example, on the map below - the Staraya Ladoga hotel on the street. Sovetskaya 6 (1) , and the recreation center "Staroladozhskaya Dacha", located 2 km in the village of Seltso-Gorka (2).

Due to the lack of hotel competition, prices here are quite high for the province (starting from 2000 rubles per room). There are many positive reviews about the Metallurg Hotel in Volkhov, a city located from Staraya Ladoga, a 20-minute drive by regular bus.

But my advice is this: if you decide to stay in these places for more than a day, then a completely suitable option is to simply rent an apartment in Volkhov or Novaya Ladoga (from 1,000 rubles/day). You can find it through search engines from the “Rent a house for daily rent” series on the Internet.

If you are traveling with a group, and even in the warm summer, then the option of tents is not excluded. True, there are no special campsites here. Despite its uniqueness, this village is not included in the category of long tourist stops. Travelers and pilgrims (there are 2 monasteries in Staraya Ladoga) usually come here only for a day.

Main attractions. What to see

For me, my acquaintance with Staraya Ladoga began with a meeting with an ancient mound, which is believed to be the grave of the Prophetic Oleg himself.

This attraction is located at the entrance to the village by car from St. Petersburg. When you rise to its ten-meter height, a beautiful view of the powerful Volkhov and Staraya Ladoga itself opens up in front of you. And you, like an enchanted wanderer, somehow immediately fall in love with this region forever. There are many pagan tales about the mound, supposedly it is some kind of mystical “place of power”. I don’t attach importance to such “writings,” but when you stand at the top and see the picture opening up, strength simply cannot help but appear in a soul inspired by beauty.

In total, near the village there are three such mounds, originally from the 8th-10th centuries.

Of course, I highly recommend immediately visiting the heart of Staraya Ladoga - its fortress, the 900th anniversary of which was widely celebrated in 2016. You can learn more about it from my

On July 15, 1971, it opened in Staraya Ladoga local history museum. In 1984, it received the status of a historical, architectural and archaeological museum-reserve of federal significance, one of the attractions of which is the Star Ladoga Fortress I mentioned above.

In addition to it, I advise you to visit other places located on the territory of the museum. For example, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (XII century) in the Staraya Ladoga Holy Dormition nunnery, which is rightly called the “Pearl of North-West Rus'”.

The monastery itself is also worthy of attention, one of the oldest in the Tikhvin diocese. You can also see the architectural ensemble of Nikolsky monastery, attracting Orthodox pilgrims to these places. Also visit the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist on Malysheva Hill, which, after restoration in 1991 by craftsmen and artists from St. Petersburg, was the first of all the churches in Staraya Ladoga to be returned to believers.

By the way, if you go around this temple and go down to Volkhov, you will find yourself in front of the Holy Spring of St. Paraskeva Friday. While walking along Varyazhskaya Street, you should definitely go into the two-story houses (stone and wooden - 19th century) of the merchant P.V. Kalyazin, where today the exhibitions “The Life of Merchants of the Novoladozhsky District” and “Archaeology of Ladoga” are presented. And this is not a complete list of interesting places, worthy of attention travelers!

Thus, in this village, small by modern standards, there is a real storehouse of artistic, spiritual and historical treasures.

Top 5

Each traveler has their own preferences among the attractions of the places they visit. I'll offer you my top five.

Beaches. Which ones are better

This historical village does not belong to the category of places where beach holiday. But I want to suggest that on fine days you can easily swim in Volkhov. However, keep in mind that it has a fairly strong current. If you are traveling by car, then you can arrange a spontaneous parking somewhere on its shore.

I’ll suggest another place, directly in Staraya Ladoga itself, where we ourselves once swam. If you go around the St. Nicholas Monastery on the right, you will see a parking lot for cars and buses. Opposite it there will be a descent to the water. I marked this place with an arrow.

Churches and temples. Which ones are worth visiting?

The village of Staraya Ladoga is rich not only in facts military history, but also with his spirituality. It’s always amazing to me how firmly the cities of Russia are connected by the imperishable thread of time!

Judge for yourself. The daughter of the Swedish king Olaf Shotkonung, Princess Ingegerda (baptized Irina), marries the great Novgorod prince Yaroslav the Wise in 1019. Her dowry also included the city of Aldeigaborg (present-day Staraya Ladoga). The territory adjacent to it has since been called Ingermanland, which means “land of Ingegerda.” Having been widowed, Irina took monastic vows with the name Anna and became the first Russian princess-nun.

Today we know her as Saint Anna of Novgorod. Like flowers woven into a beautiful wreath, Orthodox monasteries begin to be created on the lands of St. Anna. I'll tell you a little about them.

  1. Holy Dormition nunnery, located north of the fortress. There is a version that this monastery arose in 1156 thanks to Anna of Novgorod.
    Surprisingly, the monasteries and churches in Staraya Ladoga shared human destinies during times of all historical unrest. In the XIV century. The monastery saves St. Anna Kashinskaya and her husband, Prince Mikhail Tverskoy, during the Tatar devastation of Tver. In 1718, the first wife of I, Evdokia Lopukhina, or Elena in monasticism, was exiled here.
    The linden trees she planted have been preserved in the monastery. Here Evdokia Andreevna Hannibal ended her days.
  2. The main attraction of the monastery is the Assumption Cathedral.
    This northern pearl, according to scientists, was built by Novgorod craftsmen as a princely tomb. The temple is open on weekends during the summer. To visit at other times, you must make prior arrangements by calling the monastery. Read about the history, shrines and the possibility of visiting the monastery
  3. Another Staraya Ladoga Monastery, Nikolsky Monastery, is located on the left bank of the Volkhov, 500 meters from the Rurik Fortress. According to legend, it was founded in 1240 by the squad of Alexander Nevsky after the battle with the Swedes.
    That’s why the hill behind the monastery is called “Victory”, and the stream flowing down to the river is called “Bloody”. During the Swedish intervention, it was here that the monks from Valaam took refuge, saving the main shrine - the relics of Saints Sergius and Gleb. Until the revolution of 1917, local fishermen had a tradition of not starting fishing without approaching the gates of the St. Nicholas Monastery with prayer. All details about the monastery
  4. The wonderful Church of John the Baptist is also assigned to the St. Nicholas Monastery (it was first mentioned in 1276). Previously, it was the cathedral of the St. John's Monastery, which was revered by Boris Godunov. Even in 1604, this king donated a bell here with the inscription “Ladoga - the stronghold of my state.”
    And again, dear travelers, I want to draw your attention to how amazingly intertwined the history of Russia and its church is. And what great significance in the eyes of the tsars-rulers was Old Ladoga, today undeservedly forgotten by us. As for St. John's Cathedral, St. Petersburg artists worked here during the restoration at the end of the 20th century. Services are held on Saturdays and church holidays.
    If you go around the cathedral on the right and go down towards Volkhov, you will come to the Holy Spring of Paraskeva, in whose name, by the way, one of the boundaries of the temple is consecrated, who is also considered the patroness of the family.
  5. In the story about the churches of Staraya Ladoga, it is impossible not to dwell on the St. George Church (12th century), where frescoes from the 12th century have been preserved. This is a UNESCO monument. For her light and slender appearance, she is called the “Ladoga Bride”.
    Both this temple and the Assumption Cathedral remind me very much of my favorite Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. (8)
    All three are like snow-white swans, which, once flying over Russia, were so amazed by its beauty that they decided to stay here forever and protect our country from all adversity and enemy attacks.

Museums. Which ones are worth visiting?

The village of Staraya Ladoga, in my opinion, is a single large museum under open air. I especially want to highlight her ancient fortress- Rurik Castle. Which you can visit all year round. But I still highly recommend choosing warm summer days for this purpose.

Once I had a chance to read on some Internet forum a sad response from tourists that they were not able to get a good look at the exhibition in the fortress tower due to the fact that the frost that covered the glass above the models was in the way. I myself have not visited Staraya Ladoga in winter, but, as they say, there is no smoke without fire.

Attention: the Church of St. George with its unique frescoes of the pre-Mongol period on the territory of the fortress can be visited only in warm weather from May to October.

Entrance to the fortress territory is paid: adults: 80 rubles; preschoolers, schoolchildren, pensioners: 10 rubles; Full-time students of Russian universities: free.

Single ticket to view the exhibition in the Gate Tower, the Church of St. Dmitry of Thessaloniki and the exhibition “Archaeology of Ladoga”: for adults 150 rubles; preschoolers: 10 rubles; schoolchildren and pensioners 80 rub.

Temple of St. George the Victorious: adults: 80 rub.; preschoolers: free; schoolchildren, pensioners: 50 rub.

About visiting other attractions on the territory of the Staraya Ladoga Museum-Reserve ( short excursion, time and cost of visiting) are described in detail on the museum website


There are no significant recreational parks in Staraya Ladoga. But, nevertheless, I will note a well-kept public garden where you can look.

It is located not far from the Assumption Monastery. Here you can see a stele installed in 2003 in memory of the 1250th anniversary of Staraya Ladoga. There is also a park on Varangskaya Street, where in 2015 a monument to the famous Russian princes Rurik and Oleg the Prophet was erected.

The sculptor of this monument is Oleg Shorov.

Tourist streets

I’ll tell you about one wonderful street in Staraya Ladoga with the name “Varyazhskaya” characteristic of this place. It runs along the bank of the Ladozhka River to the fence of the Assumption Monastery and is most old street in Russia. Its length is only about 200 meters.

Therefore, I believe that you simply need to go through it! The first mentions of Varyazhskaya Street date back to the 15th century, and it gained fame after household items dating back to the 9th-10th centuries were found here during archaeological work. This allows us to believe with confidence that in those days the left bank of the Ladozhka River was already thoroughly populated. The street was especially actively developed in the 18th century, when merchants began to settle here. I invited you to two house-museums of one of them - Kolyazin.

In 2003, in connection with the celebration of the anniversary of Staraya Ladoga, several similar merchant houses requiring restoration were demolished on Varyazhskaya Street. It’s a pity, of course, that today you can see only the three remaining of them, plus the house for the clergy of the Assumption Monastery and seven wooden houses from the post-war period. In 1913, a stone chapel appeared here, built according to historians’ assumptions on the site of the ancient Resurrection Church of the 13th century.

At the beginning of Varyazhskaya Street you are greeted by a bronze falcon. I already wrote that this is a symbol of the coat of arms of Staraya Ladoga. Somehow, in my opinion, tourists act somewhat ridiculously when they leave coins “for good luck” in the beak and on the wings of this proud bird.

Either they are trying to bribe the falcon, or something else. Only Finist Yasny Sokol and the “bribe-handout” somehow don’t fit into a single logical chain for me. Also on this street in a small park, in 2015, a monument to Rurik and Oleg the Prophet was erected.

What to see in 1 day

Let's imagine that you have safely arrived in the Russian village of Staraya Ladoga, and you have a whole day to spare. I will offer one of the options for carrying it out.

  • To begin with, at 10.00 am we will have a snack at the “Ancient Ladoga” cafe. And then we will move according to the attached map.
  • 10.30 - heading for a tour of Rurik Castle (1) (Staraya Ladoga Fortress) (expositions of its Klimentovskaya Tower and the Church of Dmitry Solunsky).
    If the weather permits (and only in the summer), we also go to the Church of St. George the Victorious.
  • 12.00 - we’ll definitely take a walk along Varyazhskaya Street (2) , the oldest in Russia. We look at the monument to Rurik and Oleg the Prophet and admire the bronze falcon.
    If desired, we go to museums - archeology and the life of merchants, located in the surviving and restored houses of the merchant Kolyazin.
  • 13.00 - visit the Holy Dormition Convent (3) . By the way, here, thanks to the efforts of the nuns, an amazing internal park was created, in the flower beds of which funny animals hid among the flowers.
    The main shrines of the monastery are located in Church of the Exaltation of the Cross at the Hospital building: particles of the relics of saints: the Great Martyr Barbara, Rev. Seraphim of Sarov and the Holy Women of Diveyevo, Rev. Arseny Konevsky and Antipas of Valaam, Venerable Martyr Maria of Gatchina.
    About architectural ensemble and other attractions you can read
  • 14.00 - We will have lunch at the Prince Rurik restaurant. (6)
  • 15.00 - Let's go to the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist (4), examine its interior decoration, and look into the church shop. Now let's go around the temple and go down to the Holy Spring of Paraskeva Friday (5). Only brave souls take a dip here, but we can just drink water and wash ourselves.
  • 16.00 - we will take a leisurely walk in the opposite direction to the ancient St. Nicholas Monastery. (When visiting monasteries and temples, do not forget that appearance must comply with the rules for visiting Orthodox monasteries).
    Shrines: In 2002, an ark with a particle of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was delivered here from the city of Bari; Also in the monastery there are particles of the relics of other great saints. The venerated icon here is the copy of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Chernigov-Gethsemane” transferred to the monastery in 2004.
    The image suffered during the persecution: a crack from an ax and three bullet wounds. The monastery is open for pilgrims from 9.00 to 18.00, and on the days of evening services until 19.00 daily. All details about the monastery and schedule of services
  • 17.00 - I hope that our journey takes place on a fine summer day. Now, if you didn’t stay for the evening service, you can plunge into the sun-warmed waves of the Volkhov. There is a descent to it just behind this monastery.
    Just keep in mind that the current is strong! You can just sit on the shore and relax.

If you arrived here for a day from St. Petersburg, then remember that the return journey (bus + train) will take at least 3 hours. If you are staying in Staraya Ladoga or nearby, then the next day can be devoted to exploring the surrounding area and the beautiful nature of the region. For example, see Tanya’s cave (7) and go to the largest waterfall in the Leningrad region (8) (4.5 meters high).

What to see in the area

I propose to visit several places worthy of the attention of travelers near Staraya Ladoga.

  1. Gorchakovshchinsky waterfall (1) . Located on the opposite bank of the Volkhov near the village. Gorchakovism.
    It's a stone's throw on the map, but you can't jump over the Volkhov. Therefore, you will have to return to the E 105 highway, turn onto Volkhov, and from Issad turn towards Gorchakovshchina. The path will take 12 km. This wonderful place is worth finding!
    Water falls from a height of 4.5 m into a reddish bowl of soil (local soils are to blame). This is the highest of the waterfalls in the Leningrad region. From the waterfall you can go to Volkhov on a very picturesque coast. Here tourists love to pitch tents and relax alone with nature.
  2. Tanechkina cave (2). It is located 1 km from the mound of Prophetic Oleg in a protected area and is not accessible to visitors in winter. Entrance from Volkhov.
    Labyrinths of passages lure lovers of risk and underground travel here. If you are one of them, take necessary equipment. Well, or at least rubber boots, a flashlight and a helmet. There is a shallow lake in the northeastern part of the cave.
    What’s surprising is that the largest colony of bats of various species in the north-west of Russia lives here - about 400 individuals!
    I don’t really like these animal mice, and, by the way, I don’t like climbing unknown caves either. But I know many St. Petersburg residents who enjoy participating in such downright speleological adventures.
  3. I also suggest visiting the city of Novaya Ladoga, founded in 1704 by Peter I. At that time, Staraya Ladoga, located from Novaya Ladoga 13 km, is losing its former urban status and is now simply called a village. You can get here by bus No. 23 and 23 A, as well as by car. Novaya Ladoga has many attractions, monuments and museums that are interesting for curious tourists. We really liked the ancient Nikolo-Medvedtsky Monastery.
    St. Nicholas Cathedral struck him. Inside there is an amazing iconostasis, and outside, from its south-eastern facade you can climb to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker along a spiral iron staircase, from where a beautiful view of the Volkhov opens.
    The history of Novaya Ladoga is closely connected with the life of A.V. Suvorov, which is why the bust of this great commander is, of course, present here.
    I advise you to visit and Memorial Complex in honor of the sailors and rivermen who guarded the life-saving water route “Road of Life” during the siege of Leningrad. A visit to Novaya Ladoga itself deserves a separate day.
  4. If you are interested in the spiritual page of life, then I suggest an interesting, little-known place - Abramovshchina. The famous abbess of the Staraya Ladoga Assumption Convent, Abbess Eupraxia, once prayed here. It is located 2.5 km from the monastery (you need to ask the directions directly at the monastery). You can't get there by car, so be prepared for a short walk. hiking.
    In 2004, in the Abramov region, the Holy Well of Mother Eupraxia was restored, and the worship cross was again erected. And now, as once before the 1917 revolution, a traditional religious procession is held here on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross (September 27). The place is beautiful, and I think it will be useful to visit the Holy Well.

In Staraya Ladoga, for obvious reasons, it is impossible for me to introduce you to “TOPS” budget-medium-expensive food places. There are none of them here. But they are quite good for snacking.

  1. Cafe "Ancient Ladoga" is waiting for visitors from 10.00 to 20.00. The furnishings are stylized as rustic antiques, there is a fireplace stove.
  2. Cafe "Lyubava" is open from 10.00 to 23.00, and on weekends until 00.00.
  3. Restaurant "Prince Rurik" is open from 10.00 to 21.00, on Friday and Saturday until 23.00. You can have lunch here without alcohol for the amount of 500-700 rubles.
  4. Cafe "Ladya" at the mini-hotel of the same name. Sometimes in this cafe local residents They hold themed discos, for example, “hat party”.


I really love the holiday atmosphere, when you are in the epicenter of universal joy. Therefore, timing your trip to coincide with some similar event in Staraya Ladoga means getting a wonderful emotional charge and bright impressions for the traveler!

Of course, in Staraya Ladoga, residents celebrate generally accepted public holidays, but besides them, there are special days when tourists flock to the walls of the ancient Rurik castle like a noisy river and crash tent cities, the world around is transformed, taking on pictures of the Middle Ages.

I mean the festivals that are traditionally held here.

Festival “Old Ladoga – the first capital of Rus'”

A real open-air theater reconstruction awaits you. And it’s as if time will turn back to the days of calling Rurik and his squad to these lands.

The clink of swords is heard - knights are fighting. It's great to measure your heroic prowess! And over Staraya Ladoga, ancient songs are heard again and the harp is played. You can also visit the forge and learn about other ancient crafts. This is where children's joy lies! It seems to me that adults will find all this very interesting.

Usually on such days there is a fair where you can buy goods from merchants - various utensils and clothes with antique jewelry, try your hand at archery and crossbow shooting. You will plunge into the atmosphere of life and culture of the distant past of Rus', get acquainted with the morals and customs of the people.

By the way, in 2016, more than 2,500 guests from all regions and cities attended this festival.

You need to find out more about the time of the event.

I would like to note right away that, as you already understand, there are few hotels in Staraya Ladoga itself. You can use nearby ones in Volkhov and Novaya Ladoga, and also try to rent an apartment in advance. But for tourists who are not pampered by comfort, there is a simple solution - a tent.

There have been no special campsites provided yet, so the protection of your belongings here is entirely your responsibility. But I think it’s great to join in the general fun and also set up your own little “house” against the backdrop of ancient mounds and fortress walls.

By the way, you can even temporarily transform yourself into the heroes of this festival. – Linen dresses and shirts, wreaths and woven belts and bracelets will give you a feeling of freedom without the usual suits and ties required by the dress code at work in everyday life. And long dresses and beautifully decorated hair will help women feel “more beautiful and prettier than ever” without any of the fashionable spas today.

Festival "Sovereign Shield"

This festival is usually held in June. Its goal is the development of event tourism and the reconstruction movement. Moreover, I think it is useful for all of us to remember the past times of our history, the period of the Time of Troubles of the 16th-17th centuries.

As for children, you will agree with me that it is much more interesting for them to learn history this way than from school textbooks. You can also find out whether such a festival will be repeated and about all others similar to it on the website of the Staraya Ladoga Museum. After all, wonderful Ladoga hosts can come up with something new for their dear guests. By the way, festivals of sacred music and various concerts are held in Staraya Ladoga.

Hunter's Day

For hunting lovers, there is also an annual themed festival, which is usually held in early autumn. Here you will witness horse riding and the work of hunting dogs (this is especially interesting for me, since one of the “furry” members of my family is a spaniel).

And of course, since the event is taking place in an ancient Russian village, then one cannot do without falconry, master classes in working with “decoys,” chasing, and blacksmithing!

You will see photo exhibitions, an exhibition of hunting trophies and an exhibition of children's drawings. And the concert of folk groups will certainly delight spectators and tourists! For the male part of the guests, visiting such a holiday, I think, will be especially interesting!

Orthodox holidays

Since in small Staraya Ladoga today there are two ancient monasteries that carefully preserve their rich history, then, I think, everyone can visit here on some of the Twelfth Orthodox holidays. Especially on the Feast of Holidays - Easter, and even on Christmas Day.

And on Epiphany, even despite the frosty weather, “Jordan” is certainly consecrated here, and the most courageous can take a plunge!

Safety. What to watch out for

If you become a participant in one of the large-scale holidays and festivals, then in the heat of the fun, still remember that among the ranks of tourists clicking cameras and smiling friendly at you, there may well be ordinary pickpockets. The workers of this craft really love to be in a crowd captivated by some kind of spectacle. This phenomenon seems to be ineradicable neither here nor in any other country in the world.

So let's humble ourselves and just be vigilant.

If you visit the fortress in winter, be careful - the steps can be slippery due to ice. And in general, at this time of year, a sudden meeting with the earth of our soft places is not excluded. Therefore, I strongly advise you to have comfortable shoes and not to force yourself on heels, which we will reserve for city sidewalks.

Things to do

I love such trips to small towns and villages because they allow me to escape from the rush of the city and plunge into the measured rhythm of provincial life, at least for a short time.

Therefore, in Staraya Ladoga, in addition to visiting the sights, just enjoy life, take a walk (go to Varyazhskaya Street), breathe fresh air, admire nature. If you are inclined towards some artistic hobbies, then this is the place for them. Organize a spontaneous plein air.

Even if you are not a professional, drawing the surrounding landscapes will still certainly give you positive emotions. You can also show your creativity by taking photographs, writing poems and stories. If you are traveling with children, then your tales about mighty Russian warrior heroes, told during walks, will greatly delight them. Remember the forgotten game “secrets” and bury your family secret somewhere (flowers on a piece of gold under a piece of glass). Instead of glass, by the way, a transparent plastic lid from a sour cream jar will also work.

At the same time, you can smile mysteriously, imagining how one day archaeologists will find it. While walking near the mounds, and along the banks of the Volkhov, weave yourself (or your companions) a wreath of herbs and flowers, or release it into the fast streams of water, making a wish.

Also, for a similar purpose, you can quickly build a raft or boat from improvised means.

We have forgotten all these activities, sitting at computers or looking at the blue TV screen. But it is precisely such family leisure activities that bring people together, giving us the joy of live communication!

Staraya Ladoga has a rich spiritual history. Go to the Holy Spring of Paraskeva, and light candles in churches and just be alone with yourself in their peaceful silence.

Let this trip become a holiday for the heart! After all, “places of power” are not mounds and graves (as various esotericists claim), but towns like Staraya Ladoga, which preserve for you and me the voice of history about the great heritage of our ancestors.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

I always take something with me from the places I visit as a souvenir of the trip. But this is not always a purchased souvenir or an item made in those parts. For me it can be a shell, an unusual pebble, a flower that creates a summer mood even in winter.

As for the Old Ladoga gifts themselves, there is a souvenir kiosk in the village itself, next to the ticket office of the Rurik Fortress.

As always, magnets, mugs, keychains, which can very well play the role of a gift or a cute keepsake. Pay attention to metal products - brooches, pendants with images of runes, men, animals, intricate patterns.

There are also bracelets with various embossed ornaments.

Maybe something will suit your taste. There are also photographs and albums, as well as birch bark products with images of Old Ladoga sights: fortresses, churches, nature. In the monasteries there are church shops where you can buy Cahors, gingerbread, Lenten products, teas, relevant literature and icons. During festivals and holidays, fairs are held in Staraya Ladoga, where the works of folk craftsmen are presented.

But your main gifts to yourself are a charge of positive emotions, new discoveries, and photographs, of course!

How to get around the city

The village is small, so to see its sights, just walk. When we come here, we leave our car in the parking lot and then leisurely walk around Staraya Ladoga. The bustle and rush only prevent you from feeling the measured rhythm of this ancient place. But to the mounds (if you don’t look at them before entering the village, and from their tops at Staraya Ladoga itself), it’s better to actually get there by car.

You will, of course, need a car if you want to go to the waterfall, Tanechkina Cave and Novaya Ladoga, located 13 km away.

I think it's about the correct speed limit in the area settlement It’s unnecessary for me to remind you, but I’ll touch on parking. When we arrive in Staraya Ladoga, we leave the car in a parking lot near one of the two monasteries. Parking there is good, free, designed for access excursion buses, that is, very roomy. And there is more security in this area. Opposite the fortress, you can park right on the side of the highway, since the parking spaces directly next to the ticket offices are intended only for museum employees.

Old Ladoga. Vacation with children

I am sure that going to Staraya Ladoga with children is the right decision! Especially if you can get to some summer festival. After all, such spectacular events are very interesting for girls and boys!

But even on ordinary days there will certainly be something to keep the kids busy. My advice: if your children are small, prepare in advance interesting story with which you can captivate them while walking around the ancient fortress. As for schoolchildren, it is especially valuable for them to personally come into contact with the Middle Ages, and not just study it from books. Then, during the history lesson, the children will be able to proudly show their friends photos of the Prophetic Oleg’s burial mound and Rurik’s castle.

Wonderful nature and contemplation of the beauty of temple ensembles will also have a beneficial effect on cultivating a sense of beauty. I already wrote about what to do with children between visits to museums in the “What to do” section. Think about your leisure time in advance. After all, not every one of us, adults, likes to contemplate only museum exhibitions. Children all the more need to switch from learning to play and fun adventures.

And let it be joint entertainment or some kind of creative activity. After all, it’s not at all difficult to take an album, pencils, paints and, perhaps, even plasticine with you on a trip!

Oh yes! You can also fly a kite, play frisbee and ball.

After all, you have escaped from the city to a village surrounded by wonderful nature!

Be sure to weave wreaths, run around the mounds, listen to the tales that the waves of the gray-haired Volkhov will tell.

And when my daughter was little, I often took her friends with me on some short trip. It’s great if you go with a large group, including several children.