There are a huge number of places and attractions in the world that you want to visit. They are all something special and attract the attention of thousands of tourists every year. When planning your next trip, take a look at this list and perhaps visit one of these amazing places will leave a lasting impression on you.

A large castrum sinkhole located in the center of Lighthouse Reef, an atoll in Belize barrier reef. The diameter of this natural miracle is 305 meters, and it goes 120 meters deep. The Blue Hole attracts a huge number of divers from all over the world every year.

2) "Wave" in Arizona, USA

In the state of Arizona in the USA, there are rocks covered with intricate layered patterns that give the place an unearthly appearance. is located near large settlements, so it has gained great popularity among tourists.

These hills, called chocolate hills, are located on the island of Bohol in the Philippines. In total, there are more than 1,200 such hills covered with greenery in this area.

This place in the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan is nicknamed the Gateway to Hell, it was formed after a failed gas drilling operation. During drilling in 1971, all equipment, including the drilling rig, fell into the resulting crater, which was filled with gas. To avoid accidents and poisoning, it was decided to set this gas on fire and since then, it has continued to burn for more than 40 years.

IN Chinese province Hunan became the prototype for the fantastic landscapes from the movie "Avatar". More than 3,000 thousand sand mountains rise to a height of up to 800 meters and are of great interest to tourists, especially after the success of Cameron's film.

One of the most accessible amazing places on the planet, many Russian tourists have already visited there, since Pamukkale is only a few hours from the popular Turkish resort- Antalya. Pamukkale, which means “Cotton Castle”, is a snow-white terrace filled with water from mineral springs. The water in these terraces is believed to have healing properties.

7) Antelope Canyon, USA

Antelope Canyon is located in the southwestern United States, 240 kilometers from. Wind and water have done a lot of work over many thousands of years, resulting in this amazing canyon of red-red flowers.

Do you know what the most active volcano located in Antarctica? Volcano Erebus (Ice Towers of Mount Erebus) was discovered on January 28, 1841 by an English expedition led by polar explorer Sir James Clark Ross on the ships Erebus and Terror. The height of this volcano is 3794 meters, making it one of the most high points Antarctica. Inside the volcano there is a large lava lake.

9) Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks Monument, USA

This national monument is located in the state of New Mexico, 60 kilometers from the city of Santa Fe and was formed due to sedimentation of volcanic rocks.

10) Ischigualasto Natural Park, Argentina

This park, also called The Valley of the Moon, is located in the province of San Juan in Argentina. Not the most popular place among tourists, as it is located far from the main tourist routes, but this is where NASA tested its Mars rovers. The landscape of this place looks alien.

11) Salt Flat of Uyuni, Bolivia

The Salt Lake (Salar de Uyuni) in Bolivia is located near Lake Titicaca - this is one of the most amazing and photogenic places on our planet. Everything in this area is saturated with salt, it is everywhere, but the most amazing sight occurs when the rains fall and everything is covered with a thin layer of water, the ideal surface of which turns into a mirror.

12) Danxia Landform, China

This incredible landscape may appear to be just the result of Photoshop, but it is a real geological feature formed by the overlay of sandstone and other mineral rocks. This natural object located in the Chinese province of Gansu. In 2010, the Danxia Landscape was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

13) Crystal Cave of the Giants, Mexico

This cave containing the world's largest crystals was recently discovered in 2000 near the city of Chihuahua in Mexico. These giants measure up to 15 meters in length and 1.5 meters in width and are composed of zinc-silver-lead salts. The cave has a special climate (almost 60 degrees Celsius and 100% air humidity), in which a person cannot spend more than 5-10 minutes.

14) Dry Valleys, Antarctica

A dry valley is the territory of three oasis valleys (Victoria, Wright, Taylor) in Antarctica west of McMurdo Sound. Hurricane winds, lack of precipitation, and low temperatures created a unique climate in this place. Rare lakes have long been turned into ice wells, in which, according to some scientists, unknown microorganisms live.

15) Socotra Island, Yemen

Socotra is an archipelago in Indian Ocean, consisting of 4 islands, located off the coast of Somalia. These islands preserve unique plant and animal life, many of which can only be found here. The symbol of the archipelago is the endemic dragon tree.

16)Giants Causeway, Ireland

More than 40,000 basalt columns form a path that leads to the foot of the volcano, thanks to the eruption of which these amazing columns were created. The Giant's Causeway is one of Northern Ireland's most popular tourist attractions.

17) Kliluk, the Spotted Lake, Canada

Local indigenous Indians consider this lake sacred. The water of this lake has bright colors, as it is saturated with sodium sulfates, calcium, magnesium and other minerals. During the hot season, the water in the lake dries up and many small puddles form, which have different colors, depending on which element of the periodic table predominates in them.

18) "Pulpit" or Preikestolen, Norway

Preikestolen Rock, a favorite place for photographers and just tourists, is a huge rock-cliff with a flat platform 25 by 25 meters. The height of the cliff is 604 meters and from its top there is a beautiful view of the surrounding landscape. The Preikestolen cliff is one of Norway's most popular attractions.

19) Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

Plitvice Lakes is the main attraction of Croatia. There are 16 large and several small lakes, about 20 mysterious caves and 120 waterfalls. In this place you can find many species of plants and animals that are unique and found only in the Plitvice Lakes region, which is why they are strictly protected by UNESCO.

20) Cappadocia, Türkiye

Cappadocia, or "Country beautiful horses» - unique place, located in the Goreme Valley in Turkey. Cappadocia is practically a whole world, which is hidden in caves of volcanic origin, there are houses, monasteries, unique multi-tiered underground cities and much more, all this appeared before our era. This unique place is rightfully popular among tourists coming to Turkey.

21) Yellowstone National Park, USA

Yellowstone National Park is unique natural Park, known throughout the world. The most famous and most visited national park in USA. Yellowstone is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. This park is located in three states: Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. Yellowstone is famous for its unique geological features: geysers, geothermal springs and the largest dormant volcano on the entire continent - Caldera.

22) Tunnel of love in the city of Klevan, Ukraine

This tunnel of trees envelops railways which pass near the city of Klevan. Because of its amazing beauty and romance, this place was nicknamed the Tunnel of Love. In the summer, when the tunnel is in its prime, newlyweds like to come here; taking a photo against its background is considered a good sign.

23) Corinth Canal, Greece

It is impossible to believe that this channel was created by human hands. The construction of the Corinth Canal began under Emperor Nero in 67 BC, and was completed only in 1893. This unique man-made creation connects the Saronic Gulf Aegean Sea and Gulf of Corinth Ionian Sea. The depth of the Corinth Canal is 8 meters and the width is 24 meters.

One of the most beautiful places in Chile is Lago General Carrera, which contains Marble Caves. This one is unique natural cave consists entirely of multi-colored marble (pink and blue), there are more than 5000 million tons of it.

25) Monsanto village, Portugal

This small Portuguese town is built among huge stone boulders, many of which serve as homes for local residents. The Monsanto town consists almost entirely of one-story buildings, which are divided narrow streets When you get here, you can feel like you are in the Middle Ages.

The views of this ice canyon in Greenland are mesmerizing, its deep blue water is captivating and you can get lost in the many intricately crafted ice arches. This canyon is the largest on the island, and its waters are home to bowhead whales, seals and walruses.

27) Skaftafell, Iceland

Skaftafell Park is natural miracle Iceland, where the ice caves of Jökulsarlon lie.

28) Multnomah Falls, USA

29) Seljalandfoss waterfall, Iceland

This temple carved into the rocks truly deserves the title of one of the wonders of the world. The construction of this city began before our era, and it is currently included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

32) Town of Riomaggiore, Italy

A small town in Italy, where houses are piled on the rocks right at the edge of the sea. Cars are prohibited in Riomaggiore.

33) Loy Krathong Festival, Thailand

Every year a festival is held in Thailand, the unchanging tradition of which is the launching of sky lanterns. This amazing sight, when thousands of luminous lights rise into the sky at the same time, is simply mesmerizing. If you're in Thailand in November, don't miss this festival.

34) Mount Roraima, Venezuela

The height of Mount Roraima is 2723 meters, and the summit plateau has an area of ​​35 square kilometers. Reports of an expedition to the mountain area inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to write his novel The Lost World.

35) Etretat, Normandy, France

It is impossible to list everything in one place interesting places planet, because each place is unique in its own way and deserves attention, but we tried to collect many interesting places that you should pay attention to when going on your next trip.

Moscow is multifaceted and grandiose; every time it turns to the traveler with thousands of different sides. Here, the multi-colored domes of Orthodox churches coexist with monumental high-rise buildings in the “Stalinist Empire” style. Rich estates of the aristocratic families of the Russian Empire stand next to fashionable restaurants and clubs, the spiers of glass high-rise business districts sparkle against the backdrop of picturesque Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

Moscow has a huge number of cultural sites - more than 400 museums, about a thousand monuments, 130 theaters and dozens of concert halls. Most of the events in the country's social life from premieres to international exhibitions take place in the capital. You need to come to Moscow for a long time to feel the spirit and energy of this dynamic city.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

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What to see and where to go in Moscow?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

1. Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

The most recognizable and visited places in the Russian capital. The red towers of the Kremlin, crowned with stars, are an established brand, a symbol of Moscow. Since the 12th century, the Kremlin served as a defensive structure; over the centuries it was repeatedly burned and rebuilt. Red Square has more than once become the site of important state events. It hosted public meetings, fairs, parades, and various cultural events.

2. St. Basil's Cathedral

The cathedral was founded by order of Ivan the Terrible as gratitude to the Lord for his help in the capture of Kazan. The building originally had golden domes and red and white walls. After a fire in the 18th century, as a result of restoration, the temple was decorated in bright colors and now it towers over Red Square like a multi-colored gingerbread. The name was given in honor of the holy fool Vasily the Blessed, who collected part of the money for the construction of the temple and gave it to Ivan the Terrible.

3. Zaryadye Park

Public space in the same name historical district capital Cities. Construction took place in 2014-2017, after the demolition of the Rossiya Hotel located on this site. The park presents 4 landscape zones of Russia. The total number of trees planted is 752, and shrubs are about 7 thousand. In different parts of Zaryadye there are zones with an artificial microclimate. In 2018, a concert hall opened in the park.

4. Moscow City

The business district of the capital, consisting of modern skyscrapers futuristic design. The project is unique both for Russia and for the whole of Eastern Europe. The tallest tower of the Federation complex reaches a height of 235 meters; other buildings also have their own names. Moscow City was nicknamed “Moscow Manhattan”; the quarter was conceived as a Russian analogue of the London and New York business districts.

5. Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Moscow Cathedral, where the Patriarch holds services. The temple was built in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 according to the design of Konstantin Ton; the work lasted more than forty years. During the Soviet era, the building was blown up, and in its place appeared the Palace of Soviets, and later the Moscow swimming pool. The cathedral was rebuilt in 1994-1997. and now has maximum external resemblance to the original.

6. Novodevichy Convent

Oldest convent capital Cities. According to legend, it stands on the spot where, during the rule of the Golden Horde, girls were selected to be sent into slavery. The monastery was founded in 1524 by Vasily III. Subsequently, many royal persons, as well as girls from princely and boyar families, received tonsure at the monastery. Many came here not of their own free will. Architecturally, the monastery is a real fortress with powerful walls.

7. Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye

16th century temple on the banks of the Moscow River in the territory park complex in Kolomenskoye. Presumably, the Italian architect Petrok Maly took part in the construction of the building. The church is one of the first examples of stone tented churches on the territory of Rus'. The structure was built in the form of an equal-ended cross with a 62-meter bell tower. The architecture of the temple is considered unique.

8. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The main Catholic cathedral of Moscow, built in the neo-Gothic style at the expense of the Polish community. The main buildings were erected at the beginning of the 20th century according to the design of F. O. Bogdanovich-Dvorzhetsky. The cathedral is a typical example of the architecture of Catholic churches - pointed arches, soaring figured towers, colored stained glass windows. The temple regularly hosts organ music concerts and other cultural events.

9. Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve

The palace and park ensemble, covering an area of ​​more than 100 hectares, is located in the south of the capital. All buildings were created in the 18th century in the “pseudogothic” or “Russian Gothic” architectural style. Previously, the ensemble served as a royal residence. Today, the park houses exhibitions, museums, concert halls, greenhouses. Thanks to beautiful landscape, the Tsaritsyno ensemble has become a popular place for wedding photo shoots.

10. Kolomna Palace

Wooden palace in Kolomenskoye Park, which belonged to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. It opened to visitors in 2010. The building was founded in the 17th century, its appearance was designed to emphasize the power of the Russian state and the greatness of the Tsar. The interior decoration was distinguished by pomp and luxury. Under Catherine II, the palace was dismantled, but detailed drawings of it were first made. Based on these drawings, the complex was completely restored later.

11. Kremlin in Izmailovo

Landmark of the New Age in the spirit of Russian architecture XVII century, stylized residence of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The ensemble was built according to ancient sketches and drawings. The Kremlin appeared in 2007 near the Partizanskaya metro station. There are handicraft shops, museums, taverns, and a church on the territory. The Kremlin was created according to the project of A.F. Ushakov as an attraction to attract tourists.

12. Kuskovo Estate

An 18th-century mansion that belonged to the count family of Sheremetyev. The magnificent estate, surrounded by a landscaped park, was used for lavish receptions, balls, celebrations and theatrical performances. The museum on site exhibits one of the world's largest collections of ceramics. Exhibitions, concerts, and celebrations in old Russian traditions are constantly held in Kuskovo.

13. Krutitskoye Compound

An architectural monument of the 17th century in the Tagansky district of the capital. Since 1991 it has served as a patriarchal courtyard. The Department for Youth Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church is also located here. The history of the place began in the 13th century. At first there was a monastery here, and then the residence of senior clergy. The Krutitsky courtyard is a place where you can imagine what Moscow looked like in past centuries.

14. Bolshoi Theater

The country's main opera stage and one of the best theaters in the world. The theater was built in 1825, but in 1853 the building burned down. Three years later, the Bolshoi was rebuilt. Large-scale reconstructions were carried out in 1886-1893, in 1958 and in 2005-2011. The monumental theater building is decorated with massive columns; the interior decoration is striking in luxury. The crystal chandelier in the main auditorium deserves special attention.

15. State Tretyakov Gallery

An art museum with a rich collection, founded by the Tretyakov merchant family. In 1861, in his will, Pavel Tretyakov transferred the family gallery to the city and determined sums of money on its content. In 1893, the museum officially opened to the public. The Tretyakov Gallery is the largest (more than 180 thousand exhibits) collection of Russian paintings, engravings, and icon paintings.

16. Armory Chamber and Diamond Fund

They are located in the same building on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin. The Armory Chamber has been functioning as a museum since 1806. It houses art and artifacts, both made in local workshops and donated by embassies of other countries. Diamond fund– an impressive exhibition of masterpieces of jewelry art. The best examples of the collection date from the 18th-20th centuries. In addition, the exhibition features gems and nuggets with a rich history.

17. State Historical Museum

It is located on Red Square and is one of the main capital museums. Collections spanning all eras are exhibited in countless rooms. Russian history from ancient times to the 20th century. There are also extensive exhibitions on the history of other states. The museum was founded by decree of Alexander II in 1872. In 1990, the building was included in the UNESCO heritage list along with Red Square.

18. Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard

The circus was built in 1880 with the money of the merchant Danilov. From the very opening, the administration tried to invite only the best groups and attract more visitors to the performances. In 1996, in honor of the 75th artist Yu. Nikulin, the circus was given the name “Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.” The auditorium can accommodate 2,000 people, and modern equipment is used during performances.

19. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

The museum gallery was opened in 1913; the collection was based on exhibits from the Cabinet collection fine arts and antiquities of Moscow University. Later, original culture samples were acquired Ancient Egypt. During the 20th century, the museum developed and expanded, and now it contains about 700 exhibits. The halls constantly host various exhibitions of world-famous authors.

20. Bunker 42 on Taganka

Museum cold war, located 65 meters underground. The bunker was built in the middle of the 20th century; it was conceived as a completely autonomous shelter in case of a sudden nuclear strike. A supply of water and food was stored here for a long time. The entrance to the museum is a one and a half ton door, behind which begins long staircase. Visitors can explore the bunker's interiors on a guided tour and watch a film about the Cold War.

21. Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

A park complex with memorials dedicated to the Victory in the Second World War of 1941-1945. Before construction began in 1987, the hill on Poklonnaya Hill was partially demolished. The park officially opened in 1995. The central monument is an obelisk topped with a statue of the goddess Nike, 141.8 meters in height. In 2009-2010 The Eternal Flame burned here, moved during the reconstruction period from the Alexander Garden.

22. Sparrow Hills

Vorobyovy Gory is considered the main observation deck Moscow, with views of the Moskva River valley, Luzhniki, Stalin's skyscrapers and Moscow City skyscrapers. The Moscow State University building is located nearby. Sparrow Hills park area – perfect place for walking, cycling, rollerblading, jogging. Moscow bikers have been gathering near the observation deck for many years.

23. Sports complex "Luzhniki"

Opened in the 50s of the last century, it was rebuilt many times. The area exceeds 180 hectares. Hosted some events of the 1980 Olympics. In the 90s it turned into a huge clothing market, which was liquidated by 2003. Now the complex consists of dozens of objects, including a sports arena with 78 thousand seats, football fields, tennis courts, swimming pools and a golf academy. The final match of the 2018 World Cup was played at Luzhniki.

24. Moscow metro

The largest metro in the former USSR. The first line was launched in 1935, it connected Sokolniki and Park Kultury. Currently, 15 lines with a length of almost 400 km have been laid. Of the 230 active stations, 48 ​​are recognized as objects cultural heritage Russia. The design of some metro halls resembles museums; excursions, including night ones, are held here.

25. Moscow Zoo

One of the oldest in Europe, it has been welcoming visitors since 1864. Currently, the zoo contains about 6 thousand individuals. They represent more than a thousand species of animals. The territory is divided by topic. There are both open and closed exhibitions and enclosures. Anyone can register for guardianship of an animal they like, finance its maintenance and receive a number of privileges. The living symbol of the zoo is the giraffe Samson.

26. VDNH

A large park area in the North-East of the capital with numerous exhibition pavilions, well-groomed alleys, fountains, cafes, concert venues. VDNH is one of the most popular places for city residents to relax on weekends. Here you can visit an aquarium, a historical pavilion, innovative exhibitions, farmers' markets, a theater and even a “port” with a swimming pool and beach. There are many cyclists, roller skaters and other athletes at VDNKh.

27. Ostankino TV Tower

The television tower is another important symbol of the capital. The tower provides television broadcast throughout Russia; television studios and offices of the main channels are located here. The height of the building reaches 540 meters. The Ostankino Tower was built in the period 1963-1967; at that time it was considered the most tall building in Europe. For visitors there are special excursions to the tower with a visit to the observation deck.

28. Triumphal Gate

Arched gate on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, erected in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. The structure was built according to the design of the architect Bove in 1829-1834, later in 1936 the arch was dismantled. The reconstructed gate reappeared on the avenue only in 1968. The inscription on the top of the old structure glorified the deeds of Alexander I in Russian and Latin, the new inscription immortalized the feat of Russian soldiers in 1812.

29. Stalin's Skyscrapers

Seven high-rise buildings built in the pompous “Stalinist Empire” style in the mid-20th century. These unique structures, as conceived by the leader, were supposed to symbolize the power and greatness of Moscow and the entire USSR. The buildings house the Moscow State University, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, hotels, and residential apartments. In Soviet times, housing in these elite houses was allocated only to prominent scientists and government officials.

30. State department store (GUM)

It is located on Red Square and is one of its main attractions. The history of the building began in the 19th century with the opening of shopping arcades. During the 20th century, GUM gradually became the main and most coveted store in the country - all business travelers strive to get into it to purchase scarce goods. Nowadays, GUM is the territory of expensive boutiques, historical shops and designer showrooms.

31. Old Arbat Street

The capital's famous promenade, where street performers perform and artists paint portraits, surrounded by charming Moscow mansions from previous centuries. Arbat has a large number of souvenir shops, restaurants and small interesting museums. The street is included in the mandatory visiting program for foreign tourists, so here they can be seen in considerable numbers.

32. Hermitage Garden

A small park in the city center, a popular place for walking among locals. The garden was founded by entrepreneur and philanthropist Ya. Shchukin at the end of the 19th century. The last serious reconstruction was carried out in the late 90s. XX century. On the territory of the park there are three theaters and an open stage for summer concerts. During the warmer months, festivals and various events are often held here, attracting many visitors.

33. MUZEON Art Park

A large art area located on the Crimean embankment. The art zone includes exhibitions under open air, landscaped gardens, fountains, modern art installations and numerous walking paths. Herself Crimean embankment is a picturesque pedestrian area on the banks of the Moscow River, a cozy and romantic place that quickly gained popularity among tourists and Muscovites themselves.

34. Art cluster “Red October”

Numerous art workshops, galleries, design studios, exhibition halls, occupying the former building of the Red October confectionery factory. This is a kind of bohemian center of the capital, where events constantly take place with the participation of the fashionable public and famous people. The red brick factory building itself is a classic example of industrial architecture of the early 20th century.

35. Gorky Park

The park is located on the embankment of the Moscow River. IN last years the place was transformed and became a point of attraction for the advanced public. Events dedicated to environmental protection, vegetarian festivals, skateboarding competitions and other events are constantly organized here. The park often becomes the venue for large-scale city festivals; in winter, an ice skating rink has been operating on the territory for several years.

Pyramids at Giza are the oldest and largest pyramids in the world, but most importantly, the Pyramid of Cheops, the only one of the Seven Wonders ancient world which has survived to this day. And without a doubt, the pyramids in Giza deservedly take first place in the Top 10 attractions of the world.

These pyramids were built inas tombs for ancient Egyptian kings, uhThese royal tombs reflect power and wealth ancient civilization Egypt.

The Great Pyramids of Giza are more popular than any other attractions in the world, they are located in the western part of the Nile, next to the capital of Egypt, Cairo. INThe Great Pyramid of Cheops is the oldest and largest, it was built as a tomb for the ancient Egyptian king Khufu (Cheops).It has a height of 137 meters, which means that the Cheops pyramid was the tallest structure on Earth for several millennia, until the towers of Cologne Cathedral were completed in 1880, and consists of2,300,000 blocks, some weighing up to 200 tons.

The second pyramid at Giza was built for Khafre, the son of King Khufu.It was erected in 2592 BC, tThe third pyramid at Giza was built for Menkaure, the son of King Khafre.

2. Great Wall of China, China

The most popular attraction in China, one of the seven wonders of the world of our time.It is the longest human-built structure in the world, stretching for as much as 6,300 kilometers.Construction of the first part Great Wall began under Emperor Qin Shi Huang in the 7th century, other parts of the wall were added by subsequent emperors of China at a later time.

Stones, bricks, compacted earth and wood were used to build the Great Wall.More than 1 million people lost their lives during its construction and it became the longest cemetery in the world. More than 8 million people visit it every year.

3. Statue of Liberty, New York, USA

The Statue of Liberty is recognized as the main attraction of the United States, it is a symbol of Freedom, so why did millions of migrants from Europe strive for a country of great opportunities. The colossal sculpture is located 3 kilometers from Manhattan in New York.The statue actually represents the Roman Goddess of Liberty and is a gift from the people of France to the United States.

It was designed by the French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and is a gift from the United States to world exhibition October 28, 1876. ABOUTAbout 4 million tourists visit the Statue of Liberty every year. The height of this amazing sculpture is 93 meters, from the ground to the tips of the torch.

4. Taj Mahal, India

The most popular historical monument India, located in the city of Agra.It was built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. The architecture of the building shows the features of stylesMughal, Islamic, Persian, Ottoman and Indian.It took 17 years to build the Taj Mahal, and the first stone was laid in 1632. It is included in the list of objects world heritage UNESCO, millions of tourists visit it every year.

5. Eiffel Tower, Paris

This is one of the most recognizable buildings in the world, located in the capital of France, Paris. It was named after Gustave Eiffel, the engineer responsible for its design and construction. The tower is over 300 meters high and weighs over 10,000 tons; construction was completed in 1889. for him; s construction. The 324 meter tower weighs 10,100 tons and was opened in 1889. For the next 41 years it remained the tallest building in the world.

6. Colosseum, Rome

This is the largest amphitheater in the world during the Roman Empire.It is also the most popular tourist and iconic symbol of Rome. Coliseumwas built in 70 AD. Emperor Vespasian.It was used for gladiator fights and public events.Gladiator fights took place in the Colosseum until 435 AD.It can accommodate up to 50,000 spectators and has 80 entrances.

7. Big Ben, England

The vast majority of tourists clearly associate Big Ben with England and is rightfully considered the main tourist attraction of the country. Few people know that in fact Big Ben is not a separate attraction, but a part Palace of Westminster in London. Big Ben has the world's largest chimes and is the third largest high tower with clocks in the world. It is named after Benjamin Hall, one of the architects of this clock tower, which was built between 1848 and 1853.

8. Stonehenge, England

One of the most popular places in the world, located in Salisbury England.This prehistoric site consists of standing stones and a large number of mounds.Archaeologists estimate that Stonehenge was built between 3000 and 2000 BC.

9. Golden Gate, USA

The most recognizable landmark in California, the Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge that connects San Francisco to the rest of Northern California. Its length is almost 3 kilometers, and the height of the supports is 227 meters, itwas opened in 1937 and for the next 27 years remained the longest suspension bridge in the world. It is considered one of the most photographed landmarks in the United States.

10. Sydney Opera House, Australia

The Sydney Opera House is the most recognizable landmark and symbol of Australia, located on the shores of Sydney Harbour. This theater hosts more than 1,500 productions every year and is consideredone of the most vibrant art centers in the world. Calculated that over 7 million people visit this amazing Sydney tourist attraction.

Travel site TripAdvisor has compiled a list of popular attractions around the world according to tourists, from the impressive Burj Khalifa to the stunning Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood.

The most famous landmarks in the world

When going on a trip to various countries, tourists think in advance about the route and what attractions are worth visiting.

Below in the article will be a list of attractions that are the most popular, according to TripAdvisor.

The navigable Panama Canal is located in the state of Panama. It consists of two man-made lakes and locks.

The Petronas Towers are located in the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

The symbol of Australia is the Opera House in Sydney

An ancient Mayan city located on the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula

The oldest temple is Wat Pho. To see it, you need to go to Thailand to the city of Bangkok

Memorial complexes and ancient temples

Complex in New York (USA) - National Memorial dedicated to the victims of the series of terrorist attacks committed on September 11

Khalifa Tower, or Burj Khalifa (skyscraper) in the city of Dubai, UAE

Located in Washington memorial Complex"President Lincoln Memorial"

Great Chinese Wall, Mutianyu area with magnificent mountain scenery

Charles Bridge in Prague, Czech Republic. It was built back in the Middle Ages and was called Prague.

Golden Gate Suspension Bridge, California

Hagia Sophia (currently a museum), Istanbul, Türkiye

Alhambra Palace, Granada, Southern Spain. Today it is a museum of Islamic art

Notre Dame Cathedral in France. Catholic Church in Paris

Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in the northern capital of Russia - the city of St. Petersburg

Who hasn't dreamed of flying to France and admiring the beauty of Paris from the Eiffel Tower?

Prison Island

Alcatraz Island in California. Currently a museum, but there were times when this island served as a prison for dangerous criminals. It was impossible to escape from there.

Milanese Cathedral in Italy

The Catholic Basilica of St. Peter is located in the Vatican

Grand Mosque named after Sheikh Zayed in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Taj Mahal in India - mosque-mausoleum

The city of Machu Picchu in modern Peru

The largest temple complex Angkorvoat is located in Cambodia

Brazil is famous for its aromatic coffee, football and the Christ the Redeemer statue towering over Rio de Janeiro.

Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona, ​​Spain

Where to go first is up to you.

How many attractions do you think are located on the territory of the largest country on the planet? We think no one will name the exact number, because there are so many amazingly beautiful and unique places in Russia!

This country is rich in both natural and man-made attractions and will surprise you with historical buildings and cultural traditions. In Russia you can find both incredibly beautiful wooden churches and picturesque corners created by nature just for a pleasant holiday.

Of course, most tourists begin their acquaintance with Russia precisely from and, where tourism infrastructure particularly well developed. However, today tours, for example, to the lakes of Karelia, Baikal and Altai, are becoming increasingly popular.

Popular hotels and inns at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see in Russia?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photographs and brief descriptions.

1. St. Basil's Cathedral

Probably the most famous Russian temple, bright and unusual, a real business card not only Moscow, but throughout the country. St. Basil's Cathedral is notable not only for its location right on Red Square, but also for its history, architecture, original decoration and collection of icons and church valuables.

2. Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

The Kremlin is not just an amazing historical building, but also a symbol of Russian power. You can talk about everything that can be seen in the expanses of Red Square and the Kremlin for a very long time; this object still remains the subject of study by scientists and creates more and more legends. Of course, visiting Russia and not visiting its heart would be a huge miss!

3. Lake Baikal

Every schoolchild knows that Baikal has the greatest depth on the planet. But to say that this is just the most deep lake- means not to note the amazing atmosphere and beauty of this place. Be sure to rate the cleanliness blue ice Baikal, it's amazing delicious fish and just relax from the bustle of the city alone with nature.

4. Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka

This valley looks as if it was transported from another planet. This is the most extensive area with geysers in the world and the only one in all of Eurasia! If you want to see one of the Seven Wonders of Russia, go to helicopter tour, which are carried out in accordance with strict rules and only under the supervision of a guide.

5. Architectural ensemble of Kizhi

This amazing creation is located on an island on Lake Onega and is unique of its kind. The openwork church, built, just imagine, without a single nail, exclusively with an axe, the bell tower, the beautiful fence and the unique flavor of the Kizhi ensemble do not leave anyone indifferent.

6. Kazan Kremlin

This is not just a historical object of cultural heritage, but a museum-reserve, the only center of Tatar culture and traditions on the planet. The Kazan Kremlin has been perfectly preserved, retaining its unique features and appearance. This Tatar fortress is located in the very center, so you definitely won’t pass by.

7. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

Built back in the 16th century, the Kremlin in Novgorod surprises with its impregnable walls with narrow loopholes, blind towers stretching over several levels, and fortifications. Michael the Archangel Cathedral is also located here. Until now, the Kremlin remains cultural and administrative center city, there are two museums and a Center for Contemporary Art.

8. Golden Ring of Russia

Of course, the ring is symbolic, uniting eight ancient Russian cities. Routes along the Golden Circle have become very popular tours weekend, during which you can see the most interesting places, and so on. Monasteries, churches, original souvenirs and just beautiful nature will make your trip around the Golden Ring memorable and interesting.

9. Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

A masterpiece of world architecture, an elegant building that stands in a meadow, in the place where the Nerl River connects with the Klyazma. This architectural monument is confidently called the most lyrical, unusual and beautiful. The temple, standing secluded on the river bank, harmoniously fits into the surrounding nature and seems to be an integral part of it.

10. State Tretyakov Gallery

The largest Russian museum, which has collected a lot of masterpieces by Russian artists and others. Having started with a private collection, today the Tretyakov Gallery is known throughout the world and is a museum of federal significance. You can wander through the halls of this gallery for hours, and many of the paintings deserve a separate story, they are so important for world culture.

11. Hermitage

This St. Petersburg museum magnificently celebrated its 250th anniversary in 2014 and is one of the most extensive collections of artistic masterpieces on the planet. The Hermitage collection contains more than 3 million exhibits, including not only paintings, but also sculptures, numismatics, archaeological artifacts, as well as objects of applied art.

12. Bolshoi Theater

One of the most important, significant opera and ballet theaters on the planet. The Bolshoi Theater, which recently “survived” a large-scale reconstruction, is located in the center of Moscow and attracts not only theatergoers, but also those who would just like to get to know its features and luxurious decoration. We warn you that tickets for the premiere at the Bolshoi Theater will not be easy to get, and their price may unpleasantly surprise provincials.

13. Peterhof

A luxurious, truly royal residence near St. Petersburg, founded by Peter the Great, known for its parks and fountains, magnificent decoration Grand Palace and pavilions. The system of cascades and fountains of Peterhof is the largest in the world! Moreover, all the fountains are decorated in the same style, with numerous sculptures.

14. Old Arbat Street

The most famous street in Moscow, glorified by poets, writers and artists. Now Arbat is the most tourist street in the capital, closed to cars and famous for its souvenir shops, shops, street musicians and artists. It’s nice to sit in a cafe here, or just stroll along the street, which has retained its historical charm.

15. Mamayev Kurgan and the sculpture “The Motherland Calls”

During the Great Patriotic War, Mamayev Kurgan played a very important strategic role and became the site of bloody battles. Now there is a memorial complex, the most noticeable part of which is the statue “The Motherland Calls.” The complex has become the most visited in Russia; thanks to its location, it is clearly visible from a distance of tens of kilometers.

16. Cable-stayed bridges in Vladivostok

The need to build bridges to connect the different parts scattered along the banks of the Golden Horn has been talked about for more than a hundred years. However, to implement this large-scale project, which changed the appearance of the city, succeeded only in 2012. Now Vladivostok is decorated with two largest cable-stayed bridge country, and the bridge to Russky Island with the longest span on the planet is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

17. Weathering pillars – Manpupuner

The Manpupuner plateau is located in the northern part of the Urals and is famous for its weathering pillars - massive stone sculptures created by nature. Now it is a nature reserve that can only be visited with a special permit. The height of individual pillars reaches 42 meters; this place was important in the religious views of the Mansi.

18. Kungur Cave

This is the pearl of the Urals - ice cave, which is considered the first most beautiful of all the gypsum caves on the planet. Today Kungur cave, located in the same ancient city, is the only one in the country specially equipped for excursions. You can walk between frozen “sculptures” made of ice and stone, visit the restaurant at the entrance and stay right at the local hotel.

19. Volcanoes of Kamchatka

It is noteworthy that the residents of Kamchatka are not afraid of their volcanoes. They are not very active, decorating the landscape with their dark silhouettes. Which of the Kamchatka volcanoes is the most beautiful? We can argue about this for a very long time! The Kronotsky, Koryaksky and Klyuchevsky volcanoes, which have become real symbols of the region, are usually called the highest.

20. Lena Pillars

This natural park is located in Yakutia, on the Lena River. Tours by boat along the majestic pillars, simply amazing in their size and unusual appearance, created by nature, are very popular. In general, the complex consists of two separate sections, occupying a total area of ​​about 81 thousand hectares.

21. Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

This is already a landmark, if you can call it that, the country’s largest hydroelectric power station created by man. It took a very long time to build the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, encountering difficulties such as cracks in the dam. In 2009, a major accident occurred at the station; it was restored only in the fall of 2014.

22. Kul Sharif Mosque

According to legend, after Russian troops took Kazan in the 16th century, the mosque was burned to the ground, and Kul Sharif himself, the warrior and prophet of Muhammad, was killed. However, the outlines of that mosque remained, which simply amazed the conquerors. As a result, Ivan the Terrible repeated them in St. Basil's Cathedral. The mosque in Kazan was rebuilt and opened in 2005 and has now become a decoration of the entire city.

23. Shihans in Bashkiria

This is the highest rock mass of the entire Upper Urals, three mountains that are represented by warriors defending this region - Kush-Tau, Tra-Tau and Yurak-Tau, the three brothers of Shikhan. The fourth mountain was almost completely used in the extraction of raw materials for the plant in Sterlitamak. The Shikhans in Bashkiria are known for their wonderful nature and amazing geology - they are made of coral reefs, because the Ural Sea once raged here.

24. Elbrus

The most high mountain Russia. And if we take into account the fact that there is still no clear border between Europe and Asia, then the same applies to the entire European territory. Of course, not everyone can climb its 5642 meters, but the surroundings of Elbrus still enjoy the fame of one of the most beautiful regions Russia, with its ancient history and a special atmosphere.

25. Trans-Siberian Railway

Transsib is the longest railway line on the planet. This highway stretches for 9298 kilometers! Almost across the entire country. The Trans-Siberian Railway connects the European part of Russia with Siberia and the Far Eastern regions and plays a huge role in the history and economy of the country. Construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway began back in 1891, so now the authorities intend to reconstruct the highway.

26. Golden Mountains of Altai

This section of the vast expanses of Russia combines steppes and tundra, semi-deserts and mountains, cleanest lakes and amazing caves, fast rivers and alpine meadows. In the Golden Mountains of Altai, cedar forests have been preserved; it is here that the highest mountain of Siberia - Belukha - is located, the Altai pearl - Lake Teletskoye and a lot of other interesting things.

27. Krasnoyarsk Stolby Nature Reserve

Just a few kilometers from the outskirts is the Stolby Nature Reserve, which was founded back in 1925. The main feature of the reserve is the rocky cliffs that rise above the taiga, surprising with their variety of shapes and colors, as well as their sizes - up to 100 meters. The nature of the Stolby Nature Reserve is very beautiful and diverse, which attracts tourists.

28. Wrangel Island

One of the most inaccessible reserves not only in Russia, but throughout the whole world, is located in the Arctic and is primarily known as a favorite place for polar bears, whose females raise their cubs here. In winter, Wrangel Island is very deserted, but in summer, on a polar day, you can come to admire the untouched nature of the Arctic.

29. Cruiser Aurora

There is no point in describing the most famous Russian ship. Everyone who studied in a Soviet school knows perfectly well the song dedicated to him, his history, and his participation in the 1917 revolution. Now it is a museum cruiser, which has now left its “eternal mooring” and went to the shipyard for major repairs. The Aurora should return to the pier of the Northern capital in 2016.

30. Pole of Cold Oymyakon

Yakutia is the coldest of all inhabited regions Northern Hemisphere. Exactly locality Oymyakon was recognized as the coldest place - the temperature here dropped to minus 71.2 degrees! In honor of this it was established memorial sign, the so-called “Pole of Cold”. Moreover, already at minus 50 degrees local residents they hear the “whisper of stars,” a noise that sounds more like the wind or falling grains. In fact, it freezes a person's breath.