The tour program may include the following interesting places in the world:

  • Far abroad. On (which many have not even heard of) you can admire rock gardens, picturesque fjords, small waterfalls and other beauties of the northern landscape. Or maybe you want something extreme? For example, wave to bungee jump while dressed as Batman? Or go harvesting from Frodo's garden from The Lord of the Rings? You will find all this and much more while traveling around the world with our team.
  • Near Abroad. There is no desire or opportunity to travel to distant countries? There are a lot of interesting things in the countries neighboring Russia. For example, “Asian Switzerland” is fraught with many secluded corners and off-the-beaten paths, where you definitely won’t meet crowds of tourists with cameras. Excursion tours to the city are also popular, but we will not follow the beaten paths, but along the hidden streets of ancient Tbilisi in search of the most delicious chacha.
  • Russia. Do you want to feel like a traveler at the end of the world? Let's go to the land of dormant volcanoes, crystal lakes and bubbling geysers. Here you can meet many rare animals, go diving, rafting, horse riding alpine skiing and snowmobiles, swimming in thermal springs and other types of active recreation. Organization excursion trips carried out according to the most interesting routes Russia: in, , , and in other directions.

Unusual tours of the world: which one to choose?

When choosing an unusual vacation spot, decide for yourself when you want to go, which countries to visit and what the budget for the trip is. Please read travel descriptions carefully and any additional costs you may expect.

Choose the type of travel that you like: it could be a self-driving tour of European cities, active entertainment at the North Pole or the Equator, group expedition or individual trip.

To book an interesting excursion tour, contact us in any convenient way. Don't know what to choose? Just leave a request or call the phone number listed on the website. Specialists will develop a personal offer and select a program in accordance with your wishes.

Our world can be endlessly amazing and beautiful. And in order to be convinced of this, sometimes it is enough to take just one single step. Truly magical and bewitching beauties can be found in almost every corner of our planet. After all, most of them are hidden away from established tourist trails.

In our article today, we decided to present to your attention a selection of the most beautiful and, which for one reason or another usually fall out of sight of modern Belarusian tour operators. Their names are rarely pronounced with aspiration, like, for example, the names of Paris or Barcelona, ​​and the existence of most of them can only be learned by chance, as if there is something reserved and mysterious about these routes. But precisely because of this, such unexplored directions only become more valuable and attractive. After all, such unusual travels and allow us to fully understand how multifaceted and amazing our planet can be.

  1. Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia)

Salar de Uyuni is a huge prehistoric lake located in the southwestern part of Bolivia. However, this place resembles a real lake (in the traditional sense of the word) only from November to March, when, due to rain, the salt honeycombs are covered with a thin layer of water, constantly glistening in the sun. At such hours the Salar de Uyuni becomes like giant mirror, reflecting the endless skies. And this makes the border between the two worlds almost indistinguishable. Thick Bolivian clouds suddenly appear right under your feet. And the surrounding landscapes lose all connection with reality. That is why Salar de Uyuni is often called a place frozen between heaven and earth. After all, no language in the world has enough words to convey all the enchanting beauty of this place.

In the absence of rain, the salt marsh turns into a huge desert, covered with white salt instead yellow sand. And in places where drying water still manages to make its way up through a thin salt crust, small cone-shaped volcanoes are formed that look like playing pieces, arranged in the correct order on a huge chessboard.

Another attraction of the salt marsh is the famous steam locomotive cemetery, located in the vicinity of Uyuni. Once upon a time, all the trains assembled here were part of a large project to mine minerals and valuable minerals in the desert. To carry out industrial work, a railway was built from Chile to Bolivia. However, the economic value of the project turned out to be insignificant. And Indian tribes began to frequently attack the railroad and the trains following it. As a result, already in the fifties of the 20th century, the road was closed, and suddenly the trains, which turned out to be unnecessary, were left to rust in the middle of the desert.

Only in 2006, the Bolivian government suddenly remembered the old steam locomotive cemetery again, deciding to turn it into a kind of museum under open air. Now they're like that unusual travels The famous salt marsh and the old locomotives resting in its vicinity attract thousands of people to Bolivia. I wonder what the Bolivian Indians think about this?

  1. Lake Bled (Slovenia)

Despite the fact that Slovenia is located relatively close to our homeland, the resorts of this tiny country remain a real “terra incognita” for Belarusian tourists (especially in comparison with the cities of nearby Croatia, Italy and Montenegro). Is no exception magic lake Bled, surrounded by the Julian Alps and surrounded by hundreds of legends associated with ancient history of the local castles. In this place you will not meet the usual crowds of tourists. And the local air, saturated with the magical smell of the mountains, is still filled with a ringing silence. And it is this amazing atmosphere of privacy, coupled with the magical beauty of the local landscapes that makes these lands truly magical and an unusual place to travel.

However, Lake Bled is a place that cannot be called boring. In addition to many first-class hotels, there are dozens of sports centers in these parts, offering tourists a wide range of all kinds of entertainment (from kayaking to hang gliding over the enchanting mountain slopes).

In winter, in the vicinity of the lake there are several ski resorts. In addition, the convenient location of the city of Bled makes it a convenient starting point for subsequent trips around Slovenia. Just a few tens of kilometers from the lake is the country’s capital, Ljubljana, as well as the famous National Park Triglav, the mystical Škocjan caves and another picturesque reservoir - Lake Bohinj.

  1. Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan)

When you talk about Kyrgyzstan, even some fairly experienced travelers begin to wrinkle their noses contemptuously: “What could be interesting in this country?” However, in fact, far and near Kyrgyzstan is a country that can present tourists with many pleasant surprises. What is the majestic and enchanting mountain region of the Tien Shan worth, with its amazing cold beauty of crystal lakes, snow-covered slopes and endless fields overgrown with unusual grass and strange flowers? Everything in this place is imbued with an exciting spirit of adventure and a fabulous atmosphere of romance. It’s not for nothing that the legendary “seven-thousandth” mountain Pobeda Peak was once considered one of the most impenetrable mountains throughout the entire territory of the former Soviet Union.

Besides, unusual journey in the Tien Shan is also a great opportunity to go in pursuit of the fabulous Santa Claus. It would seem, what does he have to do with it? I answer: the whole point is that several years ago, Swedish scientists from the Sveko company, having calculated the speed of rotation of the earth, the distance to the largest cities and comparing other geographical and demographic factors, found out that it was on the territory of Kyrgyzstan that the optimal “take-off and landing” should be located. » base of the legendary fairy-tale character. Otherwise, he simply will not be able to fly around the entire globe in one night.

  1. Rhine River Valley (Germany)

The Rhine River Valley is probably one of the most famous and popular routes on our list. unusual places to travel. Thousands of European tourists follow it every year. However, despite this, among Belarusians and travelers from other CIS countries, this region The Federal Republic of Germany still remains rather little known.

And this fact seems to be a completely blatant misunderstanding. After all, it is here, in the Rhine River valley, that you can feel the spirit of real Germany. In these parts, tiny villages dotted with half-timbered houses coexist with proud castles looking out over the world from the heights of the coastal slopes. High mountains, covered with the greenery of green forests, give way to picturesque valleys and famous vineyards...

That is why the Rhine River Valley is considered one of the most amazing places in all of Germany. After all, even the most beautiful cities This country is unlikely to be able to compare with the quiet charm of the local nature.

  1. Cappadocia (Türkiye)

When talking about trips to, we usually mean a fun and noisy holiday on one of southern resorts Turkish seaside. However, far from large tourist centers this country is transforming in the most amazing way. Proof of this is Turkish Cappadocia - a unique natural region, famous for its unusual natural landscape and a huge number of cave cells, crypts, monasteries and temples, the history of which dates back to the birth of Christianity.

In addition, it is in this place that the oldest (!) underground cities in the world are located. The most famous among them are the settlements of Kaymakli and Derinkuyu, which stretch many kilometers deep into the rock formation. These cave cities were found by archaeologists in the sixties of the last century. And since then, these places have been the object of constant study for dozens of scientists.

Among other things, Turkish Cappadocia is also one of the most popular aeronautics centers in the world.

In short, by going to these places, you guarantee yourself the most unusual journey in life.

  1. Troy (Türkiye)

The semi-legendary ancient Greek “polis” is another reason to go to Turkey from now on. For many years in a row, the city of Achilles and other ancient heroes, glorified in legends, was considered only a figment of the imagination of the great Homer. However, about 140 years ago, a self-taught German archaeologist named Heinrich Schliemann practically proved that some legends have a very real historical basis. Since then, the legendary Troy, the remains of which are now located in the area of ​​Hisarlik Hill, seven kilometers from the Dardanelles Strait, has become one of the main historical treasures of modern Turkey. And Heinrich Schliemann himself, who, among other things, also found the legendary “Priam’s treasure,” went down in history as one of the world’s most successful adventurers, as well as the founding father of the so-called “field (practical) archaeology.”

  1. Kamchatka (Russia)

Wild, majestic, rebellious Kamchatka is the region where the heart of real Russia beats. Here, among sleeping volcanoes, bubbling geysers and crystal lakes, you can feel like a real traveler, finding yourself somewhere at the very edge of the world. There is simply a mind-boggling amount of national parks, biosphere reserves and unique nature protection zones, many of which are included in the UNESCO list of natural and cultural heritage. Is this not enough to call Kamchatka one of the most fascinating and unusual places to travel on our entire endless planet?

In addition, Kamchatka is the habitat of many rare animals, including brown Kamchatka bears, which have long become a symbol not only of this peninsula, but of all of Russia as a whole.

In addition to getting to know living and inanimate nature, a trip to Kamchatka can be interesting thanks to its numerous active recreation centers. Alpine skiing (including extreme helly-skiing), snowmobiling and dog sledding, swimming in thermal springs, as well as rafting, diving, kayaking and much more - all this makes the Kamchatka Territory a very interesting place to relax. It’s not for nothing that these places are so often called Russian Iceland.

  1. Ksamil Beach and Vlora (Albania).

Albania's sea coast is probably one of the most underrated tourist regions Europe. In these parts the Adriatic Sea shimmers turquoise, and majestic mountains, frozen at the very horizon, remain amazingly beautiful and picturesque. The most best example This includes resorts such as Ksamil Beach and Vlore. The first is a very small but very colorful town, perched on south coast Albania. The second one is more Big City However, even here, due to the relatively small number of tourists, the beaches remain surprisingly clean and picturesque.

The mild Mediterranean climate, low prices, abundance of fruits, as well as the amazing beauty of the local nature - all this makes Adriatic coast Albania is truly a place worthy of attention tourists.

Moreover, Albania is a country with rich history and culture. Here, on a relatively small piece of land (comparable in size to the Mogilev region), there is a huge number of ancient monasteries, fortress bastions and ancient buildings that this country inherited from the Greek and Roman conquerors.

Mosque in the city of Korça

A striking example of this is ancient city Durres, located just two hours from Vlora. Over its long history, this region has become a stumbling block for many European nations. Just think: over 2,500 years, this town managed to be part of the Bulgarian, Greek, Turkish, Byzantine, Italian, Kerkyra, Corinthian and, of course, the Albanian state.

Wouldn't it be interesting for you to see an ancient city for which so many ancient peoples fought? What is not the route for unusual journey?

  1. Patagonia (Argentina)

Patagonia, which also often includes the more famous archipelago Tierra del Fuego– this is absolutely unique place. Wild mountain landscapes, crystal glaciers, picturesque fjords and endless plains of frozen land that have not changed their shape since the birth of the first people - all this natural diversity cannot be compared with anything else. When you get to these regions, it’s as if you find yourself in a parallel reality. Here, right on the beaches, you can find colonies of penguins and elephant seals, and on the slopes of the high Andean mountains you can see thousands of bonfires that local Indian tribes burn at night.

In addition, it is in these parts that there is famous Cave A hand that is already 90 centuries old! Add to this unique reserves, national parks and uninhabited islands that still retain their primitive prehistoric charm - and you will understand why these regions can safely be called one of the most amazing and interesting places on our planet.

Yes, of course, to get to Patagonia you will need a lot of effort and financial resources. However, once you are in these parts, you guarantee yourself the most unusual journey In my life. After all, how could it be otherwise if we're talking about about the real edge of the Earth!

  1. Curonian Spit(Lithuania/Russia)

The Curonian Spit is a thin strip of land stretching for one hundred kilometers along the Lithuanian coast and separating the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic basin. In fact, this place is a long series of sand dunes and pine forests growing right in the middle of the endless sea. There is no usual bustle here, and the surprisingly clean air is filled with the smells of pine needles, salty waves and amazing crystal silence, which in this place seems almost endless.

In 2000, the Curonian Spit was classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage. And nine years later, the international Foundation for Environmental Education included the local beaches in the list of the cleanest and most comfortable coastal areas on the planet. Experts from the popular Lonely Planet guide also contributed to the popularization of this place, calling pine forests and sandy beaches The Curonian Spit is one of the most beautiful places in the Baltic states. Since then, thousands of tourists have visited these areas. However, even despite this, the Curonian Spit has not lost even a tiny part of its natural charm.

Despite the fact that the population of the spit is only a few thousand inhabitants, these parts have not only their own coastal villages with all the necessary infrastructure, but also its own unique attractions. The mystical Mountain of Witches, dotted with dozens of wooden idols, the unique “Dancing Forest”, the remains of the Kopgalis fortress with the Maritime Museum located here, as well as the Klaipeda Dolphinarium and the Museum of Fishing Boats, located right in the open air. In a word, the Curonian Spit is a place that clearly proves that interesting and unusual places for traveling can be found just a few hundred kilometers from your home. After all, every corner of our planet is capable of presenting many pleasant surprises to those travelers who truly know how to appreciate true beauty.

On January 7, 1887, Thomas Stevens from San Francisco completed the first trip around the world by bicycle. In three years, the traveler managed to cover 13,500 miles and open a new page in the history of travel around the world. Today about the most unusual trips around the world.

Thomas Stevens's trip around the world by bicycle

Thomas Stevens's circumnavigation route.

In 1884, “a man of average height, dressed in a worn blue flannel shirt and blue overalls... tanned like a nut... with a prominent mustache,” this is how journalists of the time described Thomas Stevens, bought a penny-farthing bicycle, grabbed a minimum supply of things and Smith & Wesson 38 caliber and hit the road. Stevens crossed the entire North American continent, covering 3,700 miles, and ended up in Boston. There the idea of ​​traveling around the world came to his mind.

He sailed to Liverpool by boat, traveled through England, took a ferry to Dieppe in France, and crossed Germany, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. Further, his path ran through Armenia, Iraq and Iran, where he spent the winter as a guest of the Shah.

He was denied passage through Siberia. The traveler crossed the Caspian Sea to Baku, reached Batumi by railway, and then sailed by ship to Constantinople and India. Then Hong Kong and China. And the final point of the route was Japan, where Stevens, by his own admission, was finally able to relax.

Around the world trip in an amphibious jeep

Ben Carlin and his wife are going around the world.

In 1950, Australian Ben Carlin decided to travel around the world in his modernized amphibious jeep. His wife walked three quarters of the route with him. In India, she came ashore, and Ben Carlin himself completed his journey in 1958, having covered 17 thousand km by water and 62 thousand km by land.

Around the world trip hot-air balloon

Steve Fossett.

In 2002, American Steve Fossett, co-owner of the company Scaled Composites, who by that time had already earned fame as an adventure pilot, flew around the Earth in a hot air balloon. He had been striving to do this for many years and achieved his goal on the sixth attempt. Fossett's flight became the first solo flight around the world in history without refueling or stopping.

Traveling around the world by taxi

John Ellison, Paul Archer and Lee Purnell.

Once, the British John Ellison, Paul Archer and Lee Purnell, the morning after drinking, calculated the costs associated with it and found out that a taxi home would cost them much more than the drinking itself. Probably, someone would have decided to drink at home, but the British did something radical - they pooled together a 1992 London cab and set off on a trip around the world.

As a result, in 15 months they covered 70 thousand km and went down in history as participants in the longest taxi ride. History is silent, however, about their activity in pubs along the road.

Around the world on an ancient Egyptian reed boat

Around the world on a reed boat.

Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl made the transatlantic crossing on a light reed boat built on the model of the ancient Egyptians. On his boat "Ra" he managed to reach the coast of Barbados, proving that ancient sailors could make transatlantic crossings. It is worth noting that this was Heyerdahl's second attempt.

The year before, he and his crew had nearly drowned when the ship, due to design flaws, began to bend and break into pieces a few days after launch. The Norwegian team included the famous Soviet television journalist and traveler Yuri Senkevich.

Around the world trip on a pink yacht

Jessica Watson is the youngest sailor to circumnavigate the world.

Today, the title of the youngest navigator to complete a solo circumnavigation of the world belongs to Australian Jessica Watson. She was only 16 years old when she completed her 7-month circumnavigation of the world on May 15, 2010. The girl's pink yacht crossed South ocean, crossed the equator, rounded Cape Horn, overcame Atlantic Ocean, approached the shores of South America, and then through Indian Ocean returned to Australia.

A millionaire's trip around the world by bike

Traveler Janusz River in Vladivostok.

The 75-year-old millionaire, former producer of pop stars and football teams Janusz River repeated the experience of Thomas Stevens. He changed his life dramatically when in 2000 he bought a mountain bike for $50 and hit the road. Since that time, River, who, by the way, is Russian on his mother’s side, speaks excellent Russian, has visited 135 countries and traveled more than 145 thousand km.

He learned a dozen foreign languages ​​and managed to be captured by militants 20 times. Not life, but a complete adventure.

Jogging around the world

Running Man Robert Garside.

Briton Robert Garside bears the title "Running Man". He is the first person to travel around the world by running. His record was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Robert had several unsuccessful attempts to complete the round-the-world race. And on October 20, 1997, he successfully started from New Delhi (India) and finished his race, the length of which was 56 thousand km, at the same place on June 13, 2003, almost 5 years later.

Representatives of the Book of Records scrupulously and for a long time checked his record, and Robert was able to receive a certificate only a few years later. On the way, he described everything that happened to him using his pocket computer, and everyone who was interested could get acquainted with the information on his personal website.

Traveling around the world by motorcycle

Jeff Hill and Gary Walker.

In March 2013, two Britons - Belfast Telegraph travel expert Geoff Hill and former racing driver Gary Walker - left London to recreate the round-the-world trip that American Carl Clancy made on a Henderson motorcycle 100 years ago. In October 1912, Clancy left Dublin with a travel companion, whom he left in Paris, and he continued his journey to the south of Spain, through North Africa, Asia, and at the end of the tour, he traveled across America. Carl Clancy's journey lasted 10 months and contemporaries called this trip around the world "the longest, most difficult and most dangerous journey on a motorcycle."

Solo non-stop circumnavigation

Fedor Konyukhov on a solo trip around the world.

Fedor Konyukhov is the man who completed the first solo non-stop circumnavigation in Russian history. On the yacht "Karaana" 36 pounds long, he traveled the route Sydney - Cape Horn - Equator - Sydney. It took him 224 days to do this. Konyukhov's round-the-world trip began in the fall of 1990 and ended in the spring of 1991.

Fyodor Konyukhov at Cape Horn.

Fedor Filippovich Konyukhov - Russian traveler, artist, writer, priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR in sports tourism. He became the first person in the world to visit the five poles of our planet: the Northern geographic pole (three times), the southern geographic pole, the Pole of relative inaccessibility in the Arctic Ocean, Everest (the pole of heights) and Cape Horn (the pole of yachtsmen).

Their travel antics shocked humanity. It turns out that you can travel penniless, easily carry a stroller with an imaginary friend everywhere, and in just 2 years cover 17 countries on bicycles and two oceans on rowing boats.

Right now You have a great opportunity to get acquainted with the adventures of these daredevils.


Bushby's World Walk

A new hiking record is set to be set. Carl Bushby. He is the first person to cross the Bering Strait on ice. IN 1998 year, Karl started from South America, went to Alaska, but due to visa problems he was deported to Russia for 2 whole years. Now Bushby is planning to return and continue his journey to the finish line in London. At the end of the journey, Karl will have spent 14 years on the hike and covered 36,000 km.

"For what?" - you ask. “This is a challenge to yourself and the realization of a dream,” Karl will say, “To find out what life is and what makes a person deviate from the intended path.”

Tractor travel

Founder of the War Children's Fund Menon Osewood travels by tractor from the Netherlands to South America. Menon collects dreams people he meets along the way, written down on scraps of paper.

From South America she will travel by boat to Antarctica. Menon plans to end the trip at the South Pole, either on foot or by tractor. It is there, at the end of the world, that she builds a snowman, inside of which will be the dreams of people from all over the world.

Pony Journey

Becky Sampson travels with her pony from London to Tokyo, Japan. The girl has a noble goal - she dreams of raising £15,000 for the SOS Children foundation, which helps orphans. Traveling since 2009, Becky plans to cover 15,000 km of Western, Eastern Europe, central Asia, reach China, and then to the final point - the city of Tokyo.

Double trip by motorcycle

Ted Simon made his first trip around the world back in 1977, at the age of 47. More than 125 thousand km through Africa, North and South America, New Zealand, Australia, Asia and Europe were overcome by his tireless “iron friend”. All his life, after the end of the trip, Ted Simon remembered exotic countries, interesting places, wonderful people who met him on the way and... could not stand it. When the man turned 70, he once again decided on a long journey.

“I didn’t expect at all that the world would change so much in these 23 years!” - says Ted.

Inspired by a dream

Go through the whole world with almost no money? It turns out that it is possible! Two backpacks, six hundred dollars and a sea of ​​desires - all that we had Kinga and her husband Chopin, landing on October 7, 1998 in New York. Then they decided to hitchhike. Kinga wrote a book about her 5-year journey. In 2005, the couple again set off on a journey to Africa, which was already familiar to them. However, Kinga dies of malaria in Ghana... Now Chopin himself continues his journey in memory of his beloved wife.

On the way from China to Germany

It took more than 2 years Christophe Rehage, to get from China to Germany, Hannover. Why these 2 countries? Christophe explored China in detail while still at university, and Germany is the traveler’s homeland.

With a stroller in Australia

Frank Maldoni with his invisible friend Harvey in a wheelchair traveled from Petra to Sydney. This action was aimed at supporting the slogan "World peace!".

Invisible Harvey is a fictional peacemaker who lives in the heart of every person. A disabled carriage- a symbol of the absence of peace, a symbol of fear and injustice, Frank assures.

Tenacious Rider

On the way from Mongolia to Hungary Tim Cope traveled 10,000 km on horseback. An Australian photographer, director, writer, Tim traveled for about 5 years in Russia, Ukraine, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan. During this time, he came up with a lot of ideas, he began to write books about his adventures, opened a travel school, and began making films.

Eco travel

Colin and Julia Angus accomplished a real feat: they crossed 17 countries on bicycles and two oceans, rowing on boats, while eating only food prepared from home.

Desperate travelers started from Vancouver. Over the course of 2 years of travel, they ate 4,000 candy bars, used 72 bicycle inner tubes, 250 kg of freeze-dried food, 31 fish caught at sea, 2 offshore boats, 4 bicycles and 80 kg of clothing! The couple proved - If 43,000 km can be covered without polluting the Earth, then doing it at home is much easier.

Walking through Afghanistan

Achievement Rory Stewart not how many kilometers he walked, but what kind of terrain! In 2004, in Afghanistan, full of surprises and dangers, he met heroes, scoundrels, teenage soldiers, and employees of various foreign organizations.

Vogel family of enthusiasts. Alaska - Argentina

One day John Vogel I returned from work particularly tired. He collapsed on the sofa in despair and stared at one point for a long time. And then he said to his worried wife: “ Nancy, I can not take it anymore! I have to escape! I'll buy three bikes... Just me and the kids! (the couple had two sons - ten-year-old twins) We will be like Superman, Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk!..»

Nancy recalls: “Then my husband looked at me thoughtfully and said: "Oh yes, if you want, you can go too."

Amy's honeymoon

Young couple Amy and Wim spent their honeymoon traveling by bicycle from Belgium to China. During the 10-month journey they traveled 10,850 km.

“We usually drove 4 hours 18 minutes a day, covering 61 km, but the furthest we ever covered was 115 km in 8 hours 15 minutes,” Amy recalls.

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Experienced travelers are convinced that traveling does not require a lot of money. The desire to travel and the ability to search for information are enough.

website summarized tips from travel bloggers that will allow you to see the world with minimal costs. At the end of the article you will find a bonus in the form useful information for every tourist. And may you have more travels in the near future!

11. Travel on your own

Traveling on your own, rather than through travel agencies, is both more profitable and interesting. Yes, you will be solely responsible for any problems. But travel agencies decide little in such cases, preferring to blame the airline, force majeure, the host party, and the like.

You can independently create “that” dream route, choose cheap option flight, book the best-priced hotel with a location convenient for you, select a transfer.

The sooner you start planning your trip, the cheaper it will be. This applies to air travel, train tickets, hotel bookings, purchasing tickets for various events, concerts and festivals. IN European countries Train ticket sales open several months before departure. In the first days of sales, it is quite possible to buy a ticket 2-3 times lower than standard fares.

Buying tickets for entertainment, concerts and festivals in advance online is a sure way to save an average of 10% on the cost and avoid queues.

9. Save money on travel

The cost of moving from point “A” to point “B” is one of the main expenses when traveling. On the website you can find information about promotions and discounts on air travel, train and bus travel, accommodation and car rentals. The site does not provide any tourism services, but simply provides information about discounts and promotions with links to primary sources. Having chosen a suitable offer, you go to the company’s website and book accommodation or buy tickets yourself.

8. Look for a variety of ways to buy cheap flights

Blogger Stas Rabunsky, who at the age of 24 has traveled to 35 countries and visited several continents, shares the following strategy for finding cheap air tickets: you need to find the official website of the airport of the city where you plan to go. There you can see which airlines fly to that city and find the one that flies from your city or the city closest to you. Then visit the airline's website and find out if there are any promotions now and whether it is possible to save money by joining the airline's passenger club.

From any airport in the world you can get there economically by bus rather than by taxi. Look in advance in an Internet search engine to see which bus companies run to the city center and where the stop is.

If you opt for a taxi, then do not take it directly at the airport: they will charge you exorbitant prices, and exotic countries may get robbed. In addition, not all taxi drivers speak basic English.

Transfer from the airport to the hotel can be ordered through an international transfer service, such as Kiwitaxi or HolidayTaxis. At the airport you will be met by a driver holding a sign with your name on it. You can order additional options in advance, such as a child seat and Wi-Fi in the car, and pay for the taxi with a bank card.

6. No hotels

Blogger Vitaly Klimov, who rode a bicycle from the west of Russia to Africa and traveled around Europe, spending no more than € 7 per day, recommends that when traveling alone or in a student group, give preference to hostels. It's cheap, and at the same time you get the opportunity to make new acquaintances, spend time in company and improve your knowledge of foreign languages.

If you are traveling with your family, it is better to give preference to apartments. Firstly, this is a significant saving on food. Of course, it’s worth going to a restaurant a couple of times during your trip, because getting to know local cuisine is part of getting to know another culture. But buying food in a supermarket and cooking it yourself is significantly cheaper. And secondly, when staying at a hotel, we live the life of a city guest. And in the apartment we try on life local resident- with trips to stores, to the market, with your own key to the front door.

5. Try alternative accommodations when traveling

Agritourism is one way to get free shelter, food and the chance to immerse yourself in a different cultural environment in exchange for a few hours of daily help from the hosts.

You can always find an interesting, unusual and free way to stay while traveling. For example:

  • There are people from different parts of the world on the Help Exchange resource globe offer tourists free accommodation and food in exchange for help with housework, farm work and other types of services.
  • WWOOF is international organization(located in more than 70 countries) organic farms, gardens, where anyone can come to work in exchange for room and board.
  • Couchsurfing is an international hospitality system. You register on the site and then you can host guests or go to visit other participants, and it’s all free.
  • Housesitting is looking after someone else's empty house, the owners of which have left for long term, for example, for the summer, in exchange for free accommodation. You can find an offer from any country in the world. You can find such travel accommodation options on the corresponding website.

4. Rent out your own home while you travel or go on an “exchange vacation”

An exchange holiday is an opportunity for free accommodation while traveling, and maybe even a chance, like the characters in the film, to meet your love.

Before your trip, be sure to search for “Free entertainment in the city of N” in an Internet search engine, ideally, of course, on English language. Festivals, concerts, open days, excursions - in big and small cities you can find a lot of interesting things for free. For example, information about free walking tours can be found on this website.

2. Don't buy what you can get for free.

  • WiFi. When booking your accommodation, immediately choose an apartment or hotel with free Wi-Fi. During the day, use free Wi-Fi in restaurants and cafes, gas stations and shopping centers.
  • Area maps. Free cards are available at counters in many hotels, apartments and hostels. The map can also be obtained from the tourist information office. As a rule, they are located in the city center or near the main attractions. Download to your phone in advance electronic cards cities and guide.
  • Water. In Europe you can drink tap water everywhere. Drinking fountains are installed in many cities, and you can safely drink from them. To check, you can look at