When choosing a place to vacation in Crimea, you need to carefully study the features of each resort and then make a decision.

It is also important to take into account who you are planning a vacation with - individually or with family and children.

If you compare the two famous resort– Koktebel and Sudak, then preference should be made based on the individual preferences of tourists.

Sudak or Koktebel: where is the best place to spend your vacation?

Koktebel is located in the east Crimean peninsula where there is beautiful nature, picturesque beaches, developed tourism infrastructure. Therefore, finding housing and a place to relax will not be much of a problem.

Koktebel is called the edge of blue peaks because it is located near the mysterious, long ago extinct volcano Karadag. The proximity to such an amazing natural attraction has created unique natural beauty and landscapes adjacent to a calm sea cove.

You can get here from Simferopol and Feodosia - the fastest way, since there is a regular bus service between the cities.

Sudak is located in the southeastern part of Crimea, comfortably located between Feodosia and Alushta. The resort, like Koktebel, has a unique nature, clean beaches, gentle sea. The “trick” of Sudak is the sun, of which there is a lot. Exactly this sunny place on the peninsula, therefore the Velvet season here lasts until the very middle or end of October.

Pike perch is protected by mountains, which are pleasant to wander on your own or as part of tourist groups. The resort is proud of its beaches, which are mixed here - pebble or sand.

There are both urban recreation areas and more secluded ones, located near bays, villages and remote towns. In addition, Sudak is an ecologically clean region of Crimea, so couples with children like to come here on vacation.

Youth capital or family vacation

Only vacationers themselves can answer the question of where is better in Koktebel or Sudak. Each of them chooses the vacation spot they want to visit the most.

Koktebel is the cultural and youth capital of Crimea, so various interesting and creative personalities often meet here. Among them there are a lot of informals, hippies, musicians, artists, and even nudists. The latter concentrate on wild beaches, of which there are a lot near Koktebel.

In the city itself there is developed infrastructure entertainment, which includes cafes, bars, nightclubs, discos. For parents with children there are many attractions located on the water.

Koktebel is suitable for those who want to spend a cultural holiday, visit music festivals, do extreme species sports and recreation, scuba diving.

If you compare cities and choose where it is better to spend your holidays in Sudak or Koktebel, then the first one is more suitable for family vacation, health improvement, children's entertainment.

Sudak has the best water park, entertainment and attraction center. Thanks to the proximity of the sea and medicinal herbs, parents and children can receive treatment and improve their health.

Both Koktebel and Sudak have a lot of historical attractions and memorable places, which can be visited by any vacationer.

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Greetings, friends!

What tourists who visit this small country of cognacs talk about!

If you want to know when in the new season you will wake up on the beach to the roar of jazz compositions and guitar songs, and are not afraid to be left alone with nudists quoting Maximilian Voloshin, read a truthful review - Koktebel Crimea reviews from vacationers.

And also – pricing policy, resort atmosphere, entertainment.

We can say that almost all tourists! The terrain here is both steppe and mountainous, and there is enough entertainment for children, lively youth, water extreme sports enthusiasts, and respected pensioners.

Koktebel is loved by creative, extraordinary people - musicians, poets, artists, naturists.

I saw negative reviews (mostly from girls) about how it’s a pity that in Koktebel pebble beaches– I want to soak up the sand!

So, you know, you really have to walk and lie on the beach areas of Koktebel on pebbles, but! Sandy beaches there is one here too - 4 km away is the protected Quiet Bay, where there are excellent sandy beaches.

Moreover, this summer 2019 in Tikhaya Bay the beach will be fully equipped, with sun loungers, umbrellas, and changing cabins. And, for sure, you will no longer have to stock up on water for future use, as was the case before, but you will be able to buy a bottle of a refreshing drink straight from the refrigerator.

And there are beautiful ones here too climatic conditions for healing and strengthening the immune system.

Renting housing in Koktebel

I’ll say right away - for every taste! You can find housing upon arrival, walk around, look, and bargain. If you don’t want to waste time on this, then look through the offers on the Internet in advance.

Rooms without meals, with or without kitchen facilities, but with necessary household items - refrigerator, air conditioning, shower, on average cost from 1200 rubles per day .

They speak well of the recreation centers “DIM 1” and “DIM 2”, right by the sea. But the first option is more expensive and “elite”, where the cost per room ranges from 4500-6000 rubles, but the second – from 1500 rubles.

You can find absolutely budget optionsfrom 500 rubles , but it will either be many, many rooms in a common yard, or a place in a tent at a campsite.

Food in Koktebel

It’s the same story as with housing – there’s a lot of choice. The dining rooms are good, there are no complaints, the cost of lunches starts from 350 rubles. In some places the prices in restaurants are steep, but it’s worth visiting a couple of times during your vacation.

The issue of prices for market products is a little controversial, although it must be admitted that in Crimea on the coast everywhere expensive fruits and vegetables. Some tourists liked the prices.

In August 2018 - watermelons from 15 to 30 rubles, potatoes from 25 to 40 rubles, pears - 150, apples - 80, figs, raspberries, peaches from 100 rubles, cucumbers, tomatoes from 40 to 80 rubles. Meat, as on the entire peninsula, costs from 250 to 500 rubles.

You can cook light summer food yourself if you choose accommodation with a kitchen, and have a snack in bistros or pizzerias on the embankment.

Transport and roads

In Koktebel, in the central “patch” there is its own small bus station. From there you can get to many resort towns in Crimea. And if transport connection relations with other cities are good here, then There is practically no “inside” of it.

It’s not a problem, the village is not very big, and everyone prefers to walk, or, in extreme cases, hire a taxi.

How to have fun here

Evening Koktebel - a party place . For this reason, lovers of silence are not recommended to rent housing close to the embankment. A lot of young people gather here, music can be heard from everywhere until the morning.

Those who wish can sing karaoke, dance until they drop at parties, listen to street musicians, just make noise and enjoy their vacation.

The Koktebel embankment is more spacious and cleaner in 2019, after the ban on the placement of all kinds of trade stalls, except for catering establishments. On the embankment there are many benches, flower beds and flower beds, fountains, and sculptures.

Opportunities for beach and sea recreation

Children will definitely enjoy jumping around in an inflatable town on the beach, and together with adults you can ride on a catamaran and wonderful water taxis.

Exciting rides await you in Koktebel water park . Extreme paragliding, parachute flights, crazy skeet and banana races, diving - all this is present on the beaches.

In Koktebel there is a lot of traffic beautiful yachts under scarlet sails, where you can go on a short romantic trip. You can also sign up for a boat excursion along the coast and see the Golden Gate with your own eyes.

Cultural leisure and active walks

On the embankment you will be offered various excursions and tours around Crimea. All this is expensive, but impressive. You cannot do without a guide on a walk to the Kara-Dag Nature Reserve - a long walking journey.

You can independently visit such attractions as the Voloshin house-museum, a dolphinarium, an aquarium, go to Feodosia for a day, explore the surrounding area and stroll along the grape fields.

During the season, several festivals are held here - music, creative, and sports. The most striking event remains the jazz festival; you will not find this at any other resort in Crimea. And this year, immediately after the jazz festival first starts rap festival , which will bring together famous performers and groups.

Price policy

Tourists give an average rating in terms of waste, because people of very different status vacation here. From “savages” and ordinary workers, to pop stars and owners of “factories and ships.”

Already in the second half of August, prices for housing, services, and food begin to fall.

Final opinion

A picturesque resort, with warm, transparent sea, clean beaches and pleasant residents, excellent factory wines and cognacs. Here everyone will get from their vacation what they came for.

The downside is the lack of adequate medical care. If you suddenly happen to get sick, then develop a fever or, God forbid, get hurt, you’ll have to go to Feodosia.

The territory of the village itself, especially in the park areas, could use some tweaking. Otherwise you feel a certain neglect, like “let it grow on its own.”

Well, for some tourists Koktebel seemed too noisy, and even these nudists, you always bump into them while walking along the sea.

On this note, I will leave you to ponder whether you should book tickets to Koktebel now, or immediately after you subscribe to my blog and take a look at a couple more reviews.

Wish you have a nice rest, see you soon, friends!

The closer to the coast, the more picturesque the road became. Mountains appeared ahead. Here - in the southeast of Crimea, they are “bald”, not covered with forest. Finally, the road turned into a serpentine, and the sea shone behind the mountains - we were at our goal!

Our first stop is in the small village of Ordzhonikidze. First of all, we went to the beach to evaluate it and decide whether it was worth staying here. The beach was small and sandy. The bay is bordered on both sides by low mountains, and Karadag is visible a little further. We liked it and rented a two-room apartment on Lenin Street - across the street from the embankment. The apartment is quite simple, with old furniture, they say about these things “poor, but clean.” But with a balcony, from where this view opened:

I suddenly realized that I didn’t want to go anywhere else today, but wanted to sit on this little balcony, drink tea and look at the sea. And so they did.

The next morning we woke up early - we were already early birds, and there was also an hour time difference. As a result, we went to the sea at 8 am, expecting to see a completely empty beach - but that was not the case: people were already swimming with all their might. But still, there were fewer people than in the evening, and the water was clear, which completely changed our ideas about sandy beaches.

After swimming, we went to meet Ordzhonikidze (or Ordzho, as he is also called).

Orjo is located on a peninsula, which is washed on one side by Dvuyakornaya Bay, and on the other by Provato Bay, onto which the main part of the village overlooks.

The embankment is small, rather nondescript - but unexpectedly comfortable: on one side there are numerous cafes, on the other there are benches. On the “promenade” itself there are no tables, kiosks, or vending machines - nothing interferes with movement. Only for some reason the benches are turned with their backs to the sea.

At both ends the embankment abuts low mountains that you can climb on. And you even need to climb - the views are worth it!

The mountains form capes that cut off small coves from the sea - in these coves tourists were seen standing with tents.

And in the distance is Karadag, which is visible from everywhere.

But it’s worth climbing the mountain on the other side of the village (I think it’s called Vasyukovka) in the evening to admire the sunset.

To summarize, Ordzhonikidze seemed to us a quiet, calm place. It may be a little boring here, but we are our own guides - and we went to Sudak to see the famous Genoese fortress.

The road from Ordzhonikidze to Sudak leads through Koktebel.

We didn’t see the city itself, but on the way back we stopped at the local beach. Here it is already pebble, and Karadag is very close.

A very picturesque serpentine road leads from Koktebel to Sudak.

Having passed through all of Sudak, we reached Genoese fortress. Near the entrance there is paid parking: 10 hryvnia per hour (a hryvnia is a little more than 4 rubles).
I heard a lot about this fortress, saw a lot of photographs, but the reality exceeded expectations - the fortress was very impressive.

A grandiose building.

Part of the fortress wall runs along the top of the cliff, which already seems impregnable.

And what views there are from here!

Below is Sudak.

Both we and the children really liked the fortress - it was not in vain that we went there.

We spent three days in Orjo. For some reason we felt very comfortable here. And also, unlike the rest of the coast (both Russian and Crimean, as it later turned out) - here there was no feeling that every second they were trying to scam you out of money. But the time had come to move on - now our path lay not along the coast, but deep into the Crimea.

I, my wife and my 3 year old child went to Crimea and decided to take a closer look there (by the way, it took 5.5 hours from buying a ticket to getting on the other side): Kerch didn’t want to, in Feodosia, on the city beach, the locals said to swim in this swamp , go to Beregovoe - let's go, the infrastructure is somehow mediocre, the sand on the shore is nice, but the discarded algae (were there on 06/26/15) is not very good. We went to Koktebel - the landscape immediately changed from plains to hills and mountains, in short, we liked it and decided to stop. We went looking for housing, approached a man near the side of the road, he had 200 rubles per person for a toilet, a shower on the street and an old house, we didn’t look, he called another, he rushed over, explained that we wanted something more decent and that hot water it was clean for a child, he said it was super - let's go, we come, we look at the shabby cheap renovation, the bed linen is stained, dusty and the boiler is 30 liters (and he says 1500 rubles, but will drop it to 1200), we repeat to him what we asked, he says okay, let's go where there is always hot water (although he assured that 30 liters can easily wash 3 adults, to which we said that at our house 80 liters is not always enough when the hot water is off), we ask if the same condition is there and renovation, and then it started that you don’t like it, the room is excellent, and I quote “.. why the hell are you coming here at all, you’re sick of it..” apparently we are not the first. I wanted to screw him, but I had a family, a car, and went somewhere further, by the way, this HAMLO is standing at the entrance to Koktebel AT WHITE PRIOR, a sedan of a dark appearance and at first a smiling type. We decided only to go to hotels, so that it would be more peaceful (but those who don’t like to choose hotels through the Internet, they came across - the photo is beautiful, you don’t arrive very well..) We chose “The Little Prince”, the hostess is a Muscovite, demanding, judging by the cleanliness, repairs and equipment, we stopped for a day, They made a discount from 1.5 to 1.3 tr. for 3 local number with balcony, bathroom. kitchen (in the room there is a table, sink, dishes, dryer and tiles), refrigerator, air conditioning, safe, LCD TV + common pool, children's playground, barbecue with a seating area on 2 floors, the only thing is to park the car not on the territory, but nearby, but everything is great, the beach is not far away. The beach is pebble, you walk in about 3-5 meters and there is sand, I liked it, the child didn’t like the pebbles, it hurts to walk, but the Dining Room (Spoon) and Scarlet Sails (the ships were beautifully decorated), and the dolphinariums of neighboring Feodosia and Sudak don’t work, but here they work. We decided to take a ride to Sudak, there was sand there, the child liked it, in short we lived in Koktebel for 3 days, everyone climbed around and moved to Sudak, the search for housing began with an inspection of the beaches, the right side (where the fortress is) is a paid beach, then the beach for vacationers TOK Sudak, then the Base CSKA (you can’t go through it to the beach, you have to go around.., we decided to rent near the water park and were right, also a hotel (Admiral Nelson 1.6 thousand rubles) in Sudak everything is a little more expensive, but also more of everything and according to the locals On the 1800th anniversary, the sewage treatment plant was replaced and moved outside the city. Here. The beach has both pebbles and sand, the sea is super, when there are no waves you can see your legs in water up to your chest, there is a lot of entertainment and climbing, and a fortress, and a trip to the neighboring town to the zoo, but that’s all We didn't have time, we'll go again. The return ferry took 15 minutes. I hope the review will be useful to you, have a good holiday!