Take mineral baths, relax your whole body right up to your head, indulge in aromatherapy or steam in a sulfur bath - all about what makes Georgia good for spa travel.

The most pleasant thing about non-obvious spa routes is the surprise of sensory impressions, which are not so easy to achieve when there is only one vacation, and we have enough risk in our work. Over the past year tourism in Georgia has increased, of course, is stunning: Russians’ interest in the region increased by 64%, and in the capital by a full 71%. This is understandable - a crisis, beauty, a cultural code that sends us back to the Soviet and Transcaucasian health resorts.

According to the unspoken opinion, people go to Georgia not so much for tourist service, how much for a taste for life: khinkali, pkhali, khachapuri; wine and mimino, after which you need to rest somewhere else separately. In fact, everything is not like that (at least not quite like that - because no one on this earth has ever left khinkali and kindzmarauli) - here you can have a great spa vacation and even relax enough in a couple of days to come to your senses.

If everything goes according to plan, then national park you will relax even before you reach the mineral baths - three small pools under the sky the color of your monitor's screensaver (away, away with office associations!) with healing water, where you can improve your health directly with a view of the flowering mountains. The water is warm, the periodic table is useful, the sun is gentle, and there are beach showers nearby.

If you don’t want to get into the whole bath, you can just wash your face or wet your feet - it’s still calming.

It's difficult to get lost in the park: on one side of the path - mountain river, on the other - mountains; sooner or later, a huge, athletic Prometheus will peek out from around the bend, guarding the waterfall and delighting the eyes of tourists. But perhaps, if you get too carried away by the walk, then go to the green gazebo - mineral spring, where travelers armed with plastics collect healing water. Then move to the local architectural landmark: the “loop bridge”, which Borjomi residents affectionately call the “snail bridge”.

In Borjomi you can stay in an old apartment, a student hostel, a post-Soviet boarding house or a European hotel - wherever you want, in short. But if you are a tired, hard-working city dweller, stay, of course, in a decent hotel and don’t fool yourself - you haven’t had enough rest yet for marginal entertainment. If you settle opposite the snail bridge, then in the evening - right under starry sky above your head and with the moral law inside - on the balcony of the Crowne Plaza Borjomi (the size of a small European square) you can easily achieve light enlightenment.

Your new daily routine enhances the effect: in the morning a light breakfast, good coffee, then a eucalyptus sauna, then a chamomile sauna, then a swim in the pool, a walk.

Another walk, and another, until the local air makes you slightly intoxicated, then massage and spa treatments. “First, your body must accept relaxation, then it will reach your head,” say local spa masters, who have seen more muscle tension from city workaholics than we have on weekends. Then dinner, tasting of local wines and for the first time in a long time a happy sleep - from last bit of strength you sprinkle a bottle of lavender oil on your pillow and pass out faster than you know it.

Georgia is small beautiful country, which has recently become very popular among tourists and travelers from different countries, therefore it is not surprising that in all regions, cities and populated areas This country has many hotels, guest houses and hostels for every taste and budget, however, even among this variety you can choose the most interesting and memorable places to stay. In this article, I have collected the best hotels in Georgia with unusual interiors, architecture, landscape and atmosphere. Of course, most of these hotels are found in the capital of Georgia, but they also exist on the periphery, among the mountains, vineyards, and near the sea, so look, read, choose.

Is in picturesque place Georgia at the foot of Mount Kazbek in the village of Stepantsminda, seven kilometers from the 14th-century Trinity Church in the village of Gergeti. The hotel's outdoor terrace offers stunning views of the Caucasus Mountains. The hotel was reconstructed from a Soviet boarding house and is business card this region of Georgia on a par with the Trinity Church. One of the best hotels in Georgia both in terms of location and atmosphere.

In general, the climate of Georgia should be classified as subtropical. This is facilitated by the geographical latitude on which the country is located and the proximity of the sea. However, due to the presence of mountain ranges, the climate in different parts of the country is very heterogeneous.

A pronounced subtropical climate prevails in the western regions, closer to the sea. There is quite a lot of rainfall here, especially in spring and early summer. High humidity and proximity to the sea make summer not very hot, with average temperature slightly above 25 degrees. For the same reason, above-zero temperatures prevail here in winter.

As you move away from the sea to the east, the climate acquires a temperate continental character and becomes hotter and drier. Summer here is sultry, sometimes up to 40 degrees, and winter most often passes with negative thermometer readings.

In mountainous areas, winter temperatures most often remain in the range of minus 15-20 degrees with constant snow cover from November to March.

Given such diversity weather conditions, you should choose the right time to rest. The coast is suitable for these purposes from May to October. But to visit the continental part, you should choose spring, early June and September, otherwise you may end up in unbearable heat.

The most attractive quality local resorts is that at the same time you can ride here with snowy mountains, sunbathe, swim in the sea and pick juicy fresh fruits from the trees.

In addition to the beneficial climate, complemented by rich subtropical vegetation, the main natural factors used in spa treatment include the following:

1. Famous mineral waters far beyond the country’s borders, which differ in composition.

Firstly, these are calcium-sodium bicarbonate (Borjomi, Shovi). This water has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, the state of the gastrointestinal tract and the water-salt balance in the body.

The second type is calcium-magnesium-sodium with radon content (Tskhaltubo). This type of water also contains a sufficient amount of sulfides. Radon, having weak radioactivity, suppresses inflammatory, proliferative and autoimmune processes in the body, stimulates the immune system.

In addition, in combination with sulfides, radon provides a pronounced antibacterial effect. And calcium and magnesium ions are involved in the process of muscle contraction, form bone tissue and ensure the conduction of nerve impulses, along with elements such as sodium and potassium.

Another type of water is iodine-bromine-lithium water from the Akhtala resort. Iodine is involved in the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and has an antibacterial effect. Bromine and lithium have a beneficial effect on the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system.

Water is carbonic-hydrocarbonate-potassium or sodium. This type of water is typical for the springs of the Sairme resort. Moreover, depending on the presence or absence of potassium ions, such water is capable of dissolving either urinary tract stones (in the presence of potassium) or biliary stones (sodium water).

2. Sea swimming and sunbathing. This is exactly what people often go to the resort for. It is worth noting that Georgian Black Sea boarding houses function like foreign ones sea ​​resorts Turkey, Egypt and others like that.

That is, these are simply recreational holiday homes with all the infrastructure for relaxation and entertainment. And without any health-improving bias. Therefore, the sea and sun here are dosed and prescribed independently by the vacationers themselves

3. Speleotherapy. The use of karst caves for the treatment of respiratory diseases began quite recently at the Tskaltubo resort for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract and nervous system.

The dry, clean air of such caves, saturated with microelements, helps relieve diseases of the lungs and bronchi, and also reduces nervous excitement, reduces the level of stress hormones, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

4. Healing mud. In Georgia there is mud of volcanic origin, rich in iodine, bromine, lithium and biologically active colloidal substances. Iodine regulates the activity of the thyroid gland, and, therefore, the entire metabolism and energy.

Bromine and lithium normalize the course of many processes in the nervous system. And biologically active colloids have anti-inflammatory and hormone-like effects, improve blood circulation, reduce vascular permeability, improve drainage and tissue nutrition.

5. Radon baths. This treatment is available only at the Tskaltubo resort. (See earlier - The second type of mineral waters is calcium-magnesium-sodium with radon content).

5. Physiotherapy, massage, physical therapy. In addition to specific natural healing factors, all resorts necessarily use these methods of spa treatment. They naturally complement and enhance the effects of natural forces.

The main resorts of Georgia

Medical and balneological resorts:

  • Borjomi. This resort, thanks to its water, is famous throughout the world. Specialization of the Borjomi resort:
    • metabolic diseases: diabetes, obesity or exhaustion, gout;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, colitis, impaired intestinal motility, chronic hepatitis;
    • diseases of the female genital organs: metritis, adnexitis, adhesive disease;
    • pathology of the urinary tract: cystitis, chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.
  • Tskaltubo. The peculiarity of this resort is radon springs and karst caves. This is what determines the resort’s specialization:
    • lesions of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis, consequences of bone and soft tissue injuries, osteochondrosis;
    • allergic diseases, respiratory tract pathology: atopic dermatitis, hay fever, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia;
    • cardiovascular and nervous system: arterial hypertension and hypotension, vegetative-vascular disorders, neuralgia, neuritis, radicular syndromes;
    • skin and genitourinary diseases: cystitis, chronic pyelonephritis, adnexitis, psoriasis, chronic furunculosis.
  • Akhtala is the only Georgian resort with deposits healing mud. Its composition allows the use of local mud to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteoarthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis), skin diseases (psoriasis, chronic pustular diseases) and diseases of the female genital area (adnexitis, endometritis and endometriosis).

The local mud and water are especially recommended for neurological patients - depression, increased excitability of the nervous system, inflammatory diseases of the peripheral nerves - all this is perfect for treatment at the Akhtala resort.

  • Sairme. Due to the special composition of the local water and its ability to dissolve stones of various types in the human body, diseases of the urinary tract, including urolithiasis, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are mainly cured here. These are stomach ulcers, gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis
  • Shovi. The resort is famous for its water, similar in composition to Borjomi. This is the most high mountain resort Georgia, located at an altitude of 1600 meters. And although they treat here with the help mineral water diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, peripheral nerve diseases, Shovi is still best suited as a recreational resort.

The stunning beauty of the mountains, lakes, coniferous forests combined with the purest mountain air - all this brings the nervous system into amazing balance. Stress and depression go away and the body is charged with the power of the mountains and untouched nature.

They are also quite popular ski resorts Georgia. These are Bakuriani and Gudauri - international level resorts that allow lovers alpine skiing Enjoy your hobby all year round.

Be sure to remember the contraindications to visiting any resorts:

  1. Acute infectious diseases;
  2. Any chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  3. Mental illnesses;
  4. Addictions such as drug addiction and alcoholism;
  5. Blood diseases, increased bleeding;
  6. Any cancer.


Naturally, each sanatorium has a minimum set of entertainment for vacationers, such as a gym, billiards or SPA. But Georgia is the option when you don’t have to sit on the territory of a hospital during your free time from recovery.

By the way, this is not a place for shopping. From here you can only take away a countless number of souvenirs - products of national folk art from daggers and carpets to paintings and ceramics. It is worth purchasing edible souvenirs as gifts - cheese, spices, wine, cognac and much more.

But Georgian cuisine is something worth paying attention to and how you can entertain yourself from the first to the last day of your stay here. The standard 24-day holiday recommended for a course of radon baths is hardly enough to try all the dishes of Georgian cuisine. Not to mention their wines and other drinks.

Among the attractions worth visiting is the Sioni Cathedral - main temple Tbilisi; modern building original architecture - wedding palace in Batumi; the Narikala fortress complex and the tower of the Georgian alphabet are a heritage of the past and a creativity of the present.

The combination of deep history, vibrant modernity and eternal hospitality of this small country will not leave you indifferent and will not let you get bored.

  • To get to Georgia, our compatriots will need a foreign passport. You do not need to obtain a visa to visit; for a period of stay of up to 90 days, a note indicating permission for such a period is simply placed in the passport.
  • In Georgia, they do not change time from summer to winter and back, and the time itself corresponds to Moscow.
  • A large percentage of the population in Georgia can communicate in Russian, in addition, there are now quite a lot of people there with knowledge of English and some other European languages. However, rest assured that learning a few Georgian words, phrases and expressions before your trip will ensure that you receive a more welcoming welcome.
  • The Georgian currency is called the lari, and its exchange rate fluctuates against the ruble at approximately 20 rubles per 1 lari. In large cities, you can use cards from international payment systems, but it is recommended to always carry cash with you.
  • The country has very inexpensive bus services; in general, travel between major cities costs 150-300 rubles. A trip on public transport will cost 10 rubles. The cost of a taxi must be agreed upon in advance.
  • Be sure to use sunscreen (cream, glasses, hats), and consume enough liquid. This will help avoid overheating and sunburn.
  • After the 2008 war, diplomatic relations between Georgia and Russia were terminated, interstate issues are resolved through the mediation of Switzerland. Therefore, if questions arise that require contacting the consulate, Russian citizens need to seek help from the Swiss Embassy, ​​where we have a representative office.
  • The mobile operator Beeline operates in Georgia. Before your visit, you should ask the Russian Beeline about the conditions for conversations with Georgia. Or use a travel SIM card for economical phone calls home.
  • It is recommended to drink only store-bought bottled water.
  • The country has a fairly high level of security, however, it is still not recommended to carry large sums of money and other valuables, especially after dark.

How to get to the resort

Planes fly to Georgia from almost all major cities Russia. In Georgia itself, there are airports in Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Batumi. There are good bus connections throughout the country, so if planes do not fly from your city to other airports in Georgia, you can safely fly to Tbilisi, and from there by land transport It's not difficult to get to any place.

Car traffic and practically the only border crossing from Russia exists on the Vladikavkaz-Tbilisi highway.

You can get to Sukhumi by water from Sochi. Small transport ships sail back and forth periodically (not every day). And in the port of Batumi, Russians are issued a visa.

It is highly not recommended to enter Georgia from Abkhazia or South Ossetia. The legitimacy of these states is not accepted by Georgia and no one is allowed into Georgia from their territory. Moreover, information periodically appears that if the passport contains notes about visiting these republics, then they will not be allowed into Georgia at all. Therefore, Abkhazia and South Ossetia It is worth visiting with a Russian civil passport.

Armenia and Azerbaijan have railway connections with Georgia.

History of the region

Georgia, once our sister republic, is now an independent state governed by a president and parliament. The country has approximately 5 million people, of which about 6% are Russian.

Georgia is located at the junction of Asia and Europe, therefore, it is difficult to determine its actual affiliation - someone is trying to consider it European state, especially after the Rose Revolution. The republic borders Russia, Armenia, Turkey and Azerbaijan and has a fairly long Black Sea coast.

The first information about the state in this place appeared two centuries BC.

At the beginning of the second millennium AD, during the time of the great Queen Tamara, a century of power and prosperity began, which Georgia subsequently could not achieve. After this there were periods of Mongol, Turkish, and Persian oppression. For about a century the country was part of the Russian Empire, and from 1921 to 1991 - part of the USSR

The capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, which means warm spring, got its name due to the warm hydrogen sulfide springs characteristic of this place.

Other big cities, such as Kutaisi, Batumi or Zugdidi, are relatively small by Russian standards.

The main religion is Orthodox Christianity, which was adopted almost seventeen centuries ago. Other faiths exist here quite calmly due to the high level of tolerance of local Christians towards people of other faiths.

Georgia can rightly be called mountainous country. Over a dozen mountain peaks exceed the mark of 4500 meters, and the most high mountain Shkhara has an altitude of 5068 meters above sea level. And, if we consider Georgia to be part of Europe, then the highest European mountain is not Mont Blanc at all.

Georgia is famous for its wines, and is known throughout the world as the birthplace of Joseph Stalin and the cradle of the masterpiece of world literature “The Knight in the Skin of the Tiger.”


    Elena Syomina

    Sales Manager

    Manager's review of the Prometheus sanatorium

    Sanatorium Prometheus is located in the center of the Tskaltubo resort, which is famous for its radon baths. I really liked the hospitality, cordiality and desire to help in everything from the staff and hostess of the sanatorium. It is clear that the sanatorium staff treats the guests of the sanatorium with special love and do everything possible for a comfortable stay and treatment. All rooms are in good repair, with air conditioning, TV, mini-refrigerators, water in the room is replenished daily. On the ground floor there is a restaurant with amazing home cooking. If you need a special diet, you will be offered individual nutrition. On the top floor there is a lounge restaurant, the only one in the city that offers its guests entertaining themed evenings, live music. Also, on the 1st floor there is a medical center of the sanatorium, where you can get treatments - massage, baths, physiotherapy. The sanatorium doctor, the best practicing therapist at the resort, will prescribe and select the right treatment. Soon there will also be an indoor swimming pool. The resort has several healing radon springs. A park with radon spas is a 5-minute walk from the sanatorium. There you can get not only radon baths, but other procedures - showers, massages, physiotherapy, inhalations, exercise therapy, mud therapy, spinal traction, cosmetology, spa treatments. Only for guests of the Promethea sanatorium a 10% discount on hydropathic procedures is provided. In addition to healing springs, this area is also famous for its extensive excursion program- Prometheus Cave, Sataplia Nature Reserve, etc. Rest and treatment in the Prometheus sanatorium is the optimal price/quality ratio!

    Elena Syomina

    Sales Manager

    Manager's review of the Colchis sanatorium

    The Colchis sanatorium is located in the town of Ureki, 50 km from Batumi. Ureki is famous for its black sandy beaches, sand is magnetic medicinal properties and is suitable for improving the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and nervous system, respiratory system and treating rickets. The healing process takes place especially quickly in children, so the Colchis sanatorium is excellent for relaxation and treatment of parents with children. Colchis is located on the first line, the territory turns into a beach, the beach strip is wide, and the sea is shallow and warms up quickly. The sanatorium consists of one 5-story building, connected to the dining room by a covered passage. On the ground floor there are medical offices. All rooms have been renovated, from standard to apartment, suitable for large families with children. The territory of the sanatorium is small, but very well-groomed, green, with landscape sculptures that children like so much. Eat open pool with a children's department and a children's room, animators work in the summer. A 15-minute walk away is the most big park attractions in the Caucasus. I recommend the Colchis sanatorium for relaxation and wellness with children!


Top hotels Georgias that are not known outside its borders

Gamarjoba, friends! Many of those who are trying to choose the best hotels in Georgia for their holidays do not know about the local, very nice hotels. Finding them on the Internet on your own can be quite difficult: you either need to already know the specific name and Google it in search engines, or go to Booking and sort by price and manually look for original options.

In general, I decided to make this task easier and write a post about interesting places, which I know about from my Georgian friends and are considered pretty cool here. I’ll say right away - the options are far from budget. You will have to fork out for originality.

If you are planning a wedding in Georgia or spending your honeymoon here and looking for a suitable hotel for this, then this post will be a ready-made solution. Bookmark it for future use. I update the post periodically.

By the way, if an account on Airbnb already exists, then it is far from a fact that those with whom you will be traveling (wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend) have one. They can also book and receive a discount. So, a company of 4 people can receive a total discount 8400 rubles, if booked separately. There is only one condition - create a new account using the link.

The best hotels in Georgia that people don’t know about

The best hotels in Georgia by the sea

Castello Mare Spa

There is a hotel on a cliff in the vicinity of Batumi! Quiet, private hotel on the Black Sea coast surrounded by beautiful pristine nature. It's worth going at least for the sunset - it's simply magnificent here. Well, and so, “the little things”: SPA center, saunas, jacuzzi, panoramic outdoor pool with sea ​​water and heated, an elevator to a quiet, secluded beach and the like...

Seventeen Rooms Hotel

Lopota Lake Resort & Spa

Wonderful hotel on the lake in Kakheti. Is the game worth the candle and the hotel worth the money? Definitely, yes. After all, where else will you see a Georgian on a bicycle? This is how security officers move around here. If we compare this hotel with the same Rooms Kazbegi (and their price is approximately the same), then it was still the one that left the most pleasant impression (see my link detailed review). Now this is the best hotel I have ever been to.

Hotel Royal Batoni

Schuchman Winery

Trying to get away from the usual Kakheti interiors, the owners of this hotel created a moderately austere, but at the same time Georgian hotel. If you like this style, then I would stop without hesitation.

Schuchman Winery


Quite a new hotel. There is also a winery here. The Nelkarisi restaurant building with a huge barbecue terrace is modern and minimalist. No Georgian lubok in the form of dinners with a hired choir and endless interiors with old carpets and clay jugs.

Hotel on Booking, review rating - 9.7. The reviews so far are all great.

Hotel Nelkarisi

Kabadoni Boutique Hotel

A lovely little hotel in the city of love, Sighnaghi. There is nothing to complain about - everything is perfect. There are already about 200 reviews on Booking, and the average rating of the hotel is still at 9.0. This does not happen to everyone and can only indicate high quality services and friendly staff.

Borjomi Hotels

Golden Tulip Borjomi

This hotel seemed to me the most noticeable and interesting of all that I saw in Borjomi. Although it is still quite new, nevertheless, there are few reviews on the booking and all of them are mostly positive. By the way, this is the first chain hotel from my list. Tulip is a well-known hotel operator from the Netherlands with a chain of hotels around the world. Despite this, well, I simply could not ignore it and not include it in the list - its building is too beautiful.

You can book on Booking. Review rating - 8.7. The lowest cost hotel on the entire list. In the off-season you can stay here for only $50-70, which is quite a bit for such a hotel.

Golden Tulip Hotel in Borjomi

Best hotels in Tbilisi

Rooms Hotel Tbilisi

All the elite who come to Tbilisi for various kinds of business stop here. In the corridors of this hotel you can meet famous actors, musicians, politicians and other public figures known far beyond the borders of hospitable Georgia. Design is the main feature of this place. Previously, there was a factory here, now it is a cult place where the bohemian crowd of Tbilisi likes to gather (there is an expensive but very decent restaurant on the ground floor).

You can book on Booking, review rating is 9.0. The price is quite high, but worth it.

Rooms Hotel Tbilisi

Vinotel Boutique Hotel

Those representatives of the elite and creative intelligentsia Those who are bored with the above-mentioned Rooms Tbilisi choose this hotel. And here, the once popular TV journalist Leonid Parfenov filmed one of the next episodes of his “Parthenon” (such a channel on Youtube).

You can book on Booking, review rating is 9.2.

Vinotel Boutique Hotel

Good afternoon We booked a seven-day tour in the fall of 2015 and were very pleased with the organization of our trip to Georgia. Everything was thought out to the smallest detail, the smallest details and all our wishes were taken into account. We are planning to return again soon. Thanks to the Georgian Holidays team!

Maria and Evgenia, individual pilgrimage tour

I had very little time to plan my vacation in the spring of '16. In addition, I wanted to combine relaxation in nature, sightseeing, and good restaurants, and, of course, wine tasting. "Georgian holidays" organized individual tour, taking into account all my requests, and there were many of them. Thank you for your efficiency and quality work! Have recommended you to all my friends.

Roman, vacation with "Georgian Holidays" in 2016

In the summer I came on a business trip to Tbilisi. I contacted Georgian Vacations at the very last moment, not really hoping for anything. Nevertheless, a wonderful excursion to Kakheti with a wine twist was organized. And on the way back, without stopping in Tbilisi, they brought me to the airport. About Kakheti: I definitely want to come back here in the fall for 3-4 days, take part in the grape harvest, visit all the wine cellars and enjoy nature. Thank you!

Vera, business trip in June 2016

We were in Georgia in mid-October, we arrived not very prepared, we knew approximately what places to visit. On the first day, walking around the center, we visited several excursion bureaus, where we didn’t really like it. Apparently, intuition led us to the Georgian Vacations agency, we immediately really liked the girls working there. They selected interesting excursions for us. The agency provided a car and a guide. The guide is beyond praise! Very intelligent, tactful, educated, knowledgeable about history, young man. We visited amazing places and were very pleased. We want to come in the spring, when everything is in bloom. The people in Georgia are wonderful, and Georgia is a beautiful country.

Olga, vacationed with her sister in October 2016

We vacationed in Georgia in February. We arrived from Krasnodar. We were there for the first time. I really, really liked it. I was struck by the cleanliness, decency, and good manners of the people. We had two guides: guide Georgiy and driver Georgiy. Such great guys! Well-mannered, well-read. We learned a lot. They turned our world upside down. Georgia is a great country. It's not scary at all. Very cozy and homely. They constantly helped me with my child. Real men, real Christians of the country of Iveria. We also really liked the Babilina Hotel. Located in the center of Tbilisi. Excursions are a blast. Thank you all for organizing it. You guys are great. We'll come back soon to take a look at everything. Madloba to everyone!

Yulia, mother of many children from Krasnodar

We vacationed with my wife in Georgia from May 6 to May 13, 2017. We ordered an individual tour. Wonderful excursions were organized for us: to Jvari, Mtskheta, Bodbe, Sighnaghi, Kvareli, Alaverdi, Tsinandali, Timotesubani, Borjomi, Akhaltsikhe, Ananuri, Pasanauri, Kazbegi, Gergeti and Tbilisi. In general, as we wanted, we managed to get to know the sights of Georgia as much as possible in a short time. We express our deep gratitude to the wonderful guides Nino and Georgiy. Special thanks to the driver Timuri - a true high-class professional. And of course, Olga, who perfectly (I can’t find another word) organized our tour. Next time we visit Georgia, we will definitely use the services of “Georgian Vacations”. We will recommend your company to all our friends. Once again thank you all so much for a wonderful holiday.

Sergey and his wife came to us in their car

My friend and I went to Georgia. According to the agreement with "Vacation", all points were fulfilled flawlessly. Thanks to Olga for her sensitive attitude and instant response to any, even not very convenient, requests. WE WERE MEGA LUCKY, WE HAD LASHA AS A GUIDE - a person with a higher history education who knows the nuances historical events, a professional driver with several cars (SUV and others), ready to take you anywhere in his beloved homeland - Georgia. This is a hospitable person with an open soul who will attentively respond to any of your requests, a person with whom you will feel at ease and comfortable, with whom you will fall in love with Georgia, its kind and cheerful people, and will want to return to your Georgian friends again.

Damir and Artyom, individual tour to mountain regions

Our Georgian holidays are over. But let's not talk about sad things. If you are coming to Georgia not for the first time, then this is already personal. And when you leave the airport and see your own face, and this is in distant Georgia, then this is simply happiness. And we hug and kiss and even cry a little with joy, of course. Then we take a taxi and can’t stop talking - we haven’t seen each other for a whole year. And then the sulfur baths, which were booked for us in advance. And then unforgettable journey in Georgia. A whole week or just a week with an excellent and professional guide Georgiy, who is also just a wonderful person and storyteller. About everything in the world. We were together like one family all week. Is it true. And on the last day, when the program had already been exhausted and it was time to go to the airport, we still sat together in the hotel lobby and drank cold Saperavi and were a little sad in the hope of meeting again.

Natasha and Alevtina, third time with "Vacation"

My wife and I spent a wonderful week in Georgia from September 14 to 21, 2017. Excellent weather, excellent cuisine, wonderful wine, and most importantly, wonderful people. Yes, even Georgian music! Many thanks to Olga for organizing our difficult tour. And finally, thanks to the cool guys who spent the whole week with us - Zurab and Georgy, everything was interesting and very sincere.