Sudak (Ukrainian Sudak, Crimean Tat. Sudaq, Sudak) is a seaside city of republican subordination in southeastern Crimea, a traditional center of wine production and a resort. Included in the Sudak City District (Sudak City Council).

In ancient times, the city was called differently: by the Byzantines - Sidagios and Sugdeya, by the Italians - Soldaya, in ancient Russian sources - Surozh. In Ottoman times, the city received the name Sudak, which to this day is translated from the Turkic Su (water), dak (mountain forest) - Sudak, which is also depicted in Aivazovsky’s painting “Flood in Sudak” (1897) - dacha the artist was located a few hundred meters from the mouth of the Suuk-Su.


Sudak is located in the middle part of the southeastern coast of the Crimean Peninsula, 47 km northeast of Alushta and 42 km southwest of Feodosia. The city is located in the valley of the Sudak River, on the shore of Sudak Bay, bounded on the west by Mount Fortress, and on the east by Cape Alchak. The city is closed from the north by a ridge of mountains covered with beech and oak forests, as well as numerous pine forest belts of artificial origin. To the east is the arid Kapsel Valley. From the west - the area is typically Mediterranean in appearance.


Genoese fortress(Zander). Crimea

According to the conclusions made by a prominent Soviet ethnographer of the Caucasus, professor, doctor of historical sciences A.V. Gadlo, who led the Caucasian archaeological and ethnographic expedition of Leningrad State University, the city was founded by the Sugds (one of the Zikh (Adyghe) tribes, previously called the Sinds), presumably in 212.

Sudak Bay

In the Middle Ages, the city was called Sugdeia (Greek: Σουγδαία) and Soldaia (Italian: Soldaia), and its population grew due to the arrival of traders, merchants and artisans from different countries, including Greeks and Italians. In the 6th century, by order of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I, a fortress was built in Sudak. The monument of Byzantine literature “The Life of St. Stephen of Sourozh” describes the capture of Sourozh at the end of the 8th or beginning of the 9th century by the Rus:

The great Russian army under the command of Prince Bravlin suddenly attacked the Crimean coast. The Rus captured Byzantine possessions from Chersonesos to Kerch and “with great strength” approached Surozh. After ten days of fierce battles, Bravlin and his army, “breaking down the iron gates by force,” burst into the city.

When Bravlin approached the tomb of Stephen of Sourozh, located in the St. Sophia Church of Sourozh, “his face turned back.” Bravlin ordered the soldiers to return the taken goods to the Surozhans and release the prisoners, but healing did not occur. The pagan Bravlin had to be baptized, only after that his face returned to its previous position. Bravlin was baptized by Archbishop Filaret of Sourozh. From that time on, Christianity began to spread among the ruling elite of Kievan Rus.

The city has become important shopping center and a significant transit point on the Great Silk Road, reaching its greatest prosperity in the 12th-13th centuries. In 1206, after the conquest of Constantinople and the division of Byzantium, the city came under the control of the Venetian trading republic, however, it was actually ruled by the Kipchaks. Around 1222, on the orders of Ala ad-Din Kay-Kubad, the city was raided by the Seljuks of Asia Minor, who defeated the Kipchak army, on whose side were Russian troops. The reason for the raid was complaints from merchants about the frequent destruction of their ships, and the consequence was the destruction of crosses and bells and the installation of mihrabs and minbars in the premises of churches, as well as the introduction of Sharia law.

In the XIII-XIV centuries, the city was ravaged and destroyed by the Mongols, but was quickly restored. In 1365, Soldaya was conquered by the Genoese and included in the Genoese possessions in Crimea. During this period, the city was governed by an Italian consul, whose elections were held every year. From this era, towers and city walls, called the “Genoese fortress,” have been preserved.

In 1475, together with all the Genoese territories and the Orthodox principality of Theodoro in Crimea, Sudak was conquered by the Ottoman Empire. During Ottoman rule, the city, which had lost its military significance, fell into decay, although it was the center of Kadılık, the smallest administrative unit of the Ottoman state.

In 1783, Sudak, along with the entire Crimea, became part of the Russian Empire. At the end of the XVIII - early XIX centuries, the city was almost completely depopulated and turned into a small village; According to the 1805 census, only 33 people lived in the abandoned city. In 1804, the first winemaking school in Russia was opened here. Sudak regained the status of a city only in 1982.

In 1920, the winemaking enterprise State Enterprise “Sudak” was founded.

During the Great Patriotic War, from October 1941 to April 1944, it was occupied by German-Romanian troops. In January 1942, a Sudak landing was landed in the city, which liberated the city and held it from superior enemy forces for almost two weeks. Almost all the paratroopers died in battle.


The main specialization is the production of vintage and champagne wines, the resort industry, and the production of rose oil.

Sudak is a climatic seaside resort. Indications: non-tuberculous respiratory diseases, functional diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular diseases, etc. Sudak is the only city in Crimea that has quartz sand beaches.

Every year more than 180 thousand people (mostly unorganized vacationers) come to Sudak and the Sudak region on vacation. In 2003, 49 thousand people rested in 18 boarding houses and health resorts, a third of whom were foreigners.


Distance to Crimean cities

City Distance (km) New World 7 Alushta 93 Old Crimea 36 Feodosia 55 Kerch 153 Simferopol 107 Evpatoria 172 Yalta 131 Dzhankoy 148 Sevastopol 181

Social sphere

There are 3 secondary schools in the city (school-gymnasium No. 1 named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.E. Chaika, secondary school No. 2, school No. 3 (with the Crimean Tatar language of instruction)), a sports school, a children's and youth center, a city lyceum, branch of the Yalta Vocational School, Faculty of Management and Economics of the Taurida National University. Vernadsky; clinic, hospital.

For a summer holiday in Sudak, today we offer a wide range of various hotels, hotels and boarding houses for a relaxing and safe holiday in Crimea

The city of Sudak is located on the southeastern coast of the Crimean peninsula, the administrative territory of the city stretches along the coast to Feodosia, located outside the main ridge Crimean mountains. The city lies in the southern part of the Sudak valley on the shore of the Sudak Bay of the Black Sea. The coast of Sudak mainly consists of sandy beach mixed with small pebbles.

Here you can safely combine a holiday in Sudak, treatment and hikes in the surrounding area. The start of the swimming season coincides with May holidays and ends during the grape harvest in October.

Sudak Bay is one of the most beautiful bays in Crimea. From the east its border is Cape Alchak, from the west - Mount Fortress, with the most important landmark of the city - the Genoese fortress

Compare Sudak with others Crimean cities useless. This place is distinguished by something inexpressible, has its own aura and wild charm. Clean air, dry climate, warm Mediterranean winters, soft contours of the mountains, the proximity of the beautiful New World and the only dormant volcano in Ukraine - all this makes your vacation unforgettable at any time of the year.

Advantages of holidays in Sudak

The city of Sudak has a centuries-old history, and last years he strives to become one of the main leaders of the Crimean resort industry. To achieve this goal there are many advantages like:
-favorable weather and climatic conditions;
-long swimming season;
-widely developed tourism infrastructure in the city and nearby villages;
-a huge selection of different housing provided local population, hotels, inns and boarding houses;
– and, most importantly, all at more liberal and democratic prices, when compared with the South Coast region. All of the above greatly enhances the position of this resort, and gives reason to assume that holidays in Sudak will become very popular in Crimea in the coming years .

Sudak... A short name, a small town - and a long trail of history. In the Middle Ages, the inhabitants of Sugdea believed that the city arose in 212 AD. In the middle of the 19th century, confirmation of this was found: on the island of Halka in the Mediterranean Sea, in one of the monasteries, a handwritten sacred book was discovered with a mention of the Sugdeya fortress, built in 5720 “from the creation of the world,” which really corresponds to 212 AD. in modern chronology.

The emergence of the city and its name are associated with the Alans, Iranian-speaking tribes - the ancestors of modern Ossetians, who appeared on the peninsula in the middle and third centuries AD. during the Great Migration. The word Sughda has Iranian roots and is translated as “holy”, “immaculate”. The first mention in the literature was in the UP century, when the city of Sogdabon was named among the Black Sea cities and its location was indicated. It was this favorable position in all respects - a beautiful, fertile valley, convenient bays - that made the city desirable for its numerous conquerors of various eras: the Khazars, Pechenegs, Polovtsians (Kipchaks), Venetians, Seljuk Turks, Genoese...

At the end of the 1st century the city became large international center, merchants from all over the world meet here - from Western Europe, North Africa, Asia Minor, India, China... The Arab historian Ibn al-Athir wrote in 1198: “This city of the Kipchaks, from which they receive their goods, and to it ships with clothes land, the latter are sold, and with them girls and slaves, furs, beavers and other items found in their land are bought.” From the West, English cloth, weapons, jewelry were brought to Sugdea, from Egypt and Syria - cotton fabrics, dates, from India - precious stones, from China - silk. Sugdea had extensive and varied relations with Russia. Russian goods were delivered here along the Dnieper, and then by sea. The presence of Russians in Sugdei in the 12th – 13th centuries is confirmed by numerous archaeological finds and written evidence. During this period the city was also called Surozh.

Holidays in Sudak: description and history of the city

Since the beginning of the 13th century, the Venetians have ruled the city for a century and a half. During this time, others tried to take over the city: in 1221, the Seljuk Turks attacked Sugdea, in 1223, the Mongol-Tatars. Constant raids of the Golden Horde undermined the city’s economy and led to a sharp decline in the population. In 1365, the city was suddenly attacked by the Genoese - they took it by storm and captured 18 villages in the area. The Genoese call Sugdea Soldaya, and this name remained for five centuries, as long as Genoa's rule on the coast lasted. As a result of Genoa's policy on the peninsula, the city loses its importance as a port and becomes the center of an agricultural district.

Sudak became famous as a resort only at the end of the 19th century; it is called “a vacation spot for students and the intelligentsia,” which indicates its accessibility and low cost. As stated in the popular guidebook by G.G. Moskvich in 1901, about 1000 people lived in Sudak at that time, and about the same number came annually to summer rest. The author explains the increased popularity of Sudak: “The overcrowding of Yalta and its surroundings makes many people pay attention to Sudak, with its less hot summers, excellent swimming, space for walking...” (It should be added - less expensive, affordable housing. This trend continues Nowadays). The main income for local residents came from the trade in grapes and wine, which, coupled with “space for walking,” compensated vacationers for the lack of resort services.

Today, ancient Sudak is a promised land for tourists; its surroundings are not inferior in number historical monuments the most famous centers of world civilizations. Undoubtedly, the most famous monument is the fortress built by the Genoese in 1365. Built according to the design of Genoese military engineers, it was slowly, year after year, erected by hand local residents on a relict coral reef, inaccessible from the south. The Sudak fortress, perfectly preserved to this day, is rightfully considered an example of medieval Western European fortification. It is a monument of world significance, a museum-reserve that attracts numerous tourists from all over the world.

On the territory of the Sudak Genoese fortress, theatrical performances, historical reconstructions of battles of past eras, and knightly tournaments are regularly held, in which several hundred people sometimes take part.

The fortress in Sudak and its picturesque surroundings attract filmmakers like a magnet. In 2005, the fortress depicted the city of Yershalaim, and the nearby hill, on which three crosses were installed, represented Golgotha. The darkest episode of the film “The Master and Margarita” based on the novel by M. A. Bulgakov was filmed here.

The fishing episode “near the Black Rock” for the comedy “The Diamond Arm” was also filmed in the vicinity of Sudak. Filming took place in the summer, but the water was, as happens due to the “swept” onshore wind that blew the warm layer into the open sea, only 8 degrees. Papanov’s emotional exclamation “Idiot!!!” was addressed not to the hero of Andrei Mironov, but to the operator, due to whose oversight it was necessary to shoot another take.

The main value for vacationers was and remains the magnificent climate of the Sudak Valley (2550 hours of sunshine in Sudak), the warm sea, the most picturesque surroundings - and beautiful .

The beaches of Sudak are sandy, sometimes turning into small pebbles

The beaches of Sudak are sandy, sometimes turning into small pebbles. The length of the beach is more than three and a half kilometers, the width is from ten to thirty meters. The seabed is flat and gradually descending. Sudak Bay is protected from the west by the Fortress Hill (on which the fortress rises), from the east by Cape Alchak (low) protruding far into the sea, from the north by the Perch Mountains (maned) and Mount St. George (Ai-Georgiy). To the east of Sudak, behind Cape Alchak, there is Kapsel Bay with numerous picturesque coves covered by low hills. The total length of the beaches of Kapsel Bay is about 7 km. True, the beaches of Kapsel are quite rocky, but here it is always clean, clear water. The Sudak Valley stretches along the coast from Sudak to Cape Meganom (translated from Greek - populous).

In the vicinity of Sudak, tracts of tree-like juniper and Stankevich pine have been preserved. The abundance of phytoncides they secrete, coupled with the healing sea breeze, create ideal conditions for climate therapy. Thanks to this natural “environment”, Sudak has created an ideal climate for relaxation not only in summer, but in the off-season.

Despite the fact that the city itself is small, the infrastructure here is quite developed. At almost every step there are cafes, restaurants, ice cream - for every taste, an abundance of vegetables and fruits and a wide selection of magnificent Crimean wines. It is not for nothing that the Sudak Valley is traditionally considered the cradle of Crimean winemaking.

The cypress alley is beautiful - practically the center of the city. It is pleasant to stroll here in the evenings; at night it is a place for youth “hangouts”.

The real “highlight” of a vacation in Sudak was the water park, which in a short time became famous far beyond the borders of Crimea. According to the results of an independent consumer rating, the Sudak water park was recognized as the best in Crimea. The water park in Sudak is a place where there is everything you need for a pleasant and fun holiday: various slides, diving towers, artificial beaches, interconnected pools and ponds. By the way, at night everything is cheaper here and the influx of visitors is much less.

What’s important is that in Sudak you can find accommodation for every taste: reputable hotels, mini-boarding houses, honored health resorts of the Soviet era, and private sector. The price of the issue depends solely on the desires and capabilities of the guests of Sudak.

The resort of Sudak includes the city itself, the village of Novy Svet, the village of Morskoye and the village of Solnechnaya Dolina. Each place is interesting and unique in its own way and provides every opportunity for complete relaxation and recovery.

Sudak – resort town with a great history. IN different times it was called differently: Sugdeya and Sidagios - Byzantines, Soldaya - Italians, Surozh - ancient Russian sources. The city received its current name during the Ottoman Empire. You can learn more about the history of the city in the museum on the territory of the fortress.

Where is

Sudak is located on the border of two climatic zones: steppe and Mediterranean, 47 km northeast of and 42 km southwest of. If you go for a walk to Mount Alchak-Kaya, you will see plants characteristic of the steppe zone. In the northern part of the city there are mountains; in the area of ​​Fortress Mountain you can see Crimean pine, juniper and other Mediterranean plants climate zone. For those who are going to Crimea for the first time, everything will be new. The place you choose will probably give you an impression of the entire peninsula. Beauty, the hero city is on everyone’s lips and will undoubtedly make an impression. But these are big cities, and you are tired of the hustle and bustle and are planning a vacation in a small but cozy place, so the city of Sudak, located on, or rather in the southeast of the coast, will suit you like no other.

Everything in this city is conducive to have a wonderful holiday: magnificent nature and weather; developed infrastructure; historical sights.
Sudak Bay is protected from bad weather on both sides by rocks (Krepostnoy and Alchak-Kaya). The beach line is more than three and a half kilometers long. Any vacationer can choose a beach to suit his taste: with quartz sand, with small pebbles, sandy. Entry into the sea is convenient: sand and small pebbles, so you don’t need special shoes. Another advantage of Sudak Bay is that there is a pedestrian zone along the embankment. Therefore, while relaxing on the beach, you will truly breathe the cleanest air.

Where to stay in Sudak?

Everyone can find accommodation in Sudak to suit their taste and budget: hotels, hostels, private houses and apartments. When choosing a hotel you need to be careful, since the mark “all inclusive” does not mean free Internet, free food, etc. It is better to call the hotel and see for yourself the availability of certain services.

If a tourist comes to Sudak with the goal of improving his health, then an excellent place to relax will be the Sokol health complex, where qualified doctors carry out various preventive procedures for the respiratory system. The advantages of staying in “Sokol” also include its location - all the famous attractions of the city are located a few steps from the complex. People who have enough money can stay at the Soldea Hotel, which is located at the foot of the Genoese fortress. During the entire existence of the hotel, not a single visitor complained about its cuisine or the level of service.

Some local residents of Sudak offer their accommodation services to tourists. This option will be an excellent solution for people who find themselves passing through Sudak, or for those who simply do not have enough money to stay in a hotel or health complex. There are quite a large number of private accommodations in the city, but it is worth remembering that most likely, premises that are located far from the center and attractions of the city will be rented out at a low price. However, the probability of getting into a remote area is quite small, since the town itself is quite small in size.

The cost of housing depends on the distance from the sea. For the convenience of vacationers and local residents, there are buses running around the city. bus routes, which will take you from any area of ​​the city to the center and to the sea. Wherever you live, everything you need will be nearby. There are shops, pharmacy kiosks, payment terminals (many still only work with cash) in any area of ​​the city.

Interesting places (attractions and entertainment) in Sudak

Most entertainment venues are located on Cypress Alley - pedestrian street, which leads to the city beach. Nightclubs, restaurants serving cuisine from different nations, cafes and bistros are open until late every day. Almost every establishment has its own entertainment. Such variety will satisfy any tourist. During the day you can visit the water park; go on an excursion; ride jet skis, banana boats.

On the seashore, on a rock ancient fortress— . There is a museum next to it. The museum is unlikely to surprise a tourist with its size, but the information and artifacts stored in it can scare everyone. Another historical attraction is the German Church. In the 19th century, a German colony was formed on the territory of Sudak. Before the deportation in 1941, Germans also lived here. To date from German colony the district of the city Uyutnoye remained. Also mandatory place to visit is the Valley of Ghosts. The mystical feature of this ancient place is that the stones, over the course of many years of exposure to the forces of nature, acquired human shapes. You can watch this bizarre phenomenon for hours. The bright sun will only brighten the view, since under the sun’s rays the stones will begin to cast reflections and appear more “alive.” Some tourists consider this place creepy, while others experience incredible delight and admiration when walking through its open spaces. It was also in the Valley of Ghosts that the well-known film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” was filmed. There is even a stone preserved here on which Varley performed the dance. It is precisely in order to take a photo as a souvenir that many tourists come to this picturesque place.

In addition to the above-mentioned attractions, the Alchak-Kaya tract is in great demand among tourists, next to which there is a cape and rock of the same name. This place is ideal for people who like to sit alone with nature and think about life. Fresh air, emptiness around and birdsong will create an unusual and light atmosphere. If you move a little to the south, you will come across the famous Crab Island. It's mostly visited by thrill-seekers. Arriving there means surfing.

Crimea is magnificent in its uniqueness. Wherever you go, you will be enchanted. But if Sudak becomes your first vacation spot on the peninsula, you will definitely come back again.

Where can I eat?

In small restaurants in Sudak, the menu most often represents a resort set of food. This means that there a tourist will be able to taste local kebab and traditional fish soup. Lovers of chic places can visit the elite restaurant “Forezia”. All the furniture there is covered with gold, and the floor is covered with a luxurious carpet. The establishment can also boast of its wonderful Turkish cuisine.

The peculiarities of food in the town include the active proliferation of small canteens. Of course, the “home dining room” is not the catering familiar to everyone. There you can taste dishes prepared almost at restaurant level, but at a significantly lower price. If you look at reviews of similar establishments, this trend was liked not only by local residents, but also by visiting tourists.



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How to get there from Simferopol?

There are several ways to get from Simferopol to pike perch. The most common one is by bus. You can go directly or take a detour with a stop at Morskoye. If you cover the entire path by car, it will take much less time, since the drive will be carried out without stopping. The distance between Simferopol and Sudak is approximately 100 km, which will take about an hour and a half by car.

Holidays in Crimea are a fairly popular service. Holidays in pike perch are not only about improving your health, but also about a lot of excursions and entertainment.

When going on vacation, wanting to make your vacation in Sudak unforgettable, we recommend that you choose a reliable tour operator. An incredibly educational holiday in Sudak is complemented by relaxation near the sea, beautiful beaches, sunny weather. When you come here for the first time, you will fall in love with these places forever.

When going south, to the sea, to Crimea, do not ignore Sudak, a city that is truly a pearl of the coast. The big advantage of this resort is its cheapness, compared to the southern coast of Crimea, while the opportunities for recreation are no worse, the climatic conditions and the sea are excellent. The number of attractions is in no way inferior to Yalta, Alushta or any other famous resort in Crimea.

The smell of the sea and the aroma of Mediterranean vegetation, coupled with dry air, make Sudak extremely attractive due to its unique aromatic cocktail and the special atmosphere of a resort holiday. The climate here is mild, the mountains are low (covered with beech forests), while covering the city from the north. The beaches in Sudak are wide, colorful and small-pebble.

How to get to Sudak

You can get to Sudak from Alushta or Feodosia; along the way you can enjoy magnificent views of the sea. You can also get here from Simferopol, but it will take longer; the inconvenience of this method of transportation is compensated by the magnificent landscape outside the window.

Climate of Sudak

The Sudak climate is mild, there are no sharp temperature changes, it is similar to the climate of the South Coast, but it is drier. The Sudak valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides, thereby protecting the area from cold winds. Sea breezes influence the weather, reducing the heat, which makes the summer heat very easy to bear. The sea warms up by the end of May and cools down in mid-October. Among the Crimean resorts, Sudak has the least number of cloudy days a year. Winter here is quite harsh.

Rest in Sudak

Those who come to relax in Sudak will find entertainment for everyone to suit their taste, such as beach holiday or excursion program. There really is something to see here, including the Genoese fortress (in July the large international historical fencing tournament “Genoese Helmet” takes place) and the bay New World(there is a champagne wine factory “New World”, founded by Prince Golitsyn), a dolphinarium in the village of Kurortnoye, caves, mountains, the Great Crimean Canyon.

Not far from Sudak is Koktebel, where you can undergo wine treatment (enotherapy). This procedure is offered on the basis of the Koktebel factory of fine wines and cognacs, which consists of “wine treatments” - wrapping with grape seed oil, wine baths, peeling from grape pomace, etc.

The wines produced by the local plant are incredibly healthy, as the grapes contain many trace elements and minerals that come into the wine from the rich volcanic soil of Kara-Dag.

The proximity of Koktebel is also good for a holiday in Sudak because there is a water park in Koktebel, which has many wonderful water attractions that will appeal to both children and adults.

Genoese fortress in Sudak and its history

Of the many attractions that the Crimean peninsula is ready to show its guests, Genoese fortress is truly a spectacular sight.
Rising above the sea, the fortress amazes with its powerful walls and impregnable towers. When looking at the fortress, your gaze will be delighted by the beautiful landscape created by medieval craftsmen.

The fortress was built in the Middle Ages by the Genoese to support their colony. Subsequently, the Byzantines began to own the fortress. In the XIV century. Genoese merchants arrived on the territory of modern Sudak and founded a colony to expand their trade. At that time, Crimea was captured by the Golden Horde, with which the Genoese managed to come to an agreement. The result of the agreement was permission to settle on the coast, and subsequently Genoese merchants began to control trade routes in the Black Sea.

Over time Black Sea coast Several trading port cities arose: Ginestra (modern Odessa), Soldaya (Sudak), Kafa (Feodosia) and others. These cities are of great strategic importance, therefore they were well guarded and had powerful fortifications. The fortress in Sudak or Soldai underwent major reconstruction.

After the Genoese, the Turks owned the fortress for three whole centuries, but they could not resist the Russian Empire and left Crimea.
The fortress has survived to this day, practically unchanged appearance since the time of the Genoese. It is rightfully considered one of the most spectacular attractions.

The fortress is located on a natural formation - a petrified coral reef. The foot of the fortress mountain is surrounded by a 2-meter thick wall. As an additional defense, the fortress was reinforced with fourteen towers. Interesting fact- each tower has a name and it was named after the consul who ruled during the construction of the tower.
Powerful fortifications are concentrated at the fortress gates, designed to protect the only entrance to the fortress. In fact, there are two entrance gates and a small closed space has been specially created between them - Barbaka. If the enemy got through the first gate, he found himself trapped in a narrow space and died under fire.

On the territory of the fortress there is a temple, which during its history has been both a mosque and an Orthodox church. Nowadays, the temple houses the fortress museum.

The main building of the fortress, the residence of the consul, is the Consular Castle. During the war or siege of the fortress, the castle was turned into a citadel. The fortress also had its own lookout point, it was located on the steep top of the Fortress Mountain and was called Maiden's Tower. According to historians, the Maiden Tower was erected long before the Genoese and is the oldest structure of the fortress.

Renting housing in Sudak

Every year Sudak welcomes tens of thousands of guests who come to enjoy the gentle sun and mild climate of Crimea. About a hundred sanatoriums and boarding houses open their doors to tourists. Recreation centers, campsites, and health camps annually welcome vacationers. What to choose from this variety and what is the most profitable way to rent an apartment in Sudak?

For more than a century, Sudak has been one of the most accessible and popular resorts. During the season there is always the highest demand for everything possible options placement. But, to the credit of the city, they are presented here in abundance, for every taste and budget. Families with children, youth, adults - everyone will find an option to suit their needs. In addition to hotels, there is a private sector - renting apartments in Sudak, houses, villas, cottages - the choice is simply huge.

Hotels have been hosting holidaymakers for many decades. For their construction were given best territories cities located near the embankment. The service here is quite good. Like the prices per room, it is close to the European level. A stay in a hotel means high-quality rooms, excellent infrastructure and an excellent location. However, prices here are the highest. Since those who want to relax with increased comfort There are many, but the number of rooms is limited; you need to book them in advance. During the season there may not be any vacancies.

The tradition of vacationing as a “savage,” dating back to Soviet times, has not lost its relevance today, although it has become more civilized. This is the so-called “private sector”. Since the houses are designed for the seasonal influx of vacationers, a wide variety of housing is available for rent. These include dachas, small guest houses on the outskirts of the city, and villas for lovers of luxury holidays.

As a rule, recreation in the private sector involves its own territory, sometimes there is a swimming pool on it. This type of accommodation is ideal for lovers active rest. House prices vary, depending on the level of comfort and distance from the center and the sea.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the rental of apartments in Sudak.

This type of housing is suitable for people accustomed to the comforts of home. And for those who do not like to live according to the hotel schedule, renting an apartment in Sudak would be the best option. Rental prices are significantly lower than hotel rooms. At the same time, you can choose an option that meets the most varied requirements of a tourist - from the number of rooms, floor, necessary furniture and equipment to location. If the least expensive segment of the private sector is guest houses and dachas are located closer to the city outskirts, then you can find an apartment in any preferred area.

Daily apartment rentals in Sudak are ideal for vacationers with children, especially toddlers. After all, many of them do not tolerate fuss and crowds well, and the routine and taste preferences of a small child may not coincide with the hotel schedule and menu. A familiar home environment will be an undoubted advantage for children. And parents will be able to relax without scanning vast areas of the private sector for potential danger - after all, any representative of the southern flora and fauna can become it.

  • If you are on a limited budget, do not try to rent an apartment in Sudak directly in the center. It's small and amazing beautiful city. A walk along it will only decorate and diversify your vacation.
  • When planning your vacation, think in advance what requirements you have for living conditions. It is possible that some requests will be insignificant, but will significantly affect the price.
  • Don’t put off your search until the last minute, because apartments in Sudak are always in demand. You should take care in advance to find suitable housing.
  • Remember that the hot season in Crimea is July and August. At this time prices will be the highest. However, the resort welcomes guests all year round. Even in winter, holidays here are great - the weather is mild, and southern plants, covered with sparkling snowflakes, look fascinating.

Excellent conditions for recreation, low prices, wonderful climate, and the hospitality of local residents attract more and more local residents to this amazing, unforgettable region - Sudak.
