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Country holidays

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Beach holiday

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Traveling is a real mini-life that will teach you more than the most prestigious university. Very often, just a few days away from home - and you are already a different, “new” person.

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Nearby outside the city

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Everyone knows the feeling when they want to change city ​​bustle to nature, car smog for clean air and go somewhere far away. Take a break from work, gather a warm company and go out of town. Not far from Moscow there are cozy recreation centers with which KupiKupon employees have become friends.

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Rest longer and save more!

Extend your vacation in nature - ours low prices allow you to do this. Register on our website and relax wisely: on the BuyKupon website you can save a lot on trips out of town. Using our services is very simple:

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Countries Southern and Western Europe attract lovers beach holiday. The number of those who prefer to spend their holidays under the hot rays of the Spanish, Italian and French sun does not decrease from year to year. The quality of European hotels has long been recognized as the standard in hotel business, A holiday on the shore Mediterranean Sea few people can remain indifferent.

Countries Northern Europe famous among fans ecotourism. This type of recreation is just gaining popularity in Russia, but in Europe it has already become one of the most common, especially among young people and the elderly who are accustomed to thinking about the interaction between man and nature.

Countries of Eastern Europe , although not as widely popular as the regions mentioned above, may be of no less interest to those who prefer sports tourism . Since many countries in Europe are closely adjacent to each other, widespread automotive and hiking .

Countries South and Central America attract either fans educational tourism who are interested rich story numerous independent states of these regions, or lovers beach holiday who have had enough of the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and are hungry for the variety that it can provide coastline Atlantic Ocean.

Countries North America , mainly the USA and Canada, but do not forget about islands Caribbean , are also of interest to amateurs city ​​(excursion) recreation and those who prefer to spend their time on the beach. The excellent quality of hotel and transport infrastructure makes holidays in these countries as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

It is becoming increasingly popular to spend holidays in countries East Asia and Pacific region. Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore also boast rich and amazing story, which attracts those who want to experience this eastern culture. And beach lovers will not be disappointed. The quality of hotels is steadily growing, attracting more and more tourists from all over the world.

Island countries Pacific region intrigue with their unusual flora and fauna, which makes them extremely attractive to educational tourism . A pleasant climate and amazing Pacific Ocean makes them extremely attractive to beach and water tourism .

Countries North Africa, especially on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, Famous places for a beach holiday. And for excursion tourism there is a place in this region.

Among the countries South Africa The most popular among tourists is South Africa, which has a high-quality hotel infrastructure and is becoming increasingly popular in the arena world tourism.

Most popular destination internal Russian tourism is beach holiday. Cities on the shores of the Black Sea annually attract a lot of tourists from all over Russia.

european part of Russia popular among fans. Golden ring and others ancient cities They are happy to reveal their deepest secrets to tourists.

Ural and Siberian regions attract lovers of the already mentioned ecotourism, although it is only gaining momentum in our country. Together with sports ecological tourism popular among young people who like to spend unusual and active free time. Feel like a master and a pioneer Far North, isn't this pleasure?!

Wherever you decide to spend your vacation, abroad or in Russia, CityCoupon will provide you with a discount on last-minute tours. On our website you will find the best offers from best travel agencies in Moscow.