The first post-war raid boats were created by order of the Navy and were intended to support the activities of naval forces in military and Peaceful time. The tasks that these boats solved were very diverse, but their main task was to ensure the daily activities of ships at their main bases, in harbors and roadsteads.

Later, civilian modifications were created on the basis of raid support boats for the Navy, and very rarely raid boats for the Navy were created on the basis of civilian boats.

Among the raid boats that were designed at the Redan Central Design Bureau, there were a wide variety of purposes. Among the main projects were work and diving boats, as well as hydrographic, towing, underwater security of objects, medical, rescue and others.

This boat was nicknamed legendary among shipbuilders because during its existence it was not possible to create a boat that would oust it from the domestic market. These boats, built by the Sosnovsky Shipyard in the mid-50s - late 90s and at the beginning of the 21st century, could be found on all water bodies of the countries of the former Soviet Union. And back in 1997, an expedition boat of Project 376 of the Limnological Institute, built in 1950 by the Yaroslavl Shipyard, sailed on Lake Baikal. This was one of the first boats in the series.

The Project 376 boat was born at TsKB-19 in 1948, when the TsKB team under the leadership of chief designer V.V. Sidorov, according to the technical specifications of the Navy, developed a project for a raid diving boat of Project RV376. At the same time, its modification was developed - a crew boat of Project P376. In the future, when

During the development of subsequent projects of raid boats, in parallel with the work boat, its diving modification was always developed.

At the time when Project 376 boats were being designed, the industry had not yet fully recovered from the post-war devastation, and the design used materials and components that could be supplied to the industry at that time.

The hull of the boat was made of steel, and the main engine was the latest at that time marine diesel engine ZDbs. The engine room was located aft of the midship frame, and the entire bow half of the boat was allocated for living and service quarters. The crew was housed in the bow cockpit, and behind it there was another spacious room, which could be a cargo hold and passenger compartment. Behind the engine room there was a similar room, and behind it in front of the afterpeak there was a storeroom for spare parts and emergency and other supplies. In the midship area there was room for a galley and a single cabin.

On upper deck there was a wheelhouse and sanitary facilities. A navigation bridge was equipped on the roof of the cabin.

The galley stove and space heaters ran on diesel fuel.

Tests of the lead boat were carried out at the end of 1949, and in 1950, serial construction of these boats began at the Yaroslavl Shipyard. That’s when this boat began to be called “Yaroslavets”. And, despite the fact that these boats were built only at the Sosnovsky shipyard for more than forty years, official name“Yaroslavets” remained with the boats until the end of their construction.

With the start of serial construction, the boats began to arrive in naval units and, accordingly, comments and proposals began to be received from operators to improve the characteristics and designs of boats of the R376 and RV376 projects.

Also in 1955, when fulfilling the requirement to install a decompression chamber, all the comments and suggestions of the customer and the builder based on the results of the construction and operation of the boats that were included in the design documentation were taken into account and implemented in different time in modification drawings. Due to the large number of changes, the projects were reworked and received the numbers P376u for a crew boat and RV376u for a raid diving boat.

The boats of the R376u and RV376u projects differed from each other only in their purpose and special equipment.

As for the hull, main engines, shafting, pipelines, main ship systems, bulkheads and superstructures, they were common to both modifications and were carried out according to the same drawings of the basic design under the general index 376u.

All existing modifications were made based on the general drawings of the basic design. Not a single boat had as many modifications as those created on the basis of the basic project 376u. Here are some of them.

In 1948, the B376 modification was created - an armed raid boat that served as a patrol boat on rivers, lakes and sea raids. Later, a mortar was installed on it, and the boat received the project number M376.

In 1952, two modifications were made at once: a torpedo boat of the L376 project and a hydrographic boat of the G376 project. In 1954 it was created new boat- torpedo guns of the TL376 project, intended to work with new types of torpedoes. Also in 1954, minesweepers of contact and non-contact mines of the T376 project were built, but during testing the boats did not perform well, and their construction was stopped. But the project itself was not cancelled, but was modified into the I376 mine-hunting boat project. This boat, instead of a trawl, had a television finder-designator, which was towed behind the boat in close proximity to the ground and when detected metal object a marker buoy was placed within a radius of up to five meters. Then those who destroyed the mines got involved. Project I376 boats were built over several years in the mid-50s. And at the end of the 50s, on the basis of the 376u project, traditional boat minesweepers of the T376u project were designed and built.

The border modification of the P376 boat could be found at all outposts located on rivers or in the border coastal areas of the Soviet Union, which was facilitated by its transportability railway all modifications of the Project 376 boat.

The fame of this universal boat quickly spread across all ministries and departments, and applications for the construction of such a boat for use in the national economy began pouring in to both the USSR State Planning Committee and the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry. Until this time, Project 376 boats were built only for the Ministry of Defense, and for its use in the national economy it was necessary to coordinate the project with the supervisory authorities and adjust the project to meet the requirements of these authorities.

Due to the increase in demand for boats, it was necessary to increase their production, and this required expanding production. The production capacity of the Yaroslavl Shipyard did not allow this to be done, so for this purpose the construction of Project 376 boats was transferred to the Sosnovsky Shipyard.

At the request of the builder, boats of projects R376u and RV376u were approved by the River Register in 1957.

After receiving approval from the Register, TsKB-19 began adjusting the project. Due to the fact that the requirements of the Navy differed from the requirements for civilian ships, a number of basic design materials had to be reworked, which made a difference in the sets of design documentation for boats for the Navy and the national economy. And to eliminate confusion, the traveling boat for the national economy received the project number Rn376u, and the raid diving boat - RVn376u.

Since 1958, Project 376 boats began to enter the national economy, and the Navy began to express dissatisfaction with the technical obsolescence of Project 376 raid boats. In 1961, the military customer issued tactical and technical specifications for the design of a new boat with modifications to the basic work boat and raid diving boat in order to replace boats and bots of Project 376.

In January 1963, TsKB-19, the developer of the 376 projects, was merged with the Almaz TsMKB, and the documentation for the 376 projects was transferred to the Almaz TsMKB branch, which from that moment became the owner of all modifications of the 376 project.

The boats that entered the national economy, in addition to their direct purpose as traveling and raid diving boats, were widely used in other types of work with other purposes of the boat. They were used for underwater hydraulic engineering and ship-lifting work, for inspection of shipping locks and for emergency rescue operations.

Diving boats, in addition, were one of the main technical means of the State Rescue Services of the Union Republics and were provided according to the supply list for rescue stations of the first category for rescue diving operations and beach inspections.

The Ministry of River Fleet of the RSFSR used boats to service the shipping environment, ensuring the safety of navigation on waterways. Boats were also used for operation and navigational repair of hydraulic structures, to perform hydrographic work and supervise traffic safety.

The Main Hydrometeorological Service used these boats to determine the water regime and combat pollution big rivers and reservoirs.

More than 6,000 boats built over 40 years just for the national economy, in addition to the work listed above, performed a wide variety of functions in all waters of the Soviet Union.

These vessels worked on rivers, lakes, reservoirs and shallow areas of the Black, Caspian, Azov and other seas. They were distinguished by good seaworthiness and, having reliable and safe equipment and supplies, fully met their purpose. Ease of maintenance, relatively low price and reliability when operating in the most difficult weather conditions made these boats the most popular in all sectors of the national economy of the Soviet Union.

By the beginning of the 70s, the River Register of the RSFSR warned the designer about the inconsistency of the projects 376 current rules Register and the intention to ban the construction of boats for the national economy. At this time, the owner of Project 376 was designing a new raid boat of Project 1415 “Flamingo” for the Navy and had the intention of making modifications on the basis of this boat for the national economy, which would replace the Rn376u and RVn376u projects.

Using this situation as an argument, the designer asked the River Register to extend the permit for the construction of Project 376 boats until they were replaced by Project 1415 boats in 1978. The Register agreed to the designer's request, provided that the sanitary inspection authorities (Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Directorate of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR) and labor protection (Central Committee of the Trade Union of Marine and River Fleet Workers) gave their consent.

Such permission to continue the construction of boats until 1978 without adjusting the documentation was received. At the same time, the designer sent out a notice to civilian customers of Project 376 boats and potential customers of Project 1415 boats about the discontinuation of Project 376 boats and their replacement with Project 1415 boats, starting in 1978.

In response to this notification, 12 ministries of the main consumers of Project 376 boats (67% of the total output including orders from the Ministry of Defense) responded with such a unanimous protest that discontinuing the production of Project 376 boats was out of the question.

The arguments of the boat customers were as follows:

The increase in draft of Project 1415 boats limits their use in many sections of rivers and reservoirs, and work in these areas accounts for more than 70% of the total volume of work performed by boats;

The more complex design of Project 1415 boats makes their repair more difficult and more expensive;

Doubling the engine power, without a significant increase in speed, will lead to unjustified excess fuel consumption and increased operating costs.

An increase in the cost of boats by more than two times will lead to an increase in the cost of travel, hydraulic and underwater technical work, and will make it significantly more difficult for state rescue and diving services, which are the main consumers of diving boats and are supported by funds from local budgets, to purchase them. In general, an increase in cost will lead to an inevitable reduction in annual deliveries of ships.

Taking into account the needs of the national economy for the coming years, boat consumers proposed maintaining their production until 1980 inclusive in quantities that meet the needs of the national economy. As for the production of new boats, it is necessary to maintain their shallow draft and reduce the cost.

Raid traveling work boat of project PM376 (27.0l>. 32.6t. 750ac.. 70.3kt)

The State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Material and Technical Supply (Gossnab USSR) summed up the needs for boats for 1979. According to his statement, it followed that in order to meet the needs of the national economy, an annual production of boats of the Rn376u project in an amount of at least 90 units and diving boats of the RVn376u project in at least 50 units per year is necessary, and at the same time maintaining their production in subsequent years.

To resolve this situation, the USSR State Supply Committee addressed the Council of Ministers with a request to instruct the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry, Gosstandart, the Ministry of Health and the River Register of the RSFSR to resolve the issue of the minimum acceptable adjustment of the design documentation of the Rn376u and RVn376u vessel projects to the current standards and regulations for the continuation of their construction in the future.

With such pressure, the branch of the Central Design Bureau "Vostok" had no choice but to agree to adjust projects 376 and re-coordinate them with the River Register and the sanitary inspection and labor protection authorities.

The designer had to replace obsolete and discontinued equipment samples, as well as make design changes associated with the replacement of equipment to comply with the requirements of the Register rules, sanitary inspection and labor protection authorities.

The projects had to be revised in accordance with the requirements of the Unified System of Design Documentation and adjusted for compliance with new regulatory documentation. At the same time, it was necessary to preserve the main main dimensions, design solutions and Construction Materials for the possibility of using existing technological equipment of the construction plant.

The chief designer of the modernization of Project 376 boats was E.V. Zakharov.

When processing project documentation, all these requirements were met, and additional systems and containers were installed to eliminate contamination environment, additional insulation of the engine room was introduced and the navigation bridge with equipment on the roof of the cabin was eliminated.

Since 1978, the boat designs redesigned and re-coordinated with the supervisory authorities received the numbers РМ376 and РВМ376.

During the serial construction of modernized Project 376 boats until the early 90s, periodic re-coordination of projects with supervisory authorities was carried out and changes were made to the design of the boats. These changes included: strengthening the outer skin in the bow, installing additional insulation in the boat's interior, changes to the steering gear and a number of other improvements and changes. At the request of labor protection authorities, the main engine was installed on shock absorbers and, accordingly, an elastic coupling and thrust bearing were introduced.

Since the projects came under the jurisdiction of the branch of the Central Design Bureau "Vostok", they have been subject to regular designer supervision by means of a group of designers visiting the place where the boats are based, inspecting them and talking with the operators. The purpose of the designer's supervision was to check the operating conditions of the boats, compliance with operating instructions, identifying hidden design defects and eliminating them.

According to the results of the designer's supervision, over the past 25 years there have been no cases of boat accidents due to the fault of the designer or design reasons. Of course, there were cases of breakdowns of component equipment, due to which the boats were subject to repair, or accidents due to violation of navigation rules by the crews. For example, more than 85 boats of project 376 different modifications with years of construction from 1950 to 1991 are in operation on Lake Baikal, and over 40 years of operation there was only one accident, and that was due to the fault of the crew, who was drunk.

This is why these boats were loved by river boaters!

The last work on the PM376 project boat was carried out in 1996, when the boat design was redesigned for the Temryuk border guards on the Sea of ​​Azov in order to increase its stability for operation in open sea. This modification was developed under project number 03765 ​​and the design documentation was transferred to the Sosnovsky Shipyard for implementation.

Now Project 376 boats live out their lives undefeated by their competitors.

As mentioned above, in 1961, the Navy issued TsKB-5 a tactical and technical assignment for the design of a new boat with modifications to the basic work boat and raid diving boat in order to replace the boats and boats of Project 376.

All work on the design of a new unified boat was headed by chief designer N. A. Makarov.

The designer had already carried out the preliminary design of such a boat, when, based on materials received from the fleets in the early 60s, a technical proposal was developed for a new basic work boat "Orel", which was included in

“A system for arming ships, coastal units and naval bases with command, crew and work boats.”

Based on the received technical specifications, an abbreviated technical project was completed under number 1418 with the two indicated modifications and presented to the customer for consideration.

Having experience in designing the Orel boat, it was not difficult for the designer to fulfill almost all the requirements of the technical specifications except for the possibility of transporting the boat by rail. During the design, new components and new construction technologies were used, which naturally increased the cost of building and operating the boat.

For these reasons, the Navy command did not approve Project 1418.

In 1967, a new preliminary design of the boat with two modifications was developed under the same number. In this version, in order to ensure its transportability by rail, a structural connector of the boat was provided along the center plane and its delivery in parts to the basing areas with subsequent assembly. At the same time, the cost of construction was even higher.

After consideration by the Navy, this option was also found unsuitable for replacing Project 376 boats.

It is quite natural that if you deliver a boat in parts to its home base, then you need to have a shipyard there with the appropriate technological equipment to carry out rather complex dismantling and installation work. This was not given to all areas where boats were based, and the issue of transportability became of paramount importance.

Insistent requirements for the transportability of boats were justified by the growing demand for boats of the Project 376 type from consumers in all water areas of the USSR. This demand could be satisfied either by creating a transportable boat, or by organizing the construction of boats at enterprises in the European part and in Far East. In the first case, the possibility of transporting boats will satisfy not only the demand of consumers connected with the construction plant by waterways, but also in all inland waters. In the second case, the need for boats on inland waters not connected to the construction plant by waterways can only be satisfied by rail.

The shortage of production capacity in the Soviet Union did not allow at that time to expand the construction of boats at another plant, so there was only one way left - to create a transportable boat.

When the customer was convinced that his requirements were incompatible with issues of transportability and cost, he went to revise the tactical and technical specifications, entrusting its development to the designer. In order to unconditionally fulfill the requirement for

Ready diving boat of project 747 £B (79.0L!, 47.3t, 200hp, 70kt)

Due to the boat's transportability by rail, the customer agreed to revise certain requirements and reduce the required equipment.

With these new concessions from the client, the designer began developing a technical proposal.

The purpose of the proposal was to develop and agree with the customer a technical specification for the design of a new boat to replace the Project 376 boats and its modifications. The project for which the technical proposal was carried out received the number 1418B.

This technical proposal provided for everything possible to create new boats in dimensions that would allow them to be transported by rail without dismantling and installation work requiring specialized production. First of all, the dimensions of the cross sections of the hull were determined, the maximum permitted for transportation by rail.

The new work boat, compared to the Project 376 boats, was shorter in length, but had a larger displacement due to the increase in the amount of cargo and people transported. To avoid an increase in hull drag at a given sailing mode and without compromising stability, the hull contours were revised. Received theoretical drawing was taken as a basis when designing a new boat.

Based on the results of conversations and surveys of fleet personnel and boat crews, the main ways to improve Project 376 boats were identified, which were to be implemented in the new project. Among the many proposals were the following: to provide for the simplest load device, provide power to the on-board network with electricity from the shore, strengthen the outer skin for navigation in ice, increase the seaworthiness of the boat, install radar weapons, recommendations were given on the configuration of diving equipment, and others.

The work boat and diving boat were provided with the installation of fecal and sewage tanks to protect water basins from pollution.

Project 747#£ raid crew work boat (79.0 m. 47.2 t, 200 HP, 70 kts)

For the boats, the most modern materials were provided with a large volume of plastics, the latest communications, radar and navigational equipment.

Due to the compactness of the main engine, the engine compartment was planned to be located in the stern, providing a large and the best part buildings for residential and office premises. The wheelhouse was to be located in the midship area, where the unit and sanitary rooms were to be located. The diving modification of the boat, which was developed in parallel, differed from the traveling one in that it had an extended deckhouse to accommodate a decompression chamber and a storage room for diving suits. Instead of the bow hold, a cockpit was equipped and instead of the aft hold, a storage room for diving equipment. The living quarters for the crew, the galley and the storage room for both modifications were located under the wheelhouse.

Initially, there was an intention to gasify the boats, but given that there is still no technical service in the ports for servicing gas equipment, they decided to use electricity for the galley stove and heating of the premises.

In August 1971, the technical proposal for the design of the Project 1418B boat was completed. Based on this technical proposal, a draft of a new tactical and technical specification for the design of a basic work boat with a diving boat option was developed and submitted for review and approval.

This technical specification was reviewed, approved and approved, and then, according to this technical specification, the design of a new boat began, but under project number 1415.

The design of the new boat was based on the developments that were made in the technical proposal of Project 1418B. During the time that passed after the 1418B project was submitted for consideration, changes occurred that influenced the design of the future boat.

Perhaps the most significant change was that the railway tightened the lateral clearance of the cargo being transported; it decreased by about 0.5 m. For a boat, this value was very significant, it affected primarily the stability of the boat, as well as other elements of the theory ship.

The engine life of the main engine and the power reserve on the shaft for a work boat seemed small to the customer, and the designer had to use the time-tested, reliable ZD12 engine.

The terms of reference for the design of the boat also took into account those changes that were associated with the expansion of the range of special tasks assigned

New at that time before modifications of such vessels and increasing requirements for their tactical and technical elements.

These changes required a new layout of the boat, slightly different from the original one. The engine room was moved closer to the midships, the aft cargo hold was moved aft, the galley was moved to the wheelhouse, and the area of ​​the accommodation block was increased. The area of ​​the cabin was increased, where sanitary and service premises were now located. Depending on the modification of the boat, cargo, living or passenger spaces could be located in the bow cargo hold, and a diving compartment or any other service space in the stern.

The hull of the boat was steel, the wheelhouse was made of light alloy.

Project 1415 was developed in two modifications at once - the raid diving boat of Project RV1415 and the basic work boat of Project R1415. The purpose of these boats was to carry out diving work at depths of up to 45 m on the external and internal roadsteads of naval bases and to transport cargo and people.

The raid diving boat was adopted as the main modification, which was explained by its greater saturation of equipment and a larger complement of personnel compared to the basic work boat. Both modifications of the boat were designed in a common hull with the same mechanical installation, general ship devices and systems, and the same composition of radio equipment.

The raid diving boat, like any other modification, was distinguished mainly by the presence of special equipment. Only the hydrographic modification had some differences from the base boat in the design and layout of the wheelhouse.

The documentation common to all modifications received project number 1415 (14150).

The Project 1415 boat, compared to the Project 376 boat, turned out to be more stable and seaworthy, with improved habitability, the architectural forms of the hull met modern requirements, and the boat was equipped with modern special navigational, navigation and radio equipment. And finally, the boat

Work boat * Flamingo" in free sailing

Began to comply with modern requirements of the Register rules, labor protection and sanitary standards.

The first boat of the project R1415 (14151) was built at the pilot production of the branch of the Central Design Bureau "Vostok" in 1975, and in 1976 - RV1415 (14152). After correcting the documentation and transferring it to the construction plant, serial construction of all modifications was carried out by the Sosnovsky Shipyard. All the lead boats of all modifications except the G1415 were built at the designer’s pilot production, and although the G1415 project was built in the city of Sosnovka, state tests took place in Leningrad, where it remained in service.

Based on the results of the operation of Project 1415 boats and the designer's supervision of them, changes were periodically made to the design documentation. So, in order to simplify the design, increase the reliability of the steering and improve maneuverability, the guide nozzle was replaced with balancing rudders.

To be able to replace Project 376 boats, boats of Project Rn1415 (14153) and RVn1415 (14154) were built in the national economy in 1979.

These boats met all the requirements of the Register rules and sanitary standards, but due to lack of demand they did not go into production. An attempt to replace Project 376 boats in the national economy failed, and the reasons for this failure were discussed above.

In 1975, a border modification of the project P1415 (14155) boat was developed; the lead boat was built in 1977.

The hydrographic modification of the boat of project G1415 (14156) was designed in 1977 and built in 1979.

Without giving up attempts to introduce the boat into the national economy, the Ministry of Shipbuilding and Industry gave an order to rework projects 1415 in order to reduce their cost. In pursuance of this order, the designer reworked the Rn1415 and RVn1415 projects, replacing, if possible, materials and components with cheaper ones. As a result, new modifications of projects 1415, projects Rn1415u (14157) and RVn1415u (14158), were made and agreed upon with the supervisory authorities, which also did not go into production.

The last modification of the boat that went into series was Project PV1415 (14159), designed in 1978 and built in 1979, an underwater security boat for objects. This boat was equipped with the latest systems for detecting and destroying the enemy at that time.

Further attempts to create new modifications based on the Project 1415 boat were not implemented for various reasons. These included a technical proposal made in 1984 for a Project 14161 boat for lifting and transporting mines and torpedoes on Lake Issyk-Kul, in 1985 for a Project 14162 pilot boat, and in 1976 there was an attempt to make a fire boat in the hull of a base boat.

Workers/boat "Flamingo" during sea trials

At the end of the 80s, Gazprom ordered several serial boats of the RV1415 project from the Sosnovsky plant, which were built for the Navy. A designer was involved in this work, who, as an exception, agreed on a limited number of boats with the Register, and the boats had to be equipped with the necessary supplies.

One of the obstacles to the operation of boats in the national economy was increased noise in the premises. To eliminate this obstacle, in 1990 the main engine was installed on shock absorbers, but due to the collapse of the national economy, there were no more customers for these boats.

In 1968, a steel marine tug boat of Project 1439 was designed and put into industrial production in 1970.

The designer of this boat was the Khabarovsk branch of the Leninskaya Kuznitsa Central Design Bureau, and the builder was the Ulan-Ude Shipyard.

The Project 1439 boat was designed as a tugboat and therefore had all the design features of a tugboat. Among the tasks to be solved, the main one was towing non-self-propelled vessels in the port and at sea, as well as performing tilting work in the port, but the boat could also be used as a service and traveling boat.

The boat was designed for the class of the USSR Maritime Register, but the boat's unsinkability was not ensured.

The river analogue of Project 1439 was the tugboat of Project 1606. The Project 1606 boat was designed by the design bureau of the Rybinsk shipbuilding plant "Vympel" in the mid-70s and built at the same plant.

It was designed for the class of the River Register of the RSFSR and was supposed to replace the tug boat of the T63 project, which was in serial construction, created by the Central Design Bureau of Glavlesprom.

Project 763 boat (77.5m, 79.3t. 730ac., 9.3kt)

The main purpose of the Project 1606 boat was to tow non-self-propelled watercraft, but unlike the Project 1439 boat, the boat was designed to transport

1.5 tons of cargo or up to 20 passengers. Having good maneuverability at medium forward speed and a thrust on the hook of about 1.5 tons, the boat was widely used in various sectors of the national economy, in particular in the oil and oil and gas industries, fisheries, and in the river fleet.

The boat was widely used in the forestry and woodworking industries, for which, at the request of the customer, some changes were made to the design of the boat in terms of protecting the rudder complex.

Thanks to its transportability by rail, the boat could be operated in all waters of the Soviet Union.

When designing these boats, the goal was not to replace the Rn376 project, but their widespread use as a tug and crew boat created the reputation of Project 1439 and 1606 boats as competitors to the most popular boat in the industry.

Both boats were designed and built by enterprises of the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry for the national economy, and the presence of Project 376 in the industry increased the range of boats similar in their tactical and technical elements and tasks performed. In this regard, the question of unifying watercraft with similar characteristics has been repeatedly raised.

With each development of a new project whose tactical and technical characteristics were close to those of Project 376, the question was raised of unifying amphibious boats and creating a modern boat, which in its own way

River steel tugboat project 7606 (77.3m, 24.3t, 250hp, 77kt)

The data could maximally satisfy the needs of a larger number of sectors of the national economy.

One of these new projects was the project 14700 road tugboat for timber rafting.

In January 1980, the USSR Ministry of Forestry received an appeal to the Ministry of Shipbuilding on the need to create a towing ship with a capacity of 150 hp. With. to replace the T63 tugboat, which was discontinued from serial production several years ago. Although the Project 1606 boat was made in the hull of a Project T63 boat and was superior to its prototype in many respects, it did not satisfy the customers from the Ministry of Forestry in a number of respects that did not meet the requirements of the timber rafting industry and supervisory organizations.

The terms of reference for the development of a project for a new road tugboat for timber rafting were developed by the Central Research Institute of Timber Rafting together with a branch of the Central Design Bureau "Vostok".

According to this technical assignment, it was necessary to create a towing vessel that could tow non-self-propelled watercraft, transport cargo up to 1.5 tons or 20 people of organized groups of workers and officials, work in backwaters and perform various work on timber rafting, form and tow rafts. The vessel's operation on timber rafting required a more durable hull than that of a conventional tug.

The task of the shipbuilders was to create a technologically advanced, and, therefore, cheap ship and, of course, transportable by rail.

The tugboat of Project 1606 was created as a universal tugboat, not designed to work on timber rafting, and, therefore, could not perform many of the assigned tasks. For example, it was poorly controlled in reverse and small forward ones; the hull strength was insufficient for working in clogged rafting areas; it had poor visibility from the wheelhouse along the rear-lateral sectors; and there were no radio communications. The operational capabilities of the boat were sharply limited when it was used as a tug in conditions of timber rafting, winding fairways and shallow waters. These operational capabilities were limited by the lack of a towing winch as part of the towing device and insufficient navigation autonomy of only about a day and a half.

When a tugboat tows rafts, more than one day is spent on this, and proper living conditions must be created for the personnel accompanying this operation, which was not the case on the Project 1606 vessel.

And finally, by the beginning of the 80s, the ship ceased to fully meet the current requirements of supervisory organizations.

So, having clear requirements for designing a towing vessel for timber rafting, the designer began work. The chief designer of this vessel was A. V. Krugovenko.

The initial task was to select the main and auxiliary power plants. The presence of a ship power plant allowed installation on a ship

Project 74700 coastal tugboat underway

Towing winch, additional auxiliary mechanisms, household equipment and electrical appliances.

In order for the customer to have the opportunity to analyze and select, the technical proposal for the project 14700 tugboat for timber rafting was developed in two versions, differing in power power plant.

The first version had a main engine with a power of 150 hp. s., a 16 kW diesel generator and a towing winch with a traction force of 2.0-2.5 tons. The second option had the following characteristics: 300 hp. s., 25 kW and 3.5-4.0 t, respectively.

Both options had the same design solutions, which contributed to obtaining higher quality indicators, superior to those of Project 1606 vessels.

The main directions in the design of the vessel were technology, habitability and efficiency of use.

Technology issues were directly related to cost, which was very important for the competitiveness of the vessel. The use of sharp-cheeked hull contours made it possible to form the hull from flat sections, which significantly reduced the labor intensity of construction, while the issue of strengthening the hull structures was not ignored.

To improve habitability, it was necessary to reconsider the overall layout of the vessel. The pilothouse was made higher to provide all-round visibility; the pilothouse area was increased to accommodate modern navigation equipment and radio communications. Directly under the wheelhouse, a galley and an additional room were equipped for resting the crew or accommodating passengers during their transportation. The engine compartment was separated from the living block by a kind of cofferdam, consisting of a vestibule, a bathroom and a storage room. The entire bow of the hull was given over to the crew's living quarters. The living quarters had enhanced insulation and lining with environmentally friendly material. Behind the engine compartment in the stern there was a cargo hold.

The galley equipment and space heating were switched to electricity, and a refrigerator was included in the galley equipment.

The ship's systems and devices were designed to prevent environmental pollution.

The ship's supplies were designed to last for about three days.

To increase the efficiency of work in roadsteads and timber rafting, the ship was equipped with the possibility of installing a removable cargo crane and log pusher, and to increase towing capabilities, a towing winch was installed.

Based on the results of the technical proposal, the first version of the vessel had a length of 17.5 m and a displacement of 32.2 tons, and the second version had a length of 19 m and a displacement of 38 tons.

Operation of a tugboat of project 74700 on timber rafting

The cost of the second version of the vessel was 15% more than the first, and the first option was 80% more than the cost of Project 1606. This excess in the cost of the new vessel was explained by the greater power capacity of the new Project 14700 special vessel for timber rafting.

After analyzing the completed technical proposal, the customer clearly chose the first version of the vessel due to its lower cost and the need for vessels with a capacity of 150 hp. s., and most importantly, the customer already had a tugboat of the LS-56A project with a capacity of 300 hp. pp., which fully complied with the requirements of timber rafting.

In September 1984, the tugboat for timber rafting of Project 14700 was accepted by the customer, and the design documentation, after adjustments based on test results, was transferred to the Rybinsk shipbuilding plant "Vympel" to organize the serial construction of tugboats.

When creating a tugboat for timber rafting of Project 14700, the designer was already thinking about a future boat that would be able to displace obsolete Project 376 boats from the domestic market.

The new boat received project number 14701 and the official name “Tugboat “Pepel”, which was intended for towing non-self-propelled vessels, various watercraft and rafts, as well as for transporting cargo up to 10 tons, organized groups of workers or officials up to 15 people on flights lasting up to two hours. The vessel retained all the comfortable conditions for the crew and passengers to stay on board, but mechanisms and devices intended for working on timber rafting were excluded from the equipment. First of all, the towing winch and the source of electricity for this winch were removed - a 16 kW shaft generator, a log pusher and part of the special equipment. Due to this, the ship's carrying capacity was increased, and to be able to receive this cargo, the bow cabin was turned into a cargo hold.

To reduce the cost of construction on this project, a modular-aggregate method of building the vessel was introduced.

In 1985, the lead ship was built and tested. Assuming a great need for tugboats of Project 14701 and the impossibility of one Rybinsk

TOC o "1-5" h z Total displacement, t 35.7

Maximum length, m 18

Maximum width, m 3.6

Side height at midship, m 2.3

Full draft displacement, m 0.9

Crew, people 5

Number of passengers, people 2

Travel speed, km/h 17

Load capacity, t 1.5

Thrust on the hook when mooring, t 1.7

Main engine ZD6S

Rated power, l. With. 150

Speed, rpm 1500


DGR1A-16 (14 kW, 220 V), shaft generator (16 kW, 220 V) Hull and superstructure material steel

Project 74707 boat

Total displacement, t

Load capacity, t

Maximum length, m

Fuel reserves, t

Maximum width, m

Main engine

Side height at midship, m

Rated power, l. With.

Draft, m

Speed, rpm

Crew, people


Number of passengers, people

Electricity diesel generator

Travel speed, km/h

DGR1A-16/1500 (14 kW, 230 V),

Thrust on the hook when mooring, t

Housing material

The plant to ensure demand, serial construction of ships was additionally planned at the Ulan-Ude Shipyard. A set of documentation was sent to this plant for review, but construction did not proceed.

Despite all the measures taken, the cost of the tugboat of Project 14701 was approximately 1.6 times more than the cost of the raid crew work boat of Project PM376. In this situation, boat buyers preferred old, obsolete and cheap boats rather than new, modern and more expensive ones. It was not possible to introduce the new boat into the domestic market this time either. Maybe, with time, this would have worked out, but 1991 came with all the ensuing consequences.

The sailors have been waiting for dozens of years for the new diving boats that were recently accepted into the Navy. For so long, the crew of the Black Sea diving school, which supplies personnel to the entire Navy, has not been updated. A correspondent for the Central Naval Portal visited the boats and talked with their captains.

On February 3, in the Quarantine Bay of Sevastopol, a ceremonial raising of St. Andrew's flags took place on two new diving boats - SMK-2094 and RVK-1045. The boats successfully passed state and sea trials.

The commander of the training battalion for training diving specialists of the Joint Training Center of the Navy, captain 3rd rank Evgeniy Klinkov, head of the diving range, captain 3rd rank Alexander Osipov, head of the Gagarinsky district of Sevastopol, former commander of the training detachment of the Black Sea Fleet, captain 1st rank reserve Nikolai Sedov, inspector of a group of inspectors, arrived to share the joy of the crews. of the Black Sea Fleet, Rear Admiral of the Reserve Yevgeny Khalaichev, godmother of SMK-2094 Svetlana Kozhaeva from the administration of the Gagarinsky district, other honored guests, as well as the personnel of the Joint Training Center of the Navy, captains of the educational institution's ships.

To understand the significance and long-awaited nature of this event, it is necessary to note that one of the training ships of the diving school - VM-34, captained by Vladimir Zhuchkov - has long since passed 50 years. Slightly younger raid diving boats. Black Sea sailors have been waiting for decades to update their diving boats.

133 years underwater

In May, the Black Sea diving school will turn 133 years old. Today it is confined to the Navy, but all its roots are connected with the Black Sea Fleet. The opening of the diving school put an end to the artisanal training of specialists. Captain-Lieutenant A.G. was appointed head of the diving school. Leontiev, and the doctor - M.N. Bravery. In the Decree of the Emperor Alexandra III it was said that the diving school should train “officers and lower ranks experienced in diving for shipboard needs and underwater mine work.”

From Kronstadt the school was transferred to the Black Sea Fleet, where there is an ice-free Black Sea and studies, along with practical descents, can be conducted year-round. In 1928, the diving school was merged with the Balaklava diving courses. F.A. was appointed to the position of chief. Shpakovich. In 1931, on the initiative of F.A. Shpakovich Balaklava school was transformed into a Naval College. And then she moved to Quarantine Bay, where she has been for decades.

The educational institution is known in all four Russian fleets and the Caspian Flotilla, since the school still produces specialists for the entire Russian Navy. According to the unit commander, over all these years more than 80,000 specialists have been graduated. Some of them became famous throughout the country. Among them there are world-famous scientists. Hundreds of divers have been awarded orders from different eras of our state.

60 meters - for an hour

Now the educational institution is headed by captain 3rd rank Evgeniy Klinkov. He accepted the report of Captain 3rd Rank Alexander Osipov and, at the signal, the raising of St. Andrew's flags and color flags began on diving boats. Personnel, contract soldiers, midshipmen, and officers sang the Russian Anthem. The unit commander congratulated the sailors on this significant event.

“The integrated rescue support boat RVK-1045 of project 23040, manufactured at the Nizhegorsk Motor Ship Plant OJSC, is designed to perform a number of operations,” says the captain of the boat, captain 2nd rank reserve Grigory Uvarov. “This diving support underwater technical work at depths of up to 60 meters with sea waves up to 3 points, carrying out diving descents and work by two divers simultaneously in hose equipment to a depth of up to 60 meters with exposure on the ground for 60 minutes, carrying out decompression, air, oxygen and helium modes therapeutic recompression in a pressure chamber, participation in rescue, hydraulic and ship-lifting operations, examination of the bottom of water areas, sunken objects, the underwater part of ship hulls (ships) and hydraulic structures, extinguishing fires on ships and vessels, floating and coastal objects up to 30 m high, boats accessible for approach, pumping water from an emergency vessel or floating structure, performing inspection and survey work using a small-sized remote-controlled uninhabited underwater vehicle, searching for sunken objects at depths of up to 150 meters using a towed sonar, searching for people overboard using a night-time thermal imaging system vision, supplying power to an emergency ship, vessel or object. The boat can be equipped with additional special containerized equipment for other rescue operations. The boat's displacement is 119 tons."

Reserve captain 2nd rank Grigory Uvarov graduated from the Nakhimov ChVVMU in 1983, served on missile boats, then commanded the rescue ship "Zangizur", and after its decommissioning, he headed the division of training ships of the diving school. Before being appointed captain of RVK-1045, he was captain of RVK-617. So he has plenty of experience. His chief mechanic is SevNTU graduate Oleg Anzin, who has experience in servicing materiel on VM-34 and RVK. The divers also have sufficient experience. Senior reserve midshipman Ivan Belous has 6,500 hours of underwater experience, 3rd rank reserve captain Ivan Nesteruk has 6,000 hours, chief petty officer Alexander Klimenko has about 4,000 hours, chief petty officer Vitaly Zabaluev has 3,500 hours, Alexander Tkachenko has about 1,000 hours.

A boat for all occasions

The multifunctional modular diving boat SMK-2094, whose crew is headed by reserve captain 1st rank Alexander Klimenok, has even more capabilities. The boat is modular and therefore its universal filling can change depending on the tasks. The boat's displacement is 145 tons. Speed ​​up to 11 knots Crew 8 people. Five of them are divers. The staff is the same as on RVK-1045.

Alexander Vasilyevich Klimenok began his military naval service back in the Soviet years on the newest missile cruiser "Slava", which today bears the name of the Guards missile cruiser "Moskva". I have 34 years of military service and many long-distance campaigns under my belt. The crew, consisting of experienced and trained specialists, also matches it.

“The boat is very maneuverable,” testifies Alexander Klimenok, “if necessary, it can literally spin on the spot. Six seconds after setting off, it can reach maximum speed. Video cameras and video monitors allow you to control all operations with navigation bridge. It has high pump performance. We tested them during the ship-raising operation of the Ochakov BOD, which was sunk in Donuzlav. The boat performed excellently. It has a powerful propulsion system and therefore can be used as a tug."

“The boat has a modern pressure chamber of domestic production, which in its capabilities is in no way inferior to foreign ones,” testifies the SMK captain.

Trained specialists must be proficient in the new equipment. Diver Ivan Simakov's underwater experience is about one and a half thousand hours. He is a participant in the Caucasus 2012 exercise and the international rescue force exercise Bald Monarch 2011 in Cartagena, Spain. 1,800 hours for senior diver Alexey Karunny, 4,000 hours for 1st class diver Sergei Grigoriev, more than 2,500 hours for Sergei Genus. But Alexander Naumov has the most experience – 9000 hours.

The chief mechanic on the boat is Arkady Chernyavsky, who has experience in sailing on civilian vessels, and the motorman is Vladimir Romanko, a senior midshipman in the reserve, who has experience as both a commander of a medical boat and the chief boatswain of a division of ships in a diving school.

Both boats are literally filled with modern electronics, which greatly expand the capabilities of the boats. All diving equipment is super-modern. This is tomorrow's day of divers. After passing the course tasks, the crews of the boats will begin combat training and training of divers for our fleet.

Vladimir Pasyakin

rkovrigin wrote in May 9th, 2012

Originally posted by Natiksoldatik. at The boat "Diver Gritsai" was launched

May 7, 2012 from the slipway of OJSC "Plant Nizhny Novgorod Motor Ship» (ZNT) the raid diving boat of Project A160 “Vodolaz Gritsai” (building number 810) was launched. This is already the third vessel of this project, which left the ZNT slipway in the spring of 2012.

With this event, the company enters the final stage of construction of a series of ten offshore diving boats as part of the implementation of the Federal Target Program "Development transport system Russia" (2010-2015). The order for the series was placed on ZNT by the State Customer - Federal Agency maritime and river transport Ministry of Transport Russian Federation(Developer - Federal State Institution “Directorate of the State Customer for Maritime Transport Development Programs.”)

The first seven vessels of the series (building numbers 801-807) were built and delivered to the State Customer in 2010 - 2011, in strict accordance with the contract terms and sent to the home ports of St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Novorossiysk and Astrakhan, Korsakov and Vladivostok. Three vessels (building numbers 808-810) will be sent to BASU of Murmansk, Novorossiysk and St. Petersburg in 2012 after passing state tests.

“The first four ships of the series were built according to the original design, the next six - according to the modernized one, taking into account the operating practice of the first four ships,” says CEO OJSC "ZNT" Sergey Konovalov.

Boat purpose:

  • Diving support for underwater technical work at depths of up to 60 meters with sea waves up to 4 points.
  • Participation in rescue and ship-lifting operations.
  • Inspection of the bottom of water areas, sunken objects, underwater parts of ship hulls and hydraulic structures.

Boat type:
A single-deck boat with a mid-position single-tier deckhouse, an engine room slightly shifted aft, and a twin-shaft diesel power plant.

The boat is designed according to the Rules of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping for class: KM Ice2 R3 - RSN AUT3 SDS<60 diving ship.

Main characteristics
Overall length, m................................................... ....... 27.4
Length according to the vertical line, m.................................... ...... .... 26.3
Maximum width, m.................................... ....5.6
Side height at midship, m....................................3, 0
Side height at the bow, m.................................................... ..... .3,4
Draft, m...................................... ........ ...............1.5

Crew with luggage, t................................... .................. ....0.3
Divers with luggage, t.................................... ...... .0.5
Provisions, t......................................... ........ .............0.15
Fresh water, t.............................................. ....... .........5.2
Fuel and oil, t................................................... ...... .....3.52
Total, t......................... .............. ...............9.67

Empty, t......................................... ........ .............83
Complete, t......................................... ........ ...............92.7

Main engine
Power, kWt..................................... .......... .....2X441

Travel speed- about 15 knots, economical - 10 knots.

Cruising range at full speed - 200 miles.
Project A160 RVKs are equipped with a full range of modern diving equipment.

Diving equipment:

  • Equipment with diving helmet - 3 sets;
  • Dry diving equipment - 2 sets;
  • Pressure chamber RBK-1400, internal diameter 1.4 m for 4 divers, single-compartment, with a prechamber, with a closed ventilation system, with a set of BIBS masks, a water fire extinguishing system;
  • Communication and television control system, means of supporting diving operations, lowering and lifting device and diving gazebo.

Raid boats

In the post-war period, raid boats were created by order of the Soviet Navy. They were intended as auxiliary boats to support the daily activities of other ships in their anchorage areas. Later, on their basis, they began to build civilian modifications that perform various purposes:

  • Workers;
  • Diving;
  • Hydrographic;
  • Towing;
  • Underwater protection of objects;
  • Medical;
  • Rescue.

Raid boat RK-1078

Boat "Yaroslavets"

Engineers designed the Yaroslavets in the 50s. XX century. The Soviet Navy needed a tugboat that could be used for search and rescue operations involving divers, as well as at customs and border posts.

One of the important characteristics of the boat is its ability to be transported by rail. In any modification, the length of the vessel is 21 meters and the width is 4 meters. Its displacement is almost 47 tons. The vessel accommodates 12 people.

The power plant consists of two diesel engines, models ZD6S and ZD6S1, which drive one fixed-pitch propeller. This allows the boat to accelerate to 10 knots.

Raid boat “Yaroslavets” RK – 516

The boat is designed in such a way that it is possible to quickly deliver cargo or divers to the site and ensure their uninterrupted work. It can perform maneuvers in shallow water and shallow ice surfaces.

The ship's hull is made of wood and metal. The towing modification is equipped with special arches that prevent damage to the cable during maneuvers. There is also a special hook on board for lifting cargo and towing ships. The vessel's wheelhouse is removable. This was done in order to reduce the size when transporting the boat by rail.

The boat is used as a vehicle for transporting goods and passengers. Its functions also include towing other ships and participating in search operations. It is used in border protection and to catch poachers.

Raid patrol boat "Sapsan"

The vessel was designed by Almaz Design Bureau. Its function is to transport official delegations, officers and commanders of the fleet from shore to shore or to ships that are at anchor. The boat is also intended for participation in parades.

“Sapsan” is a twenty-meter boat with a smooth deck, a single-tier deckhouse, a steel hull and an aluminum alloy superstructure. It displaces up to 103 tons of water. It has two MTU10V200M9 diesel engines that help it reach speeds of up to 20 knots. The ship has five cabins that can accommodate 10 people. The indoor and outdoor salons accommodate 20 people each. The ship also has an open bridge, cockpit and cabins for crew members.

The boat was recently accepted into the ranks and is now based in Sevastopol.

Raid boat "Vodolaz Pechkurov"

The vessel is involved in various diving, search and rescue operations and ship lifting operations. The length of the boat is almost 28 meters, the width is five and a half meters. The displacement of water is 92.7 meters.

The boat is equipped with modern diving equipment:

  • Diving suits with helmets;
  • Wetsuits with an open breathing pattern;
  • A special diving chamber for 4 people for lowering the crew to the bottom;
  • Communication system, device for lowering and lifting divers;
  • Tools for welding and soil erosion, tools for grinding, cutting, splitting iron and concrete under water.

This equipment allows divers to dive to a depth of up to sixty meters at any time of the day or night. The stability of the boat allows scuba divers to work in stormy water.

"Baklan" is a large single-deck boat. It was created to reconnaissance routes, survey the bottom topography, and assist in the navigation of submarines in coastal waters. It is capable of delivering cargo and research groups to unequipped coasts.

The length of the vessel is 36.4 meters, width -7.6 meters. The ship's displacement is 320 tons. A Dreggen crane is installed on the deck, which is capable of lifting cargo weighing up to 3.5 tons. The engine room contains two Deutz diesel engines with a total power of 464 kW. "Cormorant" accelerates to 11-12 knots. Its crew consists of 11 people.

The latest hydrographic, navigation and communication equipment is installed on board the boat. These include: multibeam and measuring echo sounders, a seaograph, a device for measuring pitching, a profiler, equipment for measuring the speed of sound in water. The boat is equipped with radio installations, NAVTEX receivers, a navigation locator and a GLONAS satellite station.

The raid boats are not equipped with any weapons, since they are auxiliary vessels for military and civilian vessels and are used in peacetime.

On March 29, 2013, a contract was signed between the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and JSC Nizhegorodsky Teplokhod Plant for the construction of 16 raid boats for integrated rescue support of Project 23040. Subsequently, the series was increased to 22 rescue support boats.

The boat of project 23040 is a further development of a series of ten diving boats of project A160 (building numbers 801-810), built by OJSC "ZNT" in 2010-2012 for the Federal State Institution "Gosmorspasluzhba of Russia", as well as the diving boat of project ZT28D "Pelican", developed design department of the plant.

Compared to the previously best-known Flamingo boats and their successors, Project 14157 boats, Project 23040 boats have larger dimensions, higher power capacity and ice class, which allows them to confidently work in external roadsteads and beyond with distances from places of shelter up to 50 miles.

Among the additional functions of the boat is the ability to carry out search, inspection and survey work using a standard small-sized remote-controlled uninhabited underwater vehicle and a towed sonar. In addition, for the first time on boats of this kind, a joystick control system is provided.

Vessel type: Single-deck boat with a steel hull with ice reinforcements, a single-tier aluminum superstructure (wheelhouse), a twin-shaft diesel power plant with fixed-pitch propellers and a bow thruster.

Main characteristics: Total displacement is about 118 tons. The maximum length is 28.09 meters, the maximum width is 5.56 meters, the height of the side at the bow is 3.4 meters, the average draft is 1.5 meters. The speed is about 13.7 knots. Crew of 3 people, as well as a diving team of 5 people.

Main engine: 2x441 kW.

Diesel generator: 2x80 kW.

Emergency parking diesel generator: 1x20 kW.

The project 23040 boat is designed for: diving support for underwater technical work at depths of up to 60 meters with sea waves up to 3 points; carrying out diving work by two divers simultaneously with an air flow of up to 120 l/min to a depth of 60 meters with an exposure on the ground of 60 minutes; carrying out decompression, air, oxygen and helium modes of therapeutic recompression; participation in emergency rescue, hydraulic engineering and ship-lifting operations; surveys of the bottom of water areas, sunken objects and hydraulic structures; extinguishing fires on ships and vessels, floating and coastal objects up to 30 meters high; pumping water from an emergency vessel; performing survey work using a small-sized remote-controlled uninhabited underwater vehicle (ROV); searching for sunken objects at depths of up to 150 meters using a towed sonar; searching for people overboard using a thermal imaging night vision system; supplying power to an emergency ship or facility.

In accordance with the terms of the contract, the Nizhny Novgorod Teplokhod plant will fulfill its obligations to build Project 23040 boats within 3 years. The first 4 vessels will be sent to Novorossiysk (Black Sea Fleet). The 2014 program included 6 boats: 3 for the Caspian Flotilla (Astrakhan), 3 for the Baltic Fleet (Kronstadt). The 2015 program will include 6 boats for the Baltic Fleet (Kronstadt).

The boat will be equipped with the most modern means of navigation, radio navigation, communications, necessary ship devices, diving equipment, and the maximum possible comfortable and safe living and working conditions for the crew will be created in it.

The boat will be equipped with a single integrated solution for controlling the vessel's movement from the company ZAO NAVIS.

The complex includes: a joystick control system for the vessel's propulsion complex Navis JP4000; Jastram Engineering steering gear; Navis STCS4000 steering control system; Navis AP4000 automatic ship course control system (autopilot).

The Navis JP4000 joystick motion control system allows you to ensure both simple movement of the vessel and the vessel performing extremely precise maneuvers of various types that are required of it: Keeping the vessel at a given point and controlling its course when carrying out diving operations or working with a remotely controlled underwater vehicle; Control of the entire propulsion complex using one joystick; Maintaining a given speed and course of the vessel at low speeds; Automatic control of the course and speed of the vessel during hydrographic and other work.

On June 27, 2013, the keel was laid for the first four boats that will be sent to Novorossiysk.

The first raid boat for integrated emergency rescue support of Project 23040 was laid down on June 27, 2013. Launched on September 17, 2013. In February 2014, he joined the fleet of the Novorossiysk naval base.

The second boat in a series of 16 integrated rescue support boats of Project 23040 was laid down on June 27, 2013. Launched on September 24, 2013. In February 2014, he joined the fleet of the Novorossiysk naval base.

The third boat in a series of 16 integrated rescue support boats of Project 23040 was laid down on June 27, 2013. Launched on October 15, 2013. In February 2014, he joined the fleet of the Novorossiysk naval base.

The fourth boat in a series of 16 integrated rescue support boats of Project 23040 was laid down on June 27, 2013. Launched on October 15, 2013. In February 2014, he joined the fleet of the Novorossiysk naval base.

The fifth boat "RVK-933" in a series of 16 integrated rescue support boats of project 23040 (page number 1105) is ready for launch on March 12, 2014 and is waiting for navigation to open. May 06, 2014 launched. On October 28, 2014, a transfer and acceptance certificate was signed in Astrakhan. Will be part of the Caspian Flotilla.

The sixth boat "RVK-946" in a series of 16 integrated rescue support boats of project 23040 (page number 1106) is ready for launch on March 12, 2014 and is waiting for navigation to open. On April 29, 2014 it was launched. On October 28, 2014, a transfer and acceptance certificate was signed in Astrakhan. Will be part of the Caspian Flotilla.

According to a message dated April 3, 2015, in an exercise to assist a damaged surface ship.

According to a message dated April 11, 2017, an exercise to provide assistance to a surface ship that has received damage, with the practice of extinguishing a fire, sealing holes, searching and rescuing personnel on the water.

The seventh boat "RVK-1045" in a series of 16 integrated rescue support boats of Project 23040 (page number 1107) is under construction as of March 12, 2014. On June 17, 2014 it was launched. On October 3, 2014, the acceptance certificate was signed. On November 14, the acceptance certificate was signed. Will be part of the training battalion for training diving specialists of the Navy of the city of Sevastopol. According to a message dated February 4, 2015 in Sevastopol on the territory of the training battalion for training diving specialists of the Joint Training Center of the Navy for raising the St. Andrew's flag.

The eighth boat "RVK-1064" in a series of 16 integrated rescue boats of Project 23040 (line number 1108) is under construction as of March 12, 2014. On June 17, 2014 it was launched. On October 3, 2014, the acceptance certificate was signed. On November 10, the transfer and acceptance certificate was signed. It will be part of the Baltic Fleet and will serve in the Baltic Sea.

The ninth boat in a series of 16 integrated rescue support boats of project 23040 (page number 1109) is under construction as of March 12, 2014. Launched on July 17, 2014. On November 10, 2014, the acceptance certificate was signed. It will be part of the Baltic Fleet and will serve in the Baltic Sea.

The tenth boat in a series of 16 integrated rescue support boats of Project 23040 (line number 1110) was laid down on March 12, 2014. Launched on July 17, 2014. November 24, 2014. Will serve in the UPASR of the Black Sea Fleet.

The eleventh boat "RVK-2162" in a series of 16 integrated rescue support boats of Project 23040 (page number 1111) was on April 29, 2015. According to a message dated September 7 to the city of Baltiysk.

According to a message dated June 15, 2017, in a comprehensive exercise of search and rescue forces at sea as part of the on-duty rescue forces of the Baltic Fleet.

The twelfth boat "RVK-2163" in a series of 16 integrated rescue support boats of Project 23040 (page number 1112) was on April 29, 2015. According to a message dated September 7 to the city of Baltiysk.

According to a message dated March 14, 2017, in a control check of the duty forces of the emergency rescue squad of the Baltic Fleet. According to a message dated June 15, in a comprehensive exercise of search and rescue forces at sea as part of the on-duty rescue forces of the Baltic Fleet, an acceptance certificate was signed.

The sixteenth boat "RVK-2165" in a series of 16 integrated rescue support boats of Project 23040 (page number 1116) was on May 19, 2015. According to the message dated September 7, at the end of this month he will be in the city of Baltiysk. September 27 acceptance and transfer.

The seventeenth boat “RVK-1229” (line number 1117) launched on September 20, 2016. Built for the Russian Ministry of Defense. Home port is the city of Severomorsk, Murmansk region. In November 2016, it successfully passed sea trials and was accepted into the Northern Fleet. On May 22, 2017, I went to my home port - the city of Severomorsk, Murmansk region. On June 06, a boat to the place of service. July 23, acceptance certificate. On September 21, a ceremonial raising of the flag of the search and rescue service took place in Severomorsk, and the name “Ivan Shvets” was assigned.

According to a message dated February 9, 2018, divers were training in low temperature conditions on board the boat.

The eighteenth boat "RVK-1230" (line number 1118) on the water on September 20, 2016. Built for the Russian Ministry of Defense. Home port is the city of Severomorsk, Murmansk region. In November 2016, it successfully passed sea trials and was accepted into the Northern Fleet. On May 22, 2017, I went to my home port - the city of Severomorsk, Murmansk region. On June 06, a boat to the place of service. July 23, acceptance certificate. On September 21, a ceremonial raising of the flag of the search and rescue service took place in Severomorsk.

went to his permanent base in the Far East. February 28, 2019 to the search and rescue forces of the Pacific Fleet. The ceremony took place in Fokino.

The twenty-first boat "RVK-1224" (line No. 1121) as of November 23, 2018, construction work.

The twenty-second boat "RVK-1324" (building No. 1122) as of November 23, 2018, construction work.