As you know, 71 percent of our Earth's surface is covered with water. From space, our beloved planet looks like a blue ball because bodies of water reflect the sun's rays in the blue spectrum.

Photos from NASA spacecraft show us a magnificent view of the marble-blue Earth from space. There are many in our world beautiful rivers, lakes, impressive waterfalls, stunning glaciers and clear reservoirs surrounded by snowy mountains. Fortunately, each of us can see all these magnificent creations of nature.

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Suez Canal, Egypt

160 kilometers long, 300 meters wide - this is the size of this artificial waterway that connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea. The Suez Canal is considered the shortest route between Europe and Asia. This makes transporting goods and trade much easier, cutting down complex routes around Africa. Currently, the Suez Canal is one of the busiest waterways in the world, and it has had far fewer accidents than other similar structures.

The construction of the Suez Canal took a total of 10 years. Since 1859, ships from all countries could already pass through the Suez Canal, carrying cargo along the Europe-Asia route. The Suez Canal's advanced radar control system monitors every vessel passing through. In emergency situations, this system allows emergency services to respond immediately, thereby reducing the risks for ships passing through the canal.

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Bora Bora, France

Bora Bora is one of the most beautiful places in the world, designed for international tourism. This group of islands is a territorial part of France and is located in Pacific Ocean. Bora Bora is white sandy beaches, blue lagoons and glamorous resorts, which invariably enjoy enormous popularity among vacationers.

Currently, it is tourism that supports the entire economy of the island. Glazed, comfortable villas make this place a tourist paradise. Snorkeling and diving in Crystal clean water attract thousands of people who want to enjoy the beauty water element and relax on sunny beaches Bora bora.

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Lake Baikal, Siberia

Lake Baikal is the oldest and most deep lake in the world. It is located in South-Eastern Siberia. The lake has a depth of 1700 m, and was formed 25 million years ago from a real prehistoric sea. 20 percent of the total volume of fresh water in the world is contained in Baikal. Around the lake are located picturesque nature reserves protected by the government. Clean and beautiful Baikal is included in the lists world heritage UNESCO.

In the Baikal region, there are many cultural, archaeological and historical values. The surrounding area of ​​the lake is home to 1,340 species of animals. Many of them are unique and are found only in the Baikal region. Ancient mountains, mighty taiga and small islands make the Baikal region one of the most biologically diverse places in the world.

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Great Blue Hole, Belize

This is a large natural underwater drainage well located 70 kilometers from sea level, in the center of the barrier reef in Belize. Its huge funnel is 120 meters deep and 300 meters in diameter. It was formed during the Ice Age, 150,000 years ago, before the glaciers completely disappeared. The gradual melting of ice and rising sea levels precisely caused the formation of this miracle of nature.

The Great Blue Hole became a World Heritage Site in 1997. More than 500 rare forms of animals and plants live here. Every year, this natural sinkhole attracts many tourists from all over the world who come here, mainly for scuba diving.

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Venice is a group of 117 small islands separated by canals and connected by bridges. The canals divide the city into 117 small cozy islands. From time immemorial, these water arteries have been used as the main transport network in Venice. The Grand Canal, the city's main waterway, is the largest canal in Venice, 3.8 km long and 60 - 90 meters wide.

A Grand Canal tour is the best way to explore Venice while gaining in-depth knowledge of the city's historical importance. For large tours of Venice, gondolas, traditional punts, and more modern ones are mainly used motor boats. You will be able to take a close look at all the beauty of historical buildings, palaces, churches and see the famous hundred-year-old Rialto Bridge.

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Dead Sea, Jordan

The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world, located on the border of Israel and Jordan. The salinity of the Dead Sea fluctuates on average between 34-35 percent. This is almost ten times more than ordinary salt sea water. The increased salt content in the water causes the complete absence of aquatic flora and fauna, which is why this lake is called the “Dead Sea”. The lake is located 423 meters below sea level, and is the lowest place on land.

Such a high concentration of salt allows tourists to effortlessly swim in the Dead Sea, almost without moving their limbs. This water benefits human health as it contains large amounts of beneficial minerals such as potassium, calcium, sulfur and bromine. The Dead Sea can cure various skin conditions and help you get rid of toxins. They say that minerals Dead Sea in ancient times they were transported to Egypt, where they were used for the mummification of Egyptian pharaohs.

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Neil is the most long river in our world, having an approximate length of 6650 kilometers. It starts in Burundi and passes through Kenya, Erythra, Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia, where it meets the waters Mediterranean Sea. The Nile played a very important role in the life of the ancient Egyptians.

The river was the main source of food, water and a waterway for transporting goods between countries. At the same time, when the Nile overflowed its banks as a result of seasonal rains, all the lands of Egypt were flooded with water for a long time. This helped the ancient Egyptians easily grow seeds of cultivated plants.

All historical monuments Egypt, including the pyramids are located near the banks of the Nile. The Nile Delta covers an area of ​​up to 160 kilometers in width and as many as 40 million people live around it using the waters of the sacred river.

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Niagara Falls, United States of America

Niagara Falls is located on the border between Canada and the United States. Niagara consists of three waterfalls, American Stream, Bridlevale and Horseshoe. These three falls together create a water flow of 85,000 feet per second. This is the highest water flow in the world. The Horseshoe is the largest of Niagara's three waterfalls, and most of it is located closer to Canada. "American Stream" and "Bridevale" are located in the United States.

Niagara was formed 10,000 years ago during the Wisconsin Glaciation. The brilliant green color of the water at Niagara Falls is caused by salt and rock mixing with the water at high speeds. The whirlpool created Niagara Falls has an area of ​​1.2 kilometers. Its depth is the same as the height of Niagara, and is 52 meters. Water from Niagara flows into Lake Ontario in the Canadian province.

Amazing video of Niagara Falls:

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Victoria Falls on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls is the most big waterfall in the world and is one of seven natural wonders Sveta. It is located on the Zambezi River between the states of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Victoria Falls extends over a mile in width, and provides a drop of water of five hundred million cubic meters per minute. The water falls to a depth of 93 meters and sprays heavily, crashing against the rocks. Because of this water cloud, Victoria Falls is visible at a distance of 50 kilometers to the naked eye.

The strong spray of water causes constant rain in the forests surrounding the waterfall. Surprisingly, you can swim on the edge of the waterfall without much risk. The natural stone side will not allow you to fall down along with the water. This pool is known as the Devil's Pool. During the full moon, one of the most magnificent natural phenomena known as the “Moon Rainbow” occurs at Victoria Falls. A beautiful rainbow is visible at this time above the waterfall, in the bright moonlight refracted by the water splashes.

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Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Big barrier reef is the largest coral reef in the world, one of the seven natural wonders of the world. These are 900 islands connected together with a length of more than 2,300 kilometers. The reef is large enough to be seen from space and is recognized as a national symbol of Australia. The Great Barrier Reef contains more than 3,000 individual reefs created by microorganisms over millions of years. It was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1981.

The Great Barrier Reef supports a huge diversity of marine life. About 1,500 species of fish, 3,000 species of shellfish, 500 species of worms, 133 species of sharks and rays, and 30 species of whales and dolphins live there. The tourism industry is very developed here. Glass-bottom boat tours, exciting scuba diving and kayaking are popular among holidaymakers. The Great Barrier Reef attracts around 2 million visitors every year.

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We see the lake as a wonderful vacation spot where you can swim and fish. But not all lakes are like this. Some are truly terrifying. And not in vain.

Lake Pustoe (Russia)

Lake Pustoe is located in Western Siberia in the Kuznetsk Alatau region. Lake Pustoe is a fresh, clean reservoir of continental origin; there are no chemical anomalies in its waters. Many scientists have repeatedly carried out chemical analyzes of water from Lake Pustoy, but not a single study has found toxic substances in it. The lake water is clean, suitable for consumption, similar to champagne due to the smallest bubbles of absolutely harmless natural gases. Scientists have not been able to draw a conclusion about why there are no fish in the reservoir.

In the vicinity of Lake Pustogo there have never been environmental disasters or extraordinary technical incidents polluting the reservoir. The chemical composition of its water does not differ from the nearest reservoirs of the reserve, which are distinguished by an abundance of fish resources. Moreover, the reservoir feeds several fresh, clean reservoirs in the vicinity; the fact that there is fish in them will add special mystery to what is happening in these dreams. There have been several attempts to introduce unpretentious fish species such as pike, perch and crucian carp into the reservoir. Each of them ended in failure, the fish died, the aquatic plants rotted. And today there is no grass or birds on the banks of the reservoir, there are no fish or fry in the water, the lake guards its mysteries.

Why are there no fish in the lake?

Samples from the Kuznetsk reservoir were studied by chemists from the USA, Great Britain and Germany. However, no one was able to put forward a sensible version explaining the lack of fish in the reservoir. Scientists are not yet able to answer the questions of ordinary people about what is happening to the Kuznetsk reservoir. However, scientists repeat attempts to explain the extraordinary phenomenon of Empty Lake with enviable frequency. Visit the shores unusual lake there are many people interested, tourists come here and stay overnight. Some of them dream of touching the mystery of nature and unraveling it.

Lake of Death (Italy)

Our world is amazing and beautiful, its nature can be endlessly admired and enjoyed. But besides this, there are places on our Earth that sometimes lead us to bewilderment. Among such places is the Lake of Death on the island of Sicily. This lake can be considered one of the phenomena and unique natural phenomena. The name itself suggests that this lake is deadly for all living things. Any living organism that gets into this lake will inevitably die.

This lake is the most dangerous on our planet. The lake is absolutely lifeless and there are no living organisms in it. The shores of the lake are deserted and lifeless; nothing grows here. Everything is connected with the fact that any living creature that enters the aquatic environment immediately dies. If a person decides to swim in this lake, he will literally dissolve in the lake in a few minutes.

When information about this place appeared in the scientific world, a scientific expedition was immediately sent there to study this phenomenon. The lake revealed its secrets with great difficulty. Water analyzes showed that the lake’s aquatic environment contains a large amount of concentrated sulfuric acid. Scientists were not immediately able to figure out where the sulfuric acid comes from in the lake. Scientists have put forward several hypotheses about this. The first hypothesis stated that at the bottom of the lake there are rocks that, when washed away by water, become enriched with acid. But further study of the lake showed that at the bottom of the lake there are two sources that release concentrated sulfuric acid into the lake’s water environment. This explains why any organic matter dissolves in the lake.

Dead Lake (Kazakhstan)

Kazakhstan has anomalous lake, which attracts the attention of many people. It is located in the Taldykurgan region, the village of Gerasimovka. Its dimensions are not large, only 100x60 meters. This body of water is called Dead. The fact is that there is nothing in the lake, neither algae nor fish. The water there is unusually icy. Low water temperatures remain even when there is intense sunshine outside. People drown there all the time. For some unknown reason, scuba divers begin to choke after three minutes of diving. Locals do not advise anyone to go there, and they themselves avoid this anomalous place.

Blue Lake (Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia)

Blue karst abyss in Kabardino-Balkaria. Not a single river or stream flows into this lake, although it loses up to 70 million liters of water every day, but its volume and depth do not change at all. The blue color of the lake is due to the high content of hydrogen sulfide in the water. There are no fish here at all. What makes this lake creepy is the fact that no one has been able to figure out its depth. The fact is that the bottom consists of an extensive system of caves. Researchers have still not been able to figure out what the lowest point of this karst lake. It is believed that under Blue lake The world's largest underwater cave system.

Boiling Lake (Dominican Republic)

The name speaks for itself. Located in Dominica, beautiful Caribbean island, this lake is actually the second largest natural hot spring on the ground. The temperature of the water in the boiling lake reaches 90 degrees Celsius and there is hardly anyone who wants to test the temperature of the source on their own skin. Just look at the photographs and it becomes clear that the water here is practically boiling. The temperature cannot be regulated because it is the result of a crack in the bottom of the lake through which hot lava erupts.

Lake Powell (USA)

Despite its common name (Horseshoe), located near the town of Mammoth Lakes, Lake Powell is a terrifying killer. The city of Mammoth Lakes was built on top of active volcano, but this is not best location. However, for many years the lake was considered safe. But about 20 years ago, the trees around Horseshoe suddenly began to dry out and die. After ruling out all possible diseases, scientists decided that the trees were being suffocated by excessive levels of carbon dioxide slowly seeping through the ground from underground chambers of cooling magma. In 2006, three tourists took refuge in a cave near the lake and suffocated from carbon dioxide.

Lake Karachay (Russia)

Located in beautiful Ural mountains Russia, this dark blue lake is one of the most dangerous bodies of water in the world. During a secret government project, the lake was used as a dump site for radioactive waste for many years beginning in 1951. This place is so toxic that a 5-minute visit can make a person sick, and a longer visit of an hour is guaranteed to be fatal. During a drought in 1961, the wind carried toxic dust that affected 500,000 people - a tragedy comparable to the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. It is definitely one of the most polluted places on Earth.

Lake Kivu (Democratic Republic of Congo)

This lake lies on the border between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda, with large layers of carbon dioxide at the base of the volcanic rock, as well as 55 billion cubic meters of methane at the bottom. This explosive combination makes Lake Kivu the deadliest of the world's three explosive lakes. Any earthquake or volcanic activity could pose a lethal threat to the 2 million people living in this region. They can die from both methane explosions and carbon dioxide suffocation.

Lake Michigan (Canada)

Of the five Great Lakes on the border of Canada and the United States, Lake Michigan is the deadliest. Warm, attractive lake - popular place holiday for numerous tourists, despite its dangerous undercurrents, which claim at least several lives every year. The shape of Lake Michigan makes it particularly susceptible to dangerous currents that arise spontaneously and abruptly. The lake becomes more dangerous in the fall, October and November, when sudden and significant changes in water and air temperatures occur. The height of the waves can reach several meters.

Mono Lake (USA)

One of the most developed ecosystems in the world, Mono Lake is located in the county of the same name in California. This ancient salt lake has no fish, but trillions of bacteria and small algae thrive in it. unique waters. Up until 1941 this is amazing beautiful lake was healthy and strong. But Los Angeles, which was just beginning its giant growth spurt, stepped in. The city drained the tributaries of the lake, which began to dry up. This is a scandalous destruction natural resources continued for almost 50 years and when it was stopped in 1990, Mono Lake had already lost half its volume and its salinity had doubled. Mono has become a toxic alkaline lake filled with carbonates, chlorides and sulfates. Los Angeles has decided to correct its mistake, but the restoration project will take decades.

Lake Manoun (Cameroon)

Located in the Oku Volcanic Field in Cameroon, Lake Monoun appears to be a completely normal body of water. But its appearance is deceiving, as it is one of three explosive lakes on earth. In 1984, Monun exploded without warning, releasing a cloud of carbon dioxide and killing 37 people. Twelve of the dead were riding in a truck and stopped to watch the aftermath of the explosion. It was at this moment that the lethal gas did its job.

Lake Nyos (Cameroon)

In 1986, Lake Nyos, located just 100 kilometers from Lake Monun, exploded following a magma eruption and released carbon dioxide, converting the water into carbonic acid. As a result of a massive landslide, the lake abruptly released a giant cloud of carbon dioxide, killing thousands of people and animals in local cities and villages. The tragedy was the first known major suffocation caused by a natural event. The lake continues to pose a threat because its natural wall is fragile and even the slightest earthquake can destroy it.

Natron (Tanzania)

Lake Natron in Tanzania not only kills its inhabitants, but also mummifies their bodies. On the shores of the lake there are mummified flamingos, small birds, and bats. The creepiest thing is that the victims freeze in natural poses with their heads raised. It was as if they froze for a moment and remained that way forever. The water in the lake is bright red due to the microorganisms living in it, closer to the shore it is already orange, and in some places it is a normal color.

The evaporation of the lake scares away large predators, and the absence of natural enemies attracts a huge number of birds and small animals. They live on the banks of the Natron, reproduce, and after death they are mummified. A large amount of hydrogen contained in water and increased alkalinity contribute to the release of soda, salt and lime. They prevent the remains of the inhabitants of the lake from decomposing.

There are very special rivers that do not flow anywhere. There are those that change the direction of the current several times during the day.

Among the snow and ice of the Pamir-Altai, the Zeravshan River originates. Having burst out of the mountains, it spreads through hundreds of canals and thousands of irrigation ditches in the Bukhara and Karakul oases. Like many other rivers in desert areas, it has neither a delta nor a mouth. In other words, Zeravshan does not flow anywhere.

Everyone knows that the water in rivers and lakes is fresh. But there are rivers with salty and sweet water.

A river flows in the north, characterized by very high salinity. That's what they call it - Solyanka. Where did the salt in the river come from? Many millions of years ago, on the site of modern Yakutia there was a huge sea. Then the earth's crust rose and fell, in some places closed lagoons were formed, in which, as a result of increased evaporation, thick layers of salt settled, subsequently covered by limestone. Groundwater seeps through these deposits and, saturated with salt, enters the river.

On Victoria Land in Antarctica, scientists have discovered a lake whose water is 11 times saltier than sea water and can only freeze at a temperature of -50°.

There is a lake called Sweet in the Urals, in Chelyabinsk region. Local residents wash their clothes only in it. Even oil stains can be washed off in water without soap. It has been established that the water in the lake is alkaline. It contains soda and sodium chloride. The presence of these substances gave the water special qualities.

Is on globe"vinegar" rivers and lakes. The “Vinegar” River flows in Colombia (South America). This is El Rio Vinegre (one of the tributaries of the Cauca River), flowing in the area of ​​​​the active Purace volcano. The water of this river contains 1.1% sulfuric and 0.9% hydrochloric acid, so no fish can live in it.

On the island of Sicily there is Lake of Death. Two sources of high concentration acid come from its bottom. This is the “deadest” lake on our planet.

There are rivers that have one common source, but they flow in different directions and often flow into different basins. This a natural phenomenon called river bifurcation. Orinoco River flowing in South America, in the upper reaches it is divided into two. One of them retains the former name Orinoco, flows into Atlantic Ocean, and the other, Casiquiare, flows into the Rio Negro River, a left tributary of the Amazon.

Antarctica has amazing lakes. One of them - Wanda - all year round covered with a thick layer of ice. At the very bottom, at a depth of 60 meters, a layer of salt water with a temperature of +25° was discovered! The mystery is all the more curious because it is believed that there are no hot springs or other sources of heat in the depths of the Earth.

Usually rivers flow into lakes or seas. But there is a river that flows... from the bay into the interior of the mainland. This is the Tadjoura River on the northeast coast of Africa. It flows from the bay of the same name deep into the mainland and flows into Lake Assal.

There is an amazing river in Europe: it flows for six hours to the sea and six hours back. The direction of its flow changes four times a day. This is the Avar (Aviar) river in Greece. Scientists explain the “whims” of the river by level fluctuations Aegean Sea as a result of the ebb and flow of the tides.

"Ink" Lake! It is located in Algeria, near settlement Sidi Bel Abbes. You can write on paper with the water from this lake. Two small rivers flow into the natural “inkwell”. The waters of one of them are rich in iron salts, and the waters of the other are rich in humic substances. They form a liquid similar to ink.

Where does the Kuban River flow? “Of course, to the Sea of ​​Azov,” you say. True, but it turns out that this was not always the case. Even 200 years ago, this river flowed into the Black Sea. It would still flow there now if in 1819 the Cossacks from Staro-Titarovskaya and Temryukovskaya villages had not decided to desalinate the salty Azov estuaries. The Cossacks dug a canal between Kuban and the Akhtanizovsky estuary. But the wayward river “liked” the new channel more than the previous one, and it rushed along it, washed away and widened the banks, carried away everything it encountered on its way, and carried its waters into the Sea of ​​Azov. And the old channel, laid out for the river by nature itself, is overgrown.

The Diala River, which flows through Iraq, was sentenced to death. She was judged by none other than the great Persian king Cyrus. While crossing the Diala, the king lost his “sacred” white horse, which drowned. Angry, Cyrus ordered the digging of 360 canals to divert water from the river. It ceased to exist for a thousand years. Over time, the desert sands dried up and filled with channels, and the river returned to its previous course.

There are many amazing lakes, but nowhere like Mogilnoye. It is located on the small island of Kildin off the Murmansk coast, somewhat east of the entrance to the Kola Bay. The shores of the bay are rocky and steep, but in the southeastern part they go down and form a beautiful bay. Adjacent to it is a lake, separated from the sea by a high sand and pebble bank. The area of ​​the lake is a little more than one square kilometer, the greatest depth is 17 meters. But, despite these modest dimensions, the layers of water in it never mix. Vertically, the lake is clearly divided into five “floors”. At the very bottom, the water is saturated with hydrogen sulfide. Above it is a “floor” of red water from many purple bacteria. Then there is a layer of sea water in which dwarf sea fish, sea anemones and starfish live. Higher up the water is brackish - jellyfish and crustaceans live here, as well as freshwater fish. The top layer is fresh - inhabited by freshwater animals. During high tides, through the wall of sand and pebbles separating the lake from the sea, sea ​​water seeps into the lake. Heavier water - sea - and less heavy - fresh - almost do not mix with each other, since salty water enters the lake from the side, through the shaft, and fresh water - from above, from rains and melting snow.

The water of some salt lakes has healing properties. Lake Duzkan in Turkmenistan is located on the left bank of the Amu Darya, at the western outskirts of the Sayat village. The concentration of the brine solution is so high that it forms a thick crust. In the summer, especially on weekends, on Duzkan, or as it is called local residents, Sayak Lake, hundreds of people take salt baths - they are treated for rheumatism.

There are very special rivers that do not flow anywhere. There are those that change the direction of the current several times during the day.

Among the snow and ice of the Pamir-Altai, the Zeravshan River originates. Having burst out of the mountains, it spreads through hundreds of canals and thousands of irrigation ditches in the Bukhara and Karakul oases. Like many other rivers in desert areas, it has neither a delta nor a mouth. In other words, Zeravshan does not flow anywhere.

Everyone knows that the water in rivers and lakes is fresh. But there are rivers with salty and sweet water.

A river flows in the north, characterized by very high salinity. That's what they call it - Solyanka. Where did the salt in the river come from? Many millions of years ago, on the site of modern Yakutia there was a huge sea. Then the earth's crust rose and fell, in some places closed lagoons were formed, in which, as a result of increased evaporation, thick layers of salt settled, subsequently covered by limestone. Groundwater seeps through these deposits and, saturated with salt, enters the river.

On Victoria Land in Antarctica, scientists have discovered a lake whose water is 11 times saltier than sea water and can only freeze at a temperature of -50°.

There is a lake called Sladkoe in the Urals, in the Chelyabinsk region. Local residents wash their clothes only in it. Even oil stains can be washed off in water without soap. It has been established that the water in the lake is alkaline. It contains soda and sodium chloride. The presence of these substances gave the water special qualities.

There are “vinegar” rivers and lakes around the globe. The “Vinegar” River flows in Colombia (South America). This is El Rio Vinegre (one of the tributaries of the Cauca River), flowing in the area of ​​​​the active Purace volcano. The water of this river contains 1.1% sulfuric and 0.9% hydrochloric acid, so no fish can live in it.

On the island of Sicily there is Lake of Death. Two sources of high concentration acid come from its bottom. This is the “deadest” lake on our planet.

There are rivers that have one common source, but they flow in different directions and often flow into different basins. This natural phenomenon is called river bifurcation. The Orinoco River, which flows in South America, is divided into two in its upper reaches. One of them retains the former name Orinoco, flows into the Atlantic Ocean, and the other, Casiquiare, flows into the Rio Negro River, a left tributary of the Amazon.

Antarctica has amazing lakes. One of them - Vanda - is covered with a thick layer of ice all year round. At the very bottom, at a depth of 60 meters, a layer of salt water with a temperature of +25° was discovered! The mystery is all the more curious because it is believed that there are no hot springs or other sources of heat in the depths of the Earth.

Usually rivers flow into lakes or seas. But there is a river that flows... from the bay into the interior of the mainland. This is the Tadjoura River on the northeast coast of Africa. It flows from the bay of the same name deep into the mainland and flows into Lake Assal.

There is an amazing river in Europe: it flows for six hours to the sea and six hours back. The direction of its flow changes four times a day. This is the Avar (Aviar) river in Greece. Scientists explain the “whims” of the river by fluctuations in the level of the Aegean Sea as a result of ebbs and flows.

"Ink" Lake! It is located in Algeria, near the village of Sidi Bel Abbes. You can write on paper with the water from this lake. Two small rivers flow into the natural “inkwell”. The waters of one of them are rich in iron salts, and the waters of the other are rich in humic substances. They form a liquid similar to ink.

Where does the Kuban River flow? “Of course, to the Sea of ​​Azov,” you say. True, but it turns out that this was not always the case. Even 200 years ago, this river flowed into the Black Sea. It would still flow there now if in 1819 the Cossacks from Staro-Titarovskaya and Temryukovskaya villages had not decided to desalinate the salty Azov estuaries. The Cossacks dug a canal between Kuban and the Akhtanizovsky estuary. But the wayward river “liked” the new channel more than the previous one, and it rushed along it, washed away and widened the banks, carried away everything it encountered on its way, and carried its waters into the Sea of ​​Azov. And the old channel, laid out for the river by nature itself, is overgrown.

The Diala River, which flows through Iraq, was sentenced to death. She was judged by none other than the great Persian king Cyrus. While crossing the Diala, the king lost his “sacred” white horse, which drowned. Angry, Cyrus ordered the digging of 360 canals to divert water from the river. It ceased to exist for a thousand years. Over time, the desert sands dried up and filled with channels, and the river returned to its previous course.

There are many amazing lakes, but nowhere like Mogilnoye. It is located on the small island of Kildin off the Murmansk coast, somewhat east of the entrance to the Kola Bay. The shores of the bay are rocky and steep, but in the southeastern part they go down and form a beautiful bay. Adjacent to it is a lake, separated from the sea by a high sand and pebble bank. The area of ​​the lake is a little more than one square kilometer, the greatest depth is 17 meters. But, despite these modest dimensions, the layers of water in it never mix. Vertically, the lake is clearly divided into five “floors”. At the very bottom, the water is saturated with hydrogen sulfide. Above it is a “floor” of red water from many purple bacteria. Then there is a layer of sea water in which dwarf sea fish, sea anemones and starfish live. Higher up, the water is brackish - jellyfish and crustaceans, as well as freshwater fish, live here. The top layer is fresh - inhabited by freshwater animals. During high tides, sea water seeps into the lake through a wall of sand and pebbles that separates the lake from the sea. Heavier water - sea - and less heavy - fresh - almost do not mix with each other, since salty water enters the lake from the side, through the shaft, and fresh water - from above, from rains and melting snow.

The water of some salt lakes has healing properties. Lake Duzkan in Turkmenistan is located on the left bank of the Amu Darya, at the western outskirts of the Sayat village. The concentration of the brine solution is so high that it forms a thick crust. In the summer, especially on weekends, on Duzkan, or, as the locals call it, Lake Sayak, hundreds of people take salt baths to treat rheumatism.

The Okavango River flows on the African continent through Angola, Namibia and Botswana. It is interesting because it does not flow anywhere. For 1600 kilometers, it carries its waters not to the ocean, sea or lake. The Okavango forms a vast delta, spreading over the surrounding area and dissolving into the swamp. It is also interesting that this swampy lowland is located in the northwest of the Kalahari Desert. An incredible combination of swamp and desert. The Okavango Delta is the most extensive inland delta in the world. The view of it from above amazes with its beauty and originality.

The Okavango originates in the mountains of Angola, but in that country it is called Cubango. Then it flows to the southeast and, reaching the Makgadikgadi depression in Botswana, overflows, forming a vast swamp. Scientists believe that 10,000 years ago the Okavango River had a completely ordinary delta, flowing into ancient lake Makgadikgadi. But over time, this body of water dried up, leaving behind several salt lakes that exist only during the rainy season and for a short time after it. And the Okavango still carries its waters in the usual direction, only there is nowhere for it to flow - there is desert all around. Kalahari Desert.

Kalahari - largest desert Africa south of the equator. Its area is already 600,000 square kilometers, and it continues to increase. Contrary to popular belief, deserts are not just hot sand and lack of rain. Deserts include areas where the annual precipitation does not exceed 250-300 millimeters, and this amount is significantly less than the moisture spent on evaporation. That is, rain is even possible there, as, for example, in the Kalahari, where the rainy season begins in the summer. The fauna of this desert is quite diverse. In addition to lizards and snakes, lions, cheetahs, leopards, rhinoceroses, giraffes, antelopes and zebras live here. But the greatest variety reaches animal world in the swamps that the Okavango forms.

The Okavango Delta is not only unusual geographical object, but also a unique biosystem. In these impassable swamps, hundreds of species of various animals, including very rare and unusual ones, have a wonderful home. Thanks to the swamp, dense thickets of papyrus and water lilies, this region has been preserved almost in its original form. The only people here are locals, tourists and photographers. They travel here only on narrow small boats; there is simply no other way to get through the reed thickets. Interesting ungulates that have adapted to life in swamps live here: sitatunga antelope, swamp goats, red lychees. There are also lions and cheetahs here, which are accustomed to swamp life. The Okavango Delta has a very rich and diverse world of waterbirds.

And all this magnificent diversity on the edge of the desert is only possible thanks to the Okavango, an amazing river that dissolves into the sands, giving life.