19°00′ s. w. 70°40′w. d. /  19.000° N. w. 70.667° W d. / 19.000; -70.667 (G) (I)Coordinates: 19°00′ s. w. 70°40′w. d. /  19.000° N. w. 70.667° W d. / 19.000; -70.667 (G) (I) Water areaCaribbean Sea CountriesHaiti Haiti
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic

Square76,480 km² Nai highest point Peak Duarte 3087 m Population (2009)20,123,000 people Population density263,115 people/km²

Former name - " Espanola" During Soviet times, the “colonialist” name “Hispaniola” in Russian-language sources was changed to the variant “Haiti”, originating from the aboriginal language.

The area of ​​Haiti is about 76.48 thousand km². The island's population is more than 20 million people ().


The shores are heavily indented, mostly elevated (with the exception of the southeastern ones), surrounded by reefs; in the West - big bay Gonave with the island of the same name. The base of Hispaniola is composed of Middle Cenozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks; the subsoil contains gold, silver, copper, iron, rock salt. The relief is mountainous (hence the name); Four mountain ranges stretch from west to east, the largest of which is the Cordillera Central (Cordillera Central) with the highest point of the island and the entire West Indies - Mount Duarte Peak (3087 m); it, as its name suggests, occupies a central position and stretches from the northwestern part of the island to south coast Dominican Republic. In the southern part of the island, behind the lowland Cibao Valley, the Central Plateau and the Cul de Sac depression, there are the Haute, Sel, Sierra de Bauroco ridges, stretching along south coast islands, as well as the Sierra de Neiba and Mato. In the north of the island there are the Northern ridges (a continuation of the Central Cordillera), the Cordillera Septentrional (highest point 1249 m) and the low Cordillera Oriental ( highest height- 701 m). In the southeastern part of the island there is a vast lowland.

The rivers are full-flowing, turbulent, and mostly have a short length (the largest are Artibonite in the west, Yaque del Norte in the north and Osama in the south). Many lakes; the largest are the drainless Enriquillo and Somatre.



The eastern part of the island is occupied by the Dominican Republic, the western part by the Republic of Haiti:


Coffee, cocoa, sugar, tobacco, cotton, cassava, vanilla, bananas, precious woods, and Dominican rum are exported.

2010 earthquake

A magnitude 7.0 earthquake occurred on January 12, 2010 off the coast of Haiti. The epicenter was located 15 kilometers from the city of Port-au-Prince. The city of Port-au-Prince was badly damaged, the number of victims was tens, and according to some estimates, hundreds of thousands of people. The magnitude of the first earthquake, which occurred ten kilometers west of the city of Carrefour, near Port-au-Prince, was 7-7.3. Later, three more repeated earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.5 or higher were recorded in the same area. During the earthquake, many buildings were severely damaged, including the Presidential Palace, as well as the building of the Christophe Hotel, which housed the UN mission in Port-au-Prince.

The number of victims was 222,570 people. Also on February 22, another earthquake with a magnitude of about 4.7 occurred in Haiti, 20 kilometers from the city of Port-au-Prince. 3 people were injured.

see also

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  • Gonionsky S. A. Haitian tragedy. M.: Nauka, 1974.


  • since 1639

Excerpt characterizing Haiti (island)

– Not everything, because you won’t be there; not all,” said Prince Hippolyte, laughing joyfully, and, grabbing the shawl from the footman, even pushed him and began to put it on the princess.
Out of awkwardness or deliberately (no one could make out this) he did not lower his arms for a long time when the shawl was already put on, and seemed to be hugging a young woman.
She gracefully, but still smiling, pulled away, turned and looked at her husband. Prince Andrei's eyes were closed: he seemed so tired and sleepy.
- You are ready? – he asked his wife, looking around her.
Prince Hippolyte hastily put on his coat, which, in his new way, was longer than his heels, and, getting tangled in it, ran to the porch after the princess, whom the footman was lifting into the carriage.
“Princesse, au revoir, [Princess, goodbye," he shouted, tangling with his tongue as well as with his feet.
The princess, picking up her dress, sat down in the darkness of the carriage; her husband was straightening his saber; Prince Ippolit, under the pretext of serving, interfered with everyone.
“Excuse me, sir,” Prince Andrei said dryly and unpleasantly in Russian to Prince Ippolit, who was preventing him from passing.
“I’m waiting for you, Pierre,” said the same voice of Prince Andrei affectionately and tenderly.
The postilion set off, and the carriage rattled its wheels. Prince Hippolyte laughed abruptly, standing on the porch and waiting for the Viscount, whom he promised to take home.

“Eh bien, mon cher, votre petite princesse est tres bien, tres bien,” said the Viscount, getting into the carriage with Hippolyte. – Mais très bien. - He kissed the tips of his fingers. - Et tout a fait francaise. [Well, my dear, your little princess is very sweet! Very sweet and perfect Frenchwoman.]
Hippolytus snorted and laughed.
“Et savez vous que vous etes terrible avec votre petit air innocent,” continued the Viscount. – Je plains le pauvre Mariei, ce petit officier, qui se donne des airs de prince regnant.. [Do you know, you are a terrible person, despite your innocent appearance. I feel sorry for the poor husband, this officer, who pretends to be a sovereign person.]
Ippolit snorted again and said through his laughter:
– Et vous disiez, que les dames russes ne valaient pas les dames francaises. Il faut savoir s"y prendre. [And you said that Russian ladies are worse than French ones. You have to be able to take it on.]
Pierre, having arrived ahead, like a homely man, went into Prince Andrei's office and immediately, out of habit, lay down on the sofa, took the first book he came across from the shelf (it was Caesar's Notes) and began, leaning on his elbow, to read it from the middle.
-What did you do with m lle Scherer? “She’s going to be completely ill now,” said Prince Andrei, entering the office and rubbing his small, white hands.
Pierre turned his whole body so that the sofa creaked, turned his animated face to Prince Andrei, smiled and waved his hand.
- No, this abbot is very interesting, but he just doesn’t understand the matter well... In my opinion, eternal peace is possible, but I don’t know how to say it... But not with political balance...
Prince Andrei was apparently not interested in these abstract conversations.
- You can’t, mon cher, [my dear,] say everything you think everywhere. Well, have you finally decided to do something? Will you be a cavalry guard or a diplomat? – asked Prince Andrei after a moment of silence.
Pierre sat down on the sofa, tucking his legs under him.
– You can imagine, I still don’t know. I don't like either one.
- But you have to decide on something? Your father is waiting.
From the age of ten, Pierre was sent abroad with his tutor, the abbot, where he stayed until he was twenty. When he returned to Moscow, his father released the abbot and said to the young man: “Now you go to St. Petersburg, look around and choose. I agree to everything. Here is a letter for you to Prince Vasily, and here is money for you. Write about everything, I will help you with everything.” Pierre had been choosing a career for three months and had done nothing. Prince Andrey told him about this choice. Pierre rubbed his forehead.
“But he must be a Mason,” he said, meaning the abbot whom he saw at the evening.
“All this is nonsense,” Prince Andrei stopped him again, “let’s talk about business.” Were you in the Horse Guards?...
- No, I wasn’t, but this is what came to my mind, and I wanted to tell you. Now the war is against Napoleon. If this had been a war for freedom, I would have understood; I would have been the first to enter military service; but help England and Austria against greatest man in the world... this is not good...
Prince Andrei only shrugged his shoulders at Pierre's childish speeches. He pretended that such nonsense could not be answered; but indeed it was difficult to answer this naive question with anything other than what Prince Andrei answered.
“If everyone fought only according to their convictions, there would be no war,” he said.
“That would be great,” said Pierre.
Prince Andrei grinned.
“It may very well be that it would be wonderful, but it will never happen...
- Well, why are you going to war? asked Pierre.
- For what? I don't know. That's how it should be. Besides, I’m going... - He stopped. “I’m going because this life that I lead here, this life is not for me!”

A woman's dress rustled in the next room. As if waking up, Prince Andrei shook himself, and his face took on the same expression that it had in Anna Pavlovna’s living room. Pierre swung his legs off the sofa. The princess entered. She was already in a different, homely, but equally elegant and fresh dress. Prince Andrei stood up, politely moving a chair for her.
“Why, I often think,” she spoke, as always, in French, hastily and fussily sitting down in a chair, “why didn’t Annette get married?” How stupid you all are, messurs, for not marrying her. Excuse me, but you don’t understand anything about women. What a debater you are, Monsieur Pierre.
“I keep arguing with your husband too; I don’t understand why he wants to go to war,” said Pierre, without any embarrassment (so common in the relationship of a young man to a young woman) addressing the princess.
The princess perked up. Apparently, Pierre's words touched her to the quick.
- Oh, that’s what I’m saying! - she said. “I don’t understand, I absolutely don’t understand, why men can’t live without war? Why do we women don’t want anything, don’t need anything? Well, you be the judge. I tell him everything: here he is his uncle’s adjutant, the most brilliant position. Everyone knows him so much and appreciates him so much. The other day at the Apraksins’ I heard a lady ask: “est ca le fameux prince Andre?” Ma parole d'honneur! [Is this the famous Prince Andrei? Honestly!] – She laughed. - He is so accepted everywhere. He could very easily be an adjutant in the wing. You know, the sovereign spoke to him very graciously. Annette and I talked about how this would be very easy to arrange. How do you think?

The island of Haiti is located between Cuba and Puerto Rico. It was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492, who named it "La Isla Hispaniola", which means "Spanish Island".
At the end of the 15th century, his brother Bartolomeo founded the colony of New Isabella in the southern part ( modern city Santo Domingo). Gold was found in the east, and the poor western third became the possession of France. The French and Spanish colonies were separated by a 375 kilometer border. These colonies later became the Republic of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, respectively. Historically, the neighbors have not had the best relations. Haiti tried several times to conquer neighboring lands, but could not hold them.

By the end of the 17th century, Haiti had become the richest colony in the New World and surpassed North America in exports. Large-scale production of rum, coffee and sugar was established here.
Haiti Island and:

Today, Haiti is the most populous island in the Americas and the 22nd largest in the world. Its area is 76.5 thousand square meters. km, of which 48.4 thousand sq. km occupies the Dominican Republic. The island is known for frequent earthquakes, the last of which occurred in 2010.

The population of Haiti is about 20 million, of which 9.5 million are Dominicans.

The Dominican Republic is more successful than its neighbor. Many illegal immigrants from Haiti move here to work.

The island of Haiti has a humid tropical climate. About 50% of the area is occupied by wet forests, 20% by dry forests. The remaining parts are savannah and wetlands.

Among the animals and birds there are crocodiles, lizards, sea turtles, herons, flamingos and even a black centipede, which poses a great danger to human life. The stung person is paralyzed and rarely survives. However, tourists do not have to worry, since centipedes live far from settlements, in the very depths of the island.

Haitian cuisine is dominated by beans, rice, meat, poultry, corn, fish, vegetables and fruits. Among the most popular dishes:

Rum is the national drink of the entire island, with the addition of which various cocktails and liqueurs are also made.


The eastern part is occupied by the Dominican Republic, the island in the western part belongs to the Republic of Haiti - the poorest country in America. Average annual temperature The air temperature here is 25 degrees, the thermometer can drop to 15 degrees above zero.

The population of the republic often suffers from natural disasters, famine and coups d'etat. The 2010 earthquake killed more than 200 thousand people and caused a cholera epidemic to spread.

The terrible earthquake of 2010 killed 200,000 people.

In the Western Hemisphere, Haiti has the lowest standard of living, so security is very difficult here. Tourists should be very careful, for example, they are not recommended to visit the slums surrounding the main cities such as Cap-Haitien and Port-au-Prince. These areas are controlled by local gangs.

Next to criminal Haiti is the Dominican Republic, an island of pleasures and heavenly holiday. This is where millions of tourists flock every year.

Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic Haiti- This unique place on earth, the beauty of the landscapes of which will not leave anyone indifferent. It is not for nothing that many couples choose it for their wedding. Photos taken in the lap pristine nature, can satisfy even a true esthete.

The exotic nature and richness of the animal world can be seen during numerous excursions that are held for vacationers in the Dominican Republic. Best time to relax in this wonderful place, filled with an incredible atmosphere of silence and bliss, from December to March. It was at this time weather most optimal. However, the cost of travel packages is at its peak.

In other months it is also nice to fly to the Dominican Republic, beach holiday available here all year round.

Despite the fact that the Dominican Republic is not the richest country in America, along its long snow-white beaches entire chains of luxury hotels with their own tropical beaches have lined up. The territories of some are so large that they have to be moved around on special trains. Almost all of them have an all-inclusive system, which is especially convenient if you are traveling with children.

Most Big City- Santo Domingo. It has many attractions:

  • Cathedral of Santa Maria with the remains of Columbus
  • San Francisco Temple
  • Church of San Nicolas
  • National Library
  • Dominican Man Museum
  • Modern Art Museum.
Santo Domingo does not know peace and quiet. Even at night there is an active life here with dancing until dawn.
fr. Haïti, hait. Ayiti

Image of the island of Haiti from NASA World Wind
Square76,480 km²
Highest pointPeak Duarte 3087 m
Population21,396,000 people (2014)
Population density279.76 people/km²
19°00′00″ n. w. 70°40′00″ W. d. HGIOL
Water areaCaribbean Sea

Orographic map of Haiti
Audio, photo and video on Wikimedia Commons

Alternative title - " Espanola(Spanish) La Española, fr. Hispaniola, Hait. Creole Ispayola)".

The area of ​​Haiti is about 76.48 thousand km². The island's population is more than 20 million people ().


The rivers are full-flowing, turbulent, and mostly have a short length (the largest are Artibonite in the west, Yaque del Norte in the north and Osama in the south). Many lakes; the largest are the drainless Enriquillo and Somatre.


The island was discovered on December 6, 1492 by Christopher Columbus and named by him Hispaniola("Little Spain"); During Columbus's second voyage, the first Spanish colony in the New World was founded here. The Indians resisted the Spanish conquistadors. After this, Great Britain and France began to lay claim to the island. In 1697, the Peace of Riksvik was signed, according to which the western part of the island went to France, and the eastern part remained with Spain. After the outbreak of France's war with Great Britain and Spain, the entire island was captured by the French in 1795.

In 1808, Spain regained the eastern part of the island. In 1821, as a result of the war of liberation, Santo Domingo was freed from the colonialists, but in 1822 it again came under the control of the neighboring Republic of Haiti. In 1844, an anti-Haitian revolt occurred and the Dominican Republic was proclaimed in the eastern part of the island.



2010 earthquake

A magnitude 7.0 earthquake occurred on January 12, 2010 off the coast of Haiti. The epicenter was located 15 kilometers from the city of Port-au-Prince. The city of Port-au-Prince was badly damaged, the number of victims was tens, and according to some estimates, hundreds of thousands of people. The magnitude of the first earthquake, which occurred ten kilometers west of the city of Carrefour, near Port-au-Prince, was 7-7.3. Later, three more repeated earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.5 or higher were recorded in the same area. During the earthquake, many buildings were severely damaged, including the Presidential Palace, as well as the building of the Christophe Hotel, where the mission was housed

Bartolome de Las Casas::: The shortest message about the ruin of the Indies


India were discovered in one thousand four hundred and ninety-two. The following year some of the Christian Spaniards went to settle [in them], so that for forty-nine years there have been a certain number of Spaniards in them; the first land they arrived in to settle was the large and most fertile island of Hispaniola, six hundred leagues in circumference. There are other very large and innumerable islands around, on all sides of it, and they were all, and we saw them densely populated and full of native peoples, the Indians there, so that it was perhaps the most populated land in the world. The continent which is nearest to this island, two hundred and fifty leagues or a little more, has more than ten thousand leagues already discovered. sea ​​coast, and every day they open more, and everything is like a beehive full of people there, which was opened before the year forty-one, so that it seems as if the Lord placed in those lands the entire multitude or most of the entire human race.

The Lord created all these together and countless people of every kind the most simple, without malice and duplicity, the most submissive and faithful to their natural rulers and the Christians whom they serve, the most humble, the most patient, the most peaceful and calm, without discord and rebellion, not quarrelsome , not irritable, without rancor, without hatred, without vindictiveness, which only exists in the world. And at the same time they are the most fragile, weak and delicate in constitution, and those who are least able to endure labor, and who die most easily from any disease, so that the sons of princes and lords among us, raised among pleasures and pampering life, are not more fragile than they, even if they were from a family of workers.

They are at the same time the poorest people, who do not have and do not want to have transitory blessings, and therefore are not arrogant, not vain and not greedy. Their food is such that the meal of the holy desert fathers, it seems, was no more meager, no less tasty, no poorer. They dress in such a way that they usually walk naked, covering their private parts, and at most they are covered with a cotton cloak, which will be a rectangular piece of fabric one and a half or two varas. Their bed is a mat, and moreover, they sleep in some kind of suspended nets, which in the language of the island of Hispaniola are called hamakas [ hamacas].

And the same [concerns] their pure, and unprejudiced, and living mind, very capable and pliable to every good teaching, most suitable for the perception of our holy Catholic faith and for being endowed with virtuous customs; and they are the ones who have the least obstacles to this of all whom the Lord has created in this world. And they have been so persistent since they once began to receive information about matters of faith, in finding out about them, and in administering the sacraments of the Church and worship, that, I say, truly the clergy had the need, in order to endure them, to be endowed by the Lord with the gift outstanding patience; and finally, I have heard many lay Spaniards say for many years and many times, without being able to deny the goodness that was seen in them: “These people would certainly be the most blessed in the world, if only they knew the Lord.”

And to these gentle sheep, endowed by their Creator and Creator with the above-mentioned qualities, the Spaniards rushed in, from the time they learned about them, like the cruelest wolves, and tigers, and lions, hungry for many days. And nothing else was done for forty years in these parts, until today, and today, on this day, they are doing it, except to exterminate them, kill them, oppress them, oppress them, torture them and destroy them with sophisticated, and new, and varied, and never more seen, never read, nor heard of forms of cruelty, of which some few will be spoken of below, to such an extent that, if on the island of Hispaniola there were more than three million souls that we saw, today there are none of it natives and two hundred people. The island of Cuba is almost the same length as from Valladolid to Rome; today it is almost completely deserted. The island of Sant Juan and Hamaica, islands very large, and very fertile, and beautiful, are both devastated. In the islands of Lucayos, neighboring Hispaniola and Cuba to the north, of which there are more than sixty, together with those called the Islands of the Giants, and other large and small islands, and of these the worst is more fertile and beautiful than the royal garden at Seville, and where there were more fifty thousand souls, there is not a single creature today. They were all killed while being transported, or in order to be transported, to the island of Hispaniola, after they saw that its natives had disappeared. When they followed the ship for three years in order to find people on them who would remain after they were killed, since one good Christian was moved by mercy towards those who were there, in order to convert them and deliver them to Christ, they found only eleven people I saw. The other more than thirty islands in the vicinity of the island of Sant Juan are for the same reason deserted and lost. There will be land on all these islands for more than two thousand leagues, which are all deserted and deserted.

Regarding the large continent, we are sure that our Spaniards, with their cruelties and vile deeds, devastated and destroyed, and today they are deserted, but were full of intelligent people, more than ten kingdoms, larger than all of Spain, including Aragon and Portugal, and a land twice longer than from Seville to Jerusalem, which is more than two thousand leagues.

And we give as a very reliable estimate that during these said forty years, due to the said tyrannies and infernal acts of Christians, more than twelve million souls, men, women and children, perished, unjustly and tyrannically; but in fact, as I believe, and I think I am not deceived, there are more than fifteen million of them.

Those who arrived there and called themselves Christians had two generally accepted and main methods in order to uproot and wipe out these unfortunate nations from the face of the earth. One - unjust, cruel, bloody and tyrannical wars. The second, after they killed everyone who could thirst, or sigh, or think about freedom, or about deliverance from the torments they endured, and such were all the local natural rulers and mature men (because according to general rule in wars, only teenagers and women were left alive) - to turn them into the most severe, terrifying and difficult slavery, which neither people nor animals could ever be subjected to. And these two methods of hellish tyranny were limited to, and all the other many and varied manners of extermination of these peoples, which cannot be counted, were reduced to them or were their varieties.

The reason why the Christians ruined and destroyed so many and such and such countless human souls was, in the end, only to have gold, and fill themselves with riches in the shortest time, and rise to the highest position, disproportionate to their personalities (which is worth knowing): because of the insatiable greed and vanity that they had, and which was greater than could have been in the whole world, because these lands were so fertile and so rich, and people were so humble, so patient and so easy to conquer, and for whom they had no more respect, and no more valued and considered no more (I’m telling the truth, for I know and saw it), I won’t say, than animals (for I pray to God that they will be treated and treated like animals), but like, and even less than, dung in the squares. This is how they took care of their lives and their souls, and for this reason all the hundreds of thousands and millions mentioned died outside the faith and without the sacraments. And this is a well-known and attested truth, which everyone, even tyrants and murderers, know and admit, that the Indians in all India never caused any harm to Christians, but considered them strangers from heaven, until first they themselves or their neighbors experienced it many times. , many atrocities, robberies, murders, violence and insults.


Group hanging of Indians on Hispaniola. Engraving by Jodocus van Winge from the book “Narratio regionum indicarum per hispanos qvosdam devastatarum verissima”, 1598.

The island of Hispaniola was the first, as we have said, where the Christians came and began the great extermination and destruction of these peoples, and which was the first to be ravaged and devastated; and when the Christians began to seize the women and children of the Indians to serve them or for base purposes, and to devour their food, which they obtained with their sweat and labor, not being content with what the Indians gave them of their own free will in accordance with the capabilities that each had (which always turned out to be little, because they did not have the custom of having more than what was daily necessary, and was obtained with little labor, and what was enough for three houses with ten people in each for a month, one Christian ate and destroyed for day), and many other violences, and oppressions, and insults were inflicted on them, the Indians began to understand that these people were not supposed to be strangers from heaven, and some hid their food, others their women and children, others fled into the forests to be away from people whose communication turned out to be so cruel and terrible. The Christians beat them with kicks, fists, and sticks, until their hands reached the rulers of the villages. And it got to such impudence and shamelessness that the chief king, lord of the entire island, had one Christian captain rape his own wife.

Since then, the Indians began to look for ways to expel Christians from their lands: they took up weapons, which were very weak, and were little suitable for attack and resistance, and even less for defense (which is why all their wars were not something more than the local game with sticks and even children’s); Christians with their horses, swords, and spears began to inflict massacres and sophisticated cruelties against them. They burst into the villages, and there was no one young or old, no pregnant women, no women in labor whose bellies were not ripped open and who were not cut into pieces, as if they were pouncing on lambs caught in their pens. They bet on who would cut a man in half with one blow, or cut off his head at one time, or disembowel him. They tore babies from their mothers' breasts by their legs and hit their heads on a stone. Others were driven into the river with swords with laughter and jokes, and when they sank into the water, they said: “Gurgle, so-and-so’s body”; other babies were impaled on swords along with their mothers, all of them, no matter how many of them were found in front of them. They built long gallows so that their feet almost touched the ground, and thirteen people each, as a sign of honor and respect for Our Redeemer and the twelve apostles, placing brushwood and fire under them, burned them alive. Others were tied up and tied with dry grass all over their bodies and, having set them on fire, were burned in this way. Others, and everyone they wanted to keep alive, had both their hands cut off, and they carried them hanging, and told them: “Go with the letters.” It meant go and deliver news to the people who had fled into the woods. Rulers and nobles were usually killed in this way: they made bars from rods on slingshot posts, and tied them to them, and placed a weak fire below, so that little by little, uttering cries from this torment, despairing, they gave up the ghost.

Once I saw that when four or five noble [Indians] and rulers were burned on a grate (and even, I think, there were two or three pairs of such grates on which others were burned), because they shouted very loudly, something whether it bothered the captain or prevented him from sleeping, he ordered them to be strangled, and alguacil, who turned out to be worse than the executioner who burned them (I know his name, and even met his relatives in Seville), did not wanted to strangle them, but with his own hands he stuffed a piece of wood into each of their mouths so that they would not make noise, and began to fan the fire under them until they were slowly roasted, as he wanted. I have seen all of the above and countless more. And since all the people who could escape hid in the forests and climbed into the mountains, fleeing from people so inhuman, so unmerciful, and such cruel beasts, destroyers and sworn enemies of the human race, they taught and trained greyhounds, the fiercest dogs, so that, When they saw an Indian, they instantly tore him to pieces, or better yet, pounced on him and devoured him, as if he were a pig. These dogs caused great disasters and carnage. And since sometimes, occasionally and in small numbers, the Indians killed some Christians for just cause and holy justice, they established a law among themselves that for every Christian who was killed by the Indians, the Christians should kill a hundred Indians.

From these words it follows that the beginning " The shortest message"was written in 1541.

1 vara = 83.6 cm.

Modern researchers estimate the population of Hispaniola on the eve of the arrival of Europeans from approximately 400 thousand (Frank Moya Pons) to 1.1 million (Rudolph Zambardino) people (Denevan, William M. Native American Populations in 1492: Recent Researches and revised Hemispheric Estimate // The Native Population of the Americas in 1492. Second Edition / Ed. by William M. Denevan. Madison, WI, The University of Wisconsin Press. 1992. Pp.xxiii-xxiv).

Puerto Rico and Jamaica.

Modern Bahamas.

Modern Turks and Caicos Islands.

Las Casas' estimates of Native American losses are generally considered to be exaggerated. However, according to the data accepted by most researchers, on the eve of the Conquista, in 1519, the population of Mexico without Yucatan was 10 -14 million people (the figure of 11 million people in 1948 was proposed by Sherborne Cook and Woodrow Borah, Rudolf Zambardino in 1981 justified the figure of 6 - 10 million, Thomas Whitmore in 1991 came to a figure of about 14 million people; see: Denevan, William M. Native American Populations in 1492. Pp.xxi-xxii). By 1548 it had fallen to 3.6 million, and by 1568 to 2.65 million (Cook, Sherburne Friend and Woodrow Wilson Borah. Essays in Population History: Mexico and the Caribbean, Vol. 1. Berkeley - Los Angeles - London, University of California Press, 1971. P.82, table. VIII; Zambardino, Rudolf. Errors in Historical Demography // Institute of Mathematics and Its Application. V.17, n.23 (1981). Pp.234 -240). The population of the Inca Empire of Tawantinsuyu by 1532, according to various estimates, was 8 - 15 million people (the lower figure is indicated by K. Smith - Smith, C.T. Depopulation of the Central Andes in the 16th Century // Current Anthropology. 1980. V.11, No. 4/5. P. 460, upper – S.I. Semenov; Semenov S.I. Peru. Historical sketch // Latin America. Encyclopedic reference book. Volume 2. Moscow, Soviet Encyclopedia, 1982. Stb.982. Yu. E. Berezkin considers an acceptable figure of 9–12 million people; Berezkin Yu.E. The Incas. Historical experience of the empire. Leningrad, Nauka, 1991. pp. 78, 194, Nathan Wachtel - 10 - 11.2 million, Noble David Cook - up to 12.8 million; see: Denevan, William M. Native American Populations in 1492. Pp. xxiv-xxv). In 1571, the Indians of the Andes and the Pacific coast of Peru numbered 311.3 thousand tax payers. Based on the fact that there were an average of 4 family members per payer, the Indian population of this region can be estimated at 1.56 million people (Smith, C.T. Depopulation of the Central Andes ... P.453); Considering that the population of Peru (without the Amazon) relates to the population of the territory of the entire Tawantinsuyu approximately as 1: 1.51, we have the total Indian population of the Andean region at that time of approximately 2.35 million people. If we assume that the decrease in the Indian population in the Andes in 1432 - 1572. occurred more or less evenly, then in 1532 - 1548 it will amount to 3.1 - 5.1 million people. Thus, depopulation in only the two most developed and populated regions of the New World by 1548 was: for Mesoamerica - 6.4 - 8.4 million people, for the Andean region - 3.1 - 5.1 million people, to to which about 500 thousand more Indians should be added Antilles, by that time almost completely exterminated, that is, only 10 - 12 million people. If we take the period before 1570, the losses of the Indian population will be: in Mesoamerica - 7.35 - 9.35 million, in the Andes and adjacent areas - 7.65 - 9.65 million, in total (including the Antilles) – 15.55 - 19.55 million people. The frightening figures of Las Casas turn out to be not an exaggeration at all, but a very correct forecast. F. Braudel writes in this regard: “... With the European conquest, America experienced a colossal biological collapse, perhaps not reducing the number of its inhabitants by 10 times, but undoubtedly huge and incomparable with the Black Death and the accompanying catastrophes in Europe in terrible XIV century." (Braudel, Fernand. Material civilization, economics and capitalism, XV - XVIII centuries. Volume I. Structures of everyday life: possible and impossible. Moscow, Progress, 1986. P. 47).

The Taino revolt on Hispaniola began in 1502 and was largely suppressed by 1505.

The Spanish word "espada" means both "sword", "epee" and "rapier". Historians of weapons indicate that in the first half of the 16th century. (i.e., during the Conquest period), the newly appeared rapiers were used mainly as ceremonial weapons, and swords were still used in battle: ordinary, with a blade length of 80-90 cm, and two-handed, 1.4 - 1 long .7 meters (Paul, John, Robinson Charles M. Aztecs and conquistadors. M., Eksmo, 2009. pp.46-49).

This was boasted, in particular, by a certain Alejo Gomez, “who had extensive experience in exterminating the Indians” (Las Casas, Bartolome de. History of the Indies. P.93).

One of the main organizers of the genocide of the Indian population of Hispaniola was the Spanish governor Nicolás de Ovando y Cáceres, commander of the Order of Alcántara in Lares, then the great commander of the Order of Alcántara (1460-1511), who ruled Hispaniola from 1502 to 1509.

According to the “History of the Indies” this happened in the province of Higuey in 1504 (Las Casas, Bartolomé de. History of the Indies. P.98).

This was Juan de Esquivel (c. 1570 - c. 1514), a Sevillian, participant in Columbus's expeditions, to whom Governor Ovando entrusted the suppression of the Indian uprising in the Higuey region.

Galapagos - an archipelago in Pacific Ocean. The islands are best known for the large number of native species and Charles Darwin's research there, which was the first impetus for Darwin's evolutionary theory of the origin of species.

What does the most beautiful pigeon in the world look like? What was the albatross afraid of? What did the sea lion do to the iguana? This is in the report.

1. This photo was taken to show how the planting process occurs. We got to the islands by yacht; such concrete paths were not everywhere:

2. We witnessed a funny picture. The iguana was swimming about its business, and then the sea lion imposed its communication on it and began to catch it by the tail. This is a little exercise for him, but the lizard is very tense:

3. The iguana was more and more worried every minute, I felt very sorry for her. The lion, having played enough, finally let her go and swam away. The dissatisfied lizard went back to the shore and, it seemed to me, regretted a hundred times that she had started the voyage at all:

4. Iguanas have spots of different colors on their bodies. The color depends on what the lizards eat. Those with a reddish belly prefer algae of a similar color:

5. Basking in the sun:

6. I remembered an interesting legend. The ancient Indians believed that the world was located inside a giant house, and these creatures played the role of its walls:

7. There is a similar shot in the film “Pirates” Caribbean Sea" These islands are of volcanic origin. The lava came into contact with water and froze. In some places through holes formed. When contacting a wave, the following effect is obtained:

8. The height of the fountain reached 20 meters, and a rainbow appeared:

9. Eh, it’s a pity I didn’t have time to film the reaction of the seagulls sitting nearby. The poor fellows were seriously afraid and scattered in different directions.

10. Sunbathing:

11. They say it is fashionable to keep them as a pet. Would you have such a pet?

12. We were walking along the path and came across an albatross. By the way, it was isolated as a separate species and called “Galapagos”. He watched us with interest:

13. We walked around the yellow-billed one from the side. He sat, motionless, hatching eggs. Female albatrosses, having put them aside, calmly go about their business, leaving the males to take the rap:

14. And again the iguana. I'm starting to think these lizards are tanning fans:

15. Bird love. A bunch of couples are affectionate with each other:

16. The cute actions continue:

17. By the way, if these comrades take off, the feeling of miniature will disappear as if by hand: their wingspan reaches more than three meters!

18. Blue-footed boobies. During the mating season, they measure the blueness of their paws. The brighter the color, the greater the chance of finding a match:

19. A bird whose exterior resembles our sparrow:

20. The landscape would be absolutely beautiful if it weren’t for the dirty stones:

21. I would like to stay in this place longer and take pictures, take pictures... But, as usual, there was little time.

22. The photo shows the huge wingspan of albatrosses:

23. By the way, they cannot fly up like ordinary birds. Therefore, they dive down from the cliff, pick up speed, spread their wings and only then soar into the sky. Many were afraid to jump down. They shifted in place hesitantly before performing this action.

24. Beautiful:

27. This dove is considered the most beautiful in the world:

28. Coast:

29. Cute Lizard:

30. Backstage:

31. This is the Galapagos, the island of Hispaniola.