Every traveler knows that it is necessary to be at the airport in advance before departure. Arriving at the airport on time will allow you to go through all the procedures before boarding the plane. Before departure, you must go through check-in and control, as well as check in your luggage. Many tourists love to visit the world famous Duty Free store, where they can make bargains. Not all travelers know how long before departure they need to arrive at the airport.

It's hard to name exact time arrival at the airport. Several factors must be taken into account in order to correctly calculate the time of arrival at the airport. For example, the presence of luggage and its check-in will increase the time required to complete the procedures before check-in. Travelers who decide to travel for the first time must also arrive at the airport in advance. And tourists who have checked in for their flight online may arrive at the airport with a slight delay.

To travel by air, you need to take certain things to the airport. First of all, this is documentation. For air travel, a passport and plane ticket are required. If you are a passenger on a domestic flight, a national passport is required Russian Federation. For international air travel you will need a foreign passport.

When purchasing an air ticket through a ticket office or at an airline office, you will receive a paper document. When you book a seat online, you will receive travel document electronic. It is advisable to print it out for a domestic flight, and for an international flight a paper version electronic air ticket required.

To travel to some countries, a visa may be required, that is, special permission to enter the territory of the state. This document is issued to travelers at the embassy, ​​as well as at visa center. To visit some countries, a stamp for obtaining a visa is placed at the airport during registration and control procedures.

Airline employees warn passengers that they must arrive at the airport 2 hours before the airliner’s departure. In this case, you will be able to go through the necessary procedures in order to board the plane in a timely manner. If you are a passenger on an aircraft departing to another country, you should understand that check-in for such flights ends 40-60 minutes before departure. Registration for domestic flights stops 30-40 minutes before the departure of the airliner.

You can find out exact information about the time period of registration procedures on the airline’s official website or by calling the help desk. Typically, boarding ends half an hour before departure. Therefore, if a tourist arrives at the airport later than this time, he will not be allowed to check in as a late arrival.

Some airlines offer online check-in. To do this, the traveler must enter the necessary data on the airline's website to receive a boarding pass. You can find out about the possibility of electronic check-in on the official website of the air carrier. Online check-in is also available on some airport websites. The advantage of electronic registration is a significant saving of time and money.

Another advantage of registering online is that the passenger can receive boarding pass 24 hours before the airliner's departure. Without leaving home, at any convenient time, the passenger checks in independently, thereby avoiding queues at the airport. And due to the fact that the traveler is given the opportunity to register in advance, he can choose the most comfortable places in the cabin of the plane.

The disadvantage of electronic check-in is that it is not possible at some airports and on certain flights. There is also a list of passengers who are not able to check in online. This list includes:

  • travelers accompanying disabled people;
  • carriers of works of art;
  • passengers with animals;
  • tourists with a small child, for whom a free air ticket is purchased.

Airport security officers screen passengers before each boarding. This procedure is mandatory for all air terminals to ensure the safety of tourists and airline workers. During passenger inspection, luggage is checked, as well as hand luggage. This is necessary for the timely detection of prohibited and dangerous things and objects that can harm others during air travel.

The rules of some airports indicate that baggage inspection can occur without the personal presence of the passenger. This usually happens when a traveler simultaneously checks in and checks in. personal luggage. Baggage that will be transported in a separate aircraft compartment will be checked by airport staff independently. And the passenger will have to show the contents of his hand luggage before boarding the airliner.

There are no uniform standards for transporting baggage on board an aircraft. Every country and airline has specific rules, but some air cargo standards are the same around the world. There is a unified list of items, materials and substances that are strictly prohibited on board a passenger aircraft. You can read a detailed list of prohibited baggage on the official website of the airline or airport. Passengers are prohibited from taking weapons, explosives, toxic substances, or flammable liquids on the plane.

As for hand luggage, the list of permitted items can also be found on the airline’s website or at the airport help desk. If you have any questions, it is better to contact the airline or airport.

You should be aware that travelers are allowed to take a limited amount of liquid on board an airplane. And be prepared that the rules regarding the carriage of baggage and hand luggage during air travel may change at the request of airline or airport employees.

If you are one of the leisurely people, then you need to arrive at the airport no later than 2 hours before the departure of the aircraft. If you checked in for the plane online, you don’t have to rush too much. The check-in procedure for domestic flights usually ends 40 minutes before the airliner's departure. The passenger must arrive at the airport before the check-in procedure is completed. Therefore, calculate the travel time to the airport in advance so as not to miss the plane.

International flights: passenger arrival time

To travel abroad, the passenger will need to undergo a different number of procedures before boarding the plane. In addition to checking in for the flight, the traveler must be checked at the customs and passport and visa departments. Therefore, the time spent at the airport before an international flight increases. Airline employees recommend that passengers who decide to leave our country arrive at the airport 3 hours before the plane's departure. This will allow you not to be late for your flight if difficulties arise when going through mandatory procedures at the airport.

Additional reasons for arriving early at the airport

If the plane takes off at an unfamiliar airport, you may need additional time to find the necessary departments. If the airport is large, then be prepared to stand in long lines to check in and go through security.

Packing and checking in luggage also requires additional time. And those who like to shop at Duty Free should take care in advance of having free time to visit their favorite store.

If you follow certain rules, you will go through the necessary procedures before your flight quickly and without problems. When packing your luggage and hand luggage, read the list of prohibited items in advance. This will allow you to quickly pass security checks. Sometimes there are doubts about the safety of certain substances transported by air, so leave questionable items at home.

All documents required for air travel must be in perfect order. If you purchased your ticket and checked in online, please print your electronic travel documents first.

If you are traveling without luggage and checked in online, you can go straight to the security checkpoint. And then you just have to wait to board the plane.

If, after completing registration and other control procedures, you have to wait for a plane, you can use the services from the list completely free of charge:

  • visiting the mother and baby room;
  • the ability to use the telephone;
  • baggage check-in;
  • if the flight is delayed by 2 hours or more, passengers can receive free drinks;
  • if the plane is delayed for 4 hours or more, tourists are fed hot meals;
  • if the airliner is delayed for 8 hours or more, the passenger can count on a hotel room and free travel to it.

If you require at least one of the above services, please contact the airport staff.

Arrival time at the airport

The passenger must arrive at the airport long before the plane's departure time. This is natural, because before boarding a flight you must go through a certain list of procedures.

Punctuality greatly simplifies life for both the staff and the passenger himself. So, how long before departure do you need to be at the airport? In short, then in 1.5-3 hours.

However, it would be wrong, as they say, to paint everyone with the same brush. Situations are different, airports even more so. Therefore, in practice, the question of how many minutes before departure you need to arrive at the airport does not have a clear answer. It all depends on:

  • flight distance (domestic or international flight);
  • carrier requirements;
  • presence or absence of luggage;
  • Internet registration options;
  • characteristics of the country and the airport.

In order not to confuse a person who went to, or who has forgotten how everything works in practice, it is worth examining these nuances in detail. And you can give it right away general advice: if you don’t know your way around terminals, have never flown on an airplane, or are afraid of getting lost at the airport, add at least another half hour of time from the set time so as not to be late.

If you, add another 30-20 minutes of time, because the pet will be examined by airport staff. It is also worth advising you to check and prepare documents in advance, keep them at hand in full, so as not to delay the process and eliminate absent-mindedness with all the ensuing consequences.

How long before departure does check-in begin?

Usually, check-in starts 2 hours before departure. You can, in this case it will be enough to arrive 40 minutes in advance. In most cases, the time coordinates will be exactly the same, and if you have doubts on this issue, you can call the carrier in advance or look at the information on its website.

Electronic check-in usually becomes available a day before departure, and is very convenient to use. This will save you from having to stand in line at the airport terminal and allow you to travel in a relaxed environment. And your boarding pass will already be in your hands, and you won’t have to arrive much in advance.

Check-in usually ends 40 minutes before departure. By this time, all passengers must be at the airport, complete the procedure and be ready for departure. This is true for both domestic and international flights; check-in almost always ends at the same time.

How long before departure do I need to be at the airport for domestic flights?

This information is relevant specifically for domestic flights that do not require customs clearance and generally provide simpler conditions. For domestic flights, just come to the airport 1.5-2 hours before departure.

How long before departure do I need to be at the airport for international flights?

With international flights, things are a little more complicated. Arriving 2 hours in advance will not be enough here; you simply will not have time to go through all the procedures, and you will either be late or have to rush and displease everyone around you.

So, how long before departure do you need to be there if you are going on vacation or business to another country? To successfully take off on an international flight, You should arrive at the airport at least 3 hours in advance. In this case, you will be able to slowly go through all the procedures, wait a little, walk through and get to the gate without rushing.

When flying internationally, before boarding, you must go through not only check-in for the flight, but also customs, security control, present all documents, and so on. Again, it is worth noting that flying with a pet will require additional procedures; you will have to take this into account and arrive even earlier. In general, arriving at the airport 3-3.5 hours before departure will ensure a successful flight if we're talking about about an international flight.

Traveling by air requires responsibility and punctuality of the passenger, because you will have to arrive at the airport in advance. Check-in, baggage handling, boarding - these standard procedures are familiar to tourists who fly frequently. However, people who have a question about how long before departure they need to be at the airport. Let's deal with this problem and clarify some of the nuances of the topic.

It is difficult to indicate the optimal time of arrival at the airport. This factor is determined by the direction of the flight, the specific requirements of the carrier, the availability of checked baggage, and the ability to check in for the flight on the Internet. In addition, the ability to quickly navigate the terminal of the runway complex allows the tourist to linger a little on the way. However, in such situations it is appropriate not to abuse your own time.

Remember, pre-takeoff procedures include clearing customs, security and boarding. When a person has completed self-registration online in advance, the airline allows arrival at the terminal forty minutes before the departure of the aircraft. During this time it will be possible to pass pre-flight inspection, if the passenger is not carrying oversized items or excess baggage.

Keep in mind that the pet requires additional inspection by airport terminal employees, so it is advisable to have a maximum time reserve here.

To minimize potential problems, prepare the necessary paperwork for your flight. Travelers are advised to keep their passport ready and route receipt with boarding pass. However, this package of documents is appropriate when traveling around Russia. When planning an international flight, additionally prepare your passport and visa if the conditions of entry into a particular country require the tourist to receive this document in advance. Although the conditions for crossing the borders of individual states allow a permit stamp, which is placed directly by the airport terminal employee.

Checking in on board the aircraft at the boarding complex building

Since the first step for a traveler before a flight is registration, let us clarify how many hours in advance check-in for a plane at the airport begins. This procedure directly depends on the type of flight. Usually, in order to get approved for flights within the country, a passenger only needs to arrive two hours before the stated departure time of the plane. Moreover, airlines finish processing passengers on average 40 minutes before departure.

It is appropriate to check specific information on this issue on the airline website or from an employee by contacting a company representative by phone. However, today a reasonable alternative is available that reduces temporary losses of passengers - electronic registration. Moreover, the service is available to the carrier’s clients a day before the scheduled take-off of the aircraft. For this reason, most citizens prefer to use modern technological advances.

Keep in mind that such a service also involves choosing a suitable chair in a relaxed home environment. Here, the passenger arrives at the terminal already having a boarding pass in hand, and this fact saves the person from having to stand in line at the counter or self-service terminal of the airport terminal.

True, such a service today is not available to all categories of citizens. The exceptions here are people who accompany sedentary people or children, airline customers transporting valuable art objects or pets. Considering that we have considered the main aspects of the question of how long it takes to arrive at the airport for domestic flights to arrange departure, let’s deal with the problem of international routes.

Here the task for the passenger is complicated by additional customs clearance and checks of entry documents. For these reasons, airlines recommend that tourists arrive at the airport for an international flight three hours before departure. This time interval allows you to slowly go through the necessary procedures and catch the boarding announcement. Of course, online registration simplifies the task somewhat and allows the traveler to arrive at the terminal an hour and a half before the officially announced departure.

Passing security check

An important and mandatory step for tourists on all types of flights is the inspection of passenger luggage. Airline customers go through this procedure before boarding, so when planning a trip it is appropriate to take into account the time spent on security checks. Control involves identifying items in the belongings of airline clients that are prohibited for transportation by the airliner, and becomes a component of flight safety.

If a passenger plans to check-in at the airport terminal, travel bags for the luggage compartment are inspected by employees without the presence of the client. In such situations, tourists take part only in verification. Once the traveler has registered online, the airport terminals here offer screening at a specially designated counter.

This process takes 10–20 minutes. It will be possible to reduce the verification procedure to a minimum if you clarify in advance the list of things that are prohibited for transportation in the aircraft cabin and luggage compartment.

Airlines form according to approved tariff schedules, so it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the rules for carrying luggage on a particular carrier’s aircraft when booking seats. Although the general prohibition on transportation applies to flammable and flammable liquids and substances, explosives, toxic compounds, and weapons. Airlines limit the transportation of liquids in the cabin to one liter and have strict requirements for the packaging conditions of such cargo. Therefore, familiarization with the airline conditions is a mandatory step for the passenger, which reduces the time spent on checking travel bags.

Nuances for beginners

Experienced travelers always try to have some free time before boarding a flight. After all, registration stops 40 minutes before the plane departs, and boarding stops twenty minutes before. Passengers who have not completed the necessary formalities on time are not allowed on board by the carrier. Considering that it will not always be possible to get your money back for a failed trip, it is appropriate to adhere to the time frame allotted by the airline and arrive at the departure point on time.

Do not forget that on the way to the air terminal there may be traffic jams and other unforeseen situations, so it is advisable to properly plan the time for travel to the runway complex. In addition, you can save time when using online services for booking and registering air tickets. Such actions will add an “extra” half hour to an hour to the tourist, which they will be able to plan for force majeure on the road.

Visiting the airport for the first time forces the traveler to waste time searching for the necessary counters and offices. Therefore, allow another 5–10 minutes for such actions. Don’t forget about the queues for specific categories of airport terminal employees. Passengers spend up to 20 minutes on this.

Regarding visits to duty-free shops, it is advisable to take this point into account. After all, such zones offer for sale goods that airlines allow for free transportation in hand luggage. The main thing is to keep the receipt and original packaging in order to present these items at control. It is appropriate to calculate the time for visiting Duty Free based on personal needs and capabilities. Although it takes some people up to 25 minutes to get acquainted with the presented assortment.

Save time

Some travelers are interested in how to speed up the process of completing formalities at the airport. Here, airline employees recommend using several available tips. Online check-in requires documentary confirmation. Therefore, print out the receipt and coupon in advance to arrive at the checkpoint with the necessary papers. It is also appropriate to duplicate this information on electronic media.

You can save personal time by studying the rules and operating procedures of airlines in order to pack your suitcases correctly and in accordance with the carrier’s requirements

When packing suitcases, try to ensure that the weight and dimensions of the bags comply with the carrier's standards. Please remember that booking seats for an additional fee will take more time. Try to resolve such issues in advance. And if you are traveling lightly, it is advisable to first have your luggage checked. These simple tricks save travelers time, which beginners spend on registration.

How to brighten up the wait

Situations where travelers fail to time things correctly happen every day. Newcomers arrive long before departure, but go through the necessary procedures quite quickly. That is, people have at least half an hour left before boarding the plane is announced. In addition, a delay in the departure of the aircraft due to technical reasons cannot be completely ruled out. Carriers understand the complexity of this problem and have created comfortable conditions so that customers can spend their free time without losing comfort.

For the convenience of customers, comfortable conditions for waiting for a flight have been created on the territory of the takeoff and landing complexes: halls, areas for children, cafeterias and shops.

At the airport, passengers have the right to wait for their flight for free in the general lounge or special VIP rooms, if the purchased air tickets provide for such services. On the territory of the complex, parents with children have access to a separate children's area. Clients hand over their luggage to a storage room without additional fees. If flight delays are up to two hours, tourists are offered drinks.

When a flight is delayed by 4 hours, travelers have the right to count on hot meals, and flight delays that last more than eight hours allow passengers to qualify for a bed in a hotel at the expense of the airline.

Study the flight rules, baggage transportation standards and air ticket tariff plans - this information will help you navigate the packing of travel bags and reduce the time of going through control. However, do not forget that any cargo that does not fit into standard standards requires additional clearance and payment. Accordingly, such a situation requires the person to arrive at the airport in advance.

Completing pre-flight formalities requires passengers to arrive at the airport in advance
Check-in for domestic flights begins two hours before and ends 40 minutes before the scheduled departure time.
Considering that traveling abroad requires verification of passenger documents and customs control, airline employees recommend that clients arrive at the airport 3 hours before the plane takes off.
Inspection of the passenger's luggage takes place after check-in, but takes up to half an hour
If you are flying for the first time, keep in mind that there are queues at the airport checkpoints, and there may be congestion on the way to the airport

Those who have already repeatedly used the services air transport, learned to manage their time before the flight, managing to complete all the necessary procedures. Beginners need to learn all this, but they should immediately take into account one rule - it is better to arrive at the airport in advance in order to have a 100% guarantee of your presence on board the chosen airliner.

Departure procedure

To take off on a flight, passengers will have to wait in more than one line. For domestic flights, the check-in procedure will take less time than for international ones, but you will still need to check in your baggage and go through a hand luggage inspection, as well as check in for the flight if you were unable to do this in advance via the Internet.

Traveling abroad may also include customs inspection. If you have to go through the red corridor, you will have to plan a few minutes for it too. How much time passengers must complete all these procedures before boarding the plane can be clarified on the board at the airport (or on the company’s website). Here you can also add the period of time allotted for visiting shops in the duty-free zone (in the case of a trip abroad).

One line can be overcome in a matter of minutes, but you will have to linger at another counter if some rules are not followed:

  • the overall dimensions of luggage or hand luggage are not maintained;
  • there is an excess of baggage and baggage of excess weight, and you will have to pay for the excess;
  • prohibited items are found in a bag or suitcase - you will have to spend time solving this problem.

Having a boarding pass in hand, received via the Internet, the passenger goes to a separate baggage drop-off counter, if there is one at the airport (otherwise, he will have to join the general queue).

Search procedure

It can take a lot of time to search hand luggage, since they first determine whether the bag matches the required dimensions and weight, then check the contents to ensure there are no prohibited or dangerous items (their list should be read in advance).

This procedure is necessary (and mandatory), and the security service carries it out carefully. The more discrepancies there are, the longer the inspection will take. To avoid unpleasant moments, it is worth studying in advance the requirements for the carriage of baggage and baggage that are imposed by a specific air carrier.

There are no standard lists here; an individual list can be found on the website. The ban applies to the transportation of weapons, explosives, fire hazards, oxidizing and toxic substances.

It should be taken into account that hand luggage is checked with special care, since it will be located directly in the aircraft cabin. There are some nuances here regarding the things you can have with you. What is allowed to be carried on board must be compactly packaged and comply with the established parameters.

If you find items in your luggage that are not on the list of permitted items, some of them can be transferred to your luggage. But what cannot be carried in a suitcase will have to be “attached” somewhere. It’s good if the person accompanying you is nearby - he can take these things with him. Otherwise, you will either have to say goodbye to prohibited items or abandon this flight.

Customs officers also pay attention to luggage, checking to see if there are any items that cannot be taken abroad (those that are wanted or that are the property of the state).

Note! To reduce the time for inspections and avoid various delays, you should plan everything in advance by packing in your luggage and putting only things allowed on the airline’s lists. But you need to be at the airport long before check-in ends in any case.

How to speed up the registration procedure

To spend less time standing in queues, you should register in advance by going to the airline’s website. Most of them offer this service. Opens online registration usually 24-30 hours before flight departure. The sooner the passenger passes it, the more chances he has to choose a more comfortable seat in the cabin.

Note! It is better to print the provided boarding pass in advance so as not to waste time at the airport. Baggage can be checked in the same way, but it must comply with all the standards established for free transportation. Otherwise, you will have to stand in line to pay for the excess weight.

Online check-in does not exempt you from baggage inspection. To speed it up, you will need to take into account the regulatory parameters when purchasing suitcases. When packing your luggage at home, you need to take into account as much as possible permissible weight. You should clarify in advance what you can take with you on a trip and what you should leave at home.

If you still have to stand in line at the check-in counter, you should prepare everything in advance Required documents. For flights within the country, it is enough to present a passport and a ticket (paper version, since the electronic version is already available in the carrier’s computer database). If several people are traveling together, all documents for registration are submitted at the same time, not forgetting the children’s birth certificates.

For an international flight you will also need a passport. If the country to which the passenger is traveling requires a visa, then this must also be presented to the registrar.

When flying regionally within Russia and abroad, you can travel light – only with hand luggage and without baggage. This further simplifies check-in for the flight - just show your luggage to the security representative and go through passport control. All this will take no more than half an hour.

Important! But this does not mean at all that you need to be at the airport right before the departure of the plane. It is always better to have extra time to feel calm, especially for those who are always nervous about the upcoming flight.

When online registration is not allowed

You should not rely on registration via the Internet - you should first make sure that the company provides such a service. Then you need to find out whether a similar option is allowed at the airport through which the passenger departs for the flight - not all cities practice this type of registration.

But even if both the company and the airport give the go-ahead, not all passengers will have to use this service, since there are many restrictions:

  • travelers with small children who are issued free ticket, check in at the airport;
  • the same applies to people with disabilities, as well as persons accompanying them;

  • if you have to transport animals, you won’t be able to get past the check-in counter (plus, you must go through a pet inspection and receive a registration card for it);
  • transportation of works of art in luggage is also registered at the check-in counter;
  • jewelry, large sums of money, etc. require declaration, so you will have to check in for the plane at the airport.

If you do not take these points into account and register online, you will still have to go through this procedure again. Therefore, you need to know how much it costs to arrive at the airport in order to be on time.

Why you should leave early

When flying for the first time, newcomers always try to clarify how long they need to arrive at the airport. In order to have time to arrange everything, you should know not only the time, what time the plane departs, but also how many hours in advance check-in for the flight takes place. The standard is to start registration 3 hours before departure on international routes, 2 hours on regional routes, and the procedure ends in 40-30 minutes.

Note! These points should be clarified in advance - some airlines (and airports too) have their own specifics. 1.5-2.5 hours for all flight registration procedures is too short a period, so crowds always form at the counters.

You shouldn’t wait for the queues to clear up and arrive at the airport just as passengers are boarding. You should always assume the risk of force majeure situations in order to arrive at the airport on time:

  • The road may be overloaded with vehicles, which can create traffic jams. This is especially observed in tourist season, as well as on weekends;
  • The route can be crossed railways, on which locomotive maneuvers will begin at the most inopportune moment;
  • Vehicle breakdowns and unforeseen emergency situations should not be ruled out.

Therefore, you should leave for the airport as early as possible in order to have the necessary time reserve and be in time for check-in. This will give you a chance to be at the front of the line and quickly go through all the necessary procedures, and then calmly wait to board the plane.

If a newbie is traveling

It is especially important to show up early at the airport for those who have not yet used the services of air carriers. They will need extra minutes to get used to the bustle of the airport, as well as to find their way in search of the electronic board and familiarize themselves with the information available there about how long before departure boarding ends.

It will also take time to study the location of check-in counters, customs inspection points for baggage and hand luggage, the location of terminals and access to the Duty Free zone. It is also important to know the sequence of all necessary procedures, as well as how long it takes to complete everything. Only in this way will the passenger feel more confident, so as not to fuss and be nervous.

Important! Checked baggage and hand luggage are equipped with special tags - this ensures that things do not get lost during the flight. But if a passenger accidentally loses his boarding pass, he will not be allowed on board the plane. There may simply not be enough time to print a duplicate before departure.

If you have a lot of free time left

Some passengers do not like to waste their time tediously waiting for departure at the airport, so they tend to arrive not at the beginning of check-in, but closer to its end. But, according to the majority, calm waiting is better than haste, and in order not to be bored, you should take care of your leisure time.

You are allowed to have books, periodicals or crossword puzzles in your hand luggage. You can travel with tablets or laptops, having previously downloaded exciting games, interesting films or programs, as well as electronic literature into your gadgets. If you have time, all this will help brighten up the remaining minutes before departure. These funds will come in handy if the flight is delayed.

There are cozy restaurants and cafes at the airport where you can have a tasty snack and chat with those seeing you off. Those flying abroad have the opportunity to stroll through Duty Free outlets - the duty-free zone offers a wide range of goods for various occasions. But before purchasing anything here, you should clarify whether the purchase can be carried on the plane.

If your flight is delayed

For a number of reasons, flights may be delayed (bad weather, aircraft replacement and other force majeure). In this case, the airport administration, together with the airline whose flight is delayed, will take care of the convenience of passengers forced to languish while waiting.

  • If there is a mother and child room at the airport, it will certainly be provided to those traveling with children;
  • Some airports will take care of the leisure of little passengers by inviting them to visit the playground;
  • If there is a delay of 1-2 hours, passengers will be provided with free drinks;
  • If more than 4 hours - then hot meals;
  • A hotel is provided free of charge if the flight is rescheduled for more than 8 hours.

If a passenger wants to take a different flight, the company will take this into account and accommodate it, trying to put the client on the nearest plane in the chosen direction.


When planning a trip, many tourists are interested in the question, how long in advance should they arrive at the airport? In fact, everything will depend on where you plan to fly, whether you have luggage with you, whether you plan to fly during the holiday season or not, etc. Of course, in any case, you need to arrive at the airport earlier than the scheduled time.

How many hours before departure should I arrive at the airport?

You should arrive at the airport before check-in begins. As a rule, this should be done several hours before departure. If you plan to fly abroad, then it will take at least 2.5 - 3 hours. If you are flying across Russia, then you can arrive in 2 hours. You can't be late for your flight. Check-in usually ends 40 minutes before departure.

If tourists are planning to fly for the first time, they already know how long it may take to complete all the formalities. If you are planning to fly for the first time, then it is better to plan everything and arrive earlier, because tourists may not know how the airport works. Sometimes it is difficult to find your way around the airport and understand exactly where to go for check-in and what to do. This may take a long time.

Why do you need to arrive at the airport in advance?

There may be several reasons why you need to arrive at the airport ahead of schedule. So, in addition to registration, additional time may be required to pack your luggage, go through security, go to duty-free stores, etc. The most important thing to consider is that you will have to go through several stages of security at the airport.

First of all, upon arrival at the airport, you must go through security screening. Here it is checked whether passengers are carrying anything prohibited in their luggage or hand luggage. If you don't like something, you have to post it. In order not to waste time on this, it is better to study the list of permitted and prohibited things that you can take with you before the flight. In addition, at the entrance to the airport you will need to go through additional metal detectors. This usually doesn't take too long, but there may be a queue in front of them.

Usually before international flights First of all, customs control is carried out, followed by registration and then passport and visa control. All this will take time. That is why you should not hope that there will be few people and that all this will happen quickly.

Tourists who have booked their tours through a travel agency should also take care of their early arrival at the airport. Often plane tickets are issued directly at the airport. You need to have time to pick them up before departure, and to do this, first find the counter of your travel company.

It is worth coming in advance for those who want to receive good places together. In this case, you need to be in time for check-in at the airport. If you arrive closer to its end, then even a married couple can get seats at different ends of the plane or in adjacent rows. The same applies to companies traveling together. To sit in adjacent seats, you must also arrive at the start of registration, i.e. in 2.5 - 3 hours. More exact times should be found out in advance at the airport.

Today, some airlines can check in passengers online. In this case, you don’t have to come to check-in, but go through it a day before the flight. However, this opportunity is not always provided and not on all flights. Thus, you should arrive at the airport several hours before departure. If there are any complicating factors, such as transporting animals, unusual luggage, etc., then it is better to arrive even earlier in order to have everything processed on time.