Unlike most Adriatic cities, Šibenik does not have a Greco-Roman past. It developed around a Croatian fortress of the 12th century, and in the 15th century it came under the rule of the Venetians and became an important stronghold in their struggle against the Ottoman Empire. Sibenik – main city Average It was a thriving industrial port. However, due to the war in the 90s of the 20th century and the accompanying economic downturn, aluminum and chrome plants were closed, so the city entered the new century as one of the most disadvantaged in an economic sense.

The Croatian city of Sibenik is not a resort, and there is no point in staying there if you prefer a beach holiday. However, it is pleasant to walk through the labyrinth of medieval streets in the city center. And the local cathedral is one of the most beautiful architectural monuments on the coast. As a transport hub, Šibenik is not as important as Šibenik, but ferries run from the port to some of the coastal islands. In addition, there is bus routes to the waterfalls of the Krka National Park and to medieval castle Knin.

Šibenik bus station with luggage storage and ticket office (daily 7:00-22:00) is located southeast of the city center on the Hrvatske Mornarice embankment. The train station is a ten minute walk to the south. From there, trains go only to, from which there is a rare bus connection with Split and.

The tourist office on the waterfront (Obala Franje Tudmana 5; from May to mid-September daily 8:00-20:00, from late September to April Monday-Friday 8:00-14:00) provides information about the entire Šibenik area and distributes brochures free of charge and city maps. There are several excursion agencies in Sibenik: Atlas (Trg Republike Hrvatske 2); "Ivante" (Prvicka 12) and "Mag Tours" (next house; Obala Franje Tudmana 2-a).

They all organize one-day trips to the islands (250-300 kn) and national park Krka (220 kuna). Slaptours company near railway station(Fra Jerolima Milete 7) guides tourist groups for rafting on the Zrmanja and Centina rivers. If you want to visit on your own, then go to the park office (Trg Ivana Pavla II 5). There you will be provided with all the necessary information and given maps.

Sibenik has quite convenient connections with other cities. All buses running along the sea between Zadar, Split and. The main coastal ferries do not call at Šibenik, but in summer there are five daily sailings to Vodice. There are two flights on Sundays. These ferries call at . Tickets can be purchased at the Jadrolinija office on the waterfront (Obala Franje Tudmana; Monday-Saturday 4:45-20:30, Sunday 7:00-11:00 and 18:30-20:45).

There is only one operating hotel in the city center. A few more are located on the outskirts. Thus, there are few places in Sibenik where holidaymakers can stay. The situation is not improved by the Solaris resort complex, which is located six kilometers south of the city. He occupies an overly isolated position. Every hour buses go from the local bus stop in Sibenik to the Jadranska banka bank near the market. In addition, there are no interesting objects near the resort complex.

The nearest tent cities belong to resort complex. Solaris-Lucica is a huge area where you can pitch a tent, located near the marina. Tent city Solaris-Zablace is located two kilometers north of the main Solaris complex on a wooded peninsula behind the harbor village of Zablace (the Sibenik-Zablace bus runs every 1-2 hours). Both campsites are on the coast, but the local beaches are concrete platforms.

The agencies Cromovens (Trg Republike Hrvatske 4) and Nik (Ante Supuka 5) offer private rooms in the center of Sibenik and apartments on the outskirts, but there are very few of them. There is a little more accommodation for tourists in an unassuming seaside town seven kilometers south of the city. City buses run to this village, and if you arrive on a weekend, you can save time by heading straight there. If you want to explore Sibenik and its surroundings in more detail, you can stay anywhere, in any locality where the bus goes, from to.

  • Sibenik Hotels

1). Hotel Jadran– Medium-sized hotel. The rooms are unremarkable, but quite decent, with all amenities and a TV. Located right next to the embankment, a five-minute walk from most local ones. Location: Obala Franje Tudmana 52;

2). Hotel Panorama– Functional cubic building from the 70s. The rooms are simple but normal, with all amenities. Is in four kilometers north of the city, near the bridge over the Krka estuary. From this place there are truly magical views of Sibenik, located downstream. The same panorama opens from some of the hotel's southern windows. Buses running between Sibenik and Vodice stop at a local stop along the way. Location: Sibenski most;

3). Pension Petricevic– A small family guesthouse five kilometers south of the city offers rooms with simple furnishings and a private bathroom. There is a good pizzeria on the ground floor. The hotel is located near the main road to Split, at the point where the road approaches the Solaris resort complex. Buses do not stop near the hotel, so you will need a car. Opening hours: from May to October. Location: Podsolarsko 78;

4). Hotel complex Solaris– An ordinary hotel complex six kilometers south of the city center, including five three-star hotels (Ivan, Andrija, Jakov, Jure, Niko) and several unremarkable beaches. Some beaches are concrete, others are gravel, like parking lots. Guests of all these hotels have access to an indoor swimming pool and a beauty salon.

Sights of Sibenik

The ancient city center, clinging to the hillside, is a close interweaving of streets, steps and arches. There are two main streets: Zagrebacka and Kralja Tomislava (the latter is often called “Kalerga”). These highways run from the Croatian Republic Square (Trg Republike Hrvatske), the very heart of the city, to the modern Poljana Marsala Tita Square.

If you enter the Old Town along Zagrebačka Street, you will soon find yourself in one of the small medieval squares of Šibenik - Bozidar Petranovic (Bozidara Petranovica). The Church of the Assumption of Our Lady (Crkva Uspenja Bogomatere) overlooks this square. The main feature of this baroque building is the bell tower built on the facade. It is a slightly strange but elegant structure.

The building is currently the seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church, whose diocese extends inland and covers the traditionally Serb-populated area of ​​Knin. Walking a little further, you will see the Church of St. John (Crkva svetog Ivana). It is believed that the external staircase with balustrade, from the ground floor to the gallery, was built by the famous architect Nikola Firentinac (who also worked on the cathedral).

The four-story bell tower houses Šibenik's first mechanical clock. They were created in 1648. Zagrebáčka then opens onto the stepped street Don Krste Stosica, which leads to the small, simple Church of St. Chrysogonus (Crkva svetog Krsevana), which currently hosts seasonal art exhibitions.

Going left along one of the small streets, you will find yourself on Kralja Tomislava Street, where after sharp turn to the right you will find yourself near the Church of St. Barbara (Crkva svete Barbare), which houses a modest collection of church art (Zbirka crkvene umjenosti; in summer, Monday-Friday 9:30-12:00 and 17:30-20:00, Saturday 9:30-13 :00). The crown jewel of the collection is a 15th-century polyptych depicting the Madonna and Child surrounded by saints.

This work belongs to the brush of Blaz Yuriev from, the leading Dalmatian painter of the time, who brought the style of the Italian Renaissance to the art of the Eastern Adriatic. On a small street near the church there is the Ruler's Palace (Knezeva palaca), which currently houses the City Museum (Muzej grada Sibenika; in summer daily 10:00-13:00 and 17:00-22:00, the rest of the time Monday-Friday 10: 00-13:00; free). The museum hosts prestigious seasonal exhibitions.

  • Cathedral and its surroundings

Directly north of the City Museum is the Croatian Republic Square (Trg Republike Hrvatske) and the Gothic Renaissance Cathedral of St. James (Katedrala svetog Jakova; daily 9:00-17:30). The construction of this building excited the imagination and emptied the wallets of city residents throughout almost the entire 15th century. The idea to build a new cathedral dates back to 1402, but war, lack of funds and disputes over the choice of location delayed the start of construction until 1431. Then a group of Italian architects erected the first Gothic floor of the current building.

However, the residents did not like the old-fashioned Gothic style, and they invited another architect, Juraj Dalmatinac, to continue construction. Work under his leadership continued for more than 30 years with varying success, interrupted by many years of lack of funds, two plague epidemics and one catastrophic fire. The cathedral was built to the roof when the architect died in 1473. His work was continued by Nicola the Florentine, who may have been a student of Donatello himself.

Nikola built the roof and domes. Probably, the designs for these parts were created by Dalmatians. As a result, the architectural appearance of the building is an intriguing mixture: the portals and windows of the ground floor are made in the Venetian Gothic style, and the upper part of the walls, roof and domes are in the style of the Florentine Renaissance. The northern entrance to the cathedral is bordered by an arch, which is decorated with twisted floral patterns. It is because of such decorations that the Dalmatian style is sometimes called “floral gothic”.

Two lions, standing on their hind legs, support rather crudely carved figures of Adam and Eve, bowed in repentance. The interior of the church harmoniously combines Gothic and Renaissance forms. The sloping space and lighting from the east draws the eye to the light gray Dalmatian stone of the towering altar. From the southern apse a staircase leads down to the Baptistery, built by Dalmatians. This is a very beautiful room, decorated with Gothic carvings. Four scallop-shaped niches rise to a vaulted ceiling, beneath which cherubs are depicted at play.

Outside, on the back side of the cathedral, Dalmatinac carved a unique stone frieze depicting 71 heads. Apparently, these are portraits of those who refused to contribute to the construction of the cathedral. This is a living cross-section of 16th century society. On the northern apse, under two angels with scrolls, he left his own signature: Hoc opus cuvarum fecit magister Georgius opus cuvarum fecit magister Georgius Mathei Dalmaticus. – “These apses were carved by master Juraj Dalmatinac, the son of Matej.” The roof drum, made of huge stone plates, was an amazing structure for its time.

However, the central streets of Sibenik are so narrow that it is difficult to find a point from which the drum can be clearly visible. You will probably be able to see the figure of the Archangel Michael, high in the southeast corner. This young man with curly hair cheerfully strikes a demon with a spear. The Croatian Republic Square (Trg Republike Hrvatske) itself is surrounded by ancient buildings. Directly opposite the cathedral is the town hall with a covered colonnade from the 16th century. During World War II, the colonnade was heavily damaged by bombing, but was subsequently restored.

Part of it is currently occupied by a cafe. On the north side of the square is the small Bunari Museum (daily in summer 10:00-23:00) with a couple of wells from the 15th century. Here, the history of the city is demonstrated through a multimedia show in several languages, aimed primarily at children. On the ground floor there is a nice cafe where you can not only eat, but also read local magazines. If you leave the square along the street leading northeast, you will come to St. Michael's Castle, standing on the top of the hill.

This fortification system was built by the Venetians for defense against the Turks on the ruins of an even more ancient Croatian citadel. Now practically nothing has been preserved inside, but from the ramparts there is a wonderful panorama of the Old Town. In particular, from there you can clearly see the unique roof of the cathedral. You can glance at the Gulf of Sibenik stretching out in the background and at the countless green islands. From the castle, the ruins of Sibenik's fortress walls descend to the sea. They serve as the northern border of the Old City.

Food and drink in Sibenik

There are a growing number of decent restaurants catering to tourists in and around the Old Town. However, local gourmets prefer establishments that are located outside the city. Zlatna Ribica in Brodarica is especially popular. Sweets, cakes and ice cream can be purchased at the Bobis confectionery on the corner of Zagrebacka and Petranoviceva streets and at the Maestro confectionery on Kralja Tomislava street. If you want to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, go to the market near the bus station. You can have a drink in the youth seaside cafe-bars north of the Jadran Hotel. There are stylish bars in other areas of the Old Town.

  • Sibenik Restaurants

1). Restaurant Cetvorka– A chic small restaurant with a cozy cafe-bar on the ground floor and a small dining room on the second. They serve excellent chops. The outdoor terrace overlooks the tiny Baroque square. Location: Trg Dinka Zavorovica 4;

2). Restaurant Dalmatino– Antique furniture and an exhibition of obsolete agricultural implements remind of bygone centuries and create a unique atmosphere. They serve many different fresh fish dishes. There is a restaurant wine shop with a good selection of local products. Location: Fra Nikole Ruzica 1;

3). Restaurant Konoba Kanela– The only decent place on the embankment. Prices are a bit high. Fresh seafood is served on the outdoor terrace with wooden tables. Location: Obala Franje Tudmana;

4). Restaurant Tinel– This restaurant occupies an elegant shaded terrace opposite the Church of St. Chrysogonus. They serve simple, cheap dishes, such as faiol sa kobasicom (beans and sausage), and mid-priced dishes, such as goulash in wine sauce and meat stewed with prunes (pasticada), and more expensive chops and fish. Location: Trg puckih kapetana;

5). Pizzeria Toni– The restaurant in the passage behind Pavel Šibic Square (Trg Pavla Subica) has a beautiful outdoor terrace near the ancient church. They serve cheap, delicious pizza, pasta dishes, sandwiches and pancakes (palacinke). At night, the pizzeria turns into a popular beer bar. Location: Zlarinski Prolaz 1;

6). Uzorita Restaurant– Sausages and kitchenware are hung in the stylish dining room. The menu focuses on seafood, such as baked octopus and shellfish from the nearby Krka River estuary. The restaurant is located a little away from the main tourist routes(one kilometer from the center, near the football stadium), but still worth going there. Location: bana Jelacica 58;

7). Restaurant Vijecnica– A cozy, stylish restaurant occupying a covered gallery in front of the fortress wall. It offers a wonderful view of the cathedral. They serve good pasta dishes and salads. Local seafood is usually used to prepare the main dish. Location: Trg republike Hrvatske.

  • Cafes and bars of Sibenik

1). Cafe Cohiba– The establishment is located in the center of the Old Town and has a luxurious outdoor terrace at street level and a hot disco bar in the basement. On weekends there are parties with DJs. You can find out about the time of the event from posters or on the Internet. Location: Stube Petra Kaera;

2). Bar Dobric– A pleasant drinking establishment in the Old Town. The room has an irregular wedge shape. The walls are black. Loud alternative music is playing. The menu offers a wide selection of cocktails. Location Dobric 1;

3). Bar Indigo– A three-level bar, which is located in a tall narrow building of a medieval winery. There are comfortable sofas on the terrace. Location: Jurja Barakovica 5;

4). Cafe Kazalista kavana- A small, chic place. The interior decoration is made in the color scheme of coffee with milk. There is a small outdoor terrace. The name translates as “Theater Cafe”. The cafe is located directly behind the municipal theater, and celebrities sometimes come here. Location: Kralja Zvonimira;

5). Cafe Moderato Cantabile– A popular cafe where you can drink coffee and read a newspaper during the day. The room is large, bright, with a large open terrace. The cafe is named after a popular song performed by Sibenik-born pop singer Arsen Dedić. Location: Stjepana Radica 1.

In contact with

Sibenik is a popular seaside resort with a Mediterranean climate, similar to the dry tropics, located in northern Dalmatia. It is only 15 km away from the Krka National Park. National Park Kornati - 20 km, Zadar - 73 kilometers, Trogir - 55 km. Founded in 1969, the Solaris Thalassotherapy Institute is located on the coast with a beach (small pebbles), 6 kilometers separate it from the city of Sibenik, 60 kilometers from Split airport. 15 km away, opposite from it, are the islands of the Kornati archipelago - one of the most famous national parks In Croatia, it is also worth noting another amazing national park - Krka, which is just 20 km away. It is especially famous around the world for its excellent waterfalls. In a word, the city Sibenik very well located.

Based Sibenik was in 1066 on the initiative of the Croatian king Petar Krešimir IV. The city gradually grew, surrounding the Cathedral of St. Mikhail, in our time has established itself as a lively tourist center, which regularly hosts a variety of tourist festivals. The city is also famous for its wealth of sporting and cultural events. The uniqueness of the local architecture should also be noted. There are amazing cathedrals, ancient temples, straight streets here - all this allows you to evaluate the influence on the city of Venice.

Main healing factors

Local healing muds of the city Sibenik considered the most effective in Croatian Adriatic coast. The resort is distinguished by an amazing microclimate - ionized sea ​​air, phytoncides of pine groves. Excellent opportunities for healing are provided by thalassotherapy, kinesitherapy, and physiotherapy.

Main indications for treatment in Sibenik

The main specialization of the Institute of Thalassotherapy in the city is Sibenik is the rehabilitation of patients suffering from problems with the musculoskeletal system. Modern possibilities for the treatment of degenerative and inflammatory diseases of bones, joints, ligamentous-muscular apparatus, and the peripheral nervous system are offered.

Excellent opportunities for sports and leisure activities are provided. Suffice it to remember that there are 12 tennis courts, many volleyball and basketball courts, a football field, a gym, mini golf, squash, an archery range, and conditions for practicing aquatic species sports Possible visit animation programs for children and adults.

There are many small cafes, night bars, restaurants and disco clubs, which together create an amazing atmosphere of comfortable relaxation. Close to Sibenik tourists are offered many options for spending their active rest, including yachting, diving courses, horse rental, pheasant, hare and black grouse hunting.

Sibenik (Croatia) is a resort town on the Adriatic coast, attracting tourists with its clean beaches, unique ancient architecture and attractions, the main of which is the Cathedral of St. James, listed as a UNESCO heritage site.

General information

If you photograph the city of Sibenik (Croatia) from a bird's eye view, the photo will show arrays of tiled roofs mixed with green trees, located along the shores of the sea bay at the confluence of the Krka River.

Archaeological excavations indicate that settlements have existed in this place since ancient times, and about 10 centuries ago the current name Šibenik was first mentioned in chronicles. At different historical periods, the city was under the control of the Venetian Republic, Austria, France, Italy, Yugoslavia, until Croatia gained independence in 1991.

Now Sibenik is prosperous tourist centre Croatia with a population of 37 thousand. Tourists from all over the world come to relax on its beaches and see the sights.

Beaches in the city and surroundings

Lovers beach holiday When traveling to Croatia, they often choose Sibenik; its beaches are recognized as the cleanest on the Adriatic coast. They stretch far beyond the city limits and include coastline suburban villages.

Sibenik's Banj city beach is one of the most beautiful in Croatia. It is unique in that, being located within the city limits, it surprises with its extraordinary cleanliness. For the exemplary condition of the coastal part and crystal transparency sea ​​water Banj Beach is awarded the international Blue Flag.

Small pebbles and a gentle entrance to the sea make Banj beach suitable for families with small children. Here you can rent everything you need for a comfortable stay and popular water activities.

Located 8 km from the city of Sibenik (Croatia), Solaris beaches are one of the best sandy beaches in the country. Here, on the shore of a small bay, there is a hotel complex that includes 4 hotels and 2 campsites with restaurants and all kinds of entertainment for different categories of vacationers - families with children, youth, and older people.

The clean sandy beaches of Solaris stretch for 4 km along the bay. There are lively places with cafes, bars and evening discos, and quiet areas for those who love silence and solitude.

Solaris Beach is ideal for families with children, there are children's pools and playgrounds, the only water park in Šibenik operates.

Terraneo Festival

Just 6 km from the center of Sibenik is Terraneo Beach, which is famous for being located next to the site of one of the best annual music festivals in Europe, which has the same name. Every July the Terranea festival attracts musicians from all over Europe, under open air This is where a real celebration of live music takes place.

6 km from Sibenik is the small village of Brodarica, where there is another popular beach - Rezaliste. The gently sloping, pebble beach is ideal for families with small children. There is a well-developed infrastructure here; vacationers are offered many water activities and opportunities for active recreation.

Attractions and entertainment

Not only cleanest beaches Sibenik is famous, the attractions of this ancient city Croatia deserves no less attention. A rich excursion program awaits tourists who come here.

The Cathedral of St James

The Cathedral of St. James is rightfully considered the most famous landmark of Sibenik, because this unique monument architecture is included in the UNESCO list. Construction of this Catholic cathedral began in 1431 and lasted more than a hundred years. The majestic building of the cathedral became the work of life of three great architects of the past, who alternately worked on the construction of this masterpiece of architecture.

The main feature of St. James's Cathedral is that it is built entirely of stone blocks, without the use of brick, wood or metal ceilings. The appearance of this 32-meter building combines features of Gothic and Revival architectural styles. Many sculptures, stone ornaments and paintings decorate its walls, immersing visitors in the mysterious atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

  • Entrance to the cathedral is paid, ticket price is about €8.
  • Find this point of interest you can on the sea promenade, it is visible from many points in Sibenik.

City Hall

On cathedral square opposite The Cathedral of St James is another landmark of Sibenik - the ancient building of the city hall. Built in the mid-16th century, the two-story building is designed in the Renaissance style.

The facade of the town hall is a terrace with columns and arches - a characteristic detail ancient architecture, protecting the premises from the hot southern sun. The openwork fencing of the second floor terrace is decorated with lion heads and floral patterns.

Two stone staircases leading to the second floor were added to the sides of the façade 200 years after the building was built. In 1943, this landmark of Šibenik was damaged by bombing and was restored to its original form in the post-war period.

Now the town hall has lost its purpose, government offices and the meeting hall have been converted into a room for registering marriages and a restaurant.

Church of St. Barbara (Crkva sv. Barbare)

On one of the streets historical center Sibenik is home to an attraction that attracts many tourists - the Church of St. Barbara. The building of this Catholic church was erected in the middle of the 16th century. The church was originally dedicated to Saints Benedict and Nicholas, but was later re-dedicated in honor of Saint Barbara.

The modest stone façade of the church is decorated with an unusual antique clock with a dial divided into 24 hour sectors and a bas-relief depicting an ancient coat of arms. The pediment of the building is topped with an open belfry with three bells. But it’s not just the ancient architecture that makes this functioning church attractive. The main thing that it is famous for is the museum of church art located within its walls.

The exhibits of the museum of church art date back to the 14th-18th centuries, but there are also rarities dating back to the 11th century. The museum's exposition amazes with its richness and stylistic diversity; it presents paintings, sculpture, jewelry, and precious church utensils.

This attraction is located at Kralja Tomislava 19, Sibenik, Croatia.

Harbor and port (Channel-Harbour)

In the city of Sibenik (Croatia) there are a lot of attractions, which is not surprising considering its thousand-year history. But even if they were not there, the harbor with the port alone would be enough to leave his guests unforgettable experience from this city.

Channel Harbor favorite place walks of citizens and vacationers. From here you can enjoy a magnificent panorama of the sea with numerous coastal islands, towering above the harbor Old city, to the majestic Cathedral of St. James, to the port waters with ships, yachts and boats. It is especially beautiful here at sunset, when the sun disappears behind the sea horizon, illuminating Šibenik with its sunset rays; photos taken at these moments turn out to be especially beautiful.

The port is constantly in full swing with life, mooring cruise ships and yachts, boats scurrying about. Here you can rent a boat for boat trip, go on an excursion to the picturesque offshore islands. On the embankment there are many cafes, bars and restaurants with cozy interiors and various cuisines.

Located near Sibenik locality Rakovo selo, which has become widely famous thanks to the winery there. The owners of this enterprise organized a family tourism business - excursions to vineyards, factories and wine cellars with tasting and sale of wines.

Thanks to the hospitality of the hosts, the excellent quality of wines and snacks, as well as affordable prices, the Vina Rak wine library quickly gained popularity among guests of Croatia. Now it is one of the main attractions of Sibenik, recommended for visiting.

It is advisable to allocate at least two hours to visit the Vina Rak wine library. During this time you can visit the vineyard, a garden with olive and fig trees, visit the wine bottling workshop and wine cellars. The introductory tour ends with a wine tasting, the varieties of which can be chosen as desired.

Rave reviews from tourists refer not only to the quality of Rak wines, but also to the cuisine of the restaurant, which is part of this family business. The best dishes of Croatian national cuisine, olives, local cheeses and ham are best complemented by the bouquet of Rak wines. At the end of the tasting, you can buy selected wines at competitive prices.

  • Vinoteka Vina Rak is located at: Rakovo Selo 98, Sibenik, Croatia.
  • Visiting hours – 11.00-17.00.

Located not far from Sibenik. It is also worth taking time to inspect it.

Restaurant-Museum Dalmatian Ethno Village

One of the unusual attractions of Sibenik is restaurant complex, stylized as a Dalmatian village, reminiscent of an open-air ethnographic museum. The atmosphere of a Dalmatian village with a working water mill, village houses, real vegetable gardens and a vineyard is recreated here. The houses house national restaurants with stylized interiors and staff in folk costumes.

You can taste dishes to the sound of Croatian folk instruments in the restaurant-museum local cuisine with home-baked bread and order the best wines of Croatia. The prices are quite high, but the portions of the dishes are not small, usually one serving is enough for two.

Located Dalmatian Ethno Village in the territory hotel complex Solaris near the beach, next to the Ivan Hotel. Address: Hoteli Solaris 86, Sibenik, Croatia,

Solaris Waterpark

Šibenik's only water park is located in the Solaris hotel complex. It is small in size and will be of interest mainly to children under 10-12 years old.

The water park has several slides for children of different ages with a tipping barrel that pours cubic meters of water onto swimmers. There is also a lap swimming maze and several different hot tubs. While the kids are having fun, adults can relax on the playground with sun loungers and watch their children.

The ticket price for adults and children taller than 1.2 m is 110 kuna (about €22). For a child with a height of 0.9-1.2 m you will have to pay 80 kuna, children under 0.9 m are admitted free of charge. Parking a car will cost 30 kuna for the whole day.

The water park is located at: Solaris Beach Hotel Resort, Sibenik, Croatia.

Sibenik is a Croatian city and resort located on the Adriatic coast, with a total population of about 37,000 people. Sibenik received city status in the 13th century, although it has existed since ancient times, since the Iron Age.

At the beginning of the 15th century, this city, like the entire Dalmatian coast, came under the rule of the Venetian Republic, and a century later it was besieged by the Turks many times, but the Ottoman Empire was never able to take these lands.

Later, Sibenik managed to be part of Austria-Hungary, France, Serbia, Yugoslavia, and at the end of the last century, Croatia declared its independence. Today Sibenik – seaside resort with numerous attractions, the majority of the population is engaged in the tourism business.

Map of Sibenik attractions in Croatia

Fortress of St. Nicholas

This island fortress was built in the 16th century to protect the city of Sibenik from attacks by the Turks and pirates from the sea. Today, most of the fortifications of the fortress have turned into ruins, and it is quite difficult to get to them from the city.

The island where the ruins of the fortress of St. Nicholas, all overgrown with pine trees, under which there are former fortifications. The fortress itself and the fortress wall around it were built of white stone; their architectural decorations are well preserved.

You can see several military buildings that have not been used for their intended purpose since the 18th century. It is interesting to climb to the top of the fortress, to the very roof, and examine all the surrounding natural and architectural beauties from above.

Krka National Park

This park, located on the river of the same name, is one of the most popular in Croatia. It is located between the cities of Sibenik and Knin. Almost 900 grow in the park various types plants. Among them there are many endemics, i.e. characteristic of this particular area.

In the park you can see seven wonderful waterfalls, the height of the largest of which reaches almost 50 meters. There are two monasteries here, both built in the 14th century, one founded by the Catholic Augustinian order, the other by Orthodox Serbs.

Be sure to visit the ethnographic museum located next to the most big waterfall, and examine its exhibits: clothing, dishes, handicrafts, etc. There are also several water mills powered by a waterfall.

Church of the Assumption of Our Lady

The construction of this temple was carried out by the Knights of the Templar Order; it began in the 12th century and lasted at least a century. It later showed the first signs of Baroque architecture in the city, which came into fashion only many years later.

Then this temple passed from the hands of one knightly order to the hands of another, until at the beginning of the 19th century it came into the possession of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Today you can see a collection of ancient icons of great artistic value in it.

During its entire existence, the church burned three times, but was restored again. It received its modern baroque appearance in the 18th century. Particularly striking are the baroque bell towers, for which the temple is famous throughout the Adriatic.

Cathedral of St. James

This temple was built in XV-XVI centuries, changing architectural styles from Gothic to Renaissance. The best architects of southern Europe of that time worked on its construction. Today, the Cathedral of St. James in Sibenik is on the famous UNESCO list.

Several dozen sculptures were created to decorate the temple during its construction. famous people those times. Subsequently, the temple was restored several times, and after World War II it was completely restored.

The cathedral was fired at by naval artillery during the events in Croatia in the early 90s of the last century and the dome was pierced, but a few years later it was restored again. Today, gradual restoration of this architectural masterpiece is underway.

Special love of tourists and local residents use:

Banj Beach

Located near the city center. Small pebbles, perfect for family vacation– flat, the sea here is usually very calm. On the beach and in the immediate surroundings there are many options for water and sports activities for holidaymakers - from tennis courts to paragliding.

Jadrija Beach

It is located outside the city, but with convenient transport links. Small pebbles, the descent into the water is steeper than at Baniya, but quite safe for children. The beach is surrounded by greenery, nearby there are cafes and small shops with everything you need. The beach has been open since 1921 and is known as a quiet place where you can sunbathe and swim in peace. True, there are no sun lounger rentals here.

Solaris Beach

This is the largest sand beach Sibenik. Located outside the city (8 km from the city limits), included in best beaches not only the surrounding area, but throughout Croatia. This four-kilometer beach belongs to the Solaris resort complex Beach Resort. The shore is equipped with sun loungers, and vacationers of any age can enjoy a variety of water activities. Animators are working. After sunset, the beach turns into a walking area. Nearby are discos, bars, restaurants.

Not far from the Terranea beach, located in the suburbs, an annual music Festival open air. Terranea offers a magnificent view of the entire bay.

Rezalishte Beach is also famous - gently sloping, small pebbles, with calm water. Thanks to this, it is often chosen for families with small children. It is located not in Sibenik itself, but 6 km from it. This place can be recommended to everyone who loves a relaxing holiday and crystal clear sea.

A convenient transfer is organized to remote beaches - buses run at least once every half hour. Therefore, getting there is easy even for those who come with small children and do not plan to rent a car or take a taxi.

Photos of the beaches of Sibenik and all of Croatia are mesmerizingly clean clear water. Most of the beaches here have been awarded the international Blue Flag award.