God's city, former capital and the second largest metropolis in Brazil, Rio De Janeiro, has long become a cult destination among tourists. However, oddly enough, not everyone knows where it is located on the world map and, even more so, where most of its luxurious attractions are hidden.

Be that as it may, this ignorance has come to an end, because now right in front of you is an article that answers all of the above questions at once, as well as revealing a number of little-known ones geographical features region. You can see the city of your dreams by looking at the photo below:

Geographical data

Rio de Janeiro is one of largest cities South America, located in the southern part of Brazil and washed by the waters Atlantic Ocean. To find it on a map using a coordinate system, you need to measure 22°54″ south latitude and 43°14″ north longitude, or just look at the photo:

The relief within the city limits is very diverse. Thus, the city center is located on the coastal plains, the north is on the hills, and the south is separated from the other two areas by a mountain range extending to the more massive formation of the Sierra do Mar. The population of Rio De Janeiro, according to the 2004 census, is at least 6.3 million people, most of whom live in slums located on the slopes of the mountains.

It is interesting that the city is very close to the Southern Tropic, however, its climate is traditionally tropical, which undoubtedly contributes to the annual influx of tourists - lovers of local exotics.

Tourist maps of Rio de Janeiro

Tourist buses

Information for tourists

Among the most famous attractions of Rio are the following:

38-meter statue of Christ the Redeemer. Rising above Mount Corcovado. A high-quality photo of the statue can be seen below:

Mario Filho Stadium, better known as the Maracana. He became famous for hosting the World Cup in 1950;

  • “Sugarloaf” is a mountain guarding the entrance to Guanabara Bay, on the shores of which Rio de Janeiro is located;

Ipanema Beach, located in the southern part of the city. It is a favorite vacation spot for many tourists who come here. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to convey their beauty in words, and therefore it will be much easier to show these “oases” in the photo:

What to see in the city

Sprawling in the middle of Rio national park Tijuca, being the smallest national park in the country, is also considered the largest forest in the world that can be found within an urban area;

  • National Library and national historical Museum, storing a huge number of rare literary and cultural exhibits, are of incredible research interest for many inquisitive travelers.

There are few resorts in the world comparable in exoticism and specificity to Rio de Janeiro, with its eternal holiday, annual carnival and traditional southern hospitality. Don't miss your opportunity and go to unforgettable vacation now.

Move your hips more. Hi all! “Heads and Tails” is with you. Megacities! - And we flew to the mega-colorful and mega-sunny metropolis of Rio de Janeiro. - Do you know what could be cooler than Rio itself? - Only the Brazilian carnival, which is taking place right now. Eagle! - Tails! - Ahaha! The hat got in your way! Anton, don't be upset. I know you dreamed and all... but dreams don't always come true. - Hashtag Antosha is a child of the favelas. - Carnival, wait for me! - Guys, who wants a mask for 100 reais? The mask is beautiful for a carnival, for a parade of champions. Rio de Janeiro... What can I say? The loudest, most colorful, most danceable festival in the universe is taking place in the most beautiful metropolis in the world - the Brazilian Carnival! Well? Let's spend the weekend in the rhythm of samba? Let's leave here, let's leave. Rio - very beautiful city, and to see him as quickly as possible, I called a helicopter. This whim will be fulfilled for me by the company “Exclusive Experience” for 2 thousand dollars! - Welcome! - Hello! You are my first helicopter pilot! - Pleasant flight! - Thank you! Wow! What a big windshield! - Buckle up. - Thank you. Wow, if only cars could do that! Are we already right away? But how to accelerate? It's as if a fly just took off. Hello! Have a great weekend. Hello, mulattoes. I'm too busy watching the TV. By the way, the bus is comfortable, although it costs $5. Almost empty, cool, with air conditioning. There's a TV there. In order for a BUDGET tourist to see beautiful Rio as quickly as possible, it is enough to overpay just a dollar and take an express bus, which will take you to the center faster than others. When you look at the city from above, you understand: everything that they say about the beauty of Rio is not an exaggeration, but the pure truth! God, very beautiful! The first miracle of Rio de Janeiro is the beaches. Suddenly the beaches end and jungle-covered mountains rise, in the shadows of which hide luxury villas with swimming pools. How beautiful! In Rio de Janeiro, residential areas fit between the mountains. But do you see on the hills, as if someone had scattered garbage? These are the poorest areas - favelas. And again long snow-white beaches... They stretch along the coast of Rio for as much as ninety kilometers! Leblon. Ipanema. Copacobana. Look at these beaches! How many of them! There are simply hundreds of them. And the mountain grows again. This is the famous Sugar Loaf! look! People go up by cable car, and I go up by helicopter. Hello Guanabara Bay. When Portuguese sailors arrived here, they were so amazed by the beauty of the bay that they confused it with a river. And since it was in January, they called it the “January River”. So Rio de Janeiro is translated. I see the water merging! - Two colors? - Yes, here the water from Guanabara Bay meets the Atlantic Ocean. I really want to say thank you to someone, that’s who! Thank you Jesus! I see a miracle of the world! Oh my God, how many people are there! What a panorama! He spread his arms out like this and he has a stunning view of the city, the mountains, the clouds, the sky, the ocean. A good place. The most beautiful thing I have seen is the combination of nature and man. 13 million people live in Rio de Janeiro and the surrounding area, and almost 2 million more came to the carnival. In total, the city was flooded with 15 million people! And here they are. [Brazilian music] Ready boy band! [Brazilian music, carnival noise] Long eye contact. Are we leaving here, are we leaving? What did I know about the carnival before coming to Rio? That there is a sambadrome stadium, where every year samba schools compete for the title of winner: they display their bright platforms, dance samba and sing. But that was before I came to Rio. Here I realized that carnival is not only a parade. These are days of non-stop fun and fun! People walk, dance, and drink NON-STOP for seven days! Because immediately after the end of the carnival, the first day of Lent will come. To understand what happens in Rio during the carnival, connect the gay pride parade. Why do I choose dubious companies? Hindu spring festival - Holi and beer festival in Munich - Oktoberfest. You must buy this water, come here and buy it! Do you want problems? I do not need this! You must! Buy it! Buy water! Buy water! Do you need problems? I don't have any problems. Brazilians are made for fun. But this fun also has a downside. During the carnival, Rio falls into a drunken stupor. Traffic in the city is blocked by thousands of drunken bodies. The streets are saturated with the smell of urine. Water and beer are constantly being delivered, but there are no toilets anywhere. Nowhere! And they are constantly watching you. Carnival - Golden time for pickpockets. Everyone walks around with their mouths open and doesn’t take care of their things. Entire gangs are operating. They come down from poor areas - favelas and during the carnival week they cut down a year's worth of money. Pickpocketing is a real problem in Rio de Janeiro. This problem is especially acute during the carnival. What should you do to avoid unpleasant situations in this beautiful city? So, listen carefully, now the captain of the military police, Polishado Arishtantes himself, will tell you the rules of behavior during the carnival! First of all, don't go alone. Secondly, always be in touch, carry your phone with you, just don’t keep it in sight. Upon arrival in Rio, be sure to write down the number of the military police - “190”. Don't carry a lot of money with you. Brazil is a poor country, the crime rate here is one of the highest in the world. During the carnival, the number of thefts increases significantly! Therefore, you need to carry things in front of you so that they are always in sight. I heard that in Rio someone can come up and hold a knife right in the middle of a busy street? My actions? Should I defend myself? Under no circumstances, in Brazil there is an unspoken law - if someone approaches you, give it what you have. If you start resisting, they’ll kill you without blinking an eye. These are the strict rules here. While the poor are in city ​​center partying in the sweaty crowds, the rich relaxing in their exclusive areas - in private villas and boutique hotels. I land on the roof of my hotel. By helicopter! The bath is black. When Robbie Williams came to Rio, he stayed at my Boutique Hotel “La Suite by Dusseulle”. And I also liked to spend here summer holidays billionaire David Rockefeller with his family! Now I will be here too! Class! But the most important thing in this room is not the bed, an interesting pillow or a lamp. The most important thing is the smell of the ocean. You inhale and it’s as if you are completely penetrated. God, how good! You look and can’t believe your eyes. It feels like it’s not a real view, but some kind of wallpaper. Now, if the wind hadn’t rustled the palm trees and leaves, I wouldn’t have thought so. Incredibly beautiful! Pool? There's a swimming pool here! Let's go swimming. Let's go, let's go! [music] Brazil, I love you. [music] Rio is a huge metropolis and besides the carnival part, there is still something to see. Can I have a photo? Your eyes are beautiful. Many people think Rio de Janeiro is the capital of Brazil. And so it was, until the sixtieth year, until the capital was moved to a city specially built for this purpose - Brasilia. The capital has left, but the capital's habits remain. Rio has a pompous central square... with a snow-white city hall, a library, and a municipal theater. Looking at the painted walls of houses and the homeless people lying right on the asphalt in the city center, you would never think that Rio has a huge business center with skyscrapers no worse than Chicago. The headquarters of the largest Brazilian billionaire companies such as Petrobras, Eletrobras and Oy are located here. Rio has everything from a real metropolis - office buildings , high-rise buildings, but who comes here for skyscrapers if there is something better? People come to Rio for the best city beaches in the world. I came to the most famous and popular - Copacabana! For many years in a row, famous world publications have called it the best city beach in the world. Why? Don't know. Let's see why together! A wide strip of delicate sand! The ocean plays with light waves. The mountains are in front of you in all their glory! Probably yes, this is what an ideal beach looks like! After walking around Copacabana you realize that this is not a beach. This is a beauty pageant podium! Guys, just look at how delicious the participants from Brazil are here! Now girls, move closer to the screen and see what guys are here! Here’s another interesting observation: Brazilians don’t know what complexes are! For them, imperfect shapes are not a reason not to wear a bikini! At the same time, they have more than enough fans! The atmosphere on Copacabana Beach is sunny and relaxed. But the sun does not relax here. I think I know what to do. Sorry, can you spray it? It's here because it's sunny. Will you anoint me? Thank you! It’s impossible for such a gorgeous body to burn. Can you help? I'm burning in the sun. I feel bad, go ahead. I understand. Will you anoint me? A little here and there! And here! The baby enjoys herself. Excellent thank you. And now I will help you. I'll help you too! And you, of course. Well, you too. It's here because it's sunny. My boyfriend won't be happy. Your boyfriend? Forget about him. Let's go! This holiday weekend, I rented a car that will definitely give me a festive mood. Meet “MP Lafer”. “EMP lafer” is a native Brazilian! Smart, beautiful, and also a film actress. And she starred not in some Brazilian series, but in the James Bond film “Moonraker.” Now this star is asking for a fabulous fee - two hundred and thirty dollars per hour! That is, in two days I will have to shell out $4,600. Golden card, I love you! Go, go, go I say! Rio is a metropolis of eternal summer. The bitterest cold here is in January, when it’s +15 outside! Therefore, whenever you come to Rio, you will always find a riot of greenery, bright sun, and beach season. I think my butt is visible. Or doesn't it seem so? [beeping] He's looking at my butt! Can you see anything there? You know what he did, he stuck out his tongue like that. They show me everything like this! Every single one of them. Horny perverts! And they keep filming me. Am I a Rio de Janeiro star? I like. Rio, I love you already! You're so friendly. Many travelers believe that it is impossible to find accommodation in Rio, especially if you have not booked it in advance. I open a map in the Copacabana area. There are 21, 21, 14, 13. In general, even in the midst of the carnival, in the area of ​​the most popular beach you can find a hostel, which is what I will do now. Rio is an ideal metropolis for a budget tourist. Three years ago the Summer Olympic Games were held here. Six were involved in the development of the city! billions of dollars: roads were made, additional purchases were made public transport and built a bunch of hotels and hostels. Since then they have been idle and even during the carnival season there are free places for an adequate price. And after the carnival, they say the price will drop four times! - Hello! - Sorry, I don’t have a reservation, do you have any rooms available? - I’ll look now... there is free space for today. - How much does the room cost? - The cheapest 56 reais per person! - Ooo, great price! I take. - If you're interested, we have extra tickets for the carnival at the sambodrome. - Tickets to the carnival? Do you sell them here? - YES! - This is, of course, very expensive? - The cheapest tickets are here and cost 70 reais. - Only 70? Of course I'll take it! - Tickets will be available tomorrow morning. But you need to pay now. - Fantastic! Guys, for just 70 local reais you can get to the carnival when you have lost all hope of being there. As soon as tickets for the carnival go on sale, hostels, hotels, travel agencies, guides and outbids immediately scoop them up. And then during the carnival they give it to tourists, naturally with an extra charge. So, if there are no tickets at the box office, check out the local hostels. - Come on, I'll show you the room! This is your bed. We also have air conditioning. - Great, thanks! Listen, well, a hostel is just like a hostel. But it seems to me that this is not the main thing. The main thing is its location. It is a 10-minute walk from the main Copacabana beach and this is its greatest advantage. Well, the main thing is that it looks like I’ll still get to the carnival. There is one thing you can't miss in Rio. and it doesn’t matter if you have a hundred dollars or a gold card. The sunset in Rio is not to be missed. I will see off my sunset with observation deck Dona Marta. Managed. The Apreador Rock is one of the few places in Rio de Janeiro where everyone comes to watch the sunset. Take the most comfortable seats. Rio is probably the only metropolis in the world where you can see two types of sunsets at the same time. From my vantage point you can see the sun hiding behind the mountain and sinking into the ocean. And from my observation deck you can enjoy the view of the city in the rays of the setting sun. No matter where you are, you will see an incredibly beautiful sunset! And even if you don’t see the sun now, its rays create some amazing pictures. In fact, it is a tradition here that everyone greets the sunset with loud applause. Here they applaud when the plane lands, but here when the sun goes down. I'm going to break Heads and Tails' record for the largest meal. This is where the megaburger is prepared. If you eat it all, you get paid 300 reais. If you haven't finished 150 reais you have to pay. Everything about everything - 45 minutes. Sounds like a challenge. Hashtag heads and tails megaburgers. Remember this eatery - “Kiosk Gigio”! They give away seventy-six dollars to anyone who eats their signature burger! Well, in what metropolis in the world will they feed you and give you almost a hundred bucks on top? Of course I accept this challenge! - Hello! I heard you have a megaburger. Can I have one? - Let's do it! So, to earn seventy-six dollars I have to eat: seven huge beef patties, seven fried eggs and bacon, seven slices of Gouda cheese, seven slices of Swiss cheese, seven slices of ham, seven Cheddar cheese cakes. Look at the joy in the eyes of this vile sadist. It's like he's mocking me. Here's another piece of cheese for you, should I add some more eggs? But the burger only has two buns. At least something makes me happy. I just saw my creepy burger being cooked. It is the size of 10 human mouths. And with one inhuman. Has anyone already managed to eat it? Yes, sure! This big guy? Well, of course we are in the same physical shape. Dude finished this burger in eight minutes and forty-seven seconds? And I have as many as forty-five in stock! Ha! I'll also eat dessert! Vanu tu fri go go go, let's go. Oleg, we are about to lose. 3.35 I ate half, if not more. 6 minutes, I've already eaten too much. Stay sporty in any situation. You can hide it in napkins. He records everything as a gendarme! 13 minutes! Olya would have already ordered a second one by this time. I'm falling behind. Let's be clear, it doesn't suit you at all. And this is how it is all my life, girls. I am a turtle, a stingray fermented in my own urine, I am the heart of a cobra, you know who? ME: They found a boy to whip. - What is this? - This is our signature dish based on the recipe of the Brazilian Indians - ceviche from the largest freshwater fish in Brazil - pirarucu. That's it, I feel bad. I have crossed the Rubicon. Great. How to spell out the word hate with sesame seeds. I think I'm in trouble. I thought I'd eat a burger and make some money, but now it looks like the burger will eat up my thirty-eight dollars. Half of the weekend budget will now be spent on some kind of burger. The cook became cheerful and sweat covered his forehead. Of course the guy will earn 150 rials. 40 bucks. 44.30 fuck it. Or you can at least wrap it with you, well, just 40 bucks. As a consolation prize I received three bowls of food that would last me until the end of the weekend. Rio is one of the most photographed cities in the world. But ordinary photographs near landmarks have long since surprised anyone. That's why everyone is looking for some exclusive-exclusive-exclusive! And I know such a place. I'm heading there now. Oh, we climbed beautifully, of course. - How are we going to take pictures? Rope and what? Can you show me a photo? I went. All the best to you. Ay, the boat has sailed back, there is no way to go. A new trend has appeared in Rio - taking non-standard photos against the backdrop of standard attractions. Here the guys pulled a rope against the backdrop of the main attraction of Rio - Sugarloaf Mountain. And they take pictures of tourists with it. And do you know how much people are willing to pay for such photos? 300 dollars! Three hundred dollars for a photo! Well, ready, steady, go. I don't like it anymore. I don't want! I need to calm down, does anyone have a sedative? Knits some knots, ropes, carabiners. I don't think it's safe. That's all? And my life will be suspended on all this? - Were there any accidents? - Yes, there were two cases. - And when people fell, did they die? - Yes. - Is it true? - Yes. I won't go there. Of course, you do what you want, but... no, are you serious? You send the presenter to where two people died. I can do anything, but this is already complete. Look at these mounts, who is this kid anyway? Who is this guy? I do not know him. My life is more valuable to me. I don't want to be third. Go first. I'll see how you survive. Wow, what a creation. Stuntman! He's about to get up! Well done! Lord, he still went. I don't think this was intended. If anything, you and I have the same foot size, San. Rocks. Attention! Hold the tensioned cable with your hands. Be careful not to get your fingers or hair caught in the carabiner. God! Well? All? Am I already in the center? When you crawled to the middle and realized that the safety net was holding you tightly, you wanted to quickly take those damned photos and return to solid ground. Okay, it's time. Sanya, take me a photo of a star. One two Three. A photo of a spider. Photo of a graceful doe. Woohoo! Today I have plans to go to the carnival! It starts only at 10 pm. But I know where you should definitely go if you have eight free hours in Rio. This is the top of Pedra da Gavia mountain - one of the most high mountains in Rio. Whoever can conquer her will be rewarded the best views cities! Yes...climbing Pedra da Gavia is not a walk in the park along a path. This is hardcore for an unprepared tourist! You're always climbing up and over rocks. Olezha, help. You scratch your hands on the vines. Mountain 842 meters. Only the first 840 are difficult, then it’s easier. And you climb tree trunks. - How far is it to the top? - It's a bit far. - 9-10 minutes? - 2 hours. - 2 hours, sounds encouraging. The places are very wild and impassable. But few people know that this tropical forest is the work of man. When Emperor Pedro II ruled Brazil, there were coffee plantations in this place. But he decided that nature was more important - and ordered his slaves to plant one hundred thousand trees. And now, 200 years later, a huge Tijuca forest grew within the city limits and even capuchin monkeys appeared. Well, everything seems to be at the top, Oleg. No, not at the top, another hour and a half. One hundred dollars, a note and a bottle. Then you know everything. A bottle with a hundred bucks was hidden 30 meters from the intersection of Joa and Jackson Di Figueiredo streets. Look for it in the drain hole under the stone fence. Good luck! Here it is, Heads and Tails megacities on Hiking! I did it, I did it and I'm on top of it. And it was worth all the hours spent. I’ve seen Rio de Janeiro a thousand times from a bunch of postcards, pictures, various photographs, but now, when you are inside this frame, inside this postcard, it’s simply beyond words. Looking at Rio from the top, you understand that such megacities are born from great love - from the love of Rio and the nature that surrounds it. It feels like he asked: “Let me be with you”? And she answered him: “Feel at home.” This is what the couple looks like from above. Okay, now it's three hours down. Holy shit, three hours down. Today the biggest party of the year will take place in Rio. The final parade of the Brazilian carnival will take place at the Sambadrome stadium. The best samba schools take part in the parade of champions. Tickets for the carnival cost from 12 dollars, somewhere on the outskirts of the Sambodrome, to 1.5 thousand dollars in the VIP box. But for a person with a gold card, sitting in the stands couldn’t be more banal. The coolest thing is to take part in the carnival yourself! Dress up in a colorful costume, walk along the sambadrome along with lines of dancing people and wave to eighty thousand spectators! This opportunity comes once in a lifetime! The Sambadrome is a seven hundred meter long street. In an hour, carnival floats will begin their procession along it, and tens of thousands of spectators will watch this spectacle from the stands. There are a huge number of people in suits, they sit here for hours and wait on the asphalt, ready to go out and walk around the stadium once and remember this moment forever. The carnival lasts all night. It starts at ten in the evening, when the sun is no longer hot, and ends at dawn. People have been waiting for this moment all year, so a few hours under the fence is nothing for them. Do you feel this holiday literally in the air? Here are the carnival participants, who will begin to move in a few moments. You can watch the preparations. Are you a former carnival queen? I thought so. Guys, got ready, tuned in, as I taught you, exhaled and walked forward along the Sambadrome without any second thoughts. Let's. We will do it. Are they real? Listen, uh. Listen, to be honest, with such a suit you have little chance. You are some kind of wrong mime. Even Morgan Freeman came here to be amazed. Isn't it luxurious? If you liked this costume, leave a comment with a plus sign. And if you didn't like it - poof. What do you understand about carnival? To negotiate participation in the carnival, you need a special person - a carnivalier. To negotiate participation in the carnival, you need a special person - a carnivalier. Only he can allow a person from the street like me to participate in the parade. - I welcome you to the parade of champions! Today the five best samba schools will take place at the Sambadrome! - Carnival is so big! It probably takes a lot of money to organize such a show? - One school spends about two million reais on the carnival. For costumes, platforms, to pay the carnivalier, to pay the workers. - How did you make so much money? - Some of the money comes from sponsors, some from the Ministry of Culture. - The most important question I want to know. I want to be there. Is this possible? - Well... Of course, you haven’t rehearsed with us all year, it’s not according to the rules, but we’ll figure something out. - Hurray, I will participate. - Congratulations! Shock, sensation! I managed to come to an agreement! Just $350 and I'll be part of the parade of winners at the Brazilian Carnival! Now I will cross this fence and stop being just a spectator! Now I'm part of the carnival! I passed. Finally, my sector is the farthest and cheapest and, frankly speaking, does not attract the most sophisticated audience. But I'll be at the carnival in a few moments. 3-2-1 the path to your dream has begun. A ticket to the carnival gives you the right to enter the sector, but there are no specific seats. Tribunes are simply stone steps on which people sit, eat, drink, kiss, dance and sleep. - Already? Now? - Right now! -Seriously? - Yes. - Enjoy! - I thought in the building. - Not here! Ah, the skirt. Second skirt. Bow. The head won't come off! So how? OK. Fireworks mean schools are ready! The carnival finale begins! Incredible! How is this possible? You know, even though they look very positive and joyful on TV, inside, behind the scenes, the atmosphere is quite tense. I wouldn't say everyone is super friendly and nice. Firstly, everyone is hot, cramped, heavy, the suit is quite heavy. You also have to smile somehow. - If you want peepi, do they give you a package? I disturbed everyone. Sorry. She's already angry with me. - Stand in this row. - Fine. Can I stand here? - You must go in formation. - Okay, fine. The carnival participants are not happy with visiting rich guests. You can understand them, they have been rehearsing movements all year and learning to keep in line, and then a person appears who does everything at the wrong time and spoils the overall picture. She's complaining about me! You know, for 5 years in a row I looked at this carnival from various TVs, searched for it on the Internet, and now I’m inside this picture! Do you even realize the scale? The school receives the main points from the judges for its platforms. The larger, more complex and colorful they are, the greater the chances of winning. Each school chooses the theme for the design of the platform and costumes independently and keeps it secret until the last moment in order to surprise competitors and the jury. For example, this one is dedicated to everyone’s favorite fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast”, this one is dedicated to the famous “Minas and Rio” railway, thanks to which the growth of the coffee industry began in Brazil. But the topic of slavery is raised especially vividly every year. An entire platform was dedicated to the Golden Law, which abolished slavery forever in Brazil. I saw magical magical creatures, and all the animals, and all kinds of costumes from different eras, and all this for 20 dollars, and what happens next? Next - extras! From three to five thousand people speak for one school. Their task is to dance and excite the crowd in colorful costumes. Do you agree that it’s boring to look at a lonely hut that sadly rolls along the sambadrome? But this is a completely different matter! Each school has its own banner - special standard bearers dance with it. Their task is to dance with the flag so that it never touches the ground. Separate points are awarded to the school for its queen. The more beautiful, more flexible and curvaceous the queen is, the higher the score. One school's performance lasts eighty minutes. For every minute of delay, points are deducted. Many of the carnival participants are performing at the sambadrome for the fifth, and some even the tenth, time. Brazilians participate in families. It is a great pride for them to perform at the carnival. The camera won't show this. What is going on here now and what is happening around me. People seemed to go crazy and waited for this for a whole year. This is probably one of the best acts I have seen in my life. There are only a few minutes left and we will enter the stadium! Olya Antipova herself will walk through the Sambadrome! Olya, make us feel good and a little ashamed. Beautiful! We're coming in already! [carnival music] It's very hard to jump. You're pouring sweat. Smile at the same time. No, the atmosphere here is great, you want to smile, but it’s hard. But no matter how hard it is, going with the carnival participants is much more fun. You dance in a stupid costume among feathers, sparkles, sequins and the carnival swirls around you. Yes, and in the farthest sector at number twelve, you are surrounded by sweaty people, energetic grandfathers and dancing grandmothers. But I noticed one trick - only from this sector can you see how carnival participants leave the sambodrome and are removed from the platform by a special crane. Oh, my Olechka is 36 in the 17th row. But there are no small roles, there are small actors. Listen, of course, I’m terribly tired, but it’s already over. Carnival is eight hours of non-stop fun and unrestrained dancing. This is not about the winners, not about the participants and not about special effects - this is about people who give a smile, beauty, give all their energy, to the last drop... But in return they receive much more - the most powerful impressions for life. - It’s like a fly took off! - Have a great weekend! - Rio, I love you already! - What do you understand about carnival? - A photo of a graceful doe. Having visited this miracle for the first time, I will say that the Brazilian carnival is a synthesis of all arts, it is ballet, and musical, and theater, and circus art, and a complex stunt and technical show, and performance, and Olya Antipova and it is simply amazing. Now I don’t know what to dream about next, conquer space or sink to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. That's it, I'm heading towards the dawn and a new life. Rio, I love you! During the week of Carnival, Rio earns a billion dollars from tourists. Now the sambadrome will be removed and next week they will come here for the rehearsal of the new carnival. And in a year the fairy tale will come to life again. - Hello! - Hello! - How are you? How do you like the carnival? - Look, it's amazing. I wanted to say thank you very much. - Did you see me? - Of course not. How can I see you in the 13th row. But it was incredible. - Yes, it seems to me that we need to film a separate episode about the carnival so that.. - Well, then you’ll film it yourself. It was “Heads and Tails. Megacities." See you next time big city! - Bye! Anton, do you know what else? I flew in a helicopter! - Stop, stop. Can we walk slowly through the Sambadrome? -Come on. This is cool, come on! - So that I also feel like a participant. - Hello! Hello people! I'm here! - Listen, what about your helicopters? - Selfie! - Enough vanity! Your helicopters, yachts, luxury hotels, cars - it’s all alien to me.

Rio is a trailer for Brazil.

Arnaldo Jabor, Brazilian director

Portuguese sailors first landed on the shores of Brazil in 1500 as a result of one of the key historical processes of the late 15th century - the maritime expansion of the colonial powers. Two years earlier, in 1498b, the Portuguese took over India, with which it was necessary to establish economic ties to export spices to Europe. To do this, in 1500, an expedition consisting of 13 ships, under the command of Pedro Alvares Cabral, was sent to the shores of India, and on April 22 it ended up off the coast of Brazil, in the place where the city of Porto Seguro (Bahia state) is now located. The following year, 1501, a new expedition was sent to Brazil to explore the coast of South America, under the command of Gaspar de Lemos and with the participation of Amerigo Vespucci, during which on January 1, 1502, for the first time, Portuguese ships entered the Gulf of Guanabara, where Rio de -Janeiro.

At that time, the Portuguese thought that Guanabara Bay was a river, so they named the place "Rio de Janeiro", which means "January River" in Portuguese.

This is what Rio de Janeiro looked like before the arrival of the Portuguese colonialists in 1502

In the first half of the 16th century. Numerous Indian tribes lived on the territory of the modern state of Rio de Janeiro: goytacazes, puris, tamoios, paraíbas, goianás and others.

When in 1534 the Portuguese king Don Juan III divided Brazil into 15 hereditary captaincys, two captaincys began to exist in the territory of the modern state of Rio: São Tomé, which belonged to Peru de Gois de Silveira, and São Vicente, which belonged to Martim Afonso de Sousa. The border between these 2 captaincys was the Macae River.

Hereditary captaincy in Brazil in the 16th century (from 1534)

Peru de Gois founded, in his captaincy of São Tomé, a settlement which he called Vila da Rainha ("Village of the Queen"), where the municipality of São Joan da Barra is now located. However, this settlement was soon attacked by the Goytacazes Indians, and the colonialists were forced to leave the territory.

In 1548, the city of Salvador in the state of Bahia became the capital of Brazil, where a General Government was established to better control the colony.

The history of Rio de Janeiro as such begins in 1555-1565. In 1555, French conquerors under the command of Nicolò Duran, with the support of the Tamoios Indians, carried out a military invasion of Guanabara Bay. The reaction of the Portuguese colonialists followed in 1560, when the governor of Brazil, Mem de Sa, sent his military corps, led by Estacio de Sa (nephew of Mam de Sa), to fight the French. On March 1, 1565, Estácio de Sá founded the city of Rio de Janeiro on the left bank of Guanabara Bay, between the Sugar Loaf and Cara de Cau mountains (where De Fora Beach is now also the Fortress of Saint John). The full name of the city of Rio, which to this day sometimes appears in official documents, is San Sebastian do Rio de Janeiro (Saint Sebastian is the patron saint of the city). The built fortress of Rio de Janeiro became a stronghold for the final expulsion of the French from the bay. In 1567, when the French conquerors were finally defeated, the city was moved to the vicinity of Mount Kastelo (it was located in the area of ​​​​the modern Center and was destroyed in the 20th century). From that time on, the Captaincy of São Vicente was renamed the Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro.

In 1559, near the city of Rio de Janeiro, the settlement of Angra dos Reis was founded, in 1567 - Maje, in 1568 - Sao Lourenço, in 1594 - Marica.

Interestingly, throughout the 17th century, the city of Rio de Janeiro developed slowly. But already in the second half of the 17th century, it already occupied first place in Brazil in terms of population, which began to number about 30,000 people. The city acquired greater importance among others in the colony. This fact was one of the reasons for moving the capital here in the 18th century.

Another reason for moving the capital to Rio de Janeiro was of an economic nature. The basis of the economy of Rio de Janeiro in the 17th century was the production of sugar cane. In the 18th century, coffee production began to actively develop. At the same time, in the 18th century, gold deposits were discovered in the state of Minas Gerais, which borders Rio but is landlocked. Due to this, the importance of Rio de Janeiro as a port city has increased dramatically. A New Route was built, connecting the interior of the state of Minas Gerais with Rio de Janeiro and significantly reducing this distance compared to the Old Route (which, to get to Minas Gerais, had to leave Paraty and overcome the Serra mountain range). do-Mar). All this gave impetus to the development of Rio de Janeiro as largest port, as well as an important political, economic and cultural center of the colony. As a result, in 1763 the capital of Brazil was moved from Salvador to Rio de Janeiro.

Rio de Janeiro in 1750 (Arches of the Paw)

In 1808, after Napoleon's invasion of Portugal, the Portuguese royal family fled to Brazil, to Rio de Janeiro. This fact gave Rio de Janeiro not only an important political status, produced a demographic and cultural boom, but also significantly increased the volume of international trade in Rio. The city's economy was based on maritime trade with Lisbon and the African ports of Guinea, Angola and Mozambique. Sugar was the main product exported from Rio de Janeiro, in addition to diamonds and gold.

In the second half of the 18th century, coffee production grew in Rio, spreading to the Baixada Fluminensi region and then to Vale do Paraiba.

In the second half of the 19th century, Rio de Janeiro's economy began to decline. Until the 1870s, Rio had the largest coffee production in the country, producing 60% of all Brazilian coffee. With the depletion of land and the expansion of coffee plantations into the states of Espirito Santo and São Paulo, where more fertile land for growing coffee was discovered, Rio's economy began to decline.

The abolition of slavery in 1888 and the proclamation of the Republic in 1889, both of which took place in Rio de Janeiro, also contributed to the political and economic crisis in the state of Rio. The oligarchic period of Brazilian history began (“Old Republic”, 1889-1930), when the economic and political elites of the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais replaced each other in key positions (“cafe au lait politics”).

Proclamation of the Republic in Rio de Janeiro in 1889

Since 1834, the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro has been the city of Niteroi, since the city of Rio de Janeiro received the status of a “neutral city” and the administrative center of the Empire. In 1891, after the proclamation of the Republic, the city of Rio received the status of the Federal District. In 1960, when the Federal District was moved to the new capital, Brasilia, the city of Rio became known as the state of Guanabara. This continued until 1975, when the state of Guanabara was abolished and the city of Rio again became the capital of the state of Rio.

Throughout the end of the 19th century. and the entire 20th century. Rio de Janeiro remained the center of the most important socio-political events and phenomena in the country: the proclamation of the Republic in 1889, the adoption of the Constitution of 1891, the revolt of the navy, the uprising against vaccination, the uprising of the Eighteen in Fort Copacabana, the Revolution of 1930 ( which caused profound political reforms in the country), the coup d'état of 1937 and the establishment of the dictatorial regime of Estado Novo, led by Getulio Vargas, the democratization of the country in 1946, the struggle for the creation of the Petrobras company and the suicide of Getulio Vargas in 1954, the Military coup of 1964 g., protests of 1968, the movement for direct elections Diretas já!, the movement for the impeachment of President Fernand Collor de Mello, etc.

In 1960, the capital of Brazil was moved to the city of Brasilia, which was built in 1955-1960. in the central regions of the country. There were a number of reasons for this: 1) to make the Federal Capital more accessible to all regions of the country by placing it in the central region; 2) improve the strategic position of the capital in the event of a military conflict within Cold War: Being in Central regions, they are better protected than on the coast; 3) remove the capital from the Rio-São Paulo axis, where politicians were subject to constant pressure from the elite, oligarchs and people; 4) give impetus to the development of the interior regions of the country, which until that time had been extremely backward.

Thus, Rio de Janeiro has always been and to this day remains a huge and important center of political, social and cultural events in the country. In the context of the globalization process, today Rio de Janeiro lives an international life, being the largest tourist city Latin America hosts the world's largest political and sporting events, such as numerous international summits and conferences (for example, Rio+20 in 2012), World Youth Day in 2013, the 2014 FIFA World Cup, the 2016 Olympics and etc.

On the shores of the beautiful Guanabara Bay, the second largest city in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, is located. He is considered the most beautiful in all South America. Its beauty is primarily due to its favorable location. Rio de Janeiro stretches along a colorful coastline with amazingly beautiful beaches, covering a total area of ​​1,256 km². Almost all modern people know the names Copacabana, Leblon, Ipanema - these are the most popular beaches in the city. Two big mountains— Corcovado and Pan de Azúcar, which rise above the statue of Christ the Savior, have been the hallmark of this Brazilian city for many years.

Nature has very generously endowed these places: blue lagoons, green rainforests, as well as snow-white beaches make Rio de Janeiro a real paradise on earth. Millions of people from all over the world dream of settling in this colorful city. The population of Rio de Janeiro is 6,323,037 people. In terms of ethnic composition, the population of Rio de Janeiro is quite diverse, with the majority of mestizos in the region.

Local color and city districts

When visiting the city for the first time and seeing the sights of Rio de Janeiro, you will be very surprised by the harmonious combination of exotic nature and modern buildings or business centers. Poor areas are located on the hills, they are called favelas. It is in poor neighborhoods that almost 20% are concentrated local population. The largest of the favelas is called Rocinha and has approximately 50 thousand inhabitants. This area offers stunning views of the city and beaches, but it should be noted that it is better not to visit these areas on your own.

Local authorities are constantly trying to maintain order in those areas, but still the sanitation of the streets and the criminal situation on them are in a deplorable state. In some agencies you can buy a special tour that includes visiting poor areas of the city and communicating with their inhabitants. Favelas also became famous for the fact that it was in the slums that the very first schools of samba, the favorite dance of the entire local population, appeared.

It is not for nothing that words such as “samba”, “football” and “carnival” were chosen as synonyms for Brazil and Rio de Janeiro. This is a city of perpetual motion, it perfectly combines several cultures with their own traditions, which are reflected in the annual carnivals, known throughout the planet for their extravagance, colorful outfits and amazing shows. For five whole days, the population of Rio de Janeiro turns into dancers, actors and talented jugglers. The spectacle that these people give to guests and tourists is simply amazing and has no analogues. It is during the carnivals that almost all tourists try to visit Brazil and Rio de Janeiro, but it is worth considering that the cost of housing and other services during the festivals increases significantly.

The history of Brazil's most vibrant city, Rio de Janeiro

The name of the city was invented by the Portuguese, who discovered it in 1502; translated it means “January River”. A rather strange name, but it is explained by the fact that the Portuguese mistakenly took Gunabara Bay for an ordinary river.

Since 1763, the center of Brazil was considered a city called Bahia, but a few years later it lost primacy to Rio de Janeiro. In 1800, when half of Portugal was captured by Napoleon, Brazil became the royal court, and soon the capital of the empire.

In 1900, the population of Rio de Janeiro began to grow rapidly due to immigrants from Europe, as well as slaves who came from the northeast of the country. The number of people increased, and residential buildings stretched further and further along the coast. By the end of 1900, the population of Rio de Janeiro already numbered 700 thousand inhabitants. Today, Rio de Janeiro is no longer the capital of Brazil, but there are still hundreds of offices and government enterprises here, as well as the first airport in all of Latin America.

Sights of the famous city of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Among the main attractions of Rio de Janeiro, the first thing to note is the natural features, of which the city has a huge variety. The streets of Brazil and Rio de Janeiro seem to have come straight out of a picture in a fashion magazine; they are simply buried in tropical vegetation, which brings a lot of pleasure from walking. The city also has a huge Botanical Garden, which contains equatorial trees, giant plants, slender palm trees and many exotic flowers. In total, the garden contains more than 7,000 plants from all over the world. Here in the garden there is the most beautiful alley of palm trees, as well as a large collection of exotic birds.

In addition to its unique exotic beauty, the city boasts a large number of places created by human hands, which probably every modern tourist has seen in a photo of Rio de Janeiro. So, among the main attractions the following places can be noted:

2. Sugar Loaf;

3. Cathedral;

4. Sambadrome Marques de Sapucai;

5. Copacabana beach;

6. Ipanema beach;

7. Maracanã Stadium;

8. Lagoon Rodrigo de Freitas;

9. Carioca Aqueduct;

10. Park Enrique Lage;

11. Quinta da Boa Vista.

Christ Statue and Sugar Loaf

In numerous photos of Rio de Janeiro, many tourists and travelers have seen the image of a huge thirty-meter statue. It is the first of the above attractions of Rio de Janeiro - the statue of Christ the Redeemer. The monument is located at the very top of a mountain called Corcovado. In general, the statue has a size of 37 meters, Christ the Savior himself is 30 m and the pedestal is 7 m.

At the celebration dedicated to the centenary of Brazilian independence, a competition was announced for the best monument that would become a symbol of the nation and the country as a whole. The competition was won by the statue of Hector da Silva Costa, who presented the public with Christ with his arms outstretched to the sides. The author’s idea was to create a vision of how Christ the Savior with his own hands embraces the entire city and takes it into his care. It is in this place that your acquaintance with the sights of Rio de Janeiro begins. A special train goes to the foot of the statue, then along the steps you can get to the observation deck. From such a great height, all areas of the city and its picturesque corners are clearly visible. Closer to the statue, you can also take the highway along the forest area called Tijuc. This is the largest nature reserve in the country and at the same time a forest area, which will give the first idea of ​​what real jungles and tropical forests are.

Sugar Loaf is not a man-made landmark of Rio de Janeiro, but a natural symbol of the city. The rock reaches a height of 395 meters, and is located right next to Gunabara Bay. You can get to the top of the stone cliff in two cable cars. You'll get unforgettable experience from panoramic views from the mountain, and you can also admire the bay with many boats, bright sunsets and the powerful statue of Christ the Savior, the view of which from this place is simply stunning.

Cathedral, beaches and lagoon

Another quite interesting place for tourists will be the Cathedral. This Rio de Janeiro landmark has a very interesting modern appearance, resembling a concrete block that is shrouded in scaffolding. The building amazes with its beauty and dimensions; one gets the impression that this eighty-meter building is the main one in the whole city. There is also a Museum of Religious Art located in the basement under the cathedral.

The southern region is familiar to tourists from photos of Rio de Janeiro, which depict bright paradises with sandy beaches. If you calculate the total length of city beaches, you may be very surprised, because it is 90 km. Copacabana Beach is the symbol of the city; it is the widest among the beaches on the planet. Most tourists stay in nearby first-line hotels.

The second beach, called Ipanema, is located near Copacabana beach, and the third, Leblon, is located near the coast of Ipanema. The last two beaches are also amazingly beautiful, but there are always fewer people here and if you want to take a break from the noise, you should immediately go here. These places are preferred by surfers. If you want to try your hand at surfing, here you can rent everything necessary equipment and even find an instructor.

Laguna Rodrigo de Freitas is another attraction of Rio de Janeiro, which is located between Copacabana and Ipanema Beach. It is bordered by parks and bike paths. In the mornings, this is where you can meet many people jogging, exercising, or rollerblading. The bay is very beautiful at night, when the lights from the city areas are reflected in the water of the lagoon. It is very difficult to convey in words all the beauty of what is happening, you need to see it with your own eyes.

A paradise for football fans and book lovers

As mentioned above, business card Brazil and Rio de Janeiro in particular are home to football, but what is a game without a stadium? In the north of the city there is a city stadium called "Maracana". This is one of the largest stadiums in the entire modern world. It can comfortably accommodate 120,000 people. Northern part tourists may know cities because royal palace, which was once located here. It should also be noted that in addition to the vibrant landscapes and chic carnivals, Rio de Janeiro is cultural center, which stores ancient manuscripts and historical documents in its libraries. The National Library alone has 2 million books, 800 paintings by famous painters and other equally important historical monuments.

The famous photo of Rio de Janeiro, which depicts the Carioca Aqueduct, is exactly true to reality. This is an incredibly beautiful scenic bridge, which is located in the center of the city and simply amazes with its colonial architecture. For most tourists and guests of the city, it is the aqueduct that serves as a kind of landmark. Trams pass through the bridge, connecting the city center with other neighborhoods and districts.

South Park

If you want a little break from noisy excursions, you should visit southern part Rio de Janeiro, namely Park Henrique Lage. A special feature of the park is a luxurious mansion located in the center with an elegant cafe where you can have a delicious lunch or relax with a cup of aromatic coffee.

Another park that will distract you from the noisy traffic of the city is Quinta da Boa Vista Park. The landscapes of this Rio de Janeiro attraction include calm ponds, subtropical vegetation and many avenues with fountains. Here, you can often see couples with children coming for a picnic. Spending time in the park is very interesting and educational; there are also many museums and a zoo.

Modern city of Rio de Janeiro

Currently in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro is considered the industrial center of the entire country. Industries such as mechanical engineering, chemical industry, shipbuilding, oil, wood processing and pharmaceutical industries are developed here. There are also diamond cutting factories in the city.

The population of Rio de Janeiro always has something to do, so unemployment does not threaten them. Of course, there is an unpleasant situation in poor areas, but the city authorities are trying in every possible way to correct it. Located in Rio sea ​​port, which receives a large number of passenger ships and cargo ships every day. In Brazil, Rio de Janeiro is the largest transport hub, in addition to the port and highways, there are two airports and three railway stations.

In one day, it is quite possible to see all the sights of Rio de Janeiro from photos, but if you really want to visit them and see them with your own eyes, you will have to spend much more time. As they say local residents“In order to see all the sights of the city, you will have to stay here forever.” The city is simply overflowing with picturesque corners, architectural buildings of past centuries, as well as many museums, parks and beaches, each of which will certainly leave an imprint on your memory and give the best impressions!