About Jordan

Capital of Jordan:
Geography of Jordan:
Jordan is a country in the Middle East. It borders on Syria in the north, Iraq in the east, Israel in the west, and Saudi Arabia in the south and southeast. A small section of the country's southern border is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Aqaba of the Red Sea.
Time in Jordan is 1 hour behind Moscow (GMT/UTC +2).

general information

Holidays in Jordan
If you are looking for calm beach holiday, then come here! There are much fewer tourists in Jordan at this time of year than, say, in Egypt, and tours to Jordan are much cheaper than ocean exotics. At any time of the year there is something to see and do here; the number of attractions in this country is simply off the charts! The hotels offer enviable service for the Middle East, and local population very welcoming and friendly. Holidays in Jordan are a comfortable and memorable holiday!
Russian citizens can obtain a visa upon arrival in the country by paying approximately $28 and presenting a passport that expires no earlier than 6 months after the end of the planned trip. Regular tourist visa limits your stay in Jordan to thirty days, but after this period, if you need to stay in the country, you can contact the police station or a representative of your host travel agency to extend your visa.
Jordan hotels for the most part have decent service. Hotel staff speak spoken English, and in some hotels there are even Russian-speaking staff.
Leisure in Jordan it is thoroughly established and full of local flavor. For example, here you can repeat the journey of the Roman Emperor Hadrian from north to south of Jordan in off-road vehicles, visiting biblical cities and legionary fortresses. Another entertainment option is to travel in a caravan to the east of the country for a whole week, stopping at some new place every night, or to travel along the very edge of the desert on a World War I train. Here you can also soar over the Wadi Rum desert on a paraglider or hot-air balloon. For sports lovers in Jordan on the menu tourist entertainment There is horse riding, golf, paintball. Hiking trips to the mountains are also organised.
For lovers excursion holiday You won’t be bored in Jordan either. One of the most popular attractions in the country is ancient city Petra, founded back in the 1st millennium BC. e. All diving enthusiasts should visit the Aqaba resort, as the resort is located on the shores of the Red Sea, famous for its underwater riches. Also this a good place for shopping lovers, since Aqaba is located in a duty-free zone. And between Petra and Aqaba stretches amazing desert Wadi Rum. This place combines architectural creations of natural forces - wind and sun - in the form of canyons, wells and unique arches, as well as man-made human art - rock art, dating back to ancient times - these drawings are more than four thousand years old!

State structure
Jordan is an Arab state in the Middle East. It borders with Syria in the north, Iraq in the northeast, Saudi Arabia in the east and south, and Israel and the Palestinian Authority in the west. Jordan shares the coastlines of the Dead Sea with Israel and the Palestinian Authority and the Gulf of Aqaba with Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
About 90% is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts.
Tourists are attracted to Jordan by the beaches and coral reefs of the Gulf of Aqaba, the Dead Sea and one of the new seven wonders of the world - Petra.

The official language is Arabic. But the majority of the population speaks English to one degree or another.

Geographical position
State in the Middle East. It borders on Syria in the north, Iraq in the east, Israel in the west, and Saudi Arabia in the south and southeast. A small section of the country's southern border is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Aqaba of the Red Sea.
Most of the country is occupied by rocky and sandy deserts, framed low mountains and plateaus up to 1500 m high. Only a small section of the territory in the north-west of the country (the Ghor or El-Ghor depression), as well as narrow strip along Dead Sea, suitable for agriculture. The central and southern regions are dominated by deserts and semi-deserts, in which small oases are occasionally found. The highest point of the country, the city of Jebel Ram (1754 m), is located in the south of the country, the lowest is on the coast of the Dead Sea (about 400 m below sea level). The total area of ​​the country is about 89.2 thousand square meters. km. The capital is Amman.

The climate in Jordan is subtropical Mediterranean and continental, very dry.
Average temperatures in January are from +8°C to +14°C, in July - from +28°C to +40°C. Moreover, regardless of the time of year, the difference between day and night temperatures can reach 30°C or more, so the nights can be quite cool.
Precipitation ranges from 100 to 700 mm per year, and is quite uneven. In summer there is practically no precipitation; from November to April, there is heavy rain in the north-west of the country, while the eastern regions receive noticeably less precipitation.
In the south of the country, in the Gulf of Aqaba region, a special microclimate has formed - it is always a little hotter and drier here than in the north.

The Jordanian currency is the dinar (JOD), equal to 100 piastres and 1000 fils. In circulation are banknotes in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 dinars and coins in denominations of 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 25 and 100 dinars. Fils have largely fallen into disuse, but coins of 5, 10, 25, 100, 250 and 500 fils still have limited circulation.
Banking and currency exchange hours are open from 08.30 to 12.30 and from 15.30 to 17.30 from Saturday to Thursday (bank desks usually close at 12.30). During Ramadan, most banks are open only from 08.30 to 10.00, although some large banks are open in the afternoon.
Payment for goods and services usually occurs in dinars; foreign currency is almost never accepted for payment. Money can be exchanged at the airport, hotels, banks and specialized exchange offices. Credit cards and traveler's checks are accepted only in major tourist centers, in hotels, ticket offices and large stores (the most common are American Express and Visa - they are accepted almost everywhere, Dinners Club is less widespread, cashing out MasterCard cards is also often difficult, so it is better not to use them). In the interior of the country it is almost impossible to pay with credit cards. British Bank of the Middle East accepts Euro checks. The fee for cashing traveler's checks is usually 5 dinars, regardless of the amount.

Jordan – oriental fairy tale in the Middle East, which lies in the very heart of the Holy Land. Bible stories, lost cities- there are many connections with Jordan romantic stories. This is one of the most hospitable countries peace. Jordan is not just a friendly cup of tea in the company of local residents. This region is a kaleidoscope of impressions about the Middle East. Jordan is one of the safest and calmest countries Arab world. There is almost no crime, police patrols maintain order on the streets, and the residents themselves do not allow crime to flourish. You should know. Friday is a day off in Jordan. On this day, only bazaars are open in all cities, and during Ramadan, the vast majority of shops close earlier than their usual schedule.

Major resorts Jordan: on the Red Sea and the Dead Sea coast. Aqaba- the largest resort center in Jordan, located on the northern coast of the Gulf of Aqaba near the Israeli city of Eilat. The coastal city of Aqaba is a combination of beauty and comfort. This is a place of pilgrimage for divers and scuba divers, as well as scientists interested in the life of coral reefs.

Holidays in Jordan are an ideal solution for those who want to combine business with pleasure. Various excursion programs, rare historical monuments, golden sandy beaches, amazing cuisine, and lots of entertainment. In addition to cultural and historical monuments, tourists are attracted by the unique natural and climatic features of the country. Wellness and beach holidays in Jordan are attractive for those who would like to heal at the Dead Sea or at the hot springs in Ma'in. Its heavy and mineral-rich water helps with various skin diseases and joint diseases, and the climate has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Holidays in Jordan at the Dead Sea help you get maximum benefit for health and keep it in good shape. SPA hotels in northern Jordan, where the Jordan River flows into the Dead Sea, offer a wide range of unique mineral cosmetics.

Hotels Jordan is a high level of service, magnificent rooms, restaurants, and everything you need for aquatic species sports Ideal conditions have been created here for family, active and youth recreation. Crystal clear waters Red Sea, unique undersea world, coral reefs, ideal for diving And snorkeling. Many opportunities for sea holidays, surfing, water skiing, windsurfing, Tourists can use a submarine, glass-bottomed boats or snow-white yachts. Sea holiday possible in Jordan all year round.

Jordan is especially popular among pilgrims, is a country with rich history, witness to the birth of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Holy places of Jordan: the place of the baptism of Jesus Christ, Mount Nebo, the Anjara area, where the Church of Our Lady is famous, the Jordan River, Khirbat al-Wahadin, the birthplace of the prophet Elijah, Essalte, the tomb of Job. Jordan is the owner of the majestic, rock city Petra – ancient capital Nabataean Kingdom, one of the “Wonders of the World”.

Jordanian cuisine is generally faithful to Arabic culinary traditions, but has its own characteristic features. Everywhere, mint, a variety of greens and herbs, lemons of all kinds, onions, pickled olives and pine nuts are added to food. Agriculture is developed in Jordan; olives and olive oil, grapes, sesame, and grain crops are produced. The country imports food to neighboring countries.

Offers best hotels, diversity excursion programs and great mood!


Dead Sea 16°C

Aqaba 15°C

Widgets Resorts

general information

The official name of the country

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The capital is Amman.

Geographical position

Jordan is located in the Middle East and borders Syria to the north, Iraq to the northeast, Saudi Arabia to the east and south, and Israel and Palestine to the west. There are also borders delineated by the Gulf of Aqaba and the Dead Sea ( coastline is 26 km). The area of ​​the country is 89,213 km². The main territory (90%) of Jordan is occupied by desert plateaus; in the west of the country there are hills and mountains. The Jordan River separates Jordan and Israel. Most high point the country is Jabal Ram (1,734 m), and the lowest is the Dead Sea (-486 m).


Jordan has a subtropical Mediterranean climate. The number of sunny hours is 6-7 hours in winter and 12-13 hours in summer. In the west, the average January temperature is +8°C (in the Jordan Valley +14°C), the average July temperature is +24°C (in the Jordan Valley +30°C). In the east, temperature differences are greater. The average annual precipitation ranges from 25-50 to 200 mm. In the north-west of the country, due to the terrain features and proximity to Mediterranean Sea The average annual precipitation ranges from 300 to 800 mm. Most of the precipitation falls during the cold period (from November to March).

The most favorable time for a holiday in Jordan is spring and autumn. Because summer is very dry and hot. But throughout the year average temperature stays within +23С…+25С.


The territory of Jordan is located in a time zone called Eastern European Time (UTC+2) with an annual change of the clock hand on the last Sunday in March at 2:00 1 hour forward and on the last Sunday in October at 3:00 1 hour back (Eastern European Daylight Time ( UTC+3)).

State structure

Jordan is a constitutional monarchy. The throne is inherited through the male line. Exclusive power is concentrated in the hands of the king and his council of ministers. The Council of Ministers is headed by the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the king. Korolt ​​also appoints judges, and can also remove any minister at the request of the Prime Minister. The King signs all laws and approves changes to the Constitution. Currently, Jordan has a Constitution adopted in 1952.
Administratively, Jordan is divided into 12 governorates, whose governors are appointed by the king.


Jordan's population is 6.5 million, 98% of the population is Arab. Most of the population lives in the capital; in the desert areas of the country there is practically no population, mostly nomads.


The state religion is Islam: Sunnis - 92%, Shiites - 3%. Christians make up 5% of the population.


The official language is Arabic. English is widely spoken among the educated population, as well as in business circles. Arabic and English languages are compulsory to study in schools.


Jordanian dinar JOD (1 dinar = 100 piastres = 1000 fils). In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 dinars and coins in 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 25 and 100 dinars.
Payment for goods and services is carried out in dinars; foreign currency is practically not accepted anywhere. You can exchange currency in banks, hotels, special exchange offices, as well as at the airport. Payment bank cards possible in hotels, large shopping centers, as well as in popular tourist areas.

Electrical voltage

in the network 220 V, 50 Hz. The sockets are mostly non-standard, with three pins. You can ask the hotel staff for an adapter.

Important information

Package of documents

  • Check that you have a complete package of documents.
    • International passport (children must be included in the passport of one of the parents; for children over 6 years old, the parents’ passport must have a photo and stamp; over 14 years old - a separate international passport)
    • Voucher
    • Insurance policy
    • Air ticket
    • Consent of parents/parent (for children traveling without parents/parent) and child's birth certificate (for children traveling with one of the parents)
    • Certificate from the bank (for export of more than $3,000 per person)
    • Driver's license (if you plan to rent a car)

Customs regulations

You can import up to 200 cigarettes or 25 cigars or 200 g of tobacco, 2 liters of wine, and perfumes for personal use into the country duty-free. Hand luggage and personal items are not subject to duties. When importing luxury goods, you must fill out a special declaration and pay a fee. When importing or exporting antiques, you must have a receipt issued by the seller. Import of foreign (except Israeli) and national currencies is not limited. The export of imported currency is not limited, but no more than 300 JOD can be exported of national currency.

Prohibited for import

The import of bladed weapons, firearms, drugs, explosives and ammunition is prohibited. It is prohibited to import electronic cigarettes and use them in the country; this will result in a fine or imprisonment ( detailed information You can check with the Jordanian Embassy).

Helpful information


Required for traveling to Jordan medical insurance international standard. The level of healthcare is very high. First and emergency rescue assistance is provided free of charge; all subsequent visits to the doctor will have to be paid separately.


The country's largest airport, Queen Alia International Airport, is located 40 km south of Amman, the second international Airport is located in Aqaba. Length railways about 507 km. Jordan has a network of main, secondary and rural roads. Roads connect not only Jordanian cities, but also the kingdom with neighboring countries. One of the main transport arteries- The Amman-Ramtha highway connects Jordan and Syria. The Amman-Ma'an-El-Aqaba highway leads to the sea. From the Aqaba highway there is a branch to Al-Mudawwara and further to Saudi Arabia. The Amman-Jerusalem highway accounts for the bulk of the tourist traffic.
There are two types of taxis in the country - route and regular. Minibus taxi follow fixed routes. Regular taxi (cars yellow color) can carry out transportation only within settlement, to travel to another city, the taxi driver will need a special permit; the passenger pays for such a permit. These taxis are equipped with meters, but it is still better to agree on the price with the driver in advance; drivers of regular taxis often specifically take clients along the longest and longest routes.

Car rental

There are international and small local rental offices in the country. To rent a car you will need an international driving license and a credit card (only for short stays in the country). Depending on the class of the car, a certain amount is blocked on the card as collateral. Driving a rented car outside of Jordan is prohibited.
Traffic in the country is on the right.


A huge number of fine restaurants offer a wide range of local and international dishes across reasonable price. In addition, cuisines from other countries are represented here (French, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Indian and American). Guests are advised to try the national dish "mansaf". Typically, lunch at a typical Jordanian restaurant costs $10. In expensive restaurants - up to $20. Food in hotels: buffet type, includes dishes of European and national cuisine.


Tips can be given to hotel staff, tour guides, drivers, horse drivers and volunteer guides, etc. Tips here usually make up a large (often the bulk) portion of the earnings of Jordanians working in the tourism sector. Hotel employees are usually left from 0.5 to 1 Jordanian dinar (about $1-2), in restaurants and cafes 5-10% of the bill amount.


The most favorite dish in Jordan is mansaf (lamb cooked in sour cream, served on rice with the resulting soup and strewn with toasted pine nuts). Jordan's most popular sweets are made with pistachios, cheese or in the form of cookies strewn with sesame seeds. Locals eat green and black olives, which are usually marinated in lemon juice. There are many varieties of salads, some salads contain fresh mint. Jordan has a lot of oranges, grows its own bananas, figs, melons and watermelons, as well as cactus fruit, which is not sold in Russia. The cactus fruit, cleared of thorns, has a yellowish juicy pulp in cross-section that tastes like melon.


The most popular souvenirs from Jordan are all kinds of fabrics, embroidery, jewelry, ceramics, and olive wood figurines. Oriental sweets, coffee, herbs and spices are also popular among tourists. Cosmetics based on Dead Sea products, which are produced in Jordan, are popular. It is recommended to buy cosmetics in large shopping centers or pharmacies. Prices in supermarkets are fixed. In markets and souvenir shops, bargaining is not only possible, but also necessary! Sometimes the price can be reduced by 20-30%.

Each store sets its own operating hours. Basically it is from 9-30 to 13-30, and then from 15-30 to 18-30. Large supermarkets - from 9 to 13, then a break until 15 and again open until 20.30. At the hottest point of the day, shops are closed, this time is called siesta here. Friday is a day off in Jordan. On this day, only bazaars are open in all cities. You need to know that during Ramadan, the vast majority of stores close earlier than their usual schedule. Amman has a network of large department stores: Safeway, Plaza Superstores, Numan Mall, Cozmo, Jordan Moll. They have an abundance of goods from all famous world brands. It is preferable to make purchases in stores that have the “Premier Tax Free” sign. Purchases made in such stores will be eligible for a tax refund. Refunds are made upon departure from the country.


Telephone code Jordan - 962, Aqaba code - 03.
To call landlines in Jordan, dial: 8 – 10 – 962 – (area code) – (telephone number)
To make calls to Russia, dial: 007 (Russia code) – (area code) – (telephone number).

You can call from pay phones, from hotels, or from a mobile phone. Most major Russian mobile operators provide roaming services in Jordan. The cost of the service depends on the tariff rates of a particular operator. You can buy a SIM card from one of the local mobile operators, in which case incoming calls to this number will be free.

Precautionary measures

Jordan is one of the calmest countries in the Middle East. However, it is better to leave valuables and documents in the hotel safe. It is advisable to make photocopies of important documents (passports, tickets, etc.) and store them separately from the originals. Money and documents should be kept in different places. In case of theft or loss credit card You must immediately call the bank and block the account. In crowded places (airports, train stations, squares, etc.), keep an eye on your belongings, do not show the contents of your wallets in public, and do not give things to strangers for safekeeping. In case of theft or other illegal actions against you, contact the police.

Russian Embassy
Russian Embassy in Jordan:
Address: (22) Zahran St. 3rd Circle, Jabal Amman
Phone: (+9626) - 464-11-58/ 464-12-29
Fax: (+9626) - 464-74-48
Web: http://www.jordan.mid.ru/
Email: [email protected]
The Consular Section:
Address: Jabal Amman - 4th Circle, Ahmad Toukan St.
Phone: (+9626) - 568-25-09
Fax: (+9626) - 568-25-10

In Jordan, as in Israel, you will encounter the beauty of the Dead Sea, beautiful beaches Red Sea and world monuments of religion and history. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is the official name of the state. Interesting fact, the origin of the word “Hashemite” suggests that the ruling family descends from the line of the Prophet Muhammad. The bulk of travelers are families with children who are vacationing in the resort of Aqaba, and Muslim and Christian pilgrims seeking to learn the history of the origin of the three religions. While in Jordan, you can easily travel to Israel, which is very important for pilgrims, and also improve your health in spa hotels at the Dead Sea resorts. The high level of service and rich resort infrastructure make Jordan quite expensive resort. Jordan attracts many tourists with its excellent cuisine, prepared according to the best traditions of Arab cuisine.

Seasonality and climate. When is the best time to go on holiday to Jordan?

The subtropical and dry climate will allow you to relax in Jordan throughout the year, but best time for health there will be spring and autumn periods. At these times of the year, the air temperature is best for acclimatization and for visiting excursions. Summer in Jordan is quite sultry and hot. If you go to winter period, then rest assured, the water temperature will not drop below 21 degrees. However, in central regions There are fluctuations in the country, so it gets cold at night. From October to May, short periods of rain are observed in Jordan.

Prices for tours to Jordan

Every year the influx of tourists to the lands of Jordan increases. This is facilitated not only by the presence in the country of the most important concentration of priceless Christian ruins, temples and palaces, but also thanks to the unique Dead Sea And gorgeous beaches resort of Aqaba. The increase in demand for travel packages has led to an increase in prices for travel packages. In 2016, trips to Jordan will cost you approximately 70-100 thousand rubles for two. The price depends on the food chosen and the hotel category. You can choose three meals a day, two meals a day, one meal or choose the usual all-inclusive system. The resorts of Aqaba are very developed, so there will be no problems with food outside the hotel. In addition to exciting excursions, you should appreciate the gastronomic capabilities of the country. Tours to the healing Dead Sea will cost you a little more, but an early booking promotion will help you save your budget.

Jordan- this is a new direction Pegas Touristik. It is attractive for tourists who, on vacation, prefer to combine a beach format with educational, excursion and therapeutic ones.

Pegasus Touristik tours to Jordan- This is not only a useful and exciting pastime, but also a unique tourist destination.

The Jordanian land contains a huge number of protected places of ancient cities and biblical monuments.

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a country of mesmerizing beauty, the secret of which is its bright contrasts.

Holidays in Jordan much cheaper than in neighboring Israel, and its main resort Aqaba is located near Eilat on the coast of the same Red Sea.

One of the wonders of Jordan is the Wadi Rum desert, the most amazing desert in the world, which amazes the imagination with its unique landscapes: high cliffs and endless plains. There are many archaeological sites scattered throughout the desert, from Neolithic ruins to the castles of Umayyad princes. And the largest gem in the crown of Jordan, which made it famous throughout the world, is the pink-red city of Petra, cut into the rocks near the town of Wadi Moussa. This architectural masterpiece It was built more than two thousand years ago, and today it is included in the UNESCO list of world cultural heritage sites.

Russian Embassy
Russian Embassy in Jordan:
Address: (22) Zahran St. 3rd Circle, Jabal Amman
Phone: (+9626) — 464-11-58/ 464-12-29
Fax: (+9626) — 464-74-48
Web: http://www.jordan.mid.ru/
Email: [email protected]
The Consular Section:
Address: Jabal Amman - 4th Circle, Ahmad Toukan St.
Phone: (+9626) - 568-25-09
Fax: (+9626) — 568-25-10

General information:

Capital: Amman

Language: Arab

Population: 6,259,932 people

Currency: Jordanian Dina

Holidays in Jordan

Jordan is an oriental tale in the Middle East that lies in the heart of the Holy Land. Biblical stories, lost cities - many romantic stories are associated with Jordan. This is one of the most hospitable countries in the world. Jordan is more than just a friendly cup of tea with the locals. This region is a kaleidoscope of impressions about the Middle East. Jordan is one of the safest and calmest countries in the Arab world. There is almost no crime, police patrols maintain order on the streets, and the residents themselves do not allow crime to flourish. You should know. Friday is a day off in Jordan. On this day, only bazaars are open in all cities, and during Ramadan, the vast majority of shops close earlier than their usual schedule.

The main resorts of Jordan: on the Red Sea and the Dead Sea coast. Aqaba is the largest resort center in Jordan, located on the northern coast of the Gulf of Aqaba near the Israeli city of Eilat. The coastal city of Aqaba is a combination of beauty and comfort. This is a place of pilgrimage for divers and scuba divers, as well as scientists interested in the life of coral reefs.

Holidays in Jordan are an ideal solution for those who want to combine business with pleasure. A variety of excursion programs, rare historical monuments, golden sandy beaches, amazing cuisine, and lots of entertainment. In addition to cultural and historical monuments, tourists are attracted by the unique natural and climatic features of the country. Wellness and beach holidays in Jordan are attractive for those who would like to heal at the Dead Sea or at the hot springs in Ma'in. Its heavy and mineral-rich water helps with various skin diseases and joint diseases, and the climate has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Holidays in Jordan at the Dead Sea help you get maximum health benefits and keep it in good shape. SPA hotels in northern Jordan, where the Jordan River flows into the Dead Sea, offer a wide range of unique mineral cosmetics.

Hotels in Jordan offer a high level of service, excellent rooms, restaurants, and everything you need for water sports. There are ideal conditions for family, active and youth recreation. The crystal clear waters of the Red Sea, a unique underwater world, coral reefs, are ideal for diving and snorkeling. There are many opportunities for sea recreation, surfing, water skiing, windsurfing, submarines, glass-bottom boats or snow-white yachts are available to tourists. Sea holidays in Jordan are possible all year round.

Jordan, which is especially popular among pilgrims, is a country with a rich history, witnessing the birth of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Holy places of Jordan: the place of the baptism of Jesus Christ, Mount Nebo, the Anjara area, where the Church of Our Lady is famous, the Jordan River, Khirbat al-Wahadin, the birthplace of the prophet Elijah, Essalte, the tomb of Job. Jordan is the owner of the majestic rock city of Petra - the ancient capital of the Nabatean kingdom, one of the “wonders of the world”.

Jordanian cuisine is generally faithful to Arab culinary traditions, but has its own characteristics. Everywhere, mint, a variety of greens and herbs, lemons of all kinds, onions, pickled olives and pine nuts are added to food. Agriculture is developed in Jordan; olives and olive oil, grapes, sesame, and grain crops are produced. The country imports food to neighboring countries.

The best hotels, a variety of excursion programs and a great mood await you!