Have you issued a citizen's passport to travel abroad? It would be a sin not to use it. It’s not all about relaxing at your mother-in-law’s dacha or going to pebble resorts year after year. Anyone who has been abroad and had the opportunity to compare often speaks less than flatteringly about the level of service at domestic resorts. But if your wallet is not very rich, it is clear that you should not go to Courchevel. But where to go, in which countries? cheap holiday? Let's try to understand this issue.

There is one small but defining nuance here. How long of a vacation can you afford? After all, the cheapest countries for holidays are, by chance, very far from Russia and, therefore, getting there will be expensive. Spend about a thousand dollars for a flight and live for two weeks in tropical paradise South-East Asia for about $100? All the same, no matter how you look at it, it will come out to one thousand and one hundred conventional units. A little expensive for one person. But if you are a freelancer and can work remotely, then it’s a different matter. Just imagine: every morning you take a sun lounger, a laptop and go to the beach. Free, of course. And you spend about $150 a month on housing, food and clothing. And without denying yourself anything.

The most cheap country for the rest of such downshifters - India. Everything costs mere pennies. For $50 a month you will have shelter, and with all the amenities. As for food, $40 for the eyes is enough. There is no shortage of five-star hotels in India. Ask your compatriots who came to Goa on a tour, and you can easily calculate how much money you saved thanks to your independence.

Second place in the ranking of “the cheapest country for a holiday” is taken by Indonesia. Food here is twice as expensive as in India, but you can have lunch at a local restaurant for two dollars. In general, a month's stay in Bali will cost you $160 per month. Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam are countries with as yet untrodden hiking trails. This is reflected in prices in a favorable direction for you. In principle, if you know how to drive a scooter, you can go to the more prestigious Thailand. There, the price of housing varies greatly depending on how far it is from the sea. You can rent a nice bungalow with all amenities for $150 per month. From countries Latin America Costa Rica, Bolivia, Honduras, and Argentina can be called cheap.

But if your vacation is 2-3 weeks? It is clear that distant countries are no longer needed due to expensive flights. It’s worth turning your gaze somewhere closer. So what is the cheapest country for Hungary and Poland will pleasantly surprise you with their prices and high service. Prices there, of course, are not like in Cambodia, but also not as high as in Germany or France. If your goal is the beach and the sea, consider Bulgaria as an option. There is one “but” when traveling around Europe. This is a visa. Even if getting it is not a problem (as, for example, in Bulgaria), it still costs money.

The cheapest country for a holiday independent traveler- Egypt. Even for group tourists, a week in a 4-star hotel with all-inclusive and airfare will cost about $400. And if you take the trouble, find a sale of charter tickets, and at the same time google for “Housing rentals in Sharm el-Sheikh/Hurghada,” then simply unheard-of prospects will open up before you. Luxury apartments there cost $250 per month. Why do you need “all inclusive” if the local market offers high-quality products at a cheap price?

There is no country in the world that is not of tourist interest. Exclusive historical and archaeological attractions, cultural heritage, and ecological beauties are present in each. Unfortunately, visiting many of them seriously impacts the wallets of tourists. However, there is a list of world tourism leaders by inexpensive holiday, including countries with entertainment, marine, environmental and cultural areas.

  • Europe
  • Russia
  • South America
  • Near East

Three inexpensive and beautiful European countries

Europe is very heterogeneous in terms of prices within different countries included in it. For example, in Finland, which is close to Russia, food prices are much higher than in the distant Netherlands, and therefore it is impossible to calculate a vacation budget based on distance.

Top three budget countries Europe includes:

  • Croatia
  • Poland
  • Romania


One of the most reasonably priced countries, gaining tourist popularity due to its location on Adriatic coast and surrounded by chains of islands, holidays on which are little different from holidays on oceanic atolls: the same bright seascapes, the same snow-white sands, exotic nature. Yachting is developing rapidly on the beaches of Croatia: it is the main entertainment area.

Added to this is a daily varied menu of spicy and spicy seafood dishes and local wine, famous for its softness and flavor palette.

It is customary to visit Croatia at the height of the summer heat, starting in June, and in early autumn, until October. But prices for accommodation, food and entertainment in the subsequent season - October-November - will drop by half. At this time, you won’t always be able to swim, but going on a yacht and spending time in the lap of exotic nature will be quite cheap.

Flight: from 13,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1400 rub.


This is a country in which the Middle Ages have remained intact in many places. When traveling to Poland, get ready for the fact that almost every resort will offer you an overview of the perfectly preserved knight's castle or the ruins of historically significant fortifications of the 12-14th centuries.

Most resort towns in Poland are ancient cities with atmospheric architecture, beautiful churches, picturesque landscapes. Lakes framed by forests and parks create lyrical pictures that are pleasant for tourists tired of the bustle of big cities. offers cultural and ecological tourism with hospitality and affordable accommodation and food. The climate of Poland allows you to admire it at any time of the year.

Flight: 8,400 rub.

Accommodation: from 1400 rub.

Day stay for two: from 5600 rub.


The leader in the list of the most inexpensive countries in Europe, and at the same time provides a variety of vacation destinations. For curious tourists - a country of fortresses and castles of the 14th-16th centuries. (among them the castle of the famous vampire Dracula!). For active tourists there are ski slopes and mountaineering routes, for lovers sea ​​holiday– Black Sea coast.

Romania is a very wooded country, it charms with its pristineness, interspersed with modern and very cozy cities.

The climate of Romania is similar to Russia, with the difference that in winter it is rarely colder than fifteen degrees below zero. But summers here are not very hot: on average, up to twenty-five degrees Celsius.

Ski season: winter, from mid-December until the snow melts (usually the end of April). Holidays on the Black Sea last a little more than two months: from June to mid-August.

Flight: 10,500 rub.

Accommodation: 1750 – 2100 rub.

Day stay for two: from 4900 rub.

Asia: exotica affordable

One of the well-known inexpensive Asian destinations is Thailand, and relatively recently two more exotic beautiful countries have entered the world of widespread tourism: Cambodia and Vietnam.

Countries actively developing tourist destination, always have inexpensive prices and very attentive service. This is how they earn their reputation.


Many tourists have fallen in love with this extremely friendly, inexpensive country. Violet and turquoise lagoons of long beaches, stone steles as if dropped from the sky by giants, flowery outfits local residents– we have seen all this at least once in photographs, and all this is quite accessible to see in reality.

The main shrines of Thailand are the White Temple, as if carved from ivory, and more than thirty thousand Buddhist temples, carved, colored, inlaid.

The islands of Thailand are kept clean and fresh, and the underwater world is fascinating. Local kitchen is divided into two directions: Japanese-Chinese (you won’t see such huge rolls anywhere else) and local spicy cuisine, sometimes even too exotic.

Visit Thailand from late November to February - this is the tropical season, ideal for beach holiday, and the hot season that follows, from mid-March to May. At this time, the temperature rises significantly, up to 37 degrees. The rainy season (June-October) is interesting in its own way, but there is a risk of spending your entire vacation at the hotel looking at the rain.

Flight: from 20,000 rub.

Accommodation: 1000 rub.


Thailand's small neighbor, Cambodia has finally dealt with the revolutionary upheavals and has begun to develop as a tourist country.

Surprisingly, Cambodia offers lower prices than Thailand and higher level of service. The beauty of the country is unique: twenty-two national parks attract eco-tourists. Blooming jungles, rare plants, and the lushness of the tropical forest coexist with beach areas on the shores of a very clean ocean.

Little Cambodia has the largest religious building in the world - the Angkor Wat temple is the main attraction of the country. The climate and recommendations for visiting Cambodia are the same as the climate and recommendations for visiting Thailand.

Flight: from 33,000 rub. (Siem Reap)

Accommodation: 1000 rub.

Day stay for two: from 4500 rub.


The popularity of Vietnam is becoming attractive for those who are willing to spend money on air tickets in order to install financial balance due to cheap accommodation and food.

The culture of Vietnam, long hidden from the eyes of Europeans, developed separately and is therefore so attractive to those eager to get acquainted with the unknown. Temples of rare beauty, excursions to the habitats of small ethnic groups of Vietnam, hiking and cycling through forested mountains: Vietnam invites not a tourist, but a guest.

He generously shares his rich views, gives relaxation on beaches stretching almost three thousand kilometers, and willingly introduces mysterious world exoticism and Asian mystery.

Vietnam also has the cheapest pearls in the world, the most unusual cuisine and very friendly local people.

From December to April, you can exchange the chill of the Russian winter for the delightfully warm breeze of the Vietnamese coasts. At this time, prices in the country are slightly higher than in the subsequent season, which lasts from May to October. This is the rainy season, but prices drop so noticeably that tourists are little bothered by the rain. They buy multi-colored Vietnamese umbrellas with fringes and go for an impression!

Flight: from 27,000 rub. (Ho Chi Minh City)

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Day stay for two: from 4500 rub.

Russia: such a familiar stranger

Holidays for the most active travelers. Karelia provides many tourist centers, and the tourist centers vying with each other to please tourists, offering fishing, hunting, kayaking, hiking to the forest and mountains.

The nature of Karelia is poorly described in words: it is not only unique, it does not even have a pale resemblance to itself. Northern coniferous forests imprison stormy mountain rivers in lace frames, multi-colored rocks are reflected in the waters of lakes, sunsets and sunrises paint the world in all shades of gold.

A particularly revered place in Karelia is the island of Kizhi, a quiet and peaceful place with preserved wooden buildings and wonderful temples with hand-carved carvings, one of which has as many as twenty-two domes.

The island preserves the memory of the original culture of the Karelian peoples and woodcarvers.

For a good rest, it is better to choose August - this is the month when the annoying midge disappears, and the beauty of Karelia is fully revealed. Fans of winter hunting and ice fishing can safely go in winter - it is very beautiful and cold in the Russian way, no annoying slush.

Road: from 1700 rub. (Reserved seat Moscow – Petrazovodsk)

Accommodation: from 600 rub. (private sector)

Weekly accommodation for one + travel: 12,000 rubles, if you feed yourself.


Seliger is a long chain of lakes, traces left by a glacier that once passed here.

The transparency and purity of the water, the environmental friendliness of Seliger attract tourists with children to recreation centers, of which there are many built on the banks. Pleasant entertainment on the water is offered: fishing and boating, kite and windsurfing and simply relaxing in nature, necessary for modern city residents.

On Seliger, people often visit the Nilova Pustyn Monastery. The monastery was founded in the 16th century on the site where the holy hermit Nile, revered in Orthodoxy, reposed. Many stories are associated with him about miracles of humility and signs from above that surrounded the pious elder.

The monastic monastery is a place of pilgrimage.

Seliger is visited in the warm months, from May to mid-September. In winter, the lakes are a bit boring, although tourist centers offer New Year and Christmas holidays with festive entertainment.

Road: bus Moscow – Ostashkov from Tushino bus station. 7 hours travel, cost 781 rubles.
Then take a bus from Ostashkov to Berezovy Ryad or Svapusche. Cost 126 rub.

Accommodation: from 800 rub. (private sector)

Weekly accommodation for one + travel: 10,000 rubles, if you feed yourself.


The most visited place in Altai is Lake Teletskoye, the center of tourist excursions to the wonderful places of this region. Mountaineering, horse tourism, fishing, hiking and cycling trails with visits to caves, mountain ranges, forest gorges and waterfalls are developed.

Who hasn't heard of Lake Titicaca? A funny name for Russian-speaking tourists is the name of a lake that climbed to a height of more than three thousand meters above sea level. And these are not all the wonders of Bolivia!

Another lake that's dried up salt lake Uyuni leaves the impression of visiting a lake on another planet - the whiteness of the salt formations sparkling in the sun creates bizarre patterns and figures of unknown creatures, frozen forever.

There are traces left on the territory of Bolivia ancient civilization, which once rebuilt the stone settlement of Tiwanaku. This is a system of steps, plateaus, peaks and temples, mysterious statues and ruins of palaces. Tiwanaku was built not by people, but by gods - this is what the locals believe.

For extreme sports enthusiasts, the Bolivian Death Road will be a challenge - the most dangerous mountain bike route in the world.

Bolivia is a very poor country, and this explains the low prices for staying there. From May to October there is a dry season in Bolivia, this is best time to visit the country.

Flight: from 64,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.


Argentina's national parks combine all the world's wonders: these are gorges that are two hundred million years old, and blue ice, frozen in creative chaos, and scarlet deserts with the largest cacti in the world, and amazing forests with trees bent in dance. Argentina's waterfalls adorn almost any national park, so without impressive spectacle you won't stay.

Besides ecological tourism We invite you to spend time in Buenos Aires, a city of lush contrasts, where there is an artists' district, La Boca, the colorful splendor of creative architecture, the center cultural life capital Cities. Culture in the Argentinean way is a fireworks display of meanings, colors and paradoxes, but it makes excellent souvenirs. The summer period in Argentina lasts from December to February.

Flight: from 55,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Day stay for two: from 2500 rub.

Africa: where humanity was born...

And sooner or later he is drawn to return to his roots. Almost everyone dreams of getting there, such is the romantic aura attached to traveling through it. And there are African countries that allow you to make your dream come true inexpensively. This:

  • Tunisia
  • Burkina Faso

South Africa

The former territories of English colonists gave the world such famous names like Table Mountain and the Cape Good Hope. Now Table Mountain has become the center of a national park, and the Cape of Good Hope is part of a museum area with ports and castles.

South Africa is rich in polar types of attractions - these are museums in the English style, and the famous Big Hole - a mine museum, and, in contrast, truly African nature reserves lions, giraffes and other wild animals. Two civilizations have tightly merged in South Africa: one is industrial, urban, and the second is still wild.

The paradox does not leave South Africa alone: ​​here in Africa, you will see a diamond museum, an island inhabited by fur seals, a beach where a colony of penguins has managed to settle. Amazing country with low prices awaits you from December to February and from July to September.

Flight: from 34,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Day stay for two: from 2500 rub.


The favorable location of Tunisia made it an arena for the redistribution of ancient Roman power. From the Romans in this beautiful country Many buildings remained, including the Colosseum, which is not much inferior to what is now located on the territory of modern Rome.

From their rivals are the remains of the once richest Carthage. Add here wonderful mosques, Arab fortresses, cathedrals left over from the times of colonization, and feel the intensity historical events that took place on this earth.

The center of attraction for tourists here is still the Sahara Desert and Lake Chott el Nerid. Excursions to the great desert of the world and to huge lake, like ice covered with a crust of salt, is a must-see for a traveler looking for the wonders of the world. And in Tunisia you can try vodka made from figs!

A third of Tunisia is given over to the Sahara, and on the other side of the country the gentle sea washes cleanest beaches. Their visiting season is from June to September. From November to early April you can also swim, but dusty winds often blow and it rains.

It is a country with a population of more than a thousand tribes with a distinct culture and way of life. Burkina Faso is a must visit for those looking for real Africa with ritual magic, wildlife, safaris and predators.

There is National parks, where Africa lives life to the fullest, not knowing that civilization has long closed a ring around it. The parks are inhabited by hippos and antelopes, lions and rhinoceroses.

You can see another famous African predator in Koudougou: the sacred Sabu crocodiles live there, quite harmless and friendly despite their terrible reputation. You can take a photo with them, and they don’t mind at all.

An interesting storage museum that confronts you with mysteries African magic, this is the Manega Museum, which has collected exhibits and objects of the sacred cults of ancient African tribes. The exhibits are quite dark and fascinating. Some are over a thousand years old.

A small Arab state-kingdom, almost completely covered with deserts, but attractive for beach holidays on the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba, where diving is developed and beautiful coral reefs are hidden under the water.

Dead Sea, source of mineral salts, medical resort and the amazing creation of the planet is also located on the territory of Jordan. People seek it for a cure for many diseases; its mud and salts are used for cosmetic purposes. Visit Dead Sea, Jordanians believe, rejuvenates a person by ten years.

Not long ago, a city with a history of nine thousand years was included in the list of wonders of the world. This is Petra, a stone city that once had both water and wealth from the spice trade.

Petra is completely carved in stone and grandiose in its decline: its beauty is sad and majestic to this day.

Last minute tours during the period December-March and hot June-August will be very cheap, because this is the period when sea holidays will not be successful, but these months are great for excursions to the sights of the ancient Arab city. For a seaside holiday, choose winter period: from December to February.

Warm, welcoming and also safe. Turkey has always been inexpensive for tourists with a large selection of holiday destinations: it provides beaches on two seas, overviews of monuments of Roman and Greek culture and architecture, excursions to cooled volcanoes and cities hidden in caves.

Holidays in Turkey are never the same. Its diversity is limitless for connoisseurs of Eastern culture and ancient countries.

From Turkey you can bring not only impressions, but also inexpensive souvenirs and useful gifts, for example, real Turkish coffee.

The beach holiday season begins in April and ends in October. The “off season” lasts from November to mid-April, but this is the best time to spend a cheap holiday without crowds of tourists in a country with many cultural monuments and attractions.

Prices for food, gifts, souvenirs and decorations fall fabulously at this time: almost 70% of beach season prices.

Flight: from 9,000 rub. (Istanbul)

Accommodation: from 1500 rub.

Day stay for two: from 3500 rub.

A budget holiday at sea is the most pressing topic in the summer. You can organize a vacation for yourself not only in Russia, but also abroad.

About travel packages...

Independent trips to resorts are usually much cheaper than travel packages. But this rule does not always work. For a number of foreign destinations, it is sometimes cheaper to purchase a last-minute tour, the cost of which may even be lower than the flight. You can select such trips yourself on the appropriate resources.

Rules for finding a budget holiday

If you are planning to independently organize a budget holiday at sea for yourself, then you should be guided by the following rules:

  1. The first thing that will help you save cash- this is a refusal to rest during the high season. When planning a vacation, you should focus on the beginning or end of the season. For domestic resorts this is May, early June and September. Firstly, at this time there is no such noticeable heat, and secondly, the sea is warm. And the prices differ significantly. If swimming in the sea is not a fundamental issue for you, and you are ready to relax by the pool and go on excursions, then in countries such as Bulgaria and Turkey, you can relax economically from October to April. During this period, even the most luxurious hotels offer significant discounts, so holidays become much more affordable. Many foreign resort complexes have heated swimming pools, which save the situation when the sea is cold.
  2. If you want to spend a vacation in Bulgaria and Turkey, then you should opt not for half board, but for everyone’s favorite concept. Initially, it may seem to you that you are overpaying extra money, but in fact, purchasing drinks and food will cost you much more.
  3. In order to organize the most budget-friendly seaside holiday abroad, you need to purchase last-minute tours or use the early booking service.
  4. Don't forget that traveling alone is much more expensive than traveling with a group.

Sochi and Adler

Sochi and Adler are an obvious solution budget holiday at sea in Russia. Airplane tickets Moscow - Adler are relatively inexpensive - from about 5,800 rubles. The low-cost carrier Pobeda still operates flights in this direction. You can buy cheaper tickets from this company - from a thousand rubles, but it is worth considering that they are sold out quickly.

You can rent a house in Sochi from 20 dollars (1200 rubles), in Adler it is much cheaper - from 10 dollars (600 rubles). You can eat at the resorts in budget canteens.

In Sochi, inexpensive rooms are offered by the three-star hotels “Rose of the Winds” and “Valentin”; the cost of a double room in them will cost 3,000 and 3,200 rubles per day. For a resort, such prices can be considered quite affordable. Both establishments have a good location - in the very center of the city.

The two-star complex “Nairi” offers double rooms with a balcony for 2,700 rubles. The hotel has a sauna, bar, massage, swimming pool and much more.

Fans of comfortable rooms and good service can recommend four-star establishments Park Inn by Radisson and Zhemchuzhina, a stay in them per day will cost 4,600 and 5,200 rubles, respectively.

Accommodation in Adler

For those planning a budget holiday at sea in Russia, Adler may be an ideal option. The resort not only has expensive hotels, but also quite budget establishments and even guesthouses. The choice of housing is quite large. Among the proven hotels, we can recommend the three-star Almira (3,000 rubles) with excellent rooms and good service, and the more expensive Vesna complex (5,000 rubles), which has the most positive reviews and excellent infrastructure (swimming pool, sauna, tennis courts, massage).

Accommodation in four-star hotels in Adler will cost a little more. "AS-Hotel" offers double apartments from three thousand rubles. This is a fairly budget option, since in more famous establishments rooms cost from seven thousand rubles.


Speaking about a budget holiday at sea with children, it is worth paying attention to Crimea. In 2017, the cost of a Moscow-Simferopol plane ticket will cost about 7,000 rubles, and in the fall and spring it will be even cheaper. From Simferopol you can get to any resort on the peninsula.

Budget meals in Sudak, for example, will cost 200-300 rubles in a canteen (dinner, lunch, breakfast). If you want to order food in restaurants, then the amount of food expenses will increase to 500 rubles.

The most affordable seaside holiday in Russia can only be achieved if you live in the private sector. In Crimea, for example, you can choose small villages for recreation - Olenevka, Nikolaevka, Shtormovoe. In such places in guest houses you can find rooms for even three hundred rubles per day. On larger and famous resorts prices are higher. The minimum cost of living increases to 600 rubles per room. The average cost of living in 2017 in the private sector starts from a thousand rubles for a double apartment. In general, the villages can be safely considered as a budget holiday on the Black Sea with children.

As for food, as a budget option you can consider various snack bars and canteens, national cafes, canteens in guest houses with home cooking, and fast food establishments. Remember that the further you move from the coast, the lower the prices for food. In canteens and inexpensive cafes you can eat for two hundred rubles, and in an inexpensive restaurant for no less than 400 rubles. Food prices are more affordable in small resort villages. Accommodation and food in Yalta will cost much more than in other places, although budget places can be found here too.

Resorts of the Azov Sea

Budget holidays on the Azov Sea can be offered in the villages of Peresyp, Kuchugury and Ilyich. These small villages have good sandy beaches and little developed infrastructure. Here you can find accommodation mainly in guest houses and the private sector.

It will cost a little more to stay in the villages of Golubitskaya and Yeisk, which have fairly decent hotels, an embankment, a cafe and a park. The village of Golubitskaya also has a well-developed infrastructure. There is night club, water attractions, mini-hotels and Renting a house in the village of Ilyich in 2017 will cost 1.5-3 thousand rubles, in Taman and Peresyp - up to 2.5 thousand rubles, and in the village of Golubitskaya - up to 6 thousand rubles. Accommodation in the private sector costs on average 250-600 rubles per day per person.

Resort villages Sea of ​​Azov not so developed, but incredibly convenient for families with children. Warm shallow sea - the best place for babies.


If you are looking for options for a budget holiday at sea in European countries, then you should pay attention to Italy. From Moscow you can get inexpensive tickets to the main cities of the country - Milan, Rome, Venice. The cost of a flight to these destinations is always cheaper (from 9,000 rubles) than to small towns. And you can get directly to the resorts by local buses.

A budget holiday at sea in Italy can be organized at one of the most famous resorts - Rimini. Of course, accommodation in local hotels cannot be called cheap - from 35 dollars per room per night, but such offers are quite rare. On average, you should aim for 50-100 dollars per day. As for meals, the minimum cost for breakfast is $4, lunch is $7, and dinner is over $10.

It is worth noting that Rimini is known for its beaches and warm, shallow water, so the resort is perfect for a budget seaside holiday with children. The resort has a well-developed infrastructure and a good choice hotels for every taste and budget. Rimini is also popular among young people.


In Bulgaria you can organize the most budget holiday on the Black Sea abroad, which is why everything local resorts are incredibly popular among tourists. The most democratic place to relax is considered sunny Beach. The fine sand on the beaches and the gentle entrance to the sea have long been loved by supporters of beach and sea holidays. The coast is about forty meters wide, and it stretches eight kilometers in length. In modest hotels you can rent a small room for $19 per night.

An even more budget holiday on the Black Sea can only be in small Bulgarian seaside villages and towns. In such areas there are many two- and three-star hotels, as well as guest houses in the private sector. Local residents often rent out the upper floors of their houses to tourists. Holidays in Kranevo, Balchik, Nessebar, Sveti Vlas, Pomorie, Ravda and Tsarevo can be economical.

Sometimes tours to Bulgarian resorts can be purchased at very affordable prices (from 20 thousand rubles). And promotional offers can be even more attractive. And this despite the fact that the tour price includes accommodation, flights, insurance and transfer.

Bulgaria is interesting to many travelers because it offers budget holidays at sea in September. At this time, the air temperature drops to +25 degrees, there is no summer heat and sea ​​water remains still warm. In September it is good to relax in Nessebar, Sofia, Sozopl, Balchik, Plovdiv and Varna. The cost of living at resorts is reduced because there is no large influx of tourists.


Croatia can offer a budget holiday at sea abroad. The cost of a round trip ticket from Moscow to Dubrovnik, Pula or Split is 13 thousand rubles. In such well-known hotels, prices are quite high. You can rent an economy room for $30. And, for example, in Dubrovnik you will have to pay at least 40 dollars for a night in a guesthouse, and the establishment will be located far from historical center. Room rates in four-star hotels start at $130.

If you consider small towns, such as Plat and Cavtat, as a holiday destination, you can save a lot. Resort villages offer clear seas, clean air and beautiful beaches on the Adriatic coast. What else do you need for a vacation with kids?


Cyprus can also be considered as a place for a budget holiday at sea in the summer. The cost of a flight from Moscow to Larnaca in the summer is about 10,600 rubles. Pobeda airlines now fly to Cyprus. Sometimes flying to a country can be incredibly inexpensive, especially if you are lucky enough to take advantage of a promotion from one of the airlines. But saving on accommodation in Cyprus is not so easy. The most budget rooms in Limassol, Larnaca and Paphos cost at least $33 per night. On average, the cost of hotel rooms ranges from 40-60 dollars.

Meals at an inexpensive establishment will cost up to $50 per day per person. For those who want to save money, we can recommend purchasing food in supermarkets. As a budget option, you can rent a studio with a kitchen, then you will have the opportunity to greatly reduce food costs.


A more budget-friendly option for a seaside holiday, unlike Cyprus, can be organized in Greece. A flight from Moscow to Athens or Thessaloniki will cost approximately 8,800 rubles. But tickets to Corfu, Crete and Rhodes are much more expensive (12,000 rubles).

Accommodation in the most inexpensive hotel in Thessaloniki will cost about $25 per day for a double apartment, in Crete - $29. But in Rhodes you can find cheaper establishments; for $17 they will offer you a completely acceptable room.

Budget meals in an inexpensive cafe will cost on average about 15 dollars a day (dinner - 6, lunch - 5, and breakfast - 4 dollars). On average, a holiday in Greece will cost a tourist at least 250-350 dollars per week.


Whatever one may say, Turkey is again leading the list of countries with seaside resorts. It is here that you will find the most budget-friendly seaside holiday abroad. Many Russians have chosen Turkish resorts and have long felt at home there. Here you can not only relax comfortably on the Black or Mediterranean Sea, but also go shopping, as well as see local beauty and attractions. The main advantage of Turkish hotels is excellent animation, good infrastructure and, of course, All Inclusive.

The cost of a holiday in Turkey depends on the time of year, resort and season. So, for example, a vacation in Antalya costs about $200, in Kemer - $250, but in Istanbul - $350. A two-week tour for two can be purchased for between $1,000 and $1,500. And if you’re lucky and manage to find a last-minute ticket, then the cheapest vacation at sea in the fall can cost half as much as in the season. Russians give preference Turkish resorts for the opportunity to have good rest and food, for numerous attractions and the cleanest sea.


Egypt, together with Turkey, leads the list of budget countries for seaside holidays. This direction has long been studied by Russians. Egypt offers tourists good service, warm climate, good infrastructure and lots of entertainment. All this can be had for $250 for a week's stay.

The gentle sun, the Red Sea and all-inclusive are what tourists strive to get to Egypt for. Do not forget that local attractions - ancient architectural monuments: the Sphinx, pyramids, Luxor - also arouse considerable interest. These places are mandatory place for every traveler to visit.


Another budget option for a seaside holiday is Thailand. This country is no less popular as a beach and seaside resort than Egypt and Turkey. The high season in Thailand begins around mid-autumn and ends at the beginning of winter. Therefore, the cheapest tours are in May and April.

A ten-day holiday in Thailand will cost 700-800 dollars. Experienced tour operators believe that this is the country where you can relax the cheapest in 2017. This is due to the fact that in any region of the country you can have a wonderful holiday for 15-25 dollars. per day. If you decide to visit the country on your own, then you should expect that you will need about $400 per month for housing, provided you rent an apartment in the center of Pattaya.

But on islands such as Chang, Phuket, Phi Phi, Koh Samui, you can rent a room for only 150-200 dollars per month. If you do not consider yourself a spoiled person, you can find a room for $90.

The advantage of holidaying in Thailand is that food is incredibly cheap here. Therefore, food costs mere pennies. One hundred dollars a month will be enough for food. You can have a delicious lunch in any cafe for two dollars, but lunch in a restaurant will cost six dollars.


Vietnam - amazing a nice place. Here you can find many places practically untouched by human hands. IN last years The popularity of Vietnamese resorts is increasingly growing. And despite this, holidays in the country remain as affordable as before. For ten dollars a day in Vietnam you can live, eat, go on excursions and go for a massage. And if you have $20 a day in your budget, you won’t be able to deny yourself anything at all. For have a wonderful holiday for a month it is quite enough to have 400-500 dollars in your pocket (not counting flight expenses).

Goa (India)

Goa is also a popular budget destination. Here, with 100 dollars, you can have a great holiday and not deny yourself anything, especially if you decide to visit North Goa.

Holidays at a resort are very cheap for Europeans, especially away from cities. The cost of holidays in Goa increases in winter, as this is the high season.

For a budget holiday, we can recommend purchasing a trip in the off-season, then the tour along with the flight can cost from $400. If you choose to stay in a cheap guesthouse rather than a hotel, you can save up to 30% of your budget. Goa is popular among our compatriots due to its good tropical climate and the opportunity to relax almost all year round.


Don’t forget that Abkhazia can also offer a budget holiday at sea. Since it is located near Russia, there is no need to spend money on expensive flights. Many tourists go to Abkhazia because of the opportunity to have an inexpensive holiday on the Black Sea, especially since Russians do not need any additional documents (passports and visas). And the road to Abkhazian resorts does not take much time.

If your budget is not too large, then you can stay in the private sector, where the cost of budget housing ranges from 300-350 rubles per person per day. More comfortable apartments will cost about 500 rubles. In general, a week-long vacation without travel will require you from approximately 5,600 to 10 thousand rubles per tourist. In the private sector, accommodation is much cheaper than in boarding houses and sanatoriums. If we talk about a budget holiday in Abkhazia, then you will need approximately 22 thousand rubles for two. Having 30 thousand rubles, you can also afford to see the wonderful sights of this amazing region.

Budget holiday at sea in August

August is here, and summer is coming to an end, so many are trying to grab a piece of sun and warmth on the sunny coast, and therefore are wondering where they can go to the resort at this time.

The most budget holiday can be organized in Abkhazia. A holiday in Croatia will be no less successful. At this time the weather is ideal for sea swimming. Hotel complexes The resorts are not as luxurious as in other countries, but their prices are also more acceptable, and therefore Croatia is ideal for a budget holiday. In August, the air temperature is +30 degrees and the water temperature is +26 degrees.

At the end of summer, many resorts in southern Europe simply languish under the scorching sun, so not everyone wants to go here. But Portugal in August is comfortable for a holiday in every sense. The water temperature on the Atlantic coast is +20 degrees, and the air temperature is +25-27 degrees.

Incredibly comfortable holiday conditions on the island of Madeira. Portugal has many well-preserved historical monuments that will be of interest to tourists.

Good for an August holiday and Canary Islands. At this time, the daytime temperature reaches +29 degrees, and the ocean warms up to +23 degrees.

In August, most European resorts are not very comfortable for relaxation due to the heat, but the flow of tourists to them does not weaken. Türkiye, Greece, Spain and Cyprus are still popular. Vacationers often prefer to go to more northern areas of the resorts: Corfu, Paphos, Rimini, etc.

Concerning budget resorts on the Black Sea, then in August Abkhazia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Sochi, Adler and villages on the Azov Sea are still relevant. At this time, prices at domestic resorts are not the most affordable, but you can find acceptable options.

After a year of hard work, everyone needs a break. To have a good rest, you simply need to radically change the environment around you. Some people think that you can have a wonderful vacation in your homeland, in your homeland. southern resorts. But will this be a radical change of scenery? In addition, today domestic resorts in prices can easily compete with many well-known European resorts, but the level of service and development tourism infrastructure(availability of attractions, quality of roads and entertainment) - alas, not always up to par.

Not all of Europe is “covered” by the Schengen agreements, which means that a visa is not required everywhere. In addition, the most sophisticated European tourists are increasingly choosing the “untrodden paths”, tired of the bustle and stiffness of all sorts of Nice, Barcelona, ​​Bolears and the Alps.

Let’s try to figure out in which country you can relax well, see something unique, eat delicious food and protect the family budget from “default”.

Outside the Schengen area

Six European countries are accessible to Russians without any visa costs. Almost all of them offer great holiday, warm sun, many interesting places and budget accommodation. These countries need tourists, so you can confidently count on a friendly attitude, comfort and a carefree stay. With some reservations, of course, but these reservations are insignificant. Let's just start alphabetically. So…

1. Albania

Once the most closed country in Europe, today it is open and attractive to tourists. To dissolve any prejudice, it is worth noting that, thanks to its closeness for a good half of the 20th century, the country has perfectly preserved ancient monuments, which you cannot find in Greece today. But not all at once!

You can stay in the country for up to 30 days without a visa (more than enough for a vacation), the country awaits visa-free travelers during all three summer months and two more autumn months - the weather is still good, the rest of the year no one comes here anyway, it’s chilly and damp .

Important condition: you must have a return ticket, otherwise capricious Albanian border guards may send you back to your homeland.


Uncomfortable. There are no direct flights, you will have to fly with a transfer. Cheaper - through Greece. The more time between connecting flights, the cheaper ticket. Expect to pay approximately 250 euros for a round trip ticket.


Cost of staying at a beach hotel Ionian Sea rarely exceeds 30 euros per night. A week in such a hotel costs no more than 160-180 euros.

What to see?

In addition to swimming and beach holidays, in Albania you simply must see:

  • Tirana is the capital, where you need to see the Pyramid (the former mausoleum of the dictator Hoxha), now there is the Mummy club, where everyone dances and has fun, the central square with the statue of Skanderbeg, the Ephem Bey mosque;
  • Durres is a city on the seashore with a Greek amphitheater, an ancient Roman highway, a Venetian tower, numerous bunkers, and a panoramic restaurant. Road - train from Tirana (journey 1 hour, ticket - 1 euro);
  • Pogradec is a town on the shores of Lake Orchid, near the border with Macedonia. Here you can explore ancient basilicas, tombs of Illyrian kings, and try the famous Orchid trout in a local restaurant. You can get there by minibus for 4.5 euros. Lunch in a cafe - 2-3 euros.

A spoon of tar

Don't count on European level. The roads are bad, the transport is without air conditioning. Stock up on a phrasebook, preferably a Russian-Italian one. They don’t speak Russian here, and they haven’t heard of English at all.

Budget. A week's holiday in a hotel by the sea - 300 euros with meals for two, plus the cost of air tickets - 500. We get - 800 euros for a week for two (400 euros per person). We'll add about 50 euros more for local transport and sightseeing.

2. Bosnia and Herzegovina

A quiet and peaceful country, part of Yugoslavia, with a predominantly Slavic but Muslim population. You can stay without a visa for up to 30 days a year. A return ticket is required upon entry.


Air ticket to Sarajevo (the capital) with a transfer in Belgrade and back - from 150 euros. In summer and early autumn, ticket prices can rise to 200 euros.


average cost standard number for two in a *** hotel - from 30 to 50 euros. The hotels are comfortable, the breakfasts are delicious. Weekly accommodation - 180 - 300 euros.

What to see?

The country is proud beautiful nature, but the most interesting thing here is the amazing mixture of Byzantine, Ottoman and Slavic cultures. The language barrier is completely surmountable if you listen carefully - native roots will help you understand the native. And the Russian language is not uncommon here. Add here delicious and unusual cuisine, friendly and hospitable people - we will get a very attractive place to relax. Among the main attractions of Sarajevo:

  • The Latin Bridge is the site of the murder of the unfortunate heir to the Austrian Empire, which led to a world war;
  • Moricha Khan is an ancient refuge for caravans, an example of medieval Muslim architecture;
  • Markale Square is the main marketplace of the capital of Bosnia;
  • Mosques, churches, churches, medieval quarters, markets, nightclubs - everywhere an amazing mixture of the East and our native Slavic spirit;
  • Wine tastings - from 25 euros for a tour of the cellars, tasting and souvenir (a bottle of wine and two branded glasses);
  • Hospitality;
  • Delicious cuisine;
  • Rich story.

A spoon of tar

Don't expect a high level of comfort. Most likely, your hotel or guest house will not be much different from your native provincial hotel with all the “charms”, but the service will be very warm and helpful.

Budget. Week in guest house— 130 euros; Airplane ticket - 200 euros; food - up to 60 euros per week. Total - 390 euros. Taking into account the costs of local transport, Moldova is one of the most “budget” countries for tourists.

This is the end for countries outside the Schengen Agreement. Let's see how you can have an inexpensive holiday in the “other” Europe.

Inexpensive Schengen countries

Despite the fact that a visit to most European countries will require the hassle of acquiring a visa, the holiday becomes only 35 euros more expensive. Otherwise, individual tourists can successfully save.

The main conditions for saving:

  • Choose for your stay not the capital or famous resorts, but small towns and villages where everything is almost half the price;
  • Rest in spring or autumn, outside the “high season”;
  • Instead of hotels, choose boarding houses or guest houses, the price of which includes breakfast;
  • Do not buy souvenirs on the main streets and in tourist shops;
  • Do not go to attraction-type restaurants; sometimes you have to pay very dearly for a bad and unprofessional program;
  • We are looking for friends among local residents, their advice helps us save money.

1. Croatia

The country is not part of the Schengen zone, but feels already there. A visa will cost 35 euros, and with a Schengen visa entry is free. Advantages of the country: climate, landscapes and sea - like in Italy; Slavic mentality, low prices.


There are direct flights, there are flights with one or two transfers, but one thing remains unchanged - a ticket to any of international airports Croatia (round trip) costs at least 180 euros.

It is possible to travel by train, but the trip will cost more (you need a Hungarian transit visa).


Even in the most famous resort of Croatia - Split - you can find excellent apartments by the sea for 35-40 euros per day. The main condition is to book in advance (three to four months in advance, and preferably six months in advance).

What to see?

There are a huge number of attractions in Croatia, but you definitely need to see:

  • Diocletian's Palace in Split;
  • The city of Dubrovnik (just stop by and take a walk, the city is expensive);
  • The city of Hum is the smallest in the world (17 inhabitants), here you can try “homemade” cognac;
  • Vranjaca Cave - near Split.

Croatia is an ideal country for a beach holiday. The sea here is clean and the beaches are sandy.

A spoon of tar

When buying products at the market, be prepared for the fact that they will sell you more than local residents. Make friends with a Croatian. Purchases will be at least 20% cheaper. Restaurants here are expensive, it is better to eat on your own, shopping in small shops.

Budget. Accommodation - 240 euros. Meals - 90 euros. Local transport - up to 20 euros per person. Flight – 180 euros. Total - 530 euros. It is also necessary to take into account the entrance fee for visiting attractions; for this you need to prepare at least 20 euros per person.

2. Slovenia

Vineyards, caves, monasteries, ancient necropolises - all this is Slovenia. Of all the countries of the former Yugoslavia, this is the most expensive. Thanks to the climate and developed tourism, it is in great demand in Europe. Holidays are cheaper than in Italy.


The cheapest tickets to Ljubljana are sold by Adria Airways. In this case, the trip will cost approximately 200 euros. The company offers a good bonus system; if you fly regularly, you can use special discounts.


Apartments near the sea can be booked for 50 euros/day. Finding cheaper housing is problematic. The price level is supported by numerous tourists from Italy and Austria.

What to see?

Holidays in Slovenia can become truly unforgettable; tourists here have the following services:

  • Medieval castles where balls and knightings take place;
  • The real Alps with ample opportunities for ski lovers;
  • Cave complexes;
  • Gorgeous waterfalls where you can swim;

Comfortable beaches and clear seas, hundreds of restaurants and cafes - all this is Slovenia.

A spoon of tar

Despite all the attractiveness of the country for tourists, every second person faces the problem of free Internet. If you are going to live in a guest house, you will have to do without the Internet.

Budget. Weekly accommodation - 300 euros. Meals - 120-150 euros. Flight – 200 euros. Attractions - 50-60 euros per person. Total - 670 - 710 euros per person.

3. Bulgaria

This resort country our tourists know it from the already distant Soviet times. It must be said that since then little has changed in Bulgaria: the same sea, the same sanatoriums, the same brandy.


A flight to Varna and back (we don’t even consider Sofia as a city for vacation) costs from 300 euros. You need to catch discounts on this route; at best, you’ll be lucky to find a ticket 30-40 euros cheaper.


Even during the “high” season in Varna you can find a hotel costing 20 euros per night with breakfast. But you'll have to look. Large search engines (booking.com) will help you cope with your search best.

What to see?

Tourists never get bored in Bulgaria:

  • An abundance of monasteries and Byzantine churches;
  • Ancient ruins;
  • Museums and exhibition halls;
  • Nature reserves.

If yacht trips here are very expensive, then a walking tour or a trip to an ancient monastery with a Russian-speaking guide will cost 5-7 euros. You just need to buy the excursion on the spot, there is a possibility of big discounts.

A spoon of tar

You should not count on perfect cleanliness and impeccable plumbing in a hotel. In many ways, a budget holiday in Bulgaria is reminiscent of sanatoriums in your native country.

4. Romania

The ancient land of the Dacians, beautiful Transylvania, Dracula's castle, the Black Sea beaches - all this is Romania, which tourists have not yet truly appreciated.


Flight from Moscow to Bucharest and back - from 140 euros. It is better to buy from TAROM airline (Romanian company). The most interesting cities for tourists - Sighisoara (to visit Count Dracula) and Constanta (at the very blue sea). You can get from Bucharest by train or bus (travel time up to 3 hours, tickets from 12 to 15 euros).


To the cheap flight we will add inexpensive accommodation: from 15 to 20 euros per day, including breakfast. These are the prices for rooms in guest houses and beach villas in Constanta.

What to see?


The Moscow-Bratislava flight is expensive - 340 euros round trip. You can fly to Prague and then take a train or bus, but the savings will be no more than 15-20 euros. Not the most popular destination - hence the prices.


The most modest hotel in Bratislava will cost 25 euros per night. You need to count on 35-40 euros, no less. Breakfast is not included everywhere.

What to see?

Slovakia cannot boast of an abundance of historical or cultural attractions. But in terms of natural beauty, very few European countries can compete with it. Ski resorts, small mountain hotels and farms where you can buy excellent sheep's cheese. The advantage of the capital is that from here you can practically take a tram to the magnificent Vienna.

Worth to visit:
Numerous national parks;
The city of Bardejov is the Gothic capital of Slovakia;
Castle Cherveny Kamen - romantic story and a sinister dungeon;
Christmas market in Bratislava.

A spoon of tar

Cultural characteristics are such that many perceive them as impolite and unfriendly. And this is just friendliness! It’s just that the national character is so gloomy and unsmiling.

Budget. Road - 340. Hotel - 210. Food - 60. Sights - 40. Total - 650 euros/week.

9. Cyprus

The island is well populated by tourists from all over the world. Not the best cheap place, but you can also relax here on a budget.


The cheapest flight with Air Serbia is 150 euros round trip. With a transfer in Belgrade. Direct flights are more expensive.


Apartments near the sea can be rented for 25 euros/day. If you want the beach to be 200 meters from your accommodation, prepare at least 40 euros/day.

What to see?

Usually people come to Cyprus not to look, but to swim and sunbathe, but here too there is interesting places. After the beach and swimming you need:

Take a walk around Nicosia, moving from the Christian to the Muslim part;
Ride donkeys;
Swim in the “Aphrodite Bay”;
Visit the Othello fortress in the Famagusta area;
Look into the famous catacombs.

You can buy inexpensive guided tours at Cyprus tourism kiosks. The cost of such an excursion is 10-15 euros.

The crisis and pan-European economic instability have made Greece a country for a budget holiday. The flow of tourists there does not dry up, but prices have become calmer.


Tickets to and from the main cities of Greece can be found for around 140 euros. But if you are persistent and subscribe to airline news, you can “catch” a discount of 30-40%.


A good hotel in Greece is expensive. But every week, several hotels in different parts of the country announce happy hours. In this case, you can find a four-star hotel room for 35-40 euros/day. A room in a hostel, far from the sea and with minimal amenities - 28-32 euros.

What to see?

Athens, Thessaloniki, Crete, Rhodes - there is something to see everywhere. It is possible to answer this question, but the answer will take several volumes. Greece is a paradise not only for those who love the warm sea and delicious wine, it is a place for those who want to see with their own eyes everything that they once read about in books with myths ancient Greece, seen in films about the Spartans. Tourism for Greece is the last opportunity to stay afloat in the economic sea, so every tourist will be treated kindly and entertained.

Completes the review of the farthest and exotic country.
— swimming in the ocean, port wine for dinner, wild colors and a unique culture.


A flight from Moscow to Lisbon and back will cost 200 euros - an offer from Air France.


Guest houses in Lisbon offer rooms from 20 euros per night. For 30 euros you can rent a decent hotel room on the outskirts of the city, but close to the metro.

What to see?

There are many attractions here, local travel companies We are ready to offer both one-day trips around the country and tours of 2-3 days. Such excursions cost from 25 to 150 euros. You should try to see:

Portuguese wineries;
Several medieval monasteries;
Cathedral Lisbon;
Fortress of St. George;
City of Porto.

A spoon of tar

Hotel cleaning is a very conditional thing. Don't expect anyone to change the towels and refill the shampoo. Punctuality is not a priority here; public transport runs on a flexible schedule.

Budget. Road - 200. Hotel - 180. Food - 150-200. Attractions - 60-80. The result is 590-650 euros/week.

Europe is the same continent where a good half of Russia is located. And our country occupies a large part of its territory. You shouldn’t make something inaccessible or too expensive from the Old World. We go to travel where it is closer and more interesting. Due to the compact residence of completely different peoples, it is Europe that is of interest to tourists. Let's take advantage of the fact that we are nearby. Let's discover Europe!

Every person, when planning their vacation, first of all thinks about the material side of the issue. Most of us want to lie on the beach, see local attractions, and gastronomic interest is a significant factor. You also just need to bring a bunch of souvenirs to friends and family. How can we ensure that the costs are minimal and the impressions are maximized? The colorful signs of travel agencies tell us that Turkey and Egypt are the most budget travel options, but is this true? Let's try to figure it out...

A small and very important tip: to save money, you can plan your trip yourself, bypassing the services of tour operators. That is, book tickets, think over the route, rent accommodation...

So, the ranking of countries:

10 Greece

It is best to fly to this country in April or in the second half of September. Prices during this period are slightly lower, but the quality of relaxation does not suffer. A double room in a mid-range hotel will cost approximately 30 euros. Housing costs for a week will be about 100-120 euros if you stay in a family boarding house - this is the most budget option. Flight is about 120 euros. You can try to use by charter flight, but it's risky. Schengen visa, cost 35 euros. If you don’t buy food on the beach and near it, but move 800 meters from the sea, then lunch will cost you about 8 euros per person. In Greece, in addition to beach holidays, there is a huge number ancient monuments, historically significant ruins and ancient monasteries. Great choice for family vacation.

9 Argentina

Due to the currency exchange policy and the "black" market, Argentina has become a paradise for travelers, because the dollar in this country is valued at this moment 70% higher than the official rate. Some airlines carry out promotions with enviable regularity, reducing the price of a Moscow-Buenos Aires flight and back to $700-800. A visa is not needed if you intend to stay in the country for no more than 90 days. The cost of housing in a middle-class hotel can be $40-50, on the outskirts $30. Many people advise renting housing on the outskirts, but long trips to attractions on public transport get tired quickly. By the way, public transport in Argentina is subsidized by the state, so fares are cheap. Based on this, taxi prices are also at a very low level, so you can afford to travel this way. There is a lot to see in and around Buenos Aires: waterfalls, glaciers, parks and flea markets, fairs and street dancing. I don’t recommend buying very promoted tours, because... prices are set in dollars, but if you do not resort to the services of guides, you can save a lot.

8 Sri Lanka

To save significantly, choose a holiday period from May to October. Although this time is considered the rainy season, there are sometimes good days, and housing prices differ significantly from January. For the flight, it is better to use the services of low-cost airlines; the conditions are worse than those of regular airlines, but this way you can save a lot. An ETA visa, which costs $30-35, depending on the method. You can rent housing from locals, but complete unsanitary conditions await you there, and it’s also unsafe, meaning you’ll have to take all valuables with you. The most convenient and reliable option is hostels and mini-hotels along the coast, costing about $30-40. It is preferable to buy excursions from beach boys, but for safety reasons, you should not pay the entire amount at once. You can explore many attractions on your own, after asking local residents about everything. Food in Sri Lanka is cheap, the average bill in a regular cafe is $3-4 per person. An abundance of seafood and the freshest fruits, beautiful beach and the endless ocean, exotic nature and color of the local residents attract more and more tourists there.

7 Bulgaria

This is a favorite place of our compatriots. It is better to choose little-known resorts located south of Burgas. Prices there are 2 times lower than, for example, in Albena. During the season, a double room with sea view will cost you 25 euros. Dinner per person in the hotel restaurant will cost about 7 euros. There are three ways to get there: bus 75 euros, train 200 euros and plane 400 euros. This is on average, but sometimes airlines run promotions. You shouldn't pay exorbitant amounts of money for a hotel room on the first coastline, because all beaches in Bulgaria are municipal, that is, by choosing any hotel, you will, if you wish, get to the most best beach. It is also better to arrange excursions on your own. Schengen visa, cost 35 euros.

6 Honduras

If you want to see the ruins of the Mayan civilization, tropical forests, almost untouched sandy beaches and walk through the mountains and jungle, then Honduras is for you. approximate cost flight 900 dollars. Rent a mid-level room for $40-60 (depending on the distance to the ocean). The average bill in a cafe is $5. A visa is not needed if you plan to stay in the country for no more than 90 days.

5 Hungary

A huge number of attractions and rich cultural heritage attract tourists to this country. A Schengen type visa is required, the procedure for obtaining which is slightly complicated by an additional questionnaire. An undoubted advantage for our tourists is the distance, about 1600 km. The flight will cost about 300 dollars, during promotional periods 150. A direct train from Moscow to Budapest is around 15,000 rubles. During the season, the cost of fruit in Hungary is lower than in Russia, and in general, food prices are the lowest in Europe, which is a definite plus. Renting a room in a three-star hotel will cost approximately $60 per day. A huge plus tour to Hungary is the opportunity to purchase combined tour in neighboring European countries. This way your vacation becomes interesting and educational.

4 Bolivia

The nature of Bolivia is very diverse from snowy mountain peaks to the hot valleys. Andes, waterfalls, festivals, museums, ancient architecture, gastronomic tours, the legendary "road of death" - all this awaits you in Bolivia. The optimal visiting season is September-February, when the temperature is about 30 degrees. Bolivia is considered the cheapest resort South America. Indeed, you can spend about $20 a day there. Rent will be $15, and the average check is 3! For example, a bowl of soup there costs about a dollar, and travel costs 30 cents. A visa for Russians has become unnecessary since 2017. The flight will cost approximately $1,200.

3 India

India is a country of contrasts and social castes. Prices are lower than in Thailand. From May to September is the rainy season, so prices are lower during this period. Housing can be found for the absurdly low price of 10-15 dollars! The population has exceeded a billion, traveling by public transport is very difficult for tourists, plus there are tourist crimes and tourist police. Therefore, it is better to look for housing closer to attractions. Another minus is the unsanitary conditions. Under no circumstances should you drink tap water. The average bill in a cafe is 3-4 dollars. Flight is approximately $600. The visa is issued electronically and costs $60.

2 Vietnam

Temperature in winter is 30-35 degrees. The flight will be around $500. Visa up to 15 days is free. Accommodation at a hotel will cost a tourist $50, dinner at a restaurant $8. Taxi within the city from 3 to 9. Prices
Prices for food are cheap and do not vary depending on the season. From May to October there are showers in the afternoon for about 40 minutes.

1 Cambodia

A country of jungles and Hindu temples. The visa costs 18 euros and gives you the right to visit Thailand as part of your tour. The best time to fly is in November - March. Since there is no direct connection with Russia, you will have to fly with a transfer. Tickets cost approximately $520 roundtrip. The cost of renting a double room in a guest house is approximately 6-7 euros!!! The level of service is good tourist areas quite clean. Lunch at a restaurant will cost 1.5 - 2 euros. The quality and quantity of food is high.