Perm region- an amazing region, rich in a variety of attractions - ancient original settlements, a wide variety of natural objects, as well as all kinds of historical and cultural monuments.

Sights of the Perm region with photos, names and descriptions

Mountains and caves

If the majority tourist cities visit to get acquainted with historical and cultural monuments, then they go to the Perm region solely to see different and unique nature. There is such an abundance of the most unusual and mysterious places in this region that getting to know them will bring exceptional emotions. Here in the mountains you can find waterfalls and caves, mountain lakes and petrifications that are legendary.

One of the most striking attractions of the Perm region is Babinogorskaya cave– a very popular place among tourists. It was found in the 20th century, but almost immediately after this event, the entrance to the cave was covered with stones. The new entrance opened only in 1990, and you can find it in the courtyard of an abandoned house near the slope. This place looks so secluded and unusual that it is perfect for photographs.

Very popular Orda Cave– a unique natural formation in the Perm region, which has become the longest underground complex galleries in Russia. Inside the cave you can find various formations - stalactites, stalagmites, crystals and even deep lakes, for which divers from all over the world flock here. Many of the objects were given their own names.

No less beautiful Kungur cave – a system of underwater grottoes and lakes located in Ice cliff. Its length is not so long - only 5.5 kilometers, but that makes it no less popular. Those who like a beautiful view of cave objects created by nature are eager to visit it, and there is plenty of this goodness here.

The list of the most beautiful caves available to tourists can be continued endlessly:

  • Changwin Cave– a popular place, impressive with its mystery;
  • Miracle Cave– the most picturesque attraction of the Perm region with wonderful views;
  • cave of secretsnatural monument regional significance;
  • Kizelovskaya Cavereal paradise for those who are interested in speleology.

As you can see, the selection of interesting and unique caves in the Perm region is incredibly extensive and all that remains for tourists to do is to choose the ideal option for their trip.

The mountains of the Perm region have the same charm and beauty, for example, Mount Kolpaki– mineral formation at the boundary and . It got its funny name due to the unusual shape of the peaks, which resemble hats, only their height is tens of meters. There are several popular routes leading to this place. tourist routes, and at the top of the mountain is located Observation deck, from where a breathtaking panoramic view of the taiga and the Basegi ridge opens.

A special journey awaits those who decide to go conquer Spasskaya Mountainancient place with unique and rare flora and fauna, as well as several historical and architectural monuments. Here you can find endangered plants listed in the Red Book, and among them there are also medicinal samples that were previously collected by herbalists. Hidden on the mountain is an ancient chapel and the Spassky burial ground, as well as a Medieval settlement.

Lakes and rivers of the Perm region

During excursions around the Perm region you can see many interesting and amazing places, among which luxurious lakes play a special role. The most famous of them is "White Sea" in Bereznyaki. It is very unusual to see in these latitudes the turquoise surface of the tropical sea, reminiscent of waters Caribbean. Such a special body of water appeared here for a reason - next to it there is a soda production plant. It’s not worth swimming in this “sea,” but it’s a pleasure to see something less so.

Very beautiful and mysterious place Perm region - Plakun waterfall- the flow of water that most people talk about amazing stories. Tourists rush to it not only to see it, but also to drink the water, which, as legends say, cures various diseases. According to legend, it arose from girlish tears flowing in streams from unhappy love. In winter, this waterfall does not freeze completely, so it looks even more picturesque.

In mountainous areas near city ​​of Alexandrovsk You can find dozens of man-made lakes with water of a rich turquoise color. Previously, in their place there were shallow limestone quarries. Residents of the Perm region love to swim in these places, and tourists love to climb to the highest lake to discover a breathtaking panorama of the rocks and valley.

Interesting historical objects include man-made Kopan channel- a sleeve of one of the ponds, which was created in the 19th century. It was built using only hands and shovels, and 5 thousand families worked on its construction. The channel turned out great impressive size– 1 kilometer long, 100 meters wide and 40 deep. Tourists have the opportunity to go down the stairs to walk along the trench or cool off in the flow of the waterfall.

In the valley of the old Kama riverbed there is Hell Lake – a pond with incredible clear water"like glass." Residents have quite a lot of stories associated with this place, ranging from underwater monsters that take greedy people to the bottom and ending with legends about the whirlpool.

Khokhlovka village

ABOUT legendary settlement In the Perm region, tourists tell fascinating stories. In this architectural and ethnographic museum under open air you can see buildings in the traditional style characteristic of Perm architecture.

In total you can find here 23 objects- houses built of wood. Some of them belong to the 17th-20th centuries. These houses include mills, churches, watchtowers, residential buildings, and other ancient buildings. They are given even greater authenticity by the interior decoration of each building, unusual decorative items and interior elements.

What else to see

The Perm region represents a vast green area, as well as fabulous places, which you can climb to see all this luxury with your own eyes. One of these places is Vakutin stoneMountain peak, being on which creates a feeling of flight.

One of the most notable attractions of the Perm region is Stone City is a complex of a wide variety of stones. Many of them are located in such a way that they resemble streets, rooftops, arches and gates, as well as squares. You can walk around this stone city all day, giving names to the boulders. Some of them already have their own names. Here you can find a Large and Small Turtle, a Seal, a Feathered Guardian and a Rat.

Finally, the most unusual place, which attracts the Perm region - locomotive cemetery– a reserve base located near the Shumkovo station. In this depot you can see dozens of ancient trains, climb on them, and take atmospheric photographs.

The article does not pretend to cover all attractions; it reflects the individual experience of our blogger.

Translated from the Finno-Ugric language, the name “Perm” means “Distant Land”. For 200 years, the city was considered the official capital of the Urals, until this title passed to Yekaterinburg. From the beginning of the 18th century, Perm began to develop as a major metallurgical center of the Russian Empire - modern factories were being built here at a rapid pace.

Interesting to visit are the neighborhoods built up with wooden houses - from 19th-century estates to Stalinist barracks, as well as the territory of the former Tatar settlement. Attention is drawn to the ancient buildings on Sibirskaya Street, the Motovilikha district, which for a long time developed as an independent settlement, and the grandiose building of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, covered in dark legends.

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What to see and where to go in Perm?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

Until the mid-20th century, the Esplanade was a residential area with two-story wooden houses. In 1982, a new drama theater building was built here, in 1985 - a monument in honor of war heroes and a color and musical fountain, which was later replaced with a more modern one. Nowadays, to improve the appearance of the place and increase its attractiveness for residents, cultural objects continue to be built here.

An urban sculpture made in the form of a circle frame with ears where you can place your face and take a photo. The composition also includes the figure of a photographer standing opposite, ready to take a photo with a rare camera. The monument is located on one of the central streets of Perm. It was installed in 2006. The name is associated with the traditional nickname of the inhabitants of the Perm region.

Another city sculpture depicting the famous symbol of the city - the bear. She decorated the central part of Perm in 2009 (the first version of the monument was made of stone and installed in 2006). According to the original idea of ​​the authors of the project, the composition symbolizes the stereotype widespread among foreigners that in Ural cities Bears roam the streets freely.

The art object is an inscription of two-meter red letters located on the Kama embankment in the area river station. It was created by B. Matrosov for the ArtPole festival. The composition arrived in Perm in 2009. The attraction gained popularity largely thanks to television, as it appeared in a couple of famous Russian TV series and even in an American music video.

An art museum containing more than 50 thousand works of art created from ancient times to the present. There are collections of Perm wooden sculpture, icons, engravings, antique ceramics, and medieval painting. The exhibition is located in the building of an architectural monument - the Spaso-Perobrazhensky Cathedral of the late 18th - early 19th centuries, erected according to the design of I. I. Sviyazev.

The temple is one of the first stone buildings in the city. It is believed that the development of the city began with its foundation in the 18th century. The building was built in provincial baroque style on the site of an earlier church. In 1929, the temple was closed as part of a general anti-religious campaign, and almost all valuable church property was confiscated. Worship services resumed in the 1990s after extensive restoration of the building.

The history of the monastery began at the end of the 18th century with the construction wooden church for copper smelter workers. In 1816, construction began on a stone church, which gradually formed monastery. In 1935, the monastery was abolished, the main part of the premises was transferred to the production warehouses of the bakery plant. In 1995, the Holy Trinity Stephen Monastery resumed its activities.

The temple was erected in 1902, largely thanks to donations from townspeople. It became the last church in Perm built before the 1917 Revolution. In those days, people called it “merchant”. In the 1930s, after confiscation by the authorities, it was converted into a bakery. In the 1970s, it was decided to restore and place it inside concert hall. In 1991, the building was returned to believers.

The picturesque Art Nouveau mansion is considered one of the most beautiful buildings In Perm. It was erected at the end of the 19th century according to the design of A. B. Turchevich for the family of one of the city officials. In 1905, the house was bought by merchant S. M. Gribushin and rebuilt it according to his taste. In 1919, the merchant’s family left Russia, and the building became the property of the authorities. At various times, a military hospital and a children's hospital were located on its territory.

City mansion in historical center Perm, built at the beginning of the 19th century. The house burned down twice, after which it was rebuilt with significant changes - if in the first version Russian classicism prevailed, then in later projects the architect gave preference to the Art Nouveau style. Nowadays, a branch of the Perm Local History Museum with a historical exhibition is located on its territory.

The stage was founded in 1988 by S. P. Fedotov, an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and a famous artist, on the basis of the Nytvenskaya youth theater studio, where interesting experimental productions were given. The theater received its own building, located next to the Kama Bridge, in 1992. Today the institution is famous for its original plays, for which spectators specially come from other cities.

Dramatic stage founded in 1927. Over the past time, she has managed to change several sites. Today the theater is located in a building built in 1981, which is considered a regional architectural monument. The structure was built according to the design of V. P. Davydenko. In 2005-2006, its restoration was carried out - during the work, the facades and some elements of the external decoration were updated.

The theater appeared in 1870. The building that has survived to this day was built in 1879. In the middle of the 20th century, it was completely reconstructed, without touching the historical appearance of the stage. The main goal of the theater is to present to the audience the entire creative heritage of the famous native of the Kama region - composer P. I. Tchaikovsky. All of his works were staged here: 3 ballets and 10 opera performances.

The emergence and development of Perm was largely due to the launch of metallurgical plants in the 18th century. Then this area was called Motovilikha. The museum's exhibition is dedicated to the history and development of these enterprises. Of particular interest is the part of the collection located in the open air and consisting of massive artillery pieces and rockets produced by the plant at different times.

The exhibition is a branch of the Perm Museum of Local Lore and is part of the memorial on Mount Vyshka, dedicated to the events of the revolutions of the early 20th century. The history of the collection began in 1920 with the opening of the monument to the Fighters of the Revolution. The main exhibit of the exhibition is a panoramic canvas made by a group of military artists and dedicated to the events of the armed uprising of 1905 in Motovilikha.

The museum appeared in 2009 after the exhibition of contemporary art “Russian Poor”, which featured art objects created by progressive authors from sand, clay, cardboard, foam rubber, tape and other “poor” materials. Until 2014, the exhibition was located on the territory of the former river station. The main mission of the museum is to develop current trends, create a creative environment and enhance the image of Perm.

The collection consists of geological exhibits: fossils, fossils, skeletons of ancient animals that existed on Earth millions of years ago. Many finds date back to the Permian geological period. The museum has a rich paleontological exhibition that arouses the genuine interest of visitors. Interesting and educational excursions take place on its territory.

Museum of the History of Political Repression, located on the territory of a former prison camp approximately 120 km from Perm. Its exposition is unique. Until 1988, state criminals and political prisoners served their sentences here. After walking through the museum grounds, the visitor will be able to get an idea of ​​the Gulag camp system, the conditions of prisoners and the difficult everyday life of the prison. The museum is quite scandalous; for many, it is just another attempt to denigrate the Soviet period of history.

The complex is located on the picturesque bank of the Kama River, approximately 40 km from Perm. It was founded in 1969 and became in fact the first museum of wooden architecture in the Urals. The exhibition is a group of open-air buildings dating back to the 17th – first half of the 20th centuries. Some houses have recreated historical interiors and house ethnographic collections.

The building, built in the style of so-called “Stalinist monumentalism” in the mid-20th century, once belonged to the KGB. In Soviet times, there were many creepy legends about it, which is why it acquired the frightening nickname “Tower of Death.” People shared stories of how innocents were tortured in dungeons and convicts were executed by throwing them from the roof into the courtyard. Today the building belongs to the local police department.

An artistic object made of wood, created in 2011 for the exhibition of the PERMM museum. It is a 12-meter structure made of spruce logs in the shape of the letter “P”. Currently, the sculpture is located on the territory of the Square of the 250th anniversary of Perm, known as the “Park of Stones”. Within this park there are samples rocks, brought from different regions of the Perm region.

In the city park of culture and recreation there is a remarkable structure - a rotunda of the 19th century, built according to the design of I. I. Sviyazev for the visit of Emperor Alexander I to Perm. It was here in 1824 that the solemn meeting of the autocrat with the authorities and residents took place. Nowadays architectural monument considered the symbol of the city. Newlyweds often choose this place for on-site marriage registration.

The park appeared in 1865 on the site of a closed copper smelter. From the moment of its opening and under Soviet rule, workers monitored its territory, organizing activities for cleaning and landscaping the lawns. In the second half of the 20th century, the park gradually fell into disrepair. In 2010, after a large-scale reconstruction, the Garden of Eden reopened to visitors. Today he is popular place recreation.

The powerful hydroelectric power station is part of the Volga-Kama cascade of hydroelectric power stations. Its construction was completed in 1958. Basically, the work involved the labor of prisoners from the surrounding camps, which was very typical for Soviet “construction projects of the century.” Today, hydroelectric power stations, as before, are of key importance for providing electricity to vast areas of the European part of Russia.

A large water artery with a length of more than 1800 km, a powerful tributary of the Volga. The river is navigable and many types of fish are found here. Its picturesque shores attract a considerable number of travelers. A major sailing tournament, the Kama Cup, is held here. Within Perm, a landscaped embankment is equipped along the river, with automobile and pedestrian bridges across it.

There are interesting places in the Perm region in almost every settlement of the Kama region. We will tell you about the most interesting and exciting places that have become the calling cards of the region. So, popular attractions Kungurskaya ice cave And Belogorsky Monastery known far beyond the borders of the region; tourists come here from many regions of Russia. There are especially many interesting places in the Perm region created from mountains. And this is not surprising, because the Urals are ancient mountains, their age is over 200 million years.

What are the most interesting places We advise you to visit the Perm region? Perhaps, it all depends on how easy it will be for you to get to this or that object. The attractions are located in such a way that you can visit a nearby city or another attraction along with it. The only exception will be natural object Mount Kolpaki and the Belogorsky Monastery, which are best spent a whole day visiting.

Visiting the Belogorsky Monastery, you will touch the majestic and beautiful monument of Ural architecture, which was built more than a century ago. The Belogorsky Monastery has a rich history, and today this place is one of the most beautiful in the Perm region. You can visit the Belogorsky Monastery at any time of the year. These places are beautiful at any time of the year, so we recommend visiting here to everyone who is looking for interesting places in the Perm region.

The Kunugra Ice Cave is another unique natural monument that has no analogues. The cave is located in the ancient merchant city of Kungur, which is interesting with many attractions. In Kungur, in addition to monuments and ancient buildings, there are several museums and various festivals are held. You won’t be able to explore the entire city in one day; we recommend that you spend your weekend there!

Not far from the ancient town of Suksun there is the Plakun waterfall. This is one of the few waterfalls in the Perm region, so getting to it is not so easy. Getting to know Suksun and Plakun Waterfall will take a day, but it will be a truly interesting day! Not far from Perm there is another interesting place - Cape Strelka, formed from the confluence of the Kama and Chusovaya rivers. Cape Strelka is one of the most easily accessible monuments, however, we recommend that you be careful while on it. There is always a strong wind blowing here and there is an excellent view of the outskirts of Perm.

In the east of the Perm region there are beautiful Usvinsky pillars and the Stone City. These two natural monuments, located close to each other, are worth a full day trip. It is better to visit the Usva Pillars in summer or autumn, and the stone city in winter or summer. When visiting, you must be careful, because the rocks are located on high altitude. Another natural monument is the Vetlan stone, located on the banks of the Vishera River, in the Krasnovishersky district. The Vetlan stone has many legends telling about its origin. Today it is one of the most visited tourist sites.

We told you only about the most famous interesting places in the Perm region. We wish you have a good travel and wonderful discoveries!
Read more about the sights of the Perm region

We bring to your attention a list of the most famous natural attractions of the Perm region

Babinogorskaya cave. Old City Kungur in the Perm region was literally built from scratch. Gypsum lies beneath the city and its environs, and gypsum is a favorite rock for the development of extensive labyrinthine caves. The Kungur Ice Cave is known throughout the world. But speleologists and cave divers have long been coming here not because of it: there are many other famous caves in the area. One of them is the Babinogorskaya cave.

Plakun waterfall. The legend about the origin of the source is quite traditional for many of our places. According to her, the unfortunate girl was forcibly separated from her loved one and imprisoned here, in the depths of the mountain. Since then, the girl has been crying incessantly from unhappy love, and the flow of tears is so great that a waterfall has formed falling from the mountain. Falling from a height of seven meters, streams of water break against the stones into a multitude of splashes - small, like tears, which gives the impression that the shore is crying...

Glyadenovskaya mountain. Glyadenovskaya Mountain stands on the left bank of the Nizhnyaya Mulyanka River. The mountain apparently got its name from the word “to look.” And truly beautiful at the top observation deck. The view extends for many kilometers. The Kama River and its valley are visible in the northwest. The southern slope of the mountain is gentle, and the northern slope steeply drops to the Mulyanka River.

Blue Lake on Chusovaya. One of the most popular tourist sites on the Chusovaya River is Blue Lake. This is not an ordinary lake, but a so-called vaucluse - an exit to the surface underground river. The deepest underwater cave in the Perm region is located here. Depending on the water level, the color of the water also changes. The more water, the darker it is. It is not always blue. The most pronounced blue tint is observed at low water, during low water.

Mount Kolpaki. Mount Kolpaki - bizarre rocks in the Middle Urals, on the very border of Europe and Asia. The name comes from the shape of the rock formations, which resemble caps. The rocks stretch along the top in a small ridge. The height of the rocks reaches 30 meters. The height of the mountain itself is 614 meters above sea level. A little further away, the remnant stone of the Devil's Finger rises separately. On him a good place for training climbers.

Mount Krestovaya. Mountain Mount Krestovaya is a beautiful place with rocky outcrops on the outskirts of the city of Gubakha, Perm Territory. In the geological literature, this mountain is also called the Krestovaya Gora geological section or the Krestovaya section. Krestovaya Mountain is the northern peak of the Rudyansky Spoy ridge. Stone Town, popular among tourists, is also southern summit the same ridge. The ridge of the mountain stretches from north to south for more than 4 kilometers.

Mount Oslyanka. Oslyanka is the most high mountain Middle Urals. Its height reaches 1119 meters above sea level. Probably, the name of the mountain comes from the word “ass” - whetstone, whetstone. Oslyanka is a ridge stretching from north to south, 16 kilometers long. In some places the mountain ends with rocks. The main peak is cone-shaped, located in the central part of the mountain, slightly shifted to the southeast.

Grotto Rasik. Not far from the town of Kizel, Perm Territory, there is a small but quite interesting Rasik cave. The cave is located 1.5 kilometers from railway station Rasik on the Kizel - Solikamsk branch. Actually, the cave got its name from the name of the station. The Rasik station itself is small. There used to be a camp here, the prisoners cut down the forest. Mountains and rocks are visible from the station. You can climb them and admire the local beauty.

Valley of Waterfalls. The Valley of Waterfalls is a place at the foot of the mountain where three streams flow. The mountain itself is located two kilometers from the village of Elovo, the regional center in the Perm Territory, where the Elovskaya Fish festival takes place twice a year. There is a legend around Elovo about a unique place where the valley of waterfalls is located. This place is believed to be anomalous. People from various surrounding areas come here to treat ailments. Fueled by energy. They perform rituals and prayers.

Stone City. Stone City is one of the main natural attractions of the Perm region. Another name for these rocks is Devil’s Settlement. Locals they are usually called Turtles. This is true unique monument nature, located on one of the peaks of the Rudyansky Spoy ridge (526 meters above sea level). Moreover, this place gained wide popularity relatively recently – less than two decades ago. Since then, the flow of tourists here has been growing every year. Even travel agencies organize regular weekend tours here.

Vetlan stone. The highest and most beautiful rock on the Ural river Vishera, famous for its amazing beauty, is the Vetlan stone. Vetlan is an almost vertical system of high rocky cliffs. The Vetlan stone stretches along the river for 1750 meters. The height of the rocks reaches 100 meters. For the first time, it was proposed to include this place in the list of protected areas back in 1928 by A.A. Khrebtov. However, Vetlan, not surprisingly, received the status of a landscape monument of regional importance only many decades later - in 1981.

Ermak stone. The Ermak stone and other rocks surrounding it on the right bank of the Sylva River are one of the most favorite vacation spots for tourists and climbers in the Perm region. What is important is that this rock is easy and simple to get to from the regional center - the city of Perm. The Ermak stone is located on the Sylva River, 15 kilometers upstream from the city of Kungur, famous for its cave.

Copan Canal. One of the most interesting natural and historical sites in the Perm region is the Kopan Canal near the town of Ocher. The name of the channel comes from the word “dig”. This man-made canal connects the Cheptsa River with the Ocher River. It was needed to solve problems with the lack of water supplies in the Ochersky factory pond. Water that led in the 18th - 19th centuries. The movement of factory mechanisms was sometimes not enough.

Kungur cave. The Kungur Ice Cave is one of the most famous and popular tourist attractions in the Urals. One of the main business cards» our region. No other Russian cave has such rich history and is not as famous as the Kungur Cave.

Kyn. The village of Kyn (or Kyn-Zavod) is one of the most interesting from a tourism point of view settlements Ural. What it doesn’t have: rich nature, picturesque rocks, the beautiful Chusovaya River, numerous historical monuments. Kyn can be safely called a real open-air museum-reserve.

Lake Nyukhti. Beautiful lake Nyukhti is located on the border of the Krasnovishersky and Solikamsky districts of the Perm Territory. In the past, the lake was difficult to access because it was located among swamps. But several years ago, oil workers built good access roads to it. The fact is that an oil field was discovered near the lake, which is now being actively developed.

Orda Cave. Orda Cave is the longest underwater gypsum cave in Russia and one of the longest in the world. This place is a real paradise for divers. Fans of cave diving come here not only from all over the Urals, but also from other regions of Russia and even from other countries. The Orda Cave is located in the Perm region, on the left bank of the Kungur River near district center Horde (from which it got its name). Although the cave has been known for a long time, it has only been studied since the early 1990s.

Divya Cave. In the north of the Perm region there is the longest cave in the Urals. Divya Cave is 10,100 meters long. One day is unlikely to be enough to fully explore it, and it’s easy to get lost in its long and intricate passages. Divya Cave is located on the steep right bank of the Kolva River near the village of Nyrob in the Cherdynsky district. The cave got its name from the word “wonderful” - for its beauty.

Kizelovskaya-Viasherskaya Cave. The Perm region is a cave region, this is no secret. About a quarter of the Ural caves, more than one kilometer long, are located exactly there, in the edge of the Central Ural taiga forests. Kizelovskaya-Viasherskaya stands apart among the Permian caves. Its uniqueness is not only in its length (more than seven kilometers of passages, the fourth longest in the Urals) - but also in its walking distance. The entrance to the cave is located on the outskirts of the village of Shakhty (a suburb of the city of Kizel) on Peshernaya Street!

Dark Cave. The deepest cave in the Perm region (132 meters) by default becomes the most attractive for tourists of all kinds. At the same time, its location and the spaciousness of the passages make the cave a convenient training ground for training vertical equipment and conducting training rescue operations. Therefore, Temnaya is one of the most visited caves in the region.

Pashiyskaya Cave. Pashiyskaya cave is located in the Gornozavodsky district of the Perm region. The cave is located near the village of Pashiya, in the Bolshiye Voronki rocks on the left bank of the Vizhay River. According to scientists, the Big Funnels are the standard of carbonate karst in this area. In these places there are karst sinkholes ranging from 1-2 to 20 meters in depth.

Chanvinskie caves. Cave The Chanvin caves in the Perm region are interesting not for their length, but for their secrets. This a unique place, no analogues of which are known in the Middle Urals. A temple was located in these caves for several thousand years. These places were sacred to the people who lived here. Being here, in these remote and majestic places, you can really involuntarily believe in the existence of forest spirits...

Miracle Cave. The Miracle Cave is the longest in the Chusovaya River area and one of the most beautiful in the Urals. Thanks to the extraordinary beauty of the sinter formations, the cave fully justifies its name. The Miracle Cave is located two kilometers from the Chusovaya River, in the valley of the small river Ponysh. The Chudesnitsa Cave and Kladovaya Mountain, in which it is located, are classified as natural monuments of the Perm region.

Caves of Sukhoi Log. The Usvinsky district is rich in natural attractions. Here are the Stone Town, White Stones, and Usva Pillars. But speleologists from all over the Urals come here for the Sukhoi Log - a ravine along which are some of the most beautiful caves Perm region.

Polyudov stone. Polyudov stone (or simply Polyud) is located in the north of the Perm region near the city of Krasnovishersk. The height of Mount Polyud is 527 meters above sea level, it is highest point Polyudova ridge. There are a lot of things connected with Polyud. interesting legends. They all boil down to the fact that Polyud is the name of a strong hero (or giant) who lived in the distant past on Vishera land.

Changed stone. The commemorated stone with bizarre stone remains on top is capable of captivating any tourist with its beauty. The ridge is visible from afar; the remains resemble the bristling crest of a giant dinosaur. This place is located in the north of the Perm region, 30 kilometers east of the city of Krasnovishersk.

Berezovaya River. The Berezovaya River flows in the Perm region, it is a left tributary of the Kolva River. The source of the river is on the slope of the Berezovsky stone. From source to mouth, the river flows entirely through the territory of the Cherdyn region. The length of the river is not very long - 208 kilometers. On the Berezovaya River there are beautiful rocks with caves, grottoes and arches. Coniferous and mixed forests grow along the banks. The places here are quite wild and relatively touched by man, you can enjoy almost virgin Ural nature.

Vizhay River. The Vizhay River is an excellent river for adrenaline lovers, flowing in the Perm region. This is the left tributary of the Vilva River, 125 kilometers long. Translated from the Komi-Permyak language, the name of the river means “holy father”. There are two rivers with this name suitable for tourist rafting in the Urals. The second is in the north of the Sverdlovsk region.

Vishera River. The Vishera River is a magnificently beautiful river of the Northern Urals. Every summer Vishera attracts many tourists from all over the Urals and other regions of the country. Located in the north of the Perm region. The length of the river is 415 kilometers (the fifth longest in the Perm region). Vishera has two sources - Malaya and Bolshaya Vishera, which flow from the Ural mountains.

Koiva River. The Koiva River flows in the Middle Urals, in the Perm Territory. An excellent river for tourist rafting, although rafting on it requires some experience, since the river has many difficult obstacles for beginners (rapids, rifts, pressures, trees fallen into the water in combination with a fast current).

Sylva River. The Sylva River is the largest tributary of the Chusovaya River. Sylva is good transport accessibility, clean water and the absence of any dangers for beginners and unprepared tourists. The name of the river comes from the Komi-Permyak words “syl” - melt, “va” - water. It fully justifies its name. The water in the river is clean, soft and pleasant to the taste. This is especially true in the upper and middle reaches of the river.

Kvarkush ridge and Zhigalan waterfalls. The Kvarkush ridge and Zhigalan waterfalls, despite their distance from regional centers, are very famous and popular among connoisseurs of Ural nature. These are some of the most beautiful sights of the Urals. Geographically, these two natural attractions are located in the Krasnovishersky district of the Perm Territory, in the Northern Urals.

Narrow Street. The history of the Northern Urals is unusually rich in myths and legends. One of them is probably the most beautiful - the legend of Narrow Street. This is located remarkable place near the village of Nyrob. A few kilometers before reaching it, you need to turn right (right before the Lyunva River) and drive about three kilometers along a dirt road. Between two hills, in a large clearing, you will see a sign informing you that you are in the specially protected natural and historical territory “Iskorskoe Settlement”. To get to Narrow Street, you need to turn right, and after walking literally two hundred meters through the forest, you will see one of the wonders of the Ural nature.

Shirokovskoye Reservoir. The Shirokovskoye reservoir is located on the Kosva River in the Gubakhinsky district of the Perm Territory, and got its name from the village of Shirokovskoye. The Shirokovskoye Reservoir is very extensive. It stretches along the Kosva River from northeast to southwest for 25 kilometers. The width of the reservoir is from 1 to 4 kilometers. Moreover, it has a significant depth of up to 36 meters ( average depth– 12.9 meters). The length of the reservoir dam is about 300 meters.

Ethnographic park “Museum of the History of the Chusovaya River”. Thanks to the efforts of an enthusiast from the city of Chusovaya, the most famous Ural river had its own museum in 1986. This fabulous corner is located on the outskirts of the city of Chusovoy, Perm Territory. The Park Museum of the History of the Chusovaya River stands in the open air at the foot of Arinina Mountain, on the banks of the small Arkhipovka River. A real cozy village street in the style of the late 19th century has formed here.