Photos from open sources

In Muromtsevo district Omsk region There is a village with a beautiful name - Okunevo. However, it became famous not because of its “fishing” name - it is practically the center of the anomalous zone, where, as they say in Rus', God knows what happens. (website)

The village of Okunevo and its surrounding lakes

In the village itself, a story is passed down from mouth to mouth that anomalies were first noticed here immediately after the Great Patriotic War. Just in 1945, boys playing on the banks of a river suddenly saw three enormous women emerge from the water. Children rushed to the village to tell adults about this miracle. But, of course, no one believed them. However, in 1947, a local teacher one day heard bells ringing from the sky. Raising her eyes, the woman was stunned: horses of unprecedented beauty were flying above the ground in the air...

Photos from open sources

And further in the area of ​​​​the village of Okunevo, similar anomalies began to occur more and more often, for example, multi-colored balls and UFOs in the sky became so common for local residents that no one pays attention to them anymore, unless they have to hold the cattle at this moment, which is why -gets very worried and runs away.

Maybe the mysterious lakes surrounding the village are to blame for this? There are four of them, but there is a legend that somewhere (apparently in parallel dimension) a fifth one is also lurking, and a mixture of liquid from all five lakes is supposedly capable of acquiring the properties of real fabulous “living water” - from all ailments and misfortunes.

But so far no one has found the fifth mythical reservoir, medicinal properties attributed to himself mysterious lake named Shaitan. Pilgrims from all over Russia, and even from abroad, constantly come to him for healing water. They say that the water from this lake really helps against many diseases, even just being in this anomalous zone (which is why pilgrims near Okunevo constantly organize summer camps) harmonizes human energy, which promotes healing, as well as spiritual enlightenment. Just yourself local residents somehow they are not distinguished by either great health, or longevity, or any kind of great spirituality - ordinary village people.

Photos from open sources

True, that itself is a separate conversation...

Anomalies of Lake Shaitan near the village of Okuneva

Perhaps this is not connected with the lake itself, but with the village, but pilgrims come here most often for the water and mud of Shaitan. There is even a legend that the Siberian Shaitan Lake hides the city of the giant Hanuman, who once helped the god Rama in his fight against evil forces (there is supposedly a story about this in the Indian epic “Ramayana”). That is why people come to this legendary reservoir from all over the Earth and especially often from India.

A very interesting incident happened here not long ago. Hindu pilgrims came to see him. In the morning they took the direction to Shaitan Lake using the compass and went on their way. It took about an hour to walk. But our Indians walk for an hour, then two, and still there is no reservoir. And the forest is becoming denser and more unsightly. In general, the persistent pilgrims walked like this for seven hours, but still did not reach the lake. Finally, they couldn’t stand it (and they were already scared), and again turned back according to the compass - after 20 minutes they returned to the village of Okuneva.

Photos from open sources

But the locals were not very surprised by this adventure: it turns out that sometimes it is better not to go beyond the village limits at all, especially when the sky is covered with strange purple clouds in the morning. It happens that people do not return from such trips, so the Indians are lucky...

Local hunters are sure that somewhere there is a breakthrough into a parallel world, hence all the misfortunes. You can leave and get lost in that looking glass for a long time, sometimes for several days, or you may not return at all. And “from there” guests often visit our world: fishermen often notice footprints of a “Bigfoot” up to a meter long in the snow (imagine this giant humanoid!). As a rule, such traces stretch in a chain and suddenly... break off, as if a mysterious creature had disappeared into thin air...

Attempts to scientifically explain the anomalous phenomena of the village of Okuneva

Scientists and independent researchers of paranormal phenomena have appeared on Lake Shaitan more than once in order to discover the causes of the above anomalies. Specialist scientists, for example, eventually determined that in wetlands near a reservoir, specific bacteria are cultivated due to decaying marsh grasses and algae, and supposedly all this leads to the accumulation (in calm weather) of a special marsh gas, which causes hallucinations and fainting. In windy weather, poisonous gas can spread and cover this entire “anomalous zone”.

Photos from open sources

However, local residents did not believe in this theory of scientists. Everything is too simple and unambiguous. How can we explain the same traces of the Yeti that suddenly appear, suddenly disappear, balls and UFOs in the sky, and all this is calmly filmed on photos and videos today (what kind of glitches are these?). How can we explain the temporal-spatial gaps that people often fall into here (for example, the same Indians). And it’s good if they return, many disappear without a trace. So all this cannot be explained by hallucinations - it’s too simple, there’s something completely different here...

Place of many historical events. The destinies of many peoples were intertwined in these places: Russians, Mordovians, Murom, Kasimov Tatars, Polovtsians - a multi-valued story! Border of forest and steppe.

Traces and mentions of ancient Hyperborea are found here!
Even Nazi Germany did not ignore these secrets!
The secrets and mysteries of the Ryazan region can take up more than one article and are the subject of many studies.
Among them are the mysterious giant peoples who lived on the banks of the Oka, mysterious caves and underground tunnels, pyramids and mounds with ancient temples and burials, holy places and revered springs!


Aleshino (place of an anomalous explosion);
ALESHINO is the site of an explosion of unknown origin in the Ryazan region, where a crater still exists. The explosion occurred almost simultaneously with the explosion near Sasovo and Frolovsky. The nature of the explosion was never established.

Serif lines (remains of ancient defensive lines);
ZASECHNYE LINES (Zasechnye cherty, Zaseki) - defensive structures on the southern and southeastern outskirts of the Russian state in the 16th-17th centuries for protection against nomads. They consisted of abatis, ramparts, ditches, palisades, supplemented by natural barriers (rivers, ravines), and strong points (forts and fortified cities). The most important of the lines was the Bolshaya Zasechnaya Line, about 200 km long.
In the summer of 2000, Ulyanovsk archaeologists and employees of the State Historical and Memorial Reserve "Motherland of V.I. Lenin" discovered the remains of Simbirsk on Lev Tolstoy Street serif- a defensive line that marked the borders of the Moscow state at the end of the 17th century. Enthusiasts restored a miraculously preserved fragment of a ditch, an earthen rampart and a 3-meter-high palisade in the center of the city; a watchtower was cut down from pine logs. In just three summer months 20 m of the notch line was restored.

Crop circles and pictograms (including here);

Marinka (anomalous zone);

MARYINKA is an anomalous zone, a prodigal place, a “nest of lightning” near the village of the same name south of the regional center of Korablino in. According to eyewitness accounts and articles in local newspapers, in Marinka and near it, on the 3-kilometer road between the village and the highway, UFOs and other objects were repeatedly observed. As Yuri Kharin writes [Ryazan Vedomosti, 2003, August 2], a strange picture in the sky was repeatedly seen over the village, as large UFOs turned into images of “fish”, and the “fish” - into a ball. Local resident Nina Semyonovna said that she also saw balls of fire “jumping” along the ground. They say that lightning most often strikes in the area of ​​the local estate... A. Bychenkov reported about the strange place in Cosmopoisk.

Mosolovo (place of UFO sightings);
MOSOLOVO is a village in the Ryazan region, over which, according to eyewitnesses, UFOs often appear. In 1999, at the 18th Siegel readings, a researcher at the Institute of Plant Physiology, Vladimir Yuryevich SHUMILOV, read a report “UFOs and the principle of covert observation”, in 2001, at the 22nd readings - about observations and photographing of UFOs, both reports actually talked about the same place - the village of Mosolovo. It was here, according to Shumilov, that a variety of AU were often observed in the sky, and in 1989, not far from the neighboring village of Razberdeevo, a man-made UFO even landed. In April 2001, during a visual inspection and analysis in Kosmopoisk, it became clear that most of the UFO photographs taken in this place were actually explained by atmospheric phenomena and glare from the camera optics. Comprehensive studies have not yet been carried out in the Mosolov area.

* * * Directions to Mosolovo: 1) By car on the M-5 highway, go through Ryazan towards Shatsk, approximately 75 km southeast of Ryazan, near Frolov, turn right, south and drive about another 3 km.
2) From Ryazan go by train (line "Ryazan-Shilovo-Sasovo" to Mosolovo

CAVES IN THE KASIMOVSKY DISTRICT (Kasimovsky catacombs) - a series of artificial catacomb underground formations in the north of the Ryazan region. All or most of the numerous underground workings were more or less actively used by local peasants for the extraction of stone and crushed stone in the first half of the twentieth century and even in the 1950s. Currently, all quarries are abandoned.

In 1985, the first caves in this area were explored by Yu. Prokofiev and L. Dronova. In August 1998, the Moscow speleological group "Bat" under the direction of Yu. A. Dolotov conducted an expedition in this area, during which a census of both preserved and lost entrances to the caves was carried out ["Spelestological Yearbook of ROSI" M., 1999, p. .38-57]. Some caves were given their own names: Dronovskaya, Naklonnye, Kabany Proval, Quarry Grotto, Malaya Kariernaya, Lyapushka, Pridorozhnaya, Zdorovye, Nadkariernaya, Quarry, Zaovrazhnaya and others... Research in this area continues.

* * * Directions to the Kasimov quarries: From Moscow by car through Yegoryevsk, you cannot turn off the road into any of the caves. From Ryazan - by car or train to Kasimov, then along the road to the northwest to the area where the caves are concentrated:
1) Tsavlya Cave. Located 2 km from the Tsavlya ravine between the villages of Stepanovo and Giblitsy near the cemetery. Previously, low-quality stone and crushed stone were mined here. The entrances to the drifts are currently blocked, although they can be dug out.
2) Quarry near the village of Ozerki on the banks of the Oka. Currently, its upper left flank is covered with a bulldozer blade during the construction of a large wooden house for the “new Russian”.
3) Akishinsky quarries were located 1 km north of the village of Akishino, opposite the village of Ozerki, on the right bank of the Oka. Currently not found.
4) Charushsky and Timoninsky underground quarries are located higher along the Oka. Not found yet.
5) The Maleevskaya system was located on the right bank under the village. Maleevo. Not found yet.
6) Underground quarries in the upper part of the village of Babino-Bylygino on the right bank of the Oka River above Kasimov. Not found yet.
7) Quarries between the villages of Chernyshevo-Pochinki and Maryino-Zarechnoye in a ravine. Not found yet.
8) An underground quarry below the village of Chinur (500 m from the village) on the left bank of the dry land. Hollows and filled-in cave entrances were discovered.
9) Quarries near the village of Davydovo on the right bank of the river. Chinur. Covered dumps and entrances were discovered.
10) Savinovskaya system on the right bank of the Tashenka near the village of Savinovo. Very large workings dating back to different times were discovered.
11) Tashenskaya system on the left bank of the river. Tashenka is located 0.5 km above the village of Tashenka. Dumps of ancient mining have been discovered.
12) System below Bashevo from the village. First to s. Maltsevo for 2 km along the right bank. Signs of caves (sinkholes and ditches) discovered in the 19th century and in the 1920s were found.
13) Large quarry below the village. Bulushevo-Pochinki 750 m below on the right bank at the right corner of the ravine’s exit to the river.
14) The Nun's Roll system is located just below the previous quarry, its length is 2 km along the coast from the mouth of the ravine 1 km below the village. Bulushevo-Pochinki to the village of Perekat Monashki. A through cave 3 m long was found on the right side of the ravine.
15) The Tugeyevskaya Gora (Sosnovka) system below the village of Sosnovka on the left bank of the Oka and 400 m below the tourist center (ozonarium) "Yolochka" with a length along the shore of about 800 m. Here, back in 1985, speleologists Yu. Prokofiev and L. Dronova discovered the first caves: 1 large cave, which later collapsed, and 18 failures. In 1998, the “Bat” group rediscovered the Dronovaya cave with a depth of 6 m. The entrance is located 45 m at azimuth 240 from the “500 m” mark in a funnel between the roots of a pine tree, approximately 10 m from the edge of the cliff.
16) Inclined cavities-1, -2, -3 are located approximately 50 m from the “600 m” mark.
17) The caves relative to the “1000 m” marker are located: Pridorozhnaya (6 m deep, 25 m to the west-northwest), Boar Hollow (70 m to the west), Lyapushka (150 m long, extremely dangerous for landslides!) (40 m to west-southwest), Quarry Grotto and Malaya Kariernaya (70 m to the west-southwest).
18) Between the markers “1100 m” and “1200 m” on the slope of the Serkov Dol ravine there are caves: Zdorovye (length 100 m), Nadkariernaya, Kariernaya (opened in 1996).
19) Lazarevskaya Gora system (Shcherbakovka-2): cave Zaovrazhnaya-1 (30 m north of the “1300 m” mark, very narrow entrance), Zaovrazhnaya-2 (70 m northeast of the mark, total open depth 4.5 m ).
Entering some of the listed caves is extremely dangerous! It is advisable not to visit the caves without consulting the Bat group.

Underground prison (Okaemovo)
UNDERGROUND PRISON (Okaemovo) - man-made underground structures near the Theological Monastery near the village of Okaemovo near Ryazan. A document dating from 1682 has been preserved: “Memory from the order of the Ryazan Metropolitan Abraham the Theologian to Bishop Anthony, who was ordered to keep 10 schismatics sent by order of the sovereign in an earthen prison, and to feed him bread from the monastery in turn.” The history of the prison is not known, there are no other documents except the above letter. The secret "earth prison" at the monastery was discovered by students and historians in the 1970s.

An anomalous zone in the area of ​​​​the Vanda tract (people are wandering, the compass does not seem to work, all sorts of devilry is imagining...)
Arapovsky Cave Monastery
Brykin Bor (crane nursery)
Fortification "Old Ryazan", Spassky district
Palace of von Derviz in Kiritsy, ( architectural ensemble in the village Kiritsy, there have been sightings of ghosts)
Site of the Battle of Vozha

Poshchupovsky holy spring
Church of the Transfiguration, Gusevsky Pogost village
Ryazan Stonehenge, Spasskaya Luka
Manor complex, village. Sokha
Sentinel oak, Sapozhkovsky district
lake Nasty (abnormal place, pathogenic zone)

Sasovo (Sasovo funnels);

SASOVO (Sasovo funnels) is a regional center where at least two powerful explosions occurred, the cause of which is still unclear. The first and most powerful thundered on the night of April 12, 1991 (on the day of the 30th anniversary of Gagarin’s flight). Eyewitnesses from among local residents later described that they first saw several UFOs flying away over the field, then heard a powerful explosion in the same direction, which shook the area. Around the same time, similar explosions occurred nearby in Aleshino and Frolovskoye.

The first report on the study of the funnel was made by Vadim ORLOV and Anatoly CHERNYAEV ["TM" 1992, N 5-7, p. 36-37]. Numerous expeditions were repeatedly sent to the site of the explosion, which noted and recorded a variety of anomalous phenomena. For example, it was noticed that for some unknown reason, calculators were being reprogrammed and electronic devices were failing near the funnel... A year later, a second explosion occurred nearby, the cause of which is also still unclear.

Initially, the funnel had dimensions: diameter - 30 m, depth - 3 m (in some descriptions there was also a figure of 4 m), in the middle there was a hill 1.5 m high... As of January 2001, the Sasovo funnel had a diameter of 25-33 m , depth - 2-2.5 m. According to other sources, a mysterious explosion near Sasov in the middle of an empty field formed a crater with a diameter of not 30, but 28 m. The power of the explosion, according to estimates, was equivalent to 300 tons of explosives (windows were broken at a distance of several kilometers). Chemical analyzes showed the complete absence of not only traces of explosives, but also of any chemical reactions at all. ["KP" 1991, April 16].

In the late 1990s, Moscow physicist Nikolai KULANIN, who examined the physical fields in the funnel area, noted a strange periodicity of magnetic field oscillations (period - about 10+-2 minutes). Long-term research was prevented by a breakdown of the magnetometer.

Many versions and hypotheses of the origin of the crater were put forward - from a UFO explosion to a banal explosion of saltpeter (neither one nor the other extreme version was confirmed)... As stated by TsNIIMash researcher Alexander Petrovich NEVSKY, “all these mysterious facts also lie in line with the ERV hypothesis a medium-sized meteorite (0.5-1.0 m in diameter), causing the generation of shock waves and explosive crater formation." However, this version did not find other supporters... One of the most promising hypotheses was put forward by S.I. SUKHONOS - the explosion of a torus-shaped energy cluster (his version is being tested in the Kosmopoisk expeditions). The study of the Sasovo funnel and similar places continues to this day.

* * * Travel to the epicenter of the Sasovo explosions: By train "Moscow-Ulyanovsk" to Sasovo; further on regular bus and/or walk to the explosion site.

Frolovskoye (place of an anomalous explosion);

This is the so-called Fefelov Bor, which is located near Kanishchev.

Sand dunes, intricately curved trees and a mysterious atmosphere - an anomalous zone was found near Ryazan - the so-called Fefelov Forest.

Fefelov Bor is located a few kilometers from the residential district of Kanishchevo, which is surrounded on all sides by fields and ponds. In 2004, archaeological excavations were carried out here, and an ancient burial ground was found.

This forest attracts lovers of the otherworldly. Parapsychologists from all over Russia have been looking for an explanation for what is happening in Fefelov Forest for several years now.

The reason for exploring the area was the stories of those who visited here. According to people, they were haunted by a feeling of anxiety.

There is no scientific explanation for this yet, but there are hypotheses. So, according to one version, the forest invisible “something” is a clot of energy, the source of which is sand - after all, it has been proven that dunes have the ability to move.

When moved, grains of sand rub, causing energy to move into environment. People feel it on themselves in the form of a warm or cold wave and darkening in the eyes.

Sharp magnetic fluctuations were also recorded in the sandy forest. Presumably, it was the waves that bent the branches of the pine trees at the roots. Biologists are in no hurry to confirm the relationship and are left to speculate again.

Researchers cannot judge how far the negative aura spreads. If the energy of this forest somehow influences the state and behavior of people, then this is not connected with the culture of recreation. Just like in an ordinary forest, plastic bottles and cigarette packs are scattered in this enchanted forest.

They are left by vacationers who are not afraid of stories about strange things happening in the forest.

A year ago, a video taken in a strange forest was posted online. The trees in this place do not grow vertically upward, but in a rounded direction. But for some reason the video was not widely known.
In the commentary to the video it is reported that this was filmed in the Shilovsky district, not far from the Priokskaya tourist center. The author reports that this place is unique - there are no insects there, and people who stay there long enough begin to have headaches. Moreover, supposedly, people have disappeared in this place before.

“Dancing” or “drunk” forest - a rectangle of crooked trees coniferous trees. All trees bend to the north. Deciduous trees grow evenly around. Regarding this place, researchers and scientists agree on only one opinion - there is some kind of natural anomaly. Various reasons are given. Someone is talking about electromagnetic radiation from the earth, someone is talking about powerful underwater arteries over the intersection of which the “Drunken Forest” grows.

On the other hand, such effects of tree bending are relatively common. And always tricky.

Local residents have their own explanations for this oddity, which are reflected in beliefs and legends.

An expedition to study the “drunk forest” in the Ryazan region was carried out by members of the Murom-Kosmopoisk group back in early August. It was found that the unusual forest occupies a significant area - up to 150 meters in width and 500-600 meters in length, and the number of trees in this area can exceed a thousand.
According to Dmitry Savva, a member of the Murom-Cosmopoisk group, there are many versions that offer one or another explanation for this phenomenon. The reason for the curvature of tree trunks can be seen not only in the influence of the area where they grow (for example, in the presence of a geomagnetic anomaly), but also in the trees themselves (it has been suggested that their unusual shape is a manifestation of some kind of genetic disease). One of the local residents told the participants that the trees were bent by a hurricane several decades ago, but this version is contradicted by the fact that young trees also look twisted. It is possible that the anomaly arose as a result of the simultaneous influence of several factors.

investigators dug up several seedlings in the anomalous area and planted them in the Kovarditsky forest near Murom. These young trees are not yet as strongly curved as large trees, but near the roots, deviations from the normal trunk shape are already noticeable. It is important to note that seedlings of various tree species - aspen, birch, and pine - were selected for the experiment. Observing how seedlings planted outside the anomalous zone will grow will, if not definitively establish the cause of the appearance of “drunk” trees, then significantly narrow the range of possible versions.

Located near the village Tyrnovo (Tyrnitsa River).
According to legend, there were mermaids in the lake.
It is assumed that near Lake Veles there was a temple for the god Veles, the patron saint of livestock.
Not far from Tarnovo there is an anomalous forest (Pyanolesye).

A close study of detailed atlases of Moscow, Vladimir and, as well as satellite images of the territory of the Meshchera region, made it possible to establish the area where fragments of a large meteorite fell, which left traces on the face of prehistoric Meshchera with pockmarks of crater lakes, swamps of anomalous swamps and the mysteries of mysterious tracts...
The hypothesis about the meteorite origin of one of these natural formations was confirmed in the Meteoritics Laboratory of the V.I. Vernadsky, which carried out studies of rock samples taken in the area of ​​Lake Smerdyache. It has been experimentally proven that they contain material from local sedimentary rocks melted during a meteorite impact. Thus, it has been reliably established that several thousand years ago, a fragment of a large meteorite fell here, at the top of the interfluve of Poli and Voymega, and fell apart upon entering the dense layers of the atmosphere into several parts. Let's call it the Meshchera meteorite.

Anomalous zones and mystical places in the Ryazan region

Based on the results of these studies, several sensational publications were born in the newspapers “Evening Moscow” and “Moskovsky Komso-Molets”. One of the authors presented the results of a geographical analysis of a series of lakes located on the same line at a sufficient distance from each other outside the Shatura region, and presented a conclusion about the “cosmic” reason for their origin.
It is known that there is a similar lake in the Petushinsky district of the Vladimir region. There, in the lower reaches of the Ushma River, in the dense forests, Lake Glubokoe was lost... This lake is also a “failure”, since its depth is several tens of meters. For many decades, Lake Glubokoe was inaccessible not only to researchers, but even to fishermen, since it belonged to the closed territory of the Kosterevsky military training ground. Hidden a little southwest of it is the tiny lake Okunyok, which is also a “failure” and has a very great depth. Lake Lemeshinskoe is very reminiscent of a meteorite crater with high sandy shores of the northern half of the lake basin, surrounded on all sides by the characteristic lowland of the left bank of the Polya River. It is very similar to the meteorite crater Karpovskoye Lake, which is located near the village of Vlasovo...
Lake Beloye is exceptionally unique in its natural characteristics. It is located 22 km north of the city of Spas-Klepiki, Ryazan region - to the left of the highway to the village of Poserda, which is already on the very border with the Vladimir region. The area of ​​the lake is only 30 hectares. But its depth is amazing - 50.2 m!
There is nothing like this in this region of the Great Meshchera Lakes of the Buzha-Pra system, as well as among the surrounding natural closed-type reservoirs. The exception is the lake of the same name near the village of Dubasovo, Shatursky district - maximum depth it reaches 34.4 m. Ryazan Lake Beloe, like Shaturskoye, is distinguished by clean, light and surprisingly clear water.
Until now, it was believed that Lake Beloye was formed “... as a result of powerful movements during the glaciation era, when one of the tongues of an ancient glacier plowed a deep furrow here, subsequently filling it with melt waters...”. This is the common version that is walking around today on the pages of some popular guidebooks to the lakes of the Meshchera region.
But one important circumstance creeps in here. If you look at the map, you can easily see that Lake Beloe () is located strictly on the same line with lakes Smerdyache and Glubokoe. From Lake Beloe to Lake Smerdyachye is 70 km, and from Lake Smerdyachye to Glubokoye is 15 km.
The listed lakes are most likely meteorite craters and therefore the conclusion arises that the Shushmor tract “owes” some of its anomalies to the fall of the Meshchera meteorite, which is much older than its Tunguska counterpart. In this case, the fact is confirmed that the mysterious Shushmor and the anomalous Volnoe swamp are also located on the “earthly” projection of the trajectory of this mysterious meteorite - “The troublemaker of prehistoric Meshchera”... It could well be that in the area between the Ushma and Senga rivers it also fell one of the fragments of the Meshchera meteorite. After all, from the conventional trajectory of the fall of its numerous fragments (crater lakes Beloe, Smerdyache and Glubokoe) to the center of the Volnoe swamp is only about ten kilometers. What a trifle by cosmic standards!
Thus, the chain of supposed crater lakes and anomalous zones is located at an equidistant distance of 15-20 km from each other: the Shushmor tract (the border of the Moscow and Vladimir regions); Lake Smerdyache (Moscow region); lake Glubokoe, lake Okunyok and the Volnoe swamp (Vladimir region).
At the beginning of July 2006, a message from Alexander Trifonov appeared on one of the Internet sites under the catchy headline “A monstrous meteorite exploded over Moscow.” According to the information given in it, which had a touch of sensationalism, a large meteorite exploded over the Ryazan Meshchera more than a thousand years ago at an altitude of 10 kilometers. The force of the explosion and the shock wave of this space alien “exceeded even the Tunguska phenomenon.” After the explosion, a local disaster occurred (hurricanes, fires, floods). As a result of these cataclysms, vast areas of Meshchera forests were destroyed, the fields were burned, and the wooden buildings of rare villages burned down and the Meshchera region was completely depopulated for two long centuries. Modern archeology knows only one period of mysterious desolation - the “dark ages” of the prehistory of Moscow from VIII to X.
Analysis of high-resolution images from space made it possible to map a rectilinear strip 15-20 kilometers wide - the location of supposed meteorite craters in the eastern Moscow region, Ryazan and Vladimir regions. This strip ran through the most protected and remote places of Meshchera at the junction of three regions and its length was over 200 kilometers. It began with a crater with a large ring-shaped depression not far from the Ryazan village of Dronino, which is located on the right bank of the Oka River. Here is what you can read in the mentioned message on the Internet website: “In the relief near the village one can see a perfectly round swamp, which is now being drained by land reclamation workers. Reclamation equipment recently turned several black iron blocks out of the bog. Public organization The “Center for the Study of Matter of Extraterrestrial Origin” was the first to examine one of the iron aliens with an anomalous structure. The anomaly of the artifact was that after being lifted from the swamp, it quickly turns into dust. "...


December 1941. Fierce fighting is taking place across the vast territory from Leningrad to Crimea. The Germans are standing 30 kilometers from the Kremlin! At this very time, the commander German army"Center" Field Marshal von Bock receives a very strange directive from Hitler, which prohibits shelling of a large piece of the Oka floodplain in the area of ​​​​the city of Murom. The directive also states that von Bock must provide reliable cover for a special search group, which will soon be thrown into the forests of the Ryazan region. What could the Nazis be looking for in the Ryazan region at the height of the war?

It turned out that on the banks of the Russian river, approximately in the same place where the Nazi expedition was sent, archaeologists discovered a large ancient settlement of an unknown culture. Scientists were shocked by the discovery, since it was believed that there were no white spots left in the very center of Russia for a long time.

Interestingly, the settlement is not the first unique discovery of archaeologists near Ryazan. Recently found in the same area strange object, which archaeologists called the Ryazan Stonehenge. Interestingly, English Stonehenge is located on the same latitude as Ryazan. There is also a natural geomagnetic anomaly in this area. Anomalous zones and mystical places in the Ryazan region

Considering all this, it can be assumed that the Nazi expedition to the Ryazan forests was related to the occult interests of the Third Reich.

It is possible that in ancient times the capital of a mysterious civilization was located on the Ryazan lands. The city rose on the banks of the Oka, 30 kilometers from Ryazan. In those places along the river coast there were old mounds. During the excavations, traces of a large pre-Mongol settlement were discovered. And strange artifact finds, indicating a high level of development of the tribe that lived there. Compared to their wild neighbors, the Mordovians, the “advanced” tribe resembled some kind of outpost of Atlantean civilization surrounded by forest barbarians. Maybe that’s why some researchers have already dubbed the unknown culture “Oka Atlantis.”

Arta - capital of Artania

According to one hypothesis, traces of a settlement on the banks of the Oka may well be the remains of the legendary Arta, the capital of the mighty state of Artania.
Over the past hundred years, many academic copies have been broken around the question of the existence of this semi-mythical state.

According to ancient Persian and Arab chronicles, Artania was located in the “country of the Uruses” and was one of the three centers of the northern lands. The other two are Kuyaba and Slavia, scientists associate them with Kiev and Novgorod, says Vladimir Nikodimov, a famous Ryazan researcher of antiquity. - The most detailed message about the life and customs of the inhabitants of Artania was left in his notes by the Arab merchant Al-Istarkhi, who traveled at the beginning of the 9th century. According to these documents, Artania abounds in honey, bread and game. And its inhabitants are tall, with blond hair and blue eyes, sharp-witted and skilled in blacksmithing. Iron armor, made in Artania and purchased by Al-Istarkhi, saved the latter upon returning to his homeland: even the famous Arab blades were unable to penetrate them.

As for geography, the capital of Artania, Arta, according to Arab sources, was located on the shore wide river. Historians who follow the “Oka hypothesis” of the location of Arta, as one of the main arguments in defense of their version, cite the ancient Meshchera legend about three king-magi named Ermus, Cadmus and Shumush, who fought with the formidable tribe of “white-headed Artas” who lived next door in the city on the Oka.

Tibetan Shambhala... near Ryazan?

The notorious "Ahnennerbe" ("Ancestors' Heritage" society) was part of one of the structural divisions of the SS and was a very serious office, the activities of which are associated with many terrible secrets of the Third Reich.

It is already reliably known that its members made expeditions to Tibet and Central Asia, looking there for the spiritual “gate of the ancient Aryans” - Shambhala. In addition to this main goal, the Ahnenerbe searched throughout the world for various occult artifacts, such as the legendary Grail, Thor's hammer or Wotan's spear. With the help of these ancient shrines, the Fuhrer hoped to gain magical power over the world.

In the forties of the last century, the Ahnenerbe society was a very influential organization in the German Empire, had a superbly organized system of collecting information and would never prepare its specialists for transfer beyond the front line, into the Ryazan forests, without serious reasons for this. The ancient Aryans almost certainly did not live on the lands near Ryazan, but in any case, there is SOMETHING hidden in the Oka land that could stir up the archaeological interest of the “gloomy Teutons” from the Ahnenerbe.

Oka anomalous zone

It is curious that until now archaeologists have examined only one mound from the Oka “chain” of mounds that stretches along the Oka River all the way to Murom (it was also mentioned in that German directive), continues Vladimir Nikodimov. - The remaining mounds, preserved to this day in the form of low hills, have not yet been explored. It is quite possible that traces of ancient settlements will be found there too, since it is obvious that the hills are man-made. Personally, I had the opportunity to communicate with people who underwater dived into a lake located near one of the mounds - metal artifacts were found at the bottom of it. Moreover, the level of their processing, in terms of technique, was an order of magnitude superior to the skill of blacksmiths from the Vyatichi Slavic tribes.

By the way, last summer, “following the footsteps of the ancient Aryans” along the chain of Oka burial mounds, an expedition was carried out by the authors of the program “Anomalous Zone” (ORT). The television crews, together with a small detachment of Ryazan students from the Russian State University, spent about a week in the camp under open air on the ancient Oka lands - in close proximity to the remains of the Atlantean settlement. According to the Ryazan guys who helped organize the expedition and filming, there was a very “anomaly”. Moreover, it’s real, not cinematic: even the authors of the “Anomalous Zone” who had seen everything were surprised and amazed - when they came here, they intended to “bungle” an ordinary TV report, but it turned out differently...

It all started with strange things with cellular communications,” recalls Denis Strogan, a student at the Russian State University. - After several guys visited the top of the mound, their cell phones immediately turned off. And those who stood at the foot of the hill had their phones working fine. But the next day, when they also decided to visit the summit, their cell phones also glitched. One of them had a completely broken firmware... Then something similar began with an electronic watch, a video camera, and even a CD player that one of the girls had. I heard that something similar happens in places with a strong magnetic anomaly. However, our compass did not react in any way, while all electronic devices literally went crazy. The equipment came to its senses only a few hours later, when we were 10-15 kilometers away. After that, we nicknamed that strange and mysterious place the “Oka anomalous zone”... Anomalous zones and mystical places of the Ryazan region


1. We have unique protected areas on the territory of the Ryazan region. Mysterious, immensely beautiful, mysterious, sparsely populated, they carry a charge of ultra-pure all-pervading energy of goodness and love, capable of changing the consciousness and inner spiritual world of a person.

These are ancient sanctuaries, mounds that are thousands of years old. These are springs with “living” and “dead” water, which have a unique healing power.This miracle is the Alatyr (altar) stone near the bell-shaped mound, which has the energy of a living person. This is a grandiose structure made of earth and sand, the so-called Krom-menhir, in the form of a giant alien ship. These are seven pyramidal mounds that form the profile of a woman, their height is about 15 meters. Next to the mounds there is a unique ravine, at the bottom of which at times there appears a glow and an incomprehensible, soul-disturbing rumble. And also totem trees, standing alone in the meadows, where an atmosphere of prosperity and quiet joy reigns.

Anomalous zones and mystical places in the Ryazan region

2. These places are sparsely populated, not clogged with civilization, located 80 km from the city of Ryazan. Natural purity, extraordinary tranquility bestows peace, heavenly bliss and love.

During the tour I will tell you amazing stories associated with these lands, I will tell you about the legends, myths and traditions of deep antiquity. This is a miracle tale about the Sword of Oriya, which is securely hidden in the land of Ryazan. The legend about the golden horse taken by the Ryazan people to Meshchera before the invasion of the Tatar Horde, about the golden crown found on the territory of the "Old Ryazan" settlement. About the miracle of Menhir Hill, the protector of the city from disease and misfortune. About the secret city of Ryazan people, the legendary Arta, which has not been found to this day, where, according to legend, the great Vedic shrines of the ancient Slavic world are kept.

Once again I would like to remind you that all these activities are safe for health. My guidance, tips, help will help you experience, see, feel transcendental, incredible sensations.


My feet start to get cold. There is a haze in the air from the heat, you can see how the air sways, and you walk on the ground as if you are walking on aspic. A large dry tree, behind it a ravine, then a crooked pine... We are again on the river bank. There is no point in going around in circles any further. There are no signs of an underground passage. Maybe it's all just stories? How can you believe the stories of the locals, they say, that all the land in the area of ​​the river is dotted with deep underground voids, if for many years now brown stones the size of heads have been climbing out of this very ground, like poured beets?
In the Meadows between the villages of Suisk, Shishkino and Bogdanovo, Starozhilovsky district, you won’t find idle groups going out for barbecue, there are no hunters here, and animals bypass these places. The shallow river Istya traces intricate loops between hills and copses. As if it wants to spin and confuse everyone who decides to stick to it as a guide... With the light hand of Ryazan researcher Vladimir Gribov, our “Zhiguli” crawled to the old dirt road overgrown with thistles. Further - five kilometers on foot.


The places here are truly mysterious. If you believe the legends, Tamerlane’s advanced detachments reached the Starozhilovsky meadows. Allegedly, a mile from the Itia River, they were looking for untold riches, but they left without eating. Several centuries later, an expedition of the Third Reich (the existence of which was never documented, but was not completely refuted) visited these places, but never reached one of the main waterways of the Starozhilovsky district. What were you looking for? The legendary Aryan forge? A sword that, according to legend, grants its owner magical powers? Many fairy tales and epics of the Starozhilovskaya land have long been overgrown with reality. Now no one will remember what is true and what is idle fiction... According to my guide, Gribov, many of the local old-timers confirm the legend about the existence of an extensive system of underground passages in these places. They say that tunnels, almost twice the height of a man and more than two meters wide, run from the old dilapidated estate all the way to Itia, enter the forest and cross under a tiny island in the swampiest part of the river. But no one can indicate exactly where the entrance to at least one of the tunnels is located.

What could be the purpose of the underground tunnels? Earthworks? So with minerals and even more so precious stones Starozhilovskaya land is by no means rich... A dungeon for serfs? So the estate was built in the 15th century, and what treasures, according to legend, were nomads trying to find here several centuries earlier?


The MAIN mystery of Itia is the stones. Gray boulders, some the size of a plum, others the size of a horse's head. Like families, they huddle in groups every five to six meters in the shallow water of the river; anyone can be reached with your hand. I take off my shoes, go into the water and bend over to the chipped stone ridge. The coldness of the water makes your legs cramp, and the surface of the stone seems warm, as if something is warming it from the inside. I tried to remove the entire stone, but that didn’t work!

It is about these stones,” Vladimir clarifies, “that there are many stories, sometimes the most fantastic, that circulate here. But what’s true is true; I came here in the fall and saw with my own eyes: the bottom of the river without a single pebble. Only the little sand sparkles in the sun. And every spring and until September, at least harvest! They crawl out of the sand like mushrooms after rain. Only until the stone comes out of the ground entirely on its own, even if three of you pull it, you won’t be able to pull it out! The locals have long adapted to collecting them for baths. Nobody even thinks why such a miracle happens. We’re used to it, it’s clear that stones come out of the river into the light, not just one or two, but dozens! They joke - apparently, our river is like that, full of stones, and so it “gives birth” every year.”

The three largest stone “offsprings” of Itia “grow” near the shore. Only stone platforms, each one meter in size, rise above the ground; the stones themselves are almost entirely hidden under the earth's thickness.

I have a ruler in stock here,” Vladimir takes a ruler out of his bosom. - When I was here last fall, I measured how much the stones protrude from the ground. Here's the mark - see? 15 centimeters. If you believe the stories of local residents, these stones should have grown within a year...

My guide squats down near the stone closest to the shore, then goes to the second, third...
- 32 centimeters. As if they were pulling from the ground by one measure. Wow, stone “sprouts”!


STOP! There is a problem. It is strange that this phenomenon of growing stones has not yet become a subject of interest to scientists. But if what we saw is true, how does it fit in with the legend of the underground tunnels? If we assume that the “massive release of stones to the surface” is just a consequence of some tectonic processes unknown to us in the earth’s crust, how can a host of stones coexist with huge underground voids?

We are approaching the forest thicket. Istya seems to dive under the dense crowns of trees and is completely lost from sight among the black and gray branches. Our goal is somewhere nearby.

A year ago,” Vladimir continues, “I met one person in these places. Beekeeper, name is Konstantin. He built himself a dwelling in an outbuilding near the estate and was planning to build a new house on the old foundation. He lived as a peasant and did not communicate with any of the locals. Yes, and at first he didn’t want to be with me. I barely got him to talk. He told me about one of the underground tunnels. Allegedly, his grandfather told him about it, and his grandfather told him about it... The beekeeper himself did not go there and did not advise me... But it seems that he told everything he knew about the place. In the middle of the thicket, the river makes a sharp turn, and in the water loop there is an island. It's not even an island - just a small island. They say that the owner of the estate, when he was alive, often walked there through the tunnel. I rested on the island in solitude, so to speak, from worldly worries. It is on this very island or on the shore near it that you need to look for the entrance to the tunnel...

Maybe the answer to the riddle of Itia, which gives birth to stones, also lies in these remote places?

The ground under your feet begins to champ disgustingly. An unpleasant chill runs down the back of my neck... If you believe the beekeeper's words, somewhere here there should be a passage to the island. A large dry tree, behind it a ravine, then a crooked pine tree... Nothing. The island, as if pressed into the ground under the weight of a windbreak, is surrounded by water on all sides.

Maybe we can wade across to the island? - Vladimir found a long pole somewhere and was already preparing to check the bottom. - Here the distance from the shore is three meters, no more...

He swings one end of the pole into the duckweed-covered surface of the water and... at the same moment loses his balance. I barely have time to grab him by the arms. The pole sticks out vertically from the water for some time, after which it slowly, with a squelch, begins to sink...


ALREADY on the way back we got into a conversation with one of the residents of the village of Bogdanovo, Maria Sergeevna. The hospitable hostess gave us tea, as if rewarding us for our unsuccessful trip...

You should have gone there in vain... Of our Bogdanovites, no one has set foot in those places for a long time. This place is bad, dangerous...

Mary Sergeevna, and the legend about underground passages did you hear?

How come you didn’t hear? These are all just fairy tales. Yes, these are stupid ideas. ..

They said that long ago, a very long time ago, a fierce gentleman lived in these places. He starved His serfs and put them in an underground dungeon for all sorts of offenses. They say that they dug it for themselves, and many of them found their death there. Further, it means, as in a fairy tale, the master had a beautiful daughter. And this daughter decided to run away with her beloved, secretly from her father. Not only did she run away from home, she was carrying a baby under her heart... So that master caught his daughter and her fiancé and walled her up in these dungeons. They said that she gave birth there, underground. And all three died there... Like, since then they all want to get out to the sun, but the earth won’t let them in. That’s why they cry, and our Truth turns their tears into stones...

It turns out that those three stone tops that we saw on the river bank... Just like three prisoners of the castle!

I'm telling you, these are all fairy tales!..

I left Starozhilovskie meadows with a strange feeling. On the one hand, I almost managed to touch the mystery of nature, to see with my own eyes something truly amazing. On the other hand, nature once again reminded us: it was, is and will be more important than man, and will never fully reveal all its secrets to anyone.

How do the residents of Chuchkovo travel through the Universe?
The wooden doors of an abandoned temple open with a threatening creak. Small pebbles under our feet creak like dry paper.

Anomalous zones and mystical places in the Ryazan region

We are following in the footsteps of two boys unknown to me from the distant sixties of the last century. We are our long-time acquaintance, local historian Vladimir Gribov, three young guys from the research association “Cosmopoisk”, a native of the village of Golenishchevo, Chuchkovsky district, Igor Panin, at whose call we got ready to go, and your humble servant...


Then this story made a lot of noise,” Igor recalls. - The boys left at nine o'clock in the evening. It seems like the eldest, Oleg, encouraged the younger Seryozha to take a “weak” walk through the abandoned cemetery. An hour later at the collective farm board there was a call from Nesterovo. My mother just picked up the phone. They tell her - take your travelers.

The village of Nesterovo is located 54 kilometers north of Golenishchevo. As the perpetrators of the incident later claimed, having gone through old church on the outskirts of the cemetery, they saw a round stone that looked like an egg. A bizarre glow stood like a halo on top of the stone. Out of curiosity, they began to climb up to the stone, onto the hill. And when they came down the hill, they did not recognize the surrounding area. Noticing the lights, we went out to the nearest village huts and knocked on the window. Some local granny ran to the board, found the chairman, and he called Golenishchevo. Having scolded the boys for having decided to roam around the forest at night, they put them in a UAZ and brought them home at the beginning of eleven. Of course, no one believed the story of the miraculous “stone.” They decided, they say, the guys came up with a story to avoid punishment...


HOWEVER, our guide did not call us here to tell us a fairy tale from half a century ago. We had already left the church and made a temporary stop on a plowed strip of land. It was here, according to Panin, that until the end of the 60s the tombstones of the ancient cemetery were located.

About a month ago I decided to visit my mother,” Igor continues his story. “I moved to the city after school, but she stayed here to look after the household.” And she told me this story. They say she needed to get to the neighboring village, eight kilometers away. My sister lives there with her husband. The wait for the bus was long, so I decided to walk. I walked past the church, right where you and I are standing now. She went up the hill and sat down on a pebble to rest. I went down and didn’t even understand how I came out right to my sister’s house! It was as if someone had taken it by the scruff of the neck, like a kitten, and carried it...

I'll be honest. I treat this kind of fable with distrust. And at that time, the story about “teleportation” somehow did not inspire... Which, by the way, could not be said about the guys from “Cosmopoisk”. While I was clicking the camera shutter, capturing the surroundings (maybe it would come in handy), young people, armed with bayonet shovels, began to dig up the ground in a patch of land near our “camp.” And half an hour later, another road opened before our eyes, paved with bizarrely shaped stones. The stones were carefully laid at a width of about three meters and covered with sand. The road led towards the hill.


TO OUR disappointment, having climbed to the top, we did not find any egg-shaped stone. Which, by the way, did not surprise our “tour guide” at all...

I’m telling you,” Panin shrugged, “this stone is not easy.” It is shown to whomever he wants...

Another fairy tale? While I was wondering what kind of plot could be squeezed out of this “unscientific fiction,” Gribov decided to experiment. He took his mobile phone out of his pocket and put it on the place where the stone was supposed to be. The phone screen went dark in an instant. Gribov was never able to resuscitate the device before returning to Ryazan...

A small, shaking car carried us on our way back. Gribov was in a hurry to express his hypothesis of what happened.

Previously, when I was in these places, I heard one legend. They said that back in the 17th century, carts carrying goods traveled here. And the surrounding bandits got into the habit of robbing merchants. No one could deal with the robbers. Then the villagers went to bow to one old man. The old man climbed to the very top high hill, dug a dugout for himself. He lived in it for six months, slept at night, and during the day he went to the stone and prayed on his knees. And then he disappeared. A couple of years later, a convoy happened to pass here. Near the forest, robbers lay in wait for the merchants and wanted to attack. But the convoy disappeared behind the hill, but never appeared from behind the hill. It was as if someone had taken all the carts with goods and the merchants with horses, like kittens in an armful, and carried them to God knows where. The church, by the way, was built in memory of that elder. So maybe this old man opened a tunnel through space?


So that you, dear readers, do not get the feeling that we have completely fallen into mythology, I will allow myself a retreat. Scientists from all over the world have been struggling with the phenomenon of teleportation for a long time. Four years ago, the first ever successful experiment in so-called quantum teleportation was announced. During the experiment, instantaneous transfer of information about the quantum state of the beryllium atom ion from one point in space to another was carried out. Subsequently, scientists explained that quantum teleportation, neither now nor in the future, will be able to transmit material objects over a distance. It's about only about a kind of scanning of elementary particles. For their part, adherents of the theory of material teleportation have put forward a hypothesis about the so-called “hole universe”. According to this hypothesis, in the structure of space, from time to time, a kind of vortices are formed, randomly opening and “collapsing” corridors. If two opposite exits of one “corridor” end up at the same point for the briefest moment, some object may well have time to “slip” through these “gates” and instantly move in space. It is assumed that our ancestors had special knowledge of how to subjugate space. Will these secrets be revealed to us? Again, this all looks too much like a fairy tale.

But the fact that the earth is round was also once considered a fairy tale. And every schoolchild... how “az and beeches” knew that the earth rests on three whales, and whales swim along the vast oceans of the world...

About one amazing thing mysterious place, located in the vicinity of the village of Shatrishche, which is located not far from Old Ryazan, many residents of the surrounding villages do not even suspect. Here, on the high bank of the Oka, between two springs with clear icy water, a bizarre hill reminiscent of the legendary Sphinx lurks. What is this? A creation of Mother Nature or the most ancient cult place of the Slavs? Perhaps the answer comes from the creativity of our people.

Ladies with horns

In our Ryazan region lies a rich, priceless cultural layer, from which archaeologists, thanks to persistent painstaking work, annually bring to the light of God truly unique objects of a distant, bygone era. And here’s what’s interesting: almost all gold and silver jewelry, as well as household items, depict some kind of fabulous, and sometimes simply fantastic creatures, signs, symbols reminiscent of animals, birds, people with horns on their heads. The craftsmen of that time, of course, wanted to give their jewelry something mysterious and magical. Where and where did the great masters of the past take these images? Who taught our ancestors to perform such divine miracles? What inspired such creative impulses? As you can see, there are a lot of questions. It is almost impossible to answer them. Modern virtuosos of jewelry with a mass of highly technical devices also cannot answer these questions and even remotely repeat what was done in dugouts! In low light, with primitive tools! There is an assumption that representatives of other unearthly civilizations discovered certain laws for their ancestors that allowed them to step far beyond the limits of human capabilities. Hence such images on jewelry and household items, hence the giant, breathtaking structures made of earth, visible only from a great distance.

Unknown people fly to the warrior

Take, for example, the mysterious hill on the banks of the Oka. I had the opportunity to talk with local residents many times about my discovery. And they talked about what was happening periodically in the area of ​​the mountain I was describing. In the evening, the air glows, sometimes streams that smoothly bend around the hill on both sides. It is unknown where transparent balls appear from. What force attracts invisible guests here? What laws allow them to shorten unimaginable distances and remain undetected? An interesting legend my great-grandmother told me when I was still a child. He lived as if in ancient times, strong, strong-willed warrior. In all battles he fought in the fiercest battles and always won. No one, not a single living person, knew that this warrior had been granted immortality by God. All his strength was contained in the horns on his head, which he skillfully hid under a heavy, strong helmet of an unusual shape. And this strong man also had an agreement with God that he would live until he fell in love with one of the mortals. And then one day he met a written beauty, fell madly in love with her and lost his strength and immortality.

Before leaving this world, the warrior asked his beloved to bury him secretly between three waters, so that no one would ever get his power and immortality. Isn’t this hill, according to legend, the resting place of the miracle hero?

Fact or fable?

But there's one more thing unique place, which can also claim to be relevant to this story. A huge, 150 meters long and 12 meters high earthen mound in the shape of a warrior in a helmet and armor is also located between three waters not far from those places. It is interesting that this hero is covering with his gigantic body the entrance to the ancient settlement, which is made in the form of an almost perfect concave plate! Legends will remain legends for all time. Whether it was a beautiful fairy tale or whether it really happened is not for me to judge. But facts are stubborn things. What made Ryazan beauties wear horned kitties on their heads? Maybe among our distant ancestors there really were unusual representatives of other worlds who, due to circumstances, were forced to hide something incomprehensible on their heads? Maybe it was they who skillfully made jewelry of unique beauty with bizarre patterns, mysterious characters and signs that are absolutely incomprehensible to us people? Was it not they who, using their unique capabilities, built huge earthen mounds, from which various kinds of anomalies periodically arise that do not fit into the framework of our human consciousness? Scientists, archaeologists and simply lovers of everything unusual and unknown will have to make a lot of effort to unravel these secrets of the past.

The story of the mysterious old man from the forests near Stenkino, like one of many legends about the miracles and secrets of the Meshchera forests, could well have sunk into oblivion. A letter that came to the editor in mid-March made us remember her.

There was absolutely nothing mystical in this letter. On the contrary, one of the residents of the region told us an anecdotal story about a ski trip on the day of the first spring holiday. Together with his friends, he went to conquer the virgin snow in the Ryazan forests. When the hike was nearing its end, the friends saw a strange local resident. The elderly man, despite the frost, did not have any clothes. Except for linen pants and a shirt. He didn’t look like he was drunk; he walked with a confident gait towards the nearest village. One of the skiers called out to him. Grandfather either didn’t hear or didn’t want to turn around. The author of the letter suggested that he had met one of the land “walruses”. Like, if there are those who harden themselves by swimming in the bitter cold of an ice hole, why shouldn’t there be such “walruses” who walk barefoot in the cold...

But the place where the skiers saw the barefoot old man seemed suspiciously familiar to us. One of the villages a few kilometers from the Stenkino educational farm. We deliberately do not give its exact name. We have plenty of curious people, but this is exactly the case when curiosity can backfire. Mention of a mysterious “elder” allegedly living in a “lost ravine near Stenkino” is found in the notes of Ryazan ethnographers. According to them, villagers more than once saw how, in the rain or snow, a barefoot old man in rough homespun clothes came from the side of a ravine on the outskirts of the village. Sometimes he would quietly knock on the window and ask the children to bring him some water to drink. Sometimes he just passed by. The locals noticed that the old man appeared before the misfortune happened. They were afraid to talk to him. It was believed that illness or trouble would follow him into the house near which the old man stopped.

They told about a local resident who risked curiosity for the sake of following the old man. Unnoticed, he reached the “lost ravine” and went down there after him. But he did not see any old man. “Everything swam before my eyes,” an eyewitness recalled, “my ears were blocked. It was as if the sky had been closed with thick shutters...” His relatives found him a few hours later, a kilometer from the ravine, completely gray.
Whether the person the skiers met was the “ghostly old man” or not is unknown. It is known for sure that people living in the neighborhood of the “lost ravine” have long avoided it. A fairy tale is a fairy tale, but somehow scary...

A magical ancient temple with a stone pillar in the shape of a reproductive organ, found by archaeologists near Ryazan, has become a place of pilgrimage. Women here are cured of infertility, and men gain strength in sex.

Rumors that the stone sanctuary discovered in the Starozhilovsky district healed such ailments instantly spread around the area.
- It’s no joke to say - boulders are boulders, and they helped a visiting lady make a baby! “It’s just how ancient spells work,” local residents whisper superstitiously as soon as the conversation touches on “magic stones.”

It all started last summer. It was then that a group of enthusiastic archaeologists discovered the remains of a Finno-Ugric sanctuary near the Ryazan town of Starozhilovo. Several large stones sunk into the stream bed formed two concentric circles. In the center, under a layer of sand and pebbles, they unearthed a long altar stone thrown on its side. The find is supposedly two thousand years old. Most likely, this is a trace of the presence of Finno-Ugric tribes on the Ryazan lands. Their shamans often set up similar temples in natural “places of power.”
A few months after the opening of the temple, Ryazan local historian Vladimir Gribov decided to “restore” it. He restored the stones, filling in the missing “links” with new boulders. Now the tributary of the Istya River, where the structure is located, has become a place of pilgrimage for many who want to be healed. Especially from the disease of female infertility - after all, the stone phallic symbol located in the middle of the structure represents fertility.

32-year-old resident of Ryazan Tatyana Sokolova and her husband have long dreamed of having a child. But, to their disappointment, year after year passed, and there was still no addition to the family. The couple tried everything they could - they spent a lot of money on doctors, prescribed exotic pills from Thailand, and turned to sorcerers and healers. All to no avail. Doctors predicted infertility for her, caused by a whole range of female diseases. Desperate to change anything, Tatyana Vladimirovna learned from her friends about a miraculous place. And I went there several times.

“I was meditating on the shore near the ancient sanctuary,” says Tatyana. - Then she took off her shoes, walked barefoot into the shallow water, entered the stone circle and walked around counterclockwise three times, then touched the central stone and wished herself female happiness. Less than a month later, my dreams came true. Now my beloved and I are waiting for an addition. Doctors at the consultation say that the pregnancy is proceeding without deviations. I myself still, after many years of unsuccessful hopes, do not fully believe in this happiness - being a mother...

Several years ago, the entire world community was excited by a sensation on a cosmic scale. The American interplanetary probe Voyager transmitted to Earth a series of panoramic images of the surface of Mars.
Some of them showed a structure that was clearly of artificial origin. A huge (several thousand kilometers in size) female face, as if carved from red stone, towered above the lifeless Martian plain...

As it turns out, something similar can be found not only in the depths of space, but also right next door. Not long ago, Ryazan researcher Vladimir Kapitanov went on another expedition to the area near the village of Isady, Spassky district. The imagination of local historians has long been occupied by 7 unusual mounds located 3 kilometers south of the village.
“Upon closer examination,” he told us, “it was obvious that these mounds were of miraculous origin.” Well, it doesn’t happen in nature for 7 hills to line up strictly in one line and at the same time be oriented to the cardinal points. During the excavations, we brought to light the remains of stone axes and fragments of knives. Everything indicated that there had once been a large settlement on this place...

But Vladimir discovered the most amazing thing upon his return to Ryazan. In one of the photographs, the mounds “folded” into a clear female profile! Nature's "joke"? Maybe so. However, how then can we interpret another mysterious fact that the researcher told us about?
- The “forehead” of this huge face is crowned by a ravine, which we examined in detail during the trip. The ravine is quite deep, there is no vegetation in it, the earth seems to be scorched. The wind at the edge of the ravine does not blow in a straight line, but in a parabola, as if it is pulling you inside. What’s strange is that we weren’t able to take a single photograph in this ravine! Digital cameras refused to work. And when printed, the photo from the film camera seemed shrouded in a dense haze...
As we learned, a few years ago a fragment of a meteorite was discovered in this ravine. Wasn't the "city-face" like Babylon destroyed by this celestial body? And thus its builders, who decided to glorify themselves for centuries and created an unprecedented earthen sculpture, were punished for their pride? Or maybe the “female face” is just a figment of our associative imagination? Judge for yourself...

Three-meter ancestors

Accept the gift! - a familiar voice was heard in the receiver. Our longtime comrade, researcher and local historian Vladimir Gribov will not bother you about trifles.

Sorry, of course... But maybe you can come up to us yourself?
“I would be glad,” Gribov laughs, “but the gift will be a little heavy...
A couple of minutes later, Gribov opens the trunk of an old Zhiguli car in front of me. The edge of a brown boulder peeks out from under the tarpaulin canopy...
- And what is this “treasure”?
Gribov with effort removes the stone from the trunk and offers the find to me. I put my hands up - the pebble pulls 15 kilograms. appearance nothing like a creation of nature...

Kitchen hatchet the size of a cardan shaft

“It was a chop,” Gribov intercepts my questioning glance. - With such “pebbles”, our ancestors several thousand years ago went into the forest for “brushwood” and chopped meat. Feel the edge. It is still as sharp as a razor blade... Archaeological experts have confirmed that it is a handmade product. And they named the approximate age of the stone: about four thousand years. They said it wasn’t of much value, except that the size was too impressive...

According to Gribov, stone artifacts were discovered by him during his last expedition to places near the village of Prosandeevka, Shatsk district, Ryazan region. One of the walls of a huge ravine near the Aza River has been eroded for many years groundwater. This summer, sharp stone edges appeared in the gullies. Gribov tried to lift at least one of the boulders into the light, but he couldn’t handle the stone “with his bare hands.” He returned with the tool. And after one discovery there was another, a third... A chop the size of a driveshaft, a children's toy - slightly smaller than a soccer ball, fragments of ceramic dishes, each the size of a laundry basin... Not everything fit in the trunk.

By the way, the dimensions of the “handpick” do not fit any “standard” descriptions of household items of Stone Age people. Most of these exhibits found during archaeological research do not exceed 30 centimeters in length and weigh up to 2-3 kilograms. What kind of giant could sculpt such a pound “hatchet”? And what remarkable physical strength must have been possessed by a baby who, perhaps four millennia ago, played with a stone “pyramid” weighing just under a kilogram and more than 10 centimeters long?

A stratagem?

Does the legend that there once existed a tribe of giant people in the Meshchera forests have any basis in reality? For comments, we turned to another researcher, anthropologist - Vladimir Dubin...

It is easy to calculate, Vladimir Sergeevich told us, that with the size of a stone ax about 50 centimeters and a weight of 15 kilograms, the person who used it in his work must have had hands incomparably larger than those of modern homo sapiens. And his height would be between 2 and 3 meters. The size of the “prehistoric” baby seems no less impressive. To play with such a toy, he had to have the strength of a five-year-old child, which means he was at least a meter tall. But if I were you, I wouldn’t believe in all these “fairy tales” about giants... I have more than once heard the hypothesis that our ancestors, being completely ordinary people, specially made giant things that were not needed in everyday life: knives, axes, dishes. Allegedly, the purpose of all these items was only to scare the enemy if necessary to leave the settlement. Like, if their weapons and rattles are like that, then what are they like?..

Where have the Vyats gone?

Meanwhile, Vladimir Gribov is confident that the finds from the Shatsky ravine confirm his hypothesis that the ancestors of modern Ryazan residents had superhuman capabilities. Or, as the legends say, they could squeeze water out of stone and bend trees to the ground with a whistle...

Even in the chronicles of the mid-1st millennium AD, our ancestors - the Vyatichi - are described, to put it mildly, as “not quite ordinary people,” Gribov explains his point of view.

- “The Vyatichi live in the forest, like every animal, and their games are wild, one name has two or three wives, and the forces are violent, neither Radimich nor Krivich can resist ...” (from the Ryazan chronicles of the 9th century AD. e. -ed.).

Other historical documents tell that “the Vyats came from the East from desert lands.” In the east, only one large desert is known - the Gobi. And it is there in different time the largest number of discoveries were made indicating the existence of giants. Traces of gigantic feet, fossilized human bones of incredible size, stone axes weighing 20-30 kilograms...

But what happened to the Ryazan giants? What unknown catastrophe led to the disappearance of the giants?

A number of scientists who admit the existence in former times of people three meters tall believe that the reason for their disappearance, as in the story of the extinction of dinosaurs, could be global cooling, continues Gribov. - The logic of this version is simple. It is easier for a small person to find clothes for himself, it is easier to feed himself and keep warm. There is another version, according to which the “crushing” of man was a consequence of evolution. Do you know how tall the famous knight Lancelot was? They say that only 1 meter 50 centimeters...

With all due respect to the opinion of the author of the hypothesis, Vladimir Gribov, we cannot help but note that in addition to the Gobi Desert, there are two more places in the world where scientists have repeatedly found traces of the existence of gigantic people. One of them is Patagonia ( South America). Fossilized human tibia bones (each one and a half meters long) were discovered there back in 1931. The other is located in what is now the state of Ohio (USA). The weight and size of the Stone Age tools discovered during excavations leave no doubt - only people of unusually tall stature and who also possessed remarkable physical strength could work with such a “tool”. What is curious is that scientists have not yet been able to find anything like this either in Africa or in Europe... And therefore, it is possible that the legendary “Vyats” - the ancestors of modern Ryazan residents - were representatives of one of the three “families” of giants in the world. .. Fiction, would you say? Or maybe one of the pages of history that science has yet to discover?


The mystery of the ancient mound

Old Ryazan never ceases to amaze us with its discoveries. The latest expedition of the famous Ryazan researcher Vladimir Gribov brought two such discoveries at once. On the very outskirts of the settlement, two inconspicuous keys were discovered. With "living" and "dead" water...

I understand that for many this sounds like a fairy tale,” says Vladimir, “and that highbrow pundits have long come up with an explanation for everything. “Dead” is water that has been purified from all kinds of bacteria and impurities. Essentially a distillate. As for “living”, here, according to pundits, it’s all about the high content of useful substances and minerals. This is why spring water, especially in mountainous areas, can have a wound-healing effect and even strengthen the immune system...

However, what was discovered by the Ryazan researcher this time hardly fits into the generally accepted framework. The two keys are literally two hundred meters from each other. Each of them goes around the mound on the southern side near the bank of the Oka and flows into the main water artery of the Ryazan region.

Many people have probably seen the key that comes out of the ground right next to the mound. In the place where it flows into the Oka, the water is simply teeming with fry. Herbs grow in abundance along the banks of the stream. The water is crystal clear and even smells somehow especially pleasant. I managed to find the place where the spring with “dead” water flows from. Here there is a completely different picture. It’s as if there is a clay “seam” running along the ground, bare and lifeless. At the confluence with the Oka, the water is muddy. Apart from fragments of shells, there are no signs of life.

For the sake of the experiment, the researcher picked several types of herbs along the edges of the “living” spring and dipped them into “dead” water for a few seconds.

It felt like dipping the plants into vinegar essence. In moments, the inflorescences shrank and the stems turned brown. The luxurious bouquet, taken out into the air, looked more like a bundle of straw. If we agree that “dead” water is close in composition to distilled water, then how can we explain this effect? There is no answer to this question yet.

Just as there is no answer to the other question. For what reason did two keys, so different in properties, end up in close proximity to each other? Currently, water from the “dead” spring has been sent for analysis to one of the Ryazan laboratories...

Surprisingly, the fact remains a fact. There is no mention in any of the chronicle sources that there was ever a pestilence in Old Ryazan.

But the city stood at the intersection of many trade routes. Foreigners were frequent guests here. How can we explain this “luck”?

An interesting version was voiced to us by Ryazan local historian Vladimir Gribov. Back in the summer, he went to Old Ryazan in order to study a mysterious structure erected a little further from the eastern rampart. The earthen mountain, shaped like a mighty ship, was clearly not intended to repel the raids of nomads. It could easily be bypassed on both sides. However, while studying it, the researcher noticed an unusual detail. There was practically no vegetation between the mountain and the eastern rampart. And the sensations during your stay here were not pleasant: oppressive, alarming... So, didn’t the “ship” serve as a kind of energy shield of Old Ryazan? In ancient chronicles there are several references to mysterious building. Our ancestors called it “krom” (isn’t it similar to the word “Kremlin”?) And they built a krom “to protect the city from the enemy and illnesses.” Were the ancients really so mistaken when they believed that " magic mountain"is capable of protecting the city better than the strongest defensive redoubts? Let us repeat, there is not a single mention of mass epidemics among the townspeople. Nomads more than once tried to take the city by storm. Only the Batyev Horde succeeded. Why didn’t the mountain stop it?

Gribov found a possible answer to this question to the south of the settlement, in the village of Shatrishche. Local residents often found massive pipes made of skillfully processed quartz in their gardens. The pipes, as a rule, lay at shallow depths and their tips were directed towards Old Ryazan...

It is known that in the Shat-risha area, the local historian said, there was one of the Horde’s sites. Maybe Batu realized that Old Ryazan is protected by something “stronger” than defensive ramparts? And in a short time he built his “secret weapon”, which made it possible to “turn off” the energy shield...

Just the other day, Kapitanov, in one of the Moscow laboratories, received the results of an analysis of a quartz tube borrowed from the residents of Shatrishche. The examination established: the age of the pipe is more than 1000 years...

Drunken Brook

The Shilovsky district of the Ryazan region never ceases to amaze people, each time revealing more and more of its “quirks.”

This time we visited the "Drunken Brook". The stream got its name due to the unique characteristics of the water. The point is that in certain time within just a few hours, even minutes, gases begin to emerge from underground and saturate this water. If at this moment you drink a glass of this water, you will feel slightly intoxicated for a few seconds.

There is another very interesting point in this story that it was impossible not to notice. This is a small stone with a “face”, which is located right on the stream and clearly loves to “drink drunken water”. It turns out that at the moment when the water in the stream is saturated with underground gases and has intoxicating properties, a “smiling face” appears on the stone.

- “The stone is happy that drunken water is coming to it and it can safely get drunk,” says Vladimir Gribov.
When this phenomenon ends, the smile disappears from his “stony face” and a “sad expression” appears.
“That is, he is sad that his favorite heady water is leaving him,” Gribov claims.

Thus, this stone is popularly considered an indicator of water in a stream.

The drunken stream has beneficial properties for the body. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, healing salts. Well, its “drunk” component, of course, will remain a big mystery. And each drunk has his own solution.

Dubki - this is what local residents call an ancient grove located on the banks of the Oka River not far from Korostovo (another close landmark is the village of Zaokskoye). The oldest trees here have a span of several meters: human hands not enough to hug a tree! Some oak trees must be at least 5 centuries old, local historians and nature experts believe.

The place itself is very popular: in the summer, every “patch” of this grove is occupied by vacationers. Which is understandable: the river is nearby, and among the oak grove itself there is a large artificial lake, curved in the shape of a horseshoe. But maybe it’s not only the beauty of the forest and water that attracts people?

Recently I had the opportunity to visit this grove with local historian Vladimir Gribov, who discovered “Oaks” back in the 80s. Vladimir Vitalievich claims that this area has a special energy, gives a person strength and even heals. Apparently, for the people who lived here in past centuries, Dubki was not just a forest.

Everyone notices the beauty of this forest,” says Vladimir Gribov. “But I’m sure no one has yet paid attention - and it just recently caught my eye - that these trees are not standing chaotically. They stand in groups, there are 12 such groups in total (according to the number of months in the year!). The trees are grouped in groups of five, ten, sometimes up to twenty. Moreover, note that the area of ​​this unique oak grove is about 4.7 hectares. If you read the Vedas, there we will find a mention that the area of ​​sacred groves - translated into modern measures - would be from 4 and a half to 5 hectares...

What were the “sacred groves” intended for? In such places, future warriors, heroes and healers drew additional spiritual strength to help people and protect their land. It is not without reason that ethnographers say that in this grove, near Korostovo, lists could have been held - competitions of heroes. Others confirm: the proximity of the river and lake made it possible to hold rusalia here - holidays of “seeing off the mermaids.”

Moreover, if you look closely, continues Vladimir, some oak trees seem to stand in a circle. One can imagine that from a bird's eye view we could read some kind of “message” of the ancients, encrypted in groups of trees... Well, if we discard my assumptions, I will say one thing: when entering this area, a person not only draws strength, but also realizes something new in yourself. I brought a variety of people here, and everyone saw something different in these trees. You may not believe it, but it is to this grove that I attribute that the joints that had been bothering me for a long time stopped hurting. And as an artist, these trees revealed very interesting images to me, which I transferred to paper. Now they remain in paintings, graphics... Here you want to draw, write poetry, and simply express your thoughts beautifully.

...When we arrived, the “miracle trees” were immersed in winter sleep. The whole grove slept, as if enchanted: no people, no birds, no animals, which apparently had left footprints in the snow the previous night. And some unusual feeling was in the air. The trees themselves seemed to come to life if you looked closely: it looked like a man with outstretched arms; then - on giant candelabra cacti, and in the third, a huge hollow gapes at the very base, as if in fairy tales - an entrance to another dimension. It’s not even clear how this tree still holds up, what it stands on, if there is emptiness inside it?

Even a specialist botanist will not argue with the fact that the oak trees are centuries old. Everyone can see for themselves that the place is stunningly beautiful! Even in winter, the figures of centuries-old oaks amaze with their beauty, the shape of the trunks and the pattern of the branches. Many grow like “twins”, in twos, or one with forked trunks. There are also a lot of strangely curved trees - which experts, by the way, consider a sign of an anomalous place. Surely, these old oak trees remember more than one fire that happened in these parts due to a lightning strike.

Well, is it true that oak trees have miraculous properties? To be completely sure, you need to come here in the summer and spend at least half a day in the wonderful oak forest. However, even in winter, when there was not a single green leaf in the grove, after a walk I felt some kind of unusual surge of strength.

In many regions of Russia, the places where “miracle trees” grow are well known. People come to trees noted for some special properties, leave amulets, ribbons and other memorable items on their branches, make wishes, and make requests. For example, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, Mari sacred groves and healing trees - oaks and lindens - have survived, and today they are recognized as specially protected natural sites. Maybe the residents of Ryazan, having learned that the oak grove near Korostovo is not just an oak forest pleasant for relaxation, but an ancient sacred place, will finally stop offending long-lived oaks and making barbecue fires from their branches?


Sergey MITIN, head of the Ryazan-Cosmopoisk research project:

Indeed, according to our observations, such places - and there are several of them in the Ryazan region - have their own impact on living organisms. For example, people experience a disturbance in spatial orientation, and a feeling of “tracking” arises; Magnetic anomalies are recorded in them. As a rule, in ancient times, temples were located in such places, where various rituals were performed, prayers and marriages took place, and these places were even addressed in conspiracies. Among the Slavs, sacred groves were a very common object of worship. Ancient princes went deep into the forest to resolve issues of national importance to resolve everything fairly, in the presence of the gods. If we talk about mythology, such groves are a “living temple”, a symbol of the continuation of life, faith, holiness, truth, peace and goodness. This is “the place where the gods descend.”

There is one more feature of the grove near Korostovo: oaks, as a rule, grow in places of geological anomalies, because of this their branches are gnarled and curved. Everyone can touch the energy hidden inside an oak tree; to do this, simply stand by the tree.

A couple of years ago,” said the local historian, “I first visited the Temgenevsky settlement in the Sasovo district. Near a coppice I found a rusty sign: “Here lived a formidable tribe of Vanir, who came from the North and conquered these lands.” The age of the sign is clearly more than a dozen years. I was unable to get a comment from the local museum on this matter. I had to look for the answer to the question of who the Vanir were.

Having involved like-minded people in the research, Vladimir Gribov again went to the site. “If it weren’t for the financial difficulties in organizing the trip,” Gribov regretted, “we would probably have found more. And so the cold had already shackled the earth. We managed to discover little...” The researchers obtained fragments of weapons (according to preliminary estimates of experts, clearly from the pre-Mongol period!) and the teeth of predators , which apparently served as parts of decorations. The second “point” for the trip of amateur scientists was the village of Vanchur in the Shilovsky district. According to Gribov, its name could be related to the mysterious Vanir tribe.

Not far from Vanchur, the researcher shared with us, a strangely shaped mound appeared before our eyes. Not a bulk hill, but a mound of a strict pyramidal shape. More like a mass grave than a defensive rampart. From the little information that I was able to glean from historical literature, it is possible that this mound became the last monument remaining from the Vanir civilization. What happened to them? I would venture to suggest that, along with other warlike tribes that at different times passed through the Ryazan region (as some historians believe, the Cimmerians, the Azes, and the Normans visited us), some of them moved on, while others settled here and became related to the Vyatichi and Krivichi. And what remains of our possible kinship with the Vanir? Just take the Russian name Ivan...


1. Cursed house.
The building of the former Malshyn almshouse.

Located at the intersection of Mayakovsky and Svoboda streets. The merchant Malshin, who built a home for elderly soldiers, was rumored to be a Freemason and engaged in cabalism. His wife died at the age of 25 under strange circumstances (there was talk of suicide in the city).

Another one misterious story occurred in 1812. After the Battle of Borodino, wounded Russian and French officers arrived at the almshouse. A quarrel broke out between a Russian lieutenant and a Frenchman over a certain Ryazan young lady. As a result of the duel, both officers were killed. And the mother of the lieutenant - who was buried in the courtyard of the almshouse - cursed this place.

During Soviet times, there was a criminal morgue here. The building was clearly not suitable for the needs of forensic medical examination; there was not enough space. Therefore, the refrigerator was placed right in the yard. After the institution moved to another address, the house stood abandoned until 2007.

They said that at night strange sounds were heard from the house, and bright lights were visible from the window openings. In 2003, three vagrants died in a house due to a collapsed staircase. After that, even the homeless began to avoid him.

The strangeness stopped after the diocese leased this building and opened a church literature store there.

2. Girl in white.
Old building of Ryazan State University.

As legend has it, a girl committed suicide in this building because of unhappy love, whose ghost appears there periodically. There is no need to be afraid of her; she helps students pass the exam successfully.

3. Coachman Peter.
Underground passage to the street. Tsiolkovsky.

At the beginning of the 20th century, he was hit by a cart in the area of ​​Yamskaya Sloboda (present-day Teatralnaya Square). Protects drunks from freezing in cold weather.

4. Flying Ryazan (white parachutist).
Military airfields.

A nomadic ghost who saves people in the air and helps them land successfully. At different times and in different places he was met by Colonel of the Airborne Forces, parachutist athlete V. M. Krasnov, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR V. Cherednichenko

5. Ghost of Ryumin.
Ryumina Grove (Central Park of Culture and Leisure).

Near the Ryuminsky Pond, a harmless, translucent old man in 19th-century clothes is sometimes seen. Rumor has it that this is the ghost of Ryumin - one of richest people Ryazan and its benefactor.

6. Ghost of a doctor.
Tower in the courtyard of the house at st. Gorkogo 15, remnant of the Ryazan district zemstvo hospital complex.

There was a hole in the tower (now blocked), opening the way to the dungeons of the former hospital. They say that at night a dark figure appears there and walks around the tower, as if conducting an inspection, as did its former head, Alexander Gustavovich Smitten.

7. The ghost of a white woman.
Former Choral Synagogue, st. Pravolybedskaya, 56

This ancient building, built at the beginning of the 20th century, was renovated in 2000. But, for reasons still unknown, a fire broke out. Only the walls survived. The house was not restored and was left to deteriorate.

They say that while visiting this gloomy, dilapidated building, the head suddenly begins to hurt, and overall health worsens. And the ghost of a dark-haired woman in a white robe wanders here. The same woman comes in a dream to those who wandered through the ruins of the synagogue. Perhaps this is the spirit of a girl who was brutally raped and murdered within these walls in the early 2000s.

Perhaps these urban legends are just fiction or a play of over-extended imagination. Or maybe there is still something invisible to our eyes, defying logic and common sense. Who knows...

P.s. Meet the ghost of G.V. Ryumin - tell him thanks for everything he did for Ryazan.


Team Nomads
Encyclopedia of anomalous zones of Russia (V. Chernobrov).
Cosmopoisk VKontakte.
Wikipedia website.

For lovers extreme tourism and traveling to anomalous zones, it is not at all necessary to go overseas and look for adventures on your own in other countries. The most amazing and strange places are very close to us, we just need to reach out and touch them.

One of these places, a village with an appropriate name that evokes melancholy and animal horror, Black Stream, is located not far from Kaluga, very close to district center with an equally strange name - Lyudinovo.

It is in Lyudinovo that all sorts of phenomena, so adored by ufologists from all countries, are periodically observed, that is, events similar to alien intervention. However, the village of Black Stream itself has absolutely nothing to do with aliens. Here the matter is completely different.

Residents of Lyudinovo prefer to avoid the endangered village; they try not to travel here unless absolutely necessary, because it is believed that previously only witches and sorcerers lived here, and now they live here even after their death. They say that ghosts roam here at night, lying in wait for a random traveler, ready to attack at any moment as soon as he gapes and loses his vigilance.

The village is located in a very mystical place, on the edge of the forest, where birds do not sing and small rodents do not rustle in the grass. And large animals do not appear often in this part of the forest. The whole situation here seems to breathe ancient witchcraft, or maybe just harmful gas rising from the nearby swamp? This may be so, but being here you clearly feel uncomfortable.

Entering the village along an unbeaten, overgrown road, it immediately becomes clear that it has been empty for many years. However, this is not entirely true; there are people in the Black Stream. Moreover, on the outskirts of the village, a wonderful log church was recently built; it flaunts throughout the entire area with its unpainted wooden sides and beckons invitingly with the ringing of bells.

However, in the middle of the day, early morning or late evening, you will not meet any passersby going about their business. The remaining inhabitants of the Black Stream sit quietly in their homes, showing no trace of their existence. But if you really want to, then by walking around the courtyards, you can even find someone who will shelter a tired traveler for the night. They will certainly take pity on you and let you into the house for the night, you can be sure. The most desperate ones pitch tents and light fires, looking sideways until the morning and shuddering from the night rustles.

Getting here to Black Stream is quite easy. Buses run constantly from the capital to Lyudinovo. And from there a bus goes all the way to the village of Black Stream. True, he only walks once a day, and sometimes not every day. So, when going here, be prepared for the fact that you will still have to spend the night in the Black Stream.

Russia has surpassed many countries in the number of terrible and mystical places. Fear lovers have a lot to fear; quite often there are places that can be truly terrifying.

The doomed and the damned

The most famous anomalous place on the planet is, perhaps, Bermuda Triangle. It is located in the North Atlantic, within the borders South Coast USA, Greater Antilles and Bermuda. Over the course of a century and a half, about a thousand people, as well as 20 planes and 55 ships, disappeared in this place under very mysterious circumstances. What are the scariest places in Russia?

Moleb triangle

The village of Molebka in the Urals is a bearish corner at the junction Sverdlovsk region And Perm region. The famous geoanomalous zone, which is known as the Moleb Triangle (also known as the Perm Anomalous Zone), is located on the left bank of the Sylva River, opposite the village. Once this place was holy for the Mansi; there was a prayer stone for sacrifices.

In the 80s of the last century, the settlement became famous throughout the country. During winter hunting geologist Emil Bachurin found a round footprint with a diameter of 62 meters in the snow. Since then, this place has been exciting people's minds. Many people say that they saw Bigfoot, a UFO, and various bodies here, in particular, luminous balls with intelligent behavior. Researchers claim that this zone has strong dowsing anomalies.

By the way, the Moleb Triangle is well known to foreign ufologists and tourists. Every year thousands of “pilgrims” flock here to visit the unknown.

Dyatlov Pass (Mountain of the Dead)

In the north of the Urals, on the border of the Sverdlovsk region and Komi, inexplicable tragedies often occur. On the slopes of Mount “1079” or the Mountain of the Dead (in the Mansi language, Kholat-Syakhyl), many times people died under mysterious circumstances.

The first tragedy occurred on February 1-2, 1959. 10 tourists from Sverdlovsk climbed the mountain; Igor Dyatlov led the expedition. One tourist’s legs hurt and he stayed in the village of Vizhay, another 9 continued to climb. They did not have time to rise before darkness and stopped for the night on a slope. At night, the inexplicable happened - the entire group died.

As the investigation established, at night, half-naked tourists cut the tent from the inside and began to run down in horror. Many died from the cold, but the bodies of three ended up with broken ribs and pierced heads. One girl even had her tongue torn out. But there were no abrasions or bruises on the bodies. Moreover, the skin of all the dead was a strange reddish color, their hair was gray, and wild horror was frozen on their faces. Experts found that the background radiation on clothing was several times higher. It is noteworthy that after this, three planes crashed over the pass and groups of tourists, 9 people each, died.

Medveditskaya ridge

Crazy ball and ordinary giant lightning, UFOs, crumpled trees with burns on their trunks, soil and vegetation with harmful radiation. This is the Medveditskaya ridge, a network of hills approximately 250 meters high. She is in Volgograd region in Zhirnovsky district.

Local residents in this area will no longer be surprised by unidentified objects and numerous traces of UFOs. But this is not the only thing that Medveditskaya Mountain is famous for. Another mystery is that this place attracts simply a huge amount of lightning. Researchers counted about 350 partially or completely burned trees. From some multi-meter oak trees, only charred stumps remained.

Anomalies of the Medveditskaya ridge

And under the ridge, at approximately a depth of 8-20 meters, there are tunnels with a diameter of 7-20 meters of unknown origin (this is larger than a metro tunnel). They stretch for kilometers. At the very beginning of the war, the entrances to the tunnels were blown up.

Local folklore is rich in stories about the tunnels. They say there are UFO bases there, an underground city of robbers who hide looted treasures, or a repository for an antediluvian race of snake-men. They were allegedly seen by local enthusiasts.

Among other things, strange springs come out of the ground. If distilled water is pouring in one place, then in another there is already a radioactive source.

Death Valley

Another bad place is located in Kamchatka. This is the Valley of Death, which has been rumored since the early 30s of the last century.

There are hot springs on the slope of the Kikhpinych volcano. Their thermal areas are quite small and cut through by ravines. Jets of acidic hot water, gases and steam appear at the bottom and on the slopes. The lowest platform was called Death Valley. She was found by hunters who had lost their dogs. The corpses of huskies were found at the foot of the volcano, and next to them on the bare ground, without a single blade of grass, lay dead animals - bears, wolves and hares. Surprisingly, after visiting this place, the hunters began to waste away before our eyes, lost weight and suffered from headaches.

More than 100 scientist-enthusiasts died while exploring the Valley of Death. Well, those who were able to return did not share their observations. It turned out that the site, 2 kilometers long and 300 meters wide, contained hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. And the volcanic gases of the valley contain highly toxic cyanide compounds.

Death Valley Vilyui

This strange and scary place is located in the upper reaches of the Vilyui River. Some say that there is an entrance to the dungeons of hell, where unknown creatures live. Others claim that numerous fragments of flying saucers are buried in the permafrost. This area is called “Eluyu Cherkechek”, which is translated from Yakut as “Valley of Death”. The phenomenon is associated with the fall of the Tunguska meteorite in 1908.

Death Valley in Yakutia

They say that in this place there was a trade route of the Yakuts. And it is in this place that there is a huge copper cauldron buried in the ground (Iron House). Hunters spent the night in its premises and said that it was warm in severe frosts. But it had a negative impact on human health; supposedly, after leaving there, people became very sick, and those who spent the night died several times. That's why locals avoid this place. Eyewitnesses say that there is actually a flattened arch with numerous metal rooms in which it is very warm.

Another object that is there is a smooth red metal hemisphere with a smooth edge. It protrudes from the permafrost and you can ride into it on the back of a deer. Various researchers claim that they saw several cauldrons there, and in one of them there was half a perfect ball made of an unknown metal that cuts glass like butter. Ufologists believe that this is a kind of cemetery of unidentified flying objects that were involved in a massive accident.

Mysteries of the Devil's Cemetery

It is located near the Ust-Kova site Krasnoyarsk Territory, at the confluence of the Kova River and the Angara. The Devil's Cemetery appeared in 1908 after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. Its epicenter is located 400 kilometers north of this place. In this place, at first there was a hole in the ground, which was later filled with animal corpses.

This place became famous in 1983, after an article appeared in the magazine “Technology for Youth”. It was written there: “In the 30s, collective farmers drove their herds not far from the Angara, from Bratsk to Kova. When checking, they were missing two cows. Two drivers with guns went in search of animals. On the way, people came to a round clear clearing, 100 meters in diameter, completely without vegetation. The dogs ran onto this land and immediately tucked their tails between their legs and began to run back. At a distance lay the corpses of missing animals, and next to them were dead birds and taiga animals with a pile of bones.”

By the way, the dogs that ran out into the area soon died.

It is worth noting that about a hundred enthusiasts who tried to unravel the mystery of this place died in this place.
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