The first stormy days of November again made me dream about the past summer. In moments of such moods, I always do something extraordinary, for example, I remind management about the accumulated time off and demand that they let me go to the lands of the warm sun and gentle sea.

My job doesn't allow me to go on vacation in the summer, so my lot is... beach holiday in southern tropical countries. Some recent years At the end of autumn, my friend and I were basking in the sun in hospitable and exotic Vietnam. So why change your habits?

The bliss of fashionable and well-lived hotels has already been well studied by us. I wanted to add a few notes of extreme sports to the upcoming trip. Why not explore the still virgin corners of outlandish Vietnam in the Gulf of Thailand region.

Our attention was drawn to one of the new destinations in the tourism industry - Phu Quoc Island. About this southern territory country, it cannot be fully said that no human has ever set foot here. The enchanting tropical beauty of this corner attracts more and more tourists to its domain. And yet, the beaches of Fukuoka are still half empty; here you can spend a romantic vacation of a completely secluded nature.

Phu Quoc: which beach to choose?

We did not tempt fate and first booked a hotel near the most popular beach of the southern island - the sandy kingdom of Long Beach. The desired Long Beach is at this historical moment the center of the tourist universe of Fukuoka and the corner with the most developed infrastructure on the island.

As soon as the first snowball timidly falls on the ground in the winter latitudes of our planet, on the velvet sand beach The first fans of the “eternal” summer begin to arrive. Our comfort neighbors were 2 Russian families with kids about 5-6 years old. I’ll say right away that the optimal choice of this particular beach for a holiday with children is quite obvious.

On the very first day of our holiday we were greeted by a warm sea and gentle sun, climatic conditions They were very pretty, and the gentle entrance into the water towards the embrace of the sea gave swimming additional charm.

The next day showed that the weather on the island has many faces. Even in the morning, the guide at the hotel talked about how the season of heavy rains and constant rough seas ended just a couple of weeks ago. The period of the year from May to mid-autumn is considered not quite a resort here. Often the shower of rain streams turns out to be too dense, and the sea demonstrates its obstinate character almost every day.

But this day we were able to set a record for tanning, however, in the evening the fact became completely clear that it is better to earn a chocolate shade for the skin gradually. From now on, we stopped going out in the sun after 11 am, and only allowed ourselves to go to the beach after 2 pm in the company of sunburn remedies.

Long Beach Phu Quoc: opinions and doubts

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After 3 days in Fukuoka, we summed up some preliminary results of our new discoveries:

  • Long Beach is not only the most important tourist beach Fukuoka, but also the most equipped, and the longest, 20 km - this is no joke;
  • along the entire length of the territory, beach areas lie under the jurisdiction of the city administration; we only managed to encounter closed VIP zones a couple of times;
  • presence in different days the completely different number of tourists on the beach turned out to be unpredictable, we decided to classify this as a local mystery;
  • walking voyages along the beach area in both directions allowed us to find several completely deserted corners, which we took advantage of for skinny dipping;
  • the yellow silk of sand is framed almost everywhere by spreading coke palms, at the foot of which lush green grass grows;
  • exploration of the northern part of the beach gave us wonderful finds in the form of a collection of Asian cafes and restaurants, here we paid absolute tribute to the delights of hearty Vietnamese cuisine;
  • a densely populated network of mini-hotels, catering establishments, hotels and bars with soft drinks is located on the trajectory of the asphalt highway towards the city of Duong Dong.

Among the unpleasant discoveries, we noted the invasion of lazy, but rather annoying fleas. The occupation of Vietnam's beaches is their favorite habitat. The methods of dealing with impudent insects turned out to be simple: beach fleas do not cross the boundaries of the mat, do not have time to attack while walking and do not like wet sand. So we learned to deal with them pretty quickly.

Vai Bong Beach

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One of the days we were in Vietnam, we decided to go to Bai Vong Beach. We remember it because it was the first coastal area of ​​the island that we approached on a passenger boat during a transfer from the mainland. Hotels in the Bai Wong beach area have not yet been built, but a tourist future is predicted for this area. While the exotic corner is famous for its restaurants, which use fresh seafood catches to prepare culinary delights.

Lovers of marine fauna come to the beach to admire the riot of colors of jellyfish that abundantly populate the shallow waters in calm weather. A close acquaintance with transparent creatures was not part of our plans, so we did not swim at Bai Wong Beach. But we paid tribute to the abundant feast in one of the restaurants and we can speak with full responsibility about the skill of local culinary specialists.

The most beautiful beaches of Fukuoka

If we make a conditional gradation of the numerous beaches of Fukuoka, then we remember the old story about a monkey who could not decide which relatives to join: smart or beautiful. We cannot call the sandy fiefdoms of the island smart; we have not tested them for this quality. But we will call some of them especially beautiful with complete confidence that we are right. We visited some of these corners ourselves, others were told to us by our neighbors at a table in our hotel restaurant.

Bai Sao Phu Quoc Beach (aka Sao Beach or Bai Sao)

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A refuge of snow-white sand, smoothly turning into small tropical groves. From the town of Duong to the south east coast We got to Fukuoka by taxi, quickly overtaking the scooters and bikes of other tourists. The last 2 km of the total road of 25 km, we were more than once glad that we were traveling by car.

The picture of the beach that opens up to your eyes at the first moment plunges you into complete shock from the magnificence you see. The turquoise bay contrasts with the white sand, the swings on palm trees bowing in a hospitable bow make one think of oriental fairy tales.

Looking ahead, I can safely say that our photos from this place of riotous natural luxury turned out to be the most colorful. During the way back to our place of residence, we even argued that accommodation on the island should have been chosen in this paradise oasis. The question is controversial. Bai Sao is very popular among tourists all over the world and you definitely won’t find peaceful solitude there.

We can only tell you about the beauty of Bai Khem beach from hearsay. The Bai Khem region is under the control of Vietnamese military units. Curious tourists are not welcomed here; few of Fukuoka's guests can boast of a long stay in this area.

Ong Lang Phu Quoc Beach (Bai Ong Lang)

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For tourists who prefer to stay in premium hotels, luxury resorts near Ong Lang Beach. In the center west coast The islands are concentrated with fashionable accommodation facilities, and their more modest ones gather around the shop.

Legendary Mango Hotel Bay Resort gathers on its territory lovers of tropical nature who value a high level of service. Near the beach there is developed infrastructure similar in its content to Long Beach. Hotels and guest houses, bars, cafes and restaurants complement the charm of a tropical paradise and the overall package of beach pleasures.

Bai Vung Bau Beach

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The unusually shaped beach resembling the crescent of Bai Bung Bao has become a nirvana for nudists and topless sunbathers. Getting to the Bai Vung Bau property is not easy: a dirt road, 12 km on foot under the hot sun is not an option for this situation, the only salvation– local transport. The calm surface of the sea, the tall growth of thick grass, the pleasant velvet of snow-white grains of sand are a gift to those who still decide to come here. There are many secluded clearings on the beach, and cozy restaurants specializing in fish and seafood dishes are scattered along the territory.

Bai Dai Beach Phu Quoc, Vietnam (Bai Dai)

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The neighbor of the previous beach on the north side was Bai Dai Beach. This section of the northwestern coast of the island is distinguished by its decent length and special shade of turquoise. sea ​​waters, sandy shallow water - a safe zone for those who are still learning to swim.

An important sign for us on the way here was the road to the iconic Vietnamese amusement park Vinperl. Just before reaching the legendary water park, we just found ourselves on the territory of Bai Dai Beach.

Having had plenty of fun in the shallow waters of Bai Dai beach, we went to one of the nearby cafes and sat for a long time in the shady coolness of tropical plants over a cup of aromatic coffee and sandwiches with fish filling.

Fukuoka beaches with the least people

Among tourists there are many representatives who prefer to spend their holidays away from noisy entertainment and large crowds of people. Phu Quoc Island, like no other place on the planet, gives travelers interested in peace this opportunity. The island has a whole galaxy of deserted beaches that provide shelter for lonely travelers or small groups.

Fukuoka's collection of deserted beaches consists of several gems:

Bai Gan Dau Beach

© nguyentrung / / CC BY 2.0

Bai Gan Dau Beach is located some distance from the main hiking trails in the north of the island. The highlight of the area is the Peppercorn Beach Hotel. The magnificent Ganh Dau Beach hides its charms near one of the Vietnamese fishing villages. The easiest way to recognize the snow-white kingdom of sand on the shores of blue sea lands is by the accumulation of fishing equipment. IN good weather A series of Cambodian islands can be seen from the shore. In a remote region there is a majestic temple, built far from human eyes for solitary prayers to Buddha.

Bai Rach Vem

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Bai Rush Vem beach is known in tourist circles as a habitat for colorful starfish. The appearance of the corner is similar to many other beach spots in Phu Quoc, and only seasoned travelers know the secret of Bai Rach Vem Beach. Scientists come here from all over the world to study the habits and character of the bizarre marine inhabitants.

Bai Thom

© chagiajose / / CC BY 2.0

Cashew nut plantations line the tranquil area called Bai Thom Beach. You can only drive here along the island's country roads, and the lucky ones may have the opportunity to witness the sea's low tides. As with the other remote beaches listed above, the path here lies from the city of Duong Dong.

Phu Quoc island is a real pearl of Vietnam. Tourists rush here in search of adventure and a relaxing holiday on the snow-white sand. The main advantage of the island is its numerous beaches..

There is a lot to admire here, because luxurious nature has not bypassed these regions. And thanks to the developed infrastructure, your vacation here promises to be eventful and unforgettable. When preparing to visit Phu Quoc Island, you need to decide which beach is best to stay on. However, each of them has a whole list of advantages, so during your vacation you can have time to visit them all.

Long Beach (Truong beach)

The main beach of Phu Quoc is called Long beach (also called Truong beach) and is located on the west coast of the island, stretching 7 km south of Duong Dong city. A special feature is the uneven distribution of vacationers - near the hotels it is always crowded, but there are also secluded, truly wild corners where lovers of all things mysterious should look.

There are many restaurants on the beach with national Vietnamese cuisine. The sand here is light yellow, medium-sized, the entrance to the sea is gentle, which is ideal for children. There are no waves in the morning, but towards evening the wind gets stronger. There are no stones on the beach, but marine life is present: you can easily find crabs and jellyfish. Long Beach is the most clean beach Phu Quoc Islands. This perfect place for a romantic getaway - where else if not here can you watch the sunsets? There is little entertainment, so the time spent here will be calm and carefree, no one will disturb you.

Bai Sao beach

The best beach in all of Vietnam called Bai Sao ( Bai Sao) is located in the southeast of Phu Quoc Island. It is still poorly equipped, although tourists can stay in one of several hotels; The signature restaurant is open throughout the day. There's a small one here White sand, charming palm trees, pure water, but there are still few travelers. A paradise for a relaxing holiday – a real "Bounty" corner. Today appearance The beach is changing, sun loungers and entertainment infrastructure are appearing. Children are unlikely to like it here, since they won’t be able to actively organize their leisure time. The sea is not always calm, sometimes a real storm breaks out, but even in sunny weather the waves here are very large.

How to get to the beach

If you are coming from Duong Dong City, you need to take National Highway 46 and drive south for 25 minutes. After the bridge you will find yourself in the village of Bai Sao. You need to drive along it for another 3 kilometers, and at the large billboard with the inscription “7UP” turn left. After 8-10 minutes you will find yourself at a fork with three paths - two of them lead to the hotels, and the third to the bar. However, along all three roads you can get to Bai Sao Beach.

Transport prices:

  • Taxi from the airport – 300,000 VND ($15)
  • Taxi from Duong Dong city – 400,000 VND ($20)
  • Minibus from Duong Dong – 40,000 VND ($2)
  • Motorcycle taxi – 150,000 ($7.5).

Ong Lang Beach

For lovers of sightseeing, Ong Lang Beach is 8 km long. The cultural and historical heritage of Fukuoka is located precisely on this shore, and the most for curious tourists An excursion to the Fish Sauce Factory is offered. There are many hotels on the beach, but this does not prevent you from finding a secluded paradise surrounded by banana and coconut palms.

The sandy shore, gentle entrance to the sea and developed entertainment infrastructure will appeal to every tourist. Here full of activities for lovers of water sports and boat trips to nearby islands.

How to get to Ong Lang

If you decide to stay at one of the hotels on Ong Lang Beach, they will most likely be able to arrange a transfer from Phu Quoc Airport. If you just want to visit this place, you need to go north to Gan Dau.

Vung Bau beach

This beach is located in the northern part of the west coast of Fukuoka. For fans of peace and tranquility the best place It’s difficult to find - tourists rarely wander into these areas, so the romantic atmosphere is present here around the clock. There is a small restaurant on the beach, but there is no entertainment infrastructure. Travelers who have been here note clean water, stunning scenery and white sand. Even children will like it here thanks to the gentle entrance to the sea, but you won’t be able to find sun loungers. And trash on the beach spoils the impression of the trip. The weather here is also very changeable; in the morning it is usually quiet, but by lunchtime the water surface ceases to be calm. For the location of Ong Lang, see the map at the end of the article.

Dinh Cau Beach

Another small beach on the west coast, Dinh Cau, attracts travelers with crystal clear waters and golden sand. It is crowded, very beautiful and there is a lot to see. Local attractions include a night market and a colorful temple. There are small stones on the beach; the entrance to the sea, although gentle, is not very convenient for children. The presence of rocks practically eliminates the possibility of surfing and other sports. But this particular beach is the only one on Phu Quoc Island where you can jump from high altitude in water. There are many restaurants here, and you can buy food at the market.

Ganh Dau Beach

For the most enthusiastic dreamers and lovers of romance, Gan Dau Beach is open - unique place for a relaxing holiday. It is located near a Vietnamese village and has not yet been inhabited by tourists. Hotels are just starting to be built here, and there is almost no entertainment. So no one will distract you from contemplation turquoise sea, wonderful palm trees and amazing sunsets. The sand here is crystal clear, light yellow, and the gentle entrance to the sea is very comfortable. Calm in the morning is a common occurrence, but in the evening clouds can gather. As for food, only a small cafe is available to guests; To taste the delicacies, you need to go to the city.

Bai Dai beach

This beach is located in the northwest of Phu Quoc, between Vung Bau and Gan Dau beaches. Previously it was considered one of the most "pristine" beaches in all of Vietnam, but now the situation is changing - the coastline is being built up with hotels and resorts. However, here you can find quiet corners, not yet touched by civilization.

For the most part, Bai Dai beach is clean, covered with fine yellow sand. Due to construction large hotels In some places you can find garbage, but this does not happen often. Turtle Island is visible from Bai Dai Beach - popular destination for diving and snorkeling.

The sea here is warm, and the water has many shades of green and blue colors. The descent into the water is smooth, and there is little or no current - according to tourists, this beach is well suited for families with children.

As on others western beaches Fukuoka, Bai Dai offers stunning sunsets. Nearby is the Vinpearl amusement park (), where both children and adults can have fun.

Fukuoka beaches on the map

We have marked all the beaches of Phu Quoc Island on the map below. To enable displaying only the objects you are interested in, use the menu button in the upper left corner of the map.

In this post I’ll tell you about the best beaches in Fukuoka and make my personal rating of the beaches. Also here you will find tips on choosing a place to come on vacation and a map of Fukuoka beaches in Russian.

Overall, Phu Quoc is wonderful. tropical island, but there are some peculiarities here. Firstly, tourism here began to develop quite recently and at a very fast pace, because of this, in many places there is construction, dust and dirt. It's no longer tropical paradise, where you are alone with nature, although in general the environment is good - there are no industries. Secondly, there is a real problem with garbage and sewerage; the Vietnamese seem to have not yet figured out where to put it with the influx of a large number of people. Yes, if the beach is looked after by the staff of a nearby hotel, it will be simply gorgeous. And if it’s no man’s territory, then all the garbage will be shoveled there.

I think a few years will pass and Phu Quoc will turn into main resort Vietnam (like Phuket in Thailand, where tourism has been developing for a long time). Until that happens, you have the opportunity to enjoy the almost empty beaches of this island. And I’ll tell you which beach in Fukuoka to choose.

Best beaches Fukuoka is mainly located on its western, northern and northwestern sides, but there are two chic places to visit on the east coast. These are the small beaches of Sao and Kem. They are small, but very picturesque!

Sao Beach

A cozy bay about one and a half kilometers long with incredibly white sand, fine as flour. There are truly heavenly landscapes here, curved palm trees on the shore, mountains around, covered with tropical forest...

Bai Sao is considered the most beautiful beach in Phu Quoc, it is business card islands. All the more surprising are the piles of garbage that are found in some places along the beach. Apparently, the winds and currents here are such that garbage washes ashore in certain seasons.

Plus add to this the crowds of people who come on their own or on an excursion, jet skis, bananas and all the attributes of a popular beach. So don’t expect a straight bounty from Sao Beach. The best part of it is on the left side at the very edge of the bay.

The entrance to the water is gentle, but there are small waves, but the water is very warm - the kids will love it. On the shore there are several beach cafes with inflated prices (it is better to buy food in advance at the store located at the turn from the main road to the beach), toilet, shower, you can rent sun loungers and an umbrella (100 thousand dong). It’s better to arrive in the morning: firstly, it’s not hot, and secondly, the tourists haven’t arrived yet :)

There are no hotels on the first line on Bai Sao, everything is a little further inland, but I don’t recommend spending a vacation here either.

Bai Kem

Bai Kem Beach is located just south of Bai Sao and is a bay just under a kilometer long. There is now active construction of luxury hotels with all the ensuing consequences; getting to the beach is not so easy (according to latest reviews Now only guests of hotels on the shore can access the beach).

In general, Bai Kem has the same white sand, the same picturesque palm trees on the shore, but there are no people. But all this beauty is available only to hotel guests. In the meantime, while active construction is underway, I do not recommend settling there. even if there is such a possibility.

Long Beach

Long Beach is the most developed beach in Fukuoka. Its length is about 20 kilometers, so everyone will find a place for themselves. Part north of the airport and to the city of Duong Dong is more developed, along the road there you will find all tourism infrastructure in the form of cafes, restaurants, travel agencies, ATMs, hotels. Part south of the airport It is just under construction, and although luxury hotels with large territories have already appeared there, otherwise you will be on the outskirts with the accompanying construction landscape.

Long Beach has medium-sized golden sand, a gentle entrance to the water (a little sharper in some places), the purity of the sea water depends on the waves and weather. During the calm there was clear water here.

Unfortunately, in some places there is garbage and the sewage flows straight into the sea.

The advantage of Long Beach is the proximity to the city of Duong Dong, there is a night market, fish market and several temples. And in general, it’s interesting to look at the life of a small Vietnamese town. But you should still choose a hotel a little further from the city, nice beach starts from Saigon Phu Quoc Resort & Spa and further south.

Long Beach

In my opinion, Long Beach is the best beach in Phu Quoc for a vacation. Yes, it may be a little less picturesque than Bai Sao or Ong Lang, but it’s still quite cozy. Plus developed infrastructure compensates for some disadvantages. You can easily find a bungalow on the first line and enjoy your vacation.

Ong Lang Beach

A cool long beach north of the town of Duong Dong, it can be divided into several sections, with rocky capes between them. Here, perhaps, the cleanest water we have encountered on all the beaches of Fukuoka.

Ong Lang has fine light sand, which is pleasant to walk on. The most picturesque section of the beach is located near the Coco Hotel Palm Beach Resort & Spa.

The big advantage of this beach is the almost complete absence of tourists; there are also many cool hotels on the first line, all of the bungalow type. A chic place for newlyweds and lovers of tranquility!

The infrastructure is quite poorly developed, a little further in towards the main road you will find cafes and restaurants, but otherwise the place is village-like and quiet.

Cua Can Beach

The beach is located next to the river of the same name, which flows into the sea. Rafting on the Cua Can River is a popular activity among tourists.

The beach is almost wild, there are no tourists, only a few local residents. Nearby there are some creeks and estuaries, and a small community lives. It might be a little dirty. There are only a couple of hotels in the surrounding area, and a few cafes along the way from the main road. Suitable for those who like complete privacy :)

Vung Bau Beach

The southern part of the bay can only be accessed through the territory of some hotel; we were in the northern part, the one closer to the cape.

Clean and remote beach, quite picturesque. Coastline narrow, almost no people, only those who came here specifically by bike or taxi, and a few guests of local bungalows. The entrance to the water is gentle, the water is very clean and transparent, there are sun loungers and a tire on a rope instead of a swing :)

There are several bungalow hotels on Vung Bau, all on the first line. You can only eat in hotel cafes.

The chic beach of the five-star Vinpearl Resort & Spa Phu Quoc. This hotel - the whole city with many buildings, villas, bungalows, swimming pools, golf courses, spas, gyms, a huge green, well-groomed area with tuk-tuks running through it. The Vinpearl Land amusement park is nearby and the hotel also provides free airport transfers.

Bai Dai Beach

Bai Dai Beach has fine yellow sand, the entrance to the water is gentle, and the sea is very clean, which is why a holiday here is ideal for families with children.

Gan Dau

The village of Gan Dau is located in the extreme north-west of Phu Quoc, from here it is literally a few kilometers to the Cambodian islands, they are clearly visible from the shore.

On the western side there is a beautiful but dirty beach with cafes on the shore and many boats in the water. Mostly locals eat here.

If you drive through the village (on the way you will pass a rather smelly fish market) and go to the northern coast near the Peppercorn Hotel Beach resort, then there will be a nice beach there. During our visit, the water was not very clear, but there was almost no one there.


Phu Quoc starfish beach

The beach near the village of Rat Vem is also called the beach with starfish. One of the best beaches in Fukuoka and well worth the trip. Known primarily for its marine life, with which you can take a memorable photo.

And you can sunbathe here, white sand, clean water and a gentle entrance to the sea are good attributes and help in this matter. I recommend going only in the high season (from November to April); according to reviews, at other times there is a lot of algae and garbage that no one cleans up, plus the dirt road washes out after rain. Also, move as far to the right as possible, there are fewer people there and a better chance of seeing starfish.

There is a restaurant on a wooden platform over the water with inflated prices, no more infrastructure.

Phu Quoc is amazing beautiful island in the very south of Vietnam, the largest in the country. In the northern part of the island there are mainly mountains and forests, but South part Fukuoka is better known for its beaches.

Soft sand, clear sea and privacy can be found on almost all the beaches of Fukuoka. So which one should you choose for your holiday? The best option- visit them all! I made a short review of the best beaches on Phu Quoc island. Which one will be first on your list is up to you.

Long Beach

Long Beach in Fukuoka

On the west side of Phu Quoc you will find a large beach called Long Beach. It is impossible to drive past it, because this is where most of the hotels and resorts on the island are located. The beach on this side stretches for about 5 km, south of the capital of Fukuoka, Dong Dong. You can relax on any beach. They do not belong to hotels, and no one will kick you out.

Ganh Dau Beach

Gan Dau beach in Fukuoka

This beach is located at the top of the island on the northwest coast, if you look at the map of Fukuoka. It is approximately 28 km from Dong Dong. To get to the beach, you need to drive past a Vietnamese village, and you will soon find yourself in a paradise. Silence, tranquility and beauty. There's only one for the whole beach local restaurant, so no one will stop you from enjoying the sea and peace. By the way, you can eat good seafood in the restaurant.

Bai Sao (Sao Beach)

Bai Sao beach in Fukuoka

On east side Phu Quoc Island has one of the most beautiful beaches on the island. Getting to it is a little more difficult than getting to Long Beach. It is best to navigate by map or take a taxi. There are practically no signs on the roads of Fukuoka. Bai Sao is a rather secluded place. There are only a few restaurants and guest houses there, but they are located quite far from each other. If you're looking for a party, Long Beach is the place to go.

Cua Can

Cua Kan beach in Fukuoka

This Phu Quoc beach is not very well known to tourists, although it is located only 8 km north of the town of Duong Dong on the west coast of the island behind a fishing village. You can get there by boat or cross rickety wooden bridges on a bike. The car won't go there.

Bai Thom

Bai Thom beach in Phu Quoc

This Phu Quoc beach may not be as beautiful as Bai Sao, but it has its own unique charm. In addition, there you can have a nude photo shoot or make love right under a palm tree. It's not often that you meet someone there. A completely uninhabited place. This beach is located on extreme point northeast of the island, approximately 35 km from Dong Dong. The best way to get there is by bike.

Bai Vong Beach

Bai Wong beach in Phu Quoc

Bai Wong is located on the east coast of Phu Quoc, about 8 km from the island's capital, approximately halfway to Bai Sao Beach. There is also white sand there and generally very beautiful. Several restaurants serving local Vietnamese cuisine are hidden under the palm trees. They serve wonderful fresh seafood and freshly squeezed juices. It is not difficult to get to Bai Wong by bike.

Take a look. With its help, you can decide which beach of the island to start your voyage from.

Bai Dai Beach is considered the most beautiful. This is confirmed by the assessment of the famous publication CNN Travel News, which in 2013 placed this beach in 93rd place in the “Best Beaches in the World” ranking.

General information about the beach

Bai Dai beach is located on the northwestern coast of the island, framed by two beaches - Ganh Dau beach from the north, Vung Bau beach from the south. Its total length is about 15 km.

Until recently, this long stretch of beach with fine sand and turquoise water had plenty of secluded places to relax.

Beach near Vinpearl Phu Quoc

The situation changed dramatically when the Vinperl complex opened here in 2014, after a grandiose construction project, which is now mostly built. The complex includes: Vinperl hotels, a water park, an aquarium, a golf course, a casino, and a safari park.

Vinpearlland aquarium

The beach, like the entire west coast, is covered with fine yellow sand. The entrance to the water is gentle, the current is small, the sea is warm. All this encourages families with children to relax on the beach.

Another unforgettable impression What you can take away from the beaches of the west coast is the views of stunning sunsets.

Not far from the beach is Turtle Island. It is visible to the naked eye. The island is popular among snorkelers, divers and fishing enthusiasts.

Diving. Phu Quoc

About the best time of year to relax, oh visa-free regime for Fukuoka and about another useful information you can read about the island

On the Fukuoka map you can easily find all the points of interest from beaches, hotels, restaurants to the island's attractions.

Where to Stay at Bai Dai Beach

Almost along the entire Bai Dai beach, with the exception of small sections of the coast at the northernmost tip of the beach, there are two luxurious hotels of the Vinpearl chain - Vinpearl Resort Phu Quoc 5 * and Vinpearl Phu Quoc Resort & Golf 5 *. Staying in hotels is expensive. Unfortunately, there are no other accommodation options on this beach.

Vinpearl Phu Quoc 5*

Vinpearl Phu Quo

Vinpearl Resort Phu Quoc 5* is located in one of the most beautiful bays in the world. The distance from Duong Dong Airport to the hotel is about 40 km, you can get there by taxi in 1 hour.

The hotel has 601 deluxe and suite rooms and 144 villas, including one “presidential” level. Private beach The hotel is located 1 minute away, in addition to sun loungers and umbrellas, there are beach cabins on it.

Vinpearl Beach Phu Quo

The territory has everything for a comfortable stay: 3 restaurants, 4 bars, 2 outdoor swimming pools, Children's swimming pool, playground, lazy river, golf course, water park,

Swimming pool at Vinpearl Phu Quo

4 outdoor tennis courts, fitness center, free kids club, a full range of spa services

Vinpearl Phu Quo Kids Club

Babysitting or childcare services are available for an additional fee. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel and in the rooms.

Room at Vinpearl Phu Quo

The elegant rooms have air conditioning, TV, minibar, all necessary furniture, and a bathroom. The restaurant's menu includes dishes of European and local cuisine.

Vinpearl Phu Quoc Resort & Golf 5*

Vinpearl Phu Quoc Resort & Golf

Vinpearl Phu Quoc Resort & Golf 5* hotel is located 33 km from international airport Fukuoka, about 50 minutes by taxi. The hotel has 402 deluxe and suite rooms and 220 villas, equipped in accordance with international standards.

Vinpearl Golf Hotel Design

Vinpearl Golf Hotel Villa

Each villa has: from two to four bedrooms with bathrooms; kitchen and dining room with refrigerator, all necessary utensils; spacious living room with sofa, armchairs and TV; terrace with sun loungers; private pool; the possibility of taking spa treatments; free high speed wireless internet.

Beach at Vinpearl Golf

The hotel has three restaurants, an outdoor swimming pool with a bar, a spa and health Center, sauna. For active rest in the complex: mini golf course, fitness center, tennis court. Both adults and children can have fun in the water park on the territory of VinpearlLand. The hotel can leave children in the children's club and playroom, where they will always be under the supervision of staff.

Restaurants at Vinpearl Golf Hotel

The hotel provides equipment for classes aquatic species sports