Check-in rules

Flights within Russia

Check-in begins 2 hours and ends 40 minutes before departure.

When checking in for flights within Russia you must have:

- ticket,
- passport or other identification document,
- if you are traveling with a child, then documents for the child are required,
- if you are transporting an animal, then documents for the animal are required,
- documents for luggage requiring special conditions transportation.

International flights

Check-in usually begins 3 hours and ends 40 minutes before departure. This time is set based on the period sufficient to complete pre-flight formalities (entry/exit registration, baggage inspection, etc.) and the check-in procedure. However, individual airlines and states establish special pre-flight control procedures, which can significantly lengthen the time required for check-in. In this regard, we recommend that you check the registration start time when purchasing a ticket.

When checking in for international flights you must have:

- ticket,
- international passport,
- documents for customs clearance (on an international flight),
- if you are accompanying a child - a power of attorney for the child from both (or one) parents, a notarized permission for the child to travel abroad,
- documents for luggage requiring special transportation conditions.

To check in, you must present your ticket and passport, check in your luggage and receive a hand luggage tag. After registration, the passenger is given boarding pass.

Passengers who are late for check-in or boarding the plane will not be allowed to board the flight.
The departure time on the ticket is always local.

Registration online

Registration online usually starts 24 hours before and ends 1 hour 30 minutes before flight departure.

Advantages of online registration:
- you can register your plane ticket at any time from any place where there is Internet;
- you have the opportunity to choose seats that are convenient for you in the aircraft cabin;
- you do not need to arrive at the airport in advance and stand in line at the airline check-in counter.

How to register online?
1. Go to the website of the airline for which your ticket is issued.
2. Follow the link to the online registration page.
3. Enter your identification information.

4. If you are a member bonus programs airline, enter your frequent flyer card number.
5. Follow the prompts, choose a seat on the plane that is convenient for you and print out your boarding pass.

If you are traveling only with hand luggage, you can go straight to customs or special control. If you have luggage, you must deposit it at the front desk. Registered passengers can drop off their luggage at the airport no later than 45 minutes before departure at special DROP OFF baggage drop-off counters.

You cannot check in for a flight online if:
- belong to a special category of passengers: unaccompanied children, seriously ill people, passengers on stretchers, those without hearing, without vision, with disabilities etc.;
- transport the animal.

Tourists who are planning to fly for the first time very often do not know what to do at the airport. In fact, there is nothing scary or complicated about check-in and flights: everything happens according to the same pattern. We decided to introduce you to the main airport check-in rules and talk about some of the nuances of going through customs.

So, you bought a ticket, you have a foreign passport (or internal passport), a visa, insurance and you can’t wait to find out how to check in at the airport. First, be sure to make scanned copies of all your documents and place them on your mailbox so that you can access them from any computer if necessary. Also make photocopies of the documents and store them separately from the original ones. Before going to the airport, be sure to check that you have all your documents and place them in an easily accessible place. If you purchased a ticket online, be sure to print it out to avoid unpleasant incidents.

Prepare all documents - you will need to present them at the counter

Pack your belongings, dividing them into luggage and carry-on luggage. Consider the carrier company's rules regarding cargo. Documents must be stored in transparent ziplock bags. Please pay attention to the rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage. Don't forget your bank card and cash (be sure to bring cash with you).

Arrival at the airport

Registration usually starts 3 hours before departure and ends 50-30 minutes before departure. If you are flying for the first time, try to arrive at the airport early to understand the terminals and how the air gates work.

Note:Many airports have check-in counters for late arrivals. They work almost until departure, but most likely you will have to pay a fine.

Remember that you are not going to the airport, but to the terminal. If in small towns this is the same thing, then in megacities the distance between terminals can be very significant. The registration time due to queues can be completely different - from half an hour to two hours. Don’t expect that you will get through everything in 5 minutes - the number of people who are late is usually up to 10 percent for each flight, and everyone needs it “urgently”.


Let's take a closer look, How does check-in at the airport take place? Upon arrival, the first thing to do is find the information board. It displays all the necessary information:

  1. Airline. Airline name.
  2. Flight. Current flight number.
  3. Departure. Arrival point.
  4. Scheduled—sending time.
  5. Counters—registration counter number.
  6. Gate — number of the “gate” (the platform from which landing is carried out).
  7. Status — current flight status.

There can be several flight states:

  • cancelled;
  • delayed;
  • landing completed (gate closed);
  • boarding in progress (check in);
  • start time of the registration process (on-time).

The display contains all the current information about nearby flights

Find the flight number on your ticket and find out which counter you need to check in at, whether the departure time has changed, or whether the flight you need is delayed. Then boldly approach the desired counter.

Note:Each counter displays flight information and arrival point. If there is a long line at your counter and there is an empty business class seat nearby, you can ask the staff to check you in there. Usually there is no problem with this.

You need to provide the airline employee with your passport and ticket. In some cases, staff may ask you for a visa if you are flying to another country. Place your suitcase on the scale (be careful not to overweight). In case you have a large hand luggage, then the airport staff can weigh it too. A special sticker with a barcode will be placed on the suitcase and taken away for subsequent inspection. If you are flying with a connecting flight, your baggage will be automatically transferred from plane to plane. At the counter, you can ask the employee to seat you in a certain place (by the window, on the aisle, closer to the front of the plane). If passengers have not booked seats in advance, your request will be satisfied by issuing a boarding pass. If you're flying with a child, ask to sit next to the aisle to make it easier for you to get up. You will also receive a tag at the counter that you can use to pick up your luggage.

Flight information is duplicated at the check-in counter

Note:Avoid overloading your luggage and carry-on luggage. Some carriers turn a blind eye to it, but most will fine you even for being overweight by 100 grams.

After passing through the counter, you should have your boarding pass and a tear-off tag with cargo information in your hands. At this point, registration is considered complete and you are subject to further inspection by the security service. The boarding pass indicates not only the seat where you will board, but also the gate number from which you will board the aircraft. Be sure to find out How long does it take to check in for a plane? so as not to miss your flight.


After passing through the check-in counter you will be taken to passport control. You will need to show the airport officer your passport, visa and boarding pass. Here, your hand luggage will be scanned and, if necessary, checked, and you will be asked to go through a metal detector. Security officers will ask you questions about drugs, explosives or weapons. It is strictly not recommended to joke with them - they can kick you off the flight and even start criminal proceedings.

Note:Many airports operate a corridor system for customs inspection. Choose the green corridor if you are not carrying any dangerous goods or items that require mandatory declaration.

After passing the inspection, you will be taken to the “open area”. There are cafes, waiting rooms, duty-free shops, and sockets for charging mobile devices. When your flight is boarded over the loudspeaker, you must go to the “gate” indicated on your boarding pass. Show it to the airport employee - she will tear off the spine and return it to you. Keep your boarding pass until the end of your flight. After that, you board the plane and go to your destination.

Green corridor - for those who have nothing to declare

go straight to registration

If you purchased air tickets through the website, don’t forget to register online! This procedure has made life easier for hundreds of thousands of passengers who travel frequently by air. Its advantage is not limited to one point.

Pros of online registration

Any person who has flown by air at least once in his life knows that he needs to arrive at the airport 2-3 hours before departure and stand for a long time, waiting for his turn to check in. After checking in, you receive a boarding pass indicating your seat on the plane, and it is unlikely that you will be given the opportunity to choose this seat yourself. Online check-in will save you from these problems, namely:

  • You don’t need to stand in line, you check in for your flight at home, via the Internet, sitting at your favorite computer (or from a tablet, mobile phone, etc.);
  • You no longer need to arrive at the airport 2-3 hours before departure, but only an hour to check in your luggage, because you are already on the list of passengers on board. If you are flying without luggage or carry-on luggage, you can arrive even later, at the time of boarding, and go straight to the boarding gate;
  • You have the opportunity to choose your seat on the plane yourself and do it in advance, while good places no other passengers occupied. The fact is that a bad seat on a plane can significantly ruin your flight experience, so you should approach this issue responsibly. Especially for you, we have created a section on the website where you can familiarize yourself with seating diagrams for various aircraft.

The possibility of online check-in is especially relevant when you are late for the plane and do not have time for the “real” check-in. You can register online using mobile internet on the way to the airport. As a rule, the closing time is 45-60 minutes before departure, that is, before the end of general check-in.

Online check-in is encouraged by all airlines, some even requiring passengers to check-in online, making traditional airport check-in a fee. Online check-in reduces airline costs.

Many people do not even know that such registration is possible. With its help you can make your flight much more comfortable.

How to register online yourself?

Nothing could be simpler. Online check-in usually begins 24 hours before departure, but different airlines differently. For some airlines, check-in opens 15 days before departure; sometimes, check-in opens immediately after purchasing a ticket. Airlines with the same type usually do this. air fleet. The name of the air carrier is indicated on your ticket. Below, under this article, there are links to online check-in for different airlines. Select the appropriate airline and follow the link.

Next, prepare your passport or other document with which you intend to fly. We also suggest that you read the article Required documents for an airplane flight. Carefully fill out the required fields and select a seat on the plane. Sometimes some places with increased comfort available for an additional fee. You may also be offered additional options, such as choosing meals or upgrading your ticket to business class.

Done: After completing all the steps, you will see a successful online registration message. A confirmation and boarding pass will be sent to your email address. You will need to print it out and have it with you in paper form, because without it you will not be allowed to board.

One option for online registration is mobile registration. Some airlines have special mobile app for passenger registration. If you often fly with this airline, then this option is very convenient. You only need to download and install the application on your mobile device once. It will be very easy to register later.

So, you have checked in and received your boarding pass. It must be printed. There are several ways. The most convenient thing is to print it at home (at work or anywhere) on a regular printer. If this is not possible, then this can be done at regular check-in kiosks located at the airport. At these kiosks, passengers check in on their own, but since you have already checked in, you can go up, enter your details into the terminal and print out your boarding pass. Of course, not every airline supports this option. Eventually you can go to the regular check-in counter and get your boarding pass. Some airports have terminals for printing your boarding pass. If you have the airline's mobile application installed, then after checking in you will be given a QR code. You need to go to such a terminal, touch your phone with this code, and the terminal will issue a boarding pass.

The boarding pass contains boarding time, gate and other information.

Don't forget: even after checking in yourself, you still need to check in your luggage (if you have any). For this purpose, as a rule, there are Drop Off counters, near which an airport employee stands. These are separate counters for checking in the luggage of those passengers who have independently checked in for the flight. As you might have guessed, the line there will be much shorter than at the regular check-in counter. Some airports have more modern and automated baggage acceptance systems that allow you to check in your baggage yourself: you put your baggage in, present your boarding pass to a special sensor, it identifies you and your flight, if everything is correct, the machine issues a baggage tag that you need to stick to your suitcase . If you have excess baggage, then you can pay for the advantage using a bank card.

You may think that all this is complicated and unreliable. Nothing like this. All these innovations are specially created to simplify pre-flight procedures as much as possible. If for some reason you cannot or do not want to check in your luggage using the above methods, then there is always the “old and good” way: go to the regular check-in counter and check in your luggage there. Tell the employee that you checked in yourself and you only need to check in your luggage; most likely, your luggage will be accepted without a queue.

You can check in your luggage no later than before the end of general check-in for the flight (that is, usually no later than 40 minutes before departure). If you are flying without luggage or carry-on luggage, then all you have to do is go through the gate.

We wish you pleasant flights and easy purchase of tickets with the site!

The modern service “online check-in for a flight” allows passengers to independently check-in for a flight in the comfort of their own home, having at hand a convenient gadget with Internet access. This service is very convenient for those who do not have enough time to wait in line at the check-in counter at airports for a long time.

How to check in online for a plane: step-by-step instructions

To register online for the ship, you must have in hand e-ticket with information about the flight number and ticket number. Not all aviation companies provide this opportunity, so the passenger should first check with official representatives of the air carrier about the availability of the service for online check-in for the plane.

To register for internal and international flight via the Internet, you must proceed according to the following scheme:

  1. We go to the official website of the carrier company from which the plane ticket was purchased.
  2. Find the “Online registration” tab and click on it.
  3. A form to fill out will appear in a new window. Following the prompts, enter the data from the ticket, full name and other requested information.
  4. We tick the necessary items (for example, the presence of luggage).
  5. Next, select passenger seat in the cabin of the airliner from the proposed options.
  6. By clicking on the special button, we complete the registration.
  7. You will receive a barcode by email for printing on a printer or saving on any device (you can use a mobile phone). It is scanned by security officials at the airport to confirm that you have checked in.

Not all airports have scanning devices for barcode recognition, so just in case, we still recommend printing your boarding pass, which will eliminate unexpected difficulties during pre-flight inspection.

How long does it take to check in for a flight online?

Each airline company has specific deadlines for online check-in. For most carriers, this service on the website opens 24 hours before departure and ends 30-60 minutes before the flight departs. To obtain reliable information about the operating hours of the online check-in service, just visit the official website of the air carrier chosen for traveling by plane.

What to do after online check-in for a plane

At the final stage of check-in, you need to print out your boarding pass and properly plan your personal time to go to the airport. If you have luggage, you need to take into account the time it takes to check it in at the terminal.

The printed document is presented to an authorized representative of the company at the airport, after which you can go to a special baggage drop-off counter.

How to check in luggage when checking in for a flight online

At airports, special baggage collection counters are open for air passengers who have undergone standard check-in in the lounge and separate ones for people who have printed boarding passes in their hands through the online service.

This process takes a little time, and there are practically no queues at such counters.

Baggage is checked in according to standard rules. All personal items must be well packed. Suitcases must not contain items prohibited for transportation.

After baggage has been accepted, the passenger is given a paper receipt to receive personal items upon arrival. The last step before boarding the flight is passing the passport and customs control, which is carried out according to standard rules applicable to all airline passengers.

Useful articles about carrying baggage on an airplane:

How much does online check-in cost for a plane?

For this service, the passenger must pay a certain amount, according to the current tariff. The cost of online check-in for each airline varies.

The carrier has the right to independently regulate the pricing policy for the services provided. You can find out more information on the official website of the company chosen for the flight.

Why electronic check-in may not be available

Sometimes air passengers have difficulty registering online. Error information appears on the website.

The reasons for the unavailability of the service may be as follows:

  • Internet problems;
  • technical glitches in the airline company's program.

According to the approved rules of carriers, there are some restrictions on the online registration service.

This is relevant for the following category of citizens:

  • flight is planned;
  • group of people of 9 people;
  • who require an escort service;
  • a connecting flight is planned;
  • You cannot register online using a ticket purchased through a travel company;
  • passengers planning transportation special cargo classified as dangerous or valuable.

How to cancel online check-in for a plane

Sometimes force majeure situations occur that force a person to urgently change plans for the coming days. For example, there are not isolated cases when a person has to cancel a flight to a chosen destination for certain reasons. By current rules carrier, each passenger can cancel online registration for the flight, but no later than 40-50 minutes before departure.

This option can be done in several ways:

  • On the carrier's website, you need to find a special tab with settings, where information about canceling registration for the plane will be published. Following the prompts, a cancellation is issued indicating the reason. The carrier company has the right to withhold a fine in a certain percentage of total cost ticket
  • You can cancel your registration directly in the airport hall. You need to find special terminals and follow the prompts to cancel your scheduled flight.
  • The passenger can also contact the airline employee at the check-in counter with this problem. A specialist will quickly cancel your registration and tell you in detail about your rights to return your plane ticket.

Advantages and disadvantages of checking in for a flight online

Advantages of online registration service:

  1. Aviation company services are available around the clock, which allows passengers to check in at any time convenient for them.
  2. No need to stand in long lines at the registration counter.
  3. You can quickly check in your luggage at a special counter for passengers who have checked in online.
  4. You can choose a seat in the aircraft cabin for your flight, focusing on the available options indicated on the carrier’s website.

Disadvantages of online registration:

  1. This service is provided for a fee.
  2. The system may generate an error due to technical failures in the program, which will force the passenger to urgently change plans for pre-flight preparations.
  3. To carry out such an operation, you need not only a gadget and the Internet, but also a device for printing your boarding pass.
  4. Not all companies provide online registration services.
  5. Passengers of a certain category cannot use this service, which is associated with some restrictions.

Online check-in for planes of different airlines

Each carrier has the right to set its own rules for online registration and restrictions on service operating hours. It is better to clarify this information in advance.


You can complete online check-in for this company's airliner via the Internet 24 hours before departure, but no later than 40 minutes before departure. There are restrictions on this service for passengers under 2 years of age, with animals, and for people with disabilities. You can check in for flights anywhere in the world with the exception of two destinations: the USA and India.


You can register for this company's plane one day before departure. Registration ends in 40 minutes. This option can only be used by passengers who have indicated a seat in the aircraft cabin at the time of departure.

Red Wings

One day before departure, you can use the online service. The final validity period of the service is 3 hours. This option is available to all passengers who do not have special luggage and do not require additional services (for example, escort). You can use this service on the company’s website through a special section “Web registration”.

Pegasus Fly

The service is available 72 hours in advance and closes 1 hour before departure. The service is available to passengers of domestic and international flights who have an electronic ticket in hand.


Online registration starts 23 hours before flight departure, the deadline is 4 hours before departure. The company allows registration with small children, but there may be some restrictions on the choice of seat.


This company has set the following time limits for registration via the Internet: the service opens in 30 hours, and the service closes in 50 minutes. The service is not provided in all directions. The list of available ones is published on the carrier’s official website.

Ural Airlines

You can go to the company's service for check-in 23 hours before the flight departs, but it is worth remembering that this service ends 4 hours before departure. Passengers under two years of age can use this service, but without receiving an electronic coupon. A notice will appear along with the printout, which will need to be presented at the check-in counter at the airport, where you will be issued a boarding pass for the flight.


A day before the planned trip, an air passenger can register on the company’s service and. The final deadline for online service is 60 minutes before flight departure. This company has some restrictions on directions, which can be clarified by phone or view the information of interest on the official website.

A very convenient online check-in service allows you to significantly save time on pre-flight fees, but in order to avoid unforeseen difficulties, we recommend that you familiarize yourself in advance with what rules and restrictions apply to a particular carrier for this service.

Anyone who has ever flown on an airplane remembers the long lines at the check-in counter. Of course, first and business class passengers go through the check-in procedure many times faster than economy passengers. However, the latter have a very real chance not to languish in line, but to immediately move on to the next stage. The secret is in online registration.

Online check-in is available on most airline websites. Most often, online check-in opens 23 hours before departure. You can go through it at any time, but no later than 1 hour before the plane takes off into the sky. All you need to register an air ticket online is a stable Internet connection signal, knowledge of the airline’s website address and order details. Almost every airline has a separate section of the website for registering electronic plane tickets, so finding the right button will be easy. The online check-in procedure takes a few minutes versus half an hour or more in line at the airport.

When checking in for air tickets, you can choose comfortable places in airplane. This is an absolute plus - you can wait for online registration to open and calmly choose that very coveted seat by the window.

You will receive your boarding pass by email. Sometimes you can print it out immediately after completing online registration, without waiting for an email. You must print your boarding pass, otherwise you will not be allowed on the plane. You can print your boarding pass at self-check-in kiosks at some major airports.

There are special programs for mobile phones that help you complete online registration yourself. However, not all airlines provide this service. The procedure differs in that after checking in you will receive an SMS with a barcode, which you can then use to print your boarding pass at the airport.

Registration of plane tickets via the Internet is not available for all passengers. If you need to check luggage, you will still have to stand in line. You checked in online, but you will check your luggage as usual. To check in your luggage, you will have to stand in a queue - at large airports in a separate line for those who, like you, checked in online, and in small ones - in a general one.

If you don’t have luggage, but have hand luggage, rejoice, you don’t need to stand in line. The second condition is that you are not bringing an animal with you. Third condition - you don't need Additional services(accompanying a child, wheelchair, cradle, etc.). Some airlines do not support online check-in for passengers who have purchased a codeshare ticket.

Did you know

    how to buy a plane ticket without leaving home?

    On the website, indicate the route, travel dates and number of passengers in the required fields.

    The system will select suitable options from offers from several hundred airlines.

    From the list, select the flight that suits you.

    Enter your personal information - it is required to issue tickets. transmits them only via a secure channel.

    Pay for tickets with a bank card.

    how to pay for an air ticket when purchasing online?

    The fastest and most convenient way to pay for a ticket on the website is with a bank card.

    We accept cards of all types of international payment systems Visa and MasterCard - debit, credit, virtual (for example, QIWI Visa Virtual).

    Why can you safely enter your bank card details on the website?

    Data entry takes place on secure pages. We do not store any information about bank cards, we just transfer them to the bank for payment.

    The entire process occurs automatically, without human intervention.

    Data is transmitted over a secure (encrypted) channel.

    We guarantee that no information will be transferred to third parties or used for purposes other than issuing tickets.

    What does an e-ticket look like and where can I get it?

    After payment, a new entry appears in the airline’s database - this is an electronic ticket. Now all information about your flight will be stored by the carrier airline.

    Electronic plane tickets are not issued in paper form and cannot be viewed.

    You can see, print and take with you to the airport not the ticket itself, but route receipt. It contains your ticket number and all the information about your flight. We will send a receipt by email.

    An itinerary receipt will not be needed when checking in for a flight - all information is stored in the computer and at the airport you will only need a passport.

    How to get on a plane using an electronic ticket?

    An electronic plane ticket is an official document confirming the conclusion of an air transportation agreement.

    To use your ticket, you only need to arrive at the airport on time and check in.

    To register you will need:

    • identification document specified in the order;
    • birth certificate (when flying with children).

    The itinerary receipt is not a mandatory document when registering. However, recommends printing out the receipt and taking it with you.

    It may be needed for passport control abroad, as confirmation that you have a return ticket or that you are continuing on your route.

    how to return a plane ticket?

    Return electronic air ticket, regardless of how it was booked and paid for, is only possible in accordance with the airline's rules.

    To return a ticket, you must contact the operator as soon as possible.

    To do this, you need to respond to the letter that you will receive after ordering tickets on the website.

    Please indicate “Ticket Return” in the subject line and briefly describe your situation. Our specialists will contact you. If you have not received the letter, write to [email protected].

    The information letter that you receive after ordering also contains contacts of the partner agency through which your ticket was issued. You can contact him directly.