To perform functional tasks at the airport, the following main divisions, departments, and services are organized:

1. Production and control room;

2. Flight Safety Inspectorate;

3. Organization and development of transportation (by type of transportation);

4. Movements and relevant units that ensure the operation of radio equipment and communications facilities (or allocated relevant units into independent enterprises or institutions);

5. Aerodrome;

6. Shturmanskaya;

7. Fuels and lubricants;

8. Electrical and lighting support;

9. Special transport;

10. Aviation security.

In addition, the following should also function: additional services:

1. Information and analytical, commercial, economic planning, legal and other administrative and managerial;

2. Heating and sanitary support;

3. Operation of ground structures;

4. Capital construction;

5. Repair and construction site;

6. Chief mechanic;

7. Security environment;

8. Metrological;

9. Logistics;

10. Hotel services, dispensary;

11. Medical and sanitary;

12. Fire department;

13. Emergency rescue;

14. VOKhR (as part of the aviation security service);

15. Housing and communal services;

16. Other units providing production and commercial activities of the airport, including non-aviation activities (catering, trade), subject to the creation of the appropriate material and technical base and obtaining licenses to perform the specified work.

Table 11.1.

Providing aircraft flights by airline services

Name of services Main functions
Organization of transportation Acquisition and calculation of aircraft alignment and loading. Registration and servicing of passengers, luggage, mail, cargo. Loading and unloading aircraft. Passenger escort. Baggage search. Control over the organization of transportation of dangerous goods.
PDSP (operational production management) Coordination of the activities of production departments and implementation of the daily aircraft flight schedule. Prevention and elimination of flight schedule violations. Analysis of the causes of violations of technological schedules.
Aerodromnaya Maintenance of the airfield in operational condition at all times of the year (including clearing of snow and ice), marking, control of evenness and coefficient of adhesion with aircraft wheels. Assessment of the possibility of receiving new aircraft. Bird scaring.
Aviation Security Inspection, comprehensive prevention of acts of illegal interference in the activities of aircraft (inspection of passengers, aircraft, etc.).
Meteorological Meteorological information on actual and expected weather at aerodromes and aircraft flight routes (cloudiness, visibility, wind, precipitation, thunderstorms, hazardous phenomena)
Shturmanskaya Development of aircraft traffic patterns, training of flight crews and air traffic control personnel, selection of the most advantageous routes and flight levels for aircraft, determination of airfield minimums
Aeronautical information Providing information on air routes and alternate airfields, radio navigation maps, collections of aeronautical information (AIP, NOTAM).
Aviation Engineering Maintenance of the aircraft in good condition, timely and high-quality maintenance of the aircraft, analysis of the causes of malfunctions, failures on the aircraft, elimination and prevention in the future.
Electrical lighting Maintenance of electrical lighting equipment at the airfield in good condition, recording, analysis and further prevention of equipment malfunctions
Continuation of Table 11.1.
Radio engineering Providing air traffic control with the necessary radio equipment (RTS), maintaining the RTS in good condition, recording, analyzing and preventing malfunctions.
Emergency rescue Duty of search and rescue forces and equipment, notification of aviation accidents, provision of aircraft with onboard rescue equipment. Organization and conduct of search and rescue operations.
Special transport service Prompt provision of all services with special vehicles, equipment of vehicles with flashing lights, ensuring traffic safety. flight preparation, operational commercial support of the flight.

In modern conditions of independence of air transport enterprises, the above services at some airports have a different name.

The airport can create its own services for aircraft maintenance (aviation engineering service, etc.).

The specific list, names and composition of services and units are established by the airport independently (except for services ensuring flight safety and aviation security), depending on the volume and structure of traffic at the airport, the composition of buildings and structures on the balance sheet of the airport, the peculiarities of the organization of management at the airport, the distribution of responsibilities between airport services and tenants, concessionaires for the implementation of certain types of work and services at the airport. But regardless of the name of the units, the following main tasks must be ensured: ground services and interaction with the traffic service, flight director.

The airfield unit provides:

Timely and high-quality preparation of the airfield for flights;

Organization and implementation of work on current and major repairs of the airfield, drainage and drainage systems, intra-airport roads and station areas;

Control of work on the airfield carried out by other services;

Compliance with safety, fire safety and environmental requirements;

High production discipline and responsibility for operational maintenance and preparation of the airfield for flights;

Control check of radio communication with the traffic controller; if radio communication is lost or unstable, it is necessary to stop the work and move the airfield equipment off the airstrip;

Immediately follow the commands of the flight director or air traffic controller (SDP MVL) to clear the airstrip and critical zones of the airfield from aerodrome equipment and people.

Service officials are responsible for fulfilling the listed requirements and fill out a checklist - obligation.

The aerodrome service is responsible for the preparation of the aerodrome, and the traffic service and the flight director are responsible for making decisions about the suitability of the aerodrome for flights based on the condition of the runway, and for stopping, renewing or limiting the acceptance and release of aircraft.

Traffic Service and Airport Flight Director

All airport services carry out work at the aerodrome only with the permission of the flight director (RPA), after agreeing on their implementation with the responsible person of the aerodrome service, under the guidance of the responsible persons of the service performing these works.

The flight director, based on the report and entry in the logbook of an aerodrome service official on the condition of the airfield and a personal inspection of the airfield, makes a conclusion about its readiness for flights and signs in the logbook.

Entries in the airfield condition log are made when taking over a shift, when the condition of the airfield surface changes, and after completion of work to prepare the airfield for flights.

Officials of the ESTOP service, the ERTOS base and other services, on the eve of the work, inform the airfield service of the nature of the work, the place and time of the work in order to combine their implementation in time.

Departure to the runway, taxiway and adjacent safety strips of vehicles and machinery for the maintenance of airfield pavements, maintenance of landing gear and performance of official duties by officials is carried out at the direction of the RPA and with the permission of the traffic controller (SDP MVL).

When performing work on the airfield, the organization of the safety of the movement of aerodrome vehicles, as well as control over their work, is ensured by the head of the aerodrome service or the person responsible for the work, who is obliged, on the instructions of the traffic controller (SDP MVL), if necessary, to take measures for the immediate removal of the machines , mechanisms and people from the airfield.

In all cases, the airstrip and critical zones of the airfield must be cleared of airfield equipment no later than 5 minutes before the estimated (updated) time of aircraft landing.

If it is necessary to temporarily stop the reception and release of aircraft for technical reasons, the traffic service provides information about the start and end times of work to the addresses provided in the aircraft traffic message sheet, but no later than 2 hours before the start of work.

Special transport service obliged:

Ensure that equipment in good condition, equipped with side and flashing lights, radio stations and towing devices, is placed at the disposal of the head of the airfield service (according to the report card) and upon his request no later than 20 minutes. in winter, and in summer - upon prior request one day in advance;

Select a person in charge from the special transport service and a squad of drivers who have permission to work at the airfield, ensuring that drivers pass

briefing and medical examination before leaving the line;

Know the requirements for equipment allocated for work at the airfield and the requirements for the technology of interaction between services providing flights;

Find additional reserves of drivers and mechanisms for timely snow removal operations in cases of airfield closure.

Aerodrome vehicles operating on the airfield must be equipped with intra-airport communication radios for interaction with the control panel, the air traffic controller (SDP MVL, KDP MVL) and the person responsible from the airfield service for the work. The vehicle responsible for carrying out the work, in addition to an intra-airport radio station, must be equipped with an aviation radio receiver to listen to radio traffic on the landing frequency.

The head of the special transport service is responsible for the timely allocation of the required number of technically sound vehicles and mechanisms equipped with side and flashing lights, radio stations and towing devices, as well as training of vehicle drivers.


To ensure clarity of ground support for flights, standard technological schedules have been developed for each aircraft for 3 stages of flights: before departure, when stopping at transit airport, upon arrival at the final airport.

An example of such a graph for the most typical TU-154 aircraft at the stage of preparation for departure is shown in Fig. 11.1.

Fig. 11.1. An example of a technological schedule for ground support for preparation for departure of a TU-154 aircraft.

The left side of the figure shows airport services, their types of work and types of machines, mechanisms, and equipment. At the bottom of the figure is the time until the plane takes off, in minutes. In the center of the figure, the processes of preparing for a flight are graphically shown, indicating the start and end times of this process.

Monitoring the implementation of such schedules and compliance with the flight schedule at the airport is carried out by the enterprise's production and dispatch service (PDSP).

Ground support for air transportation passengers and cargo are carried out by the following services:

Organization passenger transportation(SOPP);

Organization of international transport (SOMP);

Organization freight transport(SOGP).

At airports with a small volume of work, SOPP and SOPS can be combined into one service; in such cases, the international sector is organized in SOPP.

At large airports, each of these services or all together can be separated into separate, independent enterprises - legal entities (CJSC, LLC, OJSC).

Regardless of the above organizational features, airports must implement a comprehensive technology for ground transportation support to ensure the safety and regularity of flights.

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St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation


Name of discipline: Aerodromes and airports


In this test work we will consider the functions and purpose of airport airfield service bases, their territorial location relative to the runway and the scope of their activities.

We will also determine the length of the runway for aircraft takeoff and landing in local conditions.

1. Airport airfield service base

2. Determination of the length of the airstrip for aircraft takeoff in local conditions

3. Determination of the length of the airstrip for landing aircraft in local conditions



airfield airborne

1. Airport airfield service base

The main tasks of the airfield service are:

Operational maintenance and ongoing repairs of airfield pavements, drainage and drainage systems, the unpaved part of the airfield, intra-airport roads and the station area;

Development of changes to aircraft taxiing patterns on the apron and parking areas;

Providing information about the restrictions in force at the aerodrome, making changes to aeronautical information documents;

Coordination and control over the construction of facilities at the airfield and near the airfield;

Preparation of documentation for the commissioning of helipads in the airport’s area of ​​responsibility and monitoring their technical condition;

Ensuring work to eliminate the consequences aviation accidents available means and equipment as part of the airport emergency rescue team;

Rhnithological support;

Ensuring control over the work of third-party contractors at the airfield. The production functions of the airfield service are divided into two areas related to the preparation of the airfield for flights and the provision of these works on the basis of the airport airfield service (BASA).

To fulfill its functional responsibilities for the maintenance and repair of airfields, the airfield service must have a special airfield service base.

The parameters of buildings, structures and equipment of BASA must correspond to the volume of work performed.

BASA is intended:

For storage of paints and varnishes and solvents, preparation for operation of mechanization equipment for marking work;

Preparations for the use of mastics for filling seams and cracks on artificial surfaces;

Storage and preparation for use of chemicals and sand-salt mixtures to combat ice formations on artificial airfield surfaces, intra-airport roads and terminal areas;

Storage and preparation for use of means for measuring airfield condition parameters;

Maintenance, repair, storage, preparation for use of trailed airfield mechanization equipment and equipment;

Placement in open parking lots with hard surfaces of airfield self-propelled vehicles for the operational maintenance of airfields;

Storage and preparation for use building materials for routine repairs of artificial airfield surfaces;

Storing a minimum supply of materials and building structures necessary to repair damage to the airfield;

Storage and preparation for use of technical property of the airfield service (inventory, instruments, special equipment, special materials, special clothing, etc.).

The BASA area should be located near the airfield. The location of the BASA territory must be carried out taking into account the regulatory technological gaps from the runway, taxiway, terminal, apron, special sites, buildings and other airport structures.

The following should be located on the territory of BASA: administrative buildings; repair shops;

BASA includes the following buildings and structures;

Administrative and household;

Production workshops;

Closed warehouses for chemical reagents, paints and solvents, chemical materials;

Open storage areas under a canopy for mastics, lumber, sand, crushed stone, coal and garbage;

Open and closed parking lots for airfield mechanization equipment;

warehouses (storage facilities) for storing paints and varnishes, chemical reagents, mastics for filling joints, seeds of grass mixtures, equipment and materials;

sheds for storing construction materials, sand, crushed stone, gravel, etc. on sites;

garages for storing machinery and equipment;

areas with artificially marked surfaces for parking airfield vehicles and mechanisms;

areas without artificial surfaces for parking tracked vehicles, trailed mechanisms and equipment;

fire reservoir and primary fire extinguishing means.

The administrative building must provide equipped classrooms for technical training and personnel instruction.

Storage areas for bulk materials must be equipped with mechanization for loading and unloading operations.

Chemical de-icing reagents must be stored in warehouses in stacks in dry, closed, unheated rooms separately depending on the type of reagent.

The capacity of the chemical reagent warehouse must correspond to the maximum demand depending on the consumption of reagents during the season.

Seeds of grass mixtures must be stored in special rooms with appropriate temperature and humidity for these seeds.

Lumber, portable signs, snow guards and other wood products are typically stored under cover.

Rubber-bitumen binder for filling joints of airfield pavements must be stored in accordance with the requirements of TU 21-27-41-75.

At BASA, the airfield service must have means of reliable communication with the airline services.

On the territory of BASA, all established safety, labor protection, fire safety and environmental rules must be followed.

2. for aircraft takeoffin local conditions

Table 1. Initial data for calculations

Runway length:

where is the length of the runway in local conditions, m;

Runway length under standard conditions, m;

R p -- coefficient taking into account the deviation of the calculated air pressure from the standard;

R t -- coefficient taking into account the deviation of the calculated temperature from the standard one;

R i -- coefficient that takes into account the influence of the average slope of the runway on its required length.

L° runway is taken according to GosNIIGA data obtained as a result of flight tests of a specific type of aircraft.

R t = 1 +d t Dt;

Where d t = 0.01 -- correction for each degree of deviation of the calculated temperature from the standard;

Dt - deviation value of the calculated temperature t p asch from standard t st

The design air temperature for the airfield is determined by the formula:

t calc =1.07 t 13 - 3°C;

Where t 13 -- average monthly temperature at 13:00 for the hottest month of the year over a long-term period.

R p = 1 + d R H;

Where d R -- correction for each meter of elevation of the airfield above sea level. It is determined from the condition that for every 300 m of elevation of the airfield above sea level, the length of the runway increases by 7%.

R i = 1 + d i i avg;

where d i is the correction for each thousandth of the GDP slope, determined by aircraft groups.

table 2

The average slope of GDP is determined by the formula:

where N n, N k are the mark of the beginning and end of the runway, respectively;

Standard runway length by airfield class.

3. Determining the length of the airstripfor landing aircraft in local conditions

where, is the length of the runway for landing an aircraft in local and standard conditions, respectively;

R i is determined in the same way as for takeoff:

R i = 1 + d i i avg

Relative air density:

The calculated atmospheric pressure P calc is determined by the formula:

where p o is standard atmospheric pressure at sea level,

p o =760 mmHg

Consequently, the length of the airstrip for take-off and landing conditions is taken according to the maximum length of the runway for take-off or landing and the maximum length of the control point, that is:

Length of the airstrip (LS) - the airstrip must extend beyond each end of the runway or stop strip (STW), if provided, to a distance of at least 150 m for runways of classes A, B, C, D, D and 120 m for runways class E.

Standard maximum length of the CPT for runways of classes A, B, C is 400 m, for runways of classes D is 200 m, for runways of classes D is 150 m, for runways of class E is 100 m.


From the material we studied, we found out: There are no secondary services at the airport and each service is important in its own direction, without which it is impossible to ensure high reliability and safety air transport. One of the main conditions for ensuring regular and safe transportation is the presence of a well-developed network of air routes and ground means providing the necessary traffic intensity with a high degree of aircraft flight safety.

Calculations show how various factors can influence the runway length: ambient temperature, location of the airfield relative to sea level, pressure, air humidity, etc.


1) Manual for the operation of civil airfields of the Russian Federation (REGA RF-94).

2) "Air Transport" M. 1996.

3) Guidelines for completing the test.

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Aimed at: 1. maintaining and restoring original operational qualities, 2. ensuring the constant operational readiness of the airfield for the reception, release, and maintenance of aircraft.

AS tasks:

  • Operation, maintenance and repair of airfield airfield,

  • Systematic monitoring of the serviceability and technical condition of the airfield elements and ensuring the constant operational readiness of the airfield for flight operations, namely: * Systematic control (inspection), * detailed inspection (including instrumental and visual), * performance of work on the maintenance of airfield coatings, *repair work.

  • Control over compliance with the requirements of airfield elements and structures: *artificial pavements, *airfield pavement markings, *drainage and drainage networks, *grounding devices on the aprons of the airport, *Airfield signs, *ground elements of the soil field

  • Airfield pavement markings

  • Aircraft placement and movement

  • Participation in the investigation of aircraft accidents and their prerequisites due to the fault of the aircraft. Development of measures to prevent them

  • Participation in the development of provisions, amendments and additions to the Flight Operations Instructions regarding Aerodrome support

  • Activities for ornithological support of flights

  • Control over the construction of buildings and structures on the airfield area and coordination, recording and assessment of high-altitude obstacles at the Airfield

  • Interaction with all airline services providing flight services

  • Control and extension of state deadlines. registration and certification of Aerodrome elements

  • Timely provision of means for assessing braking conditions on the runway to the aviation meteorology center

  1. Airport airfield service base.
The production functions of the airfield service are divided into two areas related to the preparation of the airfield for flights and the provision of these works on the basis of the airport airfield service (BASA).

BASA is intended:

  • for storage of paints and varnishes and solvents, preparation for operation of mechanization equipment for marking work;

  • preparation for the use of mastics for filling seams and cracks on artificial surfaces;

  • storage and preparation for use of chemicals and sand-salt mixtures to combat ice formations on artificial airfield surfaces, intra-airport roads and terminal areas;

  • storage and preparation for use of means for measuring airfield condition parameters;

  • maintenance, repair, storage, preparation for use of trailed airfield mechanization and equipment;

  • placement in open parking lots with hard surfaces of airfield self-propelled vehicles for the operational maintenance of airfields;

  • storage and preparation for use of building materials for routine repairs of artificial airfield surfaces;

  • storage of a minimum supply of materials and building structures necessary to repair damage to the airfield;

  • storage and preparation for use of technical property of the airfield service (inventory, instruments, special equipment, special materials, special clothing, etc.).

The BASA area should be located near the airfield.

On the territory of BASA there should be placed:

  • administrative buildings;

  • repair shops;

  • warehouses (storage facilities) for storing paints and varnishes, chemical reagents, mastics for filling joints, seeds of grass mixtures, equipment and materials;

  • sheds for storing construction materials on sites;

  • areas with artificially marked surfaces for parking airfield vehicles and mechanisms;

  • areas without artificial surfaces for parking tracked vehicles, trailed mechanisms and equipment;

  • fire reservoir and primary fire extinguishing means.

  1. Scope of work for the operational maintenance of airfields in winter.
In winter conditions, it is necessary to reduce the time for cleaning coatings and other elements of the airfield and prepare them without stopping flight operation, in the “windows” between aircraft flights. It is recommended to solve this problem by using high-speed cleaning technology with machines that perform all the technological operations of snow removal: shifting, sweeping and transferring the embanked snow beyond the runway in a uniform mass.

Cleaning of artificial surfaces, racing areas, grounding devices, “lights” (luminaires) of the cleared areas of the roadway, areas of localization and glide slope radio beacons (KRM, GRM, RMS) from snow and slush;

Prevention and removal of ice and snow-ice formations;

Compaction of snow to the required thickness of 6 - 8 cm, followed by cleaning the surface from fallen precipitation, if the cleaning method at the airfield is adopted and used;

Leveling and compacting snow deposits, if the compaction method is used;

Elimination of ruts and potholes on snow-covered airfields;

Leveling snow deposits and shafts outside the runway, taxiway shoulders, interstates and aprons with slope planning;

Carrying out snow retention on airfields;

Removal of snow accumulations to places where snow is laid out;

Combating winter slipperiness on airport roads, access roads and terminal areas.

  1. Scope of work for the operational maintenance of airfields in the summer.

Operational maintenance of airfields during the summer period includes:

Cleaning artificial surfaces from dust, dirt, debris and other foreign objects;

Cleaning and sealing (filling) seams and cracks with new sealant (more than 5 0);

Current and major repairs of airfield pavement elements;

Updating of daytime markings of coverings and portable markings;

Maintaining the levelness and uniform strength of the soil part of the airfield;

Sodding of destroyed turf cover with elimination of ruts and potholes; carrying out measures to strengthen the soils of the working part of the airfields and ensure their erosion resistance; dust removal of the airfield surface;

Maintaining the grass stand at the established height and quality;

Ensuring surface water flow from the airfield and its structures and the capacity of drainage and drainage devices;

Removing rubber deposits, bitumen and oil stains, etc. surface contaminants.

It is recommended to draw up plans for the operational maintenance of airfield elements with the allocation of forces and means, first of all, for the most labor-intensive and critical work that requires the greatest mechanization.

Mechanization means should be used in accordance with the principles of technology, which are based on patrolling of harvesting machines with a rational selection of types of machines and their squad and optimal routes their movements.

The nature of cleaning work is largely determined by the planning decision of a particular airport, the parameters of aircraft and transport movement on the airfield and climatic conditions terrain.

The organization of work is carried out through the airfield service dispatcher, who must ensure:

Monitoring the release of vehicles onto the airfield, periodically checking their location;

Prompt redistribution of vehicles in cases of instructions from the RPA, the traffic controller (SDP MVL), the head of the airfield service, taking into account changes in their working conditions.

  1. The procedure for crossing the runway and ensuring aircraft towing.
The procedure for crossing the airstrip by special vehicles equipped with special equipment that meets the requirements of Section.

The driver of the car (service representative) is obliged to request permission from the traffic controller to cross the airstrip;

The traffic controller gives permission to cross the airstrip vehicle and informs the air traffic control controller about this only in cases where there is a time interval of at least 5 minutes from the moment the controller clears the intersection until the moment the landing aircraft lands, or when the aircraft during its run has passed the intended intersection of the airstrip;

Dispatchers of SDP and VSDP conduct visual observation of a moving vehicle;

After crossing the airstrip and its release by a vehicle that has left the airstrip (the boundaries of the RMS critical zone), the driver (service representative) must report to the traffic controller about the release of the airstrip;

Radio technical support and aviation telecommunications;

Navigation support.

Electrical, lighting and other types of support.

  1. Certification requirements for legal entities, carrying out airport activities for aerodrome support for civil aircraft flights.
Order No. 150 of June 23, 2003 on approval of federal aviation regulations. “Certification requirements for legal entities carrying out airport activities to provide services to passengers, baggage, cargo, mail, etc.”

A legal entity must be registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

To carry out airport activities, the organization creates divisions:

Services for organizing passenger, postal and cargo transportation on domestic and international overhead lines;

Special transport service;

Chief mechanic service;

Production and control room.

The organization develops and approves regulations on services that provide services.

The structure of the Organization's services should provide for the presence of:


Operational areas with special vehicles, departments carrying out maintenance. maintenance and repair of special vehicles, mechanization platforms and technical equipment and equipped necessary equipment.

The organization fulfills the requirements for meteorological support, safety and labor protection.

  1. Ornithological support for flights.

The Ornithological Flight Support Manual (ROOP GA-89) was developed in accordance with the requirements of #M12293 0 37901104 2851210947 2005303019 964829295 2947696141 13 2629698864 2822 84 Air Code #S of the USSR, #M12 293 1 37901149 1698301916 2589648985 2043273716 3704864250 3259534931 84 731286757 2392261205NPP GA-85# S, US GA-86, taking into account the provisions and recommendations on aviation ornithology contained in the instructions and methodological materials of the GA and ICAO documents.

Ornithological support for flights is aimed at preventing collisions between aircraft and birds in the areas of airfields and on air routes.

Ornithological support for flights is a complex of activities. The main ones of these activities are:

Identification and elimination of conditions conducive to the concentration of birds at airfields and adjacent areas;

Visual and radar monitoring of accumulations and mass migrations of birds along the aircraft’s path;

Prompt notification of aircraft crews about accumulations and mass migrations of birds detected along the route of the aircraft;

Performing special actions by aircraft crews in flight aimed at reducing the likelihood and danger of bird strikes;

Scare away birds that accumulate at airfields using special technical means;

Investigation and analysis of incidents of aircraft collisions with birds;

Conducting classes on aviation and ornithological topics with airport employees involved in ornithological support of flights.

The procedure for ornithological support of flights in each airline and the responsibilities of officials are determined by instructions approved by the commander of the airline in accordance with this Manual.

  1. Measures to reduce noise.
The most significant noise factors during the operation of aircraft are the takeoff and landing of aircraft, including the use of reverse thrust of aircraft engines. Additional sources of noise at airports include engine testing operations and auxiliary power units used during ground operations.

New generation aircraft are much less noisy than previous generation aircraft.

Airport authorities are also looking to reduce noise levels. In particular, operational piloting techniques are being introduced everywhere to reduce noise levels in areas close to the airport. The most widely used techniques for reducing aircraft noise include selecting specific approach trajectories and changing engine operating modes at certain stages of flight.

Sound pressure levels can be reduced through proper land use planning and the construction of acoustic barriers.

Acoustic barriers

The most effective and low-cost protection of some areas from certain types of airport noise is forest planting; after 100 meters of planting evergreen trees, the sound is reduced by 25-30 decibels.

As for the soundproofing of buildings at the airport itself, special soundproofing materials are used during their construction abroad.

The main ways to reduce noise in the airfield area are:

clarification of exit and approach routes in order to exclude aircraft overflights over large populated areas;

use, whenever possible (taking into account the actual characteristics of aircraft and flight safety requirements), climb profiles after takeoff;

restriction of night flights;

construction of noise-attenuating screens and devices at airfields;

construction of noise-attenuating hangars and engine testing stations.

Operation, maintenance and repair of the airfield

Systematic monitoring of serviceability and technical condition of elements and structures. airfield and support post. Operational readiness of the airfield for flight operations.

Systematic control (medicine inspection)

Detailed inspection

Carrying out coating maintenance work

Carrying out repair work

List of equipment for airfields and air routes.

1) providing services for passengers, baggage, mail and cargo:

We provide information and notification to passengers, clients and aviation. personnel;

S-we and facilities for the implementation of security measures and pre-flight inspection in airports, cargo warehouses, aprons and aircraft;

We and the facilities for managing the production activities of the airport or its structural divisions when servicing aircraft;

Weighing equipment for weighing luggage, hand luggage, cargo and mail;

Transport systems and facilities for servicing passengers and luggage;

Mechanisms for cleaning halls, a/c premises;

Machines and mechanisms for the delivery of passengers;

Machines and mechanisms for transporting luggage, mail and cargo, machines and mechanisms for loading and unloading them;

Machines and mechanisms for boarding and disembarking passengers;

Machines and mechanisms for processing various categories of cargo in the cargo area.

2) aircraft maintenance. techniques:

Air-oxygen refueling equipment;

Water filling equipment;

Frequency converters and rectifiers;

Electric speakers;

Electrical units;

Installations for testing electrical sources and hydraulic systems;

Air conditioners and heaters.

3) aviation fuel supply and quality control of aviation fuels and lubricants:

We and the aircraft refueling facilities;

We are also used for filtering fuel and removing water from it;

Means of consumption and accounting of aviation fuels and lubricants;

Protection against water hammer and electricity in fuel;

Quality control facilities for aviation fuels and lubricants.

4) road support:

Harvesting and snow removal machines;

Bird repellent installations;

Thermal and wind machines;

Brake trolleys;

Road vehicles;

Machines for filling seams and cracks;

Brush winding equipment;

Specialist. energy supply equipment.

Search equipment;

Emergency rescue equipment or supplies;

Fire-technical products;

Technical training facilities, emergency rescue simulators.

6) meteorological support:

Weather equipment.

7) radio technical support:

Radio navigation tools;

Radar systems;

Aviation telecommunications facilities.

A/D flight support is a set of measures to maintain the A/D in constant operational readiness for take-off, landing, parking and taxiing of aircraft.

8.11. Aerodrome flight support includes a set of measures to maintain the airfield of the airfield, including the runway, taxiway, aprons and aircraft parking areas, platforms special purpose, in constant operational readiness for take-off, landing, taxiing and parking of aircraft.

8.12. Preparation of the airfield for aircraft flights, control over its technical condition, timely repairs, determination of friction coefficient values ​​is carried out by the main operator of the airport.

8.13. The organization of work at a controlled aerodrome, the start and end time of work to prepare the aerodrome for aircraft flights, the technical condition of the aerodrome is determined by the main operator of the airport and agreed in writing by the ATS authority.

The main operator of the airport promptly informs the ATS authority about the technical condition of the airfield elements, the lighting equipment system, and the airfield power supply. The air traffic control unit at the airfield provides prompt information to aircraft crews about the condition of the airfield.

8.14. Before a temporary cessation of the reception and release of aircraft caused by the technical condition of the aerodrome, work requiring the cessation of flights, the ATS unit, based on information received from the main operator of the airport, provides information to the zone ATM center about the start and end times of work to prepare the aerodrome for flights. later than two hours before the start of work.

Information about the time of completion of work is the basis for the departure of an aircraft from other airports with the expectation of arrival at a given airfield no earlier than the specified time of completion of work.

8.15. If circumstances arise that make it impossible to receive or release aircraft, the chief operator of the aerodrome immediately transmits information about this to the air traffic control unit of the aerodrome for transmission to the EU ATM authorities and the crews of arriving aircraft.

The final decision on landing is made by the PIC. At the same time, flight services take all possible measures to ensure safety during landing.

8.16. Work on the airfield of the airfield is carried out only with the permission of the flight director and under the direction of the person responsible for the work at the airfield service of the main airport operator.

When working on the runway, a control check of radio communication is carried out every 15 minutes between the person responsible for the work at the aerodrome service and the relevant ATS unit.

8.17. Work on the runway is stopped with its immediate release from all means of mechanization in the following cases:
loss of radio communication between the ATS unit and the person responsible for the specified work;
at the direction of the ATS authority.

8.18. The procedure for the placement and organization of the movement of aircraft, special transport and mechanization equipment at the airfield is established by the main operator of the airport in accordance with the requirements of the "Instructions for organizing the movement of special transport and mechanization equipment at civil airfields of the Russian Federation", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2006. No. 82.

8.19. Special vehicles entering the airstrip and taxiways are equipped with side and flashing lights, radio stations for intra-airport communications, towing devices and fire extinguishing equipment.

Side and flashing lights installed on airfield vehicles must be turned on when equipment is operating on the airfield, regardless of the time of day.

The vehicle of the person responsible for carrying out work at the aerodrome of the aerodrome service of the main airport operator is additionally equipped with a radio station for listening to radio traffic at the landing (take-off) frequency.

Operation, maintenance and repair of the airfield

Systematic monitoring of serviceability and technical condition of elements and structures. airfield and support post. Operational readiness of the airfield for flight operations.

Systematic control (medicine inspection)

Detailed inspection

Carrying out coating maintenance work

Carrying out repair work

List of equipment for airfields and air routes.

1) providing services for passengers, baggage, mail and cargo:

We provide information and notification to passengers, clients and aviation. personnel;

S-we and facilities for the implementation of security measures and pre-flight inspection in airports, cargo warehouses, aprons and aircraft;

We and the facilities for managing the production activities of the airport or its structural divisions when servicing aircraft;

Weighing equipment for weighing luggage, hand luggage, cargo and mail;

Transport systems and facilities for servicing passengers and luggage;

Mechanisms for cleaning halls, a/c premises;

Machines and mechanisms for the delivery of passengers;

Machines and mechanisms for transporting luggage, mail and cargo, machines and mechanisms for loading and unloading them;

Machines and mechanisms for boarding and disembarking passengers;

Machines and mechanisms for processing various categories of cargo in the cargo area.

2) aircraft maintenance. techniques:

Air-oxygen refueling equipment;

Water filling equipment;

Frequency converters and rectifiers;

Electric speakers;

Electrical units;

Installations for testing electrical sources and hydraulic systems;

Air conditioners and heaters.

3) aviation fuel supply and quality control of aviation fuels and lubricants:

We and the aircraft refueling facilities;

We are also used for filtering fuel and removing water from it;

Means of consumption and accounting of aviation fuels and lubricants;

Protection against water hammer and electricity in fuel;

Quality control facilities for aviation fuels and lubricants.

4) road support:

Harvesting and snow removal machines;

Bird repellent installations;

Thermal and wind machines;

Brake trolleys;

Road vehicles;

Machines for filling seams and cracks;

Brush winding equipment;

Specialist. energy supply equipment.

Search equipment;

Emergency rescue equipment or supplies;

Fire-technical products;

Technical training facilities, emergency rescue simulators.

6) meteorological support:

Weather equipment.

7) radio technical support:

Radio navigation tools;

Radar systems;

Aviation telecommunications facilities.

A/D flight support is a set of measures to maintain the A/D in constant operational readiness for take-off, landing, parking and taxiing of aircraft.

8.11. Aerodrome flight support includes a set of measures to maintain the airfield of the airfield, including the runway, taxiway, aprons and aircraft parking areas, special-purpose areas, in constant operational readiness for takeoff, landing, taxiing and parking of aircraft.

8.12. Preparation of the airfield for aircraft flights, control over its technical condition, timely repairs, determination of friction coefficient values ​​is carried out by the main operator of the airport.

8.13. The organization of work at a controlled aerodrome, the start and end time of work to prepare the aerodrome for aircraft flights, the technical condition of the aerodrome is determined by the main operator of the airport and agreed in writing by the ATS authority.

The main operator of the airport promptly informs the ATS authority about the technical condition of the airfield elements, the lighting equipment system, and the airfield power supply. The air traffic control unit at the airfield provides prompt information to aircraft crews about the condition of the airfield.

8.14. Before a temporary cessation of the reception and release of aircraft caused by the technical condition of the aerodrome, work requiring the cessation of flights, the ATS unit, based on information received from the main operator of the airport, provides information to the zone ATM center about the start and end times of work to prepare the aerodrome for flights. later than two hours before the start of work.

Information about the time of completion of work is the basis for the departure of an aircraft from other airports with the expectation of arrival at a given airfield no earlier than the specified time of completion of work.

8.15. If circumstances arise that make it impossible to receive or release aircraft, the chief operator of the aerodrome immediately transmits information about this to the air traffic control unit of the aerodrome for transmission to the EU ATM authorities and the crews of arriving aircraft.

The final decision on landing is made by the PIC. At the same time, flight services take all possible measures to ensure safety during landing.

8.16. Work on the airfield of the airfield is carried out only with the permission of the flight director and under the direction of the person responsible for the work at the airfield service of the main airport operator.

When working on the runway, a control check of radio communication is carried out every 15 minutes between the person responsible for the work at the aerodrome service and the relevant ATS unit.

8.17. Work on the runway is stopped with its immediate release from all means of mechanization in the following cases:
loss of radio communication between the ATS unit and the person responsible for the specified work;
at the direction of the ATS authority.

8.18. The procedure for the placement and organization of the movement of aircraft, special transport and mechanization equipment at the airfield is established by the main operator of the airport in accordance with the requirements of the "Instructions for organizing the movement of special transport and mechanization equipment at civil airfields of the Russian Federation", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2006. No. 82.

8.19. Special vehicles entering the airstrip and taxiways are equipped with side and flashing lights, radio stations for intra-airport communications, towing devices and fire extinguishing equipment.

Side and flashing lights installed on airfield vehicles must be turned on when equipment is operating on the airfield, regardless of the time of day.

The vehicle of the person responsible for carrying out work at the aerodrome of the aerodrome service of the main airport operator is additionally equipped with a radio station for listening to radio traffic at the landing (take-off) frequency.