We spent a full seven days in Fukuoka. We drove the length and breadth of the island. We visited basically all the places mentioned in tourist brochures and more. I decided to build this review according to the principle: place - description, abandoning the more familiar structure of a diary by day.

How to get to Fukuoka

Opened in Fukuoka in 2012 new airport(PQC code) which accepts regular flights from Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Haiphong and Can Tho. In addition, hundreds of charters fly here from all over the world.

The most convenient way to get to this Vietnamese island is from Ho Chi Minh City. Depending on the season and day of the week, the number of flights per day from Saigon can reach 10 or more. The journey is only 1 hour. Flights operated by: Vietnam airlines, VietJet Air, JetStar. Ticket prices range from 4,000 rubles. up to 20,000 rub. for round trip flight per person. We bought tickets for New Year's dates 5 months before departure (in August). Low-cost airline - JetStar, price - 4,300 rubles (round trip). I recommend booking tickets in advance if you want to save 10-15 thousand rubles. Aviasales to help.

Road from/to Fukuoka Airport

If I'm not mistaken, there is no public transport. You need to get from the airport to the hotel by taxi or a previously booked transfer at the hotel. Taxi stands are located at the exit, also in the baggage claim area. Everything is simple here, show your hotel reservation with the address, pay for travel at the counter, receive a voucher, and go out. We get into the hands of a driver who, using a voucher, takes us to the hotel without any problems or questions. The island itself is not small, so the price of a taxi will be from 100,000 dong to 300,000 - 400,000 dong, depending on the location of the hotel.

Where to stay in Fukuoka

When choosing a hotel in Fukuoka, you should immediately ignore the eastern coast of the island. There is no infrastructure here, the coast is one complete garbage dump.

95% of hotels are on the west coast. For myself, roughly speaking, I divided all the hotels into 4 zones (from north to south):

Neighborhood Vinpearl

At the time of our trip, this territory was actively being developed. Huge multi-story buildings were built here chain hotels premium class. In addition to Vinpearl amusement parks, a casino should open here in the near future. For whom all this will be built and who will live here, I have no idea. Europeans and Americans will not come here when they have Las Vegas, Miami, Ibiza, and Nice at home. Especially considering the mentality and service of the local residents. I do not recommend this area of ​​the island. Anyone who wants luxury should go to Dubai, and in no case to Phu Quoc.

Ong Lang Beach area

We lived in this area and I can safely say that this the best place to stay in Fukuoka. Ong Lang Beach is the cleanest on the island. Local hotels have large green areas, almost all accommodation is in “bungalows” and houses. This allows you to be closer to nature. Local residents do not live here, peace and quiet. This area is located in the very center of the island, making it very convenient to make forays into other parts of Fukuoka.

A map of hotels in this area with Booking is below:

Hotels in and around Duong Dong

I won't pay much attention. It’s only suitable for backpackers, and even then you can find more impressive options in other parts of the island for little money.

Hotels located along Long Beach

Long Beach is not much inferior to Ong Lang. There is also a very clean coast here, a large number of hotels for every taste and budget. The difference from the Ong Lang area is that the concentration of tourists here is several times higher. Hence the bustle, the constant movement.

For those who value tranquility and privacy, I would advise staying in the Ong Lang Beach area; for everyone else, Long Beach.

The place is very beautiful. The beach is located in a small bay surrounded by hills covered with tropical vegetation. White sand.

At low tide coastline increases greatly. The beach, especially in the photo, looks heavenly.

We were not able to enjoy this natural beauty, relax, or swim in the sea. There is so much dirt and garbage here that there are simply no words. Wild trash. The entire coast is strewn with bags, bottles and other nasty things. The desire to swim here immediately disappears when a pack of condoms floats next to you and a meter-long piece of driftwood drags along the bottom.

Infrastructure: along the beach there are several cafes in traditional Vietnamese style - dirty tables, dishes, waiters sleeping on the move. I didn’t have any particular complaints about this, since this is Vietnam.

Each establishment diligently “cleans” its coastline from dirt and debris. It happens like this: a Vietnamese shovels garbage into a bucket, moves beyond the restaurant’s shore area and pours it out where a section of the beach belongs to no one. The sea takes all this garbage again with a wave and washes it down over time. Such is the cycle of idiocy.

One of our compatriots, who has lived on the island for more than 5 years, assured me that after the wind changes, the beach will be cleaned and it will be exemplary. The locals have the following mentality: why clean up today if tomorrow the sea will again bring all sorts of rubbish.

I don’t post photos of the mud so as not to spoil the impression of this place, because it really is amazing. Hope, local authorities They will pay attention and put this beach in order; it has no equal in beauty on the island.

Beach - continuation of Bai Sao

If you stand facing the sea on Sao Beach, then on the right there is another beach, which differs in the color of the sand, it is yellow.

There are huge boulders in the water and on the shore. The coastline is slightly narrower than that of Bai Sao. There are no restaurants or sun loungers here. In a way, this is a plus, since there are almost no people, you can throw in a towel and lie in solitude.

The main problem is, again, garbage, but oddly enough there is much less of it here, there is almost none in the water, although it is no more than 1 km from Bai Sao. Apparently the features of the tide.

Ong Lang Beach

The most well-groomed and clean beach in Fukuoka. The sand is fine and golden in color. There are many decent hotels and restaurants on the first coastline, hence the impeccable cleanliness; the surrounding area is regularly cleaned. The sea is very calm and warm.

In some places there are areas with stone banks.

Large areas of this beach are occupied by hotels, mainly of the bungalow type. Since all the beaches in Fukuoka are public, this does not cause problems. You can swim and relax along the entire coastline. Restrictions are only on the use of sun loungers and other beach equipment that belongs to the hotel.

Ganh Gio Beach

Ganh Gio Beach - located south of Ong Lang beach on the western part of the island. Essentially no different from Ong Lang. Is that access to the beach is only possible through the territory of the Shells Resort hotel (one of the most expensive in Fukuoka). You could say the beach is private.

They may not be allowed into the hotel territory, so if you are not staying at this hotel, then there is nothing to do at Ganh Gio Beach.

Other beaches in Fukuoka

The above are places that I have studied well. We spent enough time on these beaches to form a specific opinion about them. In addition to these places, during our stay on the island we were taken to several more beaches, and I’ll say a few words about them.

Long Beach- the center of everything beach holiday Fukuoka. Its length is about 20 km. Probably 90-95% of all hotels and resorts are located on this beach and its surroundings. I try to avoid places where there are such crowds of people, so I won’t give recommendations.

Duong Dong Beach

Thom Beach- garbage dump, not suitable for swimming or relaxing

Entertainment in Fukuoka

Judging by tourist brochures and notes, Phu Quoc is famous not only for its beaches. We had enough time to carefully familiarize ourselves with island life and all the entertainment for tourists. In addition to beach holidays, Phu Quoc offers activities for guests to suit every taste:

  • hiking trails through tropical forests;
  • one-day snorkeling/diving excursions to coral reefs and islands;
  • a modern amusement park with water slides and attractions;
  • safari zoo;
  • rich excursionist. Pepper factory, pearl factory, local fish sauce production
  • Getting to know local traditions and lifestyle (markets, street food, etc.)

Night market

Before going to the island, I read a lot of comments and reviews about the night market. People described this place as a paradise for fans of seafood and street food in general.

The market consists of several streets with street cafes, shops selling nuts, souvenirs and other junk. Every reputable establishment has aquariums and counters with fresh catch.

There are really no questions about the products, everything is fresh. Wide selection of shellfish and fish. There is exotic stuff - for example, sharks and other unknown creatures. It’s interesting to look at sea creatures and tap their fingers on the glass. This is, in its own way, a miniature aquarium.

Guests are invited to choose their own dinner. They prepare, without exception, according to three recipes: grilled, boiled, boiled/stewed with local seasonings.

I can’t stand intrusiveness, so I didn’t feel very comfortable walking around the market. The Vietnamese are overwhelming from all sides, everyone offers to sit in his establishment. Cherkizovsky market in Moscow in the nineties, one to one. Only instead of sneakers and tracksuits, they sell shrimp and squid here.

All eateries, and there is no other way to call them, are the same. So we sat down where there were people and the most decent tables and tablecloths.

I don’t consider myself a squeamish person, but here there is excellent filth everywhere. You can stick tightly to the table. I had to drink beer from a bottle; I didn’t dare pour it into a glass. The seafood is fresh, you can be patient, let's go choose your dinner. We took: shrimp, squid, sea ​​urchins, oysters and some other shells. They didn’t manage to spoil the shrimp, but what the hell were the rest of the dishes was a big question for me.

With a clear conscience I tried everything. Then my stomach ached wildly and we moved away from the Night Market.

Bottom line. The feeling is like resentment for wasting an evening on the island, and also a pain in the stomach after the “delicious” seafood. In my opinion, there is absolutely nothing to do here. As a last resort, if you are completely tired of sitting in a cozy restaurant on the coast with a glass of beer or wine, enjoying delicious and most importantly safe food, then go here to look at the bizarre creatures in the aquarium, but under no circumstances eat anything here. Not tasty and not safe.

Phu Quoc Pepper Farm

There are several pepper factories, or more precisely, pepper farms, in Fukuoka. At least there are about five markers on the mapsme map. We visited the most “touristy” of them. It is located a couple of kilometers from the city of Duong Dong. See map above.

At first, I still didn’t understand whether we had arrived correctly or not, since there were practically no identifying signs of the factory, not counting the sign on the road. In general, the place looked more like an ordinary farmhouse. There is also a shop near the road that sells pepper and coffee. The guy showed us how to get to the farm.

The place is a plantation where peppers are grown - strict rows of climbing plants.

There is a small orchard.

In the store you can buy many different versions of ready-made seasoning. Black and white pepper, peas and ground, ground with garlic and soy sauce.

I guess that's all.

We stopped at a farm on our way from Bai Sao. You won’t be able to stay here for more than half an hour, since, in fact, there is nothing to see or do.

My opinion is that if you are passing by, you should definitely stop to buy pepper for the year ahead and then distribute it to all your friends and relatives as a souvenir. I don’t see any point in coming here purposefully to see the farm.

Fish sauce factory, pearl factory

Both of these establishments are a common ploy by local residents to attract the attention of tourists. You arrive there and all you find is a shop where you can buy pearls or fish sauce. There is nothing more to say. It's not worth going.

Trekking in Phu Quoc (Ganh Dau trail)

There are no tracking routes in the usual sense of the word in Fukuoka. Let me explain a little: on the island there is a huge national parka tropical forest, where monkeys, parrots and many others live in their natural environment. There are lakes, waterfalls, rivers, hills. Only the infrastructure and access to these nature reserves No. Complete impenetrable jungle.

In total, we had three trips to different parts of the island, with the goal of seeing wild monkeys, listening to caecas, and generally getting to know the local flora and fauna.

In the north (map above) there is a route that is marked on tourist maps - Ganh Dau trail.

It consists of a path about 2 km long through the forest. The route is a dead end. Reached the end and back.

I've seen trees like this a couple of times

On the trail you feel that the forest is simply teeming with insects, snakes and other creatures. We were already close to sunset and completely alone. The feeling is eerie, I'm happy.

This is all. More equipped tourist routes not in Fukuoka. One time we turned off the road and followed a path not marked on the road. tourist map(on my map "Forest")

After 15 minutes we came to a clearing where the Vietnamese were diligently cutting down the jungle. It looks like it's under construction for a hotel or something. They looked at us wildly; apparently it was unusual for them to see white people in the forest and not on the beach.

A couple of times we tried to find a more or less sane road/trail along which we could walk through Phu Quoc National Park. Judging by the maps, there is a trail that crosses the entire park, but we were unable to reach it. Local residents looked at us as if we were plague-ridden, waved their hands and sent us away from the forest.

The DT973 road (Duong Dong - Bai Thom) runs through the jungle. You can ride along it quite comfortably on a scooter to the north and back to look at the local landscape. Along the way we happened to meet wild monkeys.

In general, as I understand it, the national park is a wild and undeveloped place. Even local residents they don't go there. According to verified information, there are over 61 species of reptiles alone. You can read about the park using the link.

My opinion:

To me, as an amateur wildlife it was simply necessary to try to climb into the jungle and see wild monkeys. I was pleased to see the nature of this region. Since the infrastructure on the island is completely unsuitable for such a holiday, not everyone will like such entertainment. For those who are bored of lying on the beach all day, I can advise the following:

  • The Ganh Dau Trail walking route will take 1-2 hours, you can “feel” the jungle a little, especially closer to sunset;
  • Ride a scooter along the Duong Dong - Bai Thom road along National Park. It will take about 1.5 - 2 hours round trip. You can meet wild monkeys.

Snorkeling/diving in Phu Quoc

There are no living creatures or corals on the beaches of Fukuoka. Travel agencies offer day trips to small islands that are located north or south of Fukuoka. We took a tour to northern islands, since in the south there were unfavorable conditions due to the wind. It doesn’t matter which islands you go to; the program is the same everywhere and includes:

  • Transfer from the hotel to Duong Dong pier where the boat is waiting
  • The road to the islands by boat is 1-1.5 hours
  • Fishing for about an hour per donk
  • Snorkeling off the islands, about 2 hours
  • Lunch after snorkeling
  • free time on one of the beaches of Fukuoka, which is taken by boat

The price per person for a group excursion is about 20-30 dollars, depending on the travel agency. We took a private trip for $120 from Phu Quoc Beach Travel, in an office located near Ong Lang Beach. In appearance, this agency was the most decent, you can pay by card, there were even brochures in Russian with a description. Additionally, they offered to take a Russian-speaking guide for $20, but we refused. As a result, the guide was our Russian former pilot, who settled on the island in retirement.

We went to several other agencies: in one the Vietnamese woman still didn’t understand what a Private tour was and just pointed at the brochure, in another there was no one at all.

Since we had a private excursion, we did not have to go to Duong Dong to the pier. The boat itself came to us on Ong Lang beach, next to which we lived.

The purpose of the excursion is small islands: Fingernail Island and Turtle Island. The journey is about an hour in total. Next to them you can fish from a boat to the bottom, swim with fins and a mask.

It is difficult to call them islands. Small pieces of land that can be reached by swimming.

We tried fishing and decided not to waste time on it. firstly, it wasn’t particularly biting, and secondly, catching fish from the palm of your hand is not particularly interesting.

We spent all the allotted time in the water on a coral reef

You can get out onto land and relax a little. There is garbage on the island that comes from the sea, and there is quite a lot of it. Some bottles and flasks look like they have been lying here for years. Since they bring tourists here, why not collect all the dirt. The area of ​​the island is only 100 square meters. But this is Vietnam, no one picks up trash here.

Two hours is enough to swim above the corals and look at small fish.

On the way back from the islands, lunch is offered, which includes local dishes: Pho soup, rice, chicken. The dishes are simple and tasty, especially after 2 hours on the water. For exotic items, you can try sea urchins for an additional fee.

By 15:00 we were brought back to Ong Lang Beach.

General impressions: If in your life you have never seen anything underwater except sand and stones, then you should definitely take an excursion. For beginners, snorkeling in Fukuoka will delight you. It so happened that I first became acquainted with the underwater world while scuba diving in the Red Sea and now snorkeling or diving in other places does not evoke strong emotions in me. The local underwater world is sparse and not so motley and colorful, but it is here. I like active holidays, I’d rather swim for 3 hours and look at the corals than lie on the beach, so I recommend it.

Safari Zoo in Phu Quoc (Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc) + Vinpearlland Amusement Park

Since we had plenty of time on the island, we decided not to bypass the recently opened Vinpearlland amusement park and Safari Zoo. They are located in the north of the island. We traveled around the island for seven days on a rented scooter, so we didn’t encounter any problems getting to one or another part of the island, but it seems there are also buses from Duong Dong free buses several times a day.

At the ticket office of the zoo, general tickets for 1 day (Vinperalland + Vinpearl Safari) were purchased at a price of 850,000 Dong per person. It was decided to start with the zoo, since its opening hours are shorter, from 09:00 to 16:00. The park is divided into 2 zones:

  1. Animals in cages;
  2. Safari Park.

The zoo is very decent. The territory is well-groomed, everything is thought out and worked out to the smallest detail.

We couldn’t stay here for more than two hours; the scorching sun was simply unbearable. Moreover, we got here at the very peak of the heat, we arrived at 12 and walked until 2.

Next about Vinpearlland. It's a 10-minute scooter ride from the zoo. The park is divided into several zones and offers the following entertainment: water slides, attractions, an aquarium, a show of dancing fountains, etc. In a word, we have collected everything that is possible. We walked here using the previously purchased single ticket in zoo. I’ll say right away that we were only interested in the park with water slides, we didn’t go anywhere else, we didn’t see anything. So they are a solid 4k. There are no queues. There are enough slides, there is somewhere for children and adults to ride. You can read more about the park.

I can only recommend spending a day on Vinpearl if you have visited all the other places on the list above and still have time on the island. Also, such parks will probably be of interest to tourists with children. You can spend the whole day here. It’s better to start in the morning (from 9 o’clock) at the zoo, while the heat can still allow you to walk under open air. There is little shade in the zoo. After 12 you can move to Vinpearlland to water slides and attractions.

Asia is famous for its sunsets, and Phu Quoc is no exception in this regard. You can watch a beautiful sunset along the entire western coast of the island. The spectacle is truly impressive. We planned every day so that at 17:30 we would be at Ong Lang Beach with a bottle of Tiger. Comments are unnecessary here.

By 18:00 the sun sets in Fukuoka, people begin to disperse to their hotels and by 18:30 - 19:00 decent restaurants are full. It will be possible to sit down, but not always at a comfortable table.

  • Hotel: Mango Bay or Coco Palm
  • Beach: Ong Lang
  • Excursions: Snorkeling to the islands
  • What to see: Bai Sao Beach, pepper farm, walking route, Vinpearl Zoo

Phu Quoc is amazing beautiful island in the very south of Vietnam, the largest in the country. The northern part of the island is mostly mountains and forests, but the southern part of Fukuoka is more famous for its beaches.

Soft sand, clear sea and privacy can be found on almost all the beaches of Fukuoka. So which one should you choose for your holiday? The best option- visit them all! I made a short review of the best beaches on Phu Quoc island. Which one will be first on your list is up to you.

Long Beach

Long Beach in Fukuoka

On the west side of Phu Quoc you will find a large beach called Long Beach. It is impossible to drive past it, because this is where most of the hotels and resorts on the island are located. The beach on this side stretches for about 5 km, south of the capital of Fukuoka, Dong Dong. You can relax on any beach. They do not belong to hotels, and no one will kick you out.

Ganh Dau Beach

Gan Dau beach in Fukuoka

This beach is located at the top of the island on the northwest coast, if you look at the map of Fukuoka. It is approximately 28 km from Dong Dong. To get to the beach, you need to drive past a Vietnamese village, and you will soon find yourself in a paradise. Silence, tranquility and beauty. There's only one for the whole beach local restaurant, so no one will stop you from enjoying the sea and peace. By the way, you can eat good seafood in the restaurant.

Bai Sao (Sao Beach)

Bai Sao beach in Fukuoka

On east side Phu Quoc Island has one of the most beautiful beaches on the island. Getting to it is a little more difficult than getting to Long Beach. It is best to navigate by map or take a taxi. There are practically no signs on the roads of Fukuoka. Bai Sao is a rather secluded place. There are only a few restaurants and guest houses there, but they are located quite far from each other. If you're looking for a party, Long Beach is the place to go.

Cua Can

Cua Kan beach in Fukuoka

This Phu Quoc beach is not very well known to tourists, although it is located only 8 km north of the town of Duong Dong on the west coast of the island behind a fishing village. You can get there by boat or cross rickety wooden bridges on a bike. The car won't go there.

Bai Thom

Bai Thom beach in Phu Quoc

This Phu Quoc beach may not be as beautiful as Bai Sao, but it has its own unique charm. In addition, there you can have a nude photo shoot or make love right under a palm tree. It's not often that you meet someone there. A completely uninhabited place. This beach is located on extreme point northeast of the island, approximately 35 km from Dong Dong. The best way to get there is by bike.

Bai Vong Beach

Bai Wong beach in Phu Quoc

Bai Wong is located on east coast Fukuoka is about 8 km from the island's capital, about halfway to Bai Sao Beach. There is also white sand there and generally very beautiful. Several restaurants serving local Vietnamese cuisine are hidden under the palm trees. They serve wonderful fresh seafood and freshly squeezed juices. It is not difficult to get to Bai Wong by bike.

Take a look. With its help, you can decide which beach of the island to start your voyage from.

In this post I’ll tell you about the best beaches in Fukuoka and make my personal rating of the beaches. Also here you will find tips on choosing a place to come on vacation and a map of Fukuoka beaches in Russian.

Overall, Phu Quoc is wonderful. tropical island, but there are some peculiarities here. Firstly, tourism here began to develop quite recently and at a very fast pace, because of this, in many places there is construction, dust and dirt. It's no longer tropical paradise, where you are alone with nature, although in general the environment is good - there are no industries. Secondly, there is a real problem with garbage and sewerage; the Vietnamese seem to have not yet figured out where to put it with the influx of a large number of people. Yes, if the beach is looked after by the staff of a nearby hotel, it will be simply gorgeous. And if it’s no man’s territory, then all the garbage will be shoveled there.

I think a few years will pass and Phu Quoc will turn into main resort Vietnam (like Phuket in Thailand, where tourism has been developing for a long time). Until that happens, you have the opportunity to enjoy the almost empty beaches of this island. And I’ll tell you which beach in Fukuoka to choose.

Best beaches Fukuoka is mainly located on its western, northern and northwestern sides, but there are two chic places to visit on the east coast. These are the small beaches of Sao and Kem. They are small, but very picturesque!

Sao Beach

A cozy bay about one and a half kilometers long with incredibly white sand, fine as flour. There are truly heavenly landscapes here, curved palm trees on the shore, mountains around, covered with tropical forest...

Bai Sao is considered the most beautiful beach Fukuoka, this is business card islands. All the more surprising are the piles of garbage that are found in some places along the beach. Apparently, the winds and currents here are such that garbage washes ashore in certain seasons.

Plus add to this the crowds of people who come on their own or on an excursion, jet skis, bananas and all the attributes of a popular beach. So don’t expect a straight bounty from Sao Beach. The best part of it is on the left side at the very edge of the bay.

The entrance to the water is gentle, but there are small waves, but the water is very warm - the kids will love it. On the shore there are several beach cafes with inflated prices (it is better to buy food in advance at the store located at the turn from the main road to the beach), toilet, shower, you can rent sun loungers and an umbrella (100 thousand dong). It’s better to arrive in the morning: firstly, it’s not hot, and secondly, the tourists haven’t arrived yet :)

There are no hotels on the first line on Bai Sao, everything is a little further inland, but I don’t recommend spending a vacation here either.

Bai Kem

Bai Kem Beach is located just south of Bai Sao and is a bay just under a kilometer long. There is now active construction of luxury hotels with all the ensuing consequences; getting to the beach is not so easy (according to latest reviews Now only guests of hotels on the shore can access the beach).

In general, Bai Kem has the same white sand, the same picturesque palm trees on the shore, but there are no people. But all this beauty is available only to hotel guests. In the meantime, while active construction is underway, I do not recommend settling there. even if there is such a possibility.

Long Beach

Long Beach is the most developed beach in Fukuoka. Its length is about 20 kilometers, so everyone will find a place for themselves. Part north of the airport and to the city of Duong Dong is more developed, along the road there you will find all tourism infrastructure in the form of cafes, restaurants, travel agencies, ATMs, hotels. Part south of the airport It is just under construction, and although luxury hotels with large territories have already appeared there, otherwise you will be on the outskirts with the accompanying construction landscape.

Long Beach has medium-sized golden sand, a gentle entrance to the water (a little sharper in some places), the purity of the sea water depends on the waves and weather. During the calm there was clear water here.

Unfortunately, in some places there is garbage and the sewage flows straight into the sea.

The advantage of Long Beach is the proximity to the city of Duong Dong, there is a night market, fish market and several temples. And in general, it’s interesting to look at the life of a small Vietnamese town. But you should still choose a hotel a little further from the city, nice beach starts from Saigon Phu Quoc Resort & Spa and further south.

Long Beach

In my opinion, Long Beach is the best beach in Phu Quoc for a vacation. Yes, it may be a little less picturesque than Bai Sao or Ong Lang, but it’s still quite cozy. Plus, the developed infrastructure compensates for some of the disadvantages. You can easily find a bungalow on the first line and enjoy your vacation.

Ong Lang Beach

A cool long beach north of the town of Duong Dong, it can be divided into several sections, with rocky capes between them. Here, perhaps, the cleanest water we have encountered on all the beaches of Fukuoka.

Ong Lang has fine light sand, which is pleasant to walk on. The most picturesque section of the beach is located near the Coco Hotel Palm Beach Resort & Spa.

The big advantage of this beach is the almost complete absence of tourists; there are also many cool hotels on the first line, all of the bungalow type. A chic place for newlyweds and lovers of tranquility!

The infrastructure is quite poorly developed, a little further in towards the main road you will find cafes and restaurants, but otherwise the place is village-like and quiet.

Cua Can Beach

The beach is located next to the river of the same name, which flows into the sea. Rafting on the Cua Can River is a popular activity among tourists.

The beach is almost wild, there are no tourists, only some locals. Nearby there are some creeks and estuaries, and a small community lives. It might be a little dirty. There are only a couple of hotels in the surrounding area, and a few cafes along the way from the main road. Suitable for those who like complete privacy :)

Vung Bau Beach

IN southern part The bay can only be reached through the territory of some hotel; we were in the northern part, the one closer to the cape.

Clean and remote beach, quite picturesque. The coastline is narrow, there are almost no people, only those who came here specifically by bike or taxi, and a few guests of local bungalows. The entrance to the water is gentle, the water is very clean and transparent, there are sun loungers and a tire on a rope instead of a swing :)

There are several bungalow hotels on Vung Bau, all on the first line. You can only eat in hotel cafes.

The chic beach of the five-star Vinpearl Resort & Spa Phu Quoc. This hotel - the whole city with many buildings, villas, bungalows, swimming pools, golf courses, spas, gyms, a huge green, well-groomed area with tuk-tuks running through it. The Vinpearl Land amusement park is nearby and the hotel also provides free airport transfers.

Bai Dai Beach

Bai Dai beach with shallow yellow sand, the entrance to the water here is gentle, and the sea is very clean, which is why a holiday here is ideal for families with children.

Gan Dau

The village of Gan Dau is located in the extreme north-west of Phu Quoc, from here it is literally a few kilometers to the Cambodian islands, they are clearly visible from the shore.

On the western side there is a beautiful but dirty beach with cafes on the shore and many boats in the water. Mostly locals eat here.

If you drive through the village (on the way you will pass a rather smelly fish market) and go to the northern coast near the Peppercorn Hotel Beach resort, then there will be a nice beach there. During our visit, the water was not very clear, but there was almost no one there.


Phu Quoc starfish beach

The beach near the village of Rat Vem is also called the beach with starfish. One of the best beaches in Fukuoka and well worth the trip. Known primarily for its marine life, with which you can take a memorable photo.

And you can sunbathe here, white sand, clean water and a gentle entrance to the sea are good attributes and help in this matter. I recommend going only in the high season (from November to April); according to reviews, at other times there is a lot of algae and garbage that no one cleans up, plus the dirt road washes out after rain. Also, move as far to the right as possible, there are fewer people there and a better chance of seeing starfish.

There is a restaurant on a wooden platform over the water with inflated prices, no more infrastructure.

Phu Quoc island is a real pearl of Vietnam. Tourists rush here in search of adventure and a relaxing holiday on the snow-white sand. The main advantage of the island is its numerous beaches..

There is a lot to admire here, because luxurious nature has not bypassed these regions. And thanks developed infrastructure your holiday here promises to be eventful and unforgettable. When preparing to visit Phu Quoc Island, you need to decide which beach is best to stay on. However, each of them has a whole list of advantages, so during your vacation you can have time to visit them all.

Long Beach (Truong beach)

The main beach of Phu Quoc is called Long beach (also called Truong beach) and is located on the west coast of the island, stretching 7 km south of Duong Dong city. A special feature is the uneven distribution of vacationers - near the hotels it is always crowded, but there are also secluded, truly wild corners where lovers of all things mysterious should look.

There are many restaurants on the beach with national Vietnamese cuisine. The sand here is light yellow, medium-sized, the entrance to the sea is gentle, which is ideal for children. There are no waves in the morning, but towards evening the wind gets stronger. There are no stones on the beach, but marine life is present: you can easily find crabs and jellyfish. Long Beach is the most clean beach Phu Quoc Islands. This is a great place for a romantic getaway - where else if not here can you watch the sunsets? There is little entertainment, so the time spent here will be calm and carefree, no one will disturb you.

Bai Sao beach

The best beach in all of Vietnam, called Bai Sao, is located in the southeast of Phu Quoc island. It is still poorly equipped, although tourists can stay in one of several hotels; The signature restaurant is open throughout the day. There is fine white sand, charming palm trees, clean water, but there are still few travelers. A paradise for a relaxing holiday – a real "Bounty" corner. Today appearance The beach is changing, sun loungers and entertainment infrastructure are appearing. Children are unlikely to like it here, since they won’t be able to actively organize their leisure time. The sea is not always calm, sometimes a real storm breaks out, but even in sunny weather the waves here are very large.

How to get to the beach

If you are coming from Duong Dong City, you need to take National Highway 46 and drive south for 25 minutes. After the bridge you will find yourself in the village of Bai Sao. You need to drive along it for another 3 kilometers, and at the large billboard with the inscription “7UP” turn left. After 8-10 minutes you will find yourself at a fork with three paths - two of them lead to the hotels, and the third to the bar. However, along all three roads you can get to Bai Sao Beach.

Transport prices:

  • Taxi from the airport – 300,000 VND ($15)
  • Taxi from Duong Dong city – 400,000 VND ($20)
  • Minibus from Duong Dong – 40,000 VND ($2)
  • Motorcycle taxi – 150,000 ($7.5).

Ong Lang Beach

For lovers of sightseeing, Ong Lang Beach is 8 km long. The cultural and historical heritage of Fukuoka is located on this shore, and the most inquisitive tourists are offered an excursion to the Fish Sauce Factory. There are many hotels on the beach, but this does not prevent you from finding a secluded paradise surrounded by banana and coconut palms.

The sandy shore, gentle entrance to the sea and developed entertainment infrastructure will appeal to every tourist. Here full of activities for lovers aquatic species sports and boating to nearby islands.

How to get to Ong Lang

If you decide to stay at one of the hotels on Ong Lang Beach, they will most likely be able to arrange a transfer from Phu Quoc Airport. If you just want to visit this place, you need to go north to Gan Dau.

Vung Bau beach

This beach is located in the northern part west coast Fukuoka. For fans of peace and tranquility, it is difficult to find a better place - tourists wander into these regions very rarely, so the romantic atmosphere is present here around the clock. There is a small restaurant on the beach, but there is no entertainment infrastructure. Travelers who have been here note clean water, stunning scenery and availability white sand . Even children will like it here thanks to the gentle entrance to the sea, but you won’t be able to find sun loungers. And trash on the beach spoils the impression of the trip. The weather here is also very changeable; in the morning it is usually quiet, but by lunchtime the water surface ceases to be calm. For the location of Ong Lang, see the map at the end of the article.

Dinh Cau Beach

Another small beach on the west coast - Dinh Cau - attracts travelers with crystal clean waters and golden sand. It is crowded, very beautiful and there is a lot to see. Local attractions include a night market and a colorful temple. There are small stones on the beach; the entrance to the sea, although gentle, is not very convenient for children. The presence of rocks practically eliminates the possibility of surfing and other sports. But this particular beach is the only one on Phu Quoc Island where you can jump from high altitude in water. There are many restaurants here, and you can buy food at the market.

Ganh Dau Beach

Ganh Dau Beach is open for the most enthusiastic dreamers and lovers of romance - unique place for a relaxing holiday. It is located near a Vietnamese village and has not yet been inhabited by tourists. Hotels are just starting to be built here, and there is almost no entertainment. So no one will distract you from contemplation turquoise sea, wonderful palm trees and amazing sunsets. The sand here is crystal clear, light yellow, and the gentle entrance to the sea is very comfortable. Calm in the morning is a common occurrence, but in the evening clouds can gather. As for food, only a small cafe is available to guests; To taste the delicacies, you need to go to the city.

Bai Dai beach

This beach is located in the northwest of Phu Quoc, between Vung Bau and Gan Dau beaches. Previously it was considered one of the most "pristine" beaches in all of Vietnam, but now the situation is changing - the coastline is being built up with hotels and resorts. However, here you can find quiet corners, not yet touched by civilization.

For the most part, Bai Dai Beach is clean, covered with fine yellow sand. Due to construction large hotels In some places you can find garbage, but this does not happen often. Turtle Island is visible from Bai Dai Beach - popular destination for diving and snorkeling.

The sea here is warm, and the water has many shades of green and blue colors. The descent into the water is smooth, and there is little or no current - according to tourists, this beach is well suited for families with children.

As on others western beaches Fukuoka, Bai Dai offers stunning sunsets. Nearby is the Vinpearl amusement park (), where both children and adults can have fun.

Fukuoka beaches on the map

We have marked all the beaches of Phu Quoc Island on the map below. To enable displaying only the objects you are interested in, use the menu button in the upper left corner of the map.