When some people, mostly Israelis, say “Caesarea”, they mean small town on the coast Mediterranean Sea excellent infrastructure and a rich industrial park, where more than 180 leading Israeli enterprises operate, including the production of medical equipment, enterprises operating in the field high technology, biotechnology and others. Another part of the people, mainly visitors and tourists, mean a large National Park, overflowing with archaeological finds. This is practically an entire ancient city, open to the eyes of visitors from under multiple cultural layers, combining representatives of different times and eras. And what’s remarkable is that both the first and second parts are right.

Currently, there are two known cities of Caesarea marked on the map very close to each other: one of them is modern city, with an area of ​​about 35 square kilometers and located to the north ancient city Caesarea, which has now become a National Park, tirelessly attracting tourist flows to its domain.

Modern Caesarea, in its heyday, making the most of its potential, was founded in 1977, and went through all the stages of regional formation and development, just as a new city is now emerging in the south of the country. Covering an area of ​​350 hectares, the Caesarea Business Park is one of the largest and most advanced in Israel. The park cares about the environment and adheres to international standards in development and construction planning, promoting advanced and environmentally friendly industries. The industrial park of the city of Caesarea is managed by Edmond Benjamin de Rodschild Corporation, which owns the local land and provides all services and assistance to companies developing here. The Corporation is actively involved in improving environment, in community management and tourism development. The Business Park is a unique campus that provides a unique strategic basis for the successful operation of approximately one hundred and eighty Israeli companies involved in water technology, medical device development and production, Hi-Tech technologies, traditional industries and much more. Located close to the main transport hubs of Haifa and Tel Aviv, the Caesarea industrial zone provides the city with an impressive injection into the municipal treasury, as well as a significant number of jobs for citizens.

Anyone who has visited modern Caesarea must have fallen in love with its soft beaches and amazing skies. good weather and the soothing music of the waves - the beaches in Caesarea have a completely different atmosphere of calm and tranquility, different from the usual noise resort towns. The central streets are clean and friendly; here, as in the vast majority of cities, there are many boutiques, restaurants and hotels. However, people do not come to Caesarea to go shopping. People come here from all sides in order to plunge into the intertime of the Caesarea National Park, the depth of its history that can compete with the ancient one mentioned many times in the Old Testament (Tanakh). described in detail in the Book of Joshua, has long been the cause of heated debate between believers who accept the possibility of the destruction of walls from the sound of the shofar with the participation of God's providence, and representatives of sound scientific skepticism who want to receive more substantial evidence than the Scriptures. Thanks, the believers received some advantage, since the nature of the cracks found on the walls of the ancient city clearly indicated that they were destroyed exactly as described in the Book and learned archaeologists led by Sellin had to admit the possibility of the existence previously of some knowledge lost in our days.

Having picked up a map and headed to ancient Caesarea, you should prepare to plunge into a timeless space: centuries and eras are mixed here, royal luxury with despotism, love of freedom with romance. The monumental hippodrome and ceremonial theater are a mix of phantasmagoria with reality, and the evocative, cool spray of sea waves reminds of the present moment, and tourists grab their cameras to take incomparable photos of the delightful Caesarea.

The city of Caesarea was designed and built by order of Herod the Great (Herodus - the son of Antipater, who is a descendant of the Edomites who converted to Judaism), and was conceived as a great port city, which was supposed to surpass the port of Alexandria itself. The plot of land on which Caesarea would later be marked on the map was donated to the Jewish king by Caesar Augustus, whose name Herod later named the city he built, still known today as Caesarea in Israel. Large by the standards of the time and thought out to the smallest detail sea ​​port, became the most important trading hub, connecting Judea with many countries.

Meanwhile, it is worth noting that before the city of Caesarea, in this place there was a small fortification, whose lighthouse signaled passing ships about their course back in the middle of the third century BC, and was called the Strato Fortress or Strato Tower, which was captured and included in possession of the Kingdom of Judah by King Yanai, the high priest of the Hasmonean dynasty. Later, Strato's Tower again became a non-Jewish state - after it was conquered by Pompey (Roman general), and only in 30 BC, this piece of coastal land was donated to Herod the Great, who fully justified his middle name of Herod the Builder here.

Indeed, having seen the excavations of the ancient city, there is not the slightest doubt about the luxurious splendor with which Caesarea was built at that time. A visit to the park is one of the most popular excursions in this region. Majority travel agencies, offers excursion route, providing tourists with an excerpt of the most fascinating and beautiful sights of the north. It is impossible not to mention, which has nothing to do with car hauls. This is a private museum specially built for unique collections visual arts, which has an interesting architecture. The entire second floor is dedicated to works of art by Salvador Dali, where you can spend hours contemplating the extraordinary world of the exceptional artist and sculptor. In other rooms, exhibitions of contemporary art are constantly held, selected by the owners in accordance with their taste, but always with amazing success.

Every time I find myself in places like Caesarea, I am amazed at the hard work and skill of the ancients, and I feel a great regret that they did not reach our times intact. Caesarea is very conveniently located on the way from Tel Aviv. An ancient city, almost 600 years old former capital Israel, built by the odious King Herod, is very worthy of attention. Shall we go for a walk? A little.

Caesarea. Somewhere at the entrance
King Herod was, excuse me, a real Jew. In other words, smart, enterprising and cunning (diplomatic). Intrigues, alliances, escapes - Herod experienced everything in his life. Christians portray Herod as the embodiment of evil for his murders and massacre of infants in Bethlehem. Jewish chroniclers cannot stand him for his cooperation with the Romans and collaborationism. At the same time, Herod, who remained in power for 33 years, earned the title of the Great, because he expanded the possessions of the Kingdom of Judah, built unique buildings, and created the prerequisites for the creation of outstanding works of art.

It was King Herod who, in record time, in just 12 years, founded a new residence in a swampy flat area, naming it in honor of his friend and patron Emperor Octavian Augustus - Caesarea. The layout of the city was typically Roman - the streets intersected at right angles, there was a division into public areas and residential areas. In the central place stood the Temple of Emperor Augustus and the Goddess Rome. On the site of this temple, mosques, churches were not built until later... Caesarea became the main gateway for the penetration of Greek and Roman cultures into Israel.

The main value and pride of Caesarea was the grandiose, first artificial port in the world built by Herod. Scientists are still trying to understand how the king managed to deepen the seabed by 36 meters and build a harbor? But the fact remains that the sea was deepened, breakwaters were built to protect from the elements, so that ships could freely enter the harbor and feel safe there.
The port was able to change the economy of the entire country - it brought such large revenues to the state treasury that, thanks to them, taxes did not increase during the large-scale construction projects started by Herod, which required significant financial influence.
It was from the port of Caesarea, by the way, that the treasures of the Temple were later taken, with funds from which the Roman Colosseum was built.

Life in the city was very comfortable and active. Firstly, the townspeople even managed to engage in agriculture on the irrigated sands. Secondly, the city had an amphitheater with 4,000 seats (well, what would a Greek or Roman city be without a theater!) Concerts and performances took place here. The residents of Caesarea, by the way, are very art lovers. They tell a joke that one day all the inhabitants of Caesarea went “to the theater.” Taking advantage of this, the thieves plundered the market, taking everything from there. It was in Caesarea that it began in modern times, which later moved to Masada, and which we managed to visit.

Secondly, in Caesarea there was a huge hippodrome where chariot races were held. By the way, it was here that for the first time in the world, in addition to the gold medal, the winners were awarded silver and bronze awards. This happened on olympic games, which were held in Caesarea simultaneously with the Greek ones every four years.

Modern communications were laid in Caesarea. The city had a dam, reservoirs, an aqueduct and a canal system. Running water flowed through ceramic water pipes into every house! And this was in 9-10. AD, when most European cities did not have not only water supply, but also sewerage!

Of course, one of the most important objects in the city were public baths - “therms”, a traditional meeting place for the East, exchanging news and gossip.

The city's public utilities needed huge amounts of fresh water. Desalinate sea ​​water We hadn’t learned yet then. But they knew how to build aqueducts. One of the most grandiose structures of Caesarea is the famous 40-kilometer aqueduct, built by Roman slaves. It supplied water to Caesarea from springs in the mountains. In low places, an upper aqueduct was built, reminiscent of an arched bridge, and a tunnel was cut in the mountains - the lower aqueduct. Part of it, called “May Kedem” (ancient waters), can be seen 24 kilometers from Caesarea in Alon Park. We weren't there. It's funny that this tunnel either twists like a snail to reduce the water pressure, or rushes down to increase it.

Herod, as we remember, was prone to luxury and epicureanism. In Caesarea he built for himself on the sea an unparalleled palace with balconies, beautiful views and an excellent ventilation system. Here Herod spent the summer, going to . Unfortunately, the palace in Caesarea was destroyed by an earthquake and almost completely went under water.

And yet, it was in Caesarea that the famous tablet was found, confirming the authenticity of the existence of the procurator Pontius Pilate. The same one who sent Yeshua Ga Notsri to execution. The tablet itself is now kept in Jerusalem.
After the death of Herod the Great, Caesarea was declared the capital of Judea and the residence of Roman governors, one of whom was the well-known already mentioned procurator Pontius Pilate.

The role of Caesarea for Christians, by the way, is very important. It was here that Shimon Caiaphas (Peter), a disciple and follower of Jesus, arrived and baptized the first non-Jew - the Roman commander Cornilus. It was in Caesarea that Shaul Tarsky (Paul), the main spreader of Christianity throughout the world, was imprisoned, who was sent from here to Rome and executed there.

Caesarea. The modern statues here are very nice
Over time, the city changed hands: the Byzantines expanded Caesarea almost twice, but did not change the appearance of the city. The Crusaders turned it into a powerful fortress. The Roman amphitheater became a bastion, the port became a citadel, the city was surrounded new wall with a moat and vaulted watchtowers. Traditionally, the city was destroyed by the Mamelukes, noted Sultan Beypars. And in the 19th century, under the Turks, a Bosnian sheikh blew up the last reminder of past glory - the crusader lighthouse - and built a mosque in its place.

Now Caesarea is just a quiet, huge reserve. With good beaches, by the way, and restaurants. I also recommend visiting here the traditional multimedia complex for Israeli museums, where you will be shown a film about the history of the city, reconstruction of buildings and streets. You can also use free wifi here.

Near Caesarea is located one of the most respectable and prestigious residential complexes Israel. But they didn’t show it to us - strangers are not allowed there, because the zone is purely residential. We immediately went to Tel Aviv.

Many ancient Roman cities are known under the name Caesarea. These are Caesarea Palestine, Caesarea Cappadocia, Caesarea Mauritanian, Caesarea Lebanese, Caesarea Philippi, Neokesarea. The most important from historical and tourist spot view is Caesarea Palestine, located in Israel, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

On its ruins stands the modern Israeli city of Caesarea. The history of Caesarea dates back to the mid-4th century BC, and there are many preserved attractions here. While relaxing here, you can visit a large number of interesting places.

Show "Journey Through Time"

The National Park of Ancient Caesarea preserves almost 2,500 years of history. Especially for travelers coming to Caesarea in search of new adventures, a project called “Journey Through Time” was created in the Caesarea National Park. This is a fascinating show where in just ten minutes you can trace the history of the city’s development from its beginnings to the present day.

You can continue virtual trip, and visitors will see the city buildings of those times on a huge screen, walk along the streets of the city, and even visit houses or make purchases at the market. All this will remain in the memory of travelers for many years. Then, after virtual tour, tourists go on a real tour, where even more vivid impressions of what they see await them.

In the national park you can not only study the history of the city well, but also relax and have fun. On the beach, tourists are offered all kinds of aquatic species sports, games. There are many bars and restaurants nearby.

The majestic city of Caesarea in ancient times amazed its contemporaries with the same grandeur of its buildings. Only the ruins of the ancient city have survived to this day, but they also impress with their beauty. In the national park, where many years have been carried out archaeological excavations, you can see the ruins of a palace on the reef.

There was a swimming pool in the western part of the palace. Some researchers believe that it was used as fish market, others claim that it was used by Roman procurators. The palace dates back to the Roman and Byzantine periods.

While in the Reef Palace, you can observe the beauty of the city for a long time. Looking around, you are amazed at the size and grandeur of Kesari. The combination of ancient buildings with the blue sea creates unique, picturesque views. Kesari National Park preserves the values ​​of nature, landscape and cultural heritage. Future generations will have something to be proud of. The National Park of Ancient Caesarea preserves almost 2,500 years of history.

A distinctive feature of Roman cities was the presence of a Roman theater. In Caesarea, the Roman Theater, built during the time of Herod, is well preserved. In the Middle East, it became the very first of the Roman theaters. It has been completely restored and is now used for concerts by Israeli and foreign artists.

Every year various festivals are held here, such as the international opera. It holds about 4000 spectators. A visit to the Roman Theater in Caesarea leaves a wonderful impression and fascinates tourists. The most interesting thing is that the building is more than two thousand years old, and being there, you can feel the connection of times - from antiquity to the present day.

An interesting attraction for tourists is the Roman hippodrome, preserved in Caesarea in good condition. Being in it takes every tourist’s breath away, and images of Roman chariots appear before their eyes. Why was a hippodrome needed in ancient times? It was the hippodrome that was considered the main entertainment of the Romans. Chariot races were held here, horse races were held here, and also, no less spectacular, gladiator fights. In addition to all this, executions of criminals were carried out at the Caesarea hippodrome.

Amazing structures from ancient times can be seen in Kesari. Among them are Roman baths. Public baths were located on a huge area.

Their remains have survived to this day; some elements are well preserved. Judging by them, the baths of Caesarea were in no way inferior to the best Roman models. All this is thanks to the activities of the great King Herod.

The era of the Crusades began in the 11th century. Initially these were military campaigns of Christians against Muslims. The knights moved towards Jerusalem and Palestine to “liberate” these lands from people of other faiths.

Then the campaigns acquired not only a “liberation”, but also an “aggressive” character, when the knights tried to seize many European lands, the lands of the East. As for Israel, the crusaders came here several times, to Jerusalem and Caesarea. And the reason was the decision of the Catholic Church to return Christian shrines and recapture them from Muslims.

The campaigns of the Crusaders were reflected not only in a change in the worldview of the population, a change in religion, but also in the architecture of the conquered cities. In Caesarea, the crusaders immediately began to change the appearance of the entire city. The Crusader Fortress was built.

The “Sculpture Garden” can be called a particularly interesting place. It is located next to the exit from the Crusader gate. The second name is “Street of Statues”. There are headless statues here. The statues are snow-white and made of marble. And they were installed on the remains of the mosaic floor.

Every city with access to the sea has a seaport. But it is the sea port of Caesarea on the Mediterranean coast that amazes with its beauty and grandeur. And, although it was built more than two thousand years ago, it is still worthy of attention.

Previously, the port served as a stopping place for merchant ships, served as the economic and political center of the entire country, and brought huge revenues to the state treasury. Today the port is the most visited archaeological site in Israel. Along the port pier you can find souvenir shops and restaurants.

Caesarea is located on the shores of the Mediterranean harbor, and this harbor is artificially created. There were no sources of fresh water suitable for drinking in the city.

Fresh water appeared there thanks to the powerful King Herod. On his order, an aqueduct was built - a special canal through which water began to flow into Caesarea. For almost a hundred years, this aqueduct supplied water to the city, and then another one was built. The appearance of fresh water in Caesarea contributed to the further development of the city, the construction of baths and sewers was underway, all this led to the expansion of the city's territory.

Diving center "Ancient Caesarea"

As you know, the port of Caesarea, built by King Herod, went under water. Its ancient ruins are located in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. There is an underwater archaeological park, the only one in the world.

This park has four exciting routes, which introduce tourists to the wonders of Roman engineering. After all, the first artificial port in history first appeared in Caesarea, and for its time the port was technically perfect.

The diving center welcomes both experienced and beginner divers, and also provides them with a full range of services. Such as: accompanied diving, group diving, introductory diving, night diving, you can order snorkeling, both solo and accompanied, order insurance, carry out equipment repairs, rent equipment. Here you can take various courses, differing in subject matter, age limit and duration. Impressions received in ancient port Caesarea cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

There are many interesting places in Caesarea, one of them is the Ralli museum. Its founder is Harry Recanti, who devoted his life to collecting art, he was the owner of a large bank, and with his earnings he opened four private museums, one of which is located in Caesarea.

The unique feature of this museum is that admission to it is free, everyone can visit it, the founder of the museum gives pleasure to visitors who are interested in art, because completely free entrance to museums is a huge rarity.

In the museum buildings you can find collections of Latin American art, amazing paintings, sculptures by Salvador Dali and other famous artists and sculptors. On the lower floor there is a department dedicated to archeology. The neighboring building is called Rally 2. At the entrance to it, travelers are greeted by a fountain named after Christopher Columbus, and around it are sculptures of famous Jews. All three floors of the building are filled with superb paintings that are definitely worth a look.

For 2000 years, the name of Pontius Pilate has been known to all Christians. The fifth procurator of Judea, who lived in Caesarea, his reign was a time of bloodshed and cruel reprisals. And one of the most severe was the trial of Jesus Christ.

The Jewish high priests could not carry out the sentence without the confirmation of Pontius Pilate, and he himself was displeased at being interfered with in such a matter. According to the New Testament, Pilate refused to put Jesus to death, but he was forced to do so. After this, according to many hypotheses, Pilate committed suicide.

For many hundreds of years, people have debated both the existence of Christ and Pontius Pilate, and all biblical characters. And in 1961, in Caesarea, archaeologists discovered a marble slab and an inscription on it. This became unique evidence of the real existence of the procurator who carried out the trial of Jesus. Now you can see a copy stone there, but the original was sent to Jerusalem.

At the entrance to Caesarea with south direction, is the location of the Israel International Golf Club. It was founded by Baron de Rothschild in 1960.

On this moment it is one of the most prestigious golf clubs in the world. And the proximity of the club to the Mediterranean coast and the Caesarea National Park creates a pleasant experience of enjoying the beautiful nature of these places. And, although competitions are mainly held here at the international level, the golf club also invites tourists. There are courses, golf schools for children and adults, a restaurant and a golf shop.

The Caesarea Golf Club houses a modern restaurant complex Mariposa. This place is ideal for a leisurely meal while enjoying the scenic views of the surrounding areas and golf courses. Three top chefs teamed up to create this restaurant. They have created an interesting and affordable menu, which includes fish, seafood, meat, vegetarian dishes, and kosher dishes. Opening hours from 12.00 to 24.00.

Helena, Israeli cuisine restaurant

Helena Restaurant creates a magical atmosphere even before guests taste the food. And all because it is located very close to the sea, and there is a beautiful landscape around it. This restaurant is the most beautiful in Caesarea. Its interior and view of the port fascinates visitors. The chefs offer Mediterranean cuisine, a variety of fish and meat dishes, there is a menu for vegetarians, and a children's menu. There is a separate, closed room with a capacity of up to 40 people, there are also seats on the balcony - about 90. Opening hours from 12.00 to 23.00.

Caesarea is not really a city, but a museum in which there are ancient ruins from the once great city of Caesarea in Palestine.

Located on the Mediterranean coast in Israel. Now, next to the historical landmark, there is an elite residential community with the same name, but we'll talk not about him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Caesarea is a city founded by King Herod the Great. The name Caesarea comes from the word “Caesar”, which means ruler, or as we called the king.

By the way, there is a saying about those same Caesars:

What is Caesar's to Caesar

Although initially this was not a saying at all, but words from the New Testament:

Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's.

But the meaning of the saying is the same - everyone will get what they deserve

At that time there were many cities with a similar name, probably the rulers’ imagination was boring. Not like in our time, they invent names for cities))) Therefore, in order to distinguish this Caesarea from other Caesareas, they decided to give it a “surname”, and it became Caesarea Maritime.

In history, this particular Caesarea Maritime appears as administrative center Roman prosecutor's office in Judea. And the most famous procurator of Judea, as we remember, was Pontius Pilate. The same Pilate who sentenced Jesus Christ to death.

And in Bulgakov’s novel his name also appears.

fifth procurator of Judea horseman Pontius Pilate

Later, the city came into the possession of Palestine and became its province, from then on it began to be called Caesarea Palestine.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Excursion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I can talk a lot about history; anyone interested can read it on the Internet. Let's move on to the excursion.

The first thing we were shown upon arrival in the city was a film about the history of Caesarea in a small cinema hall.

Then we went to see the city.

Now the city has received the status of a museum under open air, in which archaeological excavations are still ongoing in search of new information, ancient buildings and objects.

In this museum, an ordinary visitor can see a Roman amphitheater, which is now used as concert venue, hippodrome, square with giant statues, including a slab with an inscription that is proof of the existence of Pontius Pilate.

The slab is a fragment of the inscription: “Pontius Pilate, prefect of Judea, presented Tiberius to the Caesareas.” This slab became the first archaeological find to confirm the existence of Pilate

There wasn't much time, but we had time to walk around and see everything.

The city is atmospheric, there are statues, fragments of columns, ruins everywhere

The hippodrome in Caesarea was built in the 2nd century AD under King Herod.

The length of the hippodrome is four hundred and sixty meters, and the width is ninety-five. Such dimensions made it possible to conduct races here with two or four chariots.

An obelisk was installed in the center of the hippodrome, the original height of which was twenty-seven meters. Archaeologists have found its remains.

The hippodrome seats about thirty thousand people.

Coordinates: 32.51906200,34.90467300


An aqueduct near the city of Caesarea connects the springs located north of Binyamina.

The construction of the aqueduct dates back to the time of Herod. In the thirties of the 20th century, the throughput reached 405 cubic meters per hour. The water pipeline originates from a canal carved into the rock. The aqueduct does not reach the city by only nine hundred meters.

The aqueduct is currently interrupted due to destruction caused by the sea. However, the exact date when this happened cannot be determined.

Coordinates: 32.51917100,34.90467300

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On the Mediterranean coast of Israel is the town of Caesarea. The Harbor of Caesarea, which today is a historical reserve, has been preserved from the ancient city. Caesarea is the only locality in Israel governed by a private foundation rather than by municipal government agencies. Today it is one of the most prestigious residential areas in Israel.

The historical reserve includes almost the entire coastal part of the city. Previously, there was a giant port city known throughout the Mediterranean here. It was built two thousand years ago by King Herod the Great in honor of the Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar. Most of it has survived to this day: the palace on the reef, the amphitheater of King Herod, several city streets, fortress walls, a hippodrome and fragments of aqueducts. The ruins of the Roman theater host the annual International Opera and Jazz Festival.

If you get bored old City, you can go to Israel's only 18-hole golf course. Close to the city there is the Mount Carmel Nature Reserve, where you can admire the magnificent Mediterranean nature and amazing landscapes.

Coordinates: 32.50000000,34.90000000

The Roman Theater in Caesarea is a well-preserved and fully restored theater built by Herod. It should be noted that in our time the theater is used for opera and ballet concerts. It is located next to the sea, so you can enjoy its stunning views from here.

The theater was built by King Herod in 22-10 BC. This type of construction was the first in Israel. The theater can accommodate 3,500 – 4,000 people. The semicircular platform behind the stage was built in the 3rd century AD.

Next to the theater there is an exact copy of the inscription of Pontius Pilate (the original inscription is kept in the Israel Museum), unveiled in 1961.

Surrounding the theater is a 6th-century Byzantine fortress built to protect the southern part of the city.

Coordinates: 32.49615300,34.89103300

Nahal Taninim

In the Kebara Valley there is a rather exotic nature reserve called Nahal Taninim, which is also known as Crocodile Creek. In fact, there are no crocodiles here. The name of the reserve comes from the Hebrew word “tannin”, which means “crocodile”. Until the mid-19th century, these animals lived here, the size of which was rarely limited to three meters. But the shallowing of the stream led to their extinction. Now on the shores of Taninim you can find three-toed soft-shell turtles and blue swimming crabs.

In the valley of the stream in the distant past there was the ancient Hellenic city of Crocodilopolis, which has only been partially discovered today. Was here real paradise for crocodiles, revered on a par with the gods. In Roman times, a dam was built here, supplying the surrounding cities with water through a special aqueduct. Ancient millstones of ancient mills, which were powered by differences in water levels, were also found here.

Coordinates: 32.54750000,34.91500000

Nahal Mearot

The Nahal Me'arot National Nature Reserve is located at the mouth of the Me'arot Creek and includes caves in the western part of the Mount Carmel mountain ranges. Modern scientists have been able to prove that all the caves were inhabited for 200 thousand years. Main a tourist route is a fairly long walk that allows you to get acquainted with the life of prehistoric people.

At the very beginning of the path you will come across the cave “Mearat ha Tanur”, which means “oven”. Entrance to the cave today is allowed only to scientists who have discovered household items inside that are more than 500 years old. The next cave is called "Mearat HaGamal". A permanent exhibition is organized inside it, introducing tourists to the daily life of ancient people. The cave is shallow and can be clearly seen through.

The next cave, “Mearat ha Nahal,” has the greatest extent and resembles a kind of tunnel. This is the most popular place among tourists, who themselves can walk in the twilight and feel like cavemen. In the cave you need to be as quiet as possible, because the arches of the tunnel are covered with bats living here. They do not cause any discomfort to visitors, but are very sensitive to loud sounds.

Coordinates: 32.67000000,34.96527800

Banias Nature Reserve

In northern Israel, at the foot of Mount Hermon, lies Banias National Park, named after the Greek patron of the elements, Pan. It is believed that he lived in a cave near a magnificent waterfall located in the very center of the park. If you go behind the veil of falling water and follow the stream, you can find a high grotto in which his ancient statue is installed.

There are two ways to get to the park. Main entrance is located right next to the waterfall, and the other is near the main Cave national park. This cave is also considered the abode of an ancient god. Around it there is a kind of rock garden, formed naturally. Here you can also find the remains of ancient structures, the purpose of which still remains a mystery.

The Banias River flows through the park, originating in the snowy upper reaches of Mount Hermon. At the entrance to the park you will be given a map and a detailed brochure from which you can choose walking route. Numerous paths pass through olive and tangerine trees. In one shady corner of the park you will come across the ruins of an ancient mill, from which a path leads to the ruins of an ancient city, which dates back to the beginning of the first century AD.

Coordinates: 33.24861100,35.69444400

House-Museum of Hana Senes

Hana Senesh is a famous paratrooper who performed a number of feats during World War II. She was born and raised in Hungary, but later emigrated to Palestine. She was shot by the Nazis at the age of 23.

The entire museum exhibition is dedicated to her life path, and her poems were included in the anthology of Israeli poetry.

The museum is included in the national cultural and historical Heritage Project and is funded by the Israeli government.

Inside the house museum you can find a wealth of original materials: photographs, records, newspaper clippings, articles and research. All materials were collected over many years by Senesh’s friend, who initiated the creation of her archive.

You can get to the museum from Sunday to Thursday from 10 to 4 o'clock.

Coordinates: 32.49275100,34.89313600

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