Russia is a country impressive in its scale. And there are plenty of places here that will seem magical to a foreigner. Among them - Baydar Valley in the southwest of Crimea. True, those who like leisurely relaxation and lying on the beach will not find it interesting, but active travelers have a direct route here. Bring comfortable shoes and water bottles. And forward - to conquer new territory! Here you will learn to breathe deeply and appreciate the beauty of your native country!

This is a region reminiscent of paradise!

Few travelers are interested in how the Baydar Valley was formed. But the picturesqueness of this place impresses everyone. Its dimensions are impressive - almost 17 kilometers by 10. The center of the valley is filled with the waters of the Chernorechensky reservoir, and a great many settlements are scattered along the edges. Their names sound mysterious and somehow authentic. At the height of summer, when the sun dries the outskirts, the Baydar Valley resembles a green flowerbed covered with velvety herbs. The secret of this difference is simple: the bottom is covered with a layer of clayey rocks that can retain moisture and prevent it from seeping down. Accordingly, groundwater remains close to the surface and nourishes plants. This explains the name of the place - translated from Tatar as “rich valley”, and from Turkic as “magnificent plain”. It would be strange if people did not choose such a place for housing.

From antiquity

The fertile Baydar Valley was inhabited in ancient times. Mesolithic sites took place here - Shan-Koba, Fatma-Kaba. Near the village of Rodnikovo there are menhir stones erected by ancient Crimeans. Touching them is like touching antiquity itself. For a huge number of tourist routes, the valley is the starting point. They are mostly on foot. Of course, it is tedious, but incredibly educational and very beautiful. Sissies and those who like to lie on the sofa will have a hard time. Don't expect one excursion to take less than seven hours! But you will spend this time profitably!

Let's navigate the place

So, in front of you lies the vast Baydar Valley, which, in fact, is an intermountain basin on the northern slope of the main ridge Crimean mountains. Nature has done its best here and created a natural amphitheater, surrounding the “stage” with mountains on all sides. To the east the territory extends approximately 20 km. The soil is mainly clay and sandstone, and the outer ridges are limestone. The valley is located in the southeast of Sevastopol, and is administratively located in the Balaklava region. There are as many as 14 villages around it! You cannot ignore the Chernaya River, which crosses the territory and is blocked by a dam before entering the Chernorechenskoye Gorge. This created a reservoir that supplies water to the surrounding areas. There are few forests here, but there are plenty of steppe and meadow tracts.

To see everything

An inquisitive traveler will definitely want to take a look at the entire territory of the Baydar Valley of Crimea. It’s not for nothing that this place has already become the talk of the town. Just think, this is the most fertile place in the vicinity of Sevastopol! People have been making homes here for a long time.

WITH high mountains the valley seems like a picture or a blue saucer with a carved border, thanks to the reservoir in the center and mountains along the edges. Climb one of the mountain peaks, for example Laspinskie rocks, Karadag or Syundurlu-Kobasy. A magnificent view opens from the Chelebi, Shaburla, Ilyas-kaya or Sandyk-kaya mountains.

Long haul

Getting to the Baydar Valley of Crimea is not so easy. From the south you can get here through the Baydar Pass, passing the famous gate of the same name. From Sevastopol you need to go along the serpentine road through the Petrovsky Pass. There is a road through the village of Tylovoe.

You might want to explore the entire valley from the ring road, which starts in Orlinoye and runs around the reservoir, through Peredovoe and Shirokoye.

In the neighborhood there is the Belbekskaya valley, with which the Baydarskaya valley is connected by an old but very picturesque road leading to Golubinka through the Boar Pass.

You may get a little lost along the way, but at the same time you will take an excursion into the past. Imagine: in 1820, Pushkin’s route to the St. George’s Monastery at Cape Fiolent ran through these regions. The poet sang the nature of Crimea in thirty of his works. Surely he also appreciated the Baydar Valley of Crimea. The photos taken here could well serve as an illustration for some novel. Don't miss the opportunity to take an inspired selfie!

In dangerous times

During the Crimean War it was very turbulent here. The “Oklobzha case” occurred precisely in the territory of the Baydar Valley. Sevastopol was then abandoned by Russian troops, but they took a position on the northern side along the river and all the way to the Baydar Valley. And so on November 26, 1855, a detachment led by Colonel Oklobzhio captured the French posts without firing. The snow that generously covered the mountains helped. The appearance of the Russians came as a complete surprise to the French. The battle was short and as a result Oklobzhio knocked the enemy out of two villages. Only after this the French called for reinforcements, but did not have time to fight back and did not pursue the Russians.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Balaklava partisan detachment fought with the enemy in the valley and went on the attack more than 20 times.

Before the collapse of the USSR, the lion's share of the valley was occupied by the lands of the Red October state farm, which supplied Sevastopol and the resorts of Crimea with fruits, vegetables, milk and meat.

And since 1991, the valley became part of the largest nature reserve in Crimea. Summer field practices for geography students also began to be organized here.

Walk through the main beauties

With an eye on the climate

In the Baydar Valley, photos are worth taking at any time of the year. An individual, unique microclimate always reigns here, since in winter there is no frost due to the mountain ranges, and during the heat of summer there is a light breeze that gives coolness.

To unite with nature, visit the Perovsky Pass, which is hidden between the Baydarskaya and Varnautskaya valleys, as well as Mount Biyuk-Kol-Burun. Tourists here will be able to understand what true natural beauty means.

For an atmosphere of mystery, go to the Skel menhirs. These are huge, majestic stones that were considered sacred in ancient times. The appearance of these obelisks remains a real mystery today, since there is not and never has been a quarry nearby, and the closest mountains are several kilometers away.

Here, by the way, there is also the unique Skelskaya stalactite cave, open for hiking. It has many halls with bizarre formations of stalactites and stalagmites. Just go down a little and you'll come across underground lakes and rivers with pure water. There are also deep vertical wells here and animal tracks are often found.

Make a stop at the Chernorechensky reservoir. It is not only rich in fresh water, but also truly mesmerizing in beauty. The reservoir resembles a mountain lake in the Alps. The great malachite peaks of the Main Ridge look at it like a mirror.

When going on excursions to the water, do not forget to take a cape with you, because the climate of the valley is ambiguous. When clouds come from the north, they cannot overcome the Outer Ridge for a long time and hang over the valley. Then heavy rain begins and in summer the temperature can drop to +15 degrees, even if the temperature on the southern coast of Crimea is over +30.

Not forget!

It is difficult to list all the attractions of the Baydar Valley at once, but without a list you will simply forget what is worth seeing. So don't be lazy to create a program. In Novobobrovka, make a stop at the dolmens, and then go to the Baydar Gate at the site of the mountain pass. Climb to the observation deck and from there take in the entire valley. Get to the Chernorechensky canyons and the Uzundzhi River, and then to the Kozyrek waterfall. This 10-meter handsome man became the most popular place for selfies among tourists. Nearby there is Fatma waterfall with a network of wide cascades. In terms of grace and beauty, it is not inferior to Kozyrk. To complete the emotional picture, check out the Devil's Staircase. This is the name of the Shaitan-Merdven pass, the road of which has been preserved since the times of the Roman legionnaires.

The Baydar Valley, Crimea, is an extended territory that lies in a huge natural amphitheater. It is surrounded on all sides by mountain ranges - the Baydarskaya and Ai-Petrinskaya yaila. Located in the southeast of Sevastopol, it administratively belongs to the Balaklava region.

Photos of the Boydar Valley:

general description

The average height of the valley is 300-400 meters above sea level, while the mountains that surround it are 600-800 meters high. The Chernaya River flows through the Baydarskaya Valley with one man-made dam in the Chernorechensky Gorge area. The length of the valley is 16 km and the width is about 8 km.

Thanks to this location, the microclimate here is softer and more humid. In summer there is no such heat as on the coast. However, in autumn and spring, temperatures in the valley are also lower than in most of the peninsula. The snow melts later in the spring. Thanks to this climate and fertile soil, various vegetables grow well here, and in Soviet times they even grew tobacco.

The Baydar Valley is one of the most scenic spots Crimea. Beautiful views on spacious meadows covered with greenery, through which a river flows, and in the distance there is mountain range, few people are left indifferent. This place is often called Crimean Switzerland. Now a significant part of the valley is part of the Baydarsky reserve.

History of the Baydar Valley

Archaeological finds indicate that people have settled here since ancient times. Mysterious structures remained from ancient peoples - stone menhirs and dolmens. At the end of the 19th century, scientists discovered numerous sites from the Neolithic and Paleolithic eras. The Taurus, Scythians, and Greeks left their mark here. In memory of the Romans, the remains of an ancient stone road that connected Charax and Chersonesos have been preserved.

Main attractions of the Baydar Valley

In a relatively small area of ​​the valley there are many different attractions, including interesting historical monuments, and natural beauty.

The pass opens the road to the valley. Located at an altitude of 500 meters. It offers impressive views of the surrounding area and mountain ranges. The view of the famous Resurrection Church, which from this place looks as if floating above Foros, makes a particularly strong impression.

The Baydar Gate Arch is a real architectural monument. The structure was built according to the design of K.I. Eshliman in 1848 in honor of the opening of the road between Sevastopol and Yalta, connecting the southern and western parts of Crimea. There is an observation deck located directly on the roof of the arch.

A significant part of the ancient Roman road is well preserved to this day. In ancient times, the route from the large city of Chersonesus to the southern coast of Crimea passed through the valley. Part of the road, known as the Kalendskaya Trail, is located between the modern village of Podgorny and the famous Devil's Staircase near Muholatka. Typically, this road was used in winter, when strong storms made sea navigation between the large Roman fortifications at Chersonesus and Charax on Cape I-Tudor dangerous. Nowadays the famous a tourist route.

- has quite impressive dimensions and is interesting to visit. It is well equipped - there is lighting, stairs and passages. Inside there are many beautiful natural formations of various shapes, several spacious halls - Dolphinium, Fireplace. In the main hall - the Knight's Hall, there are miniature copies Swallow's nest, Foros Church and other interesting objects.

It is considered one of the most beautiful in Crimea. Not far from the village of Peredovoe, the Kubalar-Su mountain stream falls down from high altitude into the gorge below. Thanks to the stone ledge that hangs over the gorge, the waterfall has a characteristic appearance. This place is especially attractive in spring, when numerous flowers bloom.

One of the most famous attractions of the valley are the Skelki menhirs, also known as Tekli Tash. Scientists estimate their age at 4 thousand years. The origin and purpose of these huge stones is still unknown. Not far from them, archaeologists found numerous burials.

Translated - Extinct, located near the village of Novobobrovskoye. Traces of Bronze Age settlements have been found here. Later it was used as a pagan temple and temple.

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How to get there

The easiest way to get to the Baydar Valley from Sevastopol is by car or Shuttle Buses. Local buses depart from the city to the village of Peredovoye. From the other part of the peninsula - the southern coast of Crimea, you can get here by car through the Baydar Gate pass.

Baydarskaya Valley on the map of Crimea

GPS Coordinates: 44°28’00″N 33°47’39″E Latitude/Longitude

The Sevastopol region borders the Bakhchisarai region, and this area is famous for its magnificent natural beauty. One of them is the Baydar Valley.

People who saw this miracle cannot talk about how beautiful the valley is, with its bizarre landscape. What views there are, panoramas of both yayls, the Chernorechensky reservoirs and the Chernaya River itself. And, of course, the Baydar Valley appeared on the map of Crimea a long time ago, because the Roman road passed here, the rocky cliffs are replete with caves, grottoes and there is plenty of interesting things for every taste.

Where is the Baydar Valley in Crimea?

To find a landmark, you just need to see the peninsula: the Baydar Valley on the map is indicated by a winding line connecting Bakhchisaray and the Balaklava region. The conditional border runs along Foros and Laspi Bay.

Crimean Switzerland

Scientists attribute the formation of the basin to the era of melting of the last glaciers. Representing the basin of the catchment area of ​​the Chernaya River, the valley is strewn with winding spurs, creating a unique landscape. It is because of these relief features that the area is called Crimean Switzerland. Comfortable and incredibly attractive, the valley attracted settlers from different countries, conquerors and traders.

The Roman rulers paved a road here, using it not only to transport trade caravans, but also to move soldiers. Recent archaeological excavations confirm that the Baydar Valley near Sevastopol hides many secrets: rare remains and ruins of temples, numerous buildings, houses, coins and fragments of kitchen utensils, harnesses, other household equipment and tools have been found here.

The evidence of antiquity left behind gives a definition to the name: from Turkic, Baydary means “navigable” - this is what the village of Orlinoe and the Black River were called in the very first version. By the way, these two objects are the most accurate landmarks to find the Baydar Valley on the map. Since 1991, the site has been included in the list of protected reserves.

The height of the tract varies between 300-400 meters above sea level; it is a fertile region, replete with villages, towns and other small settlements. Ethnic flavor emanates from the names themselves: Baga, Uzundzha, Satkhik - many villages provide excellent and convenient option vacation, in almost every house you can rent an inexpensive bed or room. Affordable prices, an abundance of food, wonderful places to relax and a lot of attractions - you definitely need to visit the Baydar Valley and stay here for at least a week to fully experience all the flavor, get acquainted with the beauties and enjoy the view.

And if you have long wanted to get to the Alps, Baydar is much closer and in no way inferior to Switzerland! The same mountains unique nature, majestic formidable snowy peaks and rich, dense green meadows. The only thing missing is the yodel, but it’s easy to come to terms with that, especially since local residents They sing no worse. Many observation platforms invite you to picnics, beautiful reservoirs for swimming, ponds and rivers for fishing, and you can even see a variety of animal world– in the basin there is a forest hunting area where excursions are held.

The local plants, several dozen of which are listed in the Red Book, fill the air with irreplaceable beneficial phytonicides, which is why people with upper respiratory tract diseases come to Baydary. The coastal-steppe climate only complements all the pleasures of the valley, but you won’t find particularly dense forests, which is what is good about Crimean Switzerland; deciduous trees cover only the mountain slopes.

How to get there?

If you are planning an educational and interesting vacation, then it is worth visiting the Devil’s Staircase, the Celtic Cave, and the canyons. And this means going to the Baydar Valley. On the map it is indicated by the coordinates: N 44.466645 E ​​33.796931. You can get there from Sevastopol by trolleybus No. 2, 12, 17 or by bus from TSUM No. 79, reaching the “5 km” stop, then changing to a minibus to the Baydar Gate. By car, go to the village of Goncharnoye, then turn to Tylovoe. And residents of the resort health resorts of the South Coast just need to go through the Baydar Gate. A saddle will open between the Chelbi and Chhu-Bair yailas, which give magnificent views of the entire Foros, and the road with stairs to the valley begins almost from the bus stop itself.

The gorgeous Baydar Valley has an official address: Orlinoe village, Sevastopol. Therefore, the area can be easily found on any map. But it’s better to go here on a short excursion with a guide. Many caves, grottoes, rocky spurs, and the valley itself deserve attention, and here you can even get a little lost. But even if this happened, the Baydar Valley is clearly marked on the map of Crimea, there are plenty of villages nearby and it won’t be difficult to get to any of them. And the journey will be not only educational, but also full of adventure.

One of the most impressive places mountain Crimea, this is the Baydar Valley of Sevastopol, its attractions and natural beauties leave no one indifferent.

It is located at an altitude of 260 meters above sea level, about 16 km long, 8 km wide. Almost in its very center is the Chernorechenskoe reservoir, fed by the Chernaya River. It is a source of fresh water for and, therefore, their residents are always keenly interested in the water supply in this reservoir.

Swimming in the reservoir is prohibited; there are many signs along it reminding you that this is a water protection zone. But there are bets and lakes around where you can swim and fish. In any case, we recommend that you definitely drive around the perimeter of the Chernorechenskoye Reservoir - the road is good everywhere, and the views are magnificent!

The history of the Baydar Valley is no less complex and confusing than the whole Crimean peninsula. People have lived here since time immemorial, as evidenced by numerous excavations carried out in these areas since the 19th century. The materials found show that in this fertile place lived the Tauri and the Romans, whose caravans they robbed more than once, the Scythians and Greeks, who constantly fought with each other, etc. and so on. Surely some other peoples settled here, as evidenced by the old names of the settlements in the valley. Scientists not only fail to translate Hayto, Sakhtik, Savatka, Ukrusta or Baga, but also to determine which people gave them.

Sights of the Baydar Valley

The former inhabitants of the region left behind some interesting sights. In addition to the picturesque mountains and lakes, nature has also created a lot here interesting places. If we list what to see in the Baydar Valley, then at a minimum it is worth visiting:

  1. Skel menhirs
  2. Skel cave.
  3. Dolmens in the village Novobobrovskoe.
  4. The Baydar Gate pass with a view of the Devil's Staircase, beloved by tourists.
  5. Spring in the village Orlin (formerly Baydary) from which, traveling to the South Coast, allegedly quenched the thirst of A.S. Pushkin.
  6. Roman roads.
  7. Canyons and Uzundzhi.
  8. Temple of the sun.

Skel menhirs(Tekli-Tash), this is the most ancient attraction of the Baydar Valley, it is more than 4 thousand years old. It is not known which people installed them and why, but it is clear that these large, heavy stones were brought here from afar. Archaeologists have excavated many burials, sites and settlements of the past in the valley, but the artifacts found there are kept in Crimean museums, and the Skel menhirs and Novoboor dolmens are something that you can touch with your hands.

Roman road. Once upon a time, all the roads from the main ancient city of Chersonesus and the western steppes to the valley passed through the valley. At first these were paths, then roads paved with stones. The most famous of them is the “Kalendskaya Trail”, which ran from the village of Podgornoye along the Devil’s Staircase (Shaitan-Merdvenu) to the Muholatki area. It connected in winter, when movement by sea was hampered by storms, the two Roman fortresses of Chersonesus on the Heraclean Peninsula in Western Crimea and Charax on its southern coast at Cape Ai-Todor. Now there is little left of the road, but there are still areas where the stonework has been preserved and there is a popular hiking trail there.

Baydar Gate pass, to which a serpentine road leads from the valley along a mountain covered with forest. The height of the pass above the sea is half a kilometer, so from its observation deck there are views of extraordinary beauty of the mountains that it separates - Chelebi and Chhu-Bair, and South coast Crimea, primarily to the Resurrection Church, hovering over Foros.

Here at the pass there is a restaurant with good cuisine and tents with Crimean souvenirs.

The impressive arch of the Baydar Gate itself with observation deck on the roof, is an architectural monument built in 1848 according to the design of the architect K.I. Eshliman in honor of the launch of the Yalta-Sevastopol highway, which reliably connected the Western and Southern parts of the peninsula.

Flowers of the Baydar Valley

From early spring to late autumn, something blooms in the Crimean mountains, and the Baydar Valley is no exception, the flowers of which can safely be called one of its attractions. In February-March these are snowdrops - galanthus, almost with them other primroses bloom - scillas, crocuses, primroses. In May, they pass the baton to daisies, daisies and dozens of species of other flowers and shrubs, including those listed in the Red Book. And flowering continues almost until the snow.

In general, 50 Red Book plants grow in the Baydar Valley, and the most famous of them is the Crimean orchid, orchis, of which there is quite a lot here.

If you decide to visit Crimea, be sure to find time to visit the Baydar Valley. This is extraordinary a nice place calms the nerves, pacifies the soul, and charges the body with energy for a long time.

Baydarskaya Valley (Crimea)

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In the southwestern part of the Crimean peninsula, on the territory of the Balaklava region, in a ring of mountains and forests, the Baydar Valley is located - a picturesque natural depression with a flat bottom, the length of which is 16 km, width - 8 km. The name of this place comes from large settlement Baydary (since 1945 - the village of Orlinoe) and is translated from the Crimean Tatar language as “rich ravine”.

Historical perspective: from time immemorial

The appearance of people in the territory now occupied by the Baydar Valley dates back to the 2nd century BC. e. This is evidenced by the Skel menhirs - limestone structures whose age is 4 thousand years. Excavations carried out in the region showed that the first tribes to develop the territory of the modern intermountain basin were the Tauri.

Later constructions include the military-trade Kalendskaya trail, connecting the Roman fortress of Charax and Chersonesus. Historians agree that the road is about 2,000 years old. During the Russian-Turkish wars of the 18th-19th centuries. this route was used by both the Russian and Ottoman sides. The first modern highway connecting Yalta and Sevastopol was built in 1837-1848. In 1991, the Baydar Valley became part of the Baydarsky protected landscape reserve.

Geographical and climatic features

The Baydar Valley owes its origin to a tectonic shift that divided the Crimean Mountains into two parts. Over the course of thousands of years, the resulting depression changed the relief. The current appearance of the basin became unwell after the construction of the Chernorechensky reservoir in 1956.

The terrain in which the valley lies is heterogeneous. The height of the central part is 300-350 m, closer to the mountain ranges it rises to 400 m. More than half the area of ​​the natural amphitheater is occupied by steppes, diluted with small areas of forest and groves of bushes.


In the center of the valley at an altitude of 251 m above sea level is the largest on the peninsula artificial lake- Chernorechenskoe reservoir with an area of ​​6 sq. km. It is fed by the rivers Chernaya, Bosaya, Urkusta, Armanka and Varnutka. The man-made reservoir serves as a source of fresh water for Sevastopol and the surrounding area. Swimming and fishing in the water area are prohibited.

In addition to the Chernorechensky reservoir, the landscape of the Baydar valley is decorated with several fresh water bodies, the largest of which are:

  1. Upper Lake. It is located in the north of the valley and is surrounded by forest and a mountain range 500 m high. The coast is suitable for lovers of outdoor recreation: nearby - tourist base"Advanced".
  2. Lower Lake. It lies between Peredovoy and the western massif of the Crimean Mountains. The “donor” of the reservoir is the Kobalar-Su stream. Due to the fact that the lake is flowing, the water here is crystal clear. A favorite place for swimming and fishing.
  3. Mulovskoye Lake. It is located above the village of Peredovoye. The coast is equipped with tables, awnings, barbecues and bridges for fishing. Those who wish have the opportunity to rent gear and pay for fishing. A hundred meters from the lake, the Kozyrek waterfall cascades down from a rocky ledge.


The Baydar Valley is often called “Crimean Switzerland”. It received this name not only for the features of the landscape, but also for weather. The territory is dominated by a humid temperate continental climate. Since the valley is located at an altitude of 300-400 m above sea level, it is cooler here throughout the year than on the peninsula. Precipitation amount - 250-400 mm/year.

Winter is short and mild. The coldest month is January - the average air temperature is +5 °C. Light snow cover in some places persists for up to 20 days. Dry summer lasts from May to the end of September. In the warm season, the air warms up to an average of +25 °C, which is 5 ° lower than on the coast.

Trails of the Baydar Valley

Route "Rodnikovskoe- Mount At-Bash" originates in the village of Rodnikovskoye and goes along the side of the gorge - the Roman road connecting Chersonesos and Charax. The trail then passes through a beech forest. On the way you will meet the Karadag lakes, next to them there is a clearing with a monument dedicated to the partisans of the Great Patriotic War.

Then tourists will have to climb the slope of Mount Spirada, from which a panorama of the Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla opens. The next stage is the descent from Spirada and the passage along a poorly readable path to the Besh-Tekne basin. In its center there is a road leading to the pass and further to the top of Mount At-Bash.

Route "Advanced"- Native” begins on Prudovaya Street in the village of Peredovoy. Then, crossing the stream, the road leads along the bank of Urkusta and ends at wooden bridge across the river and Kobalar waterfall. Then the trail rises to the Kobalar-Su stream. In its upper reaches there are caves where traces of primitive man were found.

The journey continues along the picturesque Kobalar-Dere canyon. The path leads to a construction site, so here you need to cross to the other side of the stream and continue moving. Along the route, tourists will get acquainted with natural attractions such as the Fatma-Koba grotto, Sliding, Ryzhik and Merdven-Tubyu waterfalls. The journey ends at the Koba-Chair grotto near the village of Rodnoy.

The Baydar Gate is located on the old highway leading from Yalta to Sevastopol, and is a mountain pass. In 1848, a structure was installed here, designed to serve as the “central entrance” to South coast peninsula.

The gate is made in the form of a massive portico, the basis of which is made of limestone blocks. To the right and left there are pedestals, giving the architectural monument a single classic look. There are two on the roof observation platforms. They offer views of, as well as a panorama of the Baydar Valley and open sea.

Skelskaya cave

Skelskaya Cave, which is several million years old, is located near the village of Rodnikovsky. According to scientists, the impetus for the formation of the cave was a tectonic fault and the action of groundwater. The temperature of the upper tiers does not exceed +13 °C, and below, where lakes and labyrinths are hidden, - +9 °C. The height of the dungeon varies from 272 to 337 m above sea level, its length is 670 m.