Fishing in the Perm region pleases fishermen with an abundance of lake representatives such as pike perch, bream, pike, perch, ide, roach, burbot, gudgeon, and ruff. Lake Beloye attracts fishermen in early autumn and spring due to good perch, although getting to this lake is quite problematic. In the Cherdynsky district, in the swampy area, there is a whole scattering of large and small lakes, among which the largest is Bolshoy Kumikush. Pike, perch, and ruffe spawn in the lake, but due to the inaccessibility of the lake, fishing here in the summer is practically impossible. But in winter it’s easy to get to the lakes by snowmobile.
The region's lakes are of karst origin. They are quite deep. The most deep lake- Bagel. Its depth is 61 m. Found in the region and underground lakes(for example, in Mount Friendship of Peoples). Most lakes are inaccessible and have a muddy bottom. They are surrounded by forests and swamps. Getting to the lakes is very difficult; sometimes you need to use a helicopter.

There are many famous lakes in the region: Berezovskoye, Chusovskoye, Bolshoi Kumikush, Beloe, Novozhilovo, Eastern Small Kumikush, Chelvinskoye and others. The following fish are found in the lakes of the region: ide, bream, pike perch, pike, burbot, ruffe, roach, gudgeon, perch, pike.

Cherdynsky district is famous for its big lake. This is Lake Chusovskoye (length - 18 km and width - 3.5 km).

Lake area: 1910 hectares. The average depth of Chusovskoye is 2 m. The maximum depth of the lake is 8 m. The bottom of Lake Chusovskoye is muddy. Here you can find: perch, tench, burbot, ruffe, bream, ide, dace, roach, pike, gold and silver crucian carp.

There is another one in the same area famous lake- Berezovskoe.

The bottom of the lake is muddy. Berezovskoye is becoming overgrown at a rapid pace. Its shore is swampy. Area 208 hectares. The maximum depth is 6 m. Berezovskoye Lake is home to roach, perch, pike, ide, bream, ruffe, and crucian carp.

Lake Kumikush Bolshoy has an area of ​​178 hectares.

The average depth is 3 m. The shore is swampy and overgrown with bushes. It is inhabited by perch, pike, and ruff.
Fishing on Lake Bolshoi Kumikush: perch, pike, ruff.

How to get there:
In winter, the lake can be reached by snowmobile from the Kama River (the villages of Srednyaya Vortseva, Nizhnyaya Vortseva, Palniki). Until recently there were baloks (temporary houses for living) on ​​the shore of the lake.
Average depth: 3.2-3.5m
Maximum depth: 6m
Flowing rivers: in the southeastern part of the lake a channel flows into Lake Chelvinskoye.
Height above sea level: 130.7m
Area: 17.8 km2
Wild rest: in tents.
Fee: Free
Bottom: peat and plant residues.
Fish: Bolshoy Kumikush Lake is home to perch, pike and ruff. The fish spawn in the southwestern part of the lake.
Geographic coordinates: Latitude: 60°20′31.19″N (60.341998), longitude: 55°16′16.15″E (55.271154).
Settlements on the shore: the closest villages are Srednyaya Vortseva, Nizhnyaya Vortseva, Palniki.
Big Kumikush is the second largest lake in the Perm region, located between the Kama and Timshor rivers, located in the center of the Wild Swamp in the western part of the Cherdyn region. Several capes jut into Lake Big Kumikush. The bottom is flat, the banks are marshy. Spruce trees, bushes, and a lot of berries grow along the banks.

Lake Adovo is located in the Gainsky district.

Area of ​​Adovo: 360 hectares. The width of the lake is 2 km and the length is 3 km. Lake depth: 5-6 m. In Adovo you can find: perch, pike.
Due to some geological processes (some argue that the lake generally has two bottoms), often in the spring, the water begins to make a lot of noise, boil, and rise like a dome.
From above the lake looks like an egg. The area is about 4 square kilometers, the depth is 5 - 6 meters.
As Doctor of Philology, Professor of PSPU Ivan Podyukov says, this is perhaps one of the most mythologized objects Perm region. Legends associated with the lake and their variations are like stars in the sky on a cloudless night. So, one of them says that when the famous hero of the Komi-Permyak epic Pera the Bogatyr fought with the water vakul, he allegedly threw it into this lake out of anger. And since mythological heroes do not die, the Vakul periodically reminds itself of itself, little by little playing tricks on people. One old woman told the professor that there was a pike in the lake - “very big!” He wags his tail, as he says, and overturns the boat with the men. Why pike, it’s clear.
Among the Finno-Ugric peoples, she was considered a totemic ancestor. In ancient times, it was not even eaten as food; it was considered a great sin.
And here’s another legend: when God was flying across the sky with a bag in which he had collected evil spirits, over the Lake of Hell the bag seemed to tear, and all the devils fell out, now the lake is boiling and teeming with them.
Some people see devils, some see Loch Ness monsters, and others see a beautiful lake mermaid in this disastrous place. It turns out she wears what her mother gave birth to on the green island, luring fishermen and tourists. And, as is expected in all such stories about treacherous women, after meeting her no one is left alive.
According to other legends, even earlier, during the baptism of the lands, all pagans who did not want to accept Christianity were drowned in the waters of this lake.
There are stories that numerous robbers robbing merchant ships in the upper reaches of the Kama River threw barrels of looted gold for storage in Lake Hell. Later, during the division, they killed each other, and any place where many people died is considered bad, disastrous. “One hunter - a young hunter - said that this is very scary place. Like, even dogs that have a keen sense of demonic places refuse to go there,” says Ivan Alekseevich Podyukov.
One of the modern horror stories of Hell Lake: supposedly locals saw planes that dropped green containers with radioactive waste into the lake.

Who knows, the professor wonders, maybe the Hainians just want to scare off the crowds of curious tourists who are ready to go to hell? Well, so that they don’t bother them.

How to get there?
The lake is located 500 kilometers from Perm. You need to go from Perm through Kudymkar to the village of Gayny, further north towards the village of Seyva, from there along the old narrow-gauge road to Lake Hell. The road is difficult - through destroyed bridges and swamps. You can get there by Ural or KamAZ. In winter, it is easier to get to the lake shore by snowmobile.

Lake Wild

Perch and pike can also be caught on Lake Dikoye (112 hectares). Its average depth is 4 m. The lake is very swampy and overgrown with bushes.

Lake Beloe
Lake Beloye is located near the Kama Reservoir. Its shore is swampy and overgrown with bushes. There are perch. The area of ​​Bely is 32 hectares.

In Kungurskaya ice cave there was room for 70 lakes of different sizes, the water in which is surprisingly clean.

The lake is capricious and changeable, like a chameleon: today it is blue-black, tomorrow it is blue like a sapphire, the day after tomorrow it is emerald green. Fantastic beauty! And as soon as you get into the water, your teeth start to tap-dance and your skin breaks out in goosebumps.
The water is cold - 5 - 7 degrees. In winter the lake does not freeze.
Blue is unique. This is not just a lake, but a vaucluse - it is formed from an underground river, which flows with a powerful stream and breaks out to the surface. The deepest underwater cave in the Perm region is located here.
The shores of the lake are clayey, the volume depends on the amount of groundwater. More water means the lake is dark, less water means it is blue.
The area of ​​the lake is from 200 to 300 square meters, the length is from 22 to 24 meters, the width is from 10 to 18 meters, the depth of the lake funnel is from 1.3 to 9 meters.

The Bolshaya Glukhaya River flows from it, which flows into the Chusovaya River 125 meters from the lake.
How to get there?
130 kilometers from Perm. Usually Blue Lake visited by tourists rafting along the Chusovaya. It is located in front of the Big Blind Stones on the right bank of the river.
From Chusovoy to the lake it’s a little more than 10 kilometers, but good roads no, you can only get there in summer by water, in winter - by snowmobile, but this is a plus: the lake is of pristine purity.

Fishing on the Alexander Pond: perch, pike, bream, ide, burbot, ruffe, chebak, bleak, minnow, tench, verkhovka, carp, dace, loach. There are crayfish.
Direction from Ekaterinburg: Perm
Distance from Yekaterinburg (range): over 300 km
How to get there:
Distance from Yekaterinburg - 520 km.
We are driving from Yekaterinburg towards Perm, in Kungur we turn in a northerly direction and drive past Lysva through the cities of Chusovoy, Gremyachinsk, Gubakha, Kizel to the city of Aleksandrovsk.
Distance from Perm - 250 km.
From Perm you can take the same road, through the city of Chusovoy, or along the Solikamsk tract through Polazna, Berezniki and the village of Yayva.
Average depth: in the northern part 4.5, in the middle - 6.5 m
Maximum depth: 8.5m
Sources of water supply: the Lytva River, the Bolshaya Rassokha River, the Ursa River.
Flowing rivers: the Lytva River.
Altitude: 175m
Area: 1.6 km2

Fee: Free
Origin of the reservoir: Artificially formed on the Lytva River in 1805.
Bottom: gray and black silt, gray clay in places.
Fish: In the Alexandrovsky Pond you can find perch, pike, bream, ide, burbot, ruffe, chebak, bleak, minnow, tench, verkhovka, carp, dace and loach. The water in the pond is quite cool, so stocking it with carp did not bring the expected result. Crayfish are found in flowing places and river mouths.
Geographic coordinates: Latitude: 59°10′27.45″N (59.174292), longitude: 57°34′1.19″E (57.566998).
Settlements on the coast: Aleksandrovsk.
Alexandrovsky Pond is located within the city of Alexandrovsk in the Perm region. This is one of the oldest ponds in the Urals. The pond's dam is located in the city of Alesandrovsk; the banks here are high and steep with pebble ledges. The left bank in the upper reaches of the pond is low.

Votkinsk Reservoir
Fishing on the Votkinsk Reservoir: pike, perch, roach, pike perch, catfish, bream, burbot, sabrefish, bleak, silver bream, ide, crucian carp, rudd, sterlet, sprat, etc. (about 35 species of fish in total)
Direction from Ekaterinburg: Perm
Distance from Yekaterinburg (range): over 300 km
How to get there:

Distance from Yekaterinburg - 580 km.
From Yekaterinburg we follow to Perm, then we move southwest in the direction of Krasnokamsk. Along the right bank from Krasnokamsk by car you can get to Nytva, Okhansk, Kazanka, Belyaevka and other settlements located on the banks of the reservoir and, in fact, choose a place for parking and subsequent fishing.
Average depth: 8-10m
Maximum depth: 29m
Outflowing rivers: Kama and its tributaries Bolshaya Lasva, Ocher, Siva, Bolshaya Nytva, Saigatka, Tulva (more than 50 tributaries)
Area: 1120km2
Wild holiday: in a tent and in a car
Fee: Free
Origin of the reservoir: artificial (1964)
Geographic coordinates: 57°10′ N 55°00′E
Settlements on the shore: Okhansk, Nytva, Kryukovo, Elovo, Kazanka, Belyaevka, Osa; cities on the reservoir: Krasnokamsk, Votkinsk, Tchaikovsky.
Votkinsk reservoir, created in 1964 in the vicinity of the village. Saigatka (now the town of Tchaikovsky) to regulate the flow of the Kama at the Votkinsk hydroelectric station, today is a key supplier of water and electricity to cities and enterprises in the southwestern regions of the Perm Territory, and is used for shipping and fishing.
Length coastline- 1000 km. The maximum length and width are 365 km and 10 km, respectively.
A reservoir of channel type, with seasonal regulation of drainage, is conducive to the transit distribution of fish such as catfish, sprat, goby, and Nizhnekamsk sterlet into the reservoirs of the Kama basin.

The bays (Saigatsky, Tulvinsky, Ochersky, Nozhevsky, Erzovsky) are ideal for fishing for perch and roach; To catch pike and pike perch, you can go to shallow waters (Vekoshinskoye, Chastinskoye, Kryukovskoye).
On winter fishing It is best to go to river mouths and bays.

Fishing on Lake Dikoe: perch, pike.
Direction from Ekaterinburg: Perm
Distance from Yekaterinburg (range): over 300 km
How to get there:

First we get to Lake Teklyuevskoye: to Solikamsk by rail or road transport, and then along an asphalt road for about 90 km and another 15 km through the forest. IN good weather any car passes. Then we walk along the lake shore along the path to the mouth of the Chernaya River.

Average depth: 4m
Height above sea level: 121.4m
Area: 1.12 km2
Wild rest: in tents.
Fee: Free
Fish: The reservoir has a weak food supply. Fishermen usually come here for large specimens of pike and perch, but there are fewer and fewer of them.
Geographic coordinates: Latitude: 60°8′7.9″N (60.135527), longitude: 56°30′33.68″E (56.509355).
Settlements on the shore: the village of Redikor, the village of Gorbunovo, the village of Rategova.
Lake Dikoe has an oval shape, stretching from north to south. The coastline is heavily indented, the banks are swampy, and by the end of summer the lake is usually heavily overgrown with above-water and underwater vegetation.

Fishing on the Kama Reservoir: bleak, roach, chebak, perch, ruff, bream, pike perch, pike, burbot, asp, sabrefish, ide, blue bream, silver bream, tench, podust, rudd, sterlet, crucian carp, taimen, grayling, sprat.
The ichthyofauna is formed by the native fish of the Kama River and consists of 36 species. These are mainly bleak, roach weighing up to 700 grams, perch up to 500 grams, ruff, bream up to 1.5 kg, pike perch up to 8 kg, pike, burbot, asp up to 4 kg, sabrefish, ide, bluegill and silver bream , sometimes tench, podust, rudd, sterlet and crucian carp are caught. There is a chance to catch trophy pike in the bays of the upper part of the reservoir - Synvensky, Emelyanikha and others. In winter and spring, the fish stay in the old channel of the Kama.
Popular fishing spots:
Obvinsky Bay (Obva River), especially near Ilyinsky, where the bay can be crossed by a bridge. In spring there are up to several thousand fishermen here. There are 34 species of fish in the bay, the most numerous of which are: perch, roach, bleak, bream, pike perch and ruff.

Inva Bay (Inva River). The right bank of the mouth of the bay is covered with spruce forests, high, the left bank is low with flooded peat bogs. There are the islands of Bazov Bor, Turyamor, Vishkinets and several rafting islands that do not have a name. In the rafts and at the mouth of the bay there are perch, roach, bream and pike perch. You can catch sabrefish with an elastic band. In summer, in warm water, bream and roach are caught from the bottom, and as the water becomes cooler, burbot is caught.
Kosva Bay (Kosva River). Very popular place fishing, despite the discharge of wastewater from enterprises in the Kizelovsky coal basin and Gubakha. According to the first and the last ice Perch, bream and roach are successfully caught in the bay. In summer, asp, pike and pike perch bite on lures.
Chusovsky Bay (Chusovaya River). Popular for fishing for perch, roach and ruffe, bream, pike, pike perch, ide and sabrefish bite well. Sometimes fishermen manage to catch taimen and grayling. In the section of the river from Krivoy to Ust-Shalashnaya, sterlet, introduced in 2003-2004, began to be caught in May. It should be remembered that taimen and sterlet are listed in the Red Book; if caught, they must be released.
Sylva Bay (Sylva River). The bay is notable for the fact that ice melts and spawning occurs here several days earlier than in the rest of the Kama Reservoir. The run of pike perch begins in February-March; it moves to the shallows to feed in large schools. The most successful fishing for pike perch is in the areas of Zhabreev, Trinity and Goryushki. In addition to pike perch, bream, perch, roach, ide, silver bream and saberfish are caught in the bay.
Direction from Ekaterinburg: Perm
Distance from Yekaterinburg (range): over 300 km
How to get there:
Obvinsky Bay. We drive from Yekaterinburg to Perm, then through the Gaiva microdistrict along the Ilyinsky tract 94 km to Ilyinsky. In winter from central market In the city of Perm there is a special bus to the bay, leaving early on Saturday morning.
Invensky Bay. We drive from Yekaterinburg to Perm, then either along the Inva River (the last 26 km are navigable), or along the road through Kudymkar, Yusva and Maykor. In winter, you can get to Maykor from Bereznyaki via Turlavy and Pozhva.
Kosvinsky Bay. We drive to the Solikamsk tract, turn left from it to the mouth of the Chelva River or near the village of Nikulino to the villages of Krasnoe - Sobolki - Bor. You can also drive from Dobryanka past Bor-Lenva, through the village of Visim to the villages of Nizhny Lukh and Sobolki (they are located in the southern part of the bay), the path is about 70 km.
Chusovsky Bay. We drive to the town of Polazna, and from there on the road to the town of Chusovoy along a good highway. This road runs along the right bank of the bay.
Sylvensky Bay. We travel from Yekaterinburg to Perm, then:
- through the Yuzhny and Golyi Mys microdistrict to the village of Zhabrei (distance 26 km);
- through the Zaprud microdistrict along the Lyadovsky tract to the village of Troitsa along an asphalt road (36 km);
- through the village of Lobanovo to the village of Mostovaya along an asphalt and dirt road (39 km).
There is also an option to get there along the Sylva River; it is navigable to the village of Kindelino.

Average depth: 6.4m
Maximum depth: 30, near the western bank of the river in the area of ​​the old channel in the dam reach.m
Catchment area: 168000 km2
Flowing rivers: Kama River.
Area: 1810 km2
Wild holiday: in tents and car.
Cultural recreation: in any locality.
Fee: Free
Origin of the reservoir: Artificially created in 1953 during the construction of the Kamskaya State District Power Plant for energy purposes.
A comment:
The reservoir is polluted by wastewater from industrial enterprises in the cities of Solikamsk, Berezniki and others.
Flowing rivers and other sources of water supply:
Kama River, Chernaya River (3.3 km), Tolych River (3.6 km), Kemal River (4.3 km), Polazninsky Vozh (Vozh) River (5.4 km), Vasilievka River (7 km), Verkhniy Lukh river (8.7 km), Bykovka river (Bolshaya Bykovka, Myzya) (11 km), Osinovka river (Bolshaya Osinovka) (12 km), Polovinka river (15 km), Bolshaya Voronovka river (17 km), river Mol (17 km), Bystraya River (Bolshaya Bystraya) (19 km), Sylva River (21 km), Kutamysh River (22 km), Chelva River (22 km), Maslyanka River (Maslyana) (23 km), Cholva River (23 km), the Yurman River (Upper Yurman) (23 km), the Polutornaya River (27 km), the Solomenka River (Brodovaya) (27 km), the Bolshoi Ket River (Ket) (29 km), the Bykovka River (30 km) , Tikhonovka River (33 km), Egva River (38 km), Nasadka River (52 km), Vetlyana River (57 km), Mutnaya River (60 km), Syra River (Malaya Syra) (60 km), Talaya River ( 60 km), Shalashnya river (60 km), Khmelikha river (74 km), Serga river (84 km), Komarikha river (90 km), Usolka (Morokovka) river (99 km), Kamenka river (112 km), river Mechka (122 km), Chermoz River (792 km), Nizhny Lukh (Lukh) River (799 km), Pozhva River (Southern Pozhva) (835 km), Kondas River (872 km).
Geographic coordinates: Latitude: 58°52′31.83″N (58.875509), Longitude: 56°17′40.66″E (56.294628).
Settlements on the coast: Berezniki, Dobryanka, Chermoz.
The Kama reservoir was created on the Kama River, the length of the coastline is 1400 km. Seasonal fluctuations in water level up to 7.5 meters are typical, especially in February - April, at which time the volume of water decreases almost 4 times, and the surface area decreases to 650 sq. km. There are many bays in the Kama Reservoir, named after the tributaries of the Kama River - Obvinsky, Invensky, Kosvinsky, Chusovskoy, Sylvensky and others. The width of the bays is up to 10-15 km, length 50-150 km.


Fishing on Lake Nakhty: ide, pike, perch, chebak, bream, ruff, chub, asp.
Direction from Ekaterinburg: Perm
Distance from Yekaterinburg (range): over 300 km
How to get there:
Distance from Yekaterinburg - 760 km.
Let's go to district center Gayny, then along the road along the right bank of the Kama to the village of Kasimovka. Here we take the ferry across the Kama and get there to the village of Verkhnyaya Staritsa. The ferry can accommodate 3 cars, the price in 2011 is 250 rubles per car. Next we drive along the left bank of the Kama to the floodplain lake Nizhnyaya Staritsa. At its mouth, on the high left bank, 3 roads to Lake Nakhty begin, all equally impassable. The roads go through the village of Nizhnyaya Staritsa, abandoned in 1960, and then through the swamps in the northeast direction along the old lezhnevka and are marked with markers. The depth in the swamp reaches 1 meter. Only high off-road vehicles (GAZ-66, Ural) will be able to drive on the roads. It is much easier to move along the left bank of Lake Nakhty; to the middle of the lake the road goes through a pine forest. Local residents go to the lake on bicycles or motorcycles without sidecars.
Maximum depth: 3.5m
Sources of water supply: the lake is replenished with water from nearby swamps, and during high water it connects with the Timsher River.
Outflowing rivers: Bartom River.
Altitude above sea level: 130m
Area: 2.28 km2
Wild rest: in tents.
Fee: Free
Bottom: peat.
Fish: Pike, perch, chebak and ide are found in abundance on the lake; sometimes chub, asp, bream and ruff are caught. The fish is dark in color due to the color of the water; perch has bright red fins.

It started with the fact that after the exam we started talking in the corridor with our classmates about this and that. And somehow, in passing, Ilya Abramov said that he and Lekha Oshchepkov were going to Lake Rogalek one of these days. Lech is writing his master's thesis on karst and needs material. Would I like to go with him? At first I couldn’t believe my ears! But of course I want to!

The weather was promised to be warm, so there was no need to take a lot of things, I didn’t need any groceries either - the guys bought everything themselves. We met at Perm-2 and off we went! We had to travel on the train for almost 3.5 hours, but the time somehow flew by quickly while talking. We left at the 57 km site and tramped on foot along a terrible broken country road. The boots came in handy right away!

Somehow I was barely interested in our route and mileage - we go and go, as long as we have, all of us! But the place, as it turned out, is very, very interesting. The lake itself is part of a caste depression with a not very euphonious name - Durnyatskaya. Sometimes the entire system of lakes, of which there are about a dozen, is called Durnyata. But we are still walking and don’t even think about the lakes. The road once came to Kosva. Here we have a snack and prepare for the crossing. The guys took turns inflating the rubber boat, and I sat and pretended that I was not afraid at all!

Lekha transported us one by one: first me, then Ilya. It’s nothing like that, it’s not scary at all, although his boat doesn’t make him feel confident. Then we dried the boat for almost an hour and simply lay in the sun in the fresh greenery. Again the road and again broken... One day we went to the lakes. For the camp we chose the largest and most open lake, which is called the Big Lake. Besides us, two not very sober, but very talkative fishermen were already camped here. Actually, they didn’t have any kind of camp - just a shelter from the rain!

But they were incredibly happy to see us, because apparently they had already had enough of each other’s company. They were somehow not particularly pleasant to me, but the guys talked to them very friendly on various topics. While they were talking, I started eating dinner, but even then there was a clash of views. I started putting a pot of water on the fire and found a couple of frog tadpoles in it. Moreover, they are very well-fed and ready to enter adult frog life. The fact of their presence in food outraged me. Lech was sincerely perplexed as to why I was so noisy! After all, we will still put meat in our food! A piece more, a piece less! And in general, the French consider frogs a delicacy! Well, I do not! I'm not going to eat tadpoles! So I went for water myself again. On the shore of the lake, it became obvious that it was not so easy to get empty water - there were simply teeming with tadpoles here! And they weren't even going to be scared of me!..

But I coped with this difficult task! Dinner was cooked, the dishes were washed, it was like lights out!

Lakes Beloe, Bolshoye and Kamenka

The morning began to the sound of drops dripping onto the awning! Of course! It had been floating like this all day the day before - and now it’s raining. I still had to get up, I had to make breakfast, I had to do work. The rain started and ended several more times. Actually, I didn’t have any work, so after breakfast I first finished writing my diary, then tried to study the tickets. In the end, I got tired of all this, and I went to see what the guys were doing. I followed the voices and looked at my feet with all my might. Even before this, completely unnoticed, a lake of amazing green color came across our feet (Kamenka or what?). And even when you make your way through the bushes in its very immediate vicinity, it still appears unexpectedly.

On Rogalka, the guys actually took measurements. It is believed that this is one of the deepest karst lakes in the Perm region. Quite small in diameter, it has a cone-shaped bowl, maximum depth which is 61 meters! We were so fascinated by the numbers that we sat and thought about how we could fill such depth. I liked to measure with 9-story buildings, and the guys measured with a completely strange unit of measurement - Kamatsu tractors...

Lake Rogalek and the Pozhva River
Savushkin Lozhok and Black Lake

The evening was spent according to their interests: they did not climb out of the lake, they splashed around, dived, tried to tame a perfectly round huge log, and I watched this whole circus - I did not want to climb into the lake at all. Moreover, there are tadpoles and, probably, swarms of leeches! Whew...

Another night in a stuffy and hot tent, early morning, getting ready to go home. We decided to change the way back a little so as not to walk the same road twice. But the crossing still could not be avoided, this time through Pozhva. In the same way, Lekha transported us to the other shore; again we had to wait until the boat dried out in order to pack it into Lekha’s huge backpack. And then along the dirt road we went towards the highway, where we hoped to get on the Solikamsk-Perm bus. We didn’t have any clear confidence in the buses; we walked at random. The exit point to the road was unremarkable; it was not even known where the nearest stopping point. Therefore, we decided to wait right here, sitting on our backpacks. The first bus that Ilya tried to stop passed by. The driver in a suit, tie and shirt shook his head sympathetically. I would like to believe that he meant the lack of seats, and not our unpresentable appearance. But the next one stopped. We threw our backpacks into the trunk, sat down and quickly dozed off, which made the 3 hours of travel fly by quite quickly. And here we are in Perm, a day later there is another exam!

The Perm region cannot be considered a land of lakes. Our neighbors are richer in these natural objects. But nevertheless, there are about 800 lakes in the region with a total area of ​​approximately 11.5 thousand hectares. There are two largest lakes with an area of ​​more than 1.5 thousand hectares, and the main mass is from 1-100 hectares. The deepest lakes (all of them are of karst origin): Rogalek (depth 61 meters), Beloe (depth 46 meters) in the Dobryansky district. In general, there are more than 500 karst lakes (such is the geology of the Perm region). Most of them are small or tiny - less than 50 meters across and less than 3 meters deep. The underground lakes are interesting and in many ways unique. The largest of them is considered to be the lake in the Grotto of Friendship of Peoples in the Kungur Ice Cave (about 1300 sq. m). In total, over 60 lakes were discovered in this cave. Lakes are also known in other karst caves- Pashiyskaya, Divya, Kizelovskaya. Most of the lakes are located in the north of the region. Oxbow lakes, karst lakes, floodplain lakes, drainage and drainage lakes are widely represented. These are real pearls of our north (thanks to their remoteness and inaccessibility they have retained their purity and virginity), a habitat for fish, birds and other animals whose life without water is impossible.

Chusovskoye Lake

This is the largest lake in the Perm region. It is located in the north of the Cherdyn region and has a flowing nature. The lake stretches from north to south for more than 15 kilometers. The mirror area is 19.4 km². The maximum depth is 8 meters, the average is 1.5-2 meters. The lake water has a yellow-brown tint due to the influx of swamp waters, overgrown with aquatic vegetation from 30 to 60%. The Berezovka River flows into it from the north, and Visherka flows out of the lake. The shores of the lake are overgrown with reeds, sedges and small bushes. Chusovskoye is the largest spawning ground in the north of the region and at the same time a magnificent feeding reservoir. Pike perch, bream, pike, perch, ide, roach, burbot, gudgeon, etc. spawn here. The bottom of the lake is heavily silted, which creates problems with oxygen in winter, so there is little fish in the lake in winter. It goes into tributaries, rolls into Visherka and Kolva. In the summer here open water good fishing. There are many local and migratory ducks along the bays and shores. A state reserve has been created to protect migratory birds. You can get to the lake along the road through Nyrob-Bogatyrevo-Fadino-Chusovskoye to the Bani camp (if you have an all-terrain vehicle). A more reliable route on water by boat or motor boat: according to Kolva, Visherka. Settlements there are none on the lake, and therefore the places are most beautiful, rich in fish, birds, berries and mushrooms.

Berezovskoye Lake

It is located north of Lake Chusovskoye in the right-bank floodplain of the Berezovka River. The area of ​​its mirror is 2.08 km². Maximum depth 4-5 meters. It is connected to the Berezovka River by a rather deep channel. The shores of the lake are swampy and quite overgrown with vegetation, the bottom is muddy. In summer, the lake is heavily overgrown with aquatic vegetation. It is a large spawning and feeding reservoir. Pike, ide, bream, perch, roach, etc. spawn here. With the onset of cold weather, the fish leaves along the channel to Berezovka and its tributaries, and the larger ones descend to Kolva. There is no housing nearby. The surrounding swamps are rich in cranberries and lingonberries. The only way to get to the lake in summer is by motor boat along Berezovka, and in winter by snowmobile.

Lakes Bolshoy Kumikush, Chelvinskoye, Novozhilovo, Tylty

In the extreme west of the Cherdyn region, between the Kama and Timshor rivers, in a very swampy area, there is a whole scattering of large and small lakes. The largest of them is Lake Big Kumikush, located in the center of the “Wild Swamp”. The area of ​​its mirror is 17.8 km². The maximum depth is 6 meters, the average is 3-3.5 meters. The bottom of the lake is very muddy, the shores are swampy to such an extent that finding a place to set up a tent is very, very difficult. You can get to the lake in summer only on foot along paths winding through the swamps. To the south of it is Lake Chelvinskoye, with an area of ​​2 km² and shaped like a figure eight. The lakes are connected by a channel. Among the inhabitants are pike, perch, and ruff. In winter, especially in Kumikusha, there is a lack of oxygen. It saves the channel to Lake Chelvinskoe, where the oxygen regime is somewhat better. 6 kilometers to the east is Lake Novozhilovo, with an area of ​​7.12 km². It connects to Kama with a small source. Pike, perch and ruff spawn and feed in the lake. Some of the fish go to the Kama for the winter. Some east of the lake Novozhilovo is Lake Tylty measuring 1.16 km². The lake has the appearance of a curved arc and is connected to the Kama by the Istok Tylty River flowing from it. Due to their inaccessibility, the lakes are practically not fished in the summer. In winter, the lakes can be easily reached by snowmobile. For ice fishing, lakes Chelvinskoye and Novozhilovo are preferable. Smaller lakes in this area include Maly Kumikush, Eastern Maly Kumikush, Northern Kumikush, and Dikoe.

Lake Nakhty

Somewhat to the west of the lakes described above, in the Gainsky region, in the same swampy area there is a large number of relatively small lakes. The most famous lake is Nakhty. The length of the reservoir is approximately 12 km, width 15 meters, maximum depth 3.5 meters, area 2.28 km². The lake is fed by water from swamps and therefore the water in it is brown. The lake is home to asp, sorog, ide, pike, perch, chub, bream, and ruff. In the old days it was a fishing pond. Now, on the road from the abandoned village of Nizhnyaya Staritsa, it is almost impossible to get to the lake by car. However, the reservoir is popular among local residents as a place for recreation and fishing. They reach the lake by motorcycle or bicycle. Among other lakes in this area, one can highlight the Krivetskaya Staritsa lake near the village of Krivtsy, with a size of 1.76 square meters. km. The lake connects with the Kama and therefore the fish are the same as in the Kama. One and a half kilometers east of Krivetskaya Staritsa there is Lake Mikhty with a size of 0.44 km². To the west of Krivetskaya Staritsa there are lakes Istomino (0.16 km²), Nizhnyaya Staritsa, Nizhnyaya Yemty, Mezhaty (0.14 km²).

Lakes Teklyuevskoe, Dikoe, Nyukhti

On the border of the Solikamsky and Krasnovishersky districts there is Lake Teklyuevskoye (Redicor). The lake is horseshoe-shaped with an area of ​​2.72 km². You can get here along the Perm-Krasnovishersk road, turning to the Redikor recreation center (6 km). The lake is located in the former Vishera bend and has a connection with the river. Together with the nearby Lake Rategovskoye, it is one of the largest spawning grounds in the north of the region. During the spring flood, the entire floodplain of the Vishera is flooded, and the river and lake form one whole. At this time, pike, asp, perch, roach, and sabrefish actively spawn here, and gold and silver crucian carp are caught. 1 km from Lake Teklyuevskoe in a swampy area there is Lake Dikoe. Oval-shaped lake 1.5*1.0 km. The area of ​​the lake is 1.12 km². Average depths are 4-4.5 meters. Along the shore there are thickets of water lilies and lilies, the shore itself is damp and unsteady. There is an abundance of perch and a lot of pike. Get to Dikoye on foot from Teklyuevskoye Lake. In the Kolynva River basin in the Krasnovishersky district there is Lake Nyukhti. The mirror area is 5.4 km². The lake is connected to the river by a long and deep channel. The lake is home to pike, perch, bream, roach, ruffe, ide, and crucian carp. This is a shallow lake (the predominant depth is 1-1.5 m) with low and swampy shores, with a silted bottom, which in winter reduces the oxygen content in the water. Only small perch and ruffe winter in the lake; other fish go to Kolynva and Yazva. The lake is of migratory importance during the spring and autumn migrations of birds. The access to the lake is quite decent (oil workers paved the roads) and on weekends there are quite a lot of fishermen from Krasnovishersk and Solikamsk (usually all with a catch).

Lakes Big and Small Adovo

In the area between the Kama and Veslyana rivers, among vast swamps and peat bogs, lies Lake Bolshoye Adovo. The location itself makes it difficult to access and rarely visited. The area of ​​the lake is 3.68 km². A kilometer to the east is Lake Maloye Adovo, which is much smaller in size (0.12 km²). Lakes with a good food supply and a rich species composition of fish. Lots of very decent pike and perch. In summer you can take a narrow-gauge railway to the logging village of Seiva, and then walk through the swamp. In winter only by snowmobile. A reserve has been created on Lake Bolshoye Adovo to preserve the nesting grounds of the whooper swan. Big Hell Lake is perhaps the most mysterious body of water in the Kama region. Many legends are associated with its history and especially with its name - funny, tragic, and sometimes terrible. It is now impossible to establish what is true about them, but inexplicable phenomena are still observed on the lake (unexpected seething of water, strong whirlpools in the central part, sudden disappearance of fish). Local residents bypass the center of the lake and fish along the shores. There is an assumption about the underwater communication of the lake with other lakes in the Gainsky region. According to local residents, a monster actually lives in the lake and there are even eyewitnesses. True, the scientific expeditions that visited the lake did not find the monster, but they did not say a categorical “no”. Questions remain, and there are no answers to them yet.

Lake Beloe

This is no longer north, it is much closer. True, getting to the lake is not so easy. First you need to go from Krasny or from the village of Bor-Lenva by boat or motor boat to the mouth of the Rudasherka River (on the right bank of Kosvinsky Bay). Having moored in the middle part of the mouth, you find yourself on the trail. Having walked along it to the north, you find yourself on the embankment of a narrow-gauge railway, and along it to the north you go out to the lake. The area of ​​the lake is 0.32 km². Its banks are swampy and overgrown with small bushes. There is good perch in the lake, which is what attracts anglers here in early autumn and spring, on the ice.

Lake Chukaevskoye (Baranovskoye) and Black Lake

On the right bank of the Kama, between railway bridge and the Krasavinsky Bridge, this pair of lakes is located. The easiest way to get to Lake Chukaevskoye is to cross the Krasavinsky Bridge and immediately turn right. If the dump trucks have not gouged the road, then you can drive all the way to the lake. The lake is a very decent size, although the shores are muddy and steep in some places. Very close to it is Black Lake. It is much smaller in size and during the spring flood it is connected to Lake Chukaevskoye by a channel, which dries up in the summer. The approaches to the water are much better than on Chukaevsky, although the bottom is heavily clogged with driftwood. In the lakes they catch crucian carp, sorog, pike, and perch.

Krasavino Lakes

You can get to the lakes along the Western Bypass and, before reaching the Krasavinsky Bridge at the roundabout, turn onto the road towards Krokhovo. Or go from the Cosmonaut Highway from Krokhovo. Large and small lakes will be on both sides of the road. Some of these lakes connect with the Kama in the spring and fish come from it. The largest lakes are Podosinovoye and Chudovo. The fish in the lakes are varied - pike, perch, sorog, crucian carp, rudd. There are crucian carp weighing a kilogram or more.

Lakes of the Durnyat Basin

Durnyatskaya basin (Dobryansky district) is a landscape monument of the Perm region. There are 11 karst lakes on an area of ​​355 hectares. The most large lake is Big lake 2.04 hectares in size, and the deepest in the entire Urals is Lake Rogalek. The outline of the lake resembles a figure eight with two basins of 8 and 61 meters. Getting to the lakes is not so easy. There is no access and there are no lakes on the maps. You reach the village of Perm, then move to the village of Gari. Here you leave the car and walk upstream of the Pozhva River. After 2.5 km, cross to the left bank of the river along a concrete bridge and after about 3 km you reach the mouth of the Istok stream. About 300 meters upstream of the stream there will be Lake Beloye. Lake Beloye is connected by channels to Lake Cherny and Lake Rogalek. Thanks to beavers, the area is very swampy and difficult to pass, so it is better to get to the lakes along the channels. The water in Bely and Rogalek is salty. The water in the lakes of the Durnyat Basin is always almost the same temperature - cold, and even in winter not all lakes freeze. From a fisherman's point of view, the lakes are of no interest.

Lasvinskie lakes

On the territory of the Kirovsky district of the city of Perm (in the area between Oborino and the Lasva River) there is a group of large and small lakes. The largest of them is Big Lasvinskoye Lake (0.36 km²). The remaining lakes are much smaller. Among them are Lake Dikoe and Lake Lobkhanskoye. Although the lakes are located within the city limits, there is fish in them and quite a lot of it. The lakes contain: crucian carp, sorog, tench, perch, bream, pike. The most accessible Lake Dikoe is located almost on the outskirts of Oborino. Lake Lobhanskoye can also be reached by car from Oborino (along the Kama towards Krasnokamsk). Big Lasvinskoye Lake is located in a forested area and can be reached mainly on foot or in dry weather by SUV from Lobhanskoye Lake, almost off-road.

Kungur Lakes

Kungur is clearly not deprived of anything, let alone water. In addition to three decent rivers, the city has a number of small lakes. Some of them are of karst origin, others are located in the former beds of rivers flowing in the city. Previously (it was a long time ago) the lakes were famous for fishing. Now many have no fish at all. Kuznetsovskoye Lake is the most famous and most affected by humans. Part of the lake was filled up, the shores were littered, and the surface was covered with duckweed. The city's once iconic body of water is slowly dying. Ageevskoe Lake (Mochische) is also quite polluted and clearly suffers from lack of care. Krotovskoye Lake was once a favorite vacation spot for townspeople. In the dashing 90s, the lake was pretty dirty. Now it is periodically cleared of debris and even restocked with fish (through the efforts of amateur fishermen). At the foot Ice Mountain In the Zasylvenskaya part of the city there is Karasye Lake. Now the lake looks unkempt and forgotten. The banks are overgrown with bushes, it is difficult to get to the water, the glory of a fishing pond is a thing of the past. Behind Irenia, near Blucher Street, there is Lake Sharapovskoye. The shores of the lake are overgrown and it is difficult to get to the water. And the surface of the reservoir is covered with a layer of duckweed. Previously, small crucian carp were caught, but now there are no fishing enthusiasts in sight. A little away from housing, among pines, birches and aspens, Povarnoe Lake is located - the least affected by the fruits of civilization - a quiet picturesque oasis. The lake is of karst origin, approximately 70*100 meters. It happens that the water completely leaves the reservoir, and therefore the fish does not take root.
P.S. Of course, you can sit with a fishing rod on some lakes, but you can’t count on a big catch.

Torsunovskoye Lake

In the Ochersky district of the Perm Territory, approximately 7.5 km east of the city of Ocher and 4 km north of the village of Pavlovsky, there is Torsunovskoye Lake with an area of ​​0.687 km². The lake has a round shape and is connected to Pavlovsky Pond by a channel about 300 m long and 20 m wide. The depths in the lake are up to 20 m. The reservoir is fed by springs and precipitation. Swamps adjoin the lake from the southeast and west. The lake, swamps and surrounding pine forest constitute a botanical monument of regional importance. The water in the lake is quite clean - visible to a depth of 4 meters. There are many legends about the lake - there are mermaids, goblins, water monsters, and bandit treasures. In reality, the presence of standing spruce trees at the bottom, the tops of which are visible from the surface, is a mystery. Among the fish there are bream, perch, and pike.

Chaechnoye Lake

Chaechnoe Lake is located in the Uinsky district of the Perm Territory, 19 km northeast of the village of Uinskoye on the outskirts of the village of Voskresenskoye. The oval-shaped reservoir measures 0.14 km² and has the status of a landscape natural monument of regional significance. The lake got its name because the largest colony of black-headed gulls (1000 pairs) in the Kama region nests here. A lake of karst origin with a marshy bottom and average depth 1.5 meters. The lake is fed exclusively by precipitation. Because of this, in dry years, the lake can dry up completely in summer. In summer, the surface of the reservoir is partially covered with thickets of water lilies, and the banks are covered with reeds and reeds. Of course, there is no special quantity or variety of fish, but pike, perch, and crucian carp still live.

Formed: by decision of Perm. OIC dated 06/07/88 No. 139.
The security regime was established: by decision of Perm. OIC dated 06/07/88 No. 139.
Borders: North: along the north. the border of 25 and 26 divisions of the 9th quarter of the Dobryansky agroforestry, further along the northern. border of the 17th quarter of the State Forest Fund and the northern. the border of divisions 20 and 22 of the 10th quarter of the Dobryansky agroforestry. East: according to east. the boundaries of divisions 22 and 23 of the 10th quarter of the Dobryansky agroforestry to the southeast. borders of the 10th quarter. South: southeast. border of the 10th quarter of the Dobryansky agroforestry until its intersection with the river. Pozhva. Zap.: along the left bank of the river. Pozhva, further along the west. the boundaries of divisions 8 and 25 of the 9th quarter of the Dobryansky Argoleskhoz.
The monument was first described and proposed for protection by K. G. Butyrina (1965).
It is a classic karst flowing depression with spring lakes. The relief is hilly and ridged with heights up to 217 m. The territory is composed of Permian deposits, overlain by thin eluvial loams. A number of streams and rivers flow through the territory of the protected area: Pozhva, Istok, Pashtikha, Melnichny, Elitovka. There are 11 unique karst lakes here. Deep, drainage, weakly overgrown lakes near the shores of the lakes in the central part of the depression - Beloe, Chernoe, Rogalek, Kamenka - are spring-fed, fed mainly by karst waters. The lakes have low temperatures in summer and hardly freeze in winter. Beloe and Rogalek are the deepest lakes Perm region and the Urals, and lake. Rogalek, with a depth of 61 m, is the deepest karst lake in Russia. Lakes east parts of the depression - Bolshoye, Maloye, Savushkin Lozhok, Novy Proval and Bezymyannye - are drainless. In the western part of the depression there are small, drainless, swampy fresh lakes(Sidorovskoe and others). The flow of water from the Durnyat depression occurs in the form of two streams flowing from the lake. Bely and flowing into the river. I'll wait. The vegetation is typical for the region of southern taiga fir-spruce forests. The main type of forest is secondary aspen-birch and linden grass forests. Small areas are occupied by nemoral herbaceous fir-spruce forests with an undergrowth of linden. Along the shores of numerous lakes, coastal water, marsh and water complexes vegetation. A number of plant species listed in the Red Book of the Middle Urals (1996) have been identified here: pure white water lily, Hebridean and spotted palmate roots.

Lit.: Butyrina K. G. Amazing lakes// Calendar directory of the Perm region for 1966. Perm: Perm. book publishing house, 1965. P. 82-83.;
Butyrina K. G. Karst lakes central part of the Perm region // Uchen. zap. / Perm. univ. 1973. No. 281. P. 60-92.;
Butyrina K. G. Karst lakes / K. G. Butyrina, K. A. Gorbunova // Natural monuments of the Perm region. Perm, 1983. S. 54-65.;
Butyrina K. G., Yashchenko R. V. On the thermals of karst lakes // Uchen. zap. / Perm. univ. 1967. No. 165. P. 49-54.;
Karst and caves of the Perm region / K. A. Gorbunova, V. N. Andreychuk, V. P. Kostarev, N. G. Maksimovich. Perm: Perm Publishing House. Univ., 1992. 200 p.

S. P. Stenno, G. A. Voronov, N. G. Tsiberkin, I. A. Lavrov, V. P. Levkovsky, E. N. Sadovnikova

Duke), the ice was almost snowless. At this point there was already too much snow for bicycles, so we went skiing.


Kobona Zelenetsky Islands st. Ladoga lake.

They spent a long time judging and deciding how best to cast. If you’re on a bike, then everything is clear: you take the train to Voybokalo, and then you screw it in. This trick doesn’t work with skis; you have to somehow get to the shore from the station. They even wanted to take a car from St. Petersburg, with Aks driving (so that he could drive the car back and not have to come for it again), but decided not to complicate things, relying on the Voybokalo Kobona bus (runs twice a day, here is its schedule).

4 people decided to take part: Sergey Radolitsky (serzh_r), Sergey Kislinsky (Pupsen), Sergey Rogachev (Rog@liK) and me, Dmitry Bulavinov (Bulawka). More people gathered, but many were confused by the two-day format, and some simply couldn’t make it. We had not yet left the station, and Radolitsky had already run into me, why am I getting out of the team? Everyone is Sergei, but I am not, everyone is with backpacks, and I am with drags, etc. :‑) (And I really decided to test driving around Ladoga with drags, because everything doesn’t fit into a small backpack, and a big one is too big.)

About 16 left for Voybokalo; Several locals were hanging out near the station, they said that there would be a bus, but they also did not deny the possibility of its absence. And then they all (or almost all) disappeared somewhere. But at about 16.20 PAZik really arrived and took us to Kobona (55 rubles from the nose and 55 for luggage from everyone).

We unloaded at the crossroads in Kobon [ • ], and the bus went to Lavrovo (it circles in one direction in the morning and in the other in the evening). And we headed straight to the store [ • ] for food (the store is expensive!), and Pupsen visited the department store nearby (he forgot absolutely everything - the bowl, the spoon, and the flashlight).

[Note. Here and below with [ • ] indicates the coordinates of the place in question in the WGS 84 coordinate system in the format degrees with fractions. Move your mouse over the icon and the coordinates of the location will be highlighted as alt text. The points were gleaned from GPS data from this trip, and further refined using digital photographs. Still, mistakes should not be completely ruled out. There are definitely no errors in the GPS data from the hike itself, the link to which is provided at the end of this story.]

Along the canal we reached Ladoga. It's getting dark. The fishermen's cars return to land in a long line, creating a picture very similar to photographs from the Road of Life during the war... Zelentsy is visible in the distance, about 10 km away. The weather is normal, the wind is not strong. There are no cracks, no hummocks, little snow, in short, beauty.

When we arrived at the island of Bolshoi Zelenets it was already completely dark. We stood in the same place as a year ago [ • ] . The firewood is so-so, the water was collected from the lake (ice about 40 centimeters). We called with friends who are spending the night in Kobon in a pretentious hotel, and are planning to rush along the Road of Life on fat bikes tomorrow morning (the same as a regular bike, only with 3" or thicker tires). We drank, ate, had a snack and went to bed. During the day walked about 11 km.

Pupsen took a summer sleeping bag with him (and, just in case, he slept in a down jacket and boots and therefore froze), woke up first and cooked porridge (although Radolitsky is usually the first to get blown up).

We left around 11. As we rounded the island, the wind began to blow; although from the side, it was strong, although without gusts. There is little snow on the ice; here and there there was barely a sprinkle of ice, but overall it was of little use for skates. We crossed a couple of cracks, no problem, surrounded by small hummocks. Driving the Road of Life in a car under these weather conditions would not be difficult.

We saw a couple of kiters, one of whom was probably Vitya Shchultz moving towards the team of fat bikers. Fat bikers constantly called me: as soon as you put on a mitten and warm your hand, the next one calls. Like, where are you? Let's go forward, damn it. :‑)

Closer to the shore, Radolitsky and Pupsen rushed to the lighthouse in Osinovets and for some fig they went out onto land right there, and they had to walk a couple of kilometers. And Rogalik and I walked across the lake, joining the ski column returning from the start of the annual bike ride along the Road of Life (along its coastal part, from the “Broken Ring” monument on the shore of Ladoga to the “Flower of Life” monument on Rzhevka), and went ashore [ • ] very close to the Ladoga Lake station [ • ], literally 300 meters from it.