July 2, 2016

We bring to your attention ten fantastic places on planet Earth that will amaze you with their unique, perhaps one might even say unearthly, beauty. Everyone should definitely visit these mysterious and amazing corners of the planet at least once in their life.

The most unusual places on earth

1. Easter Island, Chile

Easter Island, Chile. Easter Island or Rapa Nui is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is famous mainly for its main attraction - the Moai stone statues. There is probably no more mysterious, mysterious, even mystical island in the world. The impressive monuments of Moai sculptures instill in the viewer incredible delight and unjustified fear, indescribable joy and an inexplicable feeling of anxiety. Everyone should definitely visit Easter Island and become immersed in the fascinating history of the Rapa Nui people.

2. Antelope Canyon, USA

Antelope Canyon, USA.Antelope Canyon is probably the most beloved and popular tourist attraction in the United States. Antelope Canyon received its quaint name due to the color of its rocks: reddish-red hues reminiscent of the color of an antelope skin. Over the centuries, water and wind created that fantastic relief that today is impossible to stop admiring. The play of intricate shapes and graceful lines of the canyon rock walls is an extraordinary and unforgettable sight.

3. Zhangye Danxia, ​​China

Zhangye Danxia, ​​China. Zhangye Danxia is rocks, but the rocks are not simple, but colorful! Variegated rock formations were formed due to various natural anomalies. The result is truly stunning - bright rainbow colored stripes adorn the mountains. To believe in the existence of such fabulous landscapes you need to see them with your own eyes; the picture that opens is truly breathtaking.

4. Petra, Jordan

Petra, Jordan. The ancient city of Petra is considered one of the wonders of the world. The city is located in the narrow Siq canyon. At one time, the city of Petra was the richest and most prosperous shopping center. Now Petra is not only an architectural monument, but also a vast tourist area that attracts crowds of foreign guests. The main advantage of Petra is the facade of the Al-Khazneh temple building, carved from a single rock. Petra makes an indelible impression; be sure to visit this amazing city.

5. Phi Phi Islands, Thailand

Phi Phi Islands, Thailand. The Phi Phi Islands are truly heaven on Earth. More impressive landscape beauties cannot be found in the whole world. Beautiful beaches, clear turquoise waters and incredibly beautiful rocks covered with dense tropical greenery make this place ideal for relaxation.

Caño Cristales means crystal river in Spanish. Thanks to the various types of mosses and algae growing on the bottom, the illusion is created that the waters of the river are colored in different colors: red, blue, green, yellow and even black. Therefore, Caño Cristalis is sometimes called the river of five colors. It’s a real miracle to see such indescribable beauty with your own eyes.

The Socotra Islands are a World Heritage Site. They are quite inaccessible and suitable only for ecotourism. Restaurants, hotels and high level of service? Forget about it, because the first roads were built here just a couple of years ago. However, visiting Socotra will be the most an unforgettable journey in your life if you decide to endure discomfort. Being here is like being on another planet. Vegetable world This land is unique: you will not see a huge number of plants growing on the island anywhere else. Such exceptional flora originated here due to the island's isolation and suitable climate.

8. Uyuni, Bolivia

Uyuni, Bolivia. Uyuni is the biggest salt Lake in the world. But interesting feature The beauty of this lake lies not only in its scale. Uyuni is a solid salt marsh with a smooth mirror surface on which you can drive a car. In fact, Uyuni is a huge block of salt. The lake has high economic value for Bolivia due to the extraction of its colossal salt reserves. Here, salt is used not only for food, it is even used as building material. Therefore, travelers have the opportunity to stay in a real salt hotel.

The wonderful Kliluk Lake is located in British Columbia. The waters of the lake are rich in various minerals and when evaporated, many spots of minerals are formed on the surface, which, depending on the time of year, turn into different colors - an incredibly amazing sight. In addition to its magical view, Kliluk is also famous for its healing properties.

On our planet, along with modern, technologically and industrially developed megacities, there are many places created by ancient masters or nature itself.

Each such attraction has its own legend and, naturally, is silent about a lot of things. Mysterious places raise a huge number of questions among scientists and confuse them anomalous phenomena and the unknown.

1. Devils Tower, USA

The so-called Devil's Tower is actually a natural rock of amazingly regular shape and consists of columns with sharp corners. This is true mysterious place, which, according to research, is more than 200 million years old, is located in the USA, in the territory of the modern state of Wyoming.

In size, the Devil's Tower is several times larger than the Cheops Pyramid and from the outside resembles a man-made structure. Thanks to its unrealistic size and unnaturally correct configuration, the rock has become the object of attention of many scientists, and local residents claim that Satan himself built it.

2. Cahokia Mounds, USA

Cahokia or Cahokia is an abandoned Indian city, the ruins of which are located near Illinois, USA. This place is reminiscent of how ancient civilizations lived, and its complex structure proves that this area was inhabited by a highly developed people 1500 years ago. Old City It is striking in its scale; a network of terraces and 30-meter earthen mounds, as well as a huge solar calendar, have been preserved on its territory.

It is still unknown why a society of almost 40 thousand people left their settlement, and which Indian tribes are direct descendants of the Cahokians. Despite this, the Cahokia mounds are a favorite place for many tourists who come here in the hope of unraveling the mystery of the ancient city.

3. Chawinda, Mexico

This mystical place, according to Aboriginal beliefs, is the center of intersection of the real and other worlds. That is why incredible things happen here that are difficult for modern people to understand.

Chawinda is of interest to many treasure hunters, because according to legend, this area hides unprecedented wealth. Unfortunately, no one has yet managed to find the treasure. Would-be treasure hunters often attribute their failures to otherworldly forces.

4. Newgrange, Ireland

Newgrange is the oldest building on the territory of modern Ireland, it is already about 5 thousand years old. It is believed that this long corridor with a transverse room is a grave, but scientists have not yet been able to determine for whom.

It is still unknown how ancient people were able to build such a perfect structure, which for five thousand years was not only lucky enough to survive, maintaining its primitive appearance, but also to remain completely waterproof.

5. Pyramids of Yonaguni, Japan

Mysterious underwater pyramids near the western Japanese island Yonaguni causes a lot of controversy among modern archaeologists and surveyors. The main question is whether the structures are a natural phenomenon, or whether they were created by the hand of an ancient man.

In the course of numerous studies, it was possible to establish that the age of the Yonaguni pyramids is more than 10 thousand years. Therefore, if the Yonagun monuments created mysterious civilizations unknown to us, then the history of mankind should be rewritten.

Mysterious civilization. Underwater cities of Yonaguni

6. Geoglyphs of Nazca, Peru

The Nazca geoglyphs in Peru are one of the most mysterious places on the planet. They were discovered in the middle of the last century and are still actively discussed by scientists who cannot say unambiguously what the ancient people wanted to express with these giant drawings of animals and for what purpose were they used?

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to ask the creators, but scientists offer 2 main versions: some, leaning towards the cosmic theory of the origin of geoglyphs, believe that they are landmarks for alien ships, others claim that these are giant lunar calendars. Anyway, rock paintings Nazca is proof of the existence of an ancient and mysterious civilization on the territory of modern Peru, which lived here long before the famous Incas and was distinguished by a high level of development.

7. Black Bamboo Hollow, China

Black Bamboo Hollow or Heizhu is perhaps the most terrible place on Earth. Locals They nicknamed it the Valley of Death, and they don’t even want to get close to it for any money. Just the memory of the ravine fills them with great horror.

They say that children and pets disappear here without a trace, and there is a lot of documentary evidence of this. Scientists have been interested in the hollow of black bamboo for decades, who managed to prove that the valley in Chinese province Sichuan is an anomalous area with a harsh climate and rapidly changing weather conditions, which together provoke soil subsidence, which, according to scientists, is the cause of missing people.

8. Giant's Causeway, Ireland

The Giant's Causeway, or the Giant's Causeway Northern Ireland– an amazing coastal area, formed many centuries ago as a result of a volcanic eruption. It consists of approximately 40 thousand basalt columns that look like giant steps.

The natural attraction is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This place deserves admiration, which is why more than one thousand tourists from all over the world visit it every year.

9. Goseck Circle, Germany

The Goseck Circle is an ancient Neolithic structure in the German district of Burgenlandkreis. The circle was accidentally discovered in the early 90s of the last century while surveying the area from an airplane.

The original appearance of the building was restored only after complete reconstruction. Scientists have little doubt that the Goseck Circle was used for astronomical observations and calendaring. This proves that our ancestors also studied cosmic bodies, their movements and kept track of time.

10. Moai monuments on Easter Island

Easter Island is famous all over the world thanks to giant statues Moai located throughout its territory. Each such megalithic figure is a large monument created by the masters of an ancient civilization in the crater of the local volcano Rano Raraku.

In total, about 1,000 remains of such man-made monuments were discovered on the island. Most have already gone under water.

Today, the vast majority of the statues are once again placed on platforms facing the ocean, from where they continue to greet visitors to the island and remind of the former power of the ancient people who inhabited these spaces.

Easter Island - Moai Message

11. Georgia Tablets, USA

The Georgia Tablets are 20-ton polished granite slabs with inscriptions in eight of the world's most famous languages. The inscriptions represent commandments for future generations on how to rebuild civilization after a global cataclysm. The monument was erected in 1979, the customer is listed in the documents under the name Robert C. Christian.

The height of the monumental structure is just over six meters, and the slabs are oriented towards the four sides of the world and have holes. In one of them you can see the North Star at any time of the year, in the second - the Sun during the solstice and equinox. Several years ago, the monument was vandalized and was damaged by paint, which has not yet been removed.

12. Rishat (Eye of the Sahara). Mauritania

In the territory of modern Mauritania, the largest desert in the world hides an amazing a natural phenomenon Proterozoic period, whose name is Richat or Eye of the Sahara.

This object has incredible huge size(up to 50 kilometers in diameter), so it can be seen even from space. The structure consists of several ellipsoidal rings formed by sedimentary rocks and sandstones about 500 million years ago.

13. “Gateway to Hell” – Darvaza crater in Turkmenistan

The Darvaza gas crater is located in the Turkmen Karakum desert, appearance resembling a gate to hell. This fire pit, about 60 meters in diameter and up to 20 meters deep, is the result of excavations carried out here during the Soviet Union.

During such geological research, a group of scientists discovered an underground cavern with natural gas, which almost led to the death of a huge number of people. Therefore, the management decided to set fire to the gas so that it would not threaten local residents. But the fire, which was supposed to burn for no more than 5 days, is still burning, bringing fear to everyone who approaches it.

Brave people are ready to take selfies at the Gates of Hell

14. Arkaim, Russia

Arkaim is an ancient settlement, reminiscent of ancient civilizations, which was discovered several decades ago in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk. It is believed that this landmark of Russia is the birthplace of the ancient Aryans, who gave rise to European, Persian and Indian civilizations.

Arkaim is not only a unique architectural monument with thousand years of history, but also a place of concentration of healing energy flows that can save a person from any disease.

15. Stonehenge, England

English Stonehenge is a real place of pilgrimage for tourists from all over the world. It attracts with its mystery, legends and mystical beginnings. Stonehenge represents megalithic structure up to one hundred meters in diameter, which is located on Salisbury Plain.

Descriptions and photographs of unusual, mysterious and amazing places on our planet.

Semuc Champey (the name from the Mayan language translates as “where the river is hidden under the stones”) is the most beautiful natural attraction in Guatemala, formed by the Caabon River, passing through a 300-meter limestone bridge (of natural origin) and forming several natural pools with a depth of 1 to 3 meters. You can swim in these pools, and if you sit on a stone and put your feet in the water, then in just a few seconds you will begin to receive free massage and peeling from the small fish that live in these reservoirs. This is an extremely pleasant feeling, I liked it even more than directly swimming in a pond.

Semuc Champey is located in the deep jungle and remained unknown for a long time until it was accidentally discovered in the mid-50s of the last century. In 1999, the President of Guatemala declared Semuc Champey a natural monument.

Semuk Champey. View from observation deck

Mount Kailash is located in the highland valley of Tibet in southwest China. This sacred land is full of mysteries and mysticism. It is here that pilgrims from all over the world come to perform kora - ritual circumambulation around Kailash.

Prohodna is the highest cave in Bulgaria. It is located 2 km from the village of Karlukovo in the valley of the Iskar River and is part of the Iskar-Panega Geopark. This amazing karst cave is a natural rock bridge 262 meters long and 15 to 25 meters wide. It has two entrances, Big and Small, between which there is a path.
The height of the arch of the large entrance is 45 meters: this is a favorite place for fans of extreme jumps. In addition, the cave is very popular among rock climbers. In the vicinity of Prohodny there are sports routes which are considered one of the most difficult in Bulgaria.
The main feature of Prohodna is two through holes in the rock shaped like human eyes. Locals call them "God's Eyes" and sometimes "Devil's Eyes." These “windows” provide natural light in the cave and captivate tourists with their amazing symmetry. But the “Eyes of God” make a special impression in rainy weather, when real tears seem to flow from them.

National Park Bryce Canyon is located in the state of Utah (USA). This amazing natural object known throughout the world for its beauty and unique marine geology. It is a gigantic amphitheater of rocky peaks varied in structure.

New Zealand - wonderful country, proud of its picturesque landscapes. However, its main attractions are not only on the surface - it is just as beautiful underground. Proof of this is the famous Waitomo district, which lies on one of the most large islands states. It is famous for its impressive limestone caves, which are amazing in themselves, but what makes them even more special are the numerous fireflies that choose these underground labyrinths as their home. Thousands of tiny insects emit phosphorescent light, creating surreal light installations.

The picturesque island community of Burano in the northern lagoon Italian city Venice can rightfully be called one of the most colorful places on planet Earth. In addition to its skilled lace-makers, it is famous for its bright, colorful buildings. Interestingly, each building is assigned a specific color, permission for which homeowners receive from local authorities. The condition of cartoon houses and the saturation of the shade are carefully monitored, if necessary, refreshing the lost brightness of their appearance. According to legend, it was the bright colors of the facades that from ancient times showed Buran fishermen the way home.

The small village, located on one of the 400 Shengxi Islands located east of the Chinese province of Zhejiang, has been abandoned by people for decades, but every year it increasingly attracts the attention of tourists. After the town, famous for its fishing, was abandoned by people who found more convenient ways to make money on the mainland, it began to disappear under the onslaught of local vegetation, turning into a kingdom of greenery. Plants are slowly consuming dilapidated stone buildings, demonstrating the power of nature and creating a truly fantastic spectacle. Quiet picturesque area east coast China did not become a comfortable place for humans to live, but it quickly became a cozy home for local flora and fauna. The transformation of the city is especially impressive considering the fact that residents only left it in the early 90s, and empty houses and broken windows are already completely merging with thriving greenery. So abandoned locality It is gradually turning from ruins into a green jungle, which has already become a famous local landmark.

In cold Iceland, a land of snow, ice and unique natural attractions, there is always something to see and admire. Its main assets are represented by powerful fjords, volcanoes, waterfalls and, of course, glaciers, striking in their scale and beauty. In their depths, as if in the castle of the Snow Queen, something even more magnificent lurks - ice caves. The most amazing of them are concentrated in the southern part of the giant Vatnajokull glacier, which has the status of the largest in Europe and the third largest in the whole globe after the glaciers of Antarctica and Greenland. Its area is 8133 km², which is 8% of the entire territory of the island. The ice thickness is on average 400 meters, and the maximum reaches 1000 meters. Vatnajökull is part of the largest national park in Europe of the same name.

In Yosemite national park California has an impressive natural landmark called Horsetail Fall. For this unusual name lies an ordinary seasonal waterfall, in winter and in early spring cascading with east side mountain range El Capitan. The most interesting things begin to happen in these parts at the end of February. For just a few days a year, park visitors have the opportunity to see a rare phenomenon - the transformation of an ordinary water flow into a fiery waterfall reminiscent of lava erupting from a volcano. Actually this one natural phenomenon- visual illusion, the secret of which is hidden in the reflection of the rays of the setting sun at a certain angle and under favorable conditions weather conditions. The luminary, blazing with fiery reflections in the water flowing from the mountain, creates truly apocalyptic landscapes. The unusual effect lasts only a few minutes, but travelers and hunters for unique footage regularly gather near Mount El Capitan in order to see and capture the stunning illusion.

Blue Fields is an unusual photo project, similar to a beautiful fantasy of an artist, authored by Scottish photographer Simon Butterworth. The bodies of water in western Australia captured by aerial photography look very surreal, as if these are not photographs at all, but watercolor paintings depicting abstract patterns. In fact, the pictures show ordinary artificial ponds from which a concentrated salt solution evaporates, leaving a harvest of salt. The salt fields reflecting the blue sky were captured by a photographer from an airplane at an altitude of about 1,500 meters near the abandoned town of Useless Loop, in Shark Bay, the westernmost point of mainland Australia.

Goats are known for their acrobatic skills and ability to maintain balance on sheer cliffs. However, their amazing abilities do not end there - in the kingdom of Morocco you can see an even more unusual sight: dozens of horned animals comfortably nest in the trees, like a flock of birds. They climb to the highest branches, like skilled tightrope walkers, where they engage in measured eating of green leaves and fruits.

As night falls, the beaches of some islands in the Maldives archipelago erupt with millions of glowing neon dots, as if the starry sky is falling onto the shore Indian Ocean. The surreal picture does not appear through magic, but as a result of the life activity of microscopic organisms called bioluminescent phytoplankton. Blue glow is most common in the Maldives from around July to February, especially during the new moon, when the darkness of the sky helps microorganisms glow as brightly as possible. The amazing effect of bioluminescence can be seen in any of the atolls of the state, but the most enchanting “star” surf occurs on the island of Vaadhoo.

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Places where every cultured person dreams of visiting.

Experts from the world's largest travel site TripAdvisor have compiled a ranking of 25 cultural sites that were most highly rated by tourists from around the globe.

In general, if you have not yet decided on your vacation plans, in this review website you can find some great ideas. For the next 25 holidays.

1. Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu, recognized as one of the New Wonders of the World, is located in modern Peru, on the top of a mountain range at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level. It is called the “city in the sky” or “city among the clouds”, sometimes called the “lost city of the Incas”. Some archaeologists believe that the city was created as a sacred mountain retreat by the great Inca ruler Pachacutec around 1440, and functioned until 1532, when the Spanish invaded the Inca Empire. In 1532, all its inhabitants mysteriously disappeared.

2. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is one of the six most large mosques in the world. Named after Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan, the founder and first president of the United Nations United Arab Emirates. Unlike many other Muslim temples, everyone is allowed into it, regardless of faith.

3. Taj Mahal, Agra, India

The Taj Mahal Mausoleum is one of the most recognizable landmarks not only in India but throughout the world. The structure was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died during childbirth. The Taj Mahal is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, as well as a symbol of eternal love.

4. Mezquita, Cordoba, Spain

Walls decorated with intricate patterns, mosaic ornaments, hundreds of thin openwork columns - this is how the Cathedral Mosque of Cordoba appears today. Many centuries ago, there was an ancient Roman temple on this site, then it was replaced by a Visigothic church, and in 785 the Mezquita appeared. It became the second most important mosque on the planet, and the pilgrimage to Cordoba was even equated to the obligatory hajj to Mecca for every Muslim. But then the Catholics replaced the Moors, and Mezquita was turned into a Christian temple.

5. St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican, Italy

The heart of the Vatican and the entire Catholic world, St. Peter's Basilica is one of the main attractions of Rome. Here you can view ancient Rome from a bird's eye view, admire the interior of the cathedral from the top of the dome, celebrate Mass and even receive the blessing of the pontiff.

6. Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

The Cambodian temple Angkor Wat is the largest religious building ever created, the history of which goes back almost 9 centuries. Even its name speaks about the monumentality of the temple complex, because Angkor Wat literally translates as Temple City. It covers an area of ​​200 hectares and is surrounded by a moat 190 meters wide. This colossal structure is dedicated to the god Vishnu, revered in this area.

7. Bayon Temple Complex, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Bayon is one of the most amazing temples located on the territory of Angkor Thom and was its religious center. The “highlight” of Bayon are the towers with many faces carved from stone, silently looking from above over the vast territory of Angkor Thom, and during the heyday of the state, over the entire Khmer Empire. Initially, there were 54 towers, which symbolized the 54 provinces under the rule of the king. Today, only about 37 towers remain.

8. Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on the Blood, St. Petersburg, Russia

The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, better known as the Church of the Savior on Blood, became the only Russian attraction on Trip Advisor's list. The Savior on Spilled Blood attracts tourists from all over the world not only with the splendor of its domes and interiors, but also with its unusual history, which has given rise to many legends and speculations. Many of them are related to the fact that the temple was erected on the spot where on March 1, 1881, the Narodnaya Volya member I. Grinevitsky mortally wounded Alexander II, who was popularly called the Tsar Liberator for the abolition of serfdom.

9. Gettysburg National Military Park, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

10. Walls of the old city, Dubrovnik, Croatia

In 1979, UNESCO introduced Old city Dubrovnik to the list World Heritage, including a significant part of the ancient walls of the city. They surround the city on all four sides and house a venerable collection historical monuments, including towers, fortresses, churches, monasteries, squares and streets, schools, museums and galleries. Built for defensive purposes, these stone walls have protected its citizens since the founding of Dubrovnik in the 6th century.

11. Shwedagon Pagoda, Yangon, Myanmar

Shwedagon Pagoda is the tallest spiritual building in Myanmar, or, as it is also called, the Land of Pagodas. The entire complex of the giant pagoda occupies more than five hectares of land, on which, in addition to the main structure, there are many smaller spiers and countless sculptures of mythical and real animals : golden griffins and elephants, dragons and lions. The Shwedagon Pagoda became what it is today in the 15th century, during the reign of Queen Shinsobu. It was then that the gigantic temple was finally given the shape of an inverted begging bowl and sheathed in gold from top to bottom.

12. Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool, Washington, DC

The Lincoln Memorial is a majestic temple made in the ancient Greek style and somewhat reminiscent of the Parthenon. It is supported by 36 white marble columns, representing the number of states that belonged to the United States at the time of President Lincoln's death. In the center of the temple is a statue of the world's most respected American president sitting in a chair. Its height is 5.79 meters.

13. Ancient City of Petra, Petra/Wadi Musa, Jordan

In the heart of Jordan, in the Wadi Musa valley, deep in the sandy mountains is located amazing city antiquity of Peter. Petra was originally a temporary refuge for the nomadic Nabatean tribes. From several fortified rock caves, it gradually grew into a large fortified city. There is only one way to get to the city - through the narrow Siq gorge, which was once the bed of a mountain stream. Petra still belongs to the Bedouins, who warmly welcome guests to their land.

14. Section of the Great Wall of China Mutianyu, Beijing, China

On no other section of the Great Chinese wall restoration work was not carried out as well as at the Mutianyu site. This site, with 22 watchtowers that have retained their original appearance, is a true architectural masterpiece. The phrase Mutianyu from Chinese is translated as “a valley in which you can admire the views of the fields.” Among all the sections of the Great Wall of China, Mutianyu is the longest fully restored section open to tourists.

15. Ancient city of Ephesus, Selcuk, Türkiye

The largest and best preserved ancient city on the shore Aegean Sea and second in importance after Pompeii in the Mediterranean, ancient Ephesus is the most visited attraction in Turkey. Legends connect the appearance of the city with the name of Androcles, the son of the ruler of Athens, Codra, who, on the advice of an oracle, arrived in these places to found the temple of Artemis. The city got its name from the Amazon Ephesia, Androcles' lover.

16. Alhambra, Spain

The Alhambra (Arabic: Al Hamra - literally "Red Castle") is an ancient palace and fortress of the Moorish rulers of the province of Granada in southern Spain. The castle occupies the top of a rocky plateau on the southeastern border of Granada. The name Alhambra probably comes from the color of the sun-dried clay or bricks from which the castle walls are made. However, some historians suggest that the name came from the “red flame of torches” that illuminated the many years of construction of the castle, which went on around the clock.

17. Australian War Memorial, Canberra, Australia

The Australian War Memorial is the main memorial dedicated to the memory of soldiers killed during the First and Second World Wars. Today it is considered one of the most significant monuments of its kind in the world. The memorial is located near the Parliament building, from the balcony of which a 360-degree panorama of the monument opens.

18. Siena Cathedral, Siena, Italy

According to the chronicles, at the beginning of the 13th century, the inhabitants of the city-state of Siena, which acted as the main competitor and adversary of Florence, “called upon their leaders to build a temple more magnificent than that of their neighbors.” So, between 1215 and 1263, on the site of the old temple, the Duomo of Siena was founded according to the plan of the Gothic master Niccolò Pisano. Today this majestic temple is the main attraction of the city.

19. Milan Cathedral (Duomo), Milan, Italy

The most important place in Milan is the Cathedral of Santa Maria Nascente (Duomo), a pearl of Italian Gothic architecture, which was built from 1386 to the beginning of the 19th century. The third largest Catholic church on the planet can easily be considered one of the wonders of the world. Its hundred-meter spiers tower over the center of Milan, and the golden statue of the Madonna on the longest spire (four meters high) is visible from many areas of the city.

20. Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, ​​Spain

The Basilica of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona is one of the most famous long-term construction projects in the world: its construction began almost 150 years ago and continues to this day. Although Antonio Gaudi initially had nothing to do with the construction of this temple, a year after the start of work he headed this project. Gaudi built the temple for 30 years until he died. The reason for such a long construction period is that the Sagrada Familia is built solely on donations from parishioners.

25. Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia

The Sydney Opera House is one of the most recognizable buildings in the world. Its architect was the Dane Jorn Utzon. Having designed the original roofs, somewhat reminiscent of shells, he gave Sydney a magnificent gift - a symbol of the city. Today, every tourist planning to visit Australia must include an excursion to the majestic opera house in his travel itinerary.