State educational institution

Higher vocational education Moscow cities

"Moscow City Pedagogical University"

Institute of Natural Sciences

Department of Life Safety


in the discipline “Legal regulation and life safety authorities”

on the topic " Safe holiday and tourism"

Completed by: 5th year student

correspondence department

Sorokin Alexey Viktorovich


Associate Professor Kuleba O.M.

Moscow, 2011


    Rules of tourist services

    Fundamental state standards in the field of tourism

    Safety in tourism

3.1 Tourist information

3.2 State policy in the field of ensuring the safety of consumers of tourism services

3.3 Agreement with the client

3.4 Law of the Russian Federation “On Security”

3.5 Insurance in tourism

4. Model for ensuring the quality of tourism services




Tourism development is carried out in a certain natural and social environment, which has a decisive influence on its results. This influence is not always favorable. Hazards of a physical and social nature must be taken into account by the tourism industry, which should minimize and prevent various threats to the safety of tourism activities.

The very concept of security is defined as a state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state from internal and external threats. Vital interests are understood as a set of needs, the satisfaction of which reliably ensures the existence and opportunities for the progressive development of the individual, society, and state.

The safety of a tourist trip includes the personal safety of tourists, the safety of their property, as well as non-damage to the natural environment during travel.

Tour operators and travel agents are obliged to provide tourists with all comprehensive information and health regulations. These requirements must be communicated to clients prior to travel.

In this paper, we will look at the dangers that tourists may face while traveling; We will pay attention to all possible measures to ensure the safety of customers. Let us determine the basic requirements aimed at achieving the required quality of services provided to the consumer.

1. Rules of tourist services

Who needs tourist service rules and why? Some of the proposed provisions were included in the text of the Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” or were reflected in regulatory documents relating to international tourism activities.

What are the “Tourist Service Rules”? First of all, this is a normative legal act, that is, a generally binding state regulation of a permanent or temporary nature, designed for repeated use. Regulatory legal acts, as stated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 1997 No. 1009, are issued in pursuance of federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of Russia and decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation in the form of resolutions, orders, instructions, rules, instructions and provisions.

The requirements and provisions of the “Rules for Tourist Services” must be mandatory, and since they relate to the tourism sector, where not only ensuring safety is important, but also protecting the property rights of the tourist - consumer of the tourism product, then in accordance with Art. 4 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, such rules should be classified as regulatory documents, for compliance with the requirements of which mandatory certification is carried out. This circumstance should be considered one of the conceptual principles for constructing rules.

On the other hand, an analysis of contractual relations in tourism, taking into account international practice, carried out at the Moscow Center of the Academy of Tourism showed the imperfection of existing legal norms relating to relationships between partners in tourism. Therefore, based on foreign experience, it could be taken as a basis that the rules should set out in detail the legal issues of concluding contracts between a tourist and a travel company. This provision can be considered the second conceptual principle of their construction.

Finally, it must be taken into account that the State Standard of Russia has introduced a new classification system tourism services(so-called OKUN codes). Codes have appeared that reflect the focus of the activities of tour operators (domestic, outbound and inbound tourism) and the nature of the tours (health, sports, professional and business, educational and others). Since the services of tour operators (their tourism products) are subject to mandatory certification (Article 5 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”), the characteristics of services and tours and the requirements for them should be set out in the rules. This is the third conceptual principle.

Based on the formulated conceptual principles, the main text of the rules should contain at least two sections, which will contain requirements for the services of tour operators and travel agents and general rules for organizing tours and selling tourism products. The rules should provide appropriate references to the provisions of current legislative acts, which, as practice has shown, are almost unknown to the management and staff of most travel companies.

The experience of developing draft enterprise standards at the Moscow Center of the Academy of Tourism provides the basis for recommendations for the composition of parts and sections of such a standard: declaration of the enterprise on ensuring the quality of service; general rules of service - information about the enterprise and its services, requirements for personnel, ensuring the quality of service, ensuring the safety of tourists; conditions for the sale of the company's services - information about the tour, contract with the tourist, cost of service and the procedure for mutual settlements, obligations of the company, rights of the tourist, claims and the procedure for their resolution.

2. Fundamental state standards in the field of tourism

The entire tourism industry relies on four main government standards:

GOST R 50644–94 “Tourist and excursion services / Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists and sightseers”,

GOST R 50645–94 “Tourist and excursion services / Classification of hotels”,

GOST R 50681–94 “Tourist and excursion services / Design of tourist services” and

GOST R 50690–2000 “Tourist services. General requirements".

They set out the mandatory requirements for tourist and excursion services. Each of the standards has the same structure, and after studying each of them, some general provisions can be made that are very important and applicable to each tourism organization:

– safety of tourists;

– reliability of information provided to clients;

– regions offered by travel companies for recreation must be environmentally friendly / safe for health;

– high professional training of employees of tourism organizations.

Tourist safety, that is, the travel organization issuing the tour is responsible for each participant who purchased the tour package or individual tour to a particular country/region. The travel company must notify the client in advance about possible mental or physical stress that may threaten the safety of tourists during the trip (and inform in connection with what: special natural conditions, biological factors, etc.); provide information on how to act in the event of an emergency and provide all contact information for assistance in cases of emergency in a particular country/region.

Vehicles, places of residence and all tourist equipment must comply with safety measures or requirements established by the current regulatory documentation for certain types of equipment/equipment. All tourist personnel involved in accompanying tour participants during the trip must be prepared for emergencies and informed how to act in emergency cases.

The consumer's right to a quality and safe service.

The consumer’s right to receive high-quality and safe services is ensured by the legislative acts of the Russian Federation. Terms and definitions of concepts in the field of standardization, certification and quality management in the field of services provided to the public are defined by GOST 50646–94 “Services to the public. Terms and definitions”, developed by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 342 “Services to the Public”, introduced by the Department of Standardization and Certification in the Service Sphere of the Gosstandart of Russia, approved and put into effect by Resolution of the Gosstandart of Russia dated February 21, 1994 No. 34.

The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation and literature (for a given scientific and technical field) that are within the scope of standardization work and/or using their results.

The standard defines the following concepts and terms in the field

provision of services:

A service is the result of direct interaction between the performer and the consumer, as well as the performer’s own activities to satisfy the consumer’s needs. According to their functional purpose, services provided to the population are divided into material and socio-cultural;

Social and cultural service is a service to satisfy spiritual, intellectual needs and maintain the normal functioning of the consumer. Social and cultural services ensure the maintenance and restoration of health, spiritual and physical development of the individual, and improvement of professional skills. Social and cultural services may include medical services, cultural services, tourism, education, etc.;



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Topic 5. Ensuring safety in tourism


    Concept, essence and types of security threats in tourism.

    The state of security in modern Russia

    Main areas of activity to ensure tourism safety


Educational literature


Security plays a significant role in tourism development. Its provision is determined by the needs of the state, society and citizens in suppressing threats to tourists, ensuring reliability and comfort in traveling within the country and abroad.

1. Concept, essence and types of security threats to tourism in Russia

In the course of the study, the author found that the scientific literature presents various versions of the “security” category. For example, V.I. Dahl defines safety as “the absence of danger, safety, reliability.” The Big Explanatory Dictionary defines the term “safe” as “not threatening danger, devoid of threat.” According to famous experts M.I. Dzlieva and A.D. Ursula, security is “a state that characterizes the absence of contradictions in the development and functioning of a person and a social system with the environment external to them, the presence or growth of which can lead a person or a social system to the destruction or change of system-forming properties.”

We consider these and other definitions of safety in relation to tourism, which also has a large number of definitions. A review of international and domestic legal documents shows that the most common concept in all legal systems is the concept of tourism, as “the activity of persons who travel and stay in places outside their usual environment, for a period not exceeding one year in a row, with for recreational, business and other purposes" (See: Regulations of the UN Statistical Commission. - New York, 1993).

A similar definition is contained in the Law on Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation: “tourism is temporary trips (travels) of citizens Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons from their permanent place of residence for medical and recreational, educational, physical education, sports, professional, business, religious and other purposes without engaging in activities related to generating income from sources in the country (place) of temporary stay" (See: Federal Law of the Russian Federation...Article 1.)

The concepts of “tourism” and “security” are closely related and mutually determine each other. On the one hand, tourism is not possible without reliable security. Thus, the Seoul Declaration “Peace and Tourism” stated that “the safety and protection of tourists should be a priority in each of the member countries of the World Tourism Organization. Any acts of terrorism or attacks, kidnappings or threats directed against tourists or tourism industry workers, as well as the deliberate destruction of tourism and cultural heritage sites, must be prosecuted in accordance with the national laws of each country (See: Seoul Declaration on Peace and tourism”, adopted by the World Tourism Organization on September 27, 2001).

On the other hand, “tourism invariably and everywhere gives rise to interethnic cultural ties and personal friendships between people and therefore itself becomes an important factor in ensuring global security and contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding between the peoples of our planet” (Ibid.).

Tourism safety in the context of the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation and the Law on Tourism Activities is one of the types of state, public and personal security of citizens, is taken into account when developing the country's security strategy and is constantly being improved taking into account the changing situation.

Reviewing the scientific literature and interviewing leading employees of the Federal Agency for Tourism showed that in modern conditions, negative processes in the domestic economy, aggravation of interethnic relations and social polarization of society pose a direct threat to the development of tourism. These include the following threats.

1. The crisis state of the economy, which entails a reduction in production, stagnation of agriculture, a decrease in budget revenues, a decrease in investment in tourism, and the gradual conquest of the tourism market by foreign companies.

2. Threats to tourism in the social sphere consist of an increase in the number of people living on the poverty line, the stratification of society into a narrow circle of rich people and a mass of low-income citizens, a reduction in the birth rate and a high mortality rate, depletion of the need for spiritual and cultural growth, and a decrease in the tourism potential of citizens.

3. Threat of environmental deterioration caused by the predominant development of the fuel and energy industries, the lack of waste-free production, the use of the territory for the burial of harmful substances and the location of environmentally hazardous industries, the low ecological culture of the population, the increased risk of man-made disasters, and the reduction of territories suitable for safe tourism.

4. Threats of violating the territorial integrity and unity of the country is manifested in ethno-egoism, ethnocentrism and chauvinism of a number of national formations, in mass migration of the population, in the continuous actions of gangs in the Caucasus region, in terrorist acts that scare away tourists.

5. The threat of criminalization of public relations is caused by the impoverishment of the population, impunity for criminals, corruption, the fusion of power structures with the criminal world, and the penetration of criminal elements into the tourism sector.

6. Threats to the physical health of the nation, expressed in low life expectancy, in low levels of people’s health, in demographic decline, in high injury rates, in the absence of modern healthcare and insufficient medical care for tourists.

7. Exist threats to tourism and in the international sphere. They are manifested in the desire to prevent the economic growth of Russia, to provoke internal contradictions in the country, in territorial claims, in slowing down integration processes, blocking visa-free visits, etc. (footnote: Kirillov V.P. - National security, military and border policy of the Russian Federation. Educational manual.- M., 2005.- P.82 – 85).

It is quite natural that overcoming threats of this scale is not within the competence of the author and does not correspond to the scope of the diploma project. At the same time, pre-graduation practice made it possible to identify a whole series of threats to tourism, which a graduate student of IT&G is quite capable of investigating.

Analyzing the threats (risk factors) in tourism set out in the documents of Rostourism and state standards, the following can be identified among them: 1. Injury hazard that can arise as a result of the movement of mechanisms and objects, bodies, difficult terrain, movement of rocks (rockfalls, mudflows, avalanches ), unfavorable ergonomic characteristics of the tourist equipment and inventory used, leading to injuries (uncomfortable shoes - abrasions of the skin of tourists, etc.), dangerous atmospheric phenomena (atmospheric electricity, lightning, etc.).

2. Impact environment caused by increased or decreased ambient temperatures, humidity and air mobility in the tourist service area, and sudden changes in barometric pressure.

3. Fire safety resulting from careless handling of fire, pyrotechnics, electrical appliances and other circumstances.

4. Biological factors: pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products, microorganisms, as well as poisonous plants, reptiles, insects and animals that are carriers of infectious diseases, causing burns, allergic and other toxic reactions.

5. Psychophysiological risk factors: physical and neuropsychic overload. 6. Hazardous radiation threats: increased levels of ultraviolet and radiological radiation.

7. Chemical risk factors: toxic, irritating, sensitizing.

8. Increased dust and air pollution indoors and outdoors, environmentally dirty production, dust storms, etc.

9. Other risk factors, which include threats associated with the lack of necessary information about the service and its nominal characteristics, about potentially dangerous areas, diseases, etc.

10. Specific threats and risk factors in tourism due to: - the possibility of natural and man-made disasters in the accommodation area tourism enterprise or route, as well as other emergency situations (including those related to the state of public order in the tourist service area); - the technical condition of the material and technical facilities used (tourist hotels, bases, campsites, cable cars and drag lifts, tourist trails, including mountain-pedestrian, ski, ski, water, riding and pack animals, various vehicles, including bicycles, small boats and rowing vessels, architectural, natural attractions); - complex terrain (river rapids, mountain slopes, moraine, rocky, ice sections of tourist trails); - the level of professional training of service personnel (instructors, tour guides, guides, drivers); - preparing tourists for movement along a route of a certain type and category of difficulty (instruction, equipment, behavior); - information support (hydrometeorological forecasts, marking of tourist routes and their documentation). These and similar threats can potentially be resolved at the level of tourism entities.

In the Law on Tourism Activities, tourism safety is understood as “the safety of tourists (excursionists), the safety of their property, as well as non-damage when traveling to the environment, material and spiritual values ​​of society, and state security” (Footnote, Article 14). Thus, the essence of the safety of tourism activities is the absence of danger and threats in relation to the tourists themselves and their property, the environment, material and spiritual values ​​in places of travel, as well as the security of the state itself.

Currently, the analysis of various scientific sources revealing various types of security in the field of tourism (footnote) allows us to make their classification, which seems to us the most complete and modern:

    by types of elements included in the tourism system:

Safety of tourism subjects (safety of tourists, entrepreneurs, tourism industry workers, population of tourist areas);

Safety of tourism facilities and means (safety of tourism resources, safety of infrastructure, safety of tourism industry facilities);

Security of system-forming connections between all elements of tourism;

    on security facilities in the tourism sector:

Security of the individual, society and state;

Safety (safety) of the environment;

    on the safety of types or types of tourism:

Security of international tourism, including security of inbound and security of outbound tourism;

Safety of domestic tourism;

Safety of social tourism, etc.;

    in areas of regulation of relations in tourism:

Security of the private tourism sector;

Security of the public (public, state) tourism sector;

    by the nature of the security measures applied in the tourism sector: - type of security (transport, accommodation facilities, public catering, tourist entertainment, etc.);

Functional safety (technical, fire, environmental, information, sanitary and epidemiological, etc.);

    according to the location of the sources of danger and the focus of safety measures:



    according to the form of tourism organization:

Safety of organized tourism;

Safety of unorganized (amateur) tourism;

    in spheres of life of the individual, society and state, within which the tourism system operates:

Political security;

Legal security;

Economic security;

Environmental Safety;

Social and cultural security.

Carrying out this classification, the author does not exclude that other reasons for this are possible, but adheres to the typology system presented in the work of Comrade. Pisarevsky...(Footnote), as more modern and comprehensive than earlier and therefore not always sufficiently complete attempts by t.t. Bgatova... and others (Footnote).

However, we consider the categories “safety” and “safety of tourism activities” not as separate concepts, but as a specific goal that we strive to achieve. Hence the need arises to reveal the main category of this work: “ensuring tourism safety.” Following most authors (to list...), we are inclined to believe that ensuring tourism safety is a set of coordinated actions of authorities, managers and employees of tourism enterprises at all levels, public organizations and the tourists themselves to achieve a situation in which there are no threats or dangers to the implementation of tourism activities.

Thus, we presented the definition of “safety” and “safety in tourism activities”, at the same time we presented a classification of types of security in tourism, which most modern authors adhere to. We also made an attempt to reveal the concept of “ensuring security” in relation to Russian tourism.

Tourists (excursionists), the safety of their property, as well as non-damage when traveling to the environment, material and spiritual values ​​of society, and state security..."


Federal Law of November 24, 1996 N 132-FZ (as amended on May 3, 2012) “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” (as amended and additionally entered into force from November 1, 2012)

Official terminology. 2012.

See what “Tourism Safety” is in other dictionaries:

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    tourism safety- 3.1 tourism safety: Safety of tourists (excursionists), safety of their property, as well as non-damage to the environment, material and spiritual values ​​of society, and state security when traveling. Source: GOST...

    Tourism safety- Tourism safety means the personal safety of tourists, the safety of their property and the non-damage to the natural environment when traveling. Federal Law of November 24, 1996 N 132 Federal Law, Art. 14 ... Dictionary of legal concepts

    safety- 2.38 security: Combination of availability, confidentiality, integrity and traceability™. Source: GOST R ISO/TS 22600 2 2009: Informatization of health. Authority management and access control. Part 2. Formal models... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    GOST R 54601-2011: Tourist services. Safety of active types of tourism. General provisions- Terminology GOST R 54601 2011: Tourist services. Safety of active types of tourism. General provisions original document: 3.11 automoto tourism and bicycle tourism: Travel, hikes and excursions, including routes along the flat... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Popularization of tourism- Tourists on Reunion Island Tourism temporary departures (travels) of people to another country or locality other than their place of permanent residence for a period of 24 hours to 6 months or with at least one overnight stay in entertainment, ... ... Wikipedia

    active types of tourism - 3.1 active species tourism: Traveling, hiking and excursions in the natural environment with active modes of transportation, which require special physical training and possession of certain skills and abilities, including the use... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    GOST R 53998-2010: Tourist services. Tourism services for people with disabilities. General requirements- Terminology GOST R 53998 2010: Tourist services. Tourism services for people with disabilities. General requirements original document: 3.4 adaptation: Adaptation of the living environment (buildings, structures, transport... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Information security of Ukraine- State information policy of Ukraine (Ukrainian State information policy of Ukraine) a complex of political, legal, economic, socio-cultural and organizational measures of the Ukrainian state in the field of reproduction and... ... Wikipedia

    GOST R 50644-2009: Tourist services. Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists- Terminology GOST R 50644 2009: Tourist services. Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists original document: 3.1 tourism safety: Safety of tourists (tourists), safety of their property, as well as non-damage to the environment... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Government program- (Government program) A state program is an instrument of state regulation of the economy, ensuring the achievement of long-term goals. The concept of a state program, types of state federal and municipal programs, ... ... Investor Encyclopedia


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  • Business security in the tourism and hospitality industry. Textbook, A. D. Chudnovsky, Yu. M. Belozerova. Issues of ensuring business security in the tourism and hospitality industry are considered. The manual reveals the following aspects of ensuring the security of tourism enterprises:...

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1 State educational institution of higher professional education “SARATOV STATE UNIVERSITY named after N.G. Chernyshevsky" Pedagogical Institute SAFE RECREATION AND TOURISM Educational and methodological manual for students of the Faculty of Physical Culture Saratov 2011

2 Author-compiler Andryakov P.A. The educational and methodological manual “Safe Vacation and Tourism” was compiled in accordance with the curriculum. The manual presents the content of the course being studied, fundamental theoretical questions, tasks for independent work of students, as well as questions for tests and exams. The manual will help to properly organize the educational process, increase interest in the subject being studied and improve in practical activities. The presented material is presented in an accessible and compact manner. The educational and methodological manual is recommended for full-time and part-time students of the Faculty of Physical Education, studying in the specialty “Life Safety” with an additional specialty. Recommends for publication in electronic library Department of Theoretical Foundations of Physical Education, Pedagogical Institute of Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky The work is presented in the author's edition. 2

3 Guidelines to study the discipline Safe Recreation and Tourism for the specialty “Life Safety” with an additional specialty implemented at the Faculty of Physical Education Compiled by: Andryakov P.A. Ensuring security has always been the most important problem of humanity in all spheres of activity. From the moment of his birth, man is exposed to changing hazards of a natural, technogenic, anthropogenic, biological, social, and environmental nature. Human impact on the environment last years in their scale, intensity and complexity they are compared to natural disasters. In these conditions, it becomes increasingly necessary to develop knowledge on safe recreation and tourism, as a condition for ensuring a sustainable, safe life. “Safe recreation and tourism” is an interdisciplinary set of knowledge based on the scientific concept in the “human environment, machine emergency situations” system. The discipline includes general and applied issues. The first are devoted to the study of negative factors in the technosphere, nature and their impact on humans, as well as ways and means of ensuring safety. The applied part examines methods of human adaptation to ensure a safe, sustainable life in relation to specific areas of human life. The applied focus of the discipline “Safe Recreation and Tourism” is currently practically not reflected in the educational material. Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing sectors of the economy. The recent widespread development of inbound and outbound tourism, as well as the growth of travel within the Russian Federation, requires a clear organization and relationship among the objects of the tourism industry, including hotels, transport, places of public catering and entertainment (health, sports, educational and other purposes), with organizations engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities, and with organizations providing various services(excursion, tourist, guide-translator and other types of services provided depending on the purpose of the trip). When providing services, the safety of life and health of tourists and sightseers, the safety of their property must be ensured, and methods for monitoring compliance with safety requirements must be developed. When traveling and getting acquainted with natural, historical, socio-cultural or other objects that can satisfy the spiritual needs of tourists, and 3

4 also contribute to the restoration and development of their physical strength and included in the scope of tourism activities, one of the safety requirements is the preservation of ecological balance in the environment. Academic work on the course is carried out in the form of lectures, seminars, as well as group and individual consultations and especially independent work of students (writing abstracts, making presentations at conferences, etc.). Student progress is recorded in the form of a test. The purpose of studying the discipline is to teach students how to organize targeted classes with students on safe recreation and tourism. Classes help expand and deepen the knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren, develop their independence, individual abilities, inclinations, etc. Safe recreation and tourism is carried out in close connection with educational work. The objectives of studying the discipline include: 1. Creating conditions for attracting schoolchildren to systematic physical education and sports; 2. Consolidation and improvement of the skills and abilities of students acquired in physical education lessons in this discipline; 3. Fostering activity and hard work in schoolchildren, developing creative initiative, initiative and organizational skills. Contents of the discipline “Recreation and Tourism Safety” 1. Danger and general safety issues. Safety requirements for tourist and excursion services. 2. State regulation of tourism activities. Rights and responsibilities of tourists. 3.Psychology safe tourism. The activities of a guide translator and the safety of tourists. 4. Ensuring security in hotels. Nutrition and safety. 5. Rules for safe travel by bus and train. Insurance and safety of tourists. 6.Environmental protection. Safety issues for equestrian tourism. 7.Security water tourism and relaxation by the pond. Safety mountain tourism. 8.Safety issues in auto tourism. Tourism in the system of physical education. Forms of tourism work at school. Tourist and local history opportunities native land. 9.Topographic preparation of tourists. Features of preparing, organizing and conducting tourist trips with schoolchildren. Security. 10.Hygienic provision of tourist trips. Medical supervision. Self-control. Prevention of injuries. Features of organizing and conducting ski, mountain and water trips with schoolchildren. Security 4

5 safety. Types of orienteering competitions and features of their implementation with children. Topographical training of an orienteering athlete. Theoretical foundations of the question “Ensuring security has always been the most important problem of humanity in all spheres of activity. From the moment of his birth, man is exposed to changing hazards of a natural, technogenic, anthropogenic, biological, social, and environmental nature. Modern society is developing in conditions of a growing crisis in the relationship between man and the environment. In recent years, this has been demonstrated by a noticeable increase in the number of man-made and socially caused disasters and emergencies. The human impact on the environment in recent years has been compared to natural disasters in its scale, intensity and complexity. In these conditions, it becomes increasingly necessary to develop knowledge on life safety as a condition for ensuring a sustainable safe life. “Life safety is an interdisciplinary body of knowledge based on a scientific concept in the system of people, environment, machines, emergency situations.” The discipline includes general and applied issues. The first are devoted to the study of negative factors in the technosphere, nature and their impact on humans, as well as ways and means of ensuring safety. The applied part examines methods of human adaptation to ensure a safe, sustainable life in relation to specific areas of human life. The applied focus of the discipline "Life Safety", for example in the field of tourism, is currently practically not reflected in the educational material. Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing sectors of the economy. The tourism sector accounts for about 6% of global gross product, 7% of global investment, every 16 jobs, 11% of global consumer spending, 7.9% of exports of goods and services. According to the Word Tourism Organization, by the end of 2020 Russia will be among the twenty largest countries of entry for tourists. In 2001, almost 22 million tourists visited Russia, of which about 3.5 million were in St. Petersburg. Among the most significant negative factors for the tourism industry that influence travelers’ attitudes toward tours to Russia is concern for personal safety. This textbook on life safety in tourism and tourism and excursion activities for the first time raises questions about studying the problems of human safety in this area. Given the increasing number of 5

6 tourists in our country, studying the discipline "Life Safety" for the specialty "Economics and Management in a Tourism and Tourism Enterprise" hotel industry "" should be one of the priorities in the training of specialists in this field. The recent widespread development of inbound and outbound tourism, as well as the growth of travel within the Russian Federation, requires a clear organization and relationship among the objects of the tourism industry, including hotels, transport, places of public catering and entertainment (health, sports, educational and other purposes), with organizations engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities, and with organizations providing various services (excursion, tourist, guide-translators and other types of services provided depending on the purpose of the trip). When providing services, the safety of life and health of tourists and sightseers, the safety of their property must be ensured, and methods for monitoring compliance with safety requirements must be developed. When traveling and getting acquainted with natural, historical, socio-cultural or other objects that can satisfy the spiritual needs of tourists, as well as contribute to the restoration and development of their physical strength and included in the sphere of tourist display, one of the safety requirements is to maintain ecological balance in the environment. environment. The problem of safety is especially important in extreme (adventure) tourism and in technically complex types of travel, such as climbing Elbrus; trips to Siberia and Kamchatka; tours of Lake Baikal and the Amazon; horse, water, mountain; ski, car and cycling tourism, where the risk of damage to health and death is quite high. According to Federal Law 132-F3 dated “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation,” tourism safety means the personal safety of tourists, the safety of their property and non-damage to the natural environment when traveling. The training manual analyzes these safety problems at various facilities in the tourism industry. Theoretical foundations of the issue “Danger and general safety issues” The protection of humans from dangers accompanies humanity from the moment of its emergence to the present day. If previously the dangers were natural (earthquake; fires; thunderstorms; mountain falls; flood; hurricanes, etc.) and biological (animal and snake bites; poisoning of plant and animal food; microorganisms, etc.) in nature, today the nomenclature hazards have increased sharply, mainly due to the anthropogenic factor (explosives; rotating machine parts; herbicides and pesticides; medicines; laser, X-ray and infrared radiation; electricity, etc. ). 6

7 The number of travelers for business, medical or educational purposes is increasing every year (Table 1). The average growth rate of tourism in the city was 7% per year, which is much higher than the average annual growth rate of the world economy as a whole. Thus, the total number of tours in 2001 in European countries alone reached 408 million, with an average travel duration of 9.4 nights (10.4 days). The level of expenses when traveling around Europe increased by 10.6%. Departure of Europeans to foreign countries amounted to 285 million trips with an average price of 960 euros per tour. According to Western analysts, in the coming years the number of business trips should also increase from 564 million (2001) to 1.6 billion, and income from business tourism from 400 billion to 2 trillion. American dollars. Table 1 Purpose of travel Increase in the number of tours in Europe in 2001 Increase in the number of tours, million Beach tours 2.3 Medical tours 0.3 Purpose of travel Water tours (cruises, fishing, lake tourism, etc.) Event tourism (festivals, carnivals, congresses, etc.) Increase in the number of tours, million. When traveling, the number of dangers increases even more: falling from a horse; bicycle or car accident; loss of luggage or documents at the airport or train station; hypothermia or overheating of the body; suboptimal microclimatic parameters; rainy weather; false information; problems with communications; loss of personal belongings or part of equipment on the rapids mountain rivers or when skiing down a mountain; getting injuries, fractures; deception, theft, racketeering, etc. At the same time, it should be remembered that a person himself is a carrier of potential dangers, for example, he can be the cause of various kinds of undesirable events due to erroneous actions or illness (being late to board a plane or bus; deterioration in mood due to absence hot water at the hotel, etc.). For tourists with an unbalanced psyche, staying outside hometown as a rule, it is uncomfortable and leads to nervous disorders, due to the increased, as it seems to them, attention of others to their speech, behavior, appearance. For such travelers, the security problem is mainly psychological in nature. Some of the dangers come from the level of crime in the area of ​​travel (theft of money, jewelry, documents, video and photographic equipment and other personal belongings; pickpocketing; fraud during purchase and sale; incidents in restaurants and entertainment venues). According to the information department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, in 2001, 550 crimes were committed against tourists, which is about 1.0 0.1 7

8 6.1% of the same figure for Russia. It should be noted that the offenses committed, as a rule, are of an economic nature. The dangers that await tourists are random in nature, i.e. obey the laws of probability theory (outbreaks of dangerous infectious diseases; hurricanes, thefts, etc.); potential, i.e. are hidden in nature, they are uncertain in time and space (volcanic eruptions; floods, earthquakes, etc.); permanent, i.e. exist constantly, act continuously (high humidity; gas pollution in the city’s atmosphere, etc.); total, i.e. they are universal, you cannot hide from them, they appear everywhere and always. Therefore, every tourist (whether independent or traveling within or outside the country) is in danger. If the danger is realized, it causes harm to health, which manifests itself in injuries, illnesses, nervous shocks, disabilities and deaths. However, some people do not attach priority importance, do not believe or underestimate, due to their character and mental state, information that is probabilistic or warning in nature. These people have not developed a safety ideology, have not developed safe thinking and behavior, and unenviable situations most often occur with such people, especially in tourism (injury, loss or disappearance of personal belongings, fines for non-compliance with established rules and measures; falling behind the group during excursions, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.). It must be emphasized that there is no absolute security in tourism; there is always some residual risk. Consequently, safety is a level of danger that can be tolerated at this stage of economic and tourism development. Travel safety is an acceptable risk. In extreme types of tourism, dosed risk is the “zest” that attracts travelers because of the thrill. A principled approach to ensuring the personal safety of tourists is based on compliance with the following immutable truths: 1. Personal safety is, first of all, an objective assessment of the reality of the threat (when visiting a nightclub, casino or just on a walk, you can order security, a guide or an interpreter). 2. It is necessary to evaluate your activities and actions from the point of view of possible negative impact (take a small amount of money with you for walks; have an ID card or passport with you). 3. It is better to avoid dangerous situations than to become their victim (do not walk along dark streets, alleys, deserted courtyards and underground passages). 4. Wrong or inappropriate behavior can aggravate the possible negative impact and endanger life and health (if attacked with threats and demands for money, part with them without regret, since life and health are more important). 5. In high-risk situations, you should predict the development of events at least for the next few minutes, remain calm and realistically 8

9 assess the situation (if victims of a crime are discovered, do not shout or interfere, but report to the police as quickly as possible). 6. In dangerous situations, the first steps are always important: often it can be bypassed or interrupted at the very beginning (if you are attacked at the entrance, you should shout “Fire”, as this can cause a faster reaction from residents). 7. The simplest means and preliminary protective measures are the most reliable. It is known that the basis of injuries and emergencies in tourism are often based on organizational and psychological reasons: low level of professional training; insufficient education; inattention and forgetfulness; weak instructor attitude towards safety; admission to extreme types of tourism for persons with an increased risk of injury; people being in a state of fatigue or other mental states (hysterical, panic, fear, fright, etc.). Consequently, a person lives, works and travels in conditions of constantly changing and quantitatively increasing dangers. Since human activity is potentially dangerous, safety will consist in identifying the dangers that threaten each tourist and developing appropriate methods of protection against them in any travel conditions. Theoretical foundations of the issue “Safety requirements for tourist and excursion services” 2.1. General safety requirements When providing tourism services, an acceptable level of risk to the life and health of tourists must be ensured, both under normal conditions and in emergency situations (natural disasters, fires, etc.) that arise in the country of travel. Risk to human life and health in tourist and excursion services arises in the conditions of: the existence of sources of risk; manifestations of this source at a level dangerous to humans; human exposure to hazards. Harmful factors (risk factors) in tourism can be classified as follows: risk of injury; environmental exposure; fire hazard; biological effects; psychophysiological stress; radiation hazard; chemical influences; increased dust and gas pollution; 9

10 other factors; specific risk factors. Injury hazards may arise from the movement of mechanisms, objects and bodies; due to the difficult terrain; movement of rocks (rockfalls, mudflows, avalanches); unfavorable ergonomic characteristics of the used tourist equipment and inventory, leading to injuries (tight sports shoes, poor fastening design alpine skiing, narrow backpack straps, etc. etc.); hazardous atmospheric phenomena (static electricity, lightning, hail, etc.). Reducing the risk of injury is ensured by: protective devices and fences when using moving mechanisms, objects, dangerous areas of the territory (lifts, cable cars, scree areas in the mountains, near reservoirs, ski slopes etc.); use of personal protective equipment (safety ropes, harnesses when crossing difficult sections of the tourist route, head helmets, ice axes, pitons and other safety equipment); compliance with ergonomic requirements for tourist equipment and inventory; compliance with the requirements of building codes and regulations for residential and public buildings and the requirements of relevant regulatory documents for the technical condition of vehicles used for transporting tourists ( excursion buses, watercraft, passenger trains etc.); compliance with the rules of operation of the equipment and equipment used (elevators, hoists, trolleys, etc.), ensuring its safe operation; proactively informing tourists about risk factors; measures to prevent injuries and take emergency measures in the event of injury. The impact of the environment is caused by increased or decreased ambient temperatures, humidity and air mobility in the tourist service area, and sudden changes in barometric pressure. The microclimate indicators in tourist service areas (in bedrooms and club rooms, in cafes, bars and restaurants, etc.), as well as in vehicles, must comply with established sanitary and hygienic requirements (GOST "System of Occupational Safety Standards. General Sanitary hygienic requirements for the air of the working area"). Prevention of the harmful effects of this risk factor is ensured by: 10

11 choosing a favorable time of year, day for holding a tourist event; rational design of the tourist route; taking into account the weather conditions of the area; construction of shelters from bad weather along tourist routes; equipping premises and vehicles with air conditioning and ventilation devices, air deodorization, heating, automatic control and alarm systems; providing tourists with appropriate equipment, including personal protective equipment; timely informing tourists about real and predicted conditions on the route (including climatic conditions). Fire safety The range of requirements and indicators to ensure the safety of tourists from the effects of this risk factor and methods for checking them are carried out in accordance with GOST "System of occupational safety standards. Fire safety. General requirements." The operation of service facilities must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of fire safety rules and other approved regulatory documents. Biological factors (pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products; microorganisms, as well as poisonous plants, reptiles, insects and animals that are carriers of infectious diseases, causing burns, allergic and other toxic reactions). The impact of these risk factors on tourists is prevented by: compliance with established sanitary standards and service rules; use of equipment and preparations for disinfection, sterilization, deratization; the use of safety signs and necessary markings on equipment and structures used in serving tourists (dishes, kitchen utensils, including for cooking while camping, water intake points, wells, etc.); conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations of service personnel; necessary preventive vaccinations and disinfection of equipment in accordance with the requirements of international medical standards; proactively informing tourists about dangerous animals, fish, reptiles, plants, the distribution areas of which coincide with the tourist route, about how to avoid unwanted contacts and 11

12 what emergency measures should be taken in case of injury (contact). Psychophysiological risk factors. Eliminating or reducing the impact of psychophysiological risk factors (physical and neuropsychic overload) is achieved by: rationally constructing a tourist service program, travel schedules along routes that provide sufficient conditions for normal human life (sleep, eating, meeting sanitary and household needs); taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of tourists when forming a tourist group; compliance with ergonomic requirements for used tourist equipment and inventory, vehicles, furniture. Dangerous radiations are: increased levels of ultraviolet and radiological radiation. Prevention of the danger of ultraviolet radiation on tourist routes is ensured by: informing tourists about the impact of ultraviolet radiation on human health; use of personal protective equipment (protective masks; creams; clothing covering the body, arms, legs of tourists; sunglasses). It is necessary to take into account the effect of this risk factor when planning the route schedule (along open, unshaded sections of the route in mountain, water, ski and other trips). Tourist routes are allowed to be built and operated only in areas with favorable radiological conditions. Chemical risk factors (toxic, irritant). To prevent the effects of these risk factors in serving tourists, it is necessary to: regularly monitor the content of harmful chemicals in the air, water, soil, food and other biological environments; carry out the construction and placement of facilities to serve tourists in a favorable environment from the point of view of chemical risk factors; 12

13 use disinfection preparations in strict accordance with the instructions for use, excluding the possibility of tourists coming into contact with these products. Increased dust and gas contamination The permissible level of harmful substances in the air of tourist service areas, premises, and vehicles should not be higher than established by the general sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area, as well as other sanitary norms and rules. Safety is ensured by compliance with the requirements for equipping premises and vehicles with ventilation and air purification. Other risk factors Other risk factors include dangers associated with the lack of necessary information about the service and its nominal (designed) characteristics. It is necessary to provide: providing tourists with sufficient information about the tourist services provided in accordance with the requirements established by the current regulatory documentation (requirements for the content of the Information Sheet for the tourist voucher, Technological map of the trip, Technological map of the excursion; as well as information about the main characteristics of these services; terms of service) ; Conducting necessary safety briefings for tourists, taking into account the specifics of the type of tourist route. Specific risk factors in tourism are due to: the possibility of natural and man-made disasters in the area where a tourist enterprise or route is located, as well as other emergency situations (including those related to the state of public order in the area serving tourists); the technical condition of the facilities used (tourist hotels, bases, campsites, cable cars and ski lifts, tourist trails, including mountain-pedestrian, ski, ski, water, riding and pack animals, various vehicles, including bicycles, small and rowing ships); complex terrain (river rapids, mountain slopes, moraine, rocky, ice sections of tourist routes, etc.); the level of professional training of service personnel (instructors, tour guides, tour guides, etc.); 13

14 *preparing tourists for movement along a route of a certain type and category of difficulty (instruction, equipment, etc.); information support (hydrometeorological forecasts; marking of tourist routes; sources of emerging natural disasters; changes in entomological, ornithological and other situations). A tourism enterprise must have a set of current regulatory documents to ensure the safety of tourists and be guided by them in its activities. Travel agencies in St. Petersburg that care about the safety of their clients can count on the services of professional bodyguards. Tourist equipment and inventory used when serving tourists must comply with the requirements established by the current regulatory documentation for these types of equipment. Each tourist enterprise must develop and approve personnel action plans in emergency situations (natural disasters, fires, etc.), including interaction with local authorities departments involved in rescue operations. The head of a tourism enterprise is responsible for the preparedness of personnel to act in emergency situations (natural disasters, hostage-taking, etc.). Group guides must be trained and physically prepared for the role of a security guard (neutralizing pickpockets, resolving conflicts in a bar or restaurant, protecting the tour group from extortionists and beggars, etc.). Service safety requirements for specific types of tourist services are established by regulatory documentation for the relevant types of services: state standards, Rules, Charters, Codes and others. Tourism enterprises are obliged to familiarize tourists with the risk elements of each specific tourism service and measures to prevent it. Information necessary for tourists in order to protect their life and health is provided in advance, before the start of the holiday and during the service process. Information ensuring the safety of life and health of tourists during the service process is provided in the manner established by the current regulatory documentation Monitoring the implementation of safety requirements Monitoring the implementation of safety requirements for tourists is provided by government bodies that exercise control over safety in accordance with their competence (Federation of Security Services and security companies, Ministry of Internal Affairs). 14

15 Control is carried out at the beginning of the season when checking the readiness of the tourist enterprise and the route for operation, as well as during ongoing inspections. Current inspections of tourist safety are carried out in accordance with plans and schedules of technical inspections (tests) of buildings, structures, vehicles, beaches and swimming areas, tourist equipment and inventory issued to tourists by rental points, inspections of food preparation, terms and conditions of storage and transportation food products, checking the readiness of tourists to go hiking. Safety control of tourist services is carried out using the following methods: visual (by inspecting relevant objects: the territory along which the tourist route passes, tourist equipment and inventory, etc.); using measuring instruments (monitoring the quality of water, air, etc., technical condition of the route, lifting mechanisms, vehicles, etc.); sociological research (by interviewing tourists themselves and service personnel); analytical (analysis of the content of documentation: route passport; medical examination log of tourists going on the route and other documents) Ensuring the safety of tourism The main function of ensuring the safety of tourists is performed by the Main Department of Internal Affairs for the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. However, in 1992, the law “On Private Security and Detective Activities” was adopted, according to which private security companies received the right to provide security, use firearms and special equipment. In 1995, the Federation of Security Services and Security Enterprises was created in St. Petersburg, the purpose of which was to strengthen the role of non-governmental organizations in ensuring the security of individuals, property and entrepreneurship. The Federation cooperates with other organizations working in the security field: in the production and installation of technical security equipment, in ensuring information security, in the supply of equipment and weapons, etc. The Federation has developed and is implementing a number of programs, for example: “System for training personnel for the protection of foreign citizens on the territory of Russia”, “Program for ensuring security of tourism”, “System for the security of passengers and cargo in transport within the North- Western region". The federal executive body in the field of tourism is obliged to promptly inform tour operators, travel agents and those traveling to 15

16 travel tourists about the threat to security in the place or country of temporary stay. The media immediately and free of charge provide the above-mentioned federal body with the opportunity to publish information about the threat to the safety of tourists and crimes committed (Table 2). Table 2 Number of crimes against foreign tourists in (information department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad region) Crime scene 2001 2002 St. Petersburg Len. region Tour operators and travel agents are required to inform executive authorities, representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and interested parties about emergency incidents with tourists and those who have not returned from travel. Tour operators and travel agents are obliged to provide tourists with comprehensive information about the features of travel, as well as the dangers that they may encounter when traveling, and to implement preventive measures aimed at ensuring the safety of tourists (Table 3). Table 3 Categories of foreign citizens against whom offenses were committed in St. Petersburg and Leningrad. region (information department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region) Category of tourists 2001 2002 * Employees 11 4 Students 8 1 Students 22 6 Private entrepreneurs 17 5 Hired workers Other categories of citizens Assistance to tourists in distress on the territory of the Russian Federation, carried out by services determined by the federal government. for the first half of the year 16

17 When hit Russian tourists to emergency zones abroad, the state must take measures to protect their interests and, if necessary, organize their evacuation using vehicles sent to their locations. Tourists planning to travel to a country where they may be at increased risk of infectious diseases are required to undergo preventive measures in accordance with international medical requirements. Guidelines for completing independent work tasks The educational material is aimed at consolidating and deepening students’ knowledge in the discipline, activating them cognitive activity; developing skills to apply knowledge in situations simulating professional teaching activities; developing skills for independent work with educational and methodological literature. Tasks for independent work (reproductive, productive): a) tasks that require students to reproduce information from memory; b) tasks that require students to demonstrate mental methodological skills; c) tasks that require students to have a creative approach related to the ability to use buildings in various situations that simulate the practical activities of a specialist in physical culture and sports; d) tasks containing problem situations with a professional orientation. At the first level, students are required to consciously perceive and record in memory a mandatory amount of knowledge. Educational tasks at this level are aimed mainly at reproducing relevant pedagogical facts and phenomena, elementary professional pedagogical actions, etc. At the second level, a readiness to apply existing knowledge in standard situations and perform professional actions “following a model” is formed. Second-level educational tasks are aimed at developing the ability to explain and interpret historical phenomena, classify facts, highlight the main, essential things in the material studied, and perform mental and methodological actions to solve individual pedagogical problems and situations of various directions. Independent work is intended for targeted educational work of students in the classroom (current, final control of knowledge), as well as for preparation for seminars, methodological classes and exams in a given academic discipline (self-control of knowledge). The educational activity of students in the process of work is built mainly with the expectation of their independent work (the teacher performs only an organizational and advisory function), which consists of 17

18 quantitative and qualitative analysis and assessment of the performance of control tests and assignments. PLAN of lecture classes Lecture 1. General safety requirements. Monitoring compliance with safety requirements. Lecture 2. Ensuring the safety of tourism. Psychological processes and states. Lecture 3. Typology of tourists. Special mental states. Methods to improve security. Lecture 4. Some psychological aspects of security. Problems of safe food and food quality control. Lecture 5. Requirements for kitchen premises. Food safety on hikes. Lecture 6. General rules insurance. Services provided to tourists by insurance companies. Exclusions from all types of insurance. Lecture 7. Features of passenger insurance railway transport. Responsibilities and rights of tourists in relation to the insurance company. The procedure for choosing a horse and its equipment. Lecture 8. Daily horse care. Safe clothing for riders. Rules for traveling on the road. Lecture 9. Technical condition of the car. Accessories required by traffic regulations. Lecture 10. Tools and devices. Spare parts. Little things that can help out a traveler's car. Lecture 11. Possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them. The engine will not start. Unstable engine operation at idle. Lecture 12. Engine overheating. Malfunctions of the brake system. Clutch failure. Lecture 13. Malfunctions in the gearbox. Burning electrical wiring. Condition of the road surface. Features of the passage of railway crossings. Lecture 14. Driver training. Typical driver mistakes. Newbie mistakes. The ABCs of safe driving. Lecture 15. Features of night driving. Mutual assistance. Psychological and physiological state of the driver. 18

19 To complete individual assignments, students are offered abstracts on the following topics: 1. Safe recreation in the physical education system. 2. Forms of tourism work at school. Security. 3. Topographical preparation of tourists. 4. Prevention of injuries. 5. Ensuring safety. Hygienic provision of tourist trips. Medical supervision. Self-control. Prevention of injuries. 6. Features of organizing and conducting ski, mountain and water trips with schoolchildren. Security. 7. Features of organizing competitions with schoolchildren in technology hiking. 8. Environmental protection. Issues of safety of flora and fauna in the territory of one’s region. 9. Nutrition and safety. 10. Ensuring security in hotels. 11.Measuring distances on the ground. 12. Ensuring safety when conducting outdoor games on a hike. 13.Technique and tactics in terrain orienteering competitions. Literature for abstracts 1. Marinin M.M. Tourist formalities and safety in tourism. M.: Finance and Statistics, Balenko S.V. School of survival. M.: Volovich V.G. Man in extreme environmental conditions. M.: “Thought”, Ilyin I.A. School of survival in natural conditions. M.: “Eksmo Press”, Kudryashov B.G. Encyclopedia of survival. Krasnodar, “Soviet Kuban”, Volovich V.G. Academy of Survival. M., Palkevich Ya.E. Survival at sea. M.: “Corvette”, Sample questions for test 1. Danger and general safety issues. 2. Safety requirements for tourist and excursion services. 3. State regulation of tourism activities. Rights and responsibilities of tourists. 4. Psychology of safe tourism. 5. The activities of a guide translator and the safety of tourists. 6. Ensuring security in hotels. Nutrition and safety. 19

20 7. Rules for safe travel by bus and train. Insurance and safety of tourists. 8. Environmental protection. Safety issues for equestrian tourism. 9. Ensuring the safety of water tourism and recreation near the reservoir. Safety of mountain tourism. 10. Safety issues in auto tourism. Tourism in the system of physical education. Forms of tourism work at school. Tourism and local history opportunities of the native land. 11. Topographical preparation of tourists. Features of preparing, organizing and conducting tourist trips with schoolchildren. Security. 12. Hygienic provision of tourist trips. 13. Medical supervision. Self-control. Prevention of injuries. 14. Features of organizing and conducting ski, mountain and water trips with schoolchildren. Security. 15. Types of orienteering competitions and features of their implementation with children. Topographical training of an orienteering athlete. Terminological dictionary of tourism Walking movement around the area with educational, health purpose, in order to harden the body. Depending on the time of year and the person’s preparedness, walks can be on foot, skiing, cycling, or boating. This is the simplest and most accessible short-term form of tourism. Excursion is a collective visit to certain objects for educational or scientific purposes. Excursions also have the goal of broadening one’s horizons and general cultural development of a person. Tourist expeditions are organized multi-day trips to a little-explored area, which are carried out for special research purposes. The most accessible and widespread form of tourism is hiking. Hiking trip is a journey with an active method of transportation in areas remote from the place of residence, carried out with educational, recreational, sports, research purpose. Depending on the duration, hikes are divided into one-day, two-day (weekend hikes without an overnight stay, with an overnight stay) and multi-day hikes. Based on the scale of the area, a distinction is made between local and long-distance travel. Local tourism is travel carried out within one’s district, region, region. Long-distance tourism travel in areas remote from the place of residence. Based on the form of travel organization, a distinction is made between planned and amateur tourism. 20

21 Planned tourism one-day and multi-day trips, which are organized through tourist and excursion bureaus, councils of voluntary sports societies, through sports clubs and physical culture groups. Such trips are carried out on paid vouchers with full provision of food and transportation for participants. Amateur tourism such multi-day and one-day trips that are organized by the efforts and resources of the participants themselves. Depending on the goals, hikes can be educational, recreational, sports, or mass campaign. Educational trips are aimed at studying one’s land (district, region, republic), its topography, climate, flora and fauna, and economy. Educational trips include familiarization with leading enterprises, meetings with leaders of production, with heroes and veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor, with delegates of congresses, visits to museums and memorable places. Such trips help broaden one’s horizons, foster a sense of love for one’s land, pride in it, and a sense of patriotism. Health hikes help harden the body, develop and improve motor skills, increase performance, provide excellent form, active rest, the significance of which is enormous. Sports hikes improve physical fitness, strengthen the “will”, and promote physical improvement Sample options for tasks I option 1. Danger and general safety issues. Safety requirements for tourist and excursion services. 2. Psychology of safe tourism. The activities of a guide translator and the safety of tourists. 3. Rules for safe travel by bus and train. Insurance and safety of tourists. 4. Ensuring the safety of water tourism and recreation near the reservoir. Safety of mountain tourism. 5. Topographical preparation of tourists. 6. Features of preparing, organizing and conducting tourist trips with schoolchildren. Security. 7. Prevention of injuries. 21

22 II option 1. State regulation of tourism activities. Rights and responsibilities of tourists. 2. Ensuring security in hotels. Nutrition and safety. 3. Environmental protection. Safety issues for equestrian tourism. 4. Safety issues in auto tourism. Tourism in the system of physical education. Forms of tourism work at school. Tourist and local history opportunities of the native land. 5. Hygienic provision of tourist trips. Medical supervision. Self-control. 6. Features of organizing and conducting ski, mountain and water trips with schoolchildren. Security. Types of orienteering competitions and features of their implementation with children. Topographical training of an orienteering athlete. Bibliography 1. Aleksandrova A.Yu. international tourism, M., Alekseev A.A. Meals in tourist trip, M.: 2003, 64 p. 3. Wiseman D. Survival Guide. Per. from English L. Zaremskaya. - M.: LLC "AST Publishing House"; LLC "Publishing House Astrel", p. 4. Vasiliev M.Yu. Training of personnel for sports tourism in the Russian Federation / Document of the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia. M s. 5. Dgoran J. Guide-translator, art, foreign language, psychology. M., 2002 6. Ilyin I.A. School of survival in natural conditions. M.: “Eksmo Press”, Marinin M.M. Tourist formalities and safety in tourism. M.: Finance and statistics, Training program in sports tourism(a basic level of). - Russian tourist issue 7 9. Romanov A. A. Foreign tourist regional studies: a textbook - M.: Soviet Sport, Rodionov D.A., Encyclopedia of Sports: Eksmo-Press, Fedotov Yu.N., Vostokov I.E. Sports and health tourism: Textbook / Ed. Yu.N. Fedotova.-M.; Soviet sport,

23 Reference materials Scientists who stood at the origins of the discipline Some textbooks were used in writing this teaching aid. 23


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December 31, 1999 N 51-OZ SVERDLOVSK REGION REGIONAL LAW ON TOURISM AND TOURIST ACTIVITIES IN THE SVERDLOVSK REGION (as amended by Laws Sverdlovsk region dated 04/17/2001 N 35-OZ, dated 12/10/2005 N

LAW OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC ON TOURISM As amended by Law of the Kyrgyz Republic 218 of October 21, 2003 Adopted by the Legislative Assembly of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on February 19, 1999 Present

The project was adopted by the Duma of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug of Ugra in the first reading on June 21, 2012 KHANTY-MANSIYSK AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT YUGRA LAW On tourism in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug of Ugra Present

Planned results of mastering the academic subject As a result of studying the basics of life safety, the student must Know/understand: the main components of a healthy lifestyle that ensures spiritual,

Municipal government educational institution “Secondary school 4” named after Hero of the Soviet Union Znamensky Valerian Sergeevich Agreed by: Deputy Director L.F. Skibinskaya 206g.

EXPLANATORY NOTE This work program on the Fundamentals of Life Safety for grade 8 is compiled on the basis of the Federal component of the state educational standard for basic

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school L" 6 named after. Hero of the Soviet Union L.V. Popova" WORK PROGRAM FOR Life Safety 8a, 86, 8b Number of hours: 35 Level: basic

Arkhangelsk Region Regional Law on Tourism Adopted by the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly of Deputies (Decision dated July 7, 1999 662) This law establishes the legal framework for activities in the field of tourism

Program in the subject “Fundamentals of Life Safety” at the basic level general education Grades 5-9 Section 1. Planned results of students mastering the basic educational program

FORMS OF ORGANIZATION OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY WORK IN CHILDREN'S TOURIST AND HEALTH CAMP A.A. Morozov, I.E. Evgrafov Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan

PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION "SOCIAL PEDAGOGICAL INSTITUTE" Department of Humanitarian Disciplines Fund of assessment tools for intermediate certification of students in

Explanatory program. This educational program is a program of tourism and local history. The program is aimed at obtaining knowledge and skills in the field of tourism and local history.

1. The purpose and objectives of the discipline, its place in educational process 1.1. The purpose of studying the discipline is for students to obtain the necessary knowledge in the field of tourism safety. 1.. Objectives of the discipline:

REQUIREMENTS FOR THE LEVEL OF PREPARATION OF STUDENTS. 8th grade. The requirements are aimed at developing knowledge and skills that are in demand in everyday life, allowing one to adequately perceive the world, foresee

COPY for posting on the TCS "Internet" EXPLANATORY NOTE This work program on the Fundamentals of Life Safety for grade 8 is compiled on the basis of the Federal component of the state

Appendix to the OOP LLC (clause 2.2) Work program on life safety, grade 6 Teacher: Abramov Alexander Alekseevich, Shapsha, 2016 2017 academic year The work program for grade 6 of a secondary school has been developed

Mikitchik Olga Sergeevna Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department aquatic species Sports Dnepropetrovsk State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports CAUSES OF INJURIES


The work program on life safety for students in grades 5-9 studying at the AOOP UO (IN) was developed on the basis of the requirements for the results of mastering the adapted basic general education program of the basic


Approved by Director I.V. Sokolova 20 Work program for the academic subject “Fundamentals of Life Safety” 7 9 grades Type of program Program status Title, author of the subject curriculum


1. Planned results of mastering the academic subject by the end of 6th grade: PERSONAL Students will have formed: a responsible attitude towards learning, readiness and ability of students for self-development and

RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL LAW On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation (as amended on August 22, 2004) Document as amended by: Federal Law of January 10

Fundamentals of life safety. Definition, goals, objectives, object and subjects of studying science Course author: Associate Professor R.R. Kayumov it is a person’s daily activity and recreation, a way of human existence.

Some features of the formation of characteristics of a specialist in automobile tourism Ph.D., prof. Sadchikov P.I., Antyushin V.S. MSTU "MAMI" In 2010, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation accredited


PLANNED RESULTS OF MASTERING THE SUBJECT When studying the basics of life safety in primary school, the achievement of personal, meta-subject and subject results is ensured. Personal

03.43.02 Tourism, profile “Technology and organization of tour operator and travel agency services” Guidelines for students on mastering the discipline B1.V.DV.9.1 Extreme tourism Practical plans

State budgetary educational institution secondary school 483 with in-depth study of computer science in the Vyborg district of St. Petersburg ADOPTED by the decision of the Pedagogical Council

RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL LAW On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation Adopted by the State Duma Approved by the Federation Council on October 4, 1996 November 14, 1996 Present

Explanatory note to the work program for the academic subject "Life Safety" of the 8th grade The work program for the academic subject "Life Safety" for students of the 8th grade is compiled on the basis of: 1. The federal component of the state

WORK PROGRAM FOR Life Safety Basic level, (grade-8) Duration of study of the program is one year (207-208) The program was compiled by life safety teacher O.V. Sitnikova. With. Reeds 207-208 academic year Work program on safety basics

GOST R 50690-2000 STATE STANDARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION TOURIST SERVICES General requirements STATE STANDARD OF RUSSIA Moscow Preface 1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Certification

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Lyceum 21" (MBOU "Lyceum 21") of the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region Considered at the methodological Approved by the Lyceum Council on 08/28/2016 Order dated 08/31/2016

ANNOTATIONS OF WORK PROGRAMS OF GENERAL PROFESSIONAL DISCIPLINES OF THE PROFESSIONAL CYCLE of the training program for mid-level specialists of basic training in the specialty 43.02.10 “Tourism” In accordance with