It's already so cold in November that you can't help but think about warm countries, remember with nostalgia the past summer vacation and start making plans for the future. But why delay? After all, you can go on a trip right now! Which direction to choose and where to go in November? In this article I want to offer you some travel ideas.

But before we look at the most interesting options, try using a convenient service from aviasales - a low price card. You can simply select the city you are currently in and see which cities and countries you can fly to cheapest.

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This is exactly how I planned my journey through Italy— first I found super-cheap tickets to Milan from Chelyabinsk for 10 thousand rubles. back and forth, and then booked hotels and planned the entire trip.

Magical glaciers changing color from blue to turquoise, red sunsets, starry skies - unforgettable landscapes in November guarantee Patagonia. About 500 years ago, researchers discovered Tierra del Fuego. Today you have a chance to follow the route of great scientists in an extremely remote place. To do this, you need to be mentally prepared, because the glaciers make the weather very unstable. On average, November temperature is -5 degrees.

At the beginning of November, animal lovers gather on another continent. On the shore Hudson Bay you can literally live among polar bears. During the day you can be in the thick of the action of the seasonal migration of polar bears, and in the evening you will be enchanted by the reflections Northern Lights.

And in November you can plunge into the life of the little-explored southern Angola. With experienced travelers you will visit tribes that live isolated in the deserts. Each tribe is distinctive and unique in its own way. The only warning is that you will have to spend the night in the same place where the indigenous people live.

2. Beach holiday

We haven't forgotten about classic holiday lovers either. In November, there are many countries ready to welcome you with warm sunshine!

Beaches GOA are waiting for you to warm you up at any time of the year, including November. The gentle Indian Ocean, delicious Indian food and without most of the disadvantages of the less touristy part of India. Return tickets from Moscow can be purchased from 29,000 rubles.

Do you want to go to Europe, but the beach season is over? Fortunately, there is still Canary Islands , where the swimming season continues all year round. At the same time you can combine beach holiday With active species sports - diving or surfing.

On the island of Gran Canaria

Guess where the average monthly temperature in November is +30 degrees? The water remains at +23, sandy beaches, waterfalls of extraordinary beauty - all this Port-au-Prince. While on vacation, don't forget to visit the lake Trois-Canmans (Haiti), where a colony of flamingos lives. Exoticism and an extraordinary state of detachment from the outside world are guaranteed to you.

What can you say about Venezuela? Probably not as much as after visiting it... But there really is something to see there! Forgotten cities of the conquistadors, the Andes mountains, Angel Falls and the Orinoco River. The average temperature in November is +28 degrees, and the water stays at +19 degrees. The most important word among the locals is “tapapa”. It means not only “tomorrow”, but also many other meanings. You can use it on any occasion. Therefore, “tapapa” everyone who is going to Venezuela should visit the Roraima Plateau (“Center of the Earth”).

The country of kangaroos and people who are upside down invites all lovers of beach holidays and more. In November, the weather promises to be mild, the air temperature is +24 degrees, and the water is +23. It’s worth visiting the country at least to see the most Famous placesGold Coast, Big Barrier Reef, Alice Springs and Ayers Rock, as well as see kangaroos and koalas in their habitat.

In Australia, you must visit one of the zoos and see a koala

And, of course, you can always go to a warm one, saving money on buying a last-minute tour. Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t go to Koh Samui in November, it’s better to choose another resort (more about November in Thailand)

And if you want to relax and at the same time gain new knowledge, then you definitely need to read about sightseeing tours.

3. Excursion tours

Rhodes Island– a place for lovers of the Middle Ages. You can not only relax under the autumn sun, but also take an excursion to the place where once stood The Colossus of Rhodes. Along the way you will visit all the sacred places of the ancient world. And shopping lovers will be able to spend their time profitably after the excursions. Prices sightseeing tours for Rhodes can be found here.

In November, the rainy season finally ends, so you can safely go on an expedition to this mysterious country. See the mystical city, walk around the capital of the country, Phnom Penh, visit the town with unusual name Kampot and end the trip off the coast of the Gulf of Thailand in the resort.

Ta Prohm - one of the temples of Angkor in Cambodia

Continuing the theme of “Wonders of the World,” we invite you to visit Yogyakarta (Java, Indonesia). In this city you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about the Hindu religion and get acquainted with local architecture. You can also do Climbing Merapi Volcano or visit the Buddhist temple "Many Buddhas" and the Hindu building Prambanan.

The majestic Prambanan Temple on Java

In the small alley of Craven Passage in England there used to be Turkish baths - favorite place Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. For those who prefer the work of Agatha Christie, any tourist operator will offer you a look at the places where the most terrible crimes were revealed, as well as a visit to the apartment of the brilliant detective. Look detailed description excursions and prices can be found here. Also in London you can simply take a walk around the city center, go to Westminster Abbey or taste real Cheddar.

November is also a great time to visit other European countries, and it is worth paying attention not only to capitals, but also to small provincial towns:

But as for budget holiday, then you can go to visit our closest neighbors - the Baltic countries - visit Tallinn, Riga or Vilnius. Prices in these countries are still far from European ones, but there are plenty of attractions.

4. Holidays and festivals of the world

For some, November is already a holiday, because in many places in Russia it opens ski season. And to you, our dear readers, we invite you to go to one of the holidays or festivals celebrated around the world!

November 7 surprise everyone with a huge omelette! On this day, since 1985 USA celebrate the omelette holiday. You can use the recipe from cooks from Louisiana: 5000 eggs, 6 liters of butter, 25 liters of milk and 10 kilograms of greens.

November 19 begins celebration of the new Beaujolais in France. All the streets are literally purple from spilled wine. Young wine is on the list of the most popular wines in the world, so it’s worth trying it at home.

And in Italy You can get to White Truffle Festival. To do this, you need to go straight to the city of Alba, which in November turns into a mecca for famous chefs and culinary specialists, as well as all lovers of good food or hunt for truffles. You can see the cost of hotels in Alba.

November 25 We invite you to be at the holiday Loi Krathong. "Loi" means "swim" and "krathong" means a boat made of banana leaves. At night, all local residents, in honor of the sign of respect for Mother Water, send homemade Loi Krathongs on an unknown voyage.

Ecology of life. Leisure: We've looked into destinations where you can fly inexpensively for a weekend in November, even if you buy tickets at the very last minute...

In 2016, Russians only got three days of November holidays, but they can be spent in such a way that the memories will warm until the New Year.

We've looked at destinations where you can fly inexpensively for a weekend in November, even if you buy tickets at the very last minute. And from them we chose three of the most interesting places in Russia, the Near Abroad, Europe and Asia.

How we relax on November 2016

Where to go for the November holidays in Russia

Three days off at the beginning of November are a good reason to make sure that you don’t have to fly far away to find miracles. Find yourself in oriental fairy tale, feel like a European or admire mountain landscapes, which will take your breath away, can be done in your own country.

A couple of weeks before National Unity Day, air tickets within Russia become slightly more expensive. Even if you buy November tickets to Kazan, St. Petersburg or Altai the day before departure, you will overpay no more than 1,200 rubles per person. And if you book air tickets within Russia in advance, you will generally save up to a third of their average annual cost.


The short daylight hours in November Kazan are enough to have time to see the Kazan Kremlin with a temple and mosque, the leaning Syuyumbike Tower and the spectacular Palace of Farmers. After sunset it’s great to walk along Kazan Arbat: Bauman Street is especially beautiful in the evening lights. If you get cold, it doesn’t matter - the hearty tutyrma, manti and echpochmak in the House of Tatar Cooking will quickly warm you up.

In November it’s good to admire Kazan from the window warm bus. A local double-decker with cozy blankets and an audio guide will take you along the elegant streets of the capital of Tatarstan. The ticket is valid for two days: you can book a hotel somewhere along the route and save on a taxi.

One of the days in Kazan is worth dedicating to museums. At the Museum of Illusions, take a photo with a zombie and sail on the Titanic. At the Museum of Happy Childhood, knock on the pioneer drum, and at a music master class in the interactive Bibars-shed, find out how the kurai differs from the kubyz. Be sure to take a car ride to the island town of Sviyazhsk and admire wooden church XVI century, built without a single nail. Milky fogs, which are not uncommon here in November, give this place even more mystery.

Saint Petersburg

In November, St. Petersburg is unlikely to offer sunny weather, but you are guaranteed a warm cultural welcome. Be impressed by the grandeur of the Kazan Cathedral, visit the Kandinsky exhibition at the Russian Museum for free, and spend at least 4 hours exploring the Hermitage. Climb St. Isaac's during the day to admire the Neva and drawbridges, and in the evening go to the Mariinsky Theater to enjoy the ballet "The Fountain of Bakhchisarai" or the mastery of the great conductor Valery Gergiev in "Turandot." Look at the second coming of Tsiolkovsky on the island " New Holland", pet the Sphynx in the "Republic of Cats", stroll through the street art museum at the Laminated Plastics Factory, and finally get your nose dirty with powdered sugar from the legendary donuts at Bolshaya Konyushennaya.

In the center of St. Petersburg there are tons of wonderful hostels and inexpensive apart-hotels - you can stay a block from Chizhik-Pyzhik and pay less than 1000 rubles for 2 nights. It’s especially great to spend the night in an apartment with access from the front door to the roof and admire the views of Northern Venice, wrapped in a blanket.


In November, Altai will be snowy and frosty with an average air temperature of -8.5 °C. Dress warmly, rent a car and go explore Altai nature reserves and meet shamans.

157 km from Gorno-Altaisk you will find the tranquil landscapes of the Altai Nature Reserve and Lake Teletskoye with stunning winter fishing in the northern part. Try to lure grayling, burbot or pike. But you can catch Telets whitefish, which is found only here, without much difficulty. While walking through the reserve, you can easily meet a sable, a Siberian mountain goat, or even a reindeer. If you are ready to walk 10 kilometers in one direction, you will see the 160-meter cascading waterfall Uchar of unearthly beauty.

In the Katunsky Biosphere Reserve, 450 km from Gorno-Altaisk, it is interesting to look at the drawings in the pagan temple of the Kuylu grotto and the Red Mountain with volcanic lakes. The 60-meter Tekelyu waterfall is a kilometer from hiking trail and the fabulous Akkem Lake belong to the adjacent natural park"Belukha" If you don’t have the time or skill to climb the highest point of the Altai Mountains, at least just admire the majestic Belukha - it’s not for nothing that it was nicknamed the Altai Kailash. And to fully experience the magic of Altai, book a meeting with a shaman and find out your future.

Which neighboring countries to fly to for November

The good thing about Russia's near abroad is that you seem to be relaxing abroad, but you feel at home. In November, you can still find it warm in neighboring countries, and tickets are inexpensive right up to departure. For example, if you buy air tickets to Minsk on November 4 a week before departure, you will overpay no more than 450 rubles. And by booking tickets to Azerbaijan or Estonia on the eve of National Unity Day, you can even save from one to seven thousand rubles on a ticket.

Minsk, Belarus

Without a visa and without a passport

The flight to Minsk from Moscow is only about an hour and twenty, and it’s easy to choose a convenient time: Belavia alone has 7 flights per day between the two capitals. In three days you will easily have time to look at the most famous rhombicuboctahedron in the world - the National Library of Belarus, admire the Stalinist Empire style on Independence Avenue and gaze at the Brazilian murals on Oktyabrskaya Street.

Sign up for “Vandrouku ў minulae” (“Journey to the Past”) - a walking tour where you will be told stories about old Minsk in intuitive Belarusian. Be sure to take a walk around the Upper Town: in November it is not as crowded as in summer, and the scenery for photos is still wonderful. If you get cold, warm up in one of the cafes: here they are at every turn, and everyone tries to surprise guests with their tricks.

Not far from Minsk, it is interesting to see the Mir Castle, the “Stalin Line” with real pillboxes and an interactive museum, and also the museum of culture and life in Ozerets, where village houses from the beginning of the last century are crowded.

Tallinn, Estonia

Need to get a Schengen visa

Tallinn, with its stone walls and tiled roofs, seems to have stepped out of the pages of a book about knights and princesses. It is cozy at any time of the year: in the rain it looks especially mystical, and under the snow, which in the Estonian capital can fall as early as the beginning of November, it looks gingerbread elegant. In any case, it will be chilly on the Pirita embankment, but if you dress warmly, it’s good to walk in the Old Town.

Tallinn is interesting to look at medieval buildings, popping into small cafes for a cup of coffee with Vana Tallinn liqueur. If you get hungry, the Olde Hansa restaurant will feed you bear meat, and the Marzipan Gallery will serve you almond dough candies. See the 5 spiers of Tallinn from Town Hall Square, meet Fat Margaret and explore the beautiful Kadriorg Palace Park. Then check out the Kalamaja art district to see what chic museums have been created in the creepy former Patarei prison building and in the seaplane hangars. And before you leave, be sure to climb onto the Patkuli observation platform to take a selfie against the backdrop of the fabulous city.

Baku, Azerbaijan

Without a visa. You need a passport valid until the end of the trip

Celebrating National Unity Day in Baku is a great idea: early November in Azerbaijan is usually warm and dry. Some daredevils even swim in the Caspian Sea, although the water temperature does not exceed +17 °C. But even if you leave the beach holiday out of the picture, in three days you will not only have time to thoroughly explore Baku, but also fall in love with this city for life.

First, find in the Baku quarter of Icheri-Sheher the place where Semyon Semenych Gorbunkov and Gesha from “The Diamond Arm” cursed. Then look into Maiden's Tower and look at what Azerbaijan lived in the Middle Ages. Buy souvenirs from local artisans for half the price and take a selfie in front of the carpet in the museum built in the shape of His Lordship. And then take a photo of the futuristic waves of the Heydar Aliyev Center, designed by the brilliant Zaha Hadid. Taste local wine, khingal with minced meat and fried onions, and soup with dushbara dumplings at Xingal House.

The most interesting places within an hour's drive from Baku - the burning rock of Yanardag and Gobustan with its ancient petroglyphs and mud volcanoes.

Where to go for November in Europe

Air tickets to Europe traditionally become more expensive towards the departure date, and November is no exception. You will overpay the least if you fly on National Unity Day on greek islands. When booking at the last minute, an air ticket to Greece will cost only 1,250 rubles more than if you bought it in advance. But the Velvet season in Crete and Corfu it completely disappears by November, so if you want not only to see the sights, but also to sunbathe by the sea, it is better to go to Montenegro, to the Bay of Kotor.

Also, by the time of departure in early November, plane tickets to Hungary do not become much more expensive: overpay no more than 2,000 rubles per person. And the most popular destination for National Unity Day this year was Prague, which managed to overtake even the hit cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi and Crimea.

Prague, Czech Republic

You need to get a Czech visa

At the beginning of November, Prague becomes sparsely populated and leisurely. It is cool and windy here, so stock up on a windproof jacket, winter shoes and a hat - then you will be comfortable exploring the city without any problems. Start from the Old Town Square. The astronomical clock on the Town Hall, in addition to the time, shows the location of the constellations, the Moon and the Sun, and also a performance with the chimes and a round dance of carved figures. After an hour-long show, climb the tower - it offers a gorgeous view of the whole of Prague.

On the street, drink hot wine with a traditional Czech twisted bun - trdelnik. Feed the swans at the Charles Bridge on the Vltava, go to the free exhibition of the Photographer Festival and listen to jazz at the iconic AghaRTA club. And of course, you can’t go to Prague without going on a beer tour: the amber drink is worshiped in the Czech Republic.

Tivat and Kotor, Montenegro

No visa for 90 days. You need a passport valid for 90 days after the end of the trip.

You can still swim in the resorts of the Bay of Kotor in Montenegro in early November. The water here will only have time to cool down to +19-20 °C - in other Russian reservoirs such a temperature is lucky in the summer. Walking around Tivat, Herceg Novi and Perast during the day is very warm and pleasant, and for the evenings, bring jackets with light scarves.

A beach holiday in early November is not the only thing that hospitable Montenegro offers. From Kotor it’s a stone’s throw to the Lovcen National Park, to which the ancient capital- Cetinje. Here it is interesting to look at the Cetinje Monastery, where the right hand of John the Baptist and part of the life-giving Cross of the Lord are kept, and the billiard palace, which even looks like a table with pockets.

Montenegro also has amazing food. First in the kitchen mountainous country off the coast of the Adriatic - fish and seafood. The fish is fried, baked, fermented or sun-dried, and then smoked over a fire. For meat, try the Njeguš steak - so huge that it’s better to take one for two, and prosciutto - dried pork. And for a quick snack on the go, take cevapchichi - juicy meat kebabs with onions.

Budapest, Hungary

Need a visa to Hungary

The Hungarians have built an entire industry on the underground “thermal sea” and now welcome spa connoisseurs from all over the world to their baths. Choose what you like: luxurious Gellert, like a palace with marble columns and golden handrails, popular Széchenyi with saunas and outdoor swimming pools or a compact Lukach with a tepidarium - a room where the floor, ceiling, walls and even beds radiate heat. The water will wash away the November gloom from you and give you strength to walk around the city, where there is so much to see.

In Budapest, you can't miss the Fortress Quarter, Vajdahunyad Castle and the Parliament Building. Try to talk to the stone lions on the Szechenyi Bridge, go to one of the oldest zoos in Europe and go down into the dungeons of the nuclear bunker “Hospital in the Rock”. Instead of a city tour, take trams No. 2, 4, 6 along the sightseeing routes or take trams No. 60 along the cogwheel railway through the Buda Mountains to Mount Széchenyi.

It is better to buy tickets to Asia in advance, since the price increases significantly on the eve of departure. We have selected destinations where air tickets in November are cheaper than in summer or winter, but the weather is pleasant and there is something to do. The flight to Israel and Turkey from the European part of Russia is very short, and Thailand is convenient for residents of Siberia and the Far East.


No visa for 90 days. You need a passport valid for six months after the end of the trip.

People go to Israel in November to swim and become spiritual. In the southern and eastern resorts The weather is completely summer: in Eilat on the Red Sea it is +28 °C, and in Ein Bokek on the Dead Sea it is up to +32 °C. In the Dead Sea, the water is warmer, but it will only be healing if you take a dip once a day for half an hour maximum. The rest of the time it is useful to “breathe deeper” and smear yourself with mud. For an active beach holiday with diving and windsurfing, you need to go to the Red Sea.

Tel Aviv, the capital of party life, also has beautiful beaches, but in November they no longer swim in the Mediterranean Sea.

Three days are not enough to see all the sights of Israel. But Jerusalem with Mount Zion, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Holocaust Memorial is a must-see. Follow the path of Christ along the Road of Sorrow, and be sure to leave a note with cherished wish on the Western Wall. If you have time, make a trip to the craters of the Negev Desert, the Rosh Hanikra grottoes or hanging gardens in Haifa. November is the ideal time to admire them without the sweltering heat and crowds of tourists.


No visa for 30 days. You need a passport valid until the end of the trip

In November, the dry season is slowly coming to Thailand - in Bangkok and Pattaya there are on average only 6 rainy days, but in Phuket and especially Samui there is still a decent risk of getting wet to the skin. The air temperature in both the south and north is very comfortable: up to +32 °C, and the average water temperature in Thai resorts is about +27 °C. There are very few tourists - even the most popular beauties cannot be admired over someone else's shoulder.

A must visit in Bangkok Royal Palace, Siam Ocean World Aquarium and Snake Farm. In Pattaya, it is interesting to visit a crocodile farm with a park of ancient stones, and also ride a gray giant in the Elephant Village. In Phuket, see how pearls are grown, stroll through the Butterfly Garden and take a photo cuddling with giant tabby cats in Tiger Kingdom.

In the first half of November 2016, there are a lot of festivals in Thailand. If you take a week off before November, you will have time to watch the Phuket Carnival from November 1 to 3. If you take a week after, you will get to the boat races with the mask festival in Phimai Park from November 10 to 13 and the fiery festival of the spirit of water and light Loy Krathong from November 10 to 14.


No visa for 60 days. You need a passport valid for 4 months from the date of entry

Turkey is loved by both package tourists and independent travelers. Everyone has their own reasons - and all of them are convincing. In early November, even children can swim off the Antalya coast - the water temperature is +22 °C. If lying on the beach gets boring, go sightseeing. November is wonderful because you can do this without queues. From the coast it is convenient to go to the travertine terraces of Pamukkale with turquoise water, from Antalya itself - to the picturesque Goynuk Canyon or to the amphitheater in Aspendos, and from Izmir on the Aegean Sea - to antique city Ephesus or to the wine village of Sirince.

To study Istanbul, even a week is not enough, but in three days you will see the Blue Mosque with walls painted inside in a heavenly color, the majestic St. Sophia Cathedral, which has managed to be both an Orthodox and a Muslim temple, as well as the Baroque Dolmabahce Palace and Topkapi Palace. You will also have time to bargain in the eastern bazaars of Istanbul and fall in love with Turkish cuisine over the November weekend. published

Many people want their vacation to be unforgettable and full of impressions, but usually in November the weather does not cause us joy and delight. The best way to get rid of the autumn mood and change rainy weather to sunny is a trip abroad to the sea. It is in autumn that the holiday season is just beginning in many countries. Let's look at the most popular tourist destinations, where you can relax abroad at sea in November.

Why not go on a cruise? The prices are very affordable!

More and more often Russian tourists decide to vacation in Thailand. And this is not surprising! Magical white sand beaches and beautiful pristine nature are good reasons to go to this fairyland. In October, the rainy season ends here, the nights become warm, the average temperature is 28 degrees Celsius. November is the beginning of the tourist season in Thailand, there are more and more tourists every day, because the bright sun shines so temptingly.

In Thailand, you can visit many Buddhist temples and monasteries, look at the Royal Palace, or take an evening cruise along the Chao Phraya River. On the night of the first full moon in November, Thailand celebrates the Water Festival.

On this day, all over the country people launch boats in all bodies of water. The festival is held in honor of Mother Water. People ask her forgiveness for the pollution and express their gratitude to her. Temples, houses, locals dressed in costumes - all this is amazing in its diversity bright colors every tourist. On November 25, the annual Monkey Banquet takes place in the small town of Lop Buri.

Several hundred guests are invited to a grand vegetarian banquet, all of them monkeys. This amazing holiday is organized by the owner of one of the hotels. On the day of the banquet, he sends out invitations to his guests, tying them to nuts. People say that the monkeys understand everything, gather at Lop Buri and eat the vegetables, fruits and rice prepared for them. Can such a spectacle leave anyone indifferent?


In November you can go to India, but the best decision would be a trip to Goa. The air temperature there is approximately 33 degrees, and the water heats up to 27. Travel to the very heart of India with its colorful traditions, beautiful beaches, bright streets and exotic nature - what you need to relax after the cold November days in Russia. Such a vacation will become a trip to a fairy tale for you; it will definitely remain in your memory for many years.

In addition to all the obvious advantages, holidays in India are quite economical, which cannot but please tourists. Here by low prices you will be able to buy many things you need on vacation, so as not to carry huge suitcases with you. Don't forget to buy a windbreaker or a warm jacket, because the nights can be cool at this time. Excursions to ancient temples and monasteries, walks through bustling markets, swimming in the warm sea and riding elephants are just a small part of what you can do in Goa in November

Dominican Republic

A great holiday destination in November – Dominican Republic. Ocean coast, hot sun and tropics - that’s what this amazing place is famous for Caribbean island. At this time, there are rains in the Dominican Republic, but they are short-lived and pleasantly refreshing. Pure White sand, palm trees and warm sea sunny beaches allow us to deservedly call the Dominican Republic a sea paradise.

Of course, the main attraction of the island is its beaches, the most famous and popular of which are located in the province of Puerto Plata. The capital of the Dominican Republic, the city of Santo Domingo, is now named by UNESCO as a “Property of Humanity” for its large number of historical and cultural monuments. Here you can visit the Cathedral of Santa Mariala Menor, where the remains of Christopher Columbus are kept, the castle that belonged to his brother, the oldest university.

Are you more interested in recent history? Then take a tour of the Museum of Modern Art. All over the island you will find cozy parks created specifically for a quiet rest after long walks. Diving enthusiasts will be delighted by the many tropical colorful fish, dolphins and turtles. A beach holiday with children in this paradise on Earth will be an excellent solution. By engaging in active recreation, for which there are a great many opportunities here, children will not only have fun and have a good time, but will also be able to improve their health.


One of the best options for a November holiday is a trip to Vietnam. At this time, the weather there is already dry, the temperature fluctuates around 25-32 degrees. Prices are lower than in Thailand, and especially in Russia. An amazing combination of oriental exoticism and modern service will delight all guests of the country. Vietnam deservedly bears the name of Asian Hawaii.

Wonderful sandy beaches surrounded by delightful lagoons, waterfalls and coconut palms only prove this once again. In addition, you can visit well-maintained National parks, so pleasing to the eye. According to legend, in the coastal bays you may be lucky enough to see the red dragon, the local Loch Ness monster.

Climatic conditions in November in Vietnam are conducive to active recreation - surfing, scuba diving, paragliding, exploring the area on bicycles or ATVs. Excursion tourism also quite well developed. Each tourist is offered a choice big list excursions so that guests of the country can choose what they like.

In November, Vietnam hosts the stunning Oc Om Bok festival, which honors the spirits of the river and moon. The most interesting part of it is the junk rowing competition. If you manage to attend this holiday, you will be able to learn many amazing traditions and exotic customs of this magical country.


If you are ready to go to the other end of the Earth for warmth and sun, the best holiday option in November is the Maldives. At this time of year there is bright sunshine and virtually no rain. Here it is, a real tropical paradise! Lush greenery, flowering exotic plants with a pleasant sweet aroma - you can find all this only there.

The Maldives is the best place for a relaxing holiday, complete privacy and achieving harmony with nature. Even though in November, due to the opening of the holiday season, the number of tourists increases significantly, you will not see huge crowds of noisy people on the beaches.

Everything here is organized in such a way that you can feel like the one for whom the sun shines here and the waves roar quietly. Amazing landscapes Bays full of bright corals and sterile cleanliness are the features of the beaches in the Maldives. The water temperature in November is about 28 degrees, which makes swimming and diving extremely pleasant.

By the way, diving schools are open to everyone on almost every island. The underwater world here amazes with its colorfulness and diversity: colorful fish, beautiful coral gardens, caves and thickets - all this surprises, shocks and leaves an indelible impression. On November 11, the Maldives celebrates Republic Day, accompanied by parades, vibrant carnivals and colorful fireworks.

Although the weather in November on the Turkish coast cannot be called beach weather, there are many very attractive features about holidays here. Comfortable air temperatures (+22°-23°) and water (+18-20°) create a gentle atmosphere in May. There are no noisy crowds on the beaches, you can calmly walk along Cote d'Azur, bask under the warm rays. Lovers of refreshing showers can still swim, but fans of the heat should start hardening up by plunging briefly into the invigorating waves. The best places in Turkey for a beach holiday in November are Side and Alanya, because it rarely rains here and the days are warm. It is noticeably cooler in the evening - you should stock up on a set of warm clothes.

Besides spending time on the beach, November is a good time for memorable excursions to the historical and cultural attractions of a country with a rich past. Those who go on excursion tours have the opportunity to see the grandiose monuments of the Ottoman Empire: the Blue Mosque of Ahmed, the Topkapi Sultan's Palace with a museum of Turkish weapons, the Hagia Sophia Cathedral (St. Sophia) with the weeping column. Tourists will be impressed by the famous bridge laid across the Bosphorus Strait (length - 1.5 km, width - 33.5 m, height - 64 m).

Everyone walks along it with pleasure, admiring the magnificent landscapes spread out below. Participation in the celebration of Ataturk’s Memorial Day (10.11) and the Feast of Sacrifice (17.11) will be an undoubted success. November in Turkey is the season for the ripening of generous gifts of subtropical nature in the form of citrus fruits, bananas, peaches, vegetables, which at this time cost a penny, and you can eat plenty of them and buy them for future use.

If you like to relax on the sea coast during the “velvet season,” then in November you need to go to the Emirates, where it is in full swing. The sultry heat has gone, the air has become cooler (+28-30°), the waves in the Persian Gulf are so gentle (+25°) that you don’t want to get out of the warm water. Off the coast of the Gulf of Oman it is a little cooler (+23°), but it is warmer here at night. In November, tour operators offer significant discounts on tours for groups of more than 3 people - you can take advantage of this and go with the whole family.

You don’t have to worry about leisure time - you won’t be bored: there are many well-equipped water parks, amusement parks with breathtaking rides, zoos and all kinds of entertainment centers. Both adults and children will enjoy visiting all these sites, including zoos, especially since it can be done with big discounts for tickets.

The last month of autumn in the UAE is the season of various colorful festivals, international fairs and art exhibitions. If you are lucky enough to attend the National Festival, you can win a valuable prize or money in the lottery. Taking part in an interesting, vibrant Muslim holiday - Ramadan - will bring extraordinary pleasure. In short, there will be many pleasant impressions!

Holy, blessed, promised land - this is how Israel is most often called: an amazing subtropical country is washed by 4 seas, making its coast a continuous beach. In November there is a wide choice of places for have a wonderful holiday, not marred by unbearable heat. In the northern part of Israel, rain begins to fall more often, bringing additional coolness, which creates additional comfort.

In the south (near the shores of the Red Sea) it rains very rarely, but even without it there is no heat, so a beach holiday on the snow-white sand will be simply luxurious. Here is a paradise for scuba diving lovers: the coral reefs near Eilat captivate thousands of tourists flying here from all over the world with their unprecedented beauty.

Not only scuba divers can admire the famous reefs - an underwater observatory has been built here, which offers a magnificent overview of the underwater kingdom. By choosing the Dead Sea coast in November, you can successfully combine beach activities with a complex health treatments, renowned for their effectiveness.

Those who are interested in the historical past of the Promised Land can choose the Sea of ​​Galilee, on the coast of which there are many ancient monuments and various kinds of attractions. Excursions to holy places will leave the deepest impressions, spiritually enriching everyone. A visit to the Ein Gedi National Nature Reserve will be unforgettable. ancient fortress Masada, the salt mountain of Sdom and other interesting sites. A November holiday in Israel is a truly magical stay in a blessed land.

If in many places from November to March the weather cannot be called beach weather, then in exotic Sri Lanka this period is the best time for an amazing vacation, filled with unusual impressions and previously unexperienced feelings. In November, the daily tropical downpours stop here, and thousands of tourists flock to former island Ceylon to splash around in the waters of the Indian Ocean and taste all the delights of the surrounding exoticism.

And there is more than enough of it here: the famous Ceylon tea, the unique Spice Garden, many Buddha statues, an elephant nursery, the Royal Botanical Garden with a huge collection of wild orchids. Here at every step you can meet monkeys peacefully coexisting next to people, ride elephants, enjoy fruits that taste unfamiliar, and see with your own eyes how the famous batik fabric is created in craft factories.

For those who focus on being on the beach, it is better to go to Sri Lanka in the 2nd half of November, when the monsoons completely calm down. ocean waves decrease, and the ocean becomes more gentle. But those who visit this wonderland in early November will not regret anything. Water skiers will have plenty of fun riding the waves, and sloths will bask on the velvet sand. Excursions to local attractions in November will provide new knowledge about national traditions and entertainment and previously unexplored amazing experiences.

Canary Islands

Holidays in November on a unique archipelago consisting of 7 large and many small islands formed as a result of a volcanic eruption - great fun. Here, the daytime air temperature in November is very comfortable (+22°-24°), and the water temperature is +20°, a constant breeze blows, which allows you to actively engage in all types of activities. water sports. Considering the significant discounts on tours at this time, the Canary Islands are a real peak tourist season. Surfers different countries demonstrate their brilliant ability to conquer the turquoise waves of the Atlantic.

Many canoes and boats glide between the islands, carrying tourists. Children will also not be bored here: excursions to the dolphinarium, zoo, and nature, in addition to beach activities, will really appeal to them. The islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria are especially popular, differing from each other in their unique landscapes and unique natural attractions.

It will be interesting to take part in the grand celebration of St. Martin's Day, which is celebrated at the end of the harvest season (11.11). Widespread folk festivals with fiery dances and general fun will brighten up the stay of tourists here.

The legendary “Island of Freedom” greets its guests with magnificent summer weather in November, when there is practically no heavy rain and the sun is not as hot as in previous months. Holidays on the coast Caribbean Sea It will be simply heavenly: the sun is hot enough, you can swim in water heating up to 25° around the clock.

The Atlantic is also a delightful time to visit in November, although storms are possible at the beginning of the month. On such days you can indulge in trips to historical, cultural and revolutionary sights, visit famous museum tobacco, take part in various holidays (for example, St. Cristobal). Everyone will enjoy the spirited Cuban dances, lively songs and the love of life of the Cubans.

Even simple walks among exotic natural beauties will become a fascinating experience. Fans of cave exploration can take up speleology; there is a large field of activity for them here. It will be interesting to visit factories where the unique production of famous Cuban cigars and rum is established. Tourists will enjoy the spicy, juicy dishes of the national cuisine and the unusually hospitable attitude of the Cubans.

The homeland of the ancient Aztecs and Mayans, full of magical mystery, shrouded in romantic legends - Mexico with its passionate, energetic inhabitants, nature sparkling with colorful colors, wonderful beaches of the Caribbean and Pacific coasts attracts hundreds of different kinds of tourists in November.

Among them are those who prefer the famous VIP resorts of Acapulco or Rivera Maya and those who long to see the legendary ancient monuments - unique pyramids and ancient Indian settlements. The last autumn month in Mexico is the height of the beach season, when the rains have stopped almost everywhere, the waters are calm, the water temperature (+25-26°) and air (+22-28°) are super comfortable. Underwater spaces open up for scuba divers and divers.

Fans of surfing will easily find suitable waves, just as those who like swimming and lying on the sand will find their best place under the Mexican sun. November is a favorable time to visit the capital of Mexico City, where it is not at all hot, but warm enough that you can easily make excursions to numerous attractions and museums (50 of them). Amazing beautiful parks, interesting archaeological excavations leave an unforgettable impression.

Every year (11/20) the Revolution Day celebration is held here with wonderful concerts, carnivals and processions. On November 22, those who wish can listen to plenty of mariachi - national music played in honor of St. Cecilia's Day. What is it worth to taste authentic, fiery and incredibly tasty Mexican dishes and communicate with the temperamental, friendly residents of this truly beautiful country!

Indonesia, Bali

When autumn becomes coldest and rainiest in northern latitudes, summer is in full swing in Indonesia. The hot heat often gives way to pouring rain, and so on in a circle. The rains are short-lived, the tropical sun quickly dries up their traces, so in November the climate here is humid and hot.

Indonesia is the largest Island state, which is washed by the Pacific and Indian oceans. Each part of it is beautiful in its own way. Pristine nature, picturesque landscapes, clean beaches, rich flora and fauna attract tourists from all over the world. But the most popular destination was the island of Bali.

“Paradise”, “Island of the Gods”, “Island of Love”, “Island of Volcanoes” - all these names characterize Bali from different sides. This is a place of contrasts. These are warm ocean waters for surfing and diving. This is a tropical jungle with monitor lizards and monkeys. This active volcanoes and fertile land. This is a lot of ancient temples. It is autumn, when the flow of tourists decreases slightly, that you can fully enjoy the beauty of the beaches and attractions of Bali.

Active tourists will certainly enjoy Kuta – a city with a lot of entertainment and high service. This is where the end-of-season music festival takes place every year. You can meet many world stars there. As an educational pastime, you can go on excursions to temples, visit sacred forest monkeys or zoo. You definitely won't be bored here.

China, Hainan

The rainy season ends by the end of autumn, and the velvet season begins - the ideal time for a comfortable holiday in Hainan. It’s not cold yet, but the tropical sweltering stuffiness is already leaving, giving way to a climate more familiar to us. “Lord of the tropical latitudes,” Hainan attracts with its extraordinary beaches, local attractions, and culinary delights.

Here you can not only gain physical strength after a busy year. Against the backdrop of eastern calm and unhurriedness, it is easy to recover morally and be filled with peace. Tourist infrastructure concentrated in the south in the city of Sanya. This is an attractive place for surfers and diving enthusiasts. But it’s not only the beaches that attract vacationers, but also the rich excursion program. It introduces you to natural diversity: the Butterfly Museum, Monkey Island, a safari park, one of the largest botanical gardens, dormant volcano– the list goes on.

There is also a place for fun here. In the last month of autumn, the Festival of Joy and Fun is held in Hainan. It is accompanied by competitions, performances, concerts and show programs. And on November 11, Singles' Day is celebrated noisily in bars and nightclubs.


Swim in two unique seas at once, the Red and the Dead, improve your health and visit holy places - all this can be easily combined in Jordan. The weather is pleasant, the summer heat no longer bothers vacationers. Possible weather vagaries in the form of beginning rains will not spoil your vacation. It is pleasant to be here at any time of the year. The most popular destination is Aqaba.

The city is called the “Jordanian window to the sea”; after the extensive deserts, its nature is perceived as a fabulous oasis. Aqaba is located on the shores of the Red Sea. Its special microclimate is created mountain ranges that surround the city. The water is warm, the air temperature is also as comfortable as possible for adaptation. Therefore, a beach holiday at the end of autumn can be unforgettably spent on a well-groomed coastline Aqaba, especially for families with children.

In addition, the city can captivate you with its cultural and historical attractions. They will introduce you to the ancient rich history Jordan, will reveal the secrets of the Middle East. To do this, you should definitely visit the Mamluk fortress, Lot’s cave, the Mujib nature reserve, as well as the “city of a thousand pillars” Jerash, Madaba and the legendary Jordan River.

A true exotic fairy tale awaits you in Mauritius. November here is comparable to the end of spring in northern latitudes. This is the beginning of the season, when there is not yet an influx of tourists, and the holiday can be calm and measured, with a slight touch of luxury. Snow-white beaches and warm waters of the Indian Ocean have created a paradise for those who love to soak up the sand. Romantic dates and wedding ceremonies are frequent events on local beaches, attracted by the gorgeous scenery.

The rich and vibrant underwater world attracts divers here. Fishing is popular all year round. Many hotels issue necessary equipment and gear for amateur fishermen are also delivered to the open sea. In addition, you can go canyoning, ride over the abyss, swim with dolphins, visit a crocodile farm, play sports, shopping and much more. If you want your dream vacation, go to Mauritius.

Columbus also called Jamaica the most beautiful island West Indies. Sunny weather, warm Caribbean Sea, and all this accompanied by rhythmic reggae music - what could be more perfect for relaxation? It’s comfortable to relax here: the hurricane season is ending, there’s no hot heat, but it’s not cold either. It is often recommended to visit Negril - one of the cleanest resorts in the world.

See picturesque landscapes, cascading waterfalls, rainforests possible in Ocho Rios. Jamaica has become a popular destination music festivals. Music sounds from every corner here. In addition to festivals, there is also something to see here. Museum of the legendary Bob Marley, the ancient Appleton winery, the famous Blue Lagoon, mountain plantations of Blue Mountain - one of the best varieties of coffee in the world.

Jamaica has amazingly intertwined African, Caribbean and British features, creating its own unique culture. Locals very cheerful and hospitable. They delight visitors with their sincere smiles and serenity.

Seychelles is an incredibly beautiful place in Indian Ocean, where summer lasts all year round. But the weather is not the same different time of the year. At the end of autumn, the Seychelles meet the rainy season, which is accompanied by high air humidity. It is worth noting that tropical rains are fleeting: no sooner has the rain hit the island than the sun is already peeking out from behind the clouds. Therefore, precipitation does not have time to ruin the holiday for tourists. Relaxation and carefree – that’s what reigns in the Seychelles. Not surprising, because this is the safest state in the world.

The cleanest beaches and clear azure waters magically take away fatigue and fill you with strength – physical and mental. This is one of the popular “wedding” destinations. Having a wedding ceremony on the ocean and then a fabulous honeymoon is ideal! Abundance good hotels, delicious local kitchen(Creole), high level of service - all this is evidenced by reviews from tourists.


We have always associated Africa with eternal summer. But Tanzania and Zanzibar are something far away, covered in legends and myths. But recently, tourists have increased demand for this destination. Basically, these are travelers looking for exotic things and experiences. Like many others African countries, Tanzania is distinguished by the absence of autumn. The weather here in November is warm, even hot. This good time for travel, only for those who are not afraid to encounter African exoticism.

There is a lot to see in Tanzania. This is the highest point of the Kilimanjaro continent, the most big lake Victoria, kilometers of snow-white beaches and indescribable panoramas, ancient cities and outposts, the place where the legendary Freddie Mercury was born, etc. The local color is so organic, as if it takes you into Arabian fairy tales about Scheherazade and Aladdin. Safaris are of particular interest. This is a good way to see the diversity of Africa's wildlife in its natural environment and even go hunting. After such an unusual vacation, it is difficult to remain indifferent.


In November, the beach season in Europe comes to an end, but you can bask on the warm sand in Egypt almost all year round. The air temperature here is about 32 degrees Celsius, and the water is 26. In addition the clearest sea, huge beaches and wonderful service in Egypt you can always enjoy unique excursions. Amazing architectural monuments from the era of the pharaohs and the Greco-Roman Empire are still preserved here.

In Cairo, you simply must look at the only wonder of the world that has survived to this day - the Pyramids. In Luxor (the ancient name of which is Thebes) there is a complex with the temples of Tutankhamun, Amenhotep III and many others. Located on the Sinai Peninsula a unique monument Nature's “colored canyon” is a huge gorge running along the bottom of an ancient ocean.

In addition, here is most beautiful place coast of the Red Sea - national reserve Ras Mohammed, Magic world corals and fish. In Egypt you can go fishing, diving, or ride a quad bike in the desert. In short, everyone will find something to their liking in this beautiful place. Towards the end of November, Ramadan is celebrated here.

This is one of the reasons for the huge number of holidaymakers in Egypt at this time. Therefore, to avoid any unpleasant situations, make sure to book your hotel rooms in advance. The best option November holiday in Egypt will be a holiday in Hurghada, where it is warmer than in other parts of the country, there are clean sandy beaches and many water parks.

The weekend at the beginning of November is a great opportunity to take a break from everyday life for a while and go on a short but quite exciting trip. We have compiled a selection of cities and countries that are ideal for a mini-trip!

TOP 3 European countries for holidays in November

Among European countries, the most popular holiday destinations in autumn are Italy, Germany and the Czech Republic. To travel to these countries you will need a Schengen visa.

Milan, Italy

Three days is certainly not much time to see all of Milan, but you can still have time to see the most interesting sights. Arriving in Milan, you should definitely visit the Duomo, a cathedral of stunning beauty.

For connoisseurs of medieval art, the Pinacoteca de Brera is a must-see. The most valuable exhibits are stored here, including the first still life in Italian painting. Contemporary art lovers will definitely appreciate the local contemporary art gallery.

It’s hard to imagine a trip to Milan without shopping in the Golden Square and tasting delicious ice cream.

Munich, Germany

When traveling around Munich, you should definitely take a stroll through the park at Nymphenburg Palace. Also, it’s worth going up to the Frauenkirche observation deck to see the whole city, and if you look closely, you can also see the Alps.

It's hard to imagine a trip to Munich without beer tasting. To do this, it is best to go to one of the oldest breweries in the world - Weihenstephan.

Prague, Czech Republic

With the beginning of the third month of autumn, it becomes quite cool in Prague, so warm clothes will be very useful. N The best place to start exploring the city is from Old Town Square. The tower is equipped Observation deck, from which you can literally see the entire city - the view is simply amazing! In Prague, you should definitely walk around the entire old town and see the Charles Bridge on the Vltava. When you come to Prague, you should definitely try excellent Czech beer!

Countries for a beach holiday in early November

For those who prefer a beach holiday to an educational one, we have compiled a selection of countries where you can spend a November weekend on the seashore.


Israel is a great vacation idea in November. The third month of autumn here is almost as hot as the summer months. On the Red Sea coast the temperature rises to +28 °C. It can be even warmer at the Dead Sea, the air warms up to +32 °C.

Fun lovers nightlife will have a good rest in Tel Aviv, although water activities will no longer be available - the Mediterranean Sea will already be quite cold.

In a few days you can see the main religious attractions of Israel, including Mount Zion, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, etc. A visa is not required to visit the country for up to 90 days. It is important that the passport is valid for another six months after the end of the trip.

Türkiye, Istanbul.

A good thing about holidays in Turkey in November is that it is not so crowded and you can calmly walk around the city and admire the sights. The bravest ones even swim in the sea on the coast of Antalya!

Of course, it’s impossible to explore all of Istanbul in three, but you can certainly feel the atmosphere of the city.

It is definitely worth visiting the famous Blue Mosque, St. Sophia Cathedral, which at one time was both an Orthodox church and a mosque. It is also worth paying attention to the Topkapi Palace and Dolmabahce Palace. And of course, when traveling around Turkey, you can’t help but look into one of the local non-oriental bazaars, where they sell beautiful souvenirs, jewelry, stoles, etc. When shopping, don't forget to bargain!


At the beginning of the third month of autumn in Thailand the rainy season is already coming to an end, so it’s quite possible to relax in Bangkok and Pattaya.

In Bangkok most popular place Among the tourists are the Royal Palace and the snake farm.

In Pattaya You can visit a crocodile farm, where you can not only admire the strange animals, but also stroll through the park of ancient stones and ride elephants.

CIS countries for holidays in November

Holidays in neighboring republics are pleasant because while traveling you feel at home. And tickets to these countries are much cheaper than, say, to Europe. Most popular destinations for holidays in the near abroad are Belarus and the Baltic countries.

Minsk, Belarus

You can see quite a lot of interesting things over the weekend in Minsk. For example, you can admire the Empire style buildings on Independence Avenue, as well as the building National Library Belarus.

While vacationing in Minsk, you should definitely go for a walk around the Upper Town - in autumn everything is still beautiful here, but not crowded.

In the vicinity of Minsk, it is worth visiting the Mir Castle, the Museum of Culture and Life in Ozerets, where you can see village houses built at the beginning of the 20th century.

Riga, Latvia.

Three days is enough to walk the streets of Riga. Here you should pay attention to the Dome Cathedral, the Convention Courtyard with the porcelain museum, Riga Castle, etc.. Lovers of seascapes can visit the Mangalsala Peninsula. Here you can admire the view of the Gulf of Riga, the Daugava and Vecdaugava - a very impressive sight.

Once in Riga, you should definitely take a walk through the Old Town, where, by the way, the famous Soviet TV series “Seventeen Moments of Spring” was filmed.

Russian cities where you can spend November holidays

If you want to relax for the November holidays, you don’t have to go far, because in Russia we also have something to see. Russians often go to Moscow, St. Petersburg, or Sochi for short holidays.

Saint Petersburg

Arriving in St. Petersburg, it’s definitely worth admire the magnificent Kazan Cathedral, visit an exhibition in the Russian Museum, climb St. Isaac's Cathedral, see how bridges are raised, admire the Neva and the ships sailing along it.

Once in St. Petersburg, you should definitely spend a few hours on a tour of the Hermitage.


In November in Sochi you can ride a bicycle along the best cycling routes in Russia, walk along one of the many walking routes or go on a mountain hike.

Sochi is also perfect for families with children. The local Sochi Park has several themed areas, so young travelers won’t be bored. Heroes of popular Russian fairy tales, magicians and animators are everywhere here. In the land of the Bogatyrs, young travelers can take part in a master class that takes place in " School of Magic", take a walk around Enchanted Forest or take part in a battle with pirates in Sea Kingdom.

For the most inquisitive, the park has the Land of Science, where you can conduct scientific experiments and learn a lot more new things. Sochi Park has something to suit everyone's interests.