Almost everyone who works tirelessly has the desire to have a good rest at least once a year. Some people prefer to spend their holidays actively, others go to quiet places where they have the opportunity to relax and put their thoughts in order. In order not to spoil your vacation and spend your free time profitably, you need to follow a few simple rules. A novice tourist, having no experience in the field of travel, can find himself in an awkward situation with unpleasant consequences. Therefore, before going to unfamiliar city or country, it’s worth preparing well.

Many people love to travel spontaneously. As soon as free days become available, they rush to go wherever their eyes take them. Such travel can be dangerous and accompanied by not at all positive emotions.

It is worth planning your vacation or weekend in advance. Preparation is very important. For example, for outdoor recreation you need to collect a large number of things that will definitely come in handy during camping conditions. These include:

  1. Tent, sleeping bags, bedding, folding chairs, etc. That is, all the necessary things for spending the night, relaxing, preparing and eating food (kitchen utensils and sets).
  2. Products and drinking water. Mostly vegetables and cereals are taken on a hike. That is, those products that do not spoil without refrigeration.
  3. Protective means. When going into nature, it is imperative to take a first aid kit. It should contain not only remedies for insect bites, but also antiseptics, painkillers, antiviral, and antipyretic drugs. As well as medications that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.
  4. Tools. When going into nature, you need to take a shovel, a saw, an ax, etc. It is also advisable to take a barbecue, a grill net, and fishing equipment (if the vacation is planned to take place near a river). I advise you to take a closer look at multitools and .
  5. Warm clothes. In nature, the weather changes frequently, so you should take care not to freeze when it rains or at night.

All the details should be thought through so that nothing can ruin your vacation later. Those who go on holiday to a resort and plan to stay in hotels or boarding houses should also plan everything well. You need to decide in advance on your choice of hotel. Make sure that the rooms have all the conditions for a comfortable stay. You need to take things with you that are appropriate for the season. It is also worth finding out in advance what is the best way to get to your place of residence.

  • type of recreation (outdoors or resort);
  • pastime of vacation (time of year, duration);
  • geographical location of the vacation spot;
  • necessary things and documents that will be needed;
  • cash costs;
  • the number of vacationers, as well as their age and gender;

You should not go on vacation if you have serious health problems. Changes in climate and normal environment can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases. Subsequently, acute attacks, severe pain and other complications occur. It is advisable to undergo a comprehensive medical examination before your vacation and make sure that there are no contraindications for this or that type of vacation.

Also, you should not go on a trip with unfamiliar people. It's better to relax with your family or friends. In this way, you can only strengthen your relationship.

What does a novice tourist need?

Always take care of your safety when leaving your home. Valuables, documents and money should be kept with you, and in such a way that you can get to them quickly, but it is difficult for a stranger. A tourist is visible to scammers from afar. Therefore, it is easy to steal. When going on a trip you need:

  1. Be vigilant. It is important to carefully fill out all documents and carefully check the data. Keep track of the departure and arrival times of buses, trains and planes (if the trip involves traveling by these methods). It is advisable to show up early for each flight to avoid rushing and losing things. And in order not to get bored on your trip, be sure to read the article about.
  2. To make yours more interesting, make a travel route, as well as a vacation plan. It is better to schedule each rest day in advance. This will help you spend your weekend better and also avoid wasting money. On the first day you can take an introductory tour, on the second you can visit the main ones, on the third you can go to the spa, etc.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the laws and traditions of the country where you plan to vacation. It is also advisable to learn a few basic words and expressions of a foreign language. Ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility, therefore, in order not to answer to the state for certain actions, it is better not to spoil your mood to find out all the important information.

When choosing a company that will provide all the conditions for a comfortable stay, you should also be guided by some recommendations. This is the key to having a good time. A travel company is selected according to the following criteria (both beginners and experienced tourists should know this):

  1. Reputation. The company must have a predominant number of positive reviews from clients. Before you finally decide on the choice of company, it is worth monitoring all organizations involved in tourism activities in your area. locality or nearby cities.
  2. Experience. It is better to choose a company that has been working in this field for a long period and has managed to gain the trust of tourists. There are many cases where “young” organizations defraud their clients of large sums of money.
  3. Personnel qualifications. Only specialists can choose a tour for any client based on his taste preferences and financial capabilities. It's better to trust the professionals.
  4. Cost and quality of services provided. The price of tours and resorts must be justified. Many travel companies provide their clients with a system of discounts.

Beginners, as well as experienced tourists, should also take care of medical insurance. When going to travel to another country, it is necessary to obtain it. If you suddenly need hospitalization, medical insurance will help reduce the cost of treatment several times.

Rules for a novice tourist

Travelers should always observe:

  1. Personal hygiene. You should always take personal care products with you on vacation. The set includes toilet soap, toothpaste and brush, shampoo, etc. Also, do not forget about washing powder or its equivalent.
  2. Proper nutrition. Many people, when traveling, prefer to eat food on the go. You should avoid excessive consumption of fatty, smoked, fried foods, as well as fast food and fast food products.
  3. General rules behavior in in public places, on the street, etc. Discipline must be adhered to. A huge number of people do unacceptable things while in a foreign city, country or nature, which is unacceptable.

You should not provide personal information to strangers. It won't do any good. Especially you should not indicate your financial situation, quantity and numbers credit cards other.

It is strongly recommended to monitor the dose and degree of alcoholic beverages you drink. An intoxicated person is easier to deceive, rob, and also involve in hooliganism. The main rule of a vacationer is to improve your health and recharge your vital energy. Drinking alcohol, drugs, and smoking have nothing to do with healthy tourism.

You should also give up holiday romances and casual sex. One passionate night spent with a stranger can lead to long-term treatment for different but related diseases.

A couple more tips:

  1. Transport. Upon arrival in another city or country, you should not use the services of taxi drivers who are on duty at the entrance to the station (airport). They usually charge their clients an amount 2-3 times higher than the real price, based on the fact that the tourist is not aware of the real cost of travel. It is better to use local transport or call a taxi by phone, clarifying all the details with the dispatcher.
  2. Purchases. When purchasing souvenirs, it is worth checking what can be transported abroad and in what quantities. Prohibited goods will be forced to be left at customs and money for their purchase will not be returned. In each country there are specially designated places for tourists, where they have the opportunity to buy clothes, dishes and other things.
  3. Exotic foods and extreme hobbies. Having arrived on vacation in another country, almost everyone wants to try something new - taste unusual food, take part in a traditional ritual, etc. This may not always have a good effect on your health. Therefore, caution should be exercised. For example, acclimatization took a bit of a beating after us.
  4. Book your accommodation in advance! Especially when there is a long and painful journey ahead. There is nothing better than taking a shower after a long journey and falling on the bed:

People who treat their vacation wisely can have a pleasant time, relax their soul and body. Those tourists who rely on chance usually end up in the police station, as their documents and money quickly disappear.

You can have a good rest in nature, and at a high-class resort, no matter how much you have to spend on it. The choice of type of vacation depends on each individual individually, since everyone has different desires and preferences.

I’ll end my article with one of them. The main thing to remember is, don’t complicate your life, but travel more! Bye everyone! =)

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Hello friends. If someone had told me everything I want to tell you about today, my holiday in Thailand would have been much easier and calmer. We wouldn’t worry so much in vain in advance and wouldn’t spoil our vacation with negative thoughts.

Today I want to save everyone who is going on their first vacation to Thailand from restless thoughts. So that the anticipation before the trip and the entire vacation pass only with a joyful and serene expression on your face, because you are flying to the land of smiles, right?

I don’t know about you, but this issue worried us a lot. Upon arrival, we didn’t want to rush around Thailand looking for swimming goggles, and besides, we didn’t know how much it could all cost there. On the other hand, I didn’t want to clutter my suitcase with oversized cargo. And we didn’t find any practical advice on this matter then. As a result, they dragged this plastic trash with them, which they then safely left in Thailand.

Therefore, friends, there is no need to carry masks and fins with you on vacation. In Thailand you will find this goodness at every step, and the prices will be cheaper than in our Sportmaster. The same applies to children's inflatable rings, vests and beach mats.

Also, do not take shampoos, conditioners, shower gels with you. All this can be bought on every corner in 7/11 tourist shops. There you will also find medicines for fever, like our paracetamol, throat lozenges and antiseptics. So even our first aid kit, which we collected for the holiday, was of no use to us in Thailand.

2. How much money to take and in what amount

What should I take - rubles, dollars, euros? In Thailand, the dollar exchange rate is the same as ours, and here you can easily exchange rubles for dollars. It is better to take some cash in dollars in order to exchange them for baht in Thailand, as well as money on a plastic card, bank transfer. For me, there were no special problems when using the card in Thailand; I’ll tell you more about the money issue.

3. Where to eat for a Russian person

When buying a trip to Thailand, a tourist is usually offered to take a tour only with breakfast, or even without meals at all, because the hotel does not provide a dining room. And those hotels that have a buffet, which we are all so accustomed to when vacationing in Turkey and Egypt, are prohibitively expensive. And in order to save money, enterprising travel agents squeeze in trips to Thailand without all-inclusive, and then you’ll figure it out and won’t go hungry.

Of course, at first we are all happy that we are flying on vacation, but then we cool down and begin to worry - Damn, what am I going to eat there? Some of these tourists prepare for their trip to Thailand with all responsibility and begin to fill their suitcases with cans of stew. And some don’t give a damn and are preparing to lose those extra pounds. So those and those citizens, calm down. In Thailand there are no problems with food at all. You can only stay hungry here if you got burned on the beach and can’t leave the hotel.

There is food for everyone here according to their needs: for vegans, for meat-eaters and fish-eaters, even for those who don’t mind crunching on grasshoppers or drinking snake’s blood. If the local menu doesn’t suit you at all, look for a cafe with Russian cuisine, although I’ll warn you right away that you’ll have to pay quite a bit of money for a plate of borscht or dumplings. You can find out more about prices and where and how you can eat in Thailand.

4. Mobile communications

All well-known Russian operators like Beeline and others work in Thailand without problems, you just need to activate roaming before your trip. You can buy a SIM card in Thai chain stores - 7/11 or Family Mart.

5. Internet and Wi-Fi

If you don’t want to buy a SIM card, then in principle you can get by with Wi-Fi, which is now available in all hotels and guest houses in Thailand. You need to ask the reception for the password and connect. All messengers like WhatsApp and Viber work in Thailand without problems. The only disadvantage of the Internet is that it is terribly slow here. This is annoying at first, but it will be enough for correspondence with family and friends. You didn’t come to Thailand to watch TV series.

6. I don't know English

Do you think that all Thais are fluent in English? Believe me, most have the same basic knowledge of the language that you were taught at school. Moreover, the Thais were taught to speak by the tourists themselves. This means you can easily master the most necessary speech patterns in English. Well, if your memory is generally poor, then no one has canceled sign language. My husband communicated well with Thais using gestures. You should have seen how he was looking for a restaurant, saying yum - yum, and he still managed to convey the essence to his interlocutor. Reminds me of one joke.

Abroad, the wife sent her husband to the store for pork ribs.
And what’s surprising is that my husband brought them.
She asks:
- And how did you buy them without knowing the language?
“And I came, lifted my shirt, showed the seller my ribs and grunted.”
The wife laughs:
“Next time I’ll send you for eggs!”

7. Tan

This is the most important thing that any tourist needs to take care of first - how not to get sunburned. Approximately 80% of all tourists who come on vacation burn in the sun and get a skin burn or sunstroke. When you are relaxing, especially after a long flight and diving straight from Russian winter into summer, you usually completely forget about protecting your skin or manage to fall asleep on the beach.

Everyone wants their tan to stick, and many are confident that they won’t burn on the first day. So I'm telling you personal experience, they burn out on the first day! If you don’t want to spend half your vacation being a red-skinned Indian in your room, generously apply cream before leaving the hotel, even if you just went for a walk. And on the beach you sit under an umbrella.

At first we were perplexed by the Thais. who, in the heat, dressed inappropriately for the weather, to put it mildly. And by the end of the rest they switched to a similar type of clothing, when their arms, legs and shoulders were covered.

By the way, about umbrellas and sun loungers. They are paid on all beaches in Thailand! Yes, so factor into your trip budget the cost of renting beach accessories at about 100 baht per set daily. If the toad is choking, as an alternative, buy an umbrella and a rug at the supermarket and take it with you to the beach. Many popular beaches, such as Patong in Phuket, have a wide beach strip, where from the natural free shade created by palm trees, you have to walk another 100 meters to the sea. So leaving your things unattended under a palm tree to swim will cost you more.

8. Excursions

It is not necessary to buy excursions through Russian guides, as elsewhere their prices for trips are too high. You can take a walk and ask for the same excursions at local street travel agencies. If you are afraid that you will be deceived or scammed, leave a small advance. By the way, even if local guides show you the price on the street, you can bargain and get yourself a small discount. Checked) It’s strange that the style of bargaining doesn’t work on clothes and souvenir consumer goods, but here it works quite well. A standard excursion in Thailand includes round-trip transfer, meals, attractions, and insurance.

9. Beach. Smoking on the beach

You don’t have to spend your entire vacation on one beach if you don’t like it. Read the next paragraph about transport and feel free to ride around the island without harming your wallet. For example, if you come to Thailand to relax on Patong or Karon beaches, it would be stupid for you to spend your entire vacation on one beach when Phuket is full of chic places such as Nai Harn or Yanui.

An innovation since 2018 in Thailand - smoking on the beaches is allowed only in specially designated areas; violators are subject to a fine.

10. Transport

The most common type of transportation for tourists, which guides and Thais themselves will tell you about, are taxis and tuk tuks. 90 percent of vacationers travel on them. But the prices there are such that you can’t travel much; for a transfer from one beach to another, a tuk tuk driver can charge you 800 baht, which is about 1,500 rubles for a minute! There are many ways to get around the islands in Thailand on a budget. But tourists are afraid to get on a local minibus because they don’t know where it will take them and they think that they will get lost. I left a reminder for such tourists about public transport in Thailand.

11. Bike

I’ll warn you right away - this bike is not a vehicle for everyone. If you are not sure that you can cope with the curves on the roads, and in THAILAND they are all very steep, and with left-hand traffic, then it is better not to risk it. You will spend more on treatment than you save and ruin your vacation.

And for those who know how to drive and are consciously ready to get behind the wheel of a motorbike, but think that without a license they will be taken to the police or expelled from the country, I declare from personal experience that it is possible to drive a motorbike without a license. But if you get caught, you will have to answer. The maximum fine you can be charged is 500 baht for driving without a license, and 1000 baht for driving without a helmet. I hope there is no need to remind you that you can’t drive while drunk. You can find out other subtleties of riding a motorbike in Thailand.

12. Is it possible to go into the jungle on your own?

They frightened us with all sorts of horror stories that as soon as we entered a dense Thai forest, a snake or a crocodile would jump out from behind a tree. All of these, of course, are fairy tales that frightened us in childhood, remember this song: Children don’t go for walks in Africa, there are gorillas and evil crocodiles there. This is how you like to scare relatives and friends who are really scared for you or people who don’t stick their noses beyond the hotel grounds. Of course, you need to remember about precautions, and a bit of reasonable fear should remain in you) But if you are walking along trekking trails, of which there are many in Thailand, where there are signs, then it would be a sin to miss the opportunity to see a tropical waterfall or climb to a stunning observation point on the island.

The official language of the Kingdom of Nepal is Nepali. But in the main tourist centers English is widely spoken.

The country's national currency is the Nepalese rupee, which is divided into one hundred paise. $1 costs 8 rupees. Currency can only be exchanged through a bank or official exchange office. Banks are open from 10.00 to 14.30 from Sunday to Thursday and from 10.00 to 12.30 on Fridays. On Saturdays - an official holiday in Nepal - banks are closed.

The climate in Nepal is monsoon, with pronounced altitudinal zones. In the Kathmandu Valley, the most visited region of the country by tourists, the year is divided into two seasons: dry (October-May) and wet (June-September). In May-June, the temperature in Kathmandu exceeds 30°C, and in winter it drops below 0°C.

Russian citizens need a visa to visit the country. To obtain it at the Nepalese Embassy in Moscow, you need one photograph and a valid passport. The minimum processing time is two days. The consular fee is $30. While in the country, you can extend your visa at the Immigration Department.

Special permission is required for tourists arriving in Nepal for trekking. It is issued in four main mountain regions: Kanchenjunga and Lower Dolpa, Upper Mustang and Upper Dolpa, Manaslu and Jumla. In this case, each tourist is charged a fee in Nepalese rupees at a rate of $10 to $700, depending on the area and length of stay.

Tourists are allowed to import a mini-computer, audio and video equipment with the appropriate note in their passport about compulsory export. When leaving the country, a note is made in the passport about the export of the entered item. Special permission must be obtained from the Department of Archeology when exporting objects of any historical or artistic value from the country.

All the people of Nepal are deeply religious. Tourists visiting places of worship should remember this. As a sign of respect, visitors remove their shoes before entering a Hindu temple or Buddhist holy place. Therefore, during excursions to temples, open sandals are more comfortable than any other shoes. Some temples are restricted to Hindus only. It is prohibited to enter temples while carrying any leather goods. It is better not to touch believers or offerings made for the gods. Traditionally, a temple or stupa is walked around from left to right.

In order to make life easier for foreign tourists, Nepal has a special police department. His phone number: 2-20-18. If problems arise, you can also call the Department of Tourism by phone: 24-70-41.

While in the country, you should beware of suspicious individuals posing as representatives of various companies and offering to enter into trade deals at low prices.

It is better to use safes at the hotel to store valuables and documents. They should never be left unattended in a hotel room.

When departing the country, an airport tax of 700 Nepalese rupees is charged. For domestic flights, the airport tax is 50 rupees.

It is allowed to photograph temples and stupas, religious processions and monuments. But before taking photographs, it is better to ask permission.

What a tourist needs to know before traveling to the UAE. What currency to take. What to take with you: food, medicine, clothes. What to take your child.

What you need to know before traveling to the UAE

Any trip begins with packing your suitcases. To make your vacation a success, think seriously about the contents of your luggage. Imagine that you are flying to the UAE tomorrow, what does a tourist need to know?


First, let's figure out what currency to take in the UAE. In use in the country National currency– dirhams. It is assumed that in Russia you purchase dollars or euros, and upon arriving in Dubai, exchange them for dirhams. In most establishments you can pay in American dollars and euros, but you will receive change in dirhams. Bank cards They also accept it, but when traveling around the country it is better to have cash.


A trip to a Muslim country requires special attention to your wardrobe. What clothes to take to the land of eternal summer? On the one hand, the hot climate suggests light beach outfits. On the other hand, the strict laws of Islam dictate their own rules: no necklines or miniskirts. Women's clothing should be closed, opaque and not attract prying glances.

For female tourists, it will be interesting to try on Arabic attire: loose ankle-length trousers, a long dress and a black veil. But you are unlikely to want to walk the streets in it. For men, special national clothing is provided: a long white shirt “kondura”.

If you don't leave the hotel premises, you don't have to worry about your appearance. Wear whatever you want. But on the streets of the city, an immodestly dressed woman will cause dubious compliments and outright ridicule. You don't have to cover yourself from head to toe, just cover your knees and shoulders.

Men, as always, are in a privileged position. All they need to do is change from shorts to trousers and put on a T-shirt. When visiting religious sites, women and men must adhere to a dress code. It is unacceptable for men to appear bare-chested and wearing a headdress. Ladies wear a full-length skirt and cover their head and shoulders. A light scarf becomes a must-have. It will protect you from the burning sun, powerful air conditioning and indiscreet glances.

Don't forget about your headdress. It's better to wear a hat with large fields to protect your neck and shoulders. Don’t be lazy to take beach sandals with you, otherwise moving on the hot sand will be problematic.

Your clothes in the UAE should be light, light, and made from natural fabrics. But to stay warm after sunset, bring trousers and a thin sweater. Clothing prices in the country are high, so take care of your wardrobe in advance.


In a hot country, there is a high probability of contracting an infection, so a personal first aid kit is mandatory. People from India, Pakistan, Iran, and Bangladesh come to work in Dubai. Therefore, in addition to local viruses and bacteria, “guests” from distant, exotic countries are added. This is a big risk for a tourist from Russia, so stock up on antiseptic wipes and gels.

What medications can I take in the UAE? The simplest drugs can be transported freely:

  • antiseptics – brilliant green, iodine;
  • antipyretic – Rinza, Theraflu, etc.;
  • stomach medications – rehydron, smecta, activated carbon;
  • antispasmodics (noshpa);
  • diclofenac - ointment for bruises and sprains;
  • bactericidal patch.

If you need additional medications, have a prescription from your doctor. Find out before your trip whether the products you need are on the list of prohibited drugs. Teach that you should not take medications containing codeine and phenobarbital with you. Leave Nurofen, Imodium, Loperamide, Corvalol and similar drugs at home. It’s easier to buy an analogue at a local pharmacy than to risk it at customs.

Vacation with children

What to take with you to Dubai if you are traveling with a child? In order to relax comfortably and not run to the shops from the first day, mothers should stock up on essentials for the baby:

  • several sets of light clothing;
  • jacket with a hood;
  • a couple of shirts for swimming;
  • spare shoes;
  • cream for sunburn with a high degree of protection;
  • diapers and nappies for the first time;
  • beach toys;
  • Panama hats (2-3 pieces).

In hot weather, when you need to hide from the sun, large supermarkets become your salvation. To relax with your baby in the Dubai Mall, where the air conditioning is turned on at full power, you will need warm clothes.

Separate topic - what to feed a child. Many hotels offer children's menus.

Stores sell baby purees in jars: rice porridge with additives, potatoes with carrots, mango with apple, etc.

For the first time, take with you food that your baby is accustomed to - meat and vegetable purees, muesli. You cannot take a lot of perishable dairy products, including yoghurts, curds, and kefir. It is unlikely that they will survive long-term storage.

It makes sense to take a supply of buckwheat, which is not sold in the UAE. Everything else can be bought at any supermarket, including fruits, vegetables, juices.

What food is better to take? Give preference to well-known brands such as Herber, Hipp, Nan or Nestle. You can prepare food for your child yourself if you live in an apartment. Older children eat in the hotel restaurant, where there is a large selection of dietary dishes. Buy water for drinking in stores. Tap water is drinkable, but has an unusual salty taste.

What else?

Pack your suitcase with your favorite beach towel. In the UAE, it is rare that a hotel has its own beach; most of them are public, where towels are not provided.

In addition, take with you on vacation:

  • light colored backpack;
  • camera;
  • Sunglasses;
  • before and after tanning product not lower than 30 PF;
  • insect repellents;
  • hygiene products (shampoos, gels, disinfectant wipes);
  • spare shoes;
  • shawl or scarf.

Don't forget to pack chargers for all the gadgets you take with you.

Always make copies of documents before traveling and store them separately from the original. This will make your life much easier in the event of a loss.

Religion and culture

An experienced traveler will definitely take an interest in the culture and customs of the country he is visiting before his trip. The United Arab Emirates is a Muslim country with very strict rules. Although Dubai is religiously tolerant, the influence of Islam on local life is very strong.

To feel comfortable in a country with an alien mentality, tourists should respect local laws and customs.

For visitors, Dubai is a city of the future, with giant skyscrapers, luxury hotels and huge shopping malls. But local residents still observe centuries-old traditions, wear national clothes and pray 5 times a day.

When arriving in the UAE, follow these basic rules:

  1. It is indecent to look closely at people praying, much less photograph them.
  2. Increased attention to a woman is not welcome; you cannot take pictures of them or point them with your finger. Violation may result in criminal penalties.
  3. Women's clothing should not be revealing or provocative. Shorts and open sundresses are only allowed on hotel premises.
  4. It is prohibited to drink alcohol in public and appear on the street while intoxicated.

Following these simple rules will greatly simplify life in a foreign country. The response will be respect and hospitality local residents, and the trip will leave only pleasant memories.

How to apply for a visa What you need to know about health insurance How to travel light The most essential things when traveling What a tourist can be fined for abroad How to choose a hotel Last minute trips: reality or myth Seaside holidays without a visa Holidays at any time of the year Where to celebrate the New Year Holidays with children If you traveling abroad Your safety abroad If you have lost your passport

New visa conditions
From September 14, Russia plans to introduce new rules for issuing Schengen visas
Consulates and visa centers in Russia will switch to issuing visas with biometric data.
Biometric data for a visa - what is it?
For a new format visa, fingerprints are taken at visa centers using a special scanner. This visa contains information that the owner has undergone fingerprinting and provided a digital photo. The innovation is necessary to more effectively protect the personal data of the passport holder.
How to get biometric visa?
You must personally visit the consulate or visa center and provide fingerprints along with your visa application package. Children under 12 years of age are exempt from fingerprinting.
How long is biometric data stored?
Biometric data is stored in the system for 4 years and 11 months. During this period, the tourist does not need to personally visit the visa center when applying for new subsequent visas.
Visa documents are accepted 90 days before the start of the trip.

There are different categories of visas according to the purpose of travel: tourist visa. visit visa, business visa, transit visa

Depending on the period of its provision, a visa can be short-term or long-term.
If you are going to visit one or more countries of the Schengen area, then you need to apply for a Schengen visa.

Most countries require a visa in advance.

Regular cost tourist visa to different countries ranges from 50 to 80 dollars. However, sometimes the cost of a long-term visa can reach several thousand dollars.
Visa processing times typically range from 1 to 45 days, depending on the type of visa as well as the applicant's visa history.
To apply for a visa yourself, you need to contact the visa center and provide the necessary documents.
To apply for a visa through a travel agency, you need to provide documents to the manager. All necessary copies, applications and questionnaires will be given to you at the office of the selected travel agency; travel agency employees will be able to tell you how to increase your chances of obtaining a visa.

Sign up for interviews at the consulate of the country you intend to visit in Europe. Some embassies are now using outsourcing, reducing the number of operators and signing agreements with special companies. Due to this, you will need to pay some fee to make an appointment. Set an interview date in advance, several weeks before your planned trip.

Fill out the form to obtain a visa to Europe. It can be downloaded from the embassy website or obtained near the consulate building. Application forms can also be obtained from a travel agency. You must answer all questions in the application form. English language or in the language of the state you are planning to travel to.

Collect the package of documents required to obtain a visa. Submit a certificate from work or study on the organization's letterhead; it must indicate the salary and position held. The certificate must indicate that your salary and place of work will be retained for the entire period of the trip.

If you are a private entrepreneur, please provide your registration certificate and tax return. Prove your solvency. To do this, obtain a bank certificate confirming the existence of an account, secure financial support from third parties, and also confirm that you have an apartment, car or other property.

Obtain a medical policy from any insurance company, which must have a minimum coverage of 30 thousand euros. Take color photographs, be sure to check their format with the embassy. Have all documents submitted to the consulate notarized. If you are visiting the country at the invitation of friends or relatives, the embassy may require evidence of a close acquaintance or close relationship. Get ready to be “interrogated” on this issue, down to the juicy details. If there are photographs or video materials that confirm your words, then take them with you to the interview.

Go through an interview at the embassy. If you have a complete package of documents collected according to the required rules, the consulate does not have a formal basis for refusing a visa. Pay the consular fee for a visa to Europe.

1. Why buy a policy before going on vacation?

All Russians have a green card - a compulsory health insurance policy. He guarantees that you will receive help in any hospital or clinic in the country. Are you traveling to Sochi or along the Golden Ring? Take your compulsory medical insurance policy with you - it will help if something happens.

But doctors abroad will not treat you for free. And it is unlikely that you will have “extra” tens of thousands of euros to pay for their services. That's why insurance is needed. Schengen countries without a policy for at least 30 thousand euros simply will not give a visa. The amount is not taken out of thin air, according to ATOR estimates, this is exactly the money that is spent on an operation or transportation of a patient to Russia. The policy costs an average of 1 euro for every day of travel. That is, 250 - 300 rubles for a week-long voyage.

But you can fly to Turkey, Egypt, Thailand without a policy. Travel agencies always include insurance in the price of the trip. But often cheap, for 10 or 15 thousand euros. Practice shows that this money is enough for 10 days of treatment in the clinic. But sometimes you need more. Take the time to check what amount is written in the policy. Small? You can ask for additional insurance from a travel company (pay an additional 100 - 200 rubles) or arrange it yourself.

2. Everyone has their own health. If I am asthmatic or my wife is pregnant, will they help us?

The standard package includes emergency medical care (outpatient or inpatient, with payment for medications), transportation to the hospital, and dental care. The insurance is designed to cover the treatment of injuries, poisoning, colds and all diseases - except chronic ones, and the repatriation of the body of the deceased to their homeland.

If a chronic disease worsens, some companies are willing to pay for first aid. But as soon as the acute symptoms are relieved, you will have to undergo further treatment at your own expense. Help for a pregnant woman depends on the timing of her trip.

A complete list of what is included in the insurance is in the contract. Read it carefully, preferably directly from the travel agency and insurance company.

If you see that a situation important to you is not specified, you should apply for an extended policy. It is 20 - 30% more expensive (if it does not include very exotic conditions). The extended policy includes payment for tickets and hotel for a relative who will fly to the poor fellow hospitalized, or organization of early return home for children if their parents become seriously ill at the resort.

3. Can they refuse help?

Again, read the policy, it lists the cases in which the insurance does not apply. Depending on the company and the cost of the service, the list may vary. The general rules are as follows: injuries and damage received while intoxicated, or suicide attempts are not paid. Military operations in Arab countries, strikes by air traffic controllers, volcanic eruptions and other similar misfortunes have nothing to do with health insurance.

4. What if I want to scuba dive or surf?

Extreme sports enthusiasts need to take out a special policy designed for sports injuries. It is about twice as expensive as usual. Many dive centers already include insurance in the price of the dive. But what it covers and what services it will provide is unknown. So it’s better to register yours before departure.

5. I became ill at the resort. Where to go for help?

There is no need to run anywhere. You need to call the insurer's representative. The phone number is on the policy. He will answer in Russian, and all you have to do is introduce yourself, tell him where you are and what happened. You will receive further instructions from your interlocutor. He himself will contact all medical institutions, the consulate, tour operator, airline, call an ambulance, and resolve all issues.

If a person is taken to hospital unconscious, doctors should be asked to contact the insurance company as soon as possible. This is important, otherwise the company may not pay for the treatment.

But! If tourists themselves went to see some doctor, he issued a bill, and also spent money on medicines - it is useless to ask the insurer to pay the costs.

For some reason it is impossible to call the insurer? You can call the local ambulance team. To do this, it is useful to know a number similar to our 03. In many countries you need to dial 111.

It makes sense to call the insurance company, even when the case is clearly not covered by the contract. Did you have a drunken injury? Call the representative and honestly describe the situation to him. He will help you navigate and get good help for a reasonable price. You will have to pay, but you will know that competent people are taking care of you, and not rely on chance.

1. Buy a large bag. A large bag, instead of several small ones, specifically designed for carry-on luggage will allow you to put all your things in one place and not lose mobility. A backpack of 30 or 35 liters or a small suitcase fits the dimensions allowed by airlines, and at the same time allows you to take it for at least a week, or even two or three with the right approach.

2. Small toiletries. Use a small bottle of toothpaste, roll-on deodorant, and shaving oil instead of a large bottle of foam or gel. Soap, shampoo and shower gel are usually available in hotels. They change every day, so you can take some with you for your future travels. If for some reason the hotel does not have this, then you can buy a small bottle on the spot and leave it when you return home. Place all toiletry liquids in a plastic bag for easy airport screening and to protect everything in your bag.

3. Wear heavy and bulky items. Boots, jeans, jackets on the plane. Place your flip-flops and shorts in your bag.

4. Place small items in your pockets. When going through airport security, you'll lose a few extra minutes pulling out a mountain of keys, an iPod, a cell phone, tickets, documents, books, a phone charger, and headphones, but that's a small price to pay for not having to wait for your luggage at your destination. The larger the pockets, the more things you can put in them.

5. Bring your most versatile items when traveling. Blouses, skirts and tops can be worn both to the beach and to a fashionable restaurant.

6. Pack only things you really need. Think carefully about whether you need this or that item on your trip and how often you are going to use it. This applies to clothes and any other things. Can you buy or rent these items locally?

7. Only one pair of shoes. Take only one pair of shoes - and many things that can go with it.

8. Say no to beach towels. They take up too much space in your luggage, and to the beach you can take towels from your hotel or inn.

9. Use travel clothes made from modern fabrics. Lightweight, loose-fitting items need to be washed less often, and after washing they dry much faster than items made from traditional materials.

10. Dress in layers like a cabbage. This helps you not to freeze or swelter from the heat - all you have to do is put on or take off something. The main thing is to make sure that things fit together and you don't look ridiculous.

11. Wash your clothes while traveling. Use hotel or hotel shampoo or soap to wash light clothing (shirts, tank tops, underwear) in the sink. Then hang it all up so that things are dry by morning.

12. Collect things in a “knot”. Wrap your belongings around larger items (shoes or a bag of toiletries) instead. Just to fold them. Stuff your socks and underwear into your shoes (in a plastic bag, of course). This will also protect the shoes from deformation. This method saves a lot of space.

I hope that these simple tips will help you save your truly precious time while traveling.

The main recommendation would be not to take too much luggage with you on your trip. Naturally, you want the same freedom of action in choosing clothes as you have at home, but we must not forget that for excess weight, at a minimum, you should pay during transportation. In addition, tourists often have to carry all their luggage with them on their own. How long can you go with a few bags of non-essential items? Such a moment in the tourism process can significantly spoil the feeling of the trip.

All travel items should be divided into several categories:

  • Documentation;
  • First aid kit;
  • Personal belongings;
  • Hygiene items;
  • Camera, video camera, laptop – digital technologies.

Naturally, you can’t go anywhere without documents. You should always check that you have all the documents important for your trip before leaving, no matter if you are going on vacation or returning.

It’s easiest if you’re traveling around Russia. There is no need for a visa or a whole list of papers, just a passport is enough. But in any case, you should check the list with the travel agency from which you are booking your vacation.

Taking care of your health will be a good step. Take the trouble to take out insurance, because anything can happen during an adventure. After all winter holidays at its core, active recreation.

When traveling, you need to be guided by the versatility of items. These would be, for example: a knife-opener, a telephone with a flashlight. Sunglasses, paradoxically, wouldn't hurt either. They must filter the brightness of the light that is reflected from the snow. There is such a term as “snow blindness,” which develops when the retina is burned. You should take sunglasses that are certified UV safe.

You can buy personal hygiene products during the trip, or take small tubes for the duration of the trip.

Clothing should not hinder movement and it is also advisable to choose it to be universal. When traveling to ski resorts, special underwear that wicks away moisture is recommended. Clothing should dry easily, not require ironing, and be easy to wash. A waterproof jacket will be a chic addition to a tourist’s wardrobe. Now you know what things to take for traveling.

When going on vacation abroad, you should remember that there are various prohibitions and restrictions, failure to comply with which may result in a financial fine. And sometimes the amount of monetary punishment can be impressive.

Not long ago, the authorities of the Austrian capital decided to fine everyone who dares to feed street pigeons 36 euros. The fact is that the Vienna authorities took such a decisive step because of the pressing problem of damage to numerous cultural and historical sites by these birds. To comply with this regulation, the city has a detachment of volunteers who have every right to levy fines from local residents and foreign tourists who were caught by surprise while feeding the birds.

In March this year, city authorities in the popular Czech resort of Karlovy Vary also introduced fines for feeding pigeons and wild ducks. Anyone caught by local police during the prohibited process of feeding birds must pay a fine of 500 Czech crowns, which is approximately equal to 25 US dollars.

Feeding pigeons is also strictly prohibited in the famous Piazza San Marco in Venice. However, unlike Vienna and Karlovy Vary, the fine here is much higher - neither more nor less than 1000 euros.

In 2012, the Roman city authorities decided to prohibit local residents and tourists from eating in the immediate vicinity of historical and cultural monuments, as well as near objects of artistic value. Violators of this rule, if caught by the police, must pay a fine ranging from 25 to 500 euros. This ban is explained by the fact that after light snacks, large crowds of tourists often leave behind huge piles of garbage, which causes serious damage to many historical places Italian capital. This restriction applies in the central part of Rome, around the Pantheon, near the marble fountains of Piazza Navona, as well as on Via dei Fori Imperiali, which leads to the Flavian Amphitheater, better known as the Colosseum.

Starting this year, on the beaches of the Spanish resort of Torrox, in the province of Malaga, tourists are strictly prohibited from occupying places on sea ​​coast from early morning, using personal belongings, sun loungers and umbrellas. The reason for this was numerous conflicts and scandals between vacationers, in which the police sometimes had to intervene. Starting this year, all blankets, sun loungers and umbrellas left on the shore will be removed by employees of recreation areas. To get your things back, you will need to pay a certain fine to the local treasury.

Tourists should be especially vigilant when purchasing various designer items in Italy and France. The fact is that on the territory of these European countries there are certain fines for wearing counterfeit bags, glasses, clothes and shoes that have the image of famous fashion houses on them, but are not such in essence. So, the year before last, 2012, 8 tourists in the popular resort of Forte dei Marmi, in the province of Tuscany, were fined specifically for purchasing counterfeit, counterfeit products. It should be noted that imprudent tourists who fall for the temptation to buy an exact copy of “branded” items for mere pennies often become victims of this law. It is worth remembering that sometimes the maximum fine can be up to 10 thousand euros.

Attempts to export certain types of souvenirs from Turkey can result in very unpleasant consequences for you. Last 2013, one citizen of the Russian Federation attempted to take an undeclared souvenir stone out of the country. As the investigation showed, bought by a man in souvenir shop the stone for 10 euros actually turned out to be an item of cultural and historical-archaeological value. As a result, the man spent almost 3 weeks in a Turkish prison due to his negligence. And this despite the fact that, in accordance with current legislation, the Russian had every chance, due to his negligence, to “rest” in a foreign prison for at least 12 years.

To avoid unpleasant situations, you should remember that you should under no circumstances try to take stuffed crocodiles, ivory, sea ​​shells and corals. As for Turkey and Greece, the export of antiques and ancient carpets without a receipt confirming the fact of purchase is strictly prohibited.

In selected countries globe There is also a certain list of unspoken prohibitions, violation of which threatens with monetary fines of varying amounts. The city-state of Singapore strictly prohibits chewing gum in public transport, in Thailand it is prohibited to appear in public places without underwear, and in the Islamic state of the UAE it is prohibited to show any feelings in public. On the territory of the Athenian Acropolis and other equally significant ancient places, walking in high heels and platforms is prohibited, as it is unsafe. In sunny Barcelona, ​​outside the sea beaches, tourists will most likely be fined for appearing in a swimsuit or naked to the waist. In the remote Pacific nation of Fiji, topless sunbathing is strictly prohibited.

Choosing a hotel: deciding on the type of holiday

What is the first thing you need to understand before you start looking for a hotel? I think the main question you should ask yourself is: “What do I want from my vacation?” The answer to this question will help you decide what you really expect from your destination. Below are some guiding questions that will help you formulate your wishes more precisely:

  • Will the vacation be active or more measured and calm? Maybe you will spend most of your time going on excursions and will only need a hotel for an overnight stay.
  • Vacation (travel) with children. Agree that vacationing with children is a special type of vacation.)) To keep a child occupied, it is necessary that the hotel has something that might be of interest. This may be a designated area for games with appropriate equipment and toys, or it may be some kind of slot machines.
  • With friends or with family. This question is also important, since vacationing with family may differ from vacationing with friends. After all, there are family-type hotels, and there are more extreme ones in their functionality.
  • Do you need entertainment, or do you prefer peace and quiet? Before choosing a hotel, you must decide in advance what kind of vacation you are planning. There will be discos, competitions and various entertainment events (like in Turkey or Egypt), or you will prefer to lie quietly in the sun, drinking a cocktail and reading your favorite blog 2ristic planet.)))
  • Will you be eating at the hotel? This is also an important question, since the price, as well as your comfort, will depend on this.
  • Your budget. How much do you expect? Having decided on the amount, you can immediately eliminate half of the options.
  • Hotel for one night. If you are passing through one of the hotels or are planning your trip with stops in hotels, then, accordingly, luxury apartments should not be considered. You need a warm and comfortable bed, silence outside the window and mute neighbors!))) Just kidding.))

All these nuances greatly influence the criteria for choosing a hotel. Essentially, you decide for yourself which conditions to choose for have a nice rest. If you answer these questions honestly, I am sure you will be able to find the perfect hotel you would like to stay at. And in order not to make mistakes, I advise you to read travel blogs, for example, a blog about budget travel on Latin America and Southeast Asia, in which they share their own experiences.

We choose a hotel for business - a million-dollar contract is in your hands!

In order to choose the right hotel where you can hold any business meeting, conference or presentation while on a business trip, you must consider several points:

  • Is there a conference room with necessary equipment(projectors, large screens, microphones, etc.) and a banquet room.
  • Where is the hotel located in the city? An important point, as it is comfortable and convenient to get from the airport or railway station to the hotel, the key to a successful business meeting or conference. It is better, of course, when the hotel is located near the city center.
  • Availability of Internet (wi-fi), printers, copiers. Today it is impossible to imagine good hotel without such means of technology and communications. It is desirable that the Internet be available not only at the reception in the lobby, but also in the rooms.
  • Of course, what is a business meeting without the opportunity to drink in a bar with good service and insidious drinks)). I would say this: Nice bar+ strong drinks = the key to a successfully signed contract)))
  • Also be sure to look or ask when the hotel was opened or the date of the last renovation or redesign. After all, you don’t want to blush in front of your partners while sitting in plastic chairs with chewing gum under the tables?)))

General information about hotels

To understand and decide on the choice of a hotel, you need to know the internationally accepted parameters, main characteristics and abbreviations. When choosing a hotel via the Internet, such abbreviations come across, and you should know what's what. To do this, you will need the information below.

Types of hotel accommodation - don't you want a jack?

If you are not a fan of couchsurfing or free overnight stays at The Hospitality Club, then let’s figure out what codes you will have to deal with.

Single- SGL - single occupancy

Double -DBL- double occupancy (one double bed)

Twin-TWN - double occupancy (two single beds)

DBL+EX.BED (extra bed) - double occupancy with one double bed and an extra bed. Here the extra bed can be either a full-size one, or you may also get a folding sofa, a folding bed or even a mattress. Therefore, take the time to check which extra bed the hotel has available. Most often, these rooms are suitable for two adults with a child.

Triple-TRPL – triple occupancy. The room has two main beds, and the third can be a stationary bed or a folding sofa. As a rule, these rooms accommodate three adults. Adults are designated by the word adult, and children chld (child).

Views from the window - as long as the view is not on the wall!

So, you already know about the types of hotel accommodation, now let’s look at what types of views there are from the window.

Garden view - a view of the garden (most often this is the other side of the hotel from the sea, where flowers grow, there is a lawn everywhere and peacocks run around.)))

Pool view - view of the pool (often towards the sea - but the sea is not visible). If you can’t stand the noise of kids playing in the pool, but like to watch naked mermaids bathing in the sunset at night, then this type of room is just what you need!)))

SV, sea ​​view- sea view. Oh, the beauty that can be seen from such a room is amazing, and the boats and yachts are peaceful and calming. But such a number will cost you more.

Ocean view - view of the ocean. And that's it. The sound of the surf cannot be replaced by putting a shell to your ear.))

SSV, Side Sea view - side view of the sea. That is, the view of the sea partially opens if you look out from the balcony or from the window. Just be careful, better with insurance.)))

Mountain view - view of the mountains. Why do you need a sea view when better than the mountains there can only be mountains!

Park view - view of the park. You can watch couples walking or watch old ladies walking their dogs.)))

Inside view - view of the atrium, i.e. to a small courtyard or the inside of the hotel. How do you like the views from the windows? Choose what you like and enjoy your vacation!

Selecting hotel room types

Now let's move on to room types. You shouldn’t be too guided by these abbreviations, since each hotel has its own understanding, but still, when choosing a hotel, you should have this information.

STD (standard) - Standart room. Classics of the genre. But also in some hotels the simplest room may be a deluxe room.

Superior - slightly better than standard.

Suite - a room that is larger in area than a standard one and can consist of two rooms.

Family room - a room for a family, usually designed to accommodate 4 people or more.

Executive - as a rule, a room for businessmen with increased comfort.

BGL, BG, Villa, Village (bungalow) - bungalows, houses separate from the main building. Oh, it’s a dream to stay in something like this! They are more comfortable than the rooms in the main building of the hotel, which is called MB, main building.

Types of food in hotels - maybe a croissant?

The choice of hotel may also depend on the type of food provided in the hotels. It wouldn’t hurt to have such a list of abbreviations, so feel free to add this article to your bookmarks.)))

BB(Bed and breakfast) - only breakfast included. Breakfasts are divided into:

  1. CBF (Continental Breakfast) - continental breakfast - a breakfast not very approved by our “Soviet” tourists, as it usually consists of coffee or tea, juice, buns, butter, croissant, jam. We have seen such breakfasts only in France (in Paris and Nice).
  2. English breakfast - usually includes scrambled eggs, toast, butter, jam and coffee (tea), juice. Like the English breakfast served by Barrymore.))
  3. American breakfast ABF is more satisfying than CBF - here you can go wild, since in addition to the standard continental breakfast, there are also cold cuts, salads to choose from, as well as hot dishes.
  4. And of course the buffet (Buffet Breakfast). You can often find this type of food throughout Europe. You can have a hearty meal, the choice of dishes is quite large, but it is forbidden to take food with you. But who will stop us, right?)))

HB (half board) - half board - it includes breakfast and dinner (buffet), free tea/coffee, water for breakfast, but drinks at dinner are paid separately. Be careful, do not take Dom Perignon!))

FB (full board) - full board - it includes breakfast, lunch and dinner (buffet), also drinks at lunch and dinner for an additional fee.

Well, of course, where would we be without it, without our beloved ALL, Al (all inclusive) - all inclusive - breakfast, lunch and dinner (buffet). There are also afternoon snacks, ice cream, light snacks and even barbecue. As for refreshing and strong drinks, they are included in the price, but only locally produced. We mostly encountered this type of food in Turkey. Drink - I don't want to! Eat - I don’t want to!)) The key word here is UNLIMITED)))

But imagine, there are also varieties of “all inclusive”. You ask: “Where is even better?” But no! There are even cooler ones!)) Let's look:

UAL, UAI (ultra all inclusive) - the only difference from all inclusive is that drinks of imported origin are also included in the price.

SA-Super All inclusive- this can be either (Soft) - a lightweight version, or (Super) - a little cooler than simple ALL. So it’s better to check with the operator or look on the hotel website.

RO (room only), BO (bed only), AO (accomodation only) - no meals at all. This is the case everywhere in our country. What can I say, damn Europe!)))

Hotel classification

In general, the classification of hotels by star rating is a conditional concept. this moment In the world you can find about 30 different classifications. In 1989, the WTO (World tourist organization) has adopted certain standards, but they are purely advisory in nature, so you may encounter different countries under the same stars there are completely different levels of hotels, both in terms of service, interior, location, and the size of the hotel itself and the room. Therefore, it is impossible to consider the exact set of services for each category. But I will try to tell the principles by which you can determine the correspondence with the stars of the hotel.

Hotel 6* and 7*. It's practically on Mars)) Such hotels are now only in the United Arab Emirates. You've probably seen a lot of TV programs where in such hotels everything is gilded, and on the roof of the hotel there are helipads with tennis courts.)))

Hotel 5*. Such a hotel should be luxurious and extremely comfortable. You should feel like a millionaire in a hotel like this. The service must be on the verge of the unreal. Your wishes should be fulfilled almost instantly, this is understandable, the money paid is not small. You can feel the service when you get out of the taxi, when your things are taken by the porters, and the doorman will kindly open the doors to “paradise” for you. At reception you will not be kept waiting for long; you will be shown to a rather large and luxurious room with a good large bed, a modern orthopedic mattress and spotlessly clean bed. At your service you should be provided with a mini bar, refrigerator, plasma TV, air conditioning. Usually in such rooms, instead of showers, there is a bathroom with a telephone and, of course, a bidet. Wi-fi is now a must, and there may also be a fitness or spa center. Also, such hotels are not modest with a large area where there may be a swimming pool or tennis court. Hairdressing and laundry services will always be provided to you. Meals can be brought to your room around the clock.

Hotel 4*. Such hotels may lack something compared to 5*. For example, the territory is small or some type of service may not be available. There is comfort in such hotels, of course, but not luxury. A restaurant is a must. So, you can safely choose a hotel of this star rating for your vacation.

Hotel 3*. You will get the required minimum, but no more. After all, the price doesn’t bite. Although, if you look at European hotels from experience, then 3* is not bad. In any case, we did not complain, living almost in the center of Nice in three stars.)) According to the standards, there must be a toilet and shower in the room. There may not be a restaurant, but there is a bar-cafeteria. As for Turkey, I would not recommend choosing hotels below four stars. Since the Turks have a low level of stardom, the same cannot be said about Europe.

1* and 2* hotels are the most necessary for an overnight stay. There is a right to life in such hotels. I would say cheap and cheerful. A 2* hotel room should contain: a bed, a chair, a wardrobe and no other frills. The toilet may be in the room, but most likely it will be on the floor. Almost like a punishment cell.))) 1* is quite rare and means a small hotel on the outskirts (10 rooms). Also a bed, bedside table and chair.

The WTO prescribed the following license plate sizes:

  • 2* not less than 10 m2;
  • 3*-12 m2;
  • 4*-13 m2;
  • 5* - 16 m2.

Linen is required to be changed daily in hotels above 3*. If they don’t change it, let us know.))) Also, when choosing a hotel, you may come across 3*+, 4*+. This means increased comfort. It’s just that such hotels fall a little short of the next level.

What to do if the hotel room is not suitable

It often happens that you chose a hotel, checked in, but it didn’t suit you. Do not despair. there is an exit. Your actions should be as follows. Do not unpack your things, but go straight to the reception. Give reasons for your refusal of the number. For example: you ordered a room with a sea view, but they gave you a room with a mountain view. Then, of course, you must exchange it for the one you ordered. If the reason lies in a noisy elevator or number of floors, or not a beautiful view from the window, then you can calmly negotiate with the hotel employees without even “thanking” them accordingly. Although in Turkey, everyone is pushing $10 at the reception, just to change it quickly. Additional payment may be required only when changing room categories.

List of questions when choosing a hotel

Let's look at what questions you may have when choosing a hotel and when booking it for all occasions.

  • Is this a family hotel or a youth hotel?
  • What is the food system at the hotel? Is there a children's menu? Is it possible to heat food for very young children? (when vacationing with children).
  • Mini club services. Nannies or special staff.
  • Availability of a baby cot in the room (baby chairs in the restaurant).
  • Entering the water. Sandy or stone? Pier?
  • Is there a doctor in the hotel?
  • How far are discos, foam parties, bars and animations from the hotel?
  • Is it safe to walk alone outside the hotel (the main thing is that they are not afraid of you, not you of someone.))))
  • How many stars does the hotel have?
  • Does the operator believe that the cost of the hotel corresponds to the quality and stated stars? Mostly, operators answer such questions honestly.
  • Are there any discounts during this time period?
  • What is included in the price at this hotel and what is free (sunbeds, towels, internet, etc.)?
  • Ask what is in the room (central or individual air conditioning, TV, refrigerator).
  • Are there any renovations going on near the hotel?
  • Availability of Russian TV channels (paid or free)?
  • Little things (is there a hairdryer, disposable hygiene products)?
  • What services does the hotel provide (conference room, SPA, bathhouse (in Turkey, hammam bathhouse, for example), gym, etc.)
  • Find out which services are paid and which are free.
  • Is there a shuttle?
  • Estimated check-out and check-in time?
  • How close is the hotel to the city (or to the sea)?
  • Close to attractions?
  • Size of the hotel area (gardens, parks, swimming pools, children's pools, landscaping, children's playgrounds).
  • Age of the hotel, last renovation.
  • Availability of a children's club (if you are with a child).
  • Availability of laundry, etc.

When choosing a hotel, do not neglect reviews on the Internet of other tourists who already have experience staying in the hotels you have your eye on. Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions and find out details that interest you. Also, hotel prices may be discounted. What could this mean? Perhaps they are trying to sell you on a hotel where there is construction going on under the windows (this often happens in Turkey), tram rails, a busy road or entertainment venues thunder all night. Or maybe it’s the other way around, the hotel has just opened, and the prices haven’t risen yet. Here you need to carefully analyze everything and choose the best option for yourself.

There are hotels where you can save money, because in many hotels children under seven years old rest for free, and sometimes up to twelve. Therefore, do not forget to check with the hotel manager if you are booking the hotel yourself, or with the manager travel agency where you turned for help.

If you want to use the search for cheap hotels without leaving your home, you can fill out the search form below and book the hotel you like.

What are last minute tours and what is the procedure for their formation

Each of us has heard the concept of “last minute tours”. Everyone understands that these are cheap or available tours, implemented a few days before the planned departure. However, not everyone knows when, where and why these “last minute tours” appear and what their features are. In order to understand all these issues, first of all, you need to understand the mechanism and procedure for forming a tour.

In short, the mechanism is as follows: a tourist operator purchases a certain number from a specific hotel hotel rooms for the whole season or even a year. He then reserves or purchases tickets from the airline for charter flights. Subsequently, the tour operator, implementing tours, gradually sells tickets for certain dates, since for the most part the entire tourism process is tied to the air carrier and the hotel.

Sometimes a situation arises that, for example, on December 15 and 16 all tours are sold out, and on December 13 and 14, for one reason or another, one and a half times fewer tourists come. Tickets, as they say, are “burning”, because the hotel and plane are not filled to the planned capacity, and the tour operator, who paid everything in advance, suffers losses. That is why travel agencies sometimes offer travelers the same tours, but at a significantly reduced price, a few days before the final departure. In most cases, last-minute trips are sold at cost, that is, 15–40% lower than the original price.

Market prospects

As a result, it must be said that today you can buy last-minute trips that are no different in quality from regular tours, but significantly more affordable. However, these are isolated cases, and the whole point is for the following reasons:

  1. Tour operators often do not buy places in advance, since competition in the hotel and tourism business is still relatively small;
  2. Russian airlines deliberately increase, rather than reduce, air ticket prices several days before departure;
  3. With the consolidation of tour operators, the segment of last-minute tours will develop, but now there are not enough such resources.

So, last-minute tours are today a common and honest method of selling a tour all over the world, which is especially excellent for people with irregular working hours, when the decision to travel is made immediately. But the Russian market tourism services is far from filling this segment, since what many operators proudly call last-minute travel packages is actually a special offer or discount not exceeding 10% of the cost. However, we can say with confidence that as the tourism industry in Russia develops, the sphere of last-minute tours will certainly be in demand.

Where in Europe to holiday without a visa?

Visiting most European countries for Russians requires obtaining a Schengen visa. But not all European countries are members of the Schengen agreement.

  1. Montenegro - you can travel around the country for a whole month; to enter you have a foreign passport with you, the validity period of which ends no earlier than the end of the trip.
  2. Ukraine, Belarus - stay up to 3 months, you need to present both passports: both a citizen of the Russian Federation and a foreign one.
  3. Türkiye - stay up to two months, only a foreign passport is required.
  4. Serbia - you can travel for up to a month, you must have a foreign passport.
  5. Macedonia - travel period - 90 days, in addition to a foreign passport, a certified invitation or a voucher from a travel company is desirable.
  6. Bosnia and Herzegovina - travel period - up to 1 month, in addition to a foreign passport, you need a certified invitation-support, provision of tickets to your homeland, a travel agency voucher.

Countries with different entry conditions

  • Republic of Cyprus. In general, Russians need a visa to travel to Cyprus. But in case of arrival by plane landing in Paphos or Larnaca, it is possible to purchase a visa for three months online in advance. You must first submit an application form on the embassy website.
  • Norway and Poland allow a two-week visit to the border part of the Sør-Varanger region if the Russian lives no more than 35 km from the Norwegian border. Kaliningrad residents can come to the northern regions of the Warmian-Masurian and Pomeranian Polish regions for a month.
  • And Russians - residents of the cities of Krasnogorodsk, Pechera, Pytalovo, Ostrov and the Pskov region - can go to Latvia for a period of 90 days.

Where to relax without a visa at sea?

The vast majority of Russians associate holidays abroad with mandatory swimming in the warm sea. In which countries by the sea can you spend your holiday?


Previously, visiting Turkey required paying for a visa upon entering the country. Now this procedure is not required, so Russians can visit any of the Turkish resorts and stay in the country for up to 30 days. High-quality service, an all-inclusive system, excellent nightclubs and mandatory animation in every hotel are essential conditions for a holiday in Turkish hotels. Additionally, you can purchase a flight tour to Israel and enjoy excursion programs.


Traveling to Vietnam does not require a visa in advance - it is issued upon arrival in the country. However, before purchasing a ticket and traveling, you must obtain permission from the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam to purchase an entry visa. This can be done in two ways: through a tour operator or independently via the Internet. The “Vietnamese” destination is still new, so it’s worth visiting the country before it turns into a typical tourist reservation.

Dominican Republic

A visa to the Dominican Republic is issued directly at the airport upon arrival in the country. Validity period is one month. A beach holiday in the Dominican Republic means pearly white beaches and coral reefs, a warm ocean and gentle sun. The country also has a huge reserve with American crocodiles. Fans of excursions will appreciate the many museums and monuments covering the history of the colonization of the islands.


A country proven by generations of tourists, where traditional beach activities are successfully combined with ancient history. For those who want to enjoy resort holiday and to visit the majestic pyramids you only need to pay $20 for entry. Read more about the Egyptian visa and free entry methods.


Jerusalem is ancient city with a special atmosphere, as if saturated with the spirit of ancient world religions. And the Dead Sea of ​​Israel is famous for its healing properties. Russians can stay in Israel without a visa for up to 90 days.


Flying to the Maldives means enjoying a holiday on the cleanest beaches surrounded by piercing blue sea with coral reefs, try your hand at diving and plunge into an atmosphere of absolute peace. The right to enter is confirmed by a visa, which the tourist receives for $10 right at the airport.


Popular Thailand, which is so attractive to tourists, also does not require travelers to obtain a prior visa for entry.

For a 30-day stay in the country, a foreign passport with two blank pages is sufficient, the validity of which expires no earlier than six months before the end of the trip.

Holidays abroad without a passport

  • Abkhazia. The purest sea ​​water and low housing prices are very attractive for tourists. The most popular resorts Abkhazia is New Athos where to visit unique caves, Gagra s rich history and architectural monuments, Pitsunda, Sukhum and Gudauta.
  • Belarus. This former Soviet republic is famous for its attractions and quality sanatoriums. There is no sea in Belarus, but there are a huge number of lakes and protected areas. It’s better to come here with a ticket to a sanatorium and combine your vacation with excursion programs: visiting Belovezhskaya Pushcha, inspection historical monuments in Grodno, Minsk and Brest.
  • Kazakhstan is a region famous for its unique national reserves and a whole complex of historical, architectural and archaeological sites. Of interest to tourists is Baikonur - the world's first cosmodrome, as well as recreation on the best ski resorts, located on the slopes of Altai.

Visiting most of the countries of Europe for Russians is associated with the need obtaining a Schengen visa. But not all European countries are members of the Schengen agreement.

Countries with visa-free travel in 2015:

  1. Montenegro - you can travel around the country for a whole month; to enter you have a foreign passport with you, the validity period of which ends no earlier than the end of the trip.
  2. Ukraine, Belarus - stay up to 3 months, you need to present both passports: both a citizen of the Russian Federation and a foreign one.
  3. Türkiye - stay up to two months, only a foreign passport is required.
  4. Serbia - you can travel for up to a month, you must have a foreign passport.
  5. Moldova - travel period - 90 days, a foreign passport is required.
  6. Macedonia - travel period - 90 days, in addition to a foreign passport, a certified invitation or a voucher from a travel company is desirable.
  7. Bosnia and Herzegovina - travel period - up to 1 month, in addition to a foreign passport, you need a certified invitation-support, provision of tickets to your homeland, a travel agency voucher.

Countries with different entry conditions

You can also travel to Europe without a visa to the following countries:

· Republic of Cyprus . In general, Russians need a visa to travel to Cyprus. But in case of arrival by plane landing in Paphos or Larnaca, it is possible to purchase a visa for three months online in advance. You must first submit an application form on the embassy website.

· In Norway and Poland, a two-week visit to the border part of the Sør-Varanger region is allowed if the Russian lives no more than 35 km from the Norwegian border. Kaliningrad residents can come to the northern regions of the Warmian-Masurian and Pomeranian Polish regions for a month.

· And Russians - residents of the cities of Krasnogorodsk, Pechera, Pytalovo, Ostrov and the Pskov region - can go to Latvia for a period of 90 days.

Where to relax without a visa at sea?

The vast majority of Russians associate holidays abroad with mandatory swimming in the warm sea. In which countries by the sea can you spend your holiday?


Previously, visiting Turkey required paying for a visa upon entering the country. Now this procedure is not required, so Russians can visit any of the Turkish resorts and stay in the country for up to 30 days. High-quality service, an all-inclusive system, excellent nightclubs and mandatory animation in every hotel are essential conditions for a holiday in Turkish hotels. Additionally, you can purchase a flight tour to Israel and enjoy excursion programs.


Traveling to Vietnam does not require a visa in advance - it is issued upon arrival in the country. However, before purchasing a ticket and traveling, you must obtain permission from the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam to purchase an entry visa. This can be done in two ways: through a tour operator or independently via the Internet. The “Vietnamese” destination is still new, so it’s worth visiting the country before it turns into a typical tourist reservation.

Dominican Republic

A visa to the Dominican Republic is issued directly at the airport upon arrival in the country. Validity period is one month. A beach holiday in the Dominican Republic means pearly white beaches and coral reefs, a warm ocean and gentle sun. The country also has a huge reserve with American crocodiles. Fans of excursions will appreciate the many museums and monuments covering the history of the colonization of the islands.


A country proven by generations of tourists, where traditional beach activities are successfully combined with ancient history. Those wishing to enjoy a resort holiday and visit the majestic pyramids only need to pay $20 for entry. Read more about visa to Egypt and methods of free entry.


Jerusalem is an ancient city with a special atmosphere, as if saturated with the spirit of ancient world religions. And the Dead Sea of ​​Israel is famous for its healing properties. Russians can stay in Israel without a visa for up to 90 days.


Flying to the Maldives means enjoying a holiday on the pristine beaches surrounded by a piercing blue sea with coral reefs, trying your hand at diving and plunging into an atmosphere of absolute peace. The right to enter is confirmed by a visa, which the tourist receives for $10 right at the airport.


“Pop” Thailand, so attractive to tourists, also does not require travelers to pre-register a visa for entry.

For a 30-day stay in the country, a foreign passport with two blank pages is sufficient, the validity of which expires no earlier than six months before the end of the trip.

Holidays abroad without a passport

Resort countries where you should buy a ticket or go traveling as “savages” without a foreign passport at all are:

· Abkhazia. The purest sea water and low housing prices are very attractive to tourists. The most popular resorts in Abkhazia are New Athos, where you can visit unique caves, Gagra with a rich history and architectural monuments, Pitsunda, Sukhum and Gudauta.

· Belarus. This former Soviet republic is famous for its attractions and quality sanatoriums. There is no sea in Belarus, but there are a huge number of lakes and protected areas. It’s better to come here with a ticket to a sanatorium and combine your vacation with excursion programs: visiting Belovezhskaya Pushcha, visiting historical monuments in Grodno, Minsk and Brest.

· Kazakhstan is a region famous for its unique national reserves and a whole complex of historical, architectural and archaeological monuments. Baikonur, the world's first cosmodrome, is also of interest to tourists, as well as recreation at the best ski resorts located on the slopes of Altai.

When choosing where to go on vacation in the fall, pay attention to the water temperature. In many countries the sun is shining all year round, but you can’t swim all year round because of the cool sea water...

Autumn is the time when most countries become more tempting than in the summer. Temperature environment leaves the limits of the highest possible indicators. The time is coming, popularly called the velvet season.

Autumn is the best time to go on vacation if you can hardly stand hot weather. The heat is subsiding, but the water still maintains a pleasant temperature for swimming.

  • The resorts of Turkey are acquiring a comfortable state. Here you can enjoy the all-inclusive system to the fullest. If you want a good quality holiday without leaving the hotel, then you should go to this country in the fall, where most tourists prefer to go because good ratio prices and quality. But remember that the season in Turkey gradually ends in autumn, and already in October the difference between day and night temperatures becomes very noticeable. Evenings and nights begin to disappoint with their coolness. The water temperature is getting colder. Do you want to enjoy the beaches of Turkey even in October? Then give preference to Side, Belek and Alanya;
  • Things are much better with resorts in Egypt. You can enjoy the Egyptian warmth and sun until the end of November. In addition, after the exhausting summer heat, the underwater world of the Red Sea comes to life already in September and delights with a palette of various colors;
  • In autumn you can still go to the popular tourist island of Cyprus. This wonderful resort with a huge number of historical attractions and entertainment until mid-October, and if you are lucky with the weather, even longer, will be happy to offer guests all its beauties. But if in September Cyprus is still a beach resort, where sunbathers can rush to go in the fall, then in October it is more of an excursion holiday, since the water in the Mediterranean Sea becomes cool for those who like to swim. But Cyprus can provide bright sun and a good tan even during this period;
  • The United Arab Emirates (UAE) will welcome guests in the fall, where we advise lovers of shopping and a healthy lifestyle to go. It is in the fall, in the month of October, that this country celebrates main holiday Ramadan. Some restrictions come into effect: are lifted entertainment programs and almost all alcoholic drinks are removed from the menu of bars and restaurants. The ambient temperature is at + 35C;
  • Resorts in Greece will allow you to spend your autumn holidays there only until the end of September. But this applies to those who want to spend time on the beaches of Greece; in October, Greece becomes an excursion country;
  • Finally, calm weather sets in in September in the resorts of Tunisia, where it is impossible not to go in the fall. The weather becomes very comfortable for traveling with children or elderly people who cannot tolerate high temperatures. In addition, in the autumn, Tunisia offers good seasonal discounts on accommodation. But for the evening, don’t forget to take warm clothes, the nights here will be cool. October is the end of the season;
  • Beach holidays in the fall, but only in September, can be enjoyed in resorts in Spain. October and November are ideal for excursion holiday, where only lovers and connoisseurs of historical attractions can go in the fall;
  • In the fall, it is not forbidden to go to year-round resorts, where lovers of a quiet, secluded holiday flock. Torrential downpours are gradually losing their fervor. If you are not afraid of possible short-term rains, then welcome to the resorts Indian Ocean. It's always summer here. Hot air temperature and water as warm as fresh milk. Maldives, Sri Lanka and Seychelles are waiting for you;
  • Dominican Republic and Cuba, located on the coasts Caribbean Sea, are also beginning to gain momentum in terms of the number of tourists. It is best to go to these resorts in the fall, but already in November, when the likelihood of rain is reduced to zero;
  • The resorts of Bali, where all surf lovers come in the fall, allow you to relax until November. Then the rainy season begins.

In addition to just a beach or excursion holiday, winter provides an opportunity to meet in an unusual way. New Year, give your children and yourself a hot New Year or Christmas holiday.

In winter, there are a huge number of options where you can safely recommend going on vacation. When choosing any of them, you should not be afraid of your vacation being ruined by any trouble. All countries presented on the list are distinguished by high-quality service and a developed tourism industry.

  • If your wallet allows for an exquisite, expensive vacation, then you simply must go on vacation where every second person on earth has never gone before. Not everyone can afford such a vacation. But this is its highlight, even in winter. A romantic getaway for two will be provided by fabulous Paradise islands- Maldives and Seychelles. Evening walks along the deserted coast of the Indian Ocean will give you the opportunity to devote time to your loved one, enjoying the beauty of the sunset;
  • Do not ignore Sri Lanka, which is ready to delight you with comfort and diversity natural landscapes;
  • Do you want to swim in clear waters Caribbean Sea, then your path should lie in countries such as Cuba and the Dominican Republic - probably the places where most people dream of going on vacation. In winter, these stunningly beautiful resorts open their best season for relax. The torrential downpours are finally over and the sea is becoming calm. Lovers of luxurious beach holidays and the underwater world are invited. Resorts on the Caribbean Coast Provide Insanely beautiful views depths of the sea, are popular among amateurs and connoisseurs of quality diving;
  • In the most popular especially with Russian tourists In Thailand, those wishing for an unusual New Year gather under a palm tree. We are attracted by their inexpensive prices and excellent service provided;
  • Do you want to understand how one country can combine the highest culture and the utter poverty of local residents? We invite you to go on holiday to India. In winter, Goa is a popular resort in India;
  • Mexico is once again opening its doors to tourists from all over the world. The unpleasant seasons that characterize Mexican soil are finally ending: the rainy season and the hurricane season;
  • Do you want romance? Sea trips together? Do you want warmth and affection, privacy and tranquility? The Maldives is made for you. The Indian Ocean coast will surprise you with the beauty of its beaches. The calmness of the ocean water will allow you to go out on a yacht for a walk on the surface of the water. The spring months are included in the list of the best periods to visit the resort;
  • Do you think where else you can go on vacation in the spring for the purpose of solitude and enjoying nature in absolute silence? We recommend that you visit the Seychelles. April opens the best season for visiting the resort. Romantic walks not a single soul will interfere;
  • The rainy season is ending in Indonesia. You can safely go on vacation in the spring to one of the Bali resorts. There is no place for a quiet and relaxing holiday, Bali is an island of carnivals and have fun adventures;
  • Where else? There are plenty of options! You can also go on vacation in the fall to the UAE. It seems like there are always discounts in this country. Open spaces shopping centers lured by bright signs. If you're not a fan extreme heat, then the path to the UAE is open for you at this time of year;
  • Are you a lover of real delicious Ceylon tea? Follow your cravings to Sri Lanka. The spring period is very interesting for this resort. March ends the dry season for western and south coast, but in May it already starts for east coast Indian Ocean;
  • Don’t forget to go on vacation to Thailand in the spring, where you can safely go for comfort until the end of March. The warmest sea water and not sweltering heat will give you a lot of pleasure;
  • Until the end of April, Mexico remains at your disposal. There will be no hurricanes or rain here;
  • Do you want to step foot on the land where human civilization was born? Do you want to be in the center of the equator itself? Then hurry to Kenya;
  • The purest waters Caribbean, the best weather await you in the spring in Cuba and the Dominican Republic. It’s worth going on vacation here, because these resorts are famous for the beauty and snow-white beaches, as well as for the variety of recreation. It will be comfortable here for those who like to spend time away from the noise and bustle, and for those who like night entertainment and a fun, intoxicating atmosphere;
  • All resort fans are looking forward to the end of spring. Mediterranean Sea. Resorts in Spain, Turkey, Tunisia, resorts in Greece, and the island of Cyprus are beginning to gain momentum in attracting tourists for beach holidays. Of course, the water has not yet been warmed up to the state of fresh milk, but the sun is already burning the body with its rays and this forces the swimming season to open.

In the summer, everyone wants to go on vacation at the seaside. I want to drop everything in the world, get on a plane and fly wherever my eyes look. Many people do not know which countries are ready to receive tourists in the summer. This article was created so that there are more people knowledgeable about this issue. It’s up to you to decide where to go on holiday in the summer, and we can only offer suitable options.

Let's start with the most famous and visited resorts of the Mediterranean Sea. People visiting abroad never leave them unattended. Already from the beginning of June, many of them are ready for a full-fledged beach holiday. The water is heated to the required temperature, the sun burns with its rays:

  • In the summer, it is worth going on holiday to Turkish resorts, where people can go, regardless of age. The centuries-old history of cities and a huge number architectural monuments can be seen on Turkish soil;
  • The cities and resorts of the island of Cyprus welcome their guests with the warm rays of the sun and already absolutely warm and clear sea. In addition to a beach holiday, there is a lot to choose from for an entertainment program, for example, a visit to the huge Aqua Park, which will delight not only children, but also adults; this is not all that the island has to offer. Cyprus is a resort where you can go on vacation in the summer with any company;
  • Having visited scorching Spain, you can perfectly combine beach holiday in Spain and the desire to experience European life and culture of the country;
  • Famous island Crete, which is one of the resorts in Greece, and other interesting places in this country are also fully prepared to receive tourists from all over the world. Swim and sunbathe to your heart's content;
  • Tunisia is another country whose resorts are located on the Mediterranean coast. People who have been here advise their friends and acquaintances to visit this country.

The New Year holidays in Russia are determined by high prices and a shortage of travel packages in the first ten days of the month. Practice shows that by October-November most of the tours are sold out. But immediately after the holidays are obviously “failed” dates, when people are inconvenient to go on vacation, and cheap trips can be easily found.

December is the time to switch to vacation in South-East Asia(Thailand, Bali, Singapore, Sri Lanka, GOA, Maldives, etc.). In this regard, proposals New Year's holiday quite a lot in Asia.

For lovers independent rest I can recommend Thailand - you don’t even have to book a hotel there for the whole time (it’s better to book New Year’s dinner in advance). A good option for a holiday is the United Arab Emirates, but the sea temperature there is not very high, so it’s not for everybody.

Sri Lanka is interesting for its nature, history and culture - you can combine New Year celebrations with interesting excursions. Organized tours position this destination as elite, and indeed, they offer high-quality accommodation and good service. But do not forget that in Lanka you can find inexpensive accommodation right on the spot (for those who are not afraid to organize their own vacation), you do not need a visa - but the flight is quite expensive and long.

Another holiday destination is Israel (primarily the resort of Eilat on the Red Sea). Officially, the New Year is not considered a holiday in Israel, but the Russians living there, of course, celebrate it.

And for lovers active rest, December - beginning ski season! But - be careful, there is snow only in high mountains- first of all, these are the Austrian, French and Swiss Alps. (Well, or in northern Finland - this is, as you know, good direction for beginner skiers).

The end of December is Catholic Christmas. In many countries this is the main holiday of the year, and in the cities of Europe and North America V last days December is very beautiful.

Our closest European neighbors are easy to reach even by train, avoiding air travel.

If the polar night doesn't scare you, various Christmas tours are offered to Finland - the birthplace of Santa Claus. An additional bonus is the Sirena water park, which is widely popular among our compatriots. A good option for a group trip - accommodation in cottages.

It's good to celebrate Christmas and New Year in Czech Prague- cheerful companies, many attractions.

Agencies also offer tours to the Baltic states (Vilnius, Tallinn).

The holiday season in Turkey ended in October, but, nevertheless, many Russians go there for the New Year. Despite the cold sea (its temperature can be about 16 degrees), Turkish hospitality, comfortable hotels and not very high prices have not been canceled. So those who want to celebrate the holiday in comfort and inexpensively are happy to go to Turkish resorts. The ski destination is also developed in Turkey - the most popular resorts are Uludag and Palandoken. But keep in mind that the mountains are not very high, and Turkey is a southern country - so snow conditions vary from year to year.

Egypt is also a good, fairly budget option for the New Year.

Cool sea and breeze - but comfortable hotels, the same ancient history. (The sea has not yet completely cooled down, the water temperature is 22 degrees. During the day the air warms up to 25 degrees, in the evening it can drop to 15 degrees). If you don’t necessarily need the sea nearby, you can keep in mind that Luxor is warmer than Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh.

Exotic destinations for those who are not short on money and want to get “from winter to real summer” - South America, Australia, Tahiti. A civilized holiday in a beautiful, interesting and clean place.

Vacation is a time of relaxation for the whole family. Not only adults are looking forward to vacations to get away from the hustle and bustle of work and have a change of scenery, but children are also looking forward to unforgettable days spent with their parents. And in order for everyone to have a comfortable and interesting vacation, you need to carefully think through your vacation with children in advance.

What should you especially pay attention to when planning a vacation with a child?

  1. Selecting a country and purpose of travel (beach summer rest or a tour of the country).
  2. Climatic conditions.
  3. Vacation time. You should not go on vacation with children in the hottest summer months(July August).
  4. Flight duration.
  5. Adaptation period (longer for a child than for an adult).
  6. Duration of trip (for resort beach health-improving holiday It is recommended to travel with children for at least 3 weeks).
  7. Choosing a hotel. Here it is worth asking the tour operator in advance such questions as: additional babysitting service at the hotel; entertainment programs for children; clean beaches with convenient entry into the sea; children's pools with sea water and attractions; children's table
  8. Food for children and drinking water.
  9. Sights and entertainment facilities for children.
  10. Documents for the child to travel abroad (international passport, passport, photocopy of the child’s birth certificate (required), documents for consent to take the child abroad (even if accompanied by one of the parents, it is recommended to have such documents with you (or a document stating that you are alone) parent), because at the border employees sometimes play it safe; if a child travels alone unaccompanied by parents (teacher, grandparents), then the consent of both parents to travel is required).

It is best to take children on vacation starting from the age of 6. You can, of course, earlier, but for this you need to think through the details of your vacation more carefully and place more emphasis on the child’s rest than on your own entertainment.

The child should be gradually accustomed to water. It’s better to start with children’s pools, and then go to the sea. Dose the time the child spends in the sun, alternating with shade: start with 5-7 minutes, gradually increasing. Be sure to wear comfortable, loose clothing, light colors, a hat, and use sun protection (high factor cream).

Traditionally the best inexpensive resorts For holidays with children, the following are considered: Greece, Egypt, Turkey and Tunisia - they combine beautiful sandy gently sloping beaches, clear sea, baby food, interesting entertainment programs, hotels with a high level of service, climatic conditions. Bulgaria is very popular for children's holidays, but recently the cleanliness of the sea and the improvement of the beaches are inferior to other modern tourist countries. However, much depends not only on the country, but also on the hotel itself. Therefore, only a carefully prepared and timely planned vacation will bring unforgettable impressions to the whole family.


This information is general for all cases of traveling abroad and can be useful to you in any country in the world.


  1. A foreign passport for each adult family member. The validity of the foreign passport must expire no earlier than three months after the end of the trip. Minor children (under 14 years old) can be included in the passport of one of the parents*.
  2. For children under 18 years of age traveling abroad without parents, a power of attorney from both parents is required, or a power of attorney from the second parent if the child is traveling accompanied by one of the parents.
  3. When leaving Russia with a foreign passport, accompanied by both parents or one of the parents, as well as accompanied by guardians, adoptive parents, trustees, a minor child (under 18 years of age) must have a document confirming relationship with the parents (guardians, adoptive parents, trustees) (certificate birth certificate, guardianship certificate, etc.).
  4. air tickets (round trip) for everyone traveling abroad
  5. tourist package (voucher)
  6. insurance certificate for everyone traveling abroad
  7. driving license if you intend to rent a car
  8. At the airport, you must fill out a customs declaration (when exporting an amount over 3,000 USD per person). This declaration must be kept until the end of the trip and presented at customs inspection at the end of the trip.

* When traveling abroad, you must obtain a visa from the country you are traveling to.


You must be at the airport THREE HOURS before departure.

Check-in for the flight ends 1 HOUR before departure.

To BOARD your flight you need:

  1. COMPLETE THE CUSTOMS DECLARATION. Customs declaration forms are located in front of the customs line on special racks or tables. When filling out the customs declaration, you must indicate the ENTIRE amount of foreign currency that you are exporting. When exporting foreign currency worth more than 10,000 USD, you must provide a CERTIFICATES FROM THE BANK when going through customs control.
  2. PASS THROUGH CUSTOMS. Customs control takes place in the wing of the airport where the flight is boarded.
  3. CHECK IN for your flight at the check-in counter and RECEIVE YOUR BOARDING PASS. All requests for a seat on the plane must be expressed before receiving boarding pass. The check-in counter number is indicated on the information board opposite your flight number. To register, you must present an air ticket and a foreign passport. When checking in, you check in your main luggage and keep it with you. hand luggage, which you will take into the aircraft cabin. REMEMBER that on board an airplane It is PROHIBITED to carry any piercing or cutting objects. Therefore, if you are carrying a manicure kit or nail scissors, they must be checked in with your main baggage when checking in for your flight.
  4. PASS BORDER CONTROL in any booth.
  5. BOARD THE PLANE through the gate whose number is indicated on the information board.


When going through customs in some countries, you must present a completed migration card. In this case, the migration card is distributed by flight attendants during the flight. It is necessary to carefully fill out all fields of the card.

Upon arrival in the country of destination, you must go through passport and customs control. In some countries (Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia), before going through passport control, you must purchase a visa, which is affixed to your passport directly at the airport of the destination country.

If you have any questions, they must be resolved directly at the airport. We strongly do not recommend leaving the airport building until all problems that arise are resolved.

At the exit from the airport you will see the counter of your tour operator. You must go to the counter and present your voucher. A representative of the tour operator will show you the parking lot of the bus that will take you to the hotel. If you ordered private transfer, a representative of the tour operator will escort you to your taxi.


  1. Upon arrival at the hotel, you must give your passport to the reception service. REMEMBER that all hotels have check-in and check-out times, which vary from country to country. Thus, if you arrive at the hotel before check-in time, you may have to wait for the appointed time in the hotel lobby. However, if the hotel has available rooms, you will be provided with a room before your check-in time. If your plane to Russia leaves in the evening, you will be asked to vacate your room strictly at the appointed time (checkout), and you will have to wait for the bus to the airport in the hotel lobby. However, you will be able to use the restaurant and all services provided by the hotel.
  2. Store documents and valuables in the hotel safe. In-room safes may apply for a fee.
  3. We strongly recommend that you follow the rules established by the hotel. REMEMBER that telephone calls, as well as a minibar in the room and a number of other services, may be subject to payment.


  1. Before each excursion, you must check the availability of tickets for that particular excursion.
  2. We strongly recommend that you do not take more cash with you than you plan to spend.
  3. We do not recommend that you be late for the start of the excursion.
  4. Do not leave money or valuables on the bus, because... the driver is not responsible if they are lost.
  5. Don't forget your things on the bus after the end of the excursion.


  1. If something happens, you can seek help from the consulate or embassy of the Russian Federation located in the territory of the host country. REMEMBER: do not give your passport to strangers. We recommend that you make a photocopy of your passport and store the passport itself in the hotel safe.
  2. If you become ill, you must contact a representative of the company that insured you. The telephone number is indicated on the insurance certificate.


The day before departure, information about the time of your departure and the arrival time of the bus that will take you to the airport will be posted at the information desk at the hotel.

When packing, be sure to take all documents with you.

When leaving the hotel you must pay for everything Additional services that you used.

At the airport you need to go through registration, customs and passport control. The passage procedure, in general, coincides with the boarding procedure described above. Follow the information boards and you won't get lost at the airport.

Arriving in Russia, you will also need to go through passport and possibly customs control. And then - in a taxi and home.

We wish you a pleasant trip and bright memories!!!

When preparing your trip, special attention should be paid to the history, religious rituals and geography of your destination. Write down the phone numbers of the consulate, embassy and local emergency phone number in your notebook. Also ask if any mass celebrations are planned during your trip, or, on the contrary, mourning ceremonies in the country where you are going, or if terrorist attacks are expected in connection with this. Also keep an eye out for messages from the Foreign Office, which warns citizens about countries that are not completely safe to visit.

At airports and train stations, take the following precautions:

  • Take a seat in the waiting room with your back to the wall. This way you can see everything that is happening around you.
  • Don't take seats by the windows.
  • Stand or sit near columns, posts, or other obstacles that can provide cover in case of danger.
  • Look around, note possible places where you can hide.
  • Lock your luggage so that no one can plant drugs or an explosive device on you.
  • If a stranger asks you to carry an item on board an airplane, refuse and immediately inform security.
  • Never stand near unattended luggage. It may contain an explosive device. Do not stand near trash cans, telephone booths or other objects that may contain an explosive device.
  • If you have any suspicions, report them to the airport security staff without hesitation.
  • Don't be nosy. If there is turmoil or security forces become more active, go in the other direction.

First steps: going to the police

If you are abroad and your documents, including your passport, have been stolen, you should contact the local police as soon as possible. There they will tell you how to write an application, make a copy of it and have it certified. (A certified copy of your report for the loss/theft of your passport and other documents must be taken with you from the police.) In addition, you will make a list of the stolen items and you will be advised of your rights, also in writing.

At the Embassy

Then you should try your luck and ask the police for the address of the Russian Embassy in this or the nearest city and its telephone number (or call a paid information service, they are definitely obliged to tell you this number). If you can’t get through right away, you should go directly to the Embassy as quickly as possible. As a rule, they work from morning until lunch and, perhaps, not every day. For example, in Spain, in Barcelona, ​​the Embassy's opening hours are from 10:00 to 13:30.

You must have with you a certified copy of the statement to the police, a Russian passport and its notarized copy, and two photographs 3.5 x 4.5 cm. You can have a Russian passport notarized directly at the embassy, ​​for a fee (in Barcelona it cost about 41 EUR for one page), or from a Russian notary.

If you do not have any documents proving your identity, then two people who can attest to your Russian citizenship must go with you to the Embassy. At the same time, your so-called “alibi” needs to have foreign passports with him, and ideally also copies or originals of Russian ones. Otherwise, you will have to call your friends in Russia and ask them to send a copy of your passport by fax or email and also go get it certified.

Better yet, before going abroad, make notarized copies of your Russian and foreign passports and take them with you (in this case, you don’t even have to take the original Russian one). At the same time, always carry copies with you, and hide the originals very, very deeply and do not show them anywhere except at the airport.

After completing all bureaucratic procedures, the injured tourist will be given the long-awaited Certificate of the right to return to his homeland. Upon arrival, the tourist, with the same long-suffering certified copy of the statement to the police and the Certificate, must come to the Federal Migration Service within two days, where he previously received his lost passport.

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