Amateur tourism

Amateur tourism is based on the activities of voluntary tourist associations, unions and tourist clubs, which create their own regulations governing tourist activities, conduct hikes, tourist rallies and competitions, and publish their own tourist methodological literature and periodicals.

Rest during amateur hikes is not limited to recovery and regeneration of strength, but is also aimed at active learning environment, nature conservation, exploring the sights of history and culture, getting acquainted with the past and modern places of travel.

Amateur tourism combines forms of local history and excursion activities, socially useful work on behalf of research, environmental and other organizations, as well as organizing and holding tourist meetings and competitions, amateur and technical creativity, and training of tourist personnel.

Amateur tourism has a programmatic and regulatory framework that determines the directions, nature, content of tourist social practice, requirements for mastering tourism skills (“Traveller’s Code”, “Rules for organizing amateur tourist travel”, etc.). All amateur hikes take place in accordance with the rules for conducting tourist sports hikes. Limitations by rules and regulations are necessary to create a managed system of amateur tourism.

The concept of amateur tourism

Amateur tourism is a type of tourism active rest, where participants independently choose and develop a travel (hiking) route, complete the group, purchase food, tickets and equipment, and, without the help of hired guides or instructors, complete the intended path.

The word "tourism" is derived from the French tour - walk, trip. In German, “tourism” is a holiday in travel, Italian- “a journey out of curiosity.”

Big Soviet Encyclopedia defines “tourism” as travel (trip, hike) in free time, one of the types of active recreation, satisfaction of recreational needs (health improvement, knowledge, restoration of human productive forces, etc.), an integral part of healthcare, physical culture, a means of spiritual, cultural and social development of personality.

The definition of tourism distinguishes two concepts - “trip” and “hike”, which in the practice of the tourist movement, along with common goals, have significant differences.

“Hike” is understood as traveling along a route with active modes of transportation (on foot, skiing, kayak, raft, bicycle, etc.). Hikes are distinguished by “planned” and “amateur” routes.

Trips along amateur tourist routes are organized by the participants themselves, who, with the help of specialized tourist bodies (tourist sections, tourist clubs of enterprises, institutions, schools, secondary and higher specialized educational institutions, district and city tourist clubs, tourism and excursion councils, stations young tourists, pioneer houses, route qualification commissions, control and rescue services, etc.) determine the route, method of movement along it, duration, conditions and procedure for organizing and conducting the trip.

Hikes along amateur routes are divided into “weekend hikes” and multi-day trips.”

“Weekend hikes” are organized on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

“Multi-day trips” are carried out during vacations and holidays.

On a territorial basis, hikes along amateur routes are divided into “local” (according to native land) and “distant”.

According to the method of movement along the route, weekend hikes and multi-day trips are divided into walking, mountain, water (on rafts, rowing or motor boats), skiing, cycling, motorcycle, automobile, speleological.

Tourist travel is distinguished by categories of technical complexity. Their classification is carried out on the basis of the classification of routes by type of tourism, built in a certain logical sequence. The main factors characterizing the category of difficulty of a route are its total length and the length of sections with natural obstacles.

On walking routes Such natural obstacles include areas with very rough terrain, screes, elfin trees, rocky areas, mountain passes, windfalls and rubble, wetlands and crossings over water obstacles.

On ski routes, natural obstacles include virgin snow, windbreaks, rugged terrain, and also take into account low temperature, high humidity and strong winds, the need to set up bivouacs in the field, and lack of firewood.

On water routes, natural obstacles are rifts, rapids, rapids, blockages, portages, etc. In addition, the dams, locks, weirs, mole rafts found along the route, movement against the current on a rope or poles, along open water spaces (lake, reservoir) are taken into account , sea), on sections equal to or exceeding a day's journey, the complexity of the approach to the beginning of the water part of the route.

On mountain routes The difficulty category is determined by the number and difficulty of overcoming the passes, and also takes into account the complexity and length of the approaches to the passes, the average and maximum altitude of the route, the availability of fuel on the route, and the duration of stay at altitude.

Amateur hiking and travel according to their goals belong to the concept of “sports tourism” and are one of the effective means of the physical education system.

Amateur tourism in Russia - unique phenomenon, generated by the Russian spirit, or as they say in our time - mentality. In Russia, spiritual search, creativity, and mobility have always been valued above material well-being, mechanical performance, and ossification. This is probably why Russia is the undisputed world leader in the field of amateur tourism. Everything that is known in other countries has neither Russian mass appeal nor the organizational principles that we have worked out over many decades.

In no country in the world have non-commercial tourist trips organized by tourists themselves at their own expense and in their free time been and are not of a mass nature. No country in the world has had or has had an extensive training system for amateur tourists. There was and is no system for monitoring the safety of hikes, operating on a voluntary basis, or, more simply, on the enthusiasm of the tourists themselves.

Amateur tourism is a broader concept than just one of the sports. This is a social movement, one of the most important goals of which is a person’s desire for spiritual communication with other people and nature, self-affirmation, and a natural craving for the beautiful world of nature. Amateur tourism is not just a type of human activity, for many it is a way of life.

Usually, both in organizing hikes and in the activities of the entire movement as a whole, tourists take an active part free of charge, on a voluntary basis. Participants in sports trips themselves develop routes, determine the composition of the group, select equipment, etc. But it is in this independence that the special value of amateur tourism lies.

All of the above fully applies to children’s or school tourism, with the exception that school tourism at the level of schools and additional education centers is led by adult tourists-athletes.

History of amateur tourism in Russia

The mass tourist movement in Russia and the USSR began in the late 20s, but it was unorganized and had a spontaneous character. Industrialization turned many thousands of former peasants into industrial workers. The state had to provide them with the opportunity for cultural recreation with benefits for the mind and health. Only tourism could solve this serious problem in a country devastated by wars and revolution, and tourism that did not require large organizational costs on the part of the state. These requirements were met only by amateur tourism, the adherents of which organize and conduct trips themselves, without requiring places in hotels, sanatoriums and tourist centers, without turning to travel agencies, hired guides, and other sources of paid services.

Of course, mostly young people went into amateur tourism. Therefore, isolated tourist sections usually arose under Komsomol committees. The sections, not having experienced leaders, independently looked for forms of work and often their activities took on the ugly nature of vagrancy or were reduced to ordinary picnics; members of the sections did not strive to enroll the workers of their enterprises on a massive scale. Therefore, on January 13, 1927, the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper organized a meeting on tourism issues. After this, at the end of January, the tourism bureau under the Moscow Komsomol Committee began operating. The task of the bureau was to develop a mass tourism movement among young people.

For the successful development of the tourist movement throughout the country, an organizational structure was required that coordinated the actions of individual sections. The Komsomol Tourist Bureau decided to use for this purpose the structure of the above-mentioned ROT, revived under the NEP. At that time, the ROT was still an elite society of professors and intellectuals. The society actively promoted the beauty of its native land, campaigned for active travel, but was not involved in the development of mass tourism.

At the call of the Komsomol, many new members from among the workers and employees of the Soviet Republic joined the ROT. A new board was elected, and by 1929 ROT had become the leading center for mass amateur tourism in the country. The number of members of society increased tenfold, and the social composition of its members changed radically. Based on this, on November 30, 1929, ROT was transformed into the Society of Proletarian Tourism (OPT). The successor of ROT as part of the OPT was the famous tourist club of the House of Scientists, whose members were the leading scientists of our country.

Having a small staff, the OPT built its activities mainly on a voluntary basis.

Amateur tourism was led and supported in those years by such well-known government figures as People's Commissar (Minister) N.V. Krylenko, Deputy Chairman of the Small Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (Vice Prime Minister) V.P. Antonov-Saratovsky, one of the leaders of the COMINTERN A. Kurella, academician N.P. Gorbunov, famous polar explorer O.Yu. Schmidt. This should also include member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) S.M. Kirov, who has been involved in tourism and mountaineering since pre-revolutionary times.

The most important task of the OPT, along with the development of the mass movement, was the training of tourist public personnel. According to the magazine “On Land and at Sea” (hereinafter referred to as the Journal) No. 7 for 1929, the first courses of instructors began to operate in July 1929 mountain tourism in the Caucasus (Rabfak in the Ice). They were conducted by V.L. Semenovsky, who worked in the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs. He gained tourism experience in exile, working as a guide in the Alps. In fact, this was the first tourist training school with travel to the Caucasus after the theoretical course.

In 1930, at the first All-Union Congress of the OPT, opposition to the development of amateur tourism on the part of the commercial tourism organization “Soviet Tourist” was noted. This is how the confrontation between commercial (planned, selling travel packages) tourist structures and the amateur tourist movement began.

It is generally accepted that it is amateur tourism that most contributes to the development of the best qualities of the human personality, mental and physical health of the broad masses of the population. However, at the same time, it takes away clientele from commercial tourism organizations(state in the USSR, and now private).

We can safely say that throughout its history, amateur tourism has had to defend its right to exist, defending itself from commercial tourist structures: first from the “Soviet Tourist”, then from various departments of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions, and now from tour operators offering active routes.

However, in the first years of its existence, the Soviet government supported the initiatives of the masses. 03/08/1930 “Soviet Tourist” was liquidated, and its structures, unfortunately, together with the bureaucratic apparatus, were transferred to the OPT, which has since received the name OPTE - the Society of Proletarian Tourism and Excursions. The Journal notes that the “Soviet Tourist” society worked for well-paid officials. “Commerce and business are the engine of the OWL. Tura". It was this spirit of sharing that former employees of the Tura IDF brought into the structures of the OPT, demonstrating once again that an official cannot develop an amateur movement.

The Soviet government helped amateur tourists not only organizationally. In 1930, the state, living in difficult economic conditions, provided amateur OPTE tourists with 70,000 tickets at a 50% discount. Currently, the discount is provided only to schoolchildren and students and only from October to May, when the tourist flow is sharply reduced.

Journal No. 28-30 for 1932 reports that in 1931, on the recommendation of the tourism office, all tourist routes were divided into 3 categories according to the degree of difficulty and requirements were established for their participants.

Magazine No. 6 for 1933 reports that on March 14, 1933, the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Optech adopted a new “Procedure for Approval of Routes.” ROUTING COMMISSIONS (IRC) WERE CREATED, samples of TRAVEL BOOK AND ROUTE LIST were approved.

Note that OPTE existed at its own expense, without requiring government subsidies.

After the defeat of the OPTE on April 17. 1936, amateur tourism was transferred under the “direct supervision of work in the field of ... mass tourism and mountaineering” at the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. As it became known in last years, in the resolution on the liquidation of OPTE and a number of other voluntary societies, there were secret clauses that motivated the liquidation by the inadmissibility of the existence of public organizations in which, due to the lack of direct leadership from the state apparatus (that is, officials), enemies of the people could settle.

However, the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions, a bureaucratic organization focused on sanatoriums, holiday homes and tourist centers, could not understand and accept the amateur tourist movement based on the enthusiasm of the masses. Almost until the war itself, tourists were unable to find understanding and support from the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. Thus, organized forms of amateur tourism virtually ceased to exist from 1936 to 1939.

Signs of revival appeared after the Sports Committee adopted the regulations on the “USSR Tourist” badge on March 26, 1939. In 1940, the title of tourism instructor was approved. In the same year, A. Vlasov and N. Gubanov were awarded the title “Master of Sports in Tourism” for the first time.

Post-war years

After the war, the state again had an urgent need to organize cultural recreation accessible to the broad masses. The rapid development of amateur tourism and its highest manifestation - sports tourism - began. Tourist clubs and sections opened at factories, cities and regions. The All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions and GOSCOMSPORT received a directive plan for the development of the amateur tourist movement. Funds have again begun to be allocated for amateur tourism.

In 1949, tourism was introduced into the Unified All-Union Classification. Thus, it was officially recognized as a sport and received a second name - sports. Tourists who completed a series of hikes of a certain difficulty began to be awarded sports categories and the title of master of sports in tourism.

In 1957, there were more than 50 tourist clubs operating in the country, whereas before the war there was only one in Rostov-on-Don. The growth rates of amateur tourism in the country are extremely interesting. Here are the official data: in 1958, 428,156 people were engaged in sports tourism, in 1959 - 946,418, in 1960 - 1,512,860 people. Here only arresters and the number of participants are taken into account tourist trips there was a lot more.

For comparison, in 1933 the OPTE registered 52,700 amateur tourists, in 1934 - 82,900, in 1935 - 127,500.

However, the relationship between sports tourism and the authorities was tense. On March 17, 1961, in connection with an accident on the Kola Peninsula, the secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions abolished the Federation and tourism sections under the DSO, in other words, canceled sports tourism, or rather abdicated responsibility for its development. However, a powerful social movement forced the bureaucracy to back down. The Tourist and Excursion Directorate of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions, which dealt mainly with planned tourism, was transformed into the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions. Amateur tourism has regained its lost positions.

In the summer of 1963, new Rules were introduced according to which the difficulty of routes was divided into 5 instead of 3 categories. Since 1981, tourism championships began to be held.

There were also attempts to eliminate the sports component of amateur tourism in 1982. But they also ended unsuccessfully.

Post-Soviet years and modern times

After the collapse of the USSR, sports tourism from the Trade Union system was transferred to the jurisdiction of the State Committee Russian Federation on physical culture, sports and tourism, and the tourists themselves united and created the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia (TSSR) - an All-Russian public organization. But the state oriented towards the Olympic Games. the apparatus did everything so as not to bear any responsibility for sports tourism.

Currently, independent tourism in its Soviet form is represented by the world-famous method of traveling in motorhomes (vans fully adapted for living, having an autonomous power plant, communications, household appliances and sewerage). Another manifestation of independent tourism is in many ways similar to the Soviet one and is associated with a special group of vacationers, whom marketers classify as the so-called. the “first third” of the consumer market, that is, consumers with low social needs, and, in general, regardless of income level.

Types and forms of amateur tourism

Due to the lack of classification of this area of ​​tourism, confusion in the hierarchy and confusion of concepts often arises. In addition to mixing the concepts of travel and independent tourism, independent tourism itself is identified, for example, with hitchhiking or camping, while independent tourism is a method, and the types of independent tourism listed above are methods of implementation in relation to it.

Amateur tourism is divided

1. According to the form of the event: walks, hikes, trips, rallies, expeditions, competitions.

2. By type of routes, hiking, skiing, mountain, water, speleo, mountaineering, cycling routes, motorcycle, air, combined.

4. By organizational affiliation: tourist clubs, stations for young tourists, tourist sections, sports organizations.

Motivational factors

Motivational factors can be used as a sign that allows you to classify travel by type of tourism. With this classification, one should proceed from the main motive that prompted the person to go on a trip.

A textbook for students majoring in tourism. – Kharkov: Ekograf, 2008. - 164 p.

The manual, in accordance with the program of the discipline “Activities of an amateur tourism organization,” covers the basics of organizing amateur tourism, including an approach to psychological work with a group.


1. Basic concepts
1.1. Terms
1.2. Tourism business
1.3. Types, types and forms of tourism
1.4. Amateur tourism

2. Organizational structure of amateur tourism
2.1. Forms of tourist associations
2.2. Federation of Sports Tourism of Ukraine
2.3. Ukrainian State Center for Tourism and Local History for Students
2.4. Local stations for young tourists
2.5. Tourist route and qualification commissions of educational institutions of Ukraine
2.6. Territorial sports tourist clubs
2.7. Tourist and local history clubs and sections

3. Registration of a tourist organization
3.1. Documentation of the tourist organization
3.2. Legalization of a tourist organization
3.3. Participants of amateur tourism
3.4. Distribution of responsibilities in the group

4. Regulatory and legal framework for the formation of a tourist organization
4.1. Basic legal and regulatory documents on amateur tourism
4.2. Rights and responsibilities of tourists
4.3. Powers of the administration of educational institutions engaged in tourist travel
4.4. Requirements for the formation of tourist groups and participants in tourist and sports trips
4.5. Requirements for the leader of a tourist group
4.6. Responsibilities and rights of tour group leaders
4.7. Responsibilities and rights of the participant tourist travel

5. Types and forms of activity of a tourist organization
5.1. Forms of tourist travel
5.2. Organizational forms of tourism and local history activities

6. Sports direction of activity of the tourist organization
6.1. Categorization of tourist routes
6.2. Hiking
6.3. Water tourism
6.4. Mountain tourism
6.5. Horse tourism
6.6. Tourist preparation
6.7. Organization and planning of trainings

7. Preparation and conduct of a tourist trip
7.1. Hiking difficulty categories
7.2. Forming a group and preparing for the trip
7.3. Travel route development
7.4. Scheduling your trip
7.5. Registration and registration of travel
7.6. Trip report

8. Tourist all-around competition
8.1. Types of tourist competitions
8.2. Preparation of competitions
8.3. Orienteering competition
8.4. Climbing competition
8.5. Cycling competitions
8.6. Autotourism competitions
8.7. Children's tourism competitions

9. Organizational mass direction of activity of a tourist organization
9.1. Tourist and local history evenings
9.2. Exhibitions, fairs and tourist salons
9.3. Tourist camps and expeditions
9.4. School tourism and local history events
9.5. Meetings of autotourists

10. Excursion and mass activities of a tourist organization
10.1. Types and types of geographical excursions
10.2. Excursion preparation
10.3. Routing excursions
10.4. Study tours to production

11. Educational and methodological direction of activity of a tourist organization
11.1. Training of personnel for organizing and conducting tourist sporting events
11.2. Organization and planning of tourism and local history work in schools
11.3. Design of school local history museums
11.4. Participation in all-Ukrainian mass tourism and local history events

Amateur tourism is hiking and traveling along routes developed by tourists themselves or recommended by tourist clubs,

As a rule, amateur tourism is characterized by active modes of transportation. In this case, the route, the composition of the tourist group, equipment, food supply, method of transportation and financing are organized independently by the so-called amateur tourists. Such routes can be planned and prepared by tourist clubs, travel and excursion agencies, or tourist and sports organizations.

The peculiarity of such tourism is its sporting nature and the participation of the youth age category in it. The activities of this type of tourism are regulated by the “Rules for organizing and conducting amateur tourist trips and travel,” as well as departmental instructions of the Ministry of Education, the State Committee for Physical Education and Tourism and recommendations of the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia, the Center for Children and Youth Tourism, etc.

The Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” provides the following basic definitions and concepts:

tourism - temporary departures (travels) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as citizens) from their permanent place of residence for health, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country (place) temporary stay;

amateur tourism - travel using active modes of transportation, organized by tourists independently;

tourist - a citizen visiting a country (place) of temporary stay for health, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities for a period from 24 hours to 6 months in a row or spending at least one overnight stay.


Tourism is one of the leading and most dynamic industries in the world

economy. It is recognized as an economic phenomenon for its rapid growth rate


In many countries, tourism plays a significant role in the formation of gross

domestic product, creating additional jobs and ensuring

employment of the population, activation of the foreign trade balance. Tourism has

huge impact on key sectors of the economy such as transport and communications,

construction, agriculture, production of consumer goods

and others, i.e. acts as a catalyst for socio-economic

development. In turn, the development of tourism is affected by various

factors: demographic, natural-geographical, socio-economic,

historical, religious and political-legal.

The importance of tourism as a source of foreign exchange earnings, expansion of international

contacts, providing employment to the population is constantly growing.

Tourism is one of the few dynamically developing types of domestic

business. The interest of entrepreneurs in tourism is explained by a number of factors. In-

first, in order to start doing tourism business, you don’t need

big investments. Secondly, it is quite successful in the tourism market

large, medium and small (with a small number of personnel) interact

companies. At the same time, the tourism business allows you to quickly turn over capital, and

also (in the field international tourism) to derive certain benefits due to

foreign exchange transactions.

To achieve a positive balance between money imported into the country

(inbound tourism) and exported from the country (outbound tourism) it is necessary

support and develop domestic tourism in every possible way so that money

spent within the country rather than abroad. Well planned

National tourism policy ultimately leads to benefits for the country.

If tourism development is not planned professionally enough, it may

it may happen that the country will invest more in tourism than it receives from

him. In order to succeed in the tourism business, a foundation is required

needs of the consumer of tourism services, organization of production and

sales of tourism products, good knowledge of international legal norms and regulations,

practices of tourism management and marketing, tourism conditions

There is a significant discrepancy in the level of tourism in Russia

services and package of services offered to the consumer, international

requirements and standards. This is facilitated to a certain extent

small number of hotel enterprises and specialized facilities

placements, the number of which is constantly decreasing. In 1999, out of the total

hotels (3386) 2750, i.e. 81.2% did not have the appropriate certificate

quality. There is also poor professional training of workers

tourism industry. This ultimately leads to capital flight from

Russia. Economic development indicators Russian tourism far from

desired. According to the Bank of Russia, the balance of payments deficit under item

“tourist services (travel)” in 1999 amounted to about 3.2 billion US dollars,

share of exports of tourism services in the total volume of exports of goods and

services 4.4%, share of imports of tourism services in total imports

goods and services was 13%. The total number of arrivals to Russia was 18.8

million people, with 7.1 million people from non-CIS countries, including

for the purpose of tourism - 1.9 million people. (26.8%). Of the CIS countries, 11.7 visited Russia

million citizens, of which 1.14 million people (9.7%) for the purpose of tourism.

3. Amateur tourism

Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”

interprets amateur tourism as “travel using active

methods of transportation organized by tourists independently,” and

proclaimed priority areas of government regulation

tourism activities along with domestic and outbound tourism support and

development of social and amateur tourism.

Until 1990, amateur tourism existed as a social movement and

was implemented through a diverse system of tourist clubs of the Councils for

tourism and excursions of the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, in

structure of which there was a Department of Amateur Tourism, as well as

through tourist clubs and tourist sections that existed in large

enterprises, institutions and educational institutions.

In 1989, the number of clubs in the RSFSR reached more than 700. Under the clubs

There were more than 80 regional sports tourism federations. On

enterprises, institutions and educational institutions on a voluntary basis

More than 30 thousand tourist sections and commissions worked. In amateur tourism

about 7 million people were involved, including all participants in tourist

hikes: recreational, weekend, sports, etc., as well as

hikes, rallies and competitions for approximately 15 million people. Wherein

number of participants in sports category hikes, giving the right to

the assignment of sports categories and tourism titles amounted to about 140 thousand.

Human. All amateur tourism events were financed from

trade union councils.

In 1989, about 6 million rubles were allocated for the needs of amateur tourism.

Hikes and routes for amateur tourism are developed by ourselves

As a rule, this tourism is characterized by active modes of transportation.

At the same time, the route, the composition of the tourist group, equipment, provision of food

food, modes of transportation and financing are organized independently,

or with the support of tourist clubs, sections, public


Amateur tourism is subdivided.

1. According to the form of the event, walks, hikes, trips,

rallies, expeditions, competitions.

2. By type of routes, hiking, skiing, mountain,

water, speleo, mountaineering, cycling routes, motorcycle, air,


4. By organizational affiliation: tourist clubs

stations for young tourists, tourist sections, sports organizations.

One of important features amateur hiking is clear

organization and systematic implementation. Depending on the possibilities it is

There can be weekend hikes, multi-day non-category and category hikes

hiking. Organizing and conducting a hike, regardless of its complexity

are regulated by the “Rules for conducting tourist and sports trips”,

“Rules for organizing and conducting amateur tourist trips and

travel", as well as departmental instructions of the Ministry of Education and

etc. These documents determine which organizations can conduct hikes and

travel, how tourist groups are assembled depending on complexity

selected route and type of tourism, establish the procedure for registration

route documents They clearly formulate the requirements for participants and

trek leaders, as well as the responsibilities and rights of the leader and participants

Every tourist club should have a card index that can be used

use when choosing a route. At the same time, members of the tourist section

must themselves develop and implement new routes.

The most common form of amateur tourism is trekking

day off. Such hikes are accessible to people of all ages and attract

the largest number of participants.

The simplest form of hiking is a country walk. For such walks

Everyone is welcome. The short walk does not require participants to

preliminary training and special equipment, it is accessible to everyone

to a person.

The optimal composition of a tourist group for a weekend trip is from 4 to 15

Human. If necessary, during preparation for the hike, the tourist section

must take care of providing tourists with group equipment:

tents, sleeping bags, cooking pots, backpacks and

Very popular among teams of various enterprises and institutions,

educational institutions enjoy tourist rallies and competitions. Data

events help attract a wide range of tourists. Successful

holding mass tourist events depends entirely on the quality

preparation for them.

Preparations for a rally or competition should begin several months before

carrying out. A commission for rallies and competitions is being formed.

develops a draft Regulation on a rally or competition, a program,

selects candidates for the organizing committee. The activities of the organizing committee are very

diverse. The main questions that must be addressed during the preparation process

and the holding of the event by the organizing committee, the following content:

1. Development of Regulations for the rally or competition.

2. Organization of propaganda.

3. Selecting a competition location and coordinating it with the forestry department.

4. Equipment and design of the clearing and common areas.

5. Organization of the buffet.

6. Organization of radio and information in the clearing.

7. Preparation of competition venues.

8. Organization of medical care for participants.

9. Development of opening and closing scenarios.

10. Development of competition programs, competitions and their implementation

11. Participation in staffing the panel of judges and competition commissions.

12. Organization of leisure activities.

13. Preparation of awards.

14. Summing up.

From the above it follows that independent tourism is a specific type

tourist public (amateur) activities carried out on

on a voluntary, amateur basis without participation in the main part of the organization

travel of tourism organizers (tour operators and travel agencies). Therefore success

holding mass tour events - rallies, competitions, competitions,

tourists’ evenings – largely depends on the quality of their preparation and

competence of the organizers.


Today there are many classifications in tourism. In this

The work considers only three types of tourism. But you can already notice that everyone

The type of tourism is individual in its own way and has its own characteristics. You should also

note that each type of tourism must be carefully planned,

developed and organized. The needs must be taken into account

interests and characteristics of participants tourist travel. Demand

travel and tourism are determined simultaneously by market mechanisms

(demand for tourism, excursion and other services, supply of these

services and their distribution), and exogenous variables, i.e. factors not

directly related to tourism and travel, but providing

significant impact on the degree and form of demand for tourism

activity. Exogenous factors include demographic and social

changes, economic and legal achievements, trade development,

transport infrastructure, information technology and increasing

travel safety.

It should be noted that not all client characteristics may determine the presence

corresponding type of tourism. But on the other hand, taking into account such features,

It is quite possible that it will allow us to identify new types of tourism.

Amateur tourism

The involvement of more and more masses in amateur tourism, the ever-increasing volume of work of tourism organizations and the wide influx of social activists into the amateur tourism movement necessitated the adoption of such a resolution. The structure of public bodies that existed for many years in the form of numerous sections by type of tourism no longer corresponded to the current level of development of amateur tourism. The sections on water, mountain, hiking, skiing, speleological, automobile and motorcycle tourism, as well as various commissions under them, created at one time, although they have accumulated a wealth of experience in conducting various hikes and trips, competitions, expeditions, seminars, but still with a limited circle of people, mainly those who have sufficient tourist experience. As a result, many other problems of the development of amateur tourism remained unresolved, and above all, work with novice tourists, issues of nature conservation, ensuring safety measures while traveling, involving young people in trips to places of revolutionary, military and labor glory of the Soviet people, and, finally, working with schoolchildren .

Amateur tourism is diverse. These are hikes around the native land, weekend hikes and multi-day trips of the highest category of difficulty, tourist rallies and competitions. Amateur tourists hit the road on foot and by boat, on skis and motorcycles, traveling through inhabited, developed areas, but most often they set off along uncharted paths. Tourist roads stretch to all corners of our country - to Chukotka and Taimyr, to the Chersky Range, and the Polar Urals, to Mountain Altai and Transbaikalia, on Kola Peninsula and to Central Asia.

Active route

The popularity of routes with active modes of transportation is growing - walking, skiing, water, mountain. What is their appeal? They are interesting for many people who want to travel, who want to test themselves, get into difficult hiking conditions, experience the difficulties and joys of camping life, but do not yet feel prepared for amateur travel.

Such tourists are offered a whole range of routes: by boat along the Volga Delta, on boats and skis in Transcarpathia, on inflatable rafts along the Chusovaya and Belaya rivers, on foot in the Khibiny Mountains, in the Northern Tien Shan, on skis in the Arctic and others.

Independent tourism (also amateur, independent, free tourism) is an independent trip made with a complete or partial renunciation of the services of tour operators and travel agents, but in most cases does not imply a complete renunciation of the use of tourist, non-agency services.

Often independent (independent) tourism is identified with the so-called. independent travel. However, independent tourism is a broader concept, because travel implies the presence of a certain goal and a route to literally follow it, while independent tourism can also imply a static stay at a resort, organized independently or, for example, various forms active tourism related to independent resolution of organizational issues. Therefore, the term “independent tourism” has a broader and more applied meaning, in contrast to travel, which has philosophical overtones.

Route independent trip can be developed in advance: scheduled for visits and inspections settlements and attractions, hotels or other places of accommodation (hostels, rental apartments, camping sites), modes of transport (bus, train, plane, car, bicycle) and type of travel between countries and cities (for example, hitchhiking) are identified and booked. The route, modes of transport and type of accommodation may change as the trip progresses.

To plan and carry out trips, independent tourists actively use maps, guidebooks, atlases, and also study reviews of other tourists and travelers who have visited the destinations.

The main problem in popularizing independent tourism is the historically distorted idea that equates independent tourism with the so-called. "wild tourism" of the USSR era, which developed against the backdrop of a shortage tourism infrastructure and orientation of the Soviet tourism industry mainly for sanatorium-resort treatment.

Soviet “wild tourism” was forced in nature and was associated with uncomfortable conditions for staying in a recreation area - renting from local population premises not suitable for living, or living in conditions close to camping conditions, despite the availability of material opportunities to provide more High Quality recreation.

Currently, “wild tourism” in its Soviet form is represented by the world-famous method of traveling in motorhomes (vans fully adapted for living, having an autonomous power plant, communications, household appliances and sewage system). Another manifestation of “wild tourism” is in many ways similar to the Soviet one and is associated with a special group of vacationers, whom marketers classify as the so-called. "first third" of the consumer market, i.e. consumers with low social needs, and, in general, regardless of income level.

Due to the lack of classification of this area of ​​tourism, confusion in the hierarchy and confusion of concepts often arises. In addition to confusing the concepts of travel and independent tourism, independent tourism itself is identified, for example, with auto travel or camping, while independent tourism is a method, and the types of independent tourism listed above are methods of implementation in relation to it.

A tourist is a visitor who travels to some place outside his usual environment, which excludes regular travel between places of work or study. What then is the usual environment for a person with mobility difficulties, an apartment, a bed?

And what a feat when a person travels hundreds of kilometers, adapts to natural conditions, the difficulties of moving a stroller on sand and off-road. To the open spaces that surround it, without walls, windows or toilets. Whether it becomes more difficult for him or he feels like a full-fledged person, for those who have not experienced this, we invite you to look at photographs of the journey of wheelchair users and evaluate for yourself...

Amateur tourism is a specific type of tourist public (amateur) activity, carried out on a voluntary, amateur basis without the participation (or without participation in the main part of the travel organization) of tourism organizers (tour operators and travel agencies).

Amateur tourism is based on the activities of individuals, small tourist groups, voluntary tourist associations, unions and tourist clubs, which on a voluntary basis participate in the organization and implementation of tourism, issue their own regulations governing tourist activities, conduct hikes, tourist rallies and competitions, publish their own tourist methodological literature and periodicals. There is a judiciary that assigns titles to participants in category types of active tourism: mountaineering, cycling, water tourism on kayaks, boats, rafts, etc.

Amateur tourism provides ample opportunities to explore the world, instills interest in research work, and the beauty of nature develops artistic taste. No amount of studying from books can compare with this direct perception of living reality while traveling.

The need to prepare your own route and implement it in practice develops an active life position and the ability to get out of difficult situations. The conditions of completing an autonomous route, living in a team in difficult and often dangerous conditions develop physical, psychological and moral qualities.

Amateur or sports tourism, unlike Olympic sports, is a purely amateur sport. They do it mainly at their own expense in their free time from work and study. At the same time, sports tourism is one of the most effective health and educational technologies, combining sports, spiritual and educational principles.

Amateur tourism does not require large financial investments, halls, stadiums, swimming pools and a large staff of professional workers. Over the entire period of its existence, the state's annual expenditures on sports tourism were comparable to the budget of an average-level football team. At the same time, the mass scale of tourism, and, consequently, its usefulness for the country and people, significantly exceeds many sports, including football.

Amateur tourism in Russia is a unique phenomenon generated by the Russian spirit, or, as they say in our time, mentality. In Russia, spiritual search, creativity, and mobility have always been valued above material well-being, mechanical performance, and ossification. This is probably why Russia is the undisputed world leader in the field of amateur tourism. Everything that is known in other countries has neither Russian mass appeal nor the organizational principles that we have worked out over many decades.

In no country in the world have non-commercial tourist trips organized by tourists themselves at their own expense and in their free time been and are not of a mass nature. No country in the world has had or has had an extensive training system for amateur tourists. There was and is no system for monitoring the safety of hikes, operating on a voluntary basis, or, more simply, on the enthusiasm of the tourists themselves.

Amateur tourism is a broader concept than just one of the sports. This is a social movement, one of the most important goals of which is a person’s desire for spiritual communication with other people and nature, self-affirmation, and a natural craving for the beautiful world of nature. Amateur tourism is not just a type of human activity, for many it is a way of life.

Amateur tourism is one of the most massive social movements, with virtually no age restrictions. Not in every sport you can be an active athlete from 7 to 80 years old! At the same time, sports tourism is characterized by extreme conditions (temperatures up to - 40 – 50 at which winter hiking in high latitudes, altitudes up to 5 - 7 thousand meters for mountain hikes), in which tourists go through the most difficult and long routes, getting great pleasure from it. Let us emphasize that tourists do not engage in survival in extreme conditions, according to the now fashionable terminology, but live in these conditions without any pathos or strain, a normal human life and at the same time take a break from everyday life!

Tourism is not a spectator sport and its few sponsors cannot rely on box office revenue. Therefore, no one supports teams of tourist athletes with the expectation of profit.

Usually, both in organizing hikes and in the activities of the entire movement as a whole, tourists take an active part free of charge, on a voluntary basis. Participants in sports trips themselves develop routes, determine the composition of the group, select equipment, etc. But it is in this independence that the special value of amateur tourism lies.

The development of regulatory documents on sports tourism, the work of route and qualification commissions, training of tourists, holding various tourism events (rallies, competitions, tours, championships) are carried out by tourism activists, public tourism personnel, either free of charge or for a nominal fee.

All of the above fully applies to children’s or school tourism, with the exception that school tourism at the level of schools and additional education centers is led by adult tourists-athletes.

Amateur tourism, which acts as one of the means of the Soviet system of physical education, is considered as an indispensable component of the work of each physical education team. In amateur tourism, various forms are used: mass hikes in the program of the All-Union hike of Komsomol members and youth to places of revolutionary, military and labor glory of the CPSU and the Soviet people (including weekend hikes, multi-day non-category hikes, stellar non-category and category hikes); mass hikes in accordance with the requirements of the GTO and "Tourist of the USSR" complex, as well as category hikes; sports trips; tourist rallies and competitions in technology of various types of tourism; creative amateur work of tourists. All these shapes compared to the shapes planned tourism, which are characterized by episodic character in the formation of personality, are characterized by greater stability and systematicity, and cover a long period of human life.

Planned hikes are organized by specialized tourist and excursion institutions (tourist bases of trade unions and departments) with full or partial service for tourists along the route. Amateur hikes are organized by the participants themselves with the qualified assistance of tourism organizations - federations of tourism and excursion councils, city and regional tourist clubs, tourist sections and tourist clubs of VSS councils, physical education groups, children's tourism institutions. Both planned and amateur trips must be carried out in full compliance with the requirements of the “Rules for the organization and conduct of tourist trips and travel on the territory of the USSR”, as well as other documents regulating tourism. The relationship between planned and amateur hikes lies in the fact that amateur tourist groups widely use the marked routes of tourist bases, bridges built by control and rescue services, receive the necessary assistance from tourism and excursion councils, tourist bases for rental of equipment, provision of places for recreation and purchase food products. In turn, amateur tourism provides comprehensive assistance to planning in training personnel, marking routes, developing and laying out new options for planned routes.

One of the important forms of mass amateur tourism is the All-Union campaign of Komsomol members and youth to places of revolutionary, military and labor glory of the CPSU and the Soviet people. In this case, one of the main guidelines for the development of mass tourism in the country found concrete expression in the nature, structure and content of this campaign, i.e. it concentrated the valuable resources that tourism as a social phenomenon has for educating the younger generation using examples from the past and present.

As for tourist gatherings, they are divided into two types. In the first case, they are considered as an integral part of the All-Union campaign of Komsomol members and youth. It's about about gatherings of campaign participants held by the Komsomol together with tourist organizations, councils of war veterans, and others public organizations. District, city, regional (territorial) and republican rallies are held annually, and All-Union rallies - once every 2 years. The program of such gatherings includes public events, various competitions (including those based on the results of search work), competitions that have a military-applied orientation with elements of tourist equipment and orienteering.

The second type of tourist gatherings is associated with summing up the activities of tourist organizations in educational and creative work, in organizing and conducting mass and sports hikes. These rallies are held by physical culture groups, tourism and excursion councils and councils of trade unions. Tourist gathering programs also include public events and tourism creativity competitions. The sports part of the programs contains different kinds competitions in tourist technology in accordance with current rules competitions in the technology of certain types of tourism. In the simplest cases (for example, at meetings of physical culture groups), competitions are held in the form of overcoming a tourist obstacle course or a combined one (from different types tourism) tourist relay race, and in the most difficult ones - in the form of all-around events (at several distances) for this type of tourism. Such competitions can be called tourist-applied all-around events.

Sports trips (and other forms multi-day hikes, the routes of which include natural obstacles of various categories) in organizational and methodological terms - the most complex component of tourism. They require special attention to the stage of organization and preparation, ensuring the safety of participants, etc. Sports trips are preceded by a systematic educational and training process in tourist sections, organized activities of tourist clubs, educational work, scientific and methodological development of routes, technical equipment for groups of tourists, training of tourist personnel. Sports trips include hiking trips that, in accordance with the category requirements, have difficulty categories from I to V.

Type of tourism



Bicycle tourism

A popular type of active recreation, which has many varieties: from short walks and excursions to challenging cycling trips.

Cycling routes are laid in different areas: along country roads, along plains and through mountain passes. Special bicycle designs have been developed for cycling tourism.

Water tourism

A type of tourism in which recreation is carried out on the water using kayaks, boats, catamarans, motor ships and other watercraft.

Kayaking and rafting.

Requires special equipment, boats, oars; clothes, shoes, thermal underwear.

Mountain tourism

Hikes that involve walking routes through mountainous terrain, overcoming passes above 3000-3500 m; passing through rocky areas, steep slopes, glaciers, mountain rivers.

For mountain tourism, special equipment is used: ice axes, alpine boots, crampons, rock and ice pitons, carabiners, ropes, etc.

Horse tourism

A form of active recreation, a type of sports tourism.

Carried out in the form of equestrian routes passing through nature reserves or national parks. Horseback riding is popular among lovers ecological tourism, since it allows tourists to visit places remote from transport routes, with pristine nature. The complexity of developing and implementing equestrian tourism lies in the need to provide special care for horses, organize parking and special safety measures, etc.

Medical and recreational

A type of tourism undertaken for health or medicinal purposes.

Resorts provide tourists with complexes of medical and health procedures, massage services, etc.

Ski tourism

A type of sports tourism that involves skiing along the plains and foothills.

Ski tourism requires special training of participants and increased attention from organizers.

Marine tourism

Water travel carried out on regular sea passenger or special cruise lines.

Full service is provided on board the ship.

Museum tourism

A type of tourism, the specificity of which is to use the tourist potential of museums and adjacent areas.

Cooperation between museums and tourism is based on the formation of a system of historical, cultural and natural territories.

Ethnic tourism (nostalgic)

A type of tourism that is carried out by people to the places of their historical residence.

Participants in nostalgic tourism are mainly elderly people who previously lived in the area.

Pilgrimage tourism

A type of religious tourism carried out by believers of different faiths to holy places.

The most popular and, therefore, cost-effective routes are monasteries and historical and archaeological monuments

Walking tourism

A type of tourist travel that is carried out on foot.

Hiking routes are often laid on the plain or in the foothills, low mountains(approximately up to 3000 m), in almost any area. For hiking you need special equipment: backpack, tent, shoes, etc.

Adventure tourism

A type of tourism associated with the organization of non-standard tours to exotic and environmentally friendly natural reserves, with unusual non-traditional means of transport.

Adventure tourism includes hiking expeditions, safari tours (hunting, fishing, photo hunting, etc.), circumnavigation(yachting).

Recreational tourism

A type of mass tourism for the purpose of treatment and recreation, restoration and development of physical, mental and emotional strength.

Recreational tourism can be very diverse and include spectacular and entertainment programs and so on.

Amateur tourism

Travel using active modes of transportation, organized by the tourist independently.

A type of travel made by a tourist or a group of tourists not connected by any mutual obligations with a travel agency.

This type of tourism activity is carried out on a voluntary basis.

Wedding tourism

A type of tourism designed for newlyweds.

One of the undoubted advantages of wedding tourism is that a romantic trip will become part of the ceremony itself, and after the celebration there will be no need to waste time packing suitcases and flying.

Sports tourism

Type of active recreation; active and targeted types of physical training and exercise, training, for example, swimming, running, cycling, etc.

The main task is to guarantee the opportunity to engage in the chosen sport.

Ecotourism (ecotourism)

Visiting places with relatively untouched nature and well-preserved cultural and historical heritage.

Designed to provide communication with nature and help increase tourists' interest in environmental activities. Ecotourism programs include visits to national and other parks, nature reserves, ecologically clean places, etc. During such tours, environmental seminars, public meetings and other events are held.

1. About amateur sports and health tourism in Russia

A person’s desire and desire to travel is ineradicable. Over the past hundred years, the most active part of the population in our country, in the process of realizing their passion for travel, voluntarily organized themselves into clubs, unions and other forms of community of hiking and tourism lovers. And today, amateur sports and health tourism (hereinafter referred to as amateur tourism) in Russia is a unique socially significant tourist movement of citizens, the essence of which is “For spirituality, sports, nature”! The main idea and focus of this tourist movement-phenomenon is the organization of mass active recreation, which is realized in the natural conditions of camping life when tourists pass routes through taiga, mountain and other areas and landscapes, as well as through water spaces.

Amateur tourism in our country throughout history has served as a means of a person’s physical health, his moral and spiritual development, patriotic education, and instilling respect for nature and cultural and historical monuments. Primorsky Krai was no exception in this regard.

It should be said that among the tourist routes classified by the Department of Amateur Tourism of the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions of the Soviet Union, natural and ecological routes through the territory of Primorye, carried out for decades, were systematically identified and noted. For example, routes passing along the valley of the Milogradovka River, along the valley of the Ussuri River in the area of ​​its source and upper reaches, in the areas of the foot and top of Mount Oblachnaya (1856 m), along the Berezovy Pass and other places.

The development of this mass amateur health movement in Russia has always been facilitated by the availability of active species tourism in natural conditions for most age groups of the population and the suitability of most of the territory of our country for independent tourist trips and events.

Today, amateur sports and health tourism is divided into sports and health tourism. The task of sports tourism is sports improvement in overcoming natural obstacles. Health tourism, in turn, is divided into:

– recreational, the task of which is to restore a person’s physical and mental strength through active recreation in nature;

– rehabilitation. Its task is to treat certain diseases using natural tourism.

Unlike commercial tourism, amateur tourism is not an element of a market economy. Combining the most effective sports and recreational types of recreational and tourism activities, it exists mainly due to financial and material self-sufficiency. At the same time, amateur tourism is the basis and source for the creation of new natural-ecological commercial tourist routes and active recreation programs.

This circumstance, as well as the priority of amateur tourism in the state policy of the Russian Federation (which follows from the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”) determine the possibility and prospects for the revival of this unique social phenomenon, one of the ultimate goals of which is the formation of a healthy lifestyle and society as a whole. Without a doubt, this is of great national importance.

A popular type of tourism is amateur tourism. The most common forms of amateur tourism include: tourist walks, hikes, expeditions, rallies, tourist camps.

According to the method of active movement, amateur tourism is classified as:



Cycling tourism

Auto-motor tourism


According to available statistics, the most developed types of tourism are hiking, skiing, water, rock climbing and mountain tourism.

In some regions, caving tourism is common.

According to the degree of complexity, sports and tourist trips are divided into:

When organizing amateur hikes with schoolchildren, there are standards that limit the age of the participants and their training.

Travel plays a huge role in the life of a modern person. This is the pursuit of new impressions, knowledge, fresh emotions and simply great holiday. Travel companies offer a variety of destinations, trips to every corner globe. Extreme, comfortable - choose what you like.

But you don’t have to contact the tour operator. There is such a wonderful direction as amateur tourism. He was already quite popular among Russians. Many went to the sea as what is called “savages”. We bought tickets or got into a car, and upon arrival we rented rooms or houses from local residents, organized their own entertainment and excursion program.

And in general, we are somehow accustomed to traveling around our country without guides or tour guides. As well as in countries that were once Soviet republics. It's cheaper, easier.

Now amateur tourism has spread beyond the borders of the Motherland. Many people travel independently to Europe and America. Such travel has many advantages. You don't have to depend on the group. You can choose excursions to your liking and see more, since you don’t have to wait for everyone to arrive. You won't have to in the morning.

Independent tourism is cheaper. You do not need to pay for the provision of services to a travel company or guide. The main expenses are travel, accommodation, food, excursions. You can find discounted air tickets. Nice, small hotels, where accommodation will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than in famous hotels. Eat not in the hotel restaurant, but in city cafes.

In addition, experienced travelers who prefer amateur tourism to organized tourism argue that to travel it is not necessary to perfectly know the language of the country you are going to. It is enough to learn a few of the most important phrases in English. How to check into a hotel, how to ask for directions. For everything else it's usually enough

In addition, by communicating with the residents of the country directly, and not through a guide, you will be able to gain deeper insight into their cultural characteristics, traditions, understand their lives. Large groups usually do not have time for this; everything is scheduled with visits to standard attractions.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. You will have to spend much more time organizing the trip. You yourself will obtain a visa, plan your route, book hotels, worry about food, and book excursions.

If unforeseen circumstances arise, you will also have to rely only on yourself. And not all countries are allowed independent tourists. To obtain a visa for some countries, you must present one provided by the tour operator.

On the Internet you can now find many sites promoting amateur tourism. Wedding tourism is also gaining momentum in the Russian services market. It’s so great to have an unusual, memorable ceremony in some exotic place. Beautiful rituals of different cultures, the fabulous setting of medieval castles in Europe or the sand of tropical islands.

Of course, it cannot be said that amateur tourism is suitable for absolutely everyone. For people who prefer a calm, measured holiday without unnecessary worries, it is easier to purchase a ready-made tour. But if you are easy going, love adventure and are used to being in control of your trips, this is for you. Happy travels everyone!

Group tours are far from the only service that the modern industry can provide to a traveler.

Today, he has many alternatives in the form of independent or individual tourism, which allows him not to be tied to popular routes, or to certain types of transport, or to set departure dates for a wide range of clients.

We will analyze in detail what you need to know about the features of such a holiday and the options for organizing it in different countries.

Independent tourism is usually called such tourism, which involves complete or partial refusal from the services of tour operators. However, in most cases, tourists, especially beginners, do not completely refuse the help of specialists.

Most often, this type of tourism is used by travelers who want to attend thematic festivals, concerts of their favorite bands, as well as other events for which group tours are not organized.

This type of tourism can be organized in various ways. In particular, it includes:

  • Backpacking is travel that involves minimal spending of money on travel and accommodation.
  • Hitchhiking is moving around a selected area using passing vehicles.
  • Booking is independent tourism, which does not involve the help of tour operators at all. The traveler independently books hotels, buys tickets, and receives a visa.
  • Autotourism is a type of travel in which the central means of transportation for tourists is a personal car.
  • Traveling through guest networks. The most popular amateur type of tour in recent years.

The advantages of this type of tourism include the ability to tailor a trip to suit your own budget, preferences, and schedule. That is why today it is developing so quickly and productively in various countries.

Amateur tourism is a type of independent tourism that involves the use of personal transport to travel along routes. This can be either a personal or rented vehicle. Most often this is a car, although it can be a yacht, an airplane or any other type.

Help travel agencies This type of tourism involves booking hotels, additional services ah, including obtaining a visa, drawing up a route (especially if a person is going on such a trip for the first time), sometimes even reserving the vehicle itself.

Also, a travel company can negotiate the services of local guides for its clients. However, in general, amateur tourism shifts only the most complex travel issues to this type of organization, taking on the organization of the trip to the maximum.

It is this tourism that allows a person to enjoy all the benefits that specialized agencies provide, and at the same time freely choose the route, the type of hotels in which he wants to stay, as well as other parameters of his own vacation.

Unlike alternative tours, it provides for full provision of organizational aspects of the departure itself. travel company. In this case, it should provide:

  • Consultations on choosing a route to suit your needs individual tour.
  • Booking tickets for the dates required by the client. This category includes not only international routes, but also domestic ones, if the client is moving from city to city.
  • Selection and booking of hotels.
  • Ordering tickets for the type of event chosen by the client - visiting exhibitions, theaters, entertainment venues, water parks and other similar places.
  • Providing additional services, including car rental, equipment for extreme tourism or other individual means necessary to provide a tour specifically in your case.

We can say that individual tourism occupies that golden mean between group and independent tours. It actually completely adapts to the client’s needs, but does not involve placing all the hassle of organizing the trip on him.

Those who like independent tourism can choose ready-made routes for themselves, developed by their predecessors who chose Poland for themselves. Among the most successful and truly interesting are the following:

  • Lublin, Krakow, Warsaw – self-guided tour major cities Poland, which has a record number of historical places of interest to tourists.
  • Poznan, Warsaw, Krakow, Lublin, Wroclaw – extended individual tour of the most popular Polish cities, designed for those who want to get acquainted with the history or culture of Poland in more detail.
  • Krakow, then Wroclaw, Warsaw, cozy Poznan, as well as small Gdansk and Gdynia. The tour brings together the brightest historical cities countries, as well as new small towns built in this country after the war.

These tours can be adapted both for a regular sightseeing trip and for religious and cultural tours.

The traveler only needs to choose the direction he is interested in in advance, and adapting it will not be difficult at all.

On such trips, the calculation of the time spent in each city is 1 day - 1 city.

Tours can be easily adjusted to suit the client’s wishes, for example, he can increase the time of stay in one location to 3 days or more, adjust the program of stay, add visits to seasonal exhibitions, performances, festivals and other events.

Also in Poland it is not difficult to organize amateur tourism by type of activity. This offer is especially often used for organizing extreme tours. Among them:

  • Horse rides. It is one of the most dynamic areas representing amateur tourism. Developed in Lodz, Bronszewice.
  • Boat trips in Gdynia or Pruszkow.
  • Rafting and rafting in Jaswily and Karpacz.
  • Kayaking trips in Przechlewo.
  • Walking tours. Since this destination has recently become very popular in Poland, amateur tourism of this type is organized in various places: Zakopane, Jaslo, Bronszewice.

Whatever amateur tourism a traveler chooses, when going to these parts of Poland, he can always count on the opportunity to book equipment for his sport here, as well as rent good apartments for accommodation.

You can go here at any time of the year. All you need to do is organize your trip correctly and obtain a visa to Poland. Fortunately, this is not so difficult to do today.

The difficulty of organizing a trip as part of an individual trip or self-guided tour depends directly on how actively a person involves travel agencies in this task.

After all, they can take upon themselves the preparation of most aspects for a person’s departure. The simplest thing in this regard is individual tourism. After all, here the client just needs to choose a route for himself, the agency does the rest. The remaining types have a lot of nuances in organization.

Fans of such a direction as amateur tourism should pay special attention to obtaining a visa. As you know, those who go to Schengen countries on group tours are given it much more readily.